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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micro-ablation athermique de matériaux transparents par absorption multiphotonique avec une micro-puce laser amplifiée Nd : YAG à impulsions vertes sub-nanosecondes / Athermal micro-ablation of transparent materials by multiphoton absorption with an amplified Nd : Yag microchip laser generating green sub-nanosecond pulses

Mhalla, Taghrid 02 October 2015 (has links)
Les microchip lasers à impulsions sub-nanosecondes peuvent être des alternatives intéressantes aux lasers à impulsions femtosecondes pour le micro-usinage des matériaux transparents par absorption multiphotonique. Ces lasers peuvent facilement atteindre les puissances crêtes nécessaires pour déclencher l'ablation de tous les matériaux, y compris les diamants, céramiques, plastiques, et des verres. En outre, ils sont de faible coût, avec un design compact et robuste. Dans cette thèse, un micro-chip laser Nd:YAG amplifié (532 nm, 300 ps) a été utilisé pour la micro-gravure et le marquage de différents types de matériaux transparents, comme le verre borosilicate D263, le verre BK7 et le thermoplastique SBS. L'analyse des résultats a montré un bon accord avec le modèle d'expulsion de matière suite à la génération d'un plasma provoqué par une absorption laser à deux photons. Une résolution sub-micronique de marquage a été obtenue à l'intérieur d'un verre de borosilicate. Des canaux microfluidiques pour capteurs optiques ont été gravés sur verre BK-7 comprenant des guides d'ondes réalisés par échange d'ionique. Des réseaux denses de micro-canaux ont été fabriqués à la surface de matériaux thermoplastiques avec une zone affectée par les effets thermiques limités à quelques micromètres. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse montre que l'utilisation de ce type de laser permet un micro-usinage de très haute résolution avec des effets thermiques limités. / Microchip lasers with sub-nanosecond pulses are attractive alternative to femtosecond lasers for micromachining in transparent materials by multiphoton absorption. These lasers can easily reach pulse peak powers that are needed to trigger ablation in all materials, including diamond, ceramics, plastics, and glasses. In addition, they are low cost with compact and rugged design. In this thesis, a microchip laser (532 nm, 300 ps) has been used for micro-engraving and marking different types of transparent materials such as borosilicate D263, BK7, and SBS thermoplastic. Experimental resultsare rationalized by the model of matter explosion following the plasma generation induced by the laser two-photon absorption. Sub-micron resolution embedded marking is demonstrated inside borosilicate glass. Micro fluidic channels for optical sensors are engraved on BK-7 glass with ion-doped waveguides. Arrays of dense micro channels are fabricated at the surface of thermoplastics with a zone affected by thermal effects limited to the micron range. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that this type of laser can be efficiently used for high-resolution micro-machining transparent materials with minimal thermal effects.

Mushroom sclerotia: a novel source of dietary fiber for enhancing passive calcium absorption in the large intestine. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2004 (has links)
by Wong Ka-Hing. / "September 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-279). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Absorption intestinale des vitamines D et K : mécanismes moléculaires et interactions avec les composés des légumineuses / Intestinal absorption of vitamins D and K : molecular mechanisms and interactions with pulse compounds

