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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnitřní účetní předpisy firmy / Internal accounting guidelines of company

Indrová, Vladislava January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to internal guidelines. It describes the legislation frame of Czech accounting, where the duties of setting up these regulations come from. The goal of this thesis is to describe and analyze the theoretical basis of accounting rules, define its meaning, purpose and then apply them in practise. The final outcome is analysis of the internal accounting rules in a selected accounting unit. Following are recommendations for possible changes or a suggestion for elaboration of new internal guidelines.

The fall of Enron and its implications on the accounting profession

Pishay, Anthony Abdalnor 01 January 2003 (has links)
The collapse of Enron and its aftermath has put unprecedented focus on the accounting profession and its role in the self-regulatory system.

Vykazování leasingu v souladu s českou účetní legislativou a IFRS / Leases Reporting According to the Czech Accounting Legislation and IFRS

Kutílková, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
The diploma’s thesis Leases Reporting According to the Czech Accounting Legislation and IFRS is focused on analysis of different approaches of the czech accounting legislation and IFRS to accounting and reporting financial leases. The aim of the thesis is to find out which system gives a more realistic picture of the company’s financial situation for both lessee and lessor.

Kristider - Revisorns arbetsuppgifter : En studie om revisorernas arbetsuppgifter i krissituationer / Audit in crisis

Vogel, Marcus, Johansson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
En revisor ska utifrån ett opartiskt och självständigt förhållningssätt granska ett företags redovisning. Uppdraget som revisorn genomför ska enligt gällande lagar genomföras helt oberoende. Det innebär att revisionen inte ska påverkas av yttre omständigheter eller personliga agendor. Under pandemin som pågår har revisorerna en viktig samhällsfunktion. Dels ur ett granskande perspektiv, men även andra uppdrag som exempelvis rådgivning fyller en viktig funktion i dagsläget. Revisorns arbetsuppgifter handlar till stor del om att skapa goda och hållbara kundrelationer. Anledningen till det är att företagen ska känna ett förtroende och att revision ska vara legitim.   Covid-19 är en global pandemi som orsakat stora förändringar i samhället såväl ekonomiskt som socialt. Mängder av företag har tvingats till åtgärder som att permittera personal och i vissa situationer avyttra sina verksamheter. Politiska aktörer har tvingats till nödåtgärder som till exempel innefattar stödpaket till de företag som drabbats av pandemin. Dessa stödpaket innehåller olika typer av ersättningar för permittering och fasta kostnader.  Studiens syfte är att granska hur revisorns arbetsuppgifter påverkas av den pågående Covid-19 pandemin. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär vilket innebär att resultatet bygger på genomförda intervjuer med revisorer i Sverige. Avgränsningarna som gjorts är att endast auktoriserade revisorer varit aktuella för studien samt att vi endast fokuserat på Sverige.  Studien indikerar att majoriteten av revisorerna upplever en förändring i deras arbetsuppgifter utifrån flera parametrar. Relationerna och mötena mellan revisor och kund har blivit allt mer digitaliserade som en konsekvens av pandemin. Fysiska kundmöten har minskat avsevärt vilket innebär att tidigare uppbyggda relationer har varit en viktig faktor för revisorerna. Majoriteten av revisorerna menar även att antalet situationer där oberoendet och objektiviteten behöver utvärderas har ökat i samband med att företag får ekonomiska problem. Stödpaketen som staten fördelar ut till företag har skapat en ny typ av revision för revisorerna. Granskningen av dessa stöd har lett till en ökad arbetsbörda.  Våra slutsatser är att pandemin har påverkat revisorns arbetsuppgifter utifrån flera aspekter. Utvecklingen av digitaliseringen har ökats på med anledningen av pandemin. Mindre fysisk kontakt har gjort att revisorerna använder sig av fler digitala hjälpmedel vid exempelvis kundmöten. Vi ser en tydlig förändring när det gäller fortlevnadsprincipens aktualitet. Allt fler företag drabbas av ekonomiska problem vilket har gjort revisorns bedömning av fortsatt drift mer aktuell. Studien indikerar också att stödpaketen som fördelats till företagen har gjort bedömningen av den fortsatta driften mer komplex. Vilket i sin tur har lett till att revisorerna vidtagit åtgärder. Till exempel genom ytterligare informationsinsamling av prognoser och rapporter för att kunna säkerställa sin bedömning. / An auditor must, based on an impartial approach, review a company's accounts. The assignment performed by the auditor must, in accordance with applicable law, be carried out completely independently. During the ongoing pandemic, the auditors have an important societal function. Partly from an reviewing perspective, but also other assignments such as counseling fulfill an important function in the current situation. The auditor's tasks is largely about creating good and sustainable customer relationships. Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has caused major changes in the society both economically and socially. Lots of companies have been forced to take measures such as laying off staff and in certain situations divesting their companies. Political actors have been forced to take emergency measures that, for example, include support packages for the companies affected by the pandemic. The purpose of the study is to review how the auditor's tasks is affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The study is of a qualitative nature, which means that the results are based on conducted interviews with auditors based in Sweden. The delimitations that have been made are that only authorized accountants have been relevant for the study and that we have only focused on Sweden. The study indicates that the majority of auditors experience a change in their tasks based on several parameters. The relationships and meetings between auditor and customer have become increasingly digital as a consequence of the pandemic. Physical customer meetings have decreased significantly, which means that previously built relationships have been an important factor for the auditors. The majority of the auditors also believe that the number of situations where independence and objectivity need to be evaluated has increased due to companies having financial problems. The support packages that the state distributes to companies have created a new type of audit for the auditors. Our conclusions are that the pandemic has affected the auditor's tasks based on several aspects. The development of digitalization has increased due to the pandemic. Less physical contact has led to the auditors using more digital solutions at, for example, customer meetings. We see a clear change in the topicality of some principles. More and more companies are suffering from financial problems, which has made the auditor's assessment of continued operations more relevant. The study also indicates that the support packages distributed to the companies have made the assessment of continued operations more difficult. (This essay is written in Swedish).

