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Produire des petits propriétaires ? Les HLM et l’accession à la propriété, 1953-2010 / The making of small home-owners. The HLM movement and property ownership in France, 1953-2010Steinmetz, Hélène 10 December 2013 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, le terme de logement social est généralement associé en France à l’activité de construction et de gestion locative réalisée par les organismes HLM. Depuis l’invention des Habitations à Bon Marché à la fin du 19ème siècle, le contenu de cette catégorie n’a cependant cessé d’évoluer. La diversité des acteurs qui sont à l’origine de l’émergence du logement social et la multiplicité des causes qu’ils défendent ont été étudiées par les travaux portant sur les « réformateurs sociaux » au tournant du 20ème siècle. Mais ces questions sont peu traitées par les recherches historiques et sociologiques qui portent sur le mouvement HLM depuis les années 1950. Cette thèse entend donc examiner la recomposition des frontières du secteur du logement social depuis cette date en se penchant sur la diversité interne du mouvement HLM et sur les rapports de force qui le traversent. Pour cela, elle prend pour objet principal des acteurs minoritaires parmi les élites dirigeantes de ce mouvement : les promoteurs et spécialistes de l’accession dite « sociale » à la propriété. Elle analyse les processus qui rendent cette activité plus ou moins légitime selon les périodes, qui font évoluer son cadre juridique, et modifient les pratiques économiques auxquelles renvoie ce terme. A partir d’un travail réalisé à partir de sources écrites (dépouillement d’archives publiques et de publications du mouvement HLM), d’une enquête de terrain menée auprès de responsables nationaux de fédérations professionnelles ainsi que de dirigeants d’organismes, complétée par des sources statistiques, cette thèse cherche ainsi à rompre avec une vision homogénéisante du secteur du logement social, comme institution et groupe d’acteurs aux intérêts et aux positions unifiées. / Social housing is a term usually associated in France with the building and the management of rental housing by the organisations of « Habitations à Loyer modéré » in France. However, since the creation of these institutions at the end of the 19th century, the meaning of the term « social housing » as kept evolving. The diversity of the actors who contributed to the institutionnalisation of a social housing sector, and of their discording views on the form it shoud take, has been thoroughly studied by research on social reformers at the turn of the 20th century. By contrast, these questions have been little studied by sociological or historical research on social housing since the 1950’s. This research aims at analyzing how the frontiers of the social housing sector have evolved since then, taking into account the inner diversity of the HLM movement, and the power struggles which characterizes this institution. To that purpose, it focuses on a specific category of actors, which hold a minority situation in the HLM movement, the promoters of « social » home-ownership. It analyzes the processes through which this specific activity gains or loses legitimacy in this institution, the evolution of its legal framework and of its economic content. Relying on a the study of public archives, on a fieldwork conducted on the political and economic elites of the HLM movement, and on the use of statistical data, this research aims at breaking with the homogeneous image which is often given of this institution, too often seen as a unified interest group.
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The Importance of Minority Rights for the European Union in the EU Accession Process of Kosovo.Haumesser-Savio, Valentin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Vyhodnocení dopadů vstupu České republiky do EU na cestovní ruch ČR / Evaluation of the impacts of the accession of Czech Republic to the European Union on tourism of Czech RepublicRozhonová, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Final thesis observes the impacts of the accession of Czech Republic to the European Union on tourism of Czech Republic. Final thesis is divided into theoretical and analytical parts. The theoretical part contains definitions of the basic terms, history of the European Union, relationship between Czech Republic and EU, position of tourism in European Union and definitions of the projects and policies of European Union. The analytical part observes particular impacts on tourism in measurable and non-measurable values of tourism. The analysis of measurable values contains comparison of the real and forecasted progress. The forecast was created before the accession of Czech Republic to European Union by Czechtourism. Next to this comparison the analysis contains progress of particular indicators before and after the accession and observation of rate of growth of particular indicators. The analysis of non-measurable values contains the overview of participation of Czech Republic in the projects and policies of EU. The analysis of measurable and non-measurable values is a basis for the evaluation of the impacts of the accession of Czech Republic to the European Union on tourism of Czech Republic.
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Vztahy Turecka s vybranými členskými státy EU z hlediska přístupového procesu / Relationship of Turkey and selected EU member states in the context of accession processŠtaudová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Turkey has made a big progress in developing democratic and thriving state in last 60 years. In its history nevertheless you can find a few moments which make its accession to EU harder. Whether it is recognition of the Armenian genocide or the divided Cyprus island. The biggest Turkish struggle is not insufficent economic development but political issues in the field of human rights. Turkish public and the government has been losing its enthusiasm towards the EU membership, partly because of the european crisis, but mainly because of the feeling, that European Union only throws obstacles into their effort. Therefore, Turkey slowly realizes its growing importance and makes its own foreign policy heading not only to Europe and the West. Both member states and the EU as a whole should try to look further into the future and set the priorities.
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Integrace zemí Visegrádské skupiny do EU a NATO. Spolupráce či samostatný postup? / Integration of the Visegrad Group Countries into the EU and NATO. Cooperation or Individual Approach?Brychta, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Graduation thesis tries to explore, if the Visegrad Group Countries, i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia cooperated together during their effort to acces the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union. The thesis is divided into four parts. First part analyses the first steps of Visegrad Cooperation, second part describes the integration process into NATO. The third part is related to the integration with EU. The last part of the thesis sketches the continuation of Visegrad cooperation after accession into EU in 2004. The theory of international regimes was chosen as a theoretical approach to Visegrad Cooperation. The thesis desribes the course of integration process and different forms of cooperation.
