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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'entretien d'accompagnement : développement humain et maîtrise des situations dynamiques / The accompaniment interview : human development and dynamic situations mastery

Serreau, Yann 20 November 2017 (has links)
Le contexte sociétal du travail et de la formation professionnelle évolue : logiques de projet plutôt que de métier, individualisation des parcours, pertes des repères identitaires traditionnels, etc. Le développement des formations par apprentissage est l’une des réponses apportées par l’enseignement supérieur aux problématiques posées. Les spécificités de l’alternance génèrent un besoin d’accompagnement, alors que cette fonction est peu développée. Assurer la professionnalisation des enseignants nécessite de mieux caractériser cette activité d’accompagnement afin de pouvoir former les acteurs. Peu de publications décrivent la façon dont sont conduits les entretiens d’accompagnement. Cette thèse vise à contribuer à cette connaissance en s’appuyant sur les cadres de la didactique professionnelle et de la maîtrise des situations dynamiques. La collecte et l’analyse des données a été organisée autour « d’entretiens sur autodebrief » dans lesquels les accompagnateurs pointent ce en quoi leur compétence a particulièrement été sollicitée lors d’un entretien. Cette méthode a principalement permis d’analyser l’activité de quatre accompagnateurs, en référence à 17 entretiens avec 16 accompagnés au sein d’un grand organisme de formation d’ingénieurs par apprentissage. Les résultats montrent que la conduite de l’entretien d’accompagnement peut être appréhendée comme la maîtrise par l’accompagnateur de la situation dynamique d’entretien. Cette dernière peut être caractérisée à son tour comme ayant pour but d’aider l’accompagné à la maîtrise des situations dynamiques liées à son projet de formation (dont celles du métier préparé). La conduite des entretiens observés peut se décrire en cinq sous-activités : introduction, diagnostic, invitation à une adaptation, pilotage et conclusion. Elle est organisée autour de deux concepts majeurs que sont la cohérence et l’adaptation. Elle mobilise une figure de l’accompagné type ainsi que des schémas opératifs et une bibliothèque d’invariants qui peut être synthétisée dans des repères génériques pour la conduite d’un entretien. / The societal context of work and vocational training is evolving. Training is more individualized, orientated towards missions and projects, rather than focused on traditional roles, professions or jobs. The development of block release training (apprenticeships) is one of the responses of higher education to the issues raised. The specificities of the alternation generate a need for support for the apprentice; however, this function is underdeveloped. To ensure the professionalization of teachers, this training activity needs to be better defined. Few publications describe how accompaniment interviews should be conducted. This thesis aims to contribute to this knowledge by relying on two frameworks: science of professional education and dynamic situations mastery. The collection and analysis of data were organized around “autodebrief interviews” during which the accompanists identified the specific skills they needed during an interview. This method mainly allowed the analysis of the activity of four accompanists, with reference to 17 interviews with 16 apprentices within a large higher education organization of engineering by apprenticeship. The results show that the conduct of the accompanying interviews can be seen as the accompanists having control of the dynamic situation of the interview. This last can be characterized as designed to help the accompanied to control the dynamic situations related to their training project (which are specific to their profession). The observed interviews can be broken down into five sub-activities: introduction, diagnosis, invitation to an adjustment, control and conclusion. It is organized around two major concepts: coherence and adaptation. It mobilizes the profile of the accompanied, operative patterns and a library of invariants which can be synthesized by generic markers for the conduct of an interview.

Duchovní doprovázení v salesiánské spiritualitě / Spiritual Accompaniment in the Salesian Spirituality

BOŠTÍK, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The thesis defines the term of spiritual accompaniment which is nowadays realized in the Salesian spirituality. Firstly, it introduces some characteristics of the 21st century which influence modern people´s lives. Then spiritual accompaniment and the Salesian spirituality based on the ideas of St. Francis de Sales and St. John Bosco are defined. In the following chapters it is explained how spiritual accompaniment helps to fulfil the Salesian mission and how the method of preventive system is used for accompaniment. It also presents the skills which a person trying to accompany others should have. Activities, in which the Salesian spiritual accompaniment is carried out, are introduced in the next part. In conclusion, several ways of realisation of spiritual accompaniment are suggested.

