Spelling suggestions: "subject:"act"" "subject:"acts""
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Caracterização e efeitos do ACTH nas células progenitoras do córtex adrenal durante sua regeneração em animais UbiquitinaC-Cre/ERT2 Pomc Flox/Flox. / Characterization and effect of ACTH in progenitor cells of the adrenal cortex during regeneration in UbiquitinC-Cre/ERT2 POMC Flox / Flox animals.Ismael Cabral Costa 27 September 2016 (has links)
Existem evidências na literatura que demonstram a existência de células indiferenciadas na capsula adrenal, e que o ACTH poderia estimular estas células. Porém não se sabe quais os genes e vias que desencadeiam esta resposta. Através de animais Cre-Lox induzível por Tamoxifeno, silenciamos o gene Pomc em camundongos adultos e avaliamos o efeito do ACTH nessas células. Foram utilizadas placas de PCR array para análise de genes relacionados com células progenitoras em amostras obtidas pela técnica de rolamento, e validação por PCRq com amostras microdissecadas da zona capsular/subcapsular da adrenal. Após caracterização dos animais com o gene Pomc silenciado e tratamentos com ACTH observamos o aumento da expressão de genes relacionados com as vias Wnt, Igf1 e Notch. Esses dados corroboram evidencias descritas na literatura que mostram a importância dessas vias no desenvolvimento e manutenção do córtex adrenal, e sugerem o envolvimento do ACTH nesses processos que envolvem as células progenitoras do córtex adrenal. / There is evidence in the literature demonstrating the existence of stem cells in the adrenal capsule, and that ACTH could stimulate these cells. However, it remains unknown which genes and pathways that trigger this response. By using a tamoxifen-inducible Cre-Lox mice strain, we knocked-out Pomc gene in adult mice and evaluated the effect of ACTH in these cells. PCR array technique was used to determine the expression level of key genes related to progenitor cells in samples obtained by the technique of \"rolling bearing\". Also, we validated the data by qPCR using samples from microdissected capsular areas of the adrenal gland. After characterization of animal model, the results show that treatment with ACTH increase the expression of genes related to Wnt, Igf1 and Notch pathways. These data corroborate with the literature, reinforcing the importance of these pathways in the development and maintenance of the adrenal cortex, and also suggesting the involvement of ACTH in these processes involving the progenitor cells of the adrenal cortex.
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Implication du Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) dans la perturbation fonctionnelle de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien lors d'un sepsis expérimentalDébarges, Béatrice January 2011 (has links)
Le sepsis est l'une des principales causes de mortalité en Amérique du nord (taux de mortalité : 30 à 60%). Les patients en sepsis qui décèdent sont souvent en"insuffisance surrénalienne relative", caractérisée par leur incapacité de produire suffisamment de glucocorticoïdes (GC) après stimulation à l'ACTH et une dysfonction de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien (HHS). La sécrétion de GC est contrôlée par l'hormone adrénocorticotrope (ACTH), la vasopressine (AVP) et des cytokines comme le Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF), un puissant agent pro-inflammatoire. MIF inhibe les effets du cortisol et de l'AVP. Hypothèses : MIF est impliqué dans l'incapacité de la glande surrénale à répondre adéquatement au stress induit par le sepsis. Son action s'exerce au niveau hypophysaire, altérant la sécrétion d'ACTH ou directement au niveau de la glande surrénale, interférant avec l'action de l'ACTH et de l'AVP. Méthodes : Modèle de rat soumis à un sepsis subaigu endotoxinique (10 mg/kg de LPS 055: B5 E.coli, 18 « 2 hs, avec ou sans coinfusion d'anti-MIF) et cultures primaires de cellules corticosurrénaliennes. Résultats : Validation du modèle animal. Les signes cliniques, l'hypertrophie des glandes surrénales accompagnée de modifications de la structure cellulaire et tissulaire, l'augmentation des taux plasmatiques d'ACTH et de corticostérone, la dissociation ACTH/corticostérone et l'augmentation d'AVP valident le modèle. Impact du traitement anti-MIF. Bien qu'aucune amélioration clinique n'ait été observée, le traitement avec de l'anti-MIF restaure une structure des glandes surrénales proche de la normale chez les animaux en sepsis subaigu. Ceci confirme de façon indirecte que, dans ce contexte, le MIF contribue à modifier la structure de ces glandes avec des impacts fonctionnels potentiels. Validation du modèle cellulaire.Le traitement à l'ACTH (10[indice supérieur -8]M) des cellules fasciculées induit une augmentation de corticostérone et le LPS induit une hypertrophie des cellules. Présence de MIF et CD74. In vivo, les immunobuvardages confirment la présence de MIF et CD74 dans l'hypophyse et les glandes surrénales avec une diminution d'expression de MIF hypophysaire opposée à une augmentation au niveau surrénalien lors du sepsis. In vitro, l'immunofluorescence confirme la présence de MIF et CD74 dans les cellules fasciculées, avec une colocalisation après traitement au LPS (0.1 mg/ml). MIF active la voie de p42/44[indice supérieur mapk] confirmant la présence de son récepteur CD74, son co-récepteur CD44 dans la glande surrénale et leur fonctionnalité. Conclusion : Nos modèles valident l'implication de MIF dans la régulation de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien et sa fonction surrénalienne.