Rozdíly v hodnocení finanční pozice a výkonnosti podniku při vykazování účetních informací podle českých účetních předpisů a dle IFRS / Differences in Financial Position and Performance of Company at Financial Reporting under the Czech Accounting Law and under the IFRS

Folprechtová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the differences in reporting financial information, according to Czech accounting legislation and IFRS / IAS. Single part of the thesis is devoted to concrete application and evaluation their impact on the image of the financial position and business performance.

Rozdíly ve finanční pozici a výkonnosti podniku při vykazování účetních informací dle IFRS a dle české účetní legislativy / Differences in Company´s Financial Position and Performance at Finacial Reporting under IFRS and under the Czech Accounting Law

Krausová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the analysis of differences in company’s financial position and performance at financial reporting under IFRS and under Czech accounting. One part of this thesis is application of theoretical knowledge to the practical example and evaluation of their impact on the company´s financial position and performance.

Odraz Nového občanského zákoníku v životě sportovních spolků na lokální úrovni / Reflection of new Civil Code in the life of sport asscociations at local level

Šťastný, Šimon January 2016 (has links)
Title: Reflections of the New Civil Code in the life of sports clubs at the local level. Objectives: The goal of this diploma thesis is to specify the changes in the life of sports clubs at the local level after the New Civil Code, which came into effect on 1. 1. 2014. The main object is to discover the changes in the structure of the non-profit sport organizations, tax management of the sports clubs and also to offer concrete advices, which would help to cope with the transformation to the New Civil Code. Methods: In this thesis the qualitative method is used. Semi-structured interviews are helping to get the complex overview of the problems and concrete issues. In case of availability, the legislative documents of interviewed non-profit sport organizations are analyzed to specify and verify their answers. Research is supplemented by basic analyzes of public register, which will help to describe current situation of reactions on the New Civil Code. Results: Thanks to the research it was discovered that non-profit sport organizations, which have the help of private sector, support of umbrella organization or advantage of having professional member with experiences in accounting, taxes or law, will more likely manage with all the changes caused by the new legislative. Rest of the non-profit sport...