Cesar Camargo Mariano, Cristovão Bastos e Gilson Peranzzetta : uma analise musical das tecnicas de acompanhamento pianistico na musica popular brasileira no final do seculo XX

Garotti Junior, Jether Benevides 23 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Rafael Carvalho dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T14:40:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GarottiJunior_JetherBenevides_M.pdf: 5448369 bytes, checksum: bca435d86d6e616b6b91d4ad580f91d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A presente dissertação tem por propósito investigar os elementos constituintes da elaboração do acompanhamento pianístico na música popular brasileira na segunda metade do século XX, através de análises de entrevistas e de peças de piano e voz, transcritas de gravações feitas pela cantora Leny Andrade com os pianistas César Camargo Mariano, Cristóvão Bastos e com Gilson Peranzzeta. Partindo do próprio conceito de acompanhamento, de sua definição e exemplificação no cenário musical, esta pesquisa procura mostrar também seus desdobramentos no mercado de trabalho ¿ como a definição e atuação do termo ideman nos dias de hoje. Aspectos comportamentais são também analisados aqui e colocados frente à prática do acompanhamento pianístico e de seus praticantes, na medida em que todos acionam processos simultâneos de influência e respeito mútuos. Dessa forma, as conclusões desta pesquisa servirão para descrever de maneira mais detalhada e minuciosa todo o processo que envolve essa atividade musical, tão interiorizada1 para muitos que a praticam e, ao mesmo tempo, tão superficialmente compreendida por outros que tentam praticá-la / Abstract: The main purpose of the present dissertation is to investigate the elements that constitute the development of pianistic accompaniment in Brazilian popular music in the second half of the twentieth century. This will be carried out through the analysis of interviews and pieces for piano and voice, transcribed from recordings made by female singer Leny Andrade with pianists César Camargo Mariano, Cristóvão Bastos, and Gilson Peranzzeta. Based on the concept of accompaniment and its definition and exemplification in the music scene, this study aims also to show its extensions in the labor market ¿ like the definition for the term ¿sideman¿ and the sideman¿s present role. Behavioral aspects are also analyzed and applied to the practice of pianistic accompaniment and its performers, as all carry out simultaneous processes of mutual influence and respect. Therefore, the conclusions drawn from this study will help describe in more detail and more thoroughly the whole process envolved in this musical pursuit, which for many performers is so internalized, albeit so superficially understood by others who attempt to accomplish it / Mestrado / Fundamentos Teoricos / Mestre em Música

Construção da carreira de egressos de um serviço de orientação profissional: um estudo de acompanhamento / Career Construction of those who attended a Professional Guidance Service: a follow-up study.