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The role of corticotropin-releasing factor in anxiety disordersPietersen, Charmaine Y. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: SEPARATION STUDY
Traumatic experiences during childhood can have a negative impact on behaviour
later in life. Kendier et al. (1992) found that the loss of a parent during childhood
increased the risk to develop major anxiety disorders and could also lead to
depressive-like behaviour (Furukawa et al., 1999).
We subjected rat pups to maternal separation and determined the effects thereof on
adult behaviour. We removed rat pups from their mothers for 3 hours daily from
postnatal day 2 to 14. On day 60, the behaviours of the rats were tested using the
elevated plus-maze and the open field test. Controls were reared normally.
Behaviours: Amount of time spent and the number of entries into the arms of the
maze were noted on the elevated plus-maze, while the total time spent in each zone
(inner versus outer) and the number of zone crossings were noted for each rat on the
open field arena. The latency to move from the initial placement in the outer zone to
the inner zone as well as the number of quadrant crossings was also determined.
Defecation, freezing, rearing and grooming behaviours were also noted.
Neurotransmitter levels: Noradrenaline, serotonin and their metabolites were
evaluated in maternally separated rats and compared to controls. Their concentrations
at basal level, immediately after restraint stress and 15 minutes after restraint stress,
were also determined. A HPLC method was followed in these determinations. ACTH Determinations: All rats were subjected to restraint stress for a lO-minute
period. Trunk blood was collected for basal, as well as 15 and 60 minutes postrestraint
stress for ACTH determinations.
Behaviours: The amount of entries was significantly reduced in the separated
animals, indicating decreased locomotion. They spent significantly more time in the
closed maze arms. A significant increase in defecation frequency and rearing
behaviour was noted. These observations are typical of anxious behaviour. In the
open field test, the behavioural results were less convincing. Only a significant
increase in defecation frequency and a significant decrease in rearing behaviour in
separated animals, were observed.
Neurotransmitter levels: No significant differences were noted between separated
animals and controls with respect to basal monoamine levels. However,
noradrenaline levels were significantly decreased in the frontal cortex 15 minutes
after restraint stress and immediately after restraint stress in the hypothalamus and
hippocampus in separated animals. MHPG levels were significantly decreased in the
frontal cortex immediately after restraint stress. No significant differences were
found with respect to serotonin levels. However, significant increases were found in
5HIAA levels in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of separated rats, 15 minutes
after restraint stress.
The basal turnover ratios of serotonin (5HIAA/5HT) and noradrenaline (MHPGINA)
did not yield significant results. However, immediately after restraint stress, a
significant increase was found in serotonin turnover in the hypothalamus of separated rats when compared to controls. This turnover rate was also increased in separated
rats, 15 minutes after restraint stress in the frontal cortex and hypothalamus.
ACTH Determinations: Basal ACTH levels were significantly higher in separated
animals. At 15 minutes post-restraint stress, the levels were significantly lower than
controls, indicating a blunted stress response.
