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The results of presenting Judeo-Christian values to troubled adolescents in a Christian residential treatment center /Liberman, Irene Delgado, January 2004 (has links)
Applied research project (D. Min.)--School of Theology and Missions, Oral Roberts University, 2004. / Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 262-269).
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Croissance urbaine, un défi pour l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement à Bangui (République Centrafricaine). / Urban growth, a challenge for access to drinking water and sanitation in Bangui (Central African Republic)Siro Grembo, Diogène Macaire 26 January 2017 (has links)
A l’instar des villes des pays en voie de développement, la croissance de la ville de Bangui fut rapide. Le croît démographique en est la principale cause. La croissance urbaine s’est faite de manière irrégulière et illégale. La ville s’est développée dans une dualité entre les quartiers urbanisés, bien équipés et les quartiers non urbanisés, dépourvus des infrastructures urbaines de base. La politique urbaine de l’Etat, focalisée sur le schéma directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme (SDAU), n’est plus à la hauteur de répondre de façon optimale aux besoins de la ville. L’occupation anarchique de l’espace par des quartiers précaires, est la conséquence directe de la politique de l’Etat en matière de gouvernance urbaine. L’inapplicabilité des textes ou des lois qui caractérisent le régime foncier, ont conduit à la création des bidonvilles. Les services de l’eau et de l’assainissement sont en difficulté face à l’explosion urbaine de la ville. L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement de base de la population n’est pas totalement assuré par ces services. Il se pose alors, un sérieux problème de gouvernance de ces services face à la croissance urbaine de la ville. Le réseau de la société de distribution d’eau ne couvre pas l’ensemble de la ville, et le système d’assainissement est très détérioré. La société de distribution d’eau en Centrafrique (SODECA), n’assure que 32% de l’approvisionnement en eau de la population. Les quartiers défavorisés sont alimentés par des réseaux informels (bornes fontaines, les forages et les puits). Malgré une légère amélioration, l’approvisionnement en eau potable dans ces quartiers, reste un parcours du combattant. Les femmes et les enfants sont les plus touchés. L’espoir de partenariat public-privé (PPP) suscité en 1990, autour de l’eau par SAUR a donné un bilan mitigé en Centrafrique. / Following the example of the cities of the countries in the process of development, the growth of the town of Bangui was fast. Grows is the leading cause. The urban growth was done in an irregular and illegal was. The city developed in a duality between the districts urbanized equipped well and the not urbanized districts, deprived of the basic urban infrastructures. The urban policy of the State, focused on the town planning and master development plan (SDAU), is not any more worthy meeting in an optimal way the needs for the city. The anarchistic occupation of space by dangerous district is the direct consequence of the policy of the State as regards urban governance. The inapplicability of the texts or the laws which characterize the land mode, led to the creation of the slums. The services of water and the cleansing are in difficulty face the urban explosion of the city. The access to drinking water and basic cleansing of the population is not completely ensured by these services. It is posed then, a serious problem of governance of these services face the urban growth of the city. The network of the company of water supply in Central Africa (SODECA), ensured of only 32% of the water provision of the population. The disadvantaged districts are fed by abstract networks (terminals fountains, drilling and wells). In spite of a light improvement, the drinking water supply in these districts stays an assault course. The women and the children are touched. The hope of public-private partnership (PPP) caused 1990, around water by SAUR gave by assessment mitigated in Central Africa.