Laura de Oliveira Marangoni 23 June 2017 (has links)
A Orientação Profissional e de Carreira, como domínio teórico e prático, vem passando por várias mudanças ao longo de um século. Paradigmas desenvolvimentistas e mais construtivistas ganharam destaque, focalizando a construção da carreira com ênfase em maior flexibilidade, adaptabilidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Para compreender os processos, estudos do tipo follow-up são úteis. Neste estudo, questões são formuladas sobre as trajetórias profissionais, sobre as narrativas de egressos do atendimento em Orientação Profissional, sobre as articulações possíveis entre conteúdos obtidos por diferentes estratégias e em diferentes momentos da carreira. Assim, este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, visa analisar as narrativas de egressos de um Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP), compreender as histórias produzidas por meio do instrumento BBT-Br e desvelar a memória que permaneceu do processo de Orientação Profissional. Os participantes foram atendidos entre os anos de 2004 e 2009. Foram entrevistados 12 egressos, tendo como critérios para a inclusão na amostra determinadas condições na época do atendimento: a) cursar o ensino médio ou curso preparatório para o vestibular, (b) ter sido atendido em grupo no intervalo em 5 e 10 anos, anteriormente ao início desta investigação; (c) encontrar-se na situação problemática/de resolução ou na pré-dilemática/dilemática, e (d) ter o registro de alguma profissão ao final do processo de orientação. Para a obtenção de dados foram utilizados os instrumentos: (a) roteiro de triagem; (b) histórico do atendimento; (c) história das cinco fotos preferidas do Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT-Br); e (d) registros da entrevista de acompanhamento. A análise dos dados foi embasada nos referenciais teórico desenvolvimentista da Teoria da Construção da Carreira de Savickas e da Construção da Vida (Life Design) de Duarte e colaboradores. Os dados foram organizados e analisados de acordo com as seguintes categorias: (a) caminho imaginado e o caminho traçado - história do BBT-Br e resumo biográfico; (b) dificuldades encontradas nas trajetórias e recursos pessoais e contextuais para a solução dos problemas; (c) planos para o futuro: compreensão de si, expectativas, e atividades significativas; e (d) memórias da orientação profissional e possíveis influências. Os resultados mostram que há coerência e continuidade nas narrativas de construção da vida/carreira, corroborando as bases teóricas utilizadas. E que os conteúdos das narrativas no BBT-Br apresentam relações com os temas de vida obtidos por meio de outras estratégias. As redes de apoio exercem papel importante, mas não são suficientes se os comportamentos não forem adaptativos. E, a maioria dos participantes relata possuir lembranças do processo de Orientação Profissional, creditando os ganhos com a experiência como aprendizagem transferível para outros momentos, sobretudo quando precisam fazer uso das competências para a comunicação e as decisões relativas à construção da vida/carreira. / Vocational and Career Guidance, as a theoretical and practical domain, has been substantially changing over the last century. Developmental and more constructivist paradigms are promote, focusing on career building and, under this scope, emphasizing greater flexibility, adaptability and lifelong learning. To understand these processes, follow-up studies are useful. In this study, questions were formulated on the professional trajectories, on the egress reports from people who undertook Professional Guidance Services (SOP), and on the possible articulations among contents obtained by different strategies and at different moments of the career. Thus, this exploratory, qualitative study aims to analyze the egress reports of those who attended a SOP, to understand the stories produced through the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br) instrument and to uncover the remaining memory of these people regarding the career guidance. The researcher interviewed twelve people, who attended between 2004 and 2009. The criteria for inclusion in the sample were the following specific conditions at the time of attendance: a) to be enrolled at a high school or at a preparatory course for the University Entrance Examination; (b) to have participated in SOP Group sessions between five and ten years before the beginning of this survey; (c) to be in the problematic/resolution or pre-dilemma/dilemma situation; and (d) to register a profession at the end of the orientation process. The following instruments were used to obtain the data: (a) screening script; (b) service history; (c) history of the five favorite photos of the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br); and (d) records of the follow-up interview. The data analysis was based on the developmental theoretical framework of the Career Construction Theory of Savickas and the Life Design of Duarte et al. The data were organized and analyzed according to the following categories: (a) imagined path and the path actually followed - BBT-Br history and biographical summary; (b) difficulties faced in the trajectories and personal and contextual resources for problem solving; (c) plans for the future: self-understanding, expectations, and meaningful activities; and (d) memories and possible influences of the career guidance. The results show that there is coherence and continuity in the life/career construction narratives, corroborating the theoretical bases used, and that the contents of the narratives in the BBT-Br are congruent with the life themes obtained through other strategies. In addition, support networks play an important role, but are insufficient if the behavior is not adaptive. Finally, most participants report having memories of the career guidance process, acknowledging the gains from the experience as transferable learning to other moments, especially when they need to use communication skills and make decisions regarding life/career building.

