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Multiethnicity and Identity in Kosovo through European Integration : The Construction of Group-Differentiated Rights in KosovoMislimi, Elma January 2023 (has links)
The Republic of Kosovo’s self-declared multiethnic society has strived to construct an inclusive attitude and tolerating spirit toward all communities within. This study has explored how group-differentiated rights are used to construct identity and multiethnicity in relation to European integration in four official documents using the research questions; how is the production of identity and multiethnicity through group-differentiated rights in Kosovo constructed in the documents and related to EU integration; and how has the EU accession process affected the construction of multiethnicity and identity in Kosovo’s documents on minorities relating to group-differentiated rights? An ethnographic content analysis and comparative design, with a social constructivist perspective, grasping the constituents of group-differentiated rights concerning exclusive rights granted to minorities employed to develop, and safeguard identities was applied. The key findings have demonstrated that the development of group-differentiated rights through multiethnicity and identity relating to EU accession and integration may be considered mutually constitutive, creating a path for Kosovo's future EU membership and a sustainable multiethnic society founded on democracy and the rule of law. Although, Kosovo has demonstrated a readiness to adjust and adhere to EU directives, adequate implementation of minority and human rights is the first and primary step toward EU membership.
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The Influence of Western Powers on Central and Eastern European Minority Protection Policy: the League of Nations Minorities Treaties and the EU Copenhagen CriteriaPotter, Shannon L. 22 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Le mécanisme de l'accession. Eléments pour une théorie de la revendication en valeur.Dross, William 18 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
L'accession est une union de deux biens provoquant l'éviction du propriétaire de l'accessoire au profit du propriétaire du principal, cela à charge d'indemnisation. L'objet de ce travail est d'expliciter le mécanisme juridique conduisant à de tels effets. La doctrine en propose une analyse éclatée. L'acquisition / extinction de propriété serait le résultat nécessaire et automatique de l'union matérielle de deux biens corporels. Dans un second temps, ce déséquilibre patrimonial imposé par les choses serait compensé par un rétablissement construit par le droit sur le fondement de l'enrichissement sans cause et de la dette de valeur. La rigidité d'un tel mécanisme suscite alors tant les critiques que le désintérêt pour la matière. Nous défendons ici une approche unitaire de l'accession. En reconsidérant les hypothèses où il est légitime de parler d'accession, il apparaît que ses effets quant à la propriété de l'accessoire ne sont pas dictés par la matière mais bien par le droit positif, qui impose le maintien de l'unité structurelle ou économique formée par deux biens par-delà la divergence de leur appropriation. L'accession est donc une règle juridique à part entière qu'il faut expliquer. Concrètement, l'union des biens provoque un conflit entre leur propriétaire respectif, lesquels ne peuvent plus user de leur chose de manière exclusive, conflit qui sera résolu par l'éviction du propriétaire de l'accessoire. Techniquement, cette éviction est la conséquence du rejet de l'action en revendication qu'il intente contre le propriétaire du principal. Mais cette action n'est rejetée que dans la mesure où elle vise à une restitution en nature : elle peut donc prospérer en valeur. L'indemnité versée au titre de l'accession apparaît alors comme la revendication en valeur de l'accessoire par son propriétaire. Est ainsi assurée l'unité du mécanisme de l'accession dans ses deux effets majeurs, éviction et indemnisation du propriétaire de l'accessoire.
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Komparace vybraných balkánských zemí (Slovinsko, Chorvatsko, Srbsko) / Comparison of Selected Balkan States (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia)Malkovský, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Content of this thesis is comparison of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia from following points of view - development after disintegration of common state, their transformation processes and accession negotiations with the European Union. It explains the reasons for current different positions of compared states and brings forecasts for their future development.
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Accession à la propriété et modes de vie en maison individuelle des familles modestes installées en périurbain lointain toulousain. Les "captifs" du périurbain?Rougé, Lionel 14 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse interroge, à partir d'une enquête compréhensive, les modes de vie des pavillonnaires toulousains et plus particulièrement ceux dont l'installation s'avère fortement contrainte par les conditions du marché immobilier et foncier. Si l'espace périurbain demeure le lieu de vie des couches moyennes, il s'est socialement diversifié, en particulier sous l'effet de la diffusion de l'accession sociale. Alors que pour bon nombre de périurbains, vivre en maison individuelle en périurbain correspond à une volonté de maîtrise de son environnement, pour les familles modestes rencontrées, l'acquisition d'un pavillon et sa localisation sont bien loin d'y répondre et nécessite une très forte mobilisation. Le décalage est grand entre la promesse d'une tranquillité et de bonnes relations sociales qui sous-tend l'accession à la maison individuelle en périurbain et le vécu de certains ménages fragilisés économiquement qui se sentent « captifs ». Ce questionnement autour de l'habiter, montre les limites d'un modèle très prégnant dans la société française, celui de la maison individuelle en périurbain.
