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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Older and Weaker or Older and Wiser: Exploring the Drivers of Performance Differences in Young and Old Adults on Experiential Learning Tasks in the Presence of Veridical Feedback

Masterson, Ashley January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation proposes that while traditional cognitive psychology literature suggests that cognitive function decreases with age, these decreases are dependent on the types of testing being performed. While traditional cognitive tests of memory and processing speed show declines associated with age, this research suggests these declines are not robust across all types of learning. The coming pages present four studies aimed at furthering our understanding of how different age cohorts of consumers learn about products in active and complex marketplaces. Study one reveals an age advantage associated with learning experientially; an interesting and somewhat surprising result that warrants further investigation given the rapid rate at which populations are aging. The additional studies presented here begin that investigation through the application of several psychological theories. This research explores increased vigilance associated with the security motivation system (based on the principles of evolutionary psychology), the possible impact of mortality salience through the application of Terror Management Theory and a positive correlation between age and cognitive control, as possible explanations. / Business Administration/Marketing

Cognitive Dissonance : Neural Correlates and New Theoretical Approaches

Hallin, Nathalie January 2012 (has links)
Cognitive dissonance has traditionally been defined as the negative affective state which accompanies inconsistent cognitions and motivates one to make the cognitions consistent. This thesis critically evaluates two theories about cognitive dissonance. The action-based model of dissonance argues that inconsistent cognitions have the potential to interfere with effective and unconflicted action. The new look model of dissonance, contradicting the traditional definition of dissonance, argues that it is aversive consequences rather than inconsistent cognitions that cause dissonance. Recent studies investigating the neural correlates of dissonance show that parts of anterior cingulate cortex and prefrontal cortex seem to be involved in the dissonance process. One of the major predictions of the new look model of dissonance has been undermined by recent evidence. In contrast, the action-based model of dissonance is supported by recent studies.

An Experimental Implementation of Action-Based Concurrency

Cui, Xiao-Lei 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis reports on an implementation of an action-based model for concurrent programming. Concurrency is expressed by allowing objects to have actions with a guard and a body. Each action has its own execution context, and concurrent execution is realized when program execution is happening in more than one context at a time. Two actions of different objects can run concurrently, and they are synchronized whenever a shared object is accessed simultaneously by both actions. The appeal of this model is that it allows a conceptually simple framework for designing and analyzing concurrent programs. To experiment with action-based concurrency, we present a small language, ABC Pascal, which is an experimental attempt as a proof of feasibility of such a model, and also meant to help identify issues for achieving reasonable efficiency in implementation. It extends a subset of Pascal that supports basic sequential programming constructs, and provides action-based concurrency as the action-based model prescribes. This work deals with the specification and implementation of ABC Pascal. The one-pass compiler directly generates assembly code, without devoting efforts to optimization. While the code is not optimized, the results that ABC Pascal has achieved in performance testing are so far comparable to mainstream concurrent programming languages. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

“Exploring How Student Entrepreneurs Manage Their Student and Entrepreneur Roles: Insights from Action-Based Entrepreneurship Education” : An Exploratory Qualitative Study on Role Management Process of Student Entrepreneurs

Tun, Thet January 2024 (has links)
Background: In an era defined by rapid change and economic transformation, the traditional barriers that once separated academia and entrepreneurship are dissolving. In this changing environment, a distinct category of individuals emerges: Student Entrepreneurs. These individuals possess a unique combination of academic competence with the visions of being an entrepreneur. As entrepreneurship evolves to embrace action-based approaches, universities are attempting to foster a new generation with entrepreneurial mindsets equipped not just with theoretical knowledge, but also with practical skills needed to thrive in today’s dynamic business market. However, despite the emergence of student entrepreneurship, the unique population remains significantly under-researched.   Research Problem: The study upon student entrepreneurs is limited and the existing research studies upon the entrepreneurial intentions and motivation, identities of student entrepreneurs along with their characteristics and challenges, Studies within entrepreneurship educations are mostly researched upon only from the viewpoint of how institutions can enhance entrepreneurial actions towards students. However, when it comes to understanding how student entrepreneurs manage their dual role as students and entrepreneurs, there is still needed to conduct a deeper understanding of research in this field.     Research Questions: How do Student entrepreneurs manage between their student and entrepreneur roles?  What kind of strategies do student entrepreneurs use to manage their dual roles? Research Purpose: The research purpose of this research is to understand how student entrepreneurs manage their student and entrepreneurial roles, and the coping strategies employed to manage the balancing of their dual roles. Specifically, this research seeks to clarify the dynamics of role management process and the coping strategies that facilitate these dual roles.  Research Method: A qualitative study is carried out following the underlying research philosophy of relativism and social constructionism approach. The study then outlines the choice for research design and method as an exploratory short-term longitudinal study with grounded theory analysis. Moreover, the study further conducted the procedure of sampling methods, research design, data collection and data analysis using Gioia method which divides the data into first-order codes, second-order themes, and third-order dimensions.  Conclusion: Student entrepreneurs deal with managing their dual roles by strategically employing coping strategies tailored to the different phases of their entrepreneurial and academic paths. This approach is then underpinned by strong motivational factors, supportive ecosystems and through adaptive strategies that meet the evolving demands of the dual roles of student entrepreneurs.