Our results therefore showed that maternal separation could lead to anxious
behaviours in adult life. These behavioural abnormalities were associated with
alterations in the central nervous and neuroendocrinological systems, particularly in
response to stressful situations.
The maternal separation study indicated that elevated CRF levels could possibly be
causally related to abnormalities observed in the anxious animals. We therefore
hypothesised that adverse development factors, such as maternal separation,
predisposes individuals to develop psychopathologies later in life and that this
process was driven by a presence of high CRF levels.
Cannulas were implanted into the left lateral ventricles of normal rats, making use of
stereotaxic procedures. CRF (3 flg/fll) was injected into the ventricles daily for 5
days. Saline controls were handled similarly, but only injected with saline for the same time period. Both groups of animals were then compared to naïve controls.
Histology was performed to determine the correct placement of the cannulas.
Behaviours: The Elevated Plus-maze was employed to determine whether their
behaviours were anxious. The number of entries into the various arms of the maze as
well as the amount of time spent in the open and closed arms was accumulated.
Rearing, freezing, defecation and grooming were also noted.
ACTH Determinations: The ACTH levels ofCRF-injected, saline-injected and naïve
rats were determined 15 minutes after restraint stress.
Behaviours: A decrease in the number of entries into the closed arms of the maze
was noted in the CRF-injected rats when compared to naïve controls. No significant
differences were found between the groups with respect to the amount of time spent
in the various arms and the behaviours noted during the experiment.
ACTH Determinations: A decrease in ACTH levels was noted in CRF-injected rats
15 minutes after restraint stress when compared to naïve controls. Therefore,
although the CRF injections did not alter the behaviour of the rat, they did exhibit a
blunted stress response to the stressor.
Our experiments led us to conclude that early adverse experiences, such as maternal
separation, can lead to the development of psychopathologies later in life. CRF, however, is not pivotal in the development of these abnormalities; rather it seems that
the neurochemical abnormalities (serotonin and noradrenaline) play a more important
role in the development of these mental disturbances. Finally, we hypothesise that
combination drug therapy that targets both the noradrenergic and serotonergic
neurotransmitter systems could be preferred above those aimed at rectifying the
individual neurotransmitter systems in the treatment of psychopathologies, such as
Traumatiese gebeurtenisse wat gedurende kinderjare ervaar word, kan 'n negatiewe
impak op die gedrag van dieselfde individue hê, as hulle volwassenheid bereik het.
Kendier et al. (1992) het waargeneem dat die verlies van 'n ouer tydens die
kinderjare, die risiko om angssteumisse te ontwikkel, dramaties verhoog en kan ook
lei tot 'n depressiewe gemoedtoestand (Furukawa et al., 1999).
Ons het neonatale rotte aan moederlike skeiding blootgestel en die effekte daarvan op
gedrag tydens hul volwasse lewe beoordeel. Ons het daagliks die moeders vir 3 ure
van die kleintjies afweggeneem, vanafpostnatale dag 2 tot 14. Op dag 60, het ons die
gedrag van die diere op die "elevated plus-maze" en die" open field test" getoets.
Kontrole rotte het onder normale omstandighede opgegroei.
Gedrag parameters: Die hoeveelheid tyd en aantal kere wat die rotte in die
verskillende arms van die "elevated plus-maze" gespandeer het, was waargeneem. Die
totale tyd in die "open field" toets se binneste ofbuitenste sones, die hoeveelheid
kruisings tussen die twee sones, die tyd wat dit neem om beweging in die binneste
sone te inisiëer, sowel as die hoeveelheid kwadrante wat gekruis was, is genotuleer.
Defekasie, botstilstande, steiering, en versorgingsgedragte was ook waargeneem
terwyl die rotte in die doolhowe was. Neurochemiese oordragstowwe: Die hippokampus, hipotalamus en frontale korteks
van moerderlik-geskeide rotte en kontroles, was uit hul brein gedissekteer om die
vlakke van noradrenalien, serotonien en hul metaboliete daarin te bepaal. Basale
vlakke sowel as hul konsentrasies onmiddelik na stres en 15 minute na stres, was
gedetermineer. 'n HPLC metode was gebruik vir hierdie bepalings.