Margier, Marielle 09 November 2018 (has links)
Les vitamines D et K sont des micronutriments liposolubles qui participent au bon fonctionnement de l’organisme. Elles jouent des rôles clés dans la prévention de trouble de l'hémostase et de la coagulation, des pathologies osseuses, métaboliques et cardiovasculaires. Cependant, même si ces vitamines sont apportées en quantités suffisantes par notre alimentation, leurs effets bénéfiques sont étroitement conditionnés par leur biodisponibilité. Or, mieux connaitre les mécanismes d’absorption permettrait d’appréhender leur biodisponibilité. Nous avons tout d’abord montré que l’absorption de la vitamine K implique des transporteurs du cholestérol, SR-B1 et CD36. Nous avons également montré que l’entérocyte est non seulement capable d’effluer les vitamines D et K néo-absorbées mais également d’excréter ces vitamines du compartiment sanguin vers la lumière intestinale. Ce phénomène bien connu pour le cholestérol (excrétion transintestinale du cholestérol) implique des transporteurs communs, dont ABCB1 et ABCG5/G8. Dans un second temps, dans le cadre de la relance de la consommation des légumineuses, nous avons mis en évidence que la présence de légumineuses dans un repas limite la biodisponibilité de ces vitamines. En effet, les fibres, phytates, saponines et tanins diminuent leur bioaccessibilité et/ou leur captage. La méthode de cuisson des légumineuses, en affectant leur composition nutritionnelle, peut moduler l’incorporation des vitamines D et K au sein des micelles mixtes et donc affecter leur biodisponibilité. Ces données soulignent ainsi le fait que les légumineuses doivent être cuites de manière appropriée et consommés dans des repas riches en micronutriments. / Vitamin D and K are fat-soluble micronutrients that participate to the proper functioning of the organism. They are essential to prevent bleeding, bone, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. However, even if those vitamins are provided in sufficient quantities in our diet, their health effects are closely linked to their bioavailability. A better knowledge of their absorption mechanisms would help to optimize their bioavailability.Firstly, we showed that vitamin K absorption involves the cholesterol transporters SR-B1 and CD36. We also showed that enterocytes can not only efflux newly absorbed vitamins D and K but also excrete vitamin D and K from the blood compartment to the intestinal lumen. This phenomenon of transintestinal excretioninvolves the cholesterol membrane transporters ABCB1 and ABCG5/G8.Secondly, we showed that the presence of pulses within a meal limits vitamin D and K bioavailability. Indeed, fibers, phytates, saponins and tannins can decrease bioaccessibility and/or uptake of vitamin K. By modulating the nutritional profile of pulses, the cooking method can impact on fat-soluble vitamin transfer to mixed micelles, and in turn affect their bioavailability. These data suggest that pulses must be cooked in an appropriate manner and consumed in micronutrient-rich meals.Keywords: vitamin D, vitamin K, bioaccessibility, intestinal absorption, pulses.

Design and synthesis of molecular nanotools for bioimaging and two-photon induced photorelease / Conception et synthèse d’objets moléculaires nanométriques pour la bio imagerie et le photo clivage par absorption à deux photons

Cueto Díaz, Eduardo 16 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous introduisons le concept de nanodot organique (OND) comme une alternative aux quantum dots (QDs). Ces nano émetteurs «tout organique» sont préparés par synthèse bottom-up et contrôle,à l’échelle du nanoobjet, de la réponse optique par confinement du chromophore au sein d’une structure dendritique. Ceci conduit à des nanoobjets présentant une brillance exceptionnelle à un ou deux photons en faisant des composés d’intérêt majeur pour l’imagerie in vivo. Le deuxième chapitre décrit la synthèse et la caractérisation de la première famille d’OND hydrophiles. Deux types d’absorbeurs à deux photons ont été sélectionnés car présentant des propriétés optiques et des structures différentes. Ensuite, l’hydro solubilité a été assurée par l’accrochage de groupes H2N(CH2)2NEt2 à la périphérie. Dans les chapitres 3 et 4, nous proposons une alternative aux OND cationiques par greffage de chaîne polyéthylèneglycol à la périphérie. Ceci améliore la solubilité et la biocompatibilité. Un OND hydrosoluble bimodal pouvant être utilisé en IRM du19Fet imagerie de fluorescence est également préparé. Dans ce chapitre l’étude par RMN et par imagerie confocale de trois dendrimères à cœur cyclophosphazène est également décrite. Finalement, le chapitre 5 décrit la préparation de systèmes synergique agissant en tandem pour la photo libération d’un substrat «en cage». Nous avons démontré qu’en combinant une antenne collectrice avec des unités encagées,il est possible d’obtenir une libération efficace de molécules actives. Par ingénierie moléculaire nous avons préparé trois systèmes synergiques différents: (i) Une triade symétrique basée sur un chromophore portant des chaîne hydrophile TEG et connecté à unités PPG encageant une unité glutamate (ii) Une dyade comportant un chromophore et une unité PPG au sein d’une architecture phosphorée, finalement (iii) une unité dendritique portant une unité encageante et 5 absorbeurs à deux photons / In the first chapter of this dissertation, we introduce the concept of organic nanodot (OND) as an alternative to quantum dots (QDs).These purely organic nanoemitters are obtained from a rational and bottom-up route based on the control, at the single nano-object level, of the optical responses via the covalent confinement of optimized chromophores within dendrimericarchitectures. This led to tuneable nano-objects which show record one-and two-photon brightness and have been shown to be a major interest for in vivoimaging.The second chapter describes the synthesis and structural characterization of the first family of ONDwith hydrophilic properties. Two different 2P absorber modules were selected for this aim, displaying different structural and optical properties. Then, the water solubility will be ensured by linking H2N(CH2)2NEt2.at the periphery. In Chapter 3and 4we propose an alternative to the cationic ONDs by replacing the external layer, with polyethylene glycol (neutral). This synthetic approach favorsthe hydrosolubility, and the compatibility in biological environment. Awater-soluble organic nanodot-based probethat could be used for both 19F MRI and optical fluorescence imagingis alsoprepared. In the same chapter, confocal imaging and NMR studies of three types of dendrimers with a cyclotriphosphazene core are described.Finally, the aim of chapter 5is the synthesis of synergic systems acting in tandem for the photorelease of a caged substrate. We demonstrate that combining a light harvesting antenna group with uncaging subunits leads to the efficient release of active molecules. Molecular engineering allowed us to prepare three different synergic systems, (i) a symmetrical tandem triad structure, based on one chromophore bearing hydrophilic TEG chains, which is directly connected to two PPG units caging one molecule of glutamate respectively, (ii) a dyad system bearing one chromophore and one PPG in phosphorus scaffold, finally (iii) a dendritic scaffold bearing 6 available position that was coated both with one equivalent ofuncaging moietyand the remaining positions with 2P absorbing modules.