The student-artist based tour: determining gallery teaching practice beneficial for an art museum tour centered on students as artists

Smith, Lindsey Scott 19 October 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide the fields of art education and museum education with gallery teaching practice that uses students’ prior knowledge of art making as the means to guide interpretation of art in the museum. This study develops touring methods that maintain the identity of the student artists in the context of adult artists’ works in the museum. This investigation is an action-based research study of how a museum educator can develop touring practice to use art objects to enable students to think reflectively on their art making. The results of this study identify the characteristics of an art museum tour that is centered on students and art making. This study demonstrates a framework for teaching in the museum that incorporates constructivist learning theory, social and active learning, a concepts-based approach to art learning, and develops student cognition. / text

Exploring the Efficacy of School-based Professional Development

Glynne, Michele Theresa 01 January 2015 (has links)
No method exists for evaluating the effectiveness of professional development (PD) for teachers in Boston Public Schools. Often PD does not contribute to teacher quality, which can hinder student outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of PD among K-8 teachers and to examine the alignment of PD in the schools with the 4 prerequisites of professional learning outlined by Learning Forward. These 4 prerequisites served as the conceptual framework. Of the research questions, 4 reflected the topics of the 4 prerequisites: commitment to students, readiness to learn, collaboration, and learning styles. The fifth research question was based on PD in general. In this case study, data from interviews from nine teachers were analyzed typologically. Key teacher perceptions included a commitment to students, overall lack of relevance and usefulness of PD and therefore lack of readiness to learn, failed efforts to promote collaboration, and lack of attention to teachers' learning styles. Strained partnerships with colleagues and lack of time hampered the effectiveness of the PD. Based on these outcomes, a professional learning opportunity for administrators was created to teach them how to develop effective professional learning for teachers based on the 4 prerequisites. This professional learning opportunity can be implemented at the local level to promote the design of more effective professional learning in Boston Public Schools. By improving the effectiveness of professional learning and subsequently teacher quality, social change in the form of improved student outcomes can be initiated.

Effectuation in embedded and enquiry-based entrepreneurship education:essays for renewing engineering education at Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences

Mäkimurto-Koivumaa, S. (Soili) 11 September 2012 (has links)
Abstract Entrepreneurship education in non-business studies has not been extensively studied. The requirements and special features of engineering education of applied sciences is a fairly unaddressed research topic. Yet, there is a growing need to develop the entrepreneurial behaviour of graduates, as voiced in feedback from stakeholders and other actors in society. The competence requirements of graduates are constantly evolving; they are specified globally as well. The aim and motivation for this study is to develop a new framework for fostering entrepreneurship in engineering education. The developed framework could be used for developing, firstly, entrepreneurial behaviour, and secondly, the entrepreneurial mind-set of the engineering graduates. The main focus of entrepreneurship education research has been on content issues and primarily from the perspective of business studies. Therefore, this study has focused on pondering the methodological challenges of entrepreneurship education in the chosen target field, engineering education. The context for outlining the framework is constructed by first introducing the operational environment of the target organisation. Thereafter, the central concepts of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and technology-based entrepreneurship are processed in a literature review in order to build the theoretical basis. In addition, research methods with ontological and epistemological choices are displayed. Due to the multilevel structure of the research phenomenon, the study approaches the phenomenon through four essays. The first essay opens up the aspects and background in order to understand the role and expectations of stakeholders as regards entrepreneurship education. The second essay concentrates on the pedagogical issues and possibilities of action-based learning methods with respect to entrepreneurship education especially. The third essay combines effectuation and causation perspectives on opportunity recognition and offers a framework for effectuation-based entrepreneurship education. The fourth essay is an empirical study covering effectuation and causation from the point of view of local technology-based companies. The conclusions of the study suggest that the outlined effectual entrepreneurship education, if combined with action-based learning methods like enquiry-based learning for instance, could support the development of entrepreneurial behaviour, and ensuing entrepreneurship, among engineering students. It is also suggested that adoption of the new framework requires renewal of the learning environment, and the involvement of the entire organisation in the change process. / Tiivistelmä Yrittäjyyskasvatusta ja -koulutusta ei juurikaan ole tutkittu muutoin kuin liiketaloustieteen koulutuksen kannalta. Erityisesti aiheen tutkiminen ammattikorkeakoulujen insinöörikoulutuksen näkökulmasta on ollut vähäistä. Kuitenkin niin sidosryhmät kuin yhteiskuntakin odottavat yhä enemmän valmistuvien omaksuvan koulutuksen aikana yrittäjämäistä käyttäytymistä ja yrittäjyysajattelua. Valmistuvien osaamisvaatimukset kehittyvät jatkuvasti ja ne on määritelty myös maailmanlaajuisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus ja motivaatio on kehittää uusi insinöörikoulutukseen soveltuva yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja -koulutuksen viitekehys. Sitä voitaisiin käyttää ensinnäkin kehittämään valmistuvien insinöörien yrittäjämäistä käyttäytymistä ja toiseksi heidän yrittäjyysajatteluaan. Näyttää siltä, että yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tutkimuksen painopiste on ollut sisältöön liittyvissä kysymyksissä liiketalouden näkökulmasta tarkasteluna. Siksi tässä tutkimuksessa on keskitytty sen sijaan pohtimaan yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja -koulutuksen pedagogisia haasteita valitun kohderyhmän, insinöörikoulutuksen yhteydessä. Viitekehyksen kontekstia on hahmoteltu esittelemällä ensinnäkin kohdeorganisaation toimintaympäristöä. Sen jälkeen on käsitelty kirjallisuuskatsauksessa teoreettisen taustan muodostamiseksi tutkimuksen kannalta sellaisia keskeisiä käsitteitä kuten yrittäjyys, yrittäjyyskasvatus ja -koulutus sekä teknologiayrittäjyys. Lisäksi on esitelty valittujen tutkimusmetodien ontologisia ja epistemologisia perusteita. Tutkittavan ilmiön monitahoisuudesta johtuen aihetta on lähestytty neljän esseen kautta. Ensimmäinen essee selvittää sidosryhmien roolia ja odotuksia yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja -koulutuksen kentässä. Toinen essee tarkastelee pedagogisia näkökulmia ja etenkin aktivoivien opetusmenetelmien antia yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja -koulutuksen näkökulmasta. Kolmas essee selvittää effektuaation ja kausaation näkökulmien yhteyttä liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien tunnistamiseen ja esittelee effektuaatiota hyödyntävän yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja -koulutuksen viitekehyksen. Neljäs essee on empiirinen tutkimus, joka lähestyy effektuaatiota ja kausaatiota paikallisten teknologiayritysten näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksissä esitetään, että hahmoteltu effektuaatioon perustuva yrittäjyyskasvatus ja -koulutus yhdistettynä aktivoiviin opetusmenetelmiin, esimerkiksi tutkivaan oppimiseen, voisi kehittää valmistuvien insinöörien yrittäjämäistä käyttäytymistä ja yrittäjyysasennetta, ja lisätä myöhemmin myös yrittäjyyttä. Sen lisäksi ehdotetaan, että uuden viitekehyksen käyttöönotto edellyttää niin oppimisympäristöjen uudistamista kuin koko organisaation sitoutumista muutosprosessiin.