ACTH bepalings: Rotte, moederlik-geskei en kontroles, was onderwerp aan
beperkingstres vir 'n tydsduur van 10 minute. Bloed was op die volgende
tydsintervalle gekollekteer vir die bepaling van ACTH vlakke, naamlik basaal, 15
minute en 60 minute na die einde van stresperiode.
Gedrag: Op die "elevated plus-maze" was moederlik-geskeide rotte minder
beweeglik omdat hul aanmerklik minder die arms van die doolhowe binne gegaan het.
Hulle het ook baie meer tyd in die geslote arms gespandeer. Verder het die
eksperimentele rotte meer defekasie bolusse uitgeskei en was die aantal steieringe
uitgevoer, ook aanmerklik verhoog. Hierdie patroon van gedrag is tipies die van
Neurochemiese oordragstowwe: Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskil tussen die
basale neurotransmitter vlakke van moederlik-geskeide rotte en hul kontroles.
Daarenteen was die vlakke van noradrenalien in die frontale korteks dramaties
verhoog by die 15 minute tydsinterval na die stres, asook onmiddelik na die stres in
die hipotalamus en hippokampus. MHPG vlakke was egter aanmerklik verlaag in die
frontale korteks onmiddelik na die stres. Terwyl daar geen noemenswaardige verskil in serotonien vlakke waargeneem is nie, was die vlakke van 5HlAA betekenisvol
verhoog in die frontale korteks en hippokampus van moederlik-geskeide rotte, 15
minute na die beperkingstres. Geen verskil in die omsettingsverhoudinge van basale
serotonien (5HlAA/5HT) ofnoradrenalien (MHPGINA) vlakke is gevind nie. Daar
was egter 'n betekenisvolle verhoging in die serotonien omset in die hipotalamus van
moerdlik-geskeide rotte, onmiddelik na beperkingstres. Hierdie verskil het ook
voorgekom 15 minute na die stresperiode in die hipotalamus, sowel as in die frontale
ACTH bepalings: Rotte wat onderwerp was aan moederlike skeiding het verhoogde
basale konsentrasies van ACTH getoon. Die ACTH vlakke was egter aanmerklik laer
15 minute na stres toe dit met kontrole groepe vergelyk is.
Ons resultate toon dus dat moerderlike-skeiding wel tot angstige gedrag tydens die
volwasse lewe kan lei. Hierdie afwyking in gedrag was geassosieër met
abnormaliteite in die sentrale senuwee sisteem sowel as die neuroendokrienologiese
sisteem van die dier, veralonder toestande van stres.
Na gelang van ons bevindinge in die moerderlike skeidingstudie, het dit geblyk dat
CRF 'n belangrike rol speel tot daarstelling van angstige gedrag. Daarom het ons in
die tweede deel van ons studie gaan kyk ofverhoogde vlakke van CRF in die brein
moontlik die gedrag van die rot kon verander. CRF STUDIE
Kannules was in die linker ventrikel van die breine van normale rotte geïmplanteer
deur gebruik te maak van stereotaktiese prosedures. CRF (3 Ilg/IlI) was daagliks vir 5
dae aan die rotte toegedien. Rotte wat presies dieselfde gehanteer was het 'n
fisiologiese soutoplossing ontvang. Hierdie rotte was met naïewe rotte vergelyk. Die
korrekte plasing van kannules was met histologiese metodes bevestig.
Gedrag: Die "elevated plus-maze" was gebruik om te bepaal of angstige gedragte
by behandelde rotte ontlok was. Die aantal kere wat 'n rot die verskillende arms van
die doolhofbinne gaan, sowel as die tyd wat die dier op elke arm deurbring was
genotuleer. Die aantal steierings, botstilstande, defekasies en versorgingsbewegings
was weereens waargeneem.
ACTH bepalings: Die vlakke van ACTH was bepaal in al die rotgroepe, 15 minute
nadat hulle aan 10 minute beperkingstres onderwerp was.