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Le défi de l’éthique rationnelle dans la dynamique du développement à l’heure de la mondialisation : le mérite de Kant et de Habermas / The challenge of rational ethics in the development process and globalization : the merit of Kant and Habermas / Die herausforderung der rationalen ethik in den dynamiken der entwicklung und globalisierung : die verdienstung von Kant und HabermasNgapmen, Jean-Pierre 11 July 2017 (has links)
Le développement et la globalisation apparaissent comme des réalités incontournables et irréversibles. Parce qu’ils mettent en action la plupart des pays du globe, les polémiques qu’ils engendrent ont mis a nu un véritable défi à relever. Celui d’une éthique rationnelle pouvant fournir les bases de référence, d’évaluation des actions humaines. Ce défi se présente soit comme présence négative ou encore comme présence positive. Tout se passe comme si notre modernité est en train de sombrer dans une ambiance délétère. Les promesses des lumières semblent avoir été trahies. Le concept de développement est devenu lui-même ambivalent du fait d’un décalage constaté entre son aspect mythique idéal et sa réalité historique. La mondialisation comme l’ont reconnu certains experts est en soi comme un avions sans pilote. Il y a urgence de tirer la sonnette d’alarme parce que la philosophie n’as plus pour vocation de se mouvoir dans un ciel intemporel des idées et qu’au contraire, elle doit répondre à une situation de crise, celle qui grève nos rapports interpersonnels, d’abord et nos rapports avec la nature. Comment alors fonder rationnellement un corpus morale ou juridique, effectivement dissuasif capable d’humaniser l’économie, la science, le commerce et le développement. Si les théories proposées telles que l’utilitarisme et le pragmatisme, sont demeurées inopérantes, le recours à d’autres théoriciens de la morale doit se faire avec empressement. KANT par sa morale du devoir, et HABERMAS par l’éthique de la discussion ou éthique communicationnelle ont jeté les bases qui permettent d’être optimiste. Cela ne fait aucun doute. Voilà ce que nous présentons dans notre attelage théorique. / Development and globalization appear as unavoidable and irreversible realities. Because they bring into action most countries of the world, the polemics they engender have exposed a real challenge to be met. The challenge of a rational ethic which can provide the basics reference for evaluation of human actions. This challenge presents itself either as a negative presence or as a positive presence. Everything happens as if our modernity is sinking into a deleterious atmosphere. The promises of the lights seem to have been betrayed. The concept of development has become ambivalent itself because of a discrepancy between its ideal mythical aspect and its historical reality. Globalization, as recognized by some experts, is in itself an unmanned aircraft. It is urgent to draw the alarm bell because philosophy no longer has the vocation of moving in a timeless sky of ideas and on the contrary, it must respond to a crisis situation, the one that undermines our relations Interpersonal, first and our relationship with nature. How then can we rationally set foundations for a moral or juridical effectively dissuasive corpus capable of humanizing the economy, science, trade and development. If the theories proposed, such as utilitarianism and pragmatism, have remained inoperative, recourse to other theorists of morality must be done with eagerness. KANT by his morality of duty, and HABERMAS by the ethics of discussion or communication ethics have laid the foundation for optimism. There is no doubt. This is what we present in this theoretical coupling.
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An investigation into the nature of psychological resilience in junior athletesFountain, Hollie Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
Psychological resilience has been described as a multidimensional, context specific concept, and has been defined in numerous ways that attempt to encapsulate the process by which individuals positively adapt following stress or significant adversity. Research within competitive sport has highlighted several components that influence this process, which include; meta-cognitions and challenge appraisals, coping strategies, personal risk and protective factors, and sociocultural influences (Brown et al., 2015; Galli & Vealey, 2008; Fletcher & Sarkar, 2012; Sarkar & Fletcher, 2014a). Significantly, resilience is described as a dynamic process that is developed through exposure to challenge within the competitive environment (Galli & Vealey, 2008); however, little is known about the nature of psychological resilience at a junior level. The understanding of how resilience is conceptualised at this level is important as this knowledge can help to foster the appropriate protective and promotive factors required to thrive in a competitive junior environment, and best equip athletes for future periods of unrest. The aims of the current research program were to investigate the nature of psychological resilience within a junior sport context, and to explore appropriate measures or methodological approaches by which to achieve this. To achieve these, eight research objectives are presented. To address these objectives, five research investigations were proposed: Study 1. This study aimed to explore the psychometric qualities of the original 25-item CD-RISC (Connor & Davidson, 2003) amongst a sample of junior athletes. Three hundred and forty seven athletes (M age=15.42, SD=1.72) completed the original CD-RISC questionnaire. Participants represented a range of individual and team sports. Internal consistency and factor structure were analysed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analyses (EFA). CFAs did not support the original 5-factor or unitary factor structure of the 25-item CD-RISC, but did support a unidimensional shortened 10-item measure (Cambell-Sills & Stein, 2007). Subsequently, an EFA and CFA also supported a valid and reliable 2-factor sport specific version of the CD-RISC, which was favoured based on stronger conceptual and theoretical support. This study supports the contention that resilience is not consistent across all populations and context specific measures may be required e.g., sport specific. The emergent 2-factor measurement model suggests an underlying structure of resilience in sport that represents an individual's control through adversity and growth mindset. Study 2. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of resilience within junior sport, with a specific focus on sport type, gender and age differences, and the association between resilience and sensation seeking characteristics. Participants completed the modified version of the CD-RISC, which emerged in the previous study and the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS; Hoyle at al., 2002), which measures dispositional risk taking behaviours. The results suggested that male and team athletes have significantly higher resilience scores than their female and individual sport counterparts. In general, protective factors associated with resilience positively relate to sensation seeking characteristics. Specifically, feelings relating to ‘control through adversity' more broadly relate to tendencies leading to greater risk exposure. These findings may suggest that those with a greater perception of control take more calculated risks and set goals that are more challenging. This may offer the opportunity to increase personal mastery through developed interpersonal relations, emotional expression, problem solving skills and coping resources. Nevertheless, our understanding of resilience seems limited by the capacity of a psychometric questionnaire to encapsulate such a complex construct. Study 3. This study aimed to provide a review of the literature concerning resilience in athletes, with a specific focus on identifying the differing methodological approaches to examine the nature of the construct in sport. Fourteen research articles that attempted to directly measure psychological resilience with an athlete sample were identified using both quantitative (n=8) and qualitative (n=6) approaches. Quantitative research has increased conceptual understanding of resilience in sport, relating to its positive associations with similar constructs (e.g., mental toughness), and its moderation qualities. This approach permits statistical analyses to track development, however is unlikely to offer sufficient depth to understanding given the complexities surrounding both the construct of psychological resilience and the nature of an elite sporting environment. Qualitative studies have helped to develop theoretical understanding of psychological resilience amongst athletes through adopting phenomenological methodologies, however, the application of knowledge relies on user generalisability alone and does not offer an objective measure of the construct. The review proposes an exploration of novel methodological approaches that consider the positive elements of both qualitative and quantitative research, but does not consolidate their pitfalls. Study 4. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel tool to measure psychological resilience using a Q-method approach. Specifically, this study aimed to construct a Q-set, by identifying the subjective viewpoints of junior rugby league players, associated with how they would respond to stress or adversity and their perceptions of the resilience process. Twenty-nine junior rugby league players (aged 13-14) were recruited to take part in one of two focus groups designed to generate statements relating to responses to adversity. Thirty statements emerged following inductive thematic analysis, and were retained for the Q-set. There are commonalities between these statements and characteristics of theoretical models and previous research concerning psychological resilience in sport. Study 5. The purpose of this study was to use the Q-set developed in the previous study to explore the nature of psychological resilience in the context of junior Rugby League, using a novel Q-sort method. Sixty junior rugby league players (aged 13-14) completed a standard Q-sort protocol, ranking the previously developed 30-item Q-set using a fixed quasi normal distribution, with anchors of +5 (most like me) to -5 (least like me). PQ Method statistical analysis software was used to analyse the data. Principle component analysis with varimax rotation identified four distinct subgroups that explained 72% of the total variance. These groups were distinguished through patterns relating to: social support, emotional control, unpleasant emotions, personal resources, and cognitive strategies. Shared qualities across the four subgroups were also identified, and included low ratings for evasion strategies, and seeking support, whilst generally high ratings for perseverance. The results from this study showed that junior rugby league players display a range of psychological responses when experiencing adversity and four subgroups with both defining and shared characteristics emerged. This study provides preliminary evidence for the potential usefulness of a Q-method approach for understanding the process of resilience in junior sport. Q-methodology provides an alternative to previous research designs attempting to understand the nature of resilience, and offers an engaging activity to participants, encouraging analytical reflections of their experiences. In summary, the data collected within the current research program has presented an original contribution to knowledge concerning the nature of psychological resilience in junior sport. / The thesis has delivered the first study of its kind, by employing Q-methodology to understand psychological resilience, revealing previously untapped complexities associated with the construct. This approach offers future researchers and practitioners the depth of insight and level of objectivity associated with qualitative and quantitative measures respectively, and recommends this as a viable alternative to psychometric measures of resilience.
