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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos Respublikos Vidaus reikalų ministerijos strateginis veiklos planavimas / Strategic action planning of the ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Turonytė, Lina 28 January 2008 (has links)
Išanalizavus Lietuvos strateginio planavimo raidą, strateginį planavimą reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, atlikus Vidaus reikalų ministerijos 2007–2009 m. strateginio veiklos plano analizę ir atsižvelgiant į atliktą tyrimą galima pateikti išvadas, į kurias galėtų atsižvelgti strateginį planavimą vykdančios ir diegiančios valstybės institucijos bei tobulinant Strateginio planavimo metodiką. Institucijos, rengdamos strateginį veiklos planą, turi tinkamai įvertinti turimus išteklius, išanalizuoti išorinę ir vidinę aplinką, suvokti grėsmes, galimybes, stiprybes ir silpnybes, sugebėti tinkamai parengti strateginį veiklos planą ir jį įgyvendinti, analizuoti ir sugebėti taikyti užsienio šalių patirtį strateginio planavimo srityje. Pirmame darbo skyriuje nagrinėjama Lietuvos strateginio planavimo raida, aptariamos problemos, su kuriomis buvo susiduriama diegiant strateginį planavimą, analizuojami Strateginio planavimo metodikos pokyčiai. Antrame skyriuje analizuojama, ar Vidaus reikalų ministerijoje efektyviai vykdomas strateginis veiklos planavimas bei tinkamai parengtas strateginis veiklos planas, kaip vykdoma stebėsena ir atsiskaitymas už rezultatus, analizuojama, ar strateginis veiklos planavimas vykdomas vadovaujantis metodika. Trečiame skyriuje apibendrinami atlikto tyrimo metu gauti rezultatas, įvardijamos problemos ir didžiausią įtaką turintys veiksniai įtakojantys strateginį veiklos planavimą. Pabaigoje apibendrinamos išvados ir pateikiami pasiūlymai strateginio planavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Having analysed the development of the Lithuanian strategic planning and the legislation regulating