Gedrag: Rotte wat met CRF toegedien was, het op minder geleenthede die toe arms
van die "elevated plus-maze" binne gegaan toe hulle met die naïewe groep rotte
vergelyk was. Hierdie verskil was betekenisvol. Daar was geen ander
noemenswaardige verskille ten opsigte van die ander gedragsparameter nie. ACTH bepalings: Daar was 'n afname in die ACTH vlakke, 15 minute na die stres
toegedien was in rotte wat CRF ontvang het, in vergelyking tot die naïewe kontrole
Hierdie resultate dui daarop dat die toediening van CRF in die brein nie die rot se
gedrag, maar wel die dier se respons op stres, beïnvloed het.
In die lig van die voorafgaande resultate verky, blyk dit dat moederlike-skeiding
tydens die vroeë kinderjare wel kan aanleiding gee tot angstige gedrag tydens
volwassenheid. Ons studies dui ook aan dat CRF nie die primêre bron van hierdie
gedrags afwykings is nie, maar dat abnormaliteite in die neurochemiese
oordragstowwe (serotonien en noradrenalien) eerder die bepalende faktore is. Ten
slotte, ons beveel aan dat geneesmiddels wat geskoei is om die serotonerge sowel as
die noradrenerge sisteme aan te spreek, voordeel moet geniet in die behandeling van
gedragstoomisse, soos angs.
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Oxytocin, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisol: Roles of Oxytocin in the Stress ResponseAthanasios, Amira 01 January 2015 (has links)
Oxytocin is a neurohormone that has been correlated with lactation, uterine-contractions, postpartum behavior, pro-social behavior, trust, empathy, and decreased anxiety. In addition, oxytocin is believed to underscore the tend-and-befriend response to stress. In this study, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and oxytocin levels were measured in response to a social stressor in human participants. Oxytocin was initially seen to increase with ACTH and cortisol in response to a social stressor. As levels of oxytocin increase, levels of ACTH and cortisol were shown to decrease or plateau. I conclude that oxytocin is released in response to a perceived stressor and display inhibitory effects over ACTH and cortisol.
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Régulation fonctionnelle du récepteur de l'ACTH, MC2RRoy, Simon January 2011 (has links)
L'ACTH stimule son récepteur au niveau du cortex surrénalien afin d'enclencher la synthèse et la sécrétion de cortisol chez l'humain.L'hypothèse du projet propose qu'il existe une régulation moléculaire de MC2R (melanocortin-2 receptor) qui permet les [i.e. aux] cellules corticosurrénaliennes de s'adapter aux variations physiologiques d'ACTH. Mon projet de doctorat a consisté à utiliser MC2R et MRAP (MC2R accessory protein) recombinés dans les cellules embryonnaires de rein humain (HEK) 293/FRT (Flp recombinase target). J'ai développé ce modèle entièrement humain afin de contourner les problèmes d'expression fonctionnelle de MC2R (avant 2005) dans le but d'approfondir nos connaissances sur la régulation fonctionnelle de MC2R. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient de : 1) Déterminer le rôle des isoformes MRAP1 dans l'expression fonctionnelle de MC2R. 2) Déterminer les différences entre MRAPs. 3) Analyser l'internalisation et le recyclage de MC2R. 4) Déterminer la contribution des 9 serines (S) et thréonines (T) intracellulaires de MC2R dans sa régulation fonctionnelle. 5) Déterminer si la phosphorylation des MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases) induite par l?ACTH est liée au processus d'internalisation de MC2R. Premièrement, MC2R est exprimé à la membrane plasmique des cellules 293/FRT mais de manière non-fonctionnelle. La co-expression de l'une ou l'autre des isoformes MRAP1 (MRAP[alpha] ou MRAP[béta]) humaines augmente l'expression membranaire de MC2R. MRAP[alpha] n'induit pas autant l'expression membranaire de MC2R que MRAP[béta], ce qui se répercute sur la capacité de liaison de l?ACTH et aussi sur les réponses maximales d'AMPc. Par contre, MRAP[alpha] permet une plus grande affinité pour l?ACTH que MRAP[béta], ce qui se traduit par une plus grande sensibilité des cellules à l?ACTH (section 3.1). Deuxièmement, MC2R est N-glycosylé sur ses deux sites de N-glycosylation, mais cette dernière n'est pas requise pour sa fonctionnalité (article non-présenté). Troisièmement, le système ACTH/MC2R/MRAP1/MRAP2 du poisson zèbre a été caractérisé (article non-présenté) et s'est soldé par l'observation que zfMRAP1 procure 10 fois plus de sensibilité à l?ACTH que MRAP[alpha]. Quatrièmement, chaque