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" / how Education And Training Policy Of The European Union Operates On Education In Turkey-case Of Sub-programme Comenius- Multilateral Projects"Yagmurlu, Filiz 01 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes EU' / s education and training policy together with EU-Turkey relations and Turkey' / s path in candidacy regarding the education and training policy. Treaty base of the European Union Education and Training Policy together with is chronological development and its institutions of ET policy, the benchmarks in education and training, strategic objectives and European Union and Education Youth Programmes will be discussed. Moreover, since Helsinki, Turkey' / s legislative regulations and adaptations, institutional arrangement and changes, national and regional projects/campaign in line with the EU' / s education objectives, programmes and funds benefitted will be examined with a case study, this thesis will be trace the impact of education and training action programmes on education in Turkey within the context of impact on personal and professional development, impact on institutional cooperation and capacity building.
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Public Administration Reform In The Context Of The European Union Enlargement Process: The Hungarian And Turkish CasesSener, Hasan Engin 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, administrative reform in the EU accession process was analysed with reference to the cases of Hungary and Turkey. The main goal of this study is to show that both objective (economy) and subjective (politics) factors are
important and acceding countries to have room to manoeuvre in the context of the social-liberal framework of the EU. To this end, necessary causality between neoliberal administrative reform and EU accession, and determinism in the
enlargement process, which leaves no room to manoeuvre for candidate countries, are denied. In conclusion, it is seen that since there is no public administration model, candidate countries are free to determine the content of the administrative reforms within the framework of general principles set by the EU. Moreover, it is found that the EU accession process is closely related to modernisation of the
public administration system in the candidate countries and administrative reform has been overlapped and equalized to EU accession. Finally, it is understood that administrative reform with its extensive content, caused centralisation.
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A Constructivist Analysis Of Turkey-eu Relations Within The Context Of Five Phase Spiral Model:Tezer, Ozgur 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The 1990' / s witnessed the emergence of Constructivist approach in the
International Relations theory. Constructivism rejecting the rationalist precepts
of Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism brought a sociological point of view to the
world politics mentioned the role of ideational factors in the constitution process
of interests and identities.
Constructivism assumes that there is a mutual constitution process
between states and normative structures in which states internalized existing
international societal norms with efforts of international non-state actors seen as
active teachers guiding states to initiate policies that are congruent with
international civilized norms of behaviour. Today human rights are defined as
civilized normative patterns.
At this point five phase spiral model reveals itself and introduces
explanations for how states understand, interpret and internalize international
human rights norms. The model assumes that target state' / s identity, interest and
behaviors are influenced by international human rights norms as it progresses
through the model' / s five phased spiral process. The model in this process
emphasizes roles and efforts of international organizations.
This work assesses the usefulness of the five phase spiral model and
Constructivism as an explanation of the changes in the Turkish government&rsquo / s
human rights practices. As case study effect of the European Union over
normative transformation in the field of human rights in Turkey will be given.
The thesis bringing criticisms to the model&rsquo / s assumptions in Turkey case will
assert that Turkey, from the 1980 Military intervention to the end of 2007 has
made progressive steps in line with the phases mentioned in the spiral model.
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The lived experience of economic migration in the narratives of migrants from post-communist Poland to BritainKozlowska, Olga January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the lived experience of economic migration of young and degree level educated migrants from Poland to Britain. The main aim is to explore how the participants of economic migration within the borders of the European Union experience migrating. The special feature of this migration is the fact that they leave a postcommunist country and come to a country with a well established capitalist economy and long-standing democracy. The particular questions are: how these migrants construct their experience of migrating, are they faced with any problems while doing it, and if so - how do they resolve them? The data comes from twenty-two semi-structured interviews with migrants educated to degree level who were residents and worked in one of the regions of England at a professional level or below their qualifications (manual or simple clerical work). The research utilises the critical discourse analysis perspective; the data is approached with analysis focused on linguistic choices (lexical and grammatical) evident in the respondents’ statements. This kind of analysis enables observation and in-depth interpretation of the way experiences of migrating are constructed. The migrants’ narratives were full of discursive struggle while constructing their experience of migrating. Firstly, the interviewees made an effort to present their migration as rational. Secondly, they were trying to rationalise their financial needs to refute accusations of greed for money. Thirdly, the underemployed migrants justified their employment choices by distancing themselves from work below that which they were qualified for. Fourthly, the interviewees were making an attempt to withdraw from a multicultural community by constructing the negative Other. Exploring lived experience of living and working abroad reveals competitive discourses and ways of coping with ambivalence. Understanding these discursive practices requires knowledge of their beliefs and values that underpin the discourses available in the Polish postcommunist society. Overall, the narratives overflowed with dilemmas that showed this migration as more complicated on an individual level than the official discourse of free movement of people in the EU suggests. This thesis captures the migrants’ lived experience within one year after the EU enlargement; it reflects on the narratives being shaped when migrants were given the opportunity to introduce the new discourses on migration or re-think the old ones as a result of new macro-processes in the European Union. This research complements other studies exploring migrants’ voices in search of insight into what their experiences were and how they made sense out of them. However, with the methodology used, it focuses more on uncovering the struggle over arguments available to build their stories. It offers explanation to their discursive practices by analysing them against the discourses as being products of postcommunism. The study’s results may shed more light on recent processes within this group of migrants and also inform institutional policy and practice about problems affecting members of this group, reported in this thesis.
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Competitiveness of Polish Milk Processing Industry During the Integration to the European Union / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Polnischen Milchverarbeitungsindustrie während Polens Integration in die Europäische UnionGuba, Waldemar 20 June 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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