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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in hard white winter wheat

Pisipati, Sudha R. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / P. V. Vara Prasad / In many countries producers have been growing varieties of hard white winter (HWW) wheat since decades. The cause of concern is most varieties of HWW wheat are susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) which affects grain quality. Environmental conditions like high humidity, precipitation, heavy dew and hormonal activity at physiological maturity stimulate PHS in HWW. To alleviate these conditions research was carried out at KSU. KS01HW163-4, a sprouting tolerance line was crossed with Heyne, a sprout susceptible cultivar. A total of 224 doubled haploid (DH) lines thus produced were phenotyped in the present study through experiments conducted in controlled environments. The objectives of this research were to (i) characterize and phenotype the doubled haploid lines for PHS in controlled environments; (ii) understand the impact of growth environment (high temperature and/or drought) and; (iii) impact of exogenous application of growth hormones on tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting in the parental lines of the doubled haploid population. The phenotypic data collected from this research will be ultimately combined with the genotypic data to identify DNA markers related to PHS tolerance and provide DNA markers for marker assisted selection. Based on my results of the germination percentages from the 224 DH lines, the population was distributed as susceptible, and tolerant to PHS showing a bimodal distribution and X[superscript]2 analysis indicating a complimentary gene action. From the study of the influence of environmental factors on PHS, my results confirmed a definite influence of stress on sprouting. Under optimum temperature (OT), KS01HS163-4 was tolerant to PHS, but at HT and/or drought it became susceptible to PHS. Growth under stressed conditions changed the tolerance levels to PHS. Seed dry-weight, and harvest index were also influenced negatively due to stress. Therefore multi-location tests must be conducted with variable environments to test the stability of a variety to PHS. From the study of the influence of phytohormones on PHS, the results suggest that tolerance to sprouting was seen in seeds from plants sprayed with abscisic acid (ABA) and paclobutrazol (GA-inhibitor) treatments where as those from gibberellic acid (GA) treatment showed susceptibility to sprouting.

Anandamide-Mediated Growth Changes in Physcomitrella patens

Chilufya, Jedaidah Y 01 December 2016 (has links)
Anandamide (NAE 20:4) or arachidonlyethanolamine (AEA) is the most widely studied N-acylethanolamine (NAE) because it mediates several physiological functions in mammals. In vascular plants, 12-18C NAEs inhibit growth in an abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and -independent manner. Anandamide, which is unique to bryophyte Physcomitrella patens, inhibited gametophyte growth and reduced chlorophyll content when applied exogenously. It is hypothesized that anandamide mediates its responses through morphological and cellular changes. Following growth inhibition by short-term anandamide-treatment, microscopic analyses revealed relocated chloroplasts and depolymerized F-actin in protonemal tips. Long-term treatment showed partially bleached gametophyte cells with degraded and browning chloroplasts. These anandamide-mediated responses have physiological implications as AEA may function as a signal for gametophytes to activate secondary dormancy as seen with ABA. Future studies will investigate the role of AEA in mediating stress responses and possible interaction with ABA.

Sinalização entre os sistemas radiculares e caulinares em genótipos contrastantes de Lycopersicon sob estresse por deficiência hídrica. / Root-shoot communication in contrasting Lycopersicon genotypes under stress caused by water deficit.