High-order numerical methods for laser plasma modeling. / Méthodes numériques d'ordre élevé pour la modélisation de plasma laser

Velechovsky, Jan 29 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le développement d’une méthode ALE pour la modélisation del’interaction laser–plasma. La particularité de cette méthode est l’utilisation d’une étape de projectiond’ordre élevé. Cette étape de projection consiste en une interpolation conservative des quantitésconservatives du maillage Lagrangien sur un maillage régularisé. Afin d’éviter les oscillationsnumériques non-physiques, les flux numériques d’ordre élevé sont combinés avec des fluxnumériques d’ordre moins élevé. Ces flux numériques sont obtenu en considérant les quantitésconservatives constantes par morceaux. Cette méthode pour la discrétisation cellule–centrée consisteà préserver les maximums locaux pour la densité, la vitesse et l’énergie interne. Aspects particuliersde la méthode sont appliquées pour la projection la quantité de mouvement pour la discrétisation’staggered’. Nous l’utilisons ici dans le cadre de la projection sous la forme de la méthode FluxCorrection Remapping (FCR). Dans cette thèse le volet applicatif concerne la modélisation del’interaction d’un laser énergétique avec de plasma et des matériaux microstructures. Un intérêtparticulier est porté à la modélisation de l’absorption du laser par une mousse de faible densité.L’absorption se fait à deux échelles spatiales simultanément. Ce modèle d’absorption laser à deuxéchelles est mis en oeuvre dans le code PALE hydrodynamique. Les simulations numériques de lavitesse de pénétration du laser dans une mousse à faible densité sont en bon accord avec lesdonnées expérimentales. / This thesis presents the overview and the original contributions to a high–orderArbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method applicable for the laser–generated plasma modeling withthe focus to a remapping step of the ALE method. The remap is the conservative interpolation of theconservative quantities from a low–quality Lagrangian grid onto a better, smoothed one. To avoidnon–physical numerical oscillations, the high–order numerical fluxes of the reconstruction arecombined with the low–order (first–order) numerical fluxes produced by a standard donor remappingmethod. The proposed method for a cell–centered discretization preserves bounds for the density,velocity and specific internal energy by its construction. Particular symmetry–preserving aspects of themethod are applied for a staggered momentum remap. The application part of the thesis is devoted tothe laser radiation absorption modeling in plasmas and microstructures materials with the particularinterest in the laser absorption in low–density foams. The absorption is modeled on two spatial scalessimultaneously. This two–scale laser absorption model is implemented in the hydrodynamic codePALE. The numerical simulations of the velocity of laser penetration in a low–density foam are in agood agreement with the experimental data.

SiGeC Near Infrared Photodetectors

Li, Baojun, Chua, Soo-Jin, Fitzgerald, Eugene A., Leitz, Christopher W., Miao, Lingyun 01 1900 (has links)
A near infrared waveguide photodetector in Si-based ternary Si₁−x−yGexCy alloy was demonstrated for 0.85~1.06 µm wavelength fiber-optic interconnection system applications. Two sets of detectors with active absorption layer compositions of Si₀.₇₉Ge₀.₂C₀.₀₁ and Si₀.₇₀Ge₀.₂₈C₀.₀₂ were designed. The active absorption layer has a thickness of 120~450 nm. The external quantum efficiency can reach ~3% with a cut-off wavelength of around 1.2 µm. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Synthesis and development of compounds for nonlinear absorption of light