domaine C-terminal semble servir au triage des protéines MRAP1 au niveau de l'appareil de Golgi car MRAP[alpha] (pré-Golgi), MRAP[béta] (post-Golgi) et leur version tronquée, MRAPdCT (au Golgi), sont préférentiellement localisées dans différents compartiments cellulaires. Les MRAP1s et les MRAP2 modulent l'expression de MC2R. En retour, MC2R augmente l'expression et le ciblage membranaire des MRAP1s (section 3.2). Cinquièmement, l'internalisation de MC2R est clathrine-, dynamine- et arrestine-dépendente. Le recyclage et la resensibilisation de MC2R permet à l?ACTH d'entretenir une production d'AMPc soutenue. Les isoformes MRAP1 internalisent avec MC2R dans des endosomes positifs pour Rab4, Rab5 et Rab11 (section 3.3). Sixièmement, plusieurs S/T sont susceptibles d'être impliquées dans la désensibilisation, l'internalisation et dans la régulation de l'expression membranaire de MC2R. Le résidu T143, cible potentielle de la protéine kinase C (PKC), est critique à l'expression membranaire de MC2R (section 3.3). Finalement, l'activation des voies MAPK n'est pas liée à l'interaction MC2R-arrestine durant l'internalisation (article non-présenté).
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Clonagem do Receptor de ACTH de células adrenocorticais Y-1 de camundongo e expressão em fibroblastos 3T3 e células de AR-1 para elucidação de vias de transdução de sinal / Cloning of ACTH receptor from mouse Y1 adrenocortical cells and expression in to mouse 3T3 fibroblasts and AR-1 cells for the study of signal transduction pathways.Forti, Fábio Luís 01 February 2001 (has links)
O hormônio adrenocorticotrópico, ACTH, regula função (esteroidogênese) e proliferação das células da córtex das glândulas adrenais através de um único receptor específico, ACTHR, que pertence à superfamília GPCR (G-protein coupled receptors). Embora o ACTHR tenha sido clonado há 8 anos, os mecanismos moleculares das ações mitogênica e anti-mitogênica de ACTH permanecem obscuros, cuja elucidação é objeto de estudo deste trabalho. A abordagem experimental consistiu na clonagem do ACTHR de células adrenocorticais Y-1 de camundongo e expressão funcional em fibroblastos 3T3 e células AR-1. Clones transfectantes, expressando estavelmente ACTHR, mostraram-se responsivos a ACTH através de: a) ativação de adenilato ciclase e b) indução de genes das famílias fos e jun. Por outro lado, medidas de síntese de DNA e proliferação celular indicam que ACTH não tem nenhum efeito mitogênico ou anti-mitogênico nos transfectantes ACTHR. O gene c-fos foi usado como alvo para testar vias de transdução de sinal ativadas por ACTH nos transfectantes 3T3 ACTHR. Estes testes mostraram que PKA, PKC e MAPK tem pouca ou nenhuma participação na indução de c-fos por ACTH nos clones 3T3 ACTHR, sugerindo que ACTHR pode ativar vias ainda não identificadas e motivando a busca de novas vias ativadas por ACTH nas células Y-1. Verificou-se que células Y-1 apresentam níveis constitutivamente elevados de AKT/PKB ativada (fosforilada), dependentes de PI3K e SRC, e que ACTH promove rápida desfosforilação de AKT via Gs/Adenilato Ciclase/cAMP/PKA. Ao promover a inativação de AKT, ACTH promove simultaneamente a indução da proteína p27'IND.Kip1', um mecanismo que contribui para a atividade anti-mitogênica de ACTH. / The adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH, regulates both function and proliferation of adrenocortical cells binding to a specific receptor, ACTHR, which belongs to superfamily of GPCR (G-protein coupled receptors). ACTHR was cloned a few years ago, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the mitogenic and anti-mitogenic actions of ACTH remain unknown, whose elucidation is aim of this project. The experimental approach was to clone the ACTHR from mouse Y-1 adrenocortical cells and to express the functional receptor in Balb 3T3 fibroblasts and AR-1 cells. Transfectant clones stably expressing the ACTHR respond to ACTH treatments by: a) adenylate cyclase activation and b) induction of fos and jun genes. On the other hand, experiments of DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation showed that ACTH has not mitogenic or anti-mitogenic effects in ACTHR transfectants. c-fos gene was used as a target to test signal transduction pathways activated by ACTH into 3T3 ACTHR transfectants. The results showed that PKA, PKC and MAPK have no relevant contribution on the ACTH c-fos induction in 3T3 ACTHR transfectants suggesting that ACTHR can activate signal transduction pathways still not identified. This conclusion prompted us to search for another signal transduction pathways triggered by ACTHR in Y-1 adrenocortical cells. This search led to the detection of high constitutive levels of activated AKT/PKB in Y-1 adrenocortical cells, which are dependent on PI3K and SRC. ACTH causes a strong and rapid downregulation of activated AKT in a Gs/Adenylate Cyclase/cAMP/PKA dependent manner. Apparently, dephosphorylation of AKT promoted by ACTH releases transcription factors that induce p27'IND.Kip1', a likely mechanism underlying ACTH anti-mitogenic effects in adrenocortical cells.