Bermudez Zambrano, Oscar Dario 03 May 2004 (has links)
Como organismos multicelulares complexos, as plantas requerem um extraordinário nível de coordenação entre as células para que se desenvolvam ordenadamente. Para a coordenação dessas atividades, as células devem freqüentemente ser aptas a se comunicar umas com as outras a certas distâncias. Os principais meios de comunicação intercelular são os hormônios e mensageiros químicos que carreiam as informações entre as células e assim coordenam seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. O ácido abscísico (ABA) é o hormônio envolvido nos processos fisiológicos quando as plantas são expostas a alguns tipos de estresse, como deficiência hídrica. Relativamente grandes quantidades de ABA são rapidamente sintetizadas em folhas em resposta ao estresse hídrico, onde o principal papel parece ser a regulação da abertura e fechamento estomático. No início do estresse hídrico, o ABA carreado pelo fluxo xilemático é sintetizado nas raízes que estão em contato direto com o solo seco. Devido a esse transporte poder ocorrer antes que o baixo potencial de água no solo cause qualquer mudança mensurável no estado hídrico das folhas, acredita-se que o ABA seja um sinal das raízes que ajuda a reduzir a taxa de transpiração nas folhas pelo fechamento estomático. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi determinar se o ABA sintetizado nas raízes de Lycopersicon esculentum é crucial na regulação do comportamento estomático ou se o ABA produzido pelas folhas poderia agir como sinal hormonal que permitisse a sobrevivência da planta em condições de deficiência hídrica. De forma similar, Lycopersicon pennellii, uma espécie tolerante ao estresse hídrico, foi estudada com o objetivo de determinar a possível função dos sinais químicos das raízes ou de outro mecanismo de tolerância a seca. Para tanto, plantas com 30 dias de idade obtidas de sementes de L. esculentum cv Lukullus, L. pennellii e um mutante chamando notabilis foram enxertadas umas nas outras e crescidas em casa de vegetação. Após dois meses, medidas de condutância estomática, transpiração e potencial da água na folha foram realizadas em três condições de água no solo: bem irrigado, estresse hídrico e reirrigação. Os valores de condutância estomática e transpiração mostraram que o comportamento estomático foi determinado pelo genótipo da parte aérea das plantas enxertadas. Também verificou-se que a tolerância a seca em L. pennellii não foi determinada exclusivamente por caracteres morfo-anatômicos da parte aérea. / Multicellular plants are complex organisms and their orderly development requires an extraordinary measure of coordination between cells. In order to coordinate their activities, cells must be able to communicate with each other, often at some distance. The principal means of intercellular communication are the hormones, chemical messengers that carry information between cells and thus coordinate their growth and development. Abscisic acid (ABA) is the hormone involved in physiological processes when plants are exposed to some sort of stress: water deficiency, for example. Relatively large amounts of ABA are rapidly synthesized in leaves in response to water stress, where it appears to play a major role in regulating stomatal opening and closure. As water stress begins, some of the ABA carried out by the xylem stream is synthesized in roots that are in direct contact with the drying soil. Because this transport can occur before the low water potential of the soil causes any measurable change in the water status of the leaves, ABA is believed to be a root signal that helps reduce the transpiration rate in the leaves by closing stomata. The main objective of the work was to determine if ABA synthesized in the roots of Lycopersicon esculentum is crucial in regulation stomata behavior or ABA produced by the leaves could act as hormone signal to improve plant survival under water shortage conditions. In a similar way, Lycopersicon pennellii, a water stress tolerant specie, was studied in order to determine the possible role of chemical root signals or any other mechanism. For that, 30 d-old plants obtained from seeds of L. esculentum cv Lukullus, L. pennellii and a mutant named notabilis were grafted to each other and grown in greenhouse conditions. Two months later, measurements of stomatal conductance, transpiration and leaf water potential were carried out. These measurements were done under three soil water conditions: plenty, stress and reirrigation. The values of stomatal conductance and transpiration showed that stomatal behavior was influenced by the genotype of the aerial part of grafted plants. It was also verified that the drought tolerance of L. pennellii was not only determined by morpho-anatomical characteristics of plant shoot.