L'accompagnement individuel des élèves par le Conseiller Principal d'Education, entre éthique et responsabilité : étude compréhensive d'une posture en tension / Pupils individual accompaniment by the dean of studies (educational principal counselor C.P.E. in French) between ethics and responsibility : a comprehensive research about a position with tension

Mikaïloff, Nathalie 02 December 2015 (has links)
Le Conseiller Principal d’Éducation (C.P.E.), figure d’une division du travail éducatif dans l’établissement scolaire du second degré, participe dans son champ de compétences spécifiques, à l’accompagnement du parcours scolaire des élèves sur les plans pédagogique et éducatif. L’entretien individuel constitue une activité privilégiée de ce suivi de l’élève, dans un contexte professionnel où le C.P.E. reste soumis à des représentations faussées de son métier liées à son histoire. En questionnant sa posture face à des attentes parfois contradictoires de l’institution, ce travail de recherche propose une démarche compréhensive pour tenter de comprendre comment le C.P.E. peut engager une relation d’accompagnement individuel tout en exerçant ses responsabilités d’organisation de la vie collective dans l’établissement. Il s’inscrit dans un cadre théorique qui définit le concept d’accompagnement en lien avec les notions d’éthique et de responsabilité. La méthode, d’inspiration phénoménologique, s’appuie sur des entretiens de recherche visant à recueillir le récit du vécu de professionnels, suivis d’une étude confirmatoire par questionnaire. Les résultats mettent en évidence la cohabitation de trois types de posture chez le C.P.E. accompagnant l’élève à différents moments pédagogiques de leur rencontre : celles intimement liées du compagnon, qui lui porte une attention bienveillante, et de l’accompagnateur qui se charge d’étayer son parcours ; la figure du guide intervient pour inscrire l’action individualisée dans un cadre socialisant. La relation d’accompagnement s’enrichit en outre de la création de collectifs de travail au sein de l’établissement. / Deans of studies (educational principal counselor : C.P.E. in French) play a key part in French high schools as they supervise and support pupils in their educational and learning training. They carry out their training supervision mostly with individual interviews of the pupils, this takes place in a professional context in which deans of studies suffer from misrepresentations about what their jobs consist in, misrepresentations often inherited from the history of their role in schools. By questioning the Deans’ position when sometimes confronted with contradictory expectations from the institution, this research aims at presenting a comprehensive approach about in trying to understand how deans can commit themselves in a personal supervising relationship with pupils while at the same time being responsible for organizing collective life in schools. It lies within the theoretical concept of accompaniment linked to the notions of ethics and responsibility. The method is inspired by the phenomenological principle and supported by research interviews to collect stories of professional lives, followed by an online survey for audit. The results reveal three kinds of professional positions for C.P.E. accompanying pupils at different moments during their training. The first position, one of a companion in a caring relationship, and the supervisor supporting the pupil in his training, are linked to one another. The guide acts so as to make a personalized action fall within the scope of a socializing frame. Indeed the supervising relationship gets improved to the seting up of collective workshops in the schools.

Le rôle des associations professionnelles/organisations patronales dans la mise à niveau des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) algériennes / The role of the professional associations and employers' organizations in the upgrade of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) Algerians

Ayad, Atmane 12 July 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif de déterminer le rôle des associations professionnelles / organisations patronales dans l’accompagnement des entrepreneurs. La méthodologie étant l’étude de cas, une approche qualitative est adoptée. Pour mettre en exergue le rôle essentiel de ces acteurs qui consiste à accompagner l’entrepreneur et son entreprise d’acquérir le suivi et le savoir-faire. Dans l’ambition de gérer l’autonomie de son entreprise sur le long terme. Cette analyse montre que ces AP/OP sont effectivement présentes, mais le point faible de ses dispositifs est pour l'instant l'accompagnement et la formation. Ainsi, participer dans l’opinion de l’assemblée générale au sein de haute instance d’état et la grande manifestation économique internationale. Cette participation entre dans le cadre du développement économique de l’environnement de la PME et sa mise à niveau par les organisations du soutien comme l’ANDI, le CNC PME, … / This research has for objective to determine the role of associations’ professionals / employers' organizations in the accompaniment of the contractors. The methodology being the case study, a qualitative approach is adopted. To highlight the essential role of these actors this consists in accompanying the contractor and his company to acquire the follow-up and the know-how. In the ambition to manage the autonomy of his company on the long term. This analysis shows that these AP / OP are effectively present, but the weak point of its devices is at the moment the accompaniment and the formation. So, participate in the opinion of the general assembly within high authority of state and the great international economic appearance. This participation enters within the framework of the economic development of the environment of the SME and its upgrade by the organizations of the support as the ANDI, the CNC SME …