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IPA Most na Dunaji: Přeshraniční spolupráce a společenská obnova Slavonie a Vojvodiny / IPA Bridge on the Danube: Cross-border Co-operation and Social Reconstruction in Slavonia and VojvodinaVienne, Cassiopee January 2014 (has links)
The relations between Croatia and Serbia are determining for regional peace and stability and for the course of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans. The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the funding mechanism designed for the implementation of the EU's enlargement policy in the Western Balkans. This research investigates the extent to which IPA has integrated to the local cross- border initiatives in culture and youth and has fostered social reconstruction between Croats and Serbs in Slavonia (Croatia) and Vojvodina (Serbia). Co-operation in the cultural sector is an important element of social reconstruction, as it favours contacts and the erosion of antagonistic prejudices against the other ethnic group. The objective of this research is defined as two-fold, firstly to test a model of cross-border co-operation devised from EU integration theories and, secondly to provide an accurate picture of the cross-border initiatives in Slavonia and Vojvodina based on ground-level experience. The analysis of the data collected shows mixed results. On one hand IPA has integrated successfully into the landscape of local cross-border initiatives by stimulating socialisation between civil society organisations. IPA has also increased local ownership of cross-border co-operation amongst the...
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Ein Drachenkampf auf Pergament: Zu einem neuerworbenen mittelalterlichen Handschriftenfragment in der SLUBHaffner, Thomas 17 March 2011 (has links)
Mittelalterliche Pergamentkodizes sind äußerst kostbar und werden selten im Antiquariatshandel angeboten. Spektakuläre Erwerbungen wie die Nibelungen-Handschrift C (Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe) oder die Ottheinrich-Bibel (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München) sind große Ausnahmen, möglich nur unter Aufwendung außerplanmäßiger Mittel undmit finanzieller Unterstützung von Sponsoren und Stiftungen. Heute gilt jede mittelalterliche Handschrift als einzigartiges Zeugnis – sei es für die durch sie überlieferten Texte und Bilder, sei es für ihr historisch-kulturelles Umfeld. Diese Wertschätzung erfuhren mittelalterliche Handschriften nicht zu allen Zeiten. Mit zunehmender Verbreitung gedruckter Bücher verloren sie in der frühen Neuzeit ihre Funktion als Informationsträger und wurden oft nur noch ihres Beschreibstoffes, des Pergaments wegen geschätzt, das vor allem die Buchbinder gut gebrauchen konnten. Auf diese Weise sind unzählige Fragmente entstanden, die mitunter ebenso wertvoll sein können wie vollständig erhaltene Kodizes, vor allem dann, wenn es sich um singuläre Text- / Bildzeugen handelt oder wenn dadurch andere Fragmente ergänzt werden können.
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Diffusion of norms through EU funding instrument : A qualitative theory-consuming case study of the EU ́s ambition of being a Normative Power within the Instrument Pre-accession Assistance II in the Western BalkanLumio, Lina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine how the EU's ambition is to diffuse norms, as a normative power, within the instrument Pre-accession Assistance II during 2014-2020 in the region of the Western Balkans. The study was conducted with a qualitative theory-consuming case study together with a theoretical framework by Tuomas Forsberg (2011) which is based on the theory of Normative Power Europe. The results of the study showed that the EU has high ambitions to spread the Union's fundamental values through IPA II to the Western Balkans.
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Přistoupení Evropské unie k Evropské úmluvě o lidských právech / The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human RightsDel Maschio, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the fundamental issues related to the future accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and to provide an overall understanding of the issue. To fulfil this objective, the first part of the thesis deals with the current situation in the european human rights protection system. It introduces the protection system of the Council of Europe as well as the system of protection provided by the European Union. This part aims to describe relationships between them and also gives the overview of the development of the question of accession and of the main features defining the autonomy of the European Union law. The second part then turns the attention to the legal instruments which make it possible European Union to accede. This part provides an analysis of the Accession agreement on the accession of the European Union to the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which contains legal, institutional and technical solutions of the European Union's incorporation into the Convention system. This analysis serves as a basis for the next part of the thesis, which focuses on the recent Opinion of the Court of Justice of the European Union 2/13. In this opinion Court found...
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Ancient and modern treatment of Alexander the GreatHill, Joan 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the different interpretations of the secondary sources for Alexander the
Great by three modern historians, Nicholas Hammond, Peter Green and Mary Renault. The Introduction looks briefly at the lost primary Alexander-histories, the extant works of Diodorus Siculus, Quintus Curtius, Plutarch and Arrian and includes an abbreviated curriculum
vltae of each modern author.
Chapter X concerns modern interpretations of the controversial circumstances surrounding the accession of Alexander and the assassination of Philip. Chapter II covers the elimination of possible rivals, Attalus, Alexander Lyncestes and Amyntas son of Perdiccas, two major
conspiracies - the Philotas Affair and the death of Parmenio, the conspiracy of the Royal Pages
and death of Callisthenes - and the killing of Cleitus the Black. Chapter III deals with modern
explanations of the death of Alexander. The Conclusion highlights significant theories and trends presented by the modern historians, which influence their interpretations of the ancient sources. / History / M.A. (Ancient History)
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