Ação de reguladores vegetais em trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.) / Effect of plant growth regulators in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Murcia, Julian Alejandro Giraldo 14 July 2016 (has links)
Os vegetais possuem metabólitos endógenos circulantes nos tecidos, que não necessariamente possuem função nutricional, mas atuam na regulação do crescimento e do desenvolvimento, os hormônios vegetais. Estes, quando utilizados exogenamente, permitem ações planejadas no crescimento das plantas. Igualmente, análogos sintéticos com ação semelhante vêm sendo utilizados na agricultura com o mesmo objetivo. No entanto, o efeito destes reguladores vegetais é variável entre as espécies e em suas fases fenológicas, com necessidade de estudos especificos que propiciem respostas adequadas aos objetivos de sua aplicação. Da mesma forma, encontramos também moléculas capazes de atuar na produção endógena de hormônios, limitando ou induzindo sua produção, afetando os processos de crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal. A aplicação de tais substâncias na agricultura pode ser benéfica no controle do crescimento vegetal, revertendo a energia produzida pela fotossíntese para a produção dos cultivos. Diversos cultivos, incluindo os de cereais, tendem à um crescimento vegetativo exagerado com o incremento do uso de fertilizantes, causando quedas de produtividade e problemas na colheita devido ao acamamento das plantas. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar as alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas do uso de reguladores vegetais na cultura do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e da cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.), visando redução do porte das plantas sem alterações ou com incremento de produção. Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos com ambas espécies de cereais, semeadas em vasos. As aplicações dos tratamentos foram realizadas no início da fase de alongamento do colmo. Nos experimentos, foram avaliados os efeitos da pulverização foliar de diferentes reguladores vegetais que restringem a síntese de giberelina na planta: ácido abscísico (ABA), etil trinexpac (Moddus), daminozide (SADH), ethephon (Ethrel) e cloreto de clormequat (CCC). Foram avaliadas variáveis relacionadas ao retardamento do crescimento vegetativo e à produção de carboidratos, assim como a produção das plantas tratadas, tais como: altura das plantas, índice SPAD, transpiração, condutância estomática e massa seca do caule e espigas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e quando significativos, os tratamentos foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. A pulverização de ABA, SADH e Ethrel diminuiu significativamente a massa seca do colmo e promoveu retardamento do crescimento, no entanto, a aplicação de ABA aumentou significativamente o índice de colheita, assim como a massa seca dos grãos. Tratamentos com duas pulverizações de ABA 24 g L-1, com uma semana de intervalo restringiu o alongamento da planta, melhorando a arquitetura da mesma, o teor de clorofila e as trocas gasosas, nas culturas de trigo e cevada, estimulando incremento de 23% na massa seca dos grãos de trigo e de 33% em cevada; assim sendo, a aplicação deste retardante de crescimento pode ser considerada para ser utilizada em lavouras de cereais. / Plant tissues contain circulating endogenous metabolites which not necessarily play nutritional function but can regulate growth, plant hormones, that can be also exogenously applied for planned effects in plant growth. These molecules when sprayed on plants allow desirable effects on the plant growth. Moreover, synthetic analogues with similar action have been used in agriculture for the same purpose. However, the effect of growth regulators is variable among species and their phoenological stages, requiring specific studies that provide appropriate responses to their application. Similarly, there are also capable of acting on endogenous hormone production, limiting or stimulating their biosynthesis and consequently affecting the processes of growth and plant development. The application of such molecules in agriculture can be beneficial in controlling the plant growth, reversing the energy produced by photosynthesis for that growth to agronomic yield of crops. Several crops, including cereals, tend to respond with excessive vegetative growth to the increase of fertilizer application causing productivity decreases and damages to the crop due to the plant lodging. Thus, the present study was carried out to evaluate the morphological and physiological changes by the use of plant growth regulators on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), aiming the reduction of the plant size and increases of productivity. The experiments were conducted with both cereal species sown in pots. The applications of the treatments were performed at the beginning of stem elongation stage The effects of foliar application of different plant growth regulators that restrict the gibberellin synthesis in the plant were evaluated: Abscisic acid (ABA), trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus), Daminozide (SADH), Ethephon (Ethrel), and chlormequat chloride (CCC). The following variables were measured: plant height, SPAD index (indirect chlorophyll content), transpiration, stomatal conductance, and dry mass of stems and spikelets. The data were analyzed by the Tukey test at 5% probability level. The spray with ABA, SADH, and Ethrel decreased significantly the dry mass of the stem and promoted growth retardation (plant height). However, the application of ABA increased significantly the harvest index, as well as the dry mass of the grains. Treatments with two sprays of ABA (24 g L-1), with an interval of a week restricted the plant growth in height improving the architecture thereof, chlorophyll content, and gas exchange, resulting in an increment of 23% and 33% in dry matter of grains of wheat and barley, respectively. Therefore, the application of ABA may be considered as an alternative for improving the productivity of cereal crops.

Identification of Arabidopsis genes involved in differential interaction phenotype establishment by distinct Verticillium spp. and isolates

Stepanets, Dimitri 09 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Effet de l'adaptation des pratiques culturales de la vigne en réponse au changement climatique (manipulation de la canopée, utilisation d'acide abscissique) sur le potentiel qualitatif de la baie de raisin : approches agronomique, analytique et transcriptomique : & Caractérisation fonctionnelle de VviAKR, enzyme potentiellement impliquée dans la voie de biosynthèse des méthoxypyrazines. / Effect of viticultural practice adaptation in response to climate change (canopy management, abscisic acid utilisation) on the qualitative potential of the grape berry : agronomic, analytical and transcriptomic approaches : & Functional characterization of VviAKR,an enzyme potentially involved in the methoxypyrazines biosynthetic pathway.