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Efeito do ácido linoleico conjugado e da luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte / Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and lutein on the growth performance and immune response of broiler chickensMoraes, Mariana Lemos de January 2015 (has links)
Tanto a luteína quanto o ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) são nutrientes que já demonstraram efeitos benéficos na modulação do sistema imune em diferentes modelos experimentais, porém o uso de ambos em conjunto ainda não foi explorado. O CLA é incorporado nas membranas celulares e hipotetiza-se que a luteína, com seu potencial antioxidante, possa proteger a estrutura do CLA em situações de estresse oxidativo. Outra razão para se pensar na interação entre estes nutrientes é que já foram observados de forma individual, efeitos modulatórios do CLA e da luteína sobre receptores celulares que atuam em conjunto e possuem papel chave na regulação da resposta imune (receptores PPAR e RXR). Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética de CLA e luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte de 1 a 22 dias de idade. Foram testados 3 níveis de inclusão de CLA (0, 1 e 2%) em conjunto com luteína (0 e 50 mg/kg) na presença ou ausência de desafio imunológico com LPS. O CLA e a luteína apresentaram efeitos imunomodulatórios positivos, porém, não foi observada interação entre ambos os nutrientes para as avaliações relacionadas ao sistema imune. O CLA, adicionado em 2% na dieta, elevou a produção de IgY em resposta ao estímulo com albumina de soro bovino (BSA) e também foi capaz de aumentar a expressão de RXRα no fígado. A luteína diminuiu o óxido nítrico plasmático e também a expressão de TLR-4 no baço e de IL-1β e IL-12 no fígado apesar de ter aumentado a expressão de TLR-4 hepática. O desafio com LPS estimulou a resposta inflamatória aguda, evidenciado pela queda no ganho de peso, pelo aumento da relação fígado:peso corporal, pelo aumento na expressão de IL-1β e IL-12 hepáticos e diminuição na expressão de PPARα no duodeno e fígado e de PPARγ e RXRα no baço. Entretanto, nem a luteína e nem o CLA foram capazes de reverter ou atenuar os efeitos causados pelo desafio com LPS. Para desempenho, uma forte interação entre CLA e luteína foi observada, de forma que a suplementação com 1 ou 2% de CLA pioraram o peso corporal, o ganho de peso e a eficiência alimentar de 1 a 20 dias de idade, mas estes efeitos foram revertidos quando a luteína foi incluída na dieta com 1% de CLA. Concluiu-se que o CLA teve efeito benéfico sobre a resposta imune humoral, na dependência da sua dose. A luteína se mostrou como nutriente anti- inflamatório e também capaz de reverter o efeito negativo da inclusão dietética de 1% de CLA sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. / Both lutein and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have beneficial effects on the modulation of the immune system. However, the simultaneous supplementation of both lutein and CLA has not yet been examined. CLA is incorporated into cell membranes, and it is hypothesized that lutein, as an antioxidant, protects CLA structure during oxidative stress. Additionally, an examination of the interaction of lutein and CLA is vital because individual effects of CLA and lutein on nuclear receptors that work together and have important roles in the immune response have been observed (PPAR and RXR receptors). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary CLA and lutein supplementation on the performance and immune response of 1- to 22-d-old broiler chickens. Three CLA inclusion levels (0, 1 and 2%) and two lutein levels (0 and 50 mg/kg) were tested in the presence and absence of LPS immune challenge. Lutein and CLA showed positive immunomodulatory effects, but no interaction between these nutrients on the immune system was observed. A 2% CLA supplementation increased plasmatic IgY anti-BSA production and hepatic RXRα expression. Lutein decreased plasmatic nitric oxide and TLR-4 in the spleen and IL-1β and IL-12 in the liver in addition to increasing hepatic TLR-4. LPS challenge effectively promoted an acute inflammatory response, as illustrated by decreased body weight gain, increased liver:body weight ratio, increased expression of hepatic IL-1β and IL-12, decreased expression of PPARα in the duodenum and liver and decreased expression of PPARγ and RXRα in the spleen. However, neither lutein nor CLA reversed or attenuated the effects of the LPS challenge. A strong interaction between CLA and lutein was observed on performance: CLA supplementation at 1 or 2% decreased body weight, body weight gain and feed efficiency from 1 to 20 d old. However, these negative effects were reversed when lutein was included in the 1% CLA diet. In conclusion, CLA improved the humoral immune response (depending on CLA dose). Lutein was anti-inflammatory and could reverse the negative effects of dietary 1% CLA supplementation on broiler chicken performance.
