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Zhodnocení přístupu turecké vládní strany Spravedlnosti a rozvoje (AKP) k přistoupení k EU / The Evaluation of the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) approach to the EUPolách, Vladislav January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the attitude of Justice and Development party (AKP) towards the European Union (EU). Moravcsik's Theory of Liberal Intergovernmentalism (LI) is used in the thesis for the evaluation. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first chapter introduces two main theoretical attitudes which deal with process of EU enlargement. These two main approaches are Rational and Constructivist theoretical schools. The basic arguments of these two attitudes are used in several different particular theories. The first theoretical chapter is concluded by empirical limitations of constructivist approach in a case of the Eastern Enlargement. The second chapter is devoted to methodology. It justifies selection of the LI theory as well as selects main dependent and independent variables. Two other chapters pursue empirical part of the thesis while they reflect the logic of the LI theory. The empirical chapter focuses on Turkish domestic politics, especially on the AKP's position within this sphere. Rational behavior of AKP representatives is evaluated in the very first part of this chapter. Two other subchapters are devoted to the interconnection among the AKP and Turkish business interest groups and Turkish public opinion as well as their stance towards the EU....
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Discrepancies in European Union Pre-accession Evaluations : An Assessment of the European Commission’s Progress Reports / Discrepancies in European Union Pre-accession Evaluations : A Case Study of Albania and North MacedoniaGustafsson Hall, Joel January 2020 (has links)
This study investigated whether EU Progress Reports measured the Copenhagen political criteria in a biased manner compared to independent indices. At stake is the credibility of the EU accession process and whether countries in the Western Balkans will seek partnerships with the EU or state-actors beyond the European peninsula. This is a case study of how well Albania and North Macedonia fared regarding the political criteria during 2014 and 2017. Each country was ranked against one another in order to find potential discrepancies between measurements from Progress Reports and independent indices. This paper did find evidence that suggests the European Commission disfavored North Macedonia and favored Albania. However, other results were inconclusive. The finding supported accession literature that has called into question the objectivity of the EU accession process.
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No description available.
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Conditionalizing Conduct: Political Economy and the Limits to Governance in European Union EnlargementShelton, Joel Trent 21 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation argues that European Union membership conditionality operates as a modality of political-economic governance directed at securing the conditions of possibility for a harmoniously functioning political economy of Europe. I argue that conditionality can best be understood not as a series of requirements for EU membership, a set of incentives for rule adoption, or a vehicle for the transmission of European norms to candidate states, but as an ensemble of discursive and material practices – fragile, dispersed circuits of governmental activity directed at a particular strategic ambition. I argue that existing accounts of EU membership conditionality are informed by predominantly rationalist understandings of political economy which work to conceal various cultural, social, and subjective sources of disharmony in political-economic life. Thinking about the political economy of conditionality through rationalist lenses privileges the study of bargaining and negotiation and institutional reform and overlooks the ways that conditionality targets the transformation of problematic socio-cultural and subjective elements of political economy – among them particular habits of culture, patterns of sociality, and subjective qualities and capacities of the person deemed essential to securing order and abundance. Re-reading canonical works in classical and critical traditions of political economy by James Steuart, Adam Smith, and Karl Marx makes clear that political economy as a field of knowledge and practice has long been concerned with understanding the political, legislative-legal, institutional, socio-cultural, and subjective conditions of possibility for securing order and abundance and has long reflected on the potential and limits of governance to secure these conditions in a world of shifting circumstance. I argue that a political economy of EU membership conditionality concerned with disharmony should investigate the ways that particular socio-cultural and subjective features of political-economic life are problematized in the discourse of conditionality and subsequently targeted for transformation through the work of instruments and agents of conditionality operating in a variety of institutional contexts. On this basis, I analyze conditionality as practice – tracing the emergence of instruments of conditionality currently at work in the Republic of Macedonia through official documents produced by the EU and the Republic of Macedonia from 2001-2011. I then examine the ambitions and limits of the Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (OP-HRD) – a program tasked with translating the aims of conditionality on paper into concrete activities for implementation in the fields of employment, education and training, and social inclusion. I outline some limits to the program derived from personal interviews with officials of the EU and the Republic of Macedonia who work to implement the OP-HRD "on the ground." In reflecting on these limitations, I return to the political economy of disharmony, concluding that constraints on the operation of conditionality in practice are not merely the product of technical and political impediments but are also derived from inherent limits to the old dream of political-economic harmony to which the ambitions of conditionality are ultimately directed. / Ph. D.