Brouard, Eloïse 18 December 2018 (has links)
Les changements climatiques mondiaux ont déjà affecté et continueront d’affecter la physiologie de la vigne, en particulier le rendement et la composition des baies à la récolte, et donc, en définitive, la qualité et la typicité des vins produits. Parmi les différentes stratégies possibles d’adaptation de la viticulture au changement climatique (modifications de l’encépagement, création de nouvelles variétés mieux adaptées aux conditions futures,...), le contrôle de la composition des baies à la récolte par le biais d’une modification des pratiques culturales et notamment par des manipulations de la canopée (rapport feuilles/fruits (Fe/Fr), manipulation de l’exposition des grappes, échardage) est certainement celle qui serait la plus rapide à mettre en œuvre.Ma thèse a pour but de rechercher le meilleur point de compromis entre diminution du taux de sucres et maintien de l’acidité, de l’accumulation des composés phénoliques et d’une complexité aromatique proche de l’actuelle, en réponse aux manipulations de canopée (rapport Fe/Fr, échardage) couplées ou non à l’application d’acide abscissique (ABA).Différents ratio Fe/Fr ont ainsi été étudiés sur le cépage d’étude Cabernet-Sauvignon en conditions semi-contrôlées en serre sur boutures fructifères puis au vignoble au sein d’une parcelle de production. L’analyse de la composition des baies en métabolites primaires et secondaires, réalisée lors de ces deux expériences, a permis de déterminer que le ratio 6 feuilles restantes par grappe était la valeur seuil en dessous de laquelle un effet sur les métabolites primaires est visible. Une diminution du taux de sucres a notamment été observée, également associée à la diminution de la concentration en anthocyanes totales qui sont particulièrement importantes dans la définition de la typicité des vins de Bordeaux. L’application d’ABA exogène sur les baies avant la véraison a permis de diminuer les effets négatifs de la modification du ratio Fe/Fr sur l’accumulation des anthocyanes et n’a pas montré d’impact sur la typicité des vins lors des dégustations des microvinifications réalisées au cours de cette étude. Ces résultats analytiques obtenus ont été couplés à des analyses transcriptomiques de type RNAseq et PCR quantitative en temps réel (Fluidigm) afin d’identifier les gènes clefs associés au voies métaboliques primaires et secondaires réagissant aux modulations du ratio Fe/Fr couplées ou non à l’ajout d’ABA. Ainsi, le couplage modulation du ratio Fe/Fr et application d’ABA exogène sur les baies serait une méthode potentiellement utilisable afin de réduire le taux de sucres et de maintenir une typicité bordelaise proche de l’actuelle.La caractérisation fonctionnelle d'un gène potentiellement associé à la voie de biosynthèse des méthoxypyrazines, impliquées dans le caractère végétal du raisin et du vin, a également été mise en œuvre. Différentes approches ont été testées et ont fourni des indices utiles, cependant les résultats obtenus sont encore en cours de confirmation. / Global climate changes have already affected and will continue to affect the physiology of grapevine, in particular the yield and berry composition at harvest, and thus ultimately the quality and typicality of the wines produced. Among the different possible strategies of adapting viticulture to climate change (changes varieties, creation of new varieties better adapted to future conditions,...), modulating berry composition at harvest through changing cultural practices, such as manipulations of the canopy (leaf / fruit ratio, grape exposure), may be a fast and efficient option as a short-term adaptation strategy.My thesis aims to find the best point of compromise between reducing the sugar level and, maintaining the acidity, phenolic compounds, and the aromatic complexity by the canopy manipulations (leaves / fruits ratio, secondary shoot removal), coupled or not with the application of abscisic acid.Different leaf / fruit ratios were studied on the Cabernet-Sauvignon cultivar in greenhouse and in vineyard within a plot of production. The berry composition analysis of primary and secondary metabolites, performed in these two experiments, made it possibleto determine that the ratio of 6 leaves remaining per cluster was the threshold value below which an effect on the primary metabolites is visible. A decrease in the sugar content was especially observed, also associated with a decrease in the concentration of total anthocyanins which are particularly important in the definition of the typicality of Bordeaux wines. The application of exogenous abscisic acid to the berries before veraison permitted to reduce the negative effects of the modification of the leaf-to-fruit ratio on the accumulation of anthocyanins and did not affect the typicality of the wines during the tastings of the microvinifications carried out during this study. These analytical results were coupled with transcriptomic analyses of RNAseq and real-time quantitative PCR (Fluidigm) to identify key genes associated with the primary and secondary metabolic pathways reacting to modulations of leaf-to-fruit ratio coupled or not with the addition of abscisic acid.Thus, the coupling modulation of the leaf-to-fruit ratio to the application of exogenous abscisic acid on the berries would be a usable method to reduce the sugar content and maintain a typicality of Bordeaux wines close to the current one.The functional characterization of a gene potentially associated with the biosynthetic pathway of methoxypyrazines, which are involved in vegetable character of grapes and wine, was also conducted. Different approaches have been tested and provided useful clues but the conclusive results are still under further confirmation.