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Artificial Intelligence Adaptation in Video GamesZhadan, Anastasiia January 2018 (has links)
One of the most important features of a (computer) game that makes it memorable is an ability to bring a sense of engagement. This can be achieved in numerous ways, but the most major part is a challenge, often provided by in-game enemies and their ability to adapt towards the human player. However, adaptability is not very common in games. Throughout this thesis work, aspects of the game control systems that can be improved in order to be adaptable were studied. Based on the results gained from the study of the literature related to artificial intelligence in games, a classification of games was developed for grouping the games by the complexity of the control systems and their ability to adapt different aspects of enemies behavior including individual and group behavior. It appeared that only 33% of the games can not be considered adaptable. This classification was then used to analyze the popularity of games regarding their challenge complexity. Analysis revealed that simple, familiar behavior is more welcomed by players. However, highly adaptable games have got competitively high scores and excellent reviews from game critics and reviewers, proving that adaptability in games deserves further research.
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Exploring Supervisor Responses to Employees Who Share Bad News: Why and Under What Conditions are Messengers Shot?January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Employees are directly involved in work tasks and processes which are necessary to accomplish unit or organizational goals, and accordingly, they may become aware of key mistakes, slips, and failures that are unbeknownst to the leader or supervisor responsible for the work unit or organization. Given that errors or deviations in work tasks or processes can have far-reaching effects within the organization, it may be essential for employees to share bad news with their leader or supervisor so that steps can be taken to address the issue or ameliorate negative consequences. However, although employees' sharing of bad news may be important to the organization and should be encouraged, supervisors may respond to the messenger in ways that discourage the behavior. Unfortunately, we lack an explanation of why and under what conditions supervisors respond positively or negatively to employees who share bad news. Thus, the purpose of this dissertation is to address this gap in our understanding. I draw from social exchange theory and the transactional theory of stress to develop a conceptual model of sharing bad news. I suggest that sharing bad news can be cast as a transaction between employees and supervisors that is mediated by supervisors’ appraisals of employees’ sharing the message. The quality of the relationship between an employee and supervisor, or leader-member exchange (LMX), is strengthened when supervisors appraise the sharing of bad news as challenging, or potentially rewarding; however, LMX is weakened when supervisors appraise the sharing of bad news as hindering, or potential harmful. In turn, LMX influences supervisor responses to the sharing of bad news in the form of evaluations of the employee’s effectiveness. In addition to these main effects, I also consider how aspects of the message delivery, such as the timeliness with which messages are conveyed and extent to which employees incorporate solutions when they share bad news, can influence supervisor appraisals of sharing bad news. Finally, I suggest that the extent to which the messenger is responsible for the bad news moderates the relationships between appraisals of sharing bad news and LMX. I test this model in three studies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2017