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Clonagem do Receptor de ACTH de células adrenocorticais Y-1 de camundongo e expressão em fibroblastos 3T3 e células de AR-1 para elucidação de vias de transdução de sinal / Cloning of ACTH receptor from mouse Y1 adrenocortical cells and expression in to mouse 3T3 fibroblasts and AR-1 cells for the study of signal transduction pathways.Fábio Luís Forti 01 February 2001 (has links)
O hormônio adrenocorticotrópico, ACTH, regula função (esteroidogênese) e proliferação das células da córtex das glândulas adrenais através de um único receptor específico, ACTHR, que pertence à superfamília GPCR (G-protein coupled receptors). Embora o ACTHR tenha sido clonado há 8 anos, os mecanismos moleculares das ações mitogênica e anti-mitogênica de ACTH permanecem obscuros, cuja elucidação é objeto de estudo deste trabalho. A abordagem experimental consistiu na clonagem do ACTHR de células adrenocorticais Y-1 de camundongo e expressão funcional em fibroblastos 3T3 e células AR-1. Clones transfectantes, expressando estavelmente ACTHR, mostraram-se responsivos a ACTH através de: a) ativação de adenilato ciclase e b) indução de genes das famílias fos e jun. Por outro lado, medidas de síntese de DNA e proliferação celular indicam que ACTH não tem nenhum efeito mitogênico ou anti-mitogênico nos transfectantes ACTHR. O gene c-fos foi usado como alvo para testar vias de transdução de sinal ativadas por ACTH nos transfectantes 3T3 ACTHR. Estes testes mostraram que PKA, PKC e MAPK tem pouca ou nenhuma participação na indução de c-fos por ACTH nos clones 3T3 ACTHR, sugerindo que ACTHR pode ativar vias ainda não identificadas e motivando a busca de novas vias ativadas por ACTH nas células Y-1. Verificou-se que células Y-1 apresentam níveis constitutivamente elevados de AKT/PKB ativada (fosforilada), dependentes de PI3K e SRC, e que ACTH promove rápida desfosforilação de AKT via Gs/Adenilato Ciclase/cAMP/PKA. Ao promover a inativação de AKT, ACTH promove simultaneamente a indução da proteína p27'IND.Kip1', um mecanismo que contribui para a atividade anti-mitogênica de ACTH. / The adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH, regulates both function and proliferation of adrenocortical cells binding to a specific receptor, ACTHR, which belongs to superfamily of GPCR (G-protein coupled receptors). ACTHR was cloned a few years ago, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the mitogenic and anti-mitogenic actions of ACTH remain unknown, whose elucidation is aim of this project. The experimental approach was to clone the ACTHR from mouse Y-1 adrenocortical cells and to express the functional receptor in Balb 3T3 fibroblasts and AR-1 cells. Transfectant clones stably expressing the ACTHR respond to ACTH treatments by: a) adenylate cyclase activation and b) induction of fos and jun genes. On the other hand, experiments of DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation showed that ACTH has not mitogenic or anti-mitogenic effects in ACTHR transfectants. c-fos gene was used as a target to test signal transduction pathways activated by ACTH into 3T3 ACTHR transfectants. The results showed that PKA, PKC and MAPK have no relevant contribution on the ACTH c-fos induction in 3T3 ACTHR transfectants suggesting that ACTHR can activate signal transduction pathways still not identified. This conclusion prompted us to search for another signal transduction pathways triggered by ACTHR in Y-1 adrenocortical cells. This search led to the detection of high constitutive levels of activated AKT/PKB in Y-1 adrenocortical cells, which are dependent on PI3K and SRC. ACTH causes a strong and rapid downregulation of activated AKT in a Gs/Adenylate Cyclase/cAMP/PKA dependent manner. Apparently, dephosphorylation of AKT promoted by ACTH releases transcription factors that induce p27'IND.Kip1', a likely mechanism underlying ACTH anti-mitogenic effects in adrenocortical cells.