Kindahl, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
High-intensity light — for instance that from a laser — can be destructive, not only to the human eye, but also to equipment such as imaging sensors and optical communication devices. Therefore, effective protection against such light is desirable. A protection device should ideally have high transmission to non-damaging light, and should also be fast-acting in order to effectively stop high-intensity light. In working towards a protection device, there is a need to conduct fundamental research in order to understand the processes involved. One of the photophysical processes of special interest in the field of optical power limiting (OPL) is reverse saturable absorption, where a compound in an excited state absorbs light more strongly than it does in its ground state. In this work, several novel organoplatinum compounds for OPL, rationally designed to have a strong reverse saturable absorption, have been synthesized. The compounds have been analyzed using linear and nonlinear absorption spectroscopy, luminescence spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry calculations to gain further knowledge regarding their photophysical properties. In addition to this fundamental research, the absorption capabilities of some of these compounds indicate that they can be used for OPL applications. Consequently, compounds from these studies have been incorporated into a sol–gel glass that could be used in optical systems. / <p>Finansiellt stöd från Kempestiftelsen.</p>

Theoretical Characterization of Optical Processes in Modecular Complexes

Liu, Kai January 2008 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is to study effects of different environments on geometric and electronic structures, as well as optical responses, of molecules using time-(in)dependent density functional theory. Theoretical calculations have been carried out for properties that can be measured by conventional and advanced experimental techniques, including one-photon absorption (OPA), two-photon absorption (TPA), surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and second order nonlinear optical (NLO) response. The obtained good agreement between the theory and the experiment allows to further extract useful information about inter- and intra-molecular interactions that are not accessible experimentally. By comparing calculated one-photon absorption spectra of aluminum phthalocyanine chloride (AlPcCl) and AlPcCl -water complexes with the corresponding experiments, detailed information about the interaction between water molecules and AlPcCl, and geometric changes of AlPcCl molecule has been obtained. Effects of aggregation on two-photon absorption spectra of octupolar molecules have been examined. It is shown that the formation of clusters through inter-molecular hydrogen bonding can drastically change profiles of TPA spectra. It has also demonstrated that a well designed molecular aggregate/cluster, dendrimer, can enhance the second order nonlinear optical response of the molecules. In collaboration with experimentalists, a series of end-capped triply branched dendritic chromophores have been characterized, which can lead to large enhancement of the second order NLO property when the dipoles of the three branches in the dendrimers are highly parallelized. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering has made the detection of single molecules on metal surface become possible. Chemically bonded molecule-metal systems have been extensively studied. We have shown in a joint experimental and theoretical work that stable Raman spectra of a non-bonding molecule, perylene, physically adsorbed on Ag nano-particles can also be observed at low temperature. It is found that the local enhanced field has a tendency to drive molecule toward a gap of two closely lying nano-particles. The trapped molecule can thus provide a stable Raman spectrum with high resolution when its thermal motion is reduced at low temperature. For the ever growing size of molecular complexes, there is always the need to develop new computational methods. A conceptually simple but computationally efficient method, named as central insertion scheme (CIS), is proposed that allows to calculate electronic structure of quasi-periodic system containing more than 100,000 electrons at density functional theory levels. It enables to monitor the evolution of electronic structure with respect to the size of the system. / QC 20100823

The effect of dietary adaptation on the susceptibility to and recovery from ruminal acidosis in beef cattle