Reconhecimento, mensuração e tributação da renda no setor imobiliário / Recognition, measurement and taxation of income in the real estate sector

Freitas, Rodrigo de 01 June 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, verifica-se um momento de grande reflexão dos aplicadores do Direito Tributário, em decorrência do impacto trazido pelos novos métodos e critérios contábeis aplicados à apuração do lucro societário das empresas no Brasil. A aplicação dos princípios contábeis geralmente aceitos passou a estabelecer novos paradigmas para o reconhecimento e mensuração do lucro, influenciando a forma de interpretar a legislação tributária. Esse contexto ganha grande relevância no que tange à apuração e tributação da renda no setor imobiliário. Isto porque esse setor da economia é cuidadosamente regulamentado, do ponto de vista contábil, tanto pela legislação societária quanto pela fiscal. Com efeito, o presente estudo analisa a delimitação da competência constitucional para tributação da renda pela União, sobretudo os limites oferecidos pelos princípios constitucionais tributários. Também se analisam as definições de renda pelo CTN e os critérios de definição do momento de realização. Ocorre que a definição do fato gerador do imposto de renda muitas vezes se vale de conceitos previstos em outras áreas do Direito, especialmente no Direito Privado. Dessa forma, são analisados os conceitos estabelecidos pelo Direito Contábil Societário, pois são fundamentais para a quantificação da matéria tributável. Após o estabelecimento da base teórica para a tributação da renda, passa-se à análise dos principais aspectos jurídicos das operações imobiliárias (negócios que envolvem a exploração econômica, direta ou indireta, da propriedade imobiliária). Essa primeira análise é necessária para se estabelecerem os parâmetros adequados para o reconhecimento e a mensuração da renda, intrinsecamente relacionada à transferência de riscos e benefícios. Um segundo passo importante, para a apuração da renda do setor imobiliário, corresponde à análise dos principais métodos e critérios contábeis estabelecidos pela legislação societária, pois esse é o parâmetro inicial para a apuração do montante a ser tributado. Por fim, analisam-se a coerência e a adequação das regras de tributação da renda no setor imobiliário, para as pessoas físicas e as pessoas jurídicas. Também serão abordados os regimes específicos de tributação previstos na legislação brasileira. / In recent years, tax law practitioners have been forced to rethink due to the impact of new accounting methods and criteria applied to the calculation of corporate profits in Brazil. The application of generally accepted accounting principles has established new parameters for the recognition and measurement of profits, thereby influencing the interpretation of tax law. This ontext has acquired great relevance regarding the calculation and taxation of income in the real estate sector. This is due to the fact that this economic sector is carefully regulated from an accounting standpoint, as much by corporate law as by tax law. Indeed, this work analyzes the limits of the constitutional authority for Federal taxation of income, especially as regards the bounds set out by constitutional principles of taxation. It also analyses the Brazilian National Tax Code (CTN) definition of income, as well as the definition of the moment when income is realized. It happens that the definition of the tax-triggering event for income tax often relies on concepts derived from other areas of law, especially privet law. Therefore, the concepts established by corporate accounting law are analyzed here, as they are fundamental concepts for the quantification of the tax bases. After establishing the theoretical basis for income taxation, the main legal aspects of real estate transactions are analyzed (those involving direct or indirect real estate economic exploration). This first analysis is necessary in order to establish the appropriate parameters for the recognition and measurement of income, intrinsically related to the transfer of risks and benefits. A second important step for the calculation of income in the real estate sector corresponds to the analysis of the main accounting methods and criteria established by corporate law, as this is the initial parameter for the calculation of the tax basis. Finally, this work analyzes the coherence and proportion of the income taxation rules in the real estate sector, for individuals and corporations. The special tax regimes established by Brazilian law will also be addressed.