Les études de cas comme vecteur de compétences interculturelles dans l'enseignement des langues / Case studies as a vector of intercultural competencies in the teaching of languages

Jaeger, Catherine 16 October 2017 (has links)
La didactique actuelle des langues étrangères nous incite à suivre les principes d’une approche actionnelle prônant un apprentissage et un enseignement des langues par les tâches (Task-based Learning) ou encore par la résolution de problèmes (Problem-based Learning). La Perspective actionnelle est abondamment suivie mais moins visible dans le domaine de l’interculturel et de sa didactique. Or, si l’on part du principe que l’apprentissage des langues étrangères représente le cadre idéal de l’apprentissage interculturel, il faut se poser la question de savoir comment y développer et transmettre, au-delà des connaissances socioculturelles, des compétences interculturelles. Ce travail de recherche présente la mise au point d’un dispositif didactique, intitulé « étude de cas à visée interculturelle », assurant la double réalisation de ces objectifs et sa mise en application sur le terrain, au cours de quatre années d’expérimentation dans l’enseignement supérieur. Cet outil didactique a pour vocation de faire émerger les compétences interculturelles chez les apprenants, dans le cours de langue, par la réalisation de tâches mobilisant des compétences et des ressources, qui au delà des seules compétences langagières communicatives, activent des compétences générales et interculturelles. Il intègre ainsi le double changement paradigmatique de la didactique des langues et cultures et de la didactique de l’interculturel en puisant respectivement dans l’approche actionnelle et l’approche herméneutique. Cette recherche-action nous mène à la création d’une approche, dite « Perspective co-actionnelle interprétative » réunissant les avancées paradigmatiques des deux domaines. / The current teaching of foreign languages encourages us to follow an action-based approach, advocating the teaching and learning languages by tasks (task-based learning), or by the resolution of problems (problem-based learning). The action-based approach is widely followed, however, less apparent in the domain of the intercultural and its teaching. Yet if you start from the principle that the learning of foreign languages presents the ideal framework for intercultural learning, one has to ask how to develop and transmit within it, beyond sociocultural skills, intercultural competencies. This research project presents the development of a didactic device, termed Case Studies for the Intercultural, ensuring the double realisation of these objectives and their implementation on the ground, throughout the course of four years of experimentation in higher learning. This didactic tool has the purpose of drawing out intercultural competencies among the students in language classes, through the realisation of tasks mobilising skills and resources which activate general and intercultural competencies beyond mere skill of linguistic communication. It thereby integrates the double paradigmatic shift of the teaching of languages and cultures and of the teaching of the intercultural by drawing respectively on the action-based approach, and the hermeneutic approach. this research leads us to the creation of a new approach, the so-called Co-actional Interpretative Perspective, uniting the paradigmatic advances in the two fields.

Action Planning and Cooperation (APAC) between multiple AI-agents / Actionplanering och Samarbete (APAC) mellan multipla AI-agenter

Gehlin, Rikard January 2014 (has links)
An architecture for actionbased planning and cooperation between multiple AI-agents based on the GOAP-architecture was developed together with a system to be used in advanced AI-courses at Linköping unversity. The architecture was implemented in this system to show the possibilities of our work.

Moyens informatiques de restitution en archéologie monumentale : cas du temple de Karnak