2013 April 1900 (has links)
Feeding diets rich in rapidly fermentable non-structural carbohydrates can lead to the development of ruminal acidosis. This study was conducted to determine if the duration of time that cattle are fed a high-grain diet affects their absorption of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and susceptibility to, and recovery from, ruminal acidosis. Sixteen Angus heifers (BW ± SEM, 261 ± 6.1 kg) were assigned to 1 of 4 blocks, and fed a backgrounding diet consisting of 60% barley silage, 30% barley grain, and 10% supplement (DM basis). Within block, cattle were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments differing in the number of days they were fed the high-grain diet prior to an acidosis challenge: 34 d for long-adapted (LA) and 8 d for short-adapted (SA). All cattle were exposed to the same 20-d dietary transition using 5 dietary steps until achieving the final diet that contained 9% barley silage, 81% barley grain, and 10% supplement (DM basis). Data were collected during an 8-d baseline period (BASE), on the d of the acidosis challenge (CHAL), and during two consecutive 8 d recovery periods (REC1 and REC2). Ruminal acidosis was induced by restricting feed to 50% of DMI:BW for 24 h followed by an intraruminal infusion of ground barley at 10% DMI:BW. Cows were then given their regular diet allocation 1 h after the intraruminal infusion. The duration of time fed the high-grain diet did not affect ruminal pH, lactate, or SCFA concentrations (P > 0.050). However, during BASE and on the day of CHAL the SA heifers experienced greater linear (P = 0.031), quadratic (P = 0.016), and cubic (P = 0.008) between day change in the duration of time that pH was < 5.5 than LA heifers. Relative to BASE, inducing acidosis increased daily duration (531 to 1020 min/d; P < 0.001) and area (176 to 595 (min × pH)/d; P < 0.001) that pH was < 5.5. Inducing ruminal acidosis also increased the daily mean (0.3 to 11.4 mM; P = 0.013) and maximum (1.3 to 29.3 mM; P = 0.008) rumen fluid lactate concentrations relative to BASE, suggesting that an acute bout of ruminal acidosis was induced. In addition, a treatment × day interaction for the duration that pH was < 5.5 during REC1 suggests that LA cattle tended to recover from the CHAL more rapidly than SA cattle (P = 0.085). Indeed, analysis of covariance confirmed that the LA heifers experienced a quicker linear (P = 0.019) recovery over time from CHAL. The greater rate of recovery possibly resulted from the LA heifers having greater rates of both fractional butyrate (45 vs. 36 %/h; P = 0.019) and propionate absorption (42 vs. 34 %/h; P = 0.045), and tending to have greater rates, on an absolute basis, of butyrate absorption (94 vs. 79 mmol/h; P = 0.087) iii and, on a fractional basis, of total SCFA absorption (37 vs. 32 %/h; P = 0.100). Treatment × period interactions revealed that LA heifers had greater serum D-lactate concentrations (P = 0.003), and fractional rates of lactate absorption (P = 0.024) than SA heifers, during CHAL and REC1, respectively. When treatments were pooled, the absorption (%/h and mmol/h) of acetate, propionate, butyrate, and total SCFA increased between REC1 and REC2, with intermediate values for BASE (P ≤ 0.05). Corresponding to a reduction in absorption during REC1 (2 d post CHAL), saliva production (kg/h; P = 0.018) increased between BASE and REC1, with intermediate values for REC2. These results indicate that the duration of time cattle are fed a high-grain diet may stabilize rumen pH, both prior to and after an induced bout of acute ruminal acidosis, likely through increased ruminal absorptive capacity for SCFA and lactate. In addition, this study found evidence to suggest that beef cattle possess the ability to increase saliva secretion in order to compensate for decreased absorptive capacity.

Potential for Absorption Cooling Generated from Municipal Solid Waste in Bangkok : A Comparison between Waste Incineration &amp; Biogas Production with Combustion

Hedberg, Erika, Danielsson, Helén January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis has been performed in Bangkok, Thailand at the company Eco Design Consultant Co., Ltd. The aim is to investigate the possibilities to generate absorption cooling from municipal solid waste in the Bangkok area. The investigation includes a comparison between waste incineration and biogas production with combustion to see which alternative is preferable. During the investigation, a Swedish perspective has been used. The research for the report mainly consisted of published scientific articles from acknowledged sources as well as information from different Thai authorities. Also, experts within different areas were contacted and interviewed. In order to determine which of the two techniques (waste incineration or biogas production with combustion) that is best suited to generate absorption cooling, a model was designed. This model involved several parameters regarding e.g. plant efficiency, amount of treated waste and internal heat usage. As for the results of the model, three parameters were calculated: the generated cooling, the net electricity generation and the reduced greenhouse emissions. The overall Thai municipal solid waste generation in Thailand is estimated to approximately 15 million tons per year and the majority of the waste ends up at open dumps or landfills. There are only two to three waste incinerators in the country and a few projects with biogas generation from municipal solid waste. The main electricity is today generated from natural gas which makes the majority of the Thai electricity production fossil fuel based. As for absorption cooling, two applications of this technique has been found in Thailand during the research; one at the Naresuan University and one at the Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok. The model resulted in that the best alternative to power absorption cooling technique is waste incineration. This alternative has potential to generate 3200 GWh cooling per year and 1100 GWh electricity per year. Also, this alternative resulted in the largest decrease of greenhouse gas emissions, ‐500 000 tons per year. The model also showed that the same amounts of generated cooling and electricity can never be achieved from biogas production with combustion compared to waste incineration. Regardless, waste incineration has an important drawback: the citizens of Thailand seem to oppose further development of waste incineration in the country. The biogas technique seems more approved in Thailand, which benefits this alternative. Due to the high moisture and organic content in the municipal solid waste, a combination between the two waste handling alternatives is suggested. This way, the most energy can be withdrawn from the waste and the volume of disposed waste is minimized. Our overall conclusion is that the absorption cooling technique has great potential in Thailand. There is an increasing power‐ and cooling demand, absorption cooling generated from either or both of the alternatives can satisfy these demands while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We also believes that the cost for using absorption cooling has to be lower than for the current compression cooling if the new technique is to be implemented further.

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