A style discussion of Kahlolo, Let_at_i, and Vocalise Africa by Alexander Frederick Johnson

Ibiayo, Oluwakayode Samson January 2019 (has links)
South African composer, Alexander Johnson is a prolific and outstanding figure among his contemporaries. His numerous works and contributions to South African classical and indigenous music is worthy of mention. Over the years, he has been recognised both locally and internationally for his contributions by receiving numerous awards, honorary positions, as well as commissions. His works have been performed both locally and internationally. Johnson’s compositional style mostly features diverse musical elements and devices from the post-tonal era. He also utilises special and unique compositional techniques in his works which give him a ‘signature.’ This study discusses and disseminates brief information on Johnson’s biography, as well as a catalogue of the composer’s published works. Most importantly, the three works in this study namely Kahlolo, Let_at_i, and Vocalise Africa feature Johnson’s unique interpretation of South African music in the twenty-first century. This study focuses on exploring the background of the three chosen works, and the inspiration behind the creation of these works. Furthermore, the compositional techniques employed by the composer, as well as the distinguishing features of his compositional style are also discussed. This study additionally aims to trace and disseminate similarities between the three respective works as well as analyse the three selected pieces with regard to mostly harmonic devices and techniques, melody, rhythm, form structure, texture, and registration for organ music. Each piece is comprehensively discussed separately, with emphasis on the above topics. Further research in the future could entail a study on style discussion of Johnson’s more recent compositions in other genres and instrumentation. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Music / MMus / Unrestricted

Revitalizace vybraného úseku toku / Revitalisation of river

Kult, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my project was revitalization of the selected section of the watercourse. The subject of revitalizing modifications is the reduction slope of the bottom, supplemented by a catchment grades and a boulder slip. Other modification is reducing the tendency of banks and new draft of accompanying vegetation.

Revitalizace vybrané části vodního toku / Revitalization of River

Odehnalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of revitalization on the selected parts of the water course. Assessment of current condition and channel capacity and design of revitalization measures were made on a water course Veverka on the part of the river kilometer 0.650 - 1.000. This thesis first deals with the revitalization of historical aspect. When and why become to regulation of flows and what reasons leads to the effort to restore natural flows, the near-natural appearance. In the theoretical part is introduced an overview of revitalization measures with their brief description. The work includes the design of several revitalization measures: stabilization of slopes and bank scours fascine-gravel drum, wattle work and hand-placed rubble, removing dead wood, restoration of beaching and planting of vegetation accompaniment.

The Piano as an Orchestra: The Accompanist and the Twentieth-Century Orchestral Reduction

Lington, Victoria DiMaggio 08 1900 (has links)
The musical developments of the 20th century have expanded the role of the accompanist. As the compositional output of our time increases, and the opportunity to perform as soloist with an orchestra diminishes, piano reductions of an orchestral score are becoming the most frequent vehicle for concerto performances of twentieth and twenty-first century instrumental literature. While the current state of research provides solid support to many accompanists, it is in the area of instrumental accompanying, especially with regard to the challenges of playing a reduction of an orchestral score with an instrumental soloist, that the lack of discourse becomes strikingly evident. It is the goal of this study to provide the instrumental accompanist with concrete, practical approaches and considerations in order to perform an orchestral reduction in a manner consistent with the integrity of the score. Problems such as identifying the represented orchestral instruments, delineating importance of musical lines, and basic uses and misuses of pedal, articulation, and rubato are discussed. The pianist is led through ways of deciphering and negotiating specific passages, in order to guide the accompanist through the possible pitfalls and challenges unique to many orchestral reductions. By focusing on twentieth century reductions, providing examples of problems and discussing ways to solve them, the pianist will able to apply these to any reduction encountered, not just those specifically illustrated here. These basic principles of discerning common problems and appropriately reconciling them are then applied in a more advanced form to Robert Nelson's Concertino for Baritone Saxophone (1996). Through commentary from the composer, and a comparison of the orchestral score to the reduced piano score, the accompanist will explore detailed techniques of performing this work in a manner that upholds the original “orchestral” intent of the music.

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