Caracterização do efeito tóxico de extrato de culturas líquidas de Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli na germinação de sementes de alface / Biological characterization of the toxic effects of extracts of liquid cultures of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli on the germination of lettuce seeds

Castro, Fernanda Raquel Oliveira de Souza Rezende de 31 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou os efeitos de extratos de culturas líquidas de Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) cultivada sob condições de estresse osmótico e na presença de inibidores da rota não-mevalonato (MEP/DOXP) de síntese de pigmentos isoprenóides, na germinação de sementes de alface. Também avaliou a relação entre o efeito tóxico dos extratos e a produção de pigmentos pela bactéria. Os extratos foram obtidos do sobrenadante de culturas de Lxx usando acetato de etila como solvente. Ensaios com sementes de alface embebidas nos extratos indicaram uma ação inibitória na germinação das sementes e no alongamento das radículas quando a bactéria foi cultivada na presença de 7% de PEG 6000 ou 100 mM de NaCl. O extrato foi submetido a vários tratamentos térmicos (temperatura ambiente; 30, 60 e 90oC em banho-maria e 121oC por autoclavagem) e sua ação inibitória em sementes mostrou-se termoestável. A presença de pigmentos isoprenóides de células cultivadas com PEG ou NaCl e de células incubadas sem estes agentes estressantes foi avaliada por espectrofotometria após extração dos pigmentos com metanol. Em células cultivadas na ausência de estresse, notou-se um pico de absorbância bem definido no comprimento de onda de 400 nm, ao passo que este pico foi sensivelmente reduzido em células cultivadas sob estresse. Esse efeito foi mais pronunciado na presença de PEG. Para confirmar a natureza isoprenóide do composto, Lxx foi cultivada na presença de fosmidomicina ou difenilamina, que são inibidores da rota metabólica não-mevalonato destes compostos em Microbacteriaceae. Ambas as substâncias reduziram o pico de absorbância no espectro em relação a células cultivadas sem adição destes antibióticos, confirmando a natureza do composto e sua via de síntese. No entanto, a redução foi mais acentuada no caso da fosmidomicina. Por fim, a fosmidomicina foi utilizada com a finalidade de verificar seu efeito na toxidez dos extratos. Foi observado que o efeito tóxico do extrato foi reduzido quando Lxx foi cultivada na presença do inibidor. Ao se avaliar o conteúdo das células, notou-se também redução expressiva no conteúdo relativo de compostos isoprenóides, como esperado. Os resultados indicaram que a bactéria secreta um produto cuja ação é similar à do ABA e que há uma correlação entre a produção do mesmo e a síntese de pigmentos isoprenóides. Em conjunto, o estudo dá suporte à hipótese levantada anteriormente por Monteiro- Vitorello et al. (2004) com base em análise in silico do genoma de Lxx, segundo a qual a bactéria estaria apta a secretar um composto análogo ao ácido abscísico (ABA). / This study evaluated the effects of extracts of liquid cultures of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) grown under osmotic stress and in the presence of inhibitors of the non-mevalonate pathway (MEP/DOXP) of synthesis of isoprenoid pigments on the germination of lettuce seeds. The relationship between the extracts toxic effect and the production of pigments was evaluated as well. The extracts were obtained from the supernatant of Lxx cultures using ethyl acetate as a solvent. Essays with lettuce seeds soaked in the extracts indicated an inhibitory action on germination and on the elongation of the radicles when the bacterium was cultivated in the presence of 7% PEG 6000 or 100 mM NaCl. The extract was submitted to different thermal treatments (room temperature; 30, 60 and 90oC water bath and 121oC autoclaving) and its inhibitory action was shown to be thermostable. The presence of isoprenoid pigments in cells cultivated with PEG, NaCl or in the absence of these stressing agents was evaluated by spectrophotometry after extracting the pigments with methanol. In cells incubated in the absence of stress, a well-defined absorbance peak at 400 nm wavelength was noted, whereas this peak was sensibly reduced in cells cultivated under stress. This effect was more pronounced in the presence of PEG. To confirm the isoprenoid nature of the compound, Lxx was incubated in the presence of fosmidomycin and diphenylamine, which are inhibitors of the nonmevalonate metabolic pathway of these compounds in Microbacteriaceae. Both substances reduced the absorbance peak in the spectrum compared to cells cultivated in the absence of these antibiotics, confirming the nature of the compound and its synthesis pathway. Moreover, the peak reduction was more accentuated in the presence of fosmidomycin. Lastly, fosmidomycin was used to evaluate its effect on the toxicity of the extracts. It was observed that the toxic effect of the extract was reduced when Lxx was cultivated in the presence of this inhibitor. When the cell content was evaluated, an expressive reduction on the relative content of carotenoid compounds has also been noticed, as expected. The results indicated that the bacterium secretes a compound whose action is similar to ABA and that there is a correlation between the production of this compound and the synthesis of isoprenoid pigments. The results support the hypothesis proposed earlier by Monteiro-Vitorello et al. (2004) based upon an in silico analysis of the genome of Lxx, according to which the bacterium would be able to secrete a compound analogous to abscisic acid (ABA)