The Trouble With Transfer Pricing, and How to Fix It

Sykes, Justin 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many multinational firms, notably Apple Inc., have engaged in increasingly aggressive tax planning strategies which shift billions of dollars overseas. This paper examines the problem through a case study of Apple, concluding that while many loopholes are utilized, aggressive transfer pricing of intangible assets is the root of the problem. Several solutions are examined before concluding that the best solution is a partial elimination of deferral in the form of a minimum payout share.

Reconhecimento, mensuração e tributação da renda no setor imobiliário / Recognition, measurement and taxation of income in the real estate sector

Rodrigo de Freitas 01 June 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, verifica-se um momento de grande reflexão dos aplicadores do Direito Tributário, em decorrência do impacto trazido pelos novos métodos e critérios contábeis aplicados à apuração do lucro societário das empresas no Brasil. A aplicação dos princípios contábeis geralmente aceitos passou a estabelecer novos paradigmas para o reconhecimento e mensuração do lucro, influenciando a forma de interpretar a legislação tributária. Esse contexto ganha grande relevância no que tange à apuração e tributação da renda no setor imobiliário. Isto porque esse setor da economia é cuidadosamente regulamentado, do ponto de vista contábil, tanto pela legislação societária quanto pela fiscal. Com efeito, o presente estudo analisa a delimitação da competência constitucional para tributação da renda pela União, sobretudo os limites oferecidos pelos princípios constitucionais tributários. Também se analisam as definições de renda pelo CTN e os critérios de definição do momento de realização. Ocorre que a definição do fato gerador do imposto de renda muitas vezes se vale de conceitos previstos em outras áreas do Direito, especialmente no Direito Privado. Dessa forma, são analisados os conceitos estabelecidos pelo Direito Contábil Societário, pois são fundamentais para a quantificação da matéria tributável. Após o estabelecimento da base teórica para a tributação da renda, passa-se à análise dos principais aspectos jurídicos das operações imobiliárias (negócios que envolvem a exploração econômica, direta ou indireta, da propriedade imobiliária). Essa primeira análise é necessária para se estabelecerem os parâmetros adequados para o reconhecimento e a mensuração da renda, intrinsecamente relacionada à transferência de riscos e benefícios. Um segundo passo importante, para a apuração da renda do setor imobiliário, corresponde à análise dos principais métodos e critérios contábeis estabelecidos pela legislação societária, pois esse é o parâmetro inicial para a apuração do montante a ser tributado. Por fim, analisam-se a coerência e a adequação das regras de tributação da renda no setor imobiliário, para as pessoas físicas e as pessoas jurídicas. Também serão abordados os regimes específicos de tributação previstos na legislação brasileira. / In recent years, tax law practitioners have been forced to rethink due to the impact of new accounting methods and criteria applied to the calculation of corporate profits in Brazil. The application of generally accepted accounting principles has established new parameters for the recognition and measurement of profits, thereby influencing the interpretation of tax law. This ontext has acquired great relevance regarding the calculation and taxation of income in the real estate sector. This is due to the fact that this economic sector is carefully regulated from an accounting standpoint, as much by corporate law as by tax law. Indeed, this work analyzes the limits of the constitutional authority for Federal taxation of income, especially as regards the bounds set out by constitutional principles of taxation. It also analyses the Brazilian National Tax Code (CTN) definition of income, as well as the definition of the moment when income is realized. It happens that the definition of the tax-triggering event for income tax often relies on concepts derived from other areas of law, especially privet law. Therefore, the concepts established by corporate accounting law are analyzed here, as they are fundamental concepts for the quantification of the tax bases. After establishing the theoretical basis for income taxation, the main legal aspects of real estate transactions are analyzed (those involving direct or indirect real estate economic exploration). This first analysis is necessary in order to establish the appropriate parameters for the recognition and measurement of income, intrinsically related to the transfer of risks and benefits. A second important step for the calculation of income in the real estate sector corresponds to the analysis of the main accounting methods and criteria established by corporate law, as this is the initial parameter for the calculation of the tax basis. Finally, this work analyzes the coherence and proportion of the income taxation rules in the real estate sector, for individuals and corporations. The special tax regimes established by Brazilian law will also be addressed.

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