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Survival analysis and accession optimization of prior enlisted United States Marine Corps officersHoglin, Phillip J. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The purpose of this thesis is to firstly analyze the determinants on the survival of United States Marine Corps Officers, and secondly, to develop the methodology to optimize the accessions of prior and non-prior enlisted officers. Using data from the Marine Corps Officer Accession Career file (MCCOAC), the Cox Proportional Hazards Model is used to estimate the effects of officer characteristics on their survival as a commissioned officer in the USMC. A Markov model for career transition is combined with fiscal data to determine the optimum number of prior and non-prior enlisted officers under the constraints of force structure and budget. The findings indicate that prior enlisted officers have a better survival rate than their non-prior enlisted counterparts. Additionally, officers who are married, commissioned through MECEP, graduate in the top third of their TBS class, and are assigned to a combat support MOS have a better survival rate than officers who are unmarried, commissioned through USNA, graduate in the middle third of their TBS class, and are assigned to either combat or combat service support MOS. The findings also indicate that the optimum number of prior enlisted officer accessions may be considerably lower than recent trends and may differ across MOS. Based on the findings; it is recommended that prior enlisted officer accession figures be reviewed. / Major, Australian Army
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Sûretés réelles et droit des biens / Securities and property lawGijsbers, Charles 08 December 2012 (has links)
Propriété, droit réel sur la chose d’autrui, opposabilité, droit de suite, droit de préférence, exclusivité, meubles, immeubles, accession, accessoire, subrogation réelle, fongibilité, universalité, etc. la liste est longue des concepts forgés par le droit des biens que sollicitent les sûretés réelles, non parfois sans les malmener, afin d’atteindre leur finalité propre qu’est la garantie du paiement des créances de somme d’argent. Après plusieurs thèses, articles et monographies consacrés à tel ou tel aspect de ces interactions, la présente thèse livre une étude globale des rapports noués entre les deux disciplines afin de mettre en évidence leurs points de rencontre, leurs points de divergence et, le cas échéant, de possibles enrichissements réciproques. / Property, real rights, tracing, exclusive possession, movables, immovables, accession, accessory obligation, real subrogation, fungibles, funds, etc. are a few of the many concepts forged by property law that are used and sometimes misused, in the law relating to security transactions. The misuse of such concepts in the latter area of law can be attributed to the different purpose that underlies such transactions, being specifically the guaranteeing of debt repayment. After several theses, essays and monographs have been devoted to particular aspects of these interactions between property law and the law surrounding security transactions, this thesis delivers a comprehensive study about the relationship established between the two areas of law, and will highlight their points of convergence, points of divergence and mutual efficiency.
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Le partenariat oriental de l'Union européenne et les pays du Caucase du Sud / The Eastern Partnership of the European Union and the countries of South Caucasus.Mousisian, Houry 07 December 2016 (has links)
Par l’élaboration du Partenariat oriental en 2009, l’Union européenne (Union) cherche à renforcer ses relations avec les pays du Caucase du Sud. Son objectif est de créer un cadre juridique nouveau afin de susciter un saut qualitatif d’une partie de la politique européenne de voisinage (PEV), lancée en 2003 en direction des pays voisins. Il s’agit d’aboutir à un niveau de relations à mi-chemin entre l’association et l’adhésion à l’Union. Il est notamment prévu une multitude d’instruments normatifs et opérationnels, des institutions propres qui s’ajoutent à celles de l’Union et l’efficacité repose sur des principes juridiques fondamentaux que sont : la conditionnalité, la différenciation, l’appropriation commune et la responsabilité mutuelle. Cette thèse a pour finalité d’étudier de quelle manière, à travers le Partenariat oriental, l’Union améliore son influence normative auprès des pays du Caucase du Sud et de voir comment s’opère l’incorporation de l’acquis communautaire de l’Union dans le droit respectif de ces pays. / By elaborating the « Eastern Partnership » in 2009 in Prague, the European Union (EU) seeks to strengthen its relations with the countries of the South Caucasus. Its objective is to create a new legal framework to stimulate a qualitative leap of part of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), launched in 2003 to neighboring countries. This is to achieve a level halfway relations between the association and the membership of the Union. This shall include a multitude of normative and operational instruments, institutions own in addition to those of the Union and effectiveness is based on fundamental legal principles are: conditionality, differentiation and joint ownership mutual accountability. This thesis aims to explore how, through the Eastern Partnership, the EU improves its normative influence with the South Caucasus countries and see how operates the incorporation of the acquis communautaire of the Union in the respective right of these countries.