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Uso do beta glucano e avaliação de indicadores de estresse e do sistema imune inato de pacus após manejo de transporte / Use of beta glucan and evaluation of stress indicators and the innate immune system of pacus after transport handlingMello, Mariana Maluli Marinho de [UNESP] 27 July 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Manejos inerentes da piscicultura intensiva, como o transporte, desencadeiam resposta de estresse nos animais, podendo causar perdas na produtividade. Como alternativa, o β-glucano, um polissacarídeo derivado da parede celular de cereais, bactérias e fungos, vem sendo muito utilizado na aquicultura pelo seu efeito imunoestimulante. Há evidências de que o β-glucano minimiza os efeitos negativos do estresse por atuar no sistema imune, porém é pouco investigado o seu efeito direto sobre a resposta clássica de estresse. Neste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou, em juvenis de pacu, o uso oral de 0.1% de duas gerações de β-glucano, de diferentes graus de pureza e processamentos, na resposta de estresse e no sistema imune inato, após transporte e inoculação com Aeromonas hydrophila. Avaliamos a concentração de cortisol e glicose plasmáticos como indicadores da resposta de estresse, a atividade respiratória de leucócitos, a atividade hemolítica do sistema complemento, a atividade de lisozima e contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos, como indicadores do sistema imune inato, e o hematócrito, número de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina e volume corpuscular médio de eritrócitos como indicadores hematológicos. As duas gerações de β-glucano utilizadas modularam os níveis de cortisol circulantes, mantendo os níveis elevados até 24 horas após o transporte, sem alteração após o desafio bacteriano. O β-glucano aumentou a atividade hemolítica do sistema complemento e de lisozima após o manejo e após a inoculação bacteriana, e manteve a população de leucócitos circulantes após recuperação de leucopenia, evidenciando o efeito imunoestimulante. A análise geral dos resultados deste estudo sugere o fortalecimento da resposta imune de juvenis de pacu alimentados por 15 dias antes de manejo estressante, com ração contendo 0.1% β-glucano derivado da parede celular de levedura (Sacaromyces cerevisiae). / Inherent handling in intensive fish farming, such as transport, trigger stress response in animals, and may cause losses in productivity. As an alternative, the β-glucan, a polysaccharide derived from the cell walls of cereals, bacteria and fungi, has been widely used in aquaculture due their immunostimulatory effect. The β-glucan minimizes the negative effects of stress by acting on the immune system, but it is little investigated its direct effect on the classical stress response. In this context, the present study evaluated in pacu, the oral administration of 0.1% of two generations of β-glucan, with different degrees of purity and processing methods, on the stress and innate immune system responses, after transport and inoculation with Aeromonas hydrophila. We evaluated the plasma concentration of cortisol and glucose, as stress response indicators, the respiratory activity of leukocytes, the hemolytic activity of the complement system, lysozyme activity and total and differential counts of leukocytes as innate immune system indicators, and hematocrit, number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin concentration, and mean corpuscular volume of erythrocytes as hematological indicators. The two generations of β-glucan modulated the circulating levels of cortisol, keeping the high levels 24 hours after transportation, without changes after the bacterial challenge. The β-glucan increased the hemolytic activity of the complement system and lysozyme after handling and after bacterial inoculation, and kept the population of circulating leukocytes after recovery of leukopenia, demonstrating the immunostimulatory effect. The general results of this study suggest the strengthening of the immune response of pacu juveniles fed for 15 with feed containing 0,1% β-glucan derived from yeast cell wall (Sacaromyces cerevisiae) days before stressful handling. / CNPq: 138990/2014-0
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Efeito do ácido linoleico conjugado e da luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte / Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and lutein on the growth performance and immune response of broiler chickensMoraes, Mariana Lemos de January 2015 (has links)