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Maternal adrenocorticotropin, cortisol and thyroid hormone responses to chronic binge alcohol exposure throughout gestation: ovine modelTress, Ursula 15 May 2009 (has links)
This study investigated the effect of chronic alcohol exposure on the responses of
the maternal hypothalamus-pituitary adrenal axis (HPA-axis) and thyroid hormones
throughout gestation using an ovine model. Maternal plasma concentrations of ACTH,
cortisol and the thyroid hormones T3, free T4 and total T4 were determined in response to
infusion of 0.75, 1.25 and 1.75 g/kg alcohol.
Maternal endocrine responses to alcohol administration have been investigated
before in rodent models. However, this is the first study using a large animal model
(sheep), in which all three human trimester equivalents occur in utero. Different
concentrations of alcohol were administered intermittently from gestational day 4 to 132
in a pattern that modeled human binge drinking during pregnancy. Maternal blood
samples were collected on specific days (GD 6, 40, 90, 132) and at multiple time-points
(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 6, 24 hours) and were analyzed to determine blood alcohol
concentrations (BACs) and ACTH, cortisol, free T4, total T4 and T3 plasma
concentrations. Alcohol readily permeates the placenta and can directly affect fetal cells and
tissues. Alcohol also causes endocrine imbalances in the mother and interferes with
maternal-fetal hormonal interactions and the mother’s ability to maintain a healthy
pregnancy, thus also indirectly affecting fetal development. Sheep receiving either 0.75,
1.25 or 1.75 g/kg alcohol achieved peak BAC values of 93 + 5, 126 + 5 and 183 + 5
respectively. Alcohol exposure resulted in increased plasma ACTH and cortisol
concentrations peaking at 2 hours after beginning of the infusion and returning to
baseline values at 6 hours after beginning of the infusion. There was no effect of alcohol
on any of the plasma thyroid hormone concentrations. Thyroid hormone concentrations
changed as a result of progressing pregnancy. Plasma concentrations of total T4 and free
T4 were higher on gestational days 6 and 40 compared to GDs 90 and 132, and plasma T3
concentrations were highest on GD 6.
The results of this study show that alcohol stimulates the HPA-axis in a dose
dependent fashion in pregnant sheep. The response of the HPA-axis to repeated alcohol
exposure throughout gestation remained unchanged. Alcohol exposure did not affect the
release of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone concentrations changed during pregnancy
in sheep in a manner similar to changes observed in pregnant women.
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ACTH Increases Expression of c-fos, c-jun and β-actin Genes in the Dexamethasone-treated Rat AdrenalsMATSUI, NOBUO, TAKAGI, HIROSHI, FUNAHASHI, HIROOMI, SATOH, YASUYUKI, MIYAMOTO, NORIHIRO, MURATA, YOSHIHARU, IMAI, TSUNEO, SEO, HISAO, OHNO, MOTOTSUGU 08 1900 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 医学博士(論文) 学位授与年月日:平成4年9月22日 大野元嗣氏の博士論文として提出された
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Molecular dynamics simulations of substance P and ACTH peptides in membrane mimetic environments /Wymore, Troy January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.
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