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賽普勒斯加入歐盟之研究邱智皇 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年,賽普勒斯向歐盟提出入會申請。賽普勒斯入會案,為其本身之政治分裂問題、聯合國調停行動,以及土耳其、希臘、歐盟三方關係,投下新的變數。在歐盟第五波擴大的十個新會員國當中,賽普勒斯之政治情況最為特殊,所牽涉之議題最為廣泛。本文旨在研究賽普勒斯加入歐盟之過程,並分析其動機、影響其入會過程之變數、以及入會後所產生之影響。 / As a small island located in the East Mediterranean, Cyprus decolonized from British domination in 1960. It was named The Republic of Cyprus. The perennial political distemper in the country is derived from contending for political powers and living resources between the two main ethnic groups – the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In 1974, after the constitutional crisis of Cyprus, the Turkish army invaded the northern part of the country and occupied 36.4% of its territory. Thereupon Cyprus became a divided country.
In 1990, the Cyprus government applied to the European Union for membership. Cyprus’ application for EU membership had unprecedented effects on Cyprus’ political problem, particularly for UN mediation in Cyprus and the tripartite relationship between Greece, Turkey and the EU. Compared to the nine new member states that joined the EU in 2004, Cyprus is in the most complicated political situation. This thesis focuses on Cyprus’ accession to the EU. The author analyzes Cyprus’ motivation for its application for EU membership, variables which affect its accessing process and the effects after joining the EU.
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Ein Drachenkampf auf PergamentHaffner, Thomas 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Mittelalterliche Pergamentkodizes sind äußerst kostbar und werden selten im Antiquariatshandel angeboten. Spektakuläre Erwerbungen wie die Nibelungen-Handschrift C (Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe) oder die Ottheinrich-Bibel (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München) sind große Ausnahmen, möglich nur unter Aufwendung außerplanmäßiger Mittel undmit finanzieller Unterstützung von Sponsoren und Stiftungen. Heute gilt jede mittelalterliche Handschrift als einzigartiges Zeugnis – sei es für die durch sie überlieferten Texte und Bilder, sei es für ihr historisch-kulturelles Umfeld. Diese Wertschätzung erfuhren mittelalterliche Handschriften nicht zu allen Zeiten. Mit zunehmender Verbreitung gedruckter Bücher verloren sie in der frühen Neuzeit ihre Funktion als Informationsträger und wurden oft nur noch ihres Beschreibstoffes, des Pergaments wegen geschätzt, das vor allem die Buchbinder gut gebrauchen konnten. Auf diese Weise sind unzählige Fragmente entstanden, die mitunter ebenso wertvoll sein können wie vollständig erhaltene Kodizes, vor allem dann, wenn es sich um singuläre Text- / Bildzeugen handelt oder wenn dadurch andere Fragmente ergänzt werden können.
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Bibliotheks-Kultur20 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bibliotheken bilden im Verbund mit den Archiven und Museen den Ort der kulturellen Überlieferung eines Landes. Der Auftrag der Sammlung, Vermittlung und langfristigen Sicherung kultureller Überlieferung schließt auch in der Gegenwart den kontinuierlichen Erwerb historischer Medien ein. Mit den hier exemplarisch vorgestellten Erwerbungen stärken die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig und die SLUB Dresden jeweils bereits vorhandene Sammlungskerne.
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