Tanto a luteína quanto o ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) são nutrientes que já demonstraram efeitos benéficos na modulação do sistema imune em diferentes modelos experimentais, porém o uso de ambos em conjunto ainda não foi explorado. O CLA é incorporado nas membranas celulares e hipotetiza-se que a luteína, com seu potencial antioxidante, possa proteger a estrutura do CLA em situações de estresse oxidativo. Outra razão para se pensar na interação entre estes nutrientes é que já foram observados de forma individual, efeitos modulatórios do CLA e da luteína sobre receptores celulares que atuam em conjunto e possuem papel chave na regulação da resposta imune (receptores PPAR e RXR). Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética de CLA e luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte de 1 a 22 dias de idade. Foram testados 3 níveis de inclusão de CLA (0, 1 e 2%) em conjunto com luteína (0 e 50 mg/kg) na presença ou ausência de desafio imunológico com LPS. O CLA e a luteína apresentaram efeitos imunomodulatórios positivos, porém, não foi observada interação entre ambos os nutrientes para as avaliações relacionadas ao sistema imune. O CLA, adicionado em 2% na dieta, elevou a produção de IgY em resposta ao estímulo com albumina de soro bovino (BSA) e também foi capaz de aumentar a expressão de RXRα no fígado. A luteína diminuiu o óxido nítrico plasmático e também a expressão de TLR-4 no baço e de IL-1β e IL-12 no fígado apesar de ter aumentado a expressão de TLR-4 hepática. O desafio com LPS estimulou a resposta inflamatória aguda, evidenciado pela queda no ganho de peso, pelo aumento da relação fígado:peso corporal, pelo aumento na expressão de IL-1β e IL-12 hepáticos e diminuição na expressão de PPARα no duodeno e fígado e de PPARγ e RXRα no baço. Entretanto, nem a luteína e nem o CLA foram capazes de reverter ou atenuar os efeitos causados pelo desafio com LPS. Para desempenho, uma forte interação entre CLA e luteína foi observada, de forma que a suplementação com 1 ou 2% de CLA pioraram o peso corporal, o ganho de peso e a eficiência alimentar de 1 a 20 dias de idade, mas estes efeitos foram revertidos quando a luteína foi incluída na dieta com 1% de CLA. Concluiu-se que o CLA teve efeito benéfico sobre a resposta imune humoral, na dependência da sua dose. A luteína se mostrou como nutriente anti- inflamatório e também capaz de reverter o efeito negativo da inclusão dietética de 1% de CLA sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. / Both lutein and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have beneficial effects on the modulation of the immune system. However, the simultaneous supplementation of both lutein and CLA has not yet been examined. CLA is incorporated into cell membranes, and it is hypothesized that lutein, as an antioxidant, protects CLA structure during oxidative stress. Additionally, an examination of the interaction of lutein and CLA is vital because individual effects of CLA and lutein on nuclear receptors that work together and have important roles in the immune response have been observed (PPAR and RXR receptors). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary CLA and lutein supplementation on the performance and immune response of 1- to 22-d-old broiler chickens. Three CLA inclusion levels (0, 1 and 2%) and two lutein levels (0 and 50 mg/kg) were tested in the presence and absence of LPS immune challenge. Lutein and CLA showed positive immunomodulatory effects, but no interaction between these nutrients on the immune system was observed. A 2% CLA supplementation increased plasmatic IgY anti-BSA production and hepatic RXRα expression. Lutein decreased plasmatic nitric oxide and TLR-4 in the spleen and IL-1β and IL-12 in the liver in addition to increasing hepatic TLR-4. LPS challenge effectively promoted an acute inflammatory response, as illustrated by decreased body weight gain, increased liver:body weight ratio, increased expression of hepatic IL-1β and IL-12, decreased expression of PPARα in the duodenum and liver and decreased expression of PPARγ and RXRα in the spleen. However, neither lutein nor CLA reversed or attenuated the effects of the LPS challenge. A strong interaction between CLA and lutein was observed on performance: CLA supplementation at 1 or 2% decreased body weight, body weight gain and feed efficiency from 1 to 20 d old. However, these negative effects were reversed when lutein was included in the 1% CLA diet. In conclusion, CLA improved the humoral immune response (depending on CLA dose). Lutein was anti-inflammatory and could reverse the negative effects of dietary 1% CLA supplementation on broiler chicken performance.