Semlali, Anis 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de notre recherche est l’exploration et l’étude de la question de l’instrumentation informatique des projets de reconstitution archéologiques en architecture monumentale dans le but de proposer de nouveaux moyens. La recherche a pour point de départ une question, à savoir : « Comment, et avec quels moyens informatiques, les projets de reconstitution architecturale pourraient-ils être menés en archéologie? ». Cette question a nécessité, en premier lieu, une étude des différentes approches de restitution qui ont été mises à contribution pour des projets de reconstitution archéologiques, et ceci, à ses différentes phases. Il s’agit de comprendre l’évolution des différentes méthodologies d’approche (épistémologiquement) que les acteurs de ce domaine ont adoptées afin de mettre à contribution les technologies d’information et de communication (TIC) dans le domaine du patrimoine bâti. Cette étude nous a permis de dégager deux principales avenues: une première qui vise exclusivement la « représentation » des résultats des projets et une seconde qui vise la modélisation de ce processus dans le but d’assister l’archéologue dans les différentes phases du projet. Nous démontrons que c’est la deuxième approche qui permet la combinaison et met à la disposition des archéologues une meilleure exploitation des possibilités que l’outil informatique peut et pourra présenter. Cette partie permet de démontrer la nature systémique et complexe de la mise à contribution des TICs dans le domaine de la restitution archéologique. La multitude des acteurs, des conditions techniques, culturelles et autres, des moyens utilisés ainsi que la variété des objectifs envisagés dans les projets de reconstitution archéologiques poussent à explorer une nouvelle approche qui tient compte de cette complexité. Pour atteindre notre objectif de recherche, la poursuite de l’étude de la nature de la démarche archéologique s’impose. Il s’agit de comprendre les liens et les interrelations qui s’établissent entre les différentes unités techniques et intellectuelles en jeu ainsi que les différents modes de réflexions présents dans les projets de reconstitution archéologique du patrimoine bâti. Cette étude met en évidence le rapport direct entre le caractère subjectif de la démarche avec la grande variabilité des approches et des raisonnements mis en œuvre. La recherche est alors exploratoire et propositionnelle pour confronter notamment le caractère systémique et complexe de l’expérience concrète et à travers les publications savantes, les éléments de la réalité connaissable. L’étude des raisonnements archéologiques à travers les publications savantes nous permet de proposer une première typologie de raisonnements étudiés. Chacune de ces typologies reflète une méthodologie d’approche basée sur une organisation d’actions qui peut être consignée dans un ensemble de modules de raisonnements. Cette recherche fait ressortir, des phénomènes et des processus observés, un modèle qui représente les interrelations et les interactions ainsi que les produits spécifiques de ces liaisons complexes. Ce modèle témoigne d’un processus récursif, par essais et erreurs, au cours duquel l’acteur « expérimente » successivement, en fonction des objectifs de l’entreprise et à travers des modules de raisonnements choisis, plusieurs réponses aux questions qui se posent à lui, au titre de la définition du corpus, de la description, de la structuration, de l’interprétation et de la validation des résultats, jusqu’à ce que cette dernière lui paraisse satisfaire aux objectifs de départ. Le modèle établi est validé à travers l’étude de cas du VIIème pylône du temple de Karnak en Égypte. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les modules de raisonnements représentent une solution intéressante pour assister les archéologues dans les projets de reconstitution archéologiques. Ces modules offrent une multiplicité de combinaisons des actions et avantagent ainsi une diversité d’approches et de raisonnements pouvant être mis à contribution pour ces projets tout en maintenant la nature évolutive du système global. / The goal of our research is to explore and study the use of computerized tools in archaeological reconstruction projects of monumental architecture in order to propose new ways in which such technology can be used. The first question we ask is: "How and with which computerized tools can architectural reconstruction projects be conducted in archaeology? In our quest to answer this question, we begin with a study of the different restitution approaches used in various phases of archaeological reconstruction projects. This involves understanding how the different methods of approach have evolved (epistemologically), how those involved in such projects have put information and communication technologies to use in the field of built heritage. This study has identified two main avenues: one whose sole aim is the "representation" of project results and another whose aim is to model this process in order to assist the archaeologist through various phases of a project. We have demonstrated that it is the second approach which combines and offers archaeologists a better utilization of the possibilities offered by computer assisted tools. This allowed us to demonstrate the complex and systemic nature of ICT’s in the field of archaeological reconstruction. The multiple actors, conditions, means and goals considered in archaeological reconstruction projects have led us to explore a new approach that reflects this complexity. In order to achieve the goal of our research, it was necessary to further study the nature of the archaeological process. This involved understanding the links and interrelations between the various components that define the archaeological approach and the various thought processes involved in heritage building archaeological reconstruction projects. This study showed a direct relationship between the subjective nature of the process and the diversity of approaches and thought processes which can be implemented. This exploratory and propositional research reinforces the systemic and complex nature of our approach and prompts us to explore, in practice and through published literature, the elements of known reality. The study of archaeological reasoning through academic publications has allowed us to propose an initial typology of arguments studied. Each of these typologies reflects a methodological approach based on organized actions that can be recorded in a set of reasoning modules. This research has allowed us to highlight phenomena and observed processes, leading to a model representing interrelationships and interactions as well as the specific results of these complex interconnections. This pattern reflects a cyclical process of trial and error, in which the actors consecutively 'experience' (according to the project’s goals and through reasoning modules), several answers to the questions exposed to him under the corpus definition, description, structure, interpretation and validation of the results until the latter would appear to meet the original targets. The model developed was validated through a case study of the seventh pylon of the Karnak temple in Egypt. The results show that the reasoning modules offer an interesting solution assisting archaeologists in archaeological reconstruction projects. The multiple action combinations offered by these modules are an advantage to many approaches and thought processes which could be useful to such projects while maintaining the progressive nature of the overall system.

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