Ação de reguladores vegetais em trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.) / Effect of plant growth regulators in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Julian Alejandro Giraldo Murcia 14 July 2016 (has links)
Os vegetais possuem metabólitos endógenos circulantes nos tecidos, que não necessariamente possuem função nutricional, mas atuam na regulação do crescimento e do desenvolvimento, os hormônios vegetais. Estes, quando utilizados exogenamente, permitem ações planejadas no crescimento das plantas. Igualmente, análogos sintéticos com ação semelhante vêm sendo utilizados na agricultura com o mesmo objetivo. No entanto, o efeito destes reguladores vegetais é variável entre as espécies e em suas fases fenológicas, com necessidade de estudos especificos que propiciem respostas adequadas aos objetivos de sua aplicação. Da mesma forma, encontramos também moléculas capazes de atuar na produção endógena de hormônios, limitando ou induzindo sua produção, afetando os processos de crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal. A aplicação de tais substâncias na agricultura pode ser benéfica no controle do crescimento vegetal, revertendo a energia produzida pela fotossíntese para a produção dos cultivos. Diversos cultivos, incluindo os de cereais, tendem à um crescimento vegetativo exagerado com o incremento do uso de fertilizantes, causando quedas de produtividade e problemas na colheita devido ao acamamento das plantas. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar as alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas do uso de reguladores vegetais na cultura do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e da cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.), visando redução do porte das plantas sem alterações ou com incremento de produção. Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos com ambas espécies de cereais, semeadas em vasos. As aplicações dos tratamentos foram realizadas no início da fase de alongamento do colmo. Nos experimentos, foram avaliados os efeitos da pulverização foliar de diferentes reguladores vegetais que restringem a síntese de giberelina na planta: ácido abscísico (ABA), etil trinexpac (Moddus), daminozide (SADH), ethephon (Ethrel) e cloreto de clormequat (CCC). Foram avaliadas variáveis relacionadas ao retardamento do crescimento vegetativo e à produção de carboidratos, assim como a produção das plantas tratadas, tais como: altura das plantas, índice SPAD, transpiração, condutância estomática e massa seca do caule e espigas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e quando significativos, os tratamentos foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. A pulverização de ABA, SADH e Ethrel diminuiu significativamente a massa seca do colmo e promoveu retardamento do crescimento, no entanto, a aplicação de ABA aumentou significativamente o índice de colheita, assim como a massa seca dos grãos. Tratamentos com duas pulverizações de ABA 24 g L-1, com uma semana de intervalo restringiu o alongamento da planta, melhorando a arquitetura da mesma, o teor de clorofila e as trocas gasosas, nas culturas de trigo e cevada, estimulando incremento de 23% na massa seca dos grãos de trigo e de 33% em cevada; assim sendo, a aplicação deste retardante de crescimento pode ser considerada para ser utilizada em lavouras de cereais. / Plant tissues contain circulating endogenous metabolites which not necessarily play nutritional function but can regulate growth, plant hormones, that can be also exogenously applied for planned effects in plant growth. These molecules when sprayed on plants allow desirable effects on the plant growth. Moreover, synthetic analogues with similar action have been used in agriculture for the same purpose. However, the effect of growth regulators is variable among species and their phoenological stages, requiring specific studies that provide appropriate responses to their application. Similarly, there are also capable of acting on endogenous hormone production, limiting or stimulating their biosynthesis and consequently affecting the processes of growth and plant development. The application of such molecules in agriculture can be beneficial in controlling the plant growth, reversing the energy produced by photosynthesis for that growth to agronomic yield of crops. Several crops, including cereals, tend to respond with excessive vegetative growth to the increase of fertilizer application causing productivity decreases and damages to the crop due to the plant lodging. Thus, the present study was carried out to evaluate the morphological and physiological changes by the use of plant growth regulators on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), aiming the reduction of the plant size and increases of productivity. The experiments were conducted with both cereal species sown in pots. The applications of the treatments were performed at the beginning of stem elongation stage The effects of foliar application of different plant growth regulators that restrict the gibberellin synthesis in the plant were evaluated: Abscisic acid (ABA), trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus), Daminozide (SADH), Ethephon (Ethrel), and chlormequat chloride (CCC). The following variables were measured: plant height, SPAD index (indirect chlorophyll content), transpiration, stomatal conductance, and dry mass of stems and spikelets. The data were analyzed by the Tukey test at 5% probability level. The spray with ABA, SADH, and Ethrel decreased significantly the dry mass of the stem and promoted growth retardation (plant height). However, the application of ABA increased significantly the harvest index, as well as the dry mass of the grains. Treatments with two sprays of ABA (24 g L-1), with an interval of a week restricted the plant growth in height improving the architecture thereof, chlorophyll content, and gas exchange, resulting in an increment of 23% and 33% in dry matter of grains of wheat and barley, respectively. Therefore, the application of ABA may be considered as an alternative for improving the productivity of cereal crops.