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Efeito do ácido linoleico conjugado e da luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte / Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and lutein on the growth performance and immune response of broiler chickensMoraes, Mariana Lemos de January 2015 (has links)
Tanto a luteína quanto o ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) são nutrientes que já demonstraram efeitos benéficos na modulação do sistema imune em diferentes modelos experimentais, porém o uso de ambos em conjunto ainda não foi explorado. O CLA é incorporado nas membranas celulares e hipotetiza-se que a luteína, com seu potencial antioxidante, possa proteger a estrutura do CLA em situações de estresse oxidativo. Outra razão para se pensar na interação entre estes nutrientes é que já foram observados de forma individual, efeitos modulatórios do CLA e da luteína sobre receptores celulares que atuam em conjunto e possuem papel chave na regulação da resposta imune (receptores PPAR e RXR). Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética de CLA e luteína no desempenho e na resposta imune de frangos de corte de 1 a 22 dias de idade. Foram testados 3 níveis de inclusão de CLA (0, 1 e 2%) em conjunto com luteína (0 e 50 mg/kg) na presença ou ausência de desafio imunológico com LPS. O CLA e a luteína apresentaram efeitos imunomodulatórios positivos, porém, não foi observada interação entre ambos os nutrientes para as avaliações relacionadas ao sistema imune. O CLA, adicionado em 2% na dieta, elevou a produção de IgY em resposta ao estímulo com albumina de soro bovino (BSA) e também foi capaz de aumentar a expressão de RXRα no fígado. A luteína diminuiu o óxido nítrico plasmático e também a expressão de TLR-4 no baço e de IL-1β e IL-12 no fígado apesar de ter aumentado a expressão de TLR-4 hepática. O desafio com LPS estimulou a resposta inflamatória aguda, evidenciado pela queda no ganho de peso, pelo aumento da relação fígado:peso corporal, pelo aumento na expressão de IL-1β e IL-12 hepáticos e diminuição na expressão de PPARα no duodeno e fígado e de PPARγ e RXRα no baço. Entretanto, nem a luteína e nem o CLA foram capazes de reverter ou atenuar os efeitos causados pelo desafio com LPS. Para desempenho, uma forte interação entre CLA e luteína foi observada, de forma que a suplementação com 1 ou 2% de CLA pioraram o peso corporal, o ganho de peso e a eficiência alimentar de 1 a 20 dias de idade, mas estes efeitos foram revertidos quando a luteína foi incluída na dieta com 1% de CLA. Concluiu-se que o CLA teve efeito benéfico sobre a resposta imune humoral, na dependência da sua dose. A luteína se mostrou como nutriente anti- inflamatório e também capaz de reverter o efeito negativo da inclusão dietética de 1% de CLA sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. / Both lutein and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have beneficial effects on the modulation of the immune system. However, the simultaneous supplementation of both lutein and CLA has not yet been examined. CLA is incorporated into cell membranes, and it is hypothesized that lutein, as an antioxidant, protects CLA structure during oxidative stress. Additionally, an examination of the interaction of lutein and CLA is vital because individual effects of CLA and lutein on nuclear receptors that work together and have important roles in the immune response have been observed (PPAR and RXR receptors). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary CLA and lutein supplementation on the performance and immune response of 1- to 22-d-old broiler chickens. Three CLA inclusion levels (0, 1 and 2%) and two lutein levels (0 and 50 mg/kg) were tested in the presence and absence of LPS immune challenge. Lutein and CLA showed positive immunomodulatory effects, but no interaction between these nutrients on the immune system was observed. A 2% CLA supplementation increased plasmatic IgY anti-BSA production and hepatic RXRα expression. Lutein decreased plasmatic nitric oxide and TLR-4 in the spleen and IL-1β and IL-12 in the liver in addition to increasing hepatic TLR-4. LPS challenge effectively promoted an acute inflammatory response, as illustrated by decreased body weight gain, increased liver:body weight ratio, increased expression of hepatic IL-1β and IL-12, decreased expression of PPARα in the duodenum and liver and decreased expression of PPARγ and RXRα in the spleen. However, neither lutein nor CLA reversed or attenuated the effects of the LPS challenge. A strong interaction between CLA and lutein was observed on performance: CLA supplementation at 1 or 2% decreased body weight, body weight gain and feed efficiency from 1 to 20 d old. However, these negative effects were reversed when lutein was included in the 1% CLA diet. In conclusion, CLA improved the humoral immune response (depending on CLA dose). Lutein was anti-inflammatory and could reverse the negative effects of dietary 1% CLA supplementation on broiler chicken performance.
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