Ácido Salicílico, abcísico e jasmônico em videiras submetidas ou não à aplicação da tecnologia TPC (Thermal Pest Control) / Salicylic acid, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid in vines submitted or not to the application of TPC technology (Thermal Pest Control)

Domingues, Bruno Alves 16 May 2013 (has links)
A aplicação de ar quente em videiras foi primeiramente realizada na fazenda do Sr. Florenzo Lazo, localizada no Chile, onde havia a necessidade de combater os efeitos negativos das freqüentes geadas que resultava em severos danos à lavoura. Por este motivo o Sr. Florenzo inventou uma máquina que aplicava ar quente com baixa umidade e tinha por objetivo dispersar o ar frio proveniente das geadas. Após certo tempo, foi observado pelo produtor que no local onde a máquina havia operado com maior frequência as plantas apresentavam-se com uma coloração mais escura e com sinais de maior vitalidade. Seguindo estas observações, relacionamos estes efeitos a um possível aumento nos fito-hormônios relacionados ao estresse vegetal e à SAR (Systemic Resistence Adquired), como o ácido salicílico (AS), ácido jasmônico (AJ) e ácido abscísico (ABA), além de fazer uma correlação com alguns resultados de pós-colheita importantes para a comercialização, como: Sólidos solúveis, firmeza e coloração. Para isso foi montado um experimento que foi conduzido em duas parcelas, sendo uma com tratamento TPC e outra apenas com o tratamento convencional com distância padronizada em 3,2 metros entre linhas por 2,0 metros entre planta. As amostras eram coletadas diariamente e devidamente acondicionadas. Ao final da safra, as amostras foram transportadas para o laboratório de estresse e neurofisiologia da universidade de São Paulo (LEPSE), onde foram novamente armazenadas em um Ultra-freezer - 86ºC. As analises fisiológicas de pós-colheita foram realizadas no departamento de pós-colheita da universidade de São Paulo onde foram analisados os teores de sólidos solúveis, coloração e firmeza das bagas de uva. As amostras de folhas foram maceradas e uniformizadas no LEPSE e enviadas para o laboratório de ecotoxicologia do Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA) onde foram mensurados os teores dos fito-hormônios pelo método de espectrometria de massa. Para ambas as analises foram feitos testes estatísticos utilizando o programa SAS®. Não houve alteração de SS e firmeza entre os dois tratamentos para as características fisiológicas de póscolheita. Entretanto foi notado uma redução na coloração avermelhada para os cachos tratados com TPC seguindo o sistema de colorimetria proposto pelo CIE. Não houve alterações significantes para as variáveis ABA, AJ e AS para o efeito tratamento e para a analise de correlação. Entretanto notou-se significância entre o efeito dias para as variáveis ABA e AJ. Não foi notada significância para o efeito dias para a variável AS. Por se tratar de um estresse rápido, a TPC parece não causar estresse imediato nas plantas, entretanto notou-se indução de estresse ao longo do tempo, possivelmente devido à resposta lenta de ABA que aparentemente está envolvida com RNA e à síntese de proteínas S e R- ABA que são igualmente efetivas. Já para o AJ sugere-se que houve a produção de H2O2 por derivados de oligogalacturonideos, liberados por ação da enzima poligalacturonase, e um segundo mensageiro que ativam genes defensivos (genes tardios). O aumento na biossíntese do ABA e do AJ parece ter suprimido genes envolvidos na biossíntese do AS. / The application of hot air in grapevines was first held on the farm of Mr. Florenzo Lazo, located in Chile, to combat the negative effects of frequent frosts that resulted in severe damage to the crop. For this reason Mr. Florenzo invented a machine that applied hot air with low humidity and aimed to disperse the cold air from the frost. After a while, it was observed by the producer that where the machine had operated more frequently plants showed up with a darker and more signs of vitality. Following these observations, these effects relate to a possible increase in phytohormones related to plant stress and SAR (Systemic Resistance Adquired), such as salicylic acid (AS), jasmonic acid (AJ) and abscisic acid (ABA), besides making a correlation with results of some important postharvest for marketing, such as soluble solids, firmness and color. For this experiment was created that was conducted in two installments, the first one was treated with TPC and second one was applied only conventional treatment with standardized distance of 3.2 meters between lines by 2.0 meters between plant . The samples were collected daily and properly packed. At the end of the season, samples were transported to the laboratory stress and neurophysiology from the University of São Paulo (LEPSE), where they were again stored in an Ultra-freezer - 86 degrees. The physiological analyses of post-harvest were performed at the Department of Postharvest in University of Sao Paulo where we analyzed the levels of soluble solids, firmness and color in grape berries. The leaf samples were uniform macerated at LEPSE and sent to the laboratory of ecotoxicology in the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) where we measured the levels of the phytohormones by the method of mass spectrometry. For both analyzes were performed statistical tests using SAS ® program. There wasn`t change between the two treatments on physiological post-harvest characteristics. There was no change of SS and firmly between the two treatments for the physiological of post-harvest characteristics. However it was noted a reduction in red color for bunches treated with TPC following the colorimetry system by CIE. There were no significant changes to the variables ABA, AJ and AS for the treatment effect and to analyze the correlation. However significance was noted between the effect variables ABA days and AJ. No significant effect was noted for days variable for AS. Since it is a stress fast TPC does not seem to cause immediate stress in plants but it was noticed induction of stress over time, possibly due to slow response to ABA which apparently is involved in the synthesis of RNA and proteins S and R-ABA that are equally effective. As for AJ suggests that there was the production of H2O2 by derivatives of oligogalacturonides, released by action of the enzyme polygalacturonase, and a second messenger that activates defensive genes (late genes). The increase in ABA biosynthesis and AJ appears to have deleted genes involved in the biosynthesis of AS.

Nachweis und Aufreinigung von Abscisinsäure-bindenden Proteinen aus dem Cytosol von Spinat- und Arabidopsis-Pflanzen / detection and purification of abscisic acid-binding proteins in the cytosol of spinach and Arabidopsis plants

Strauß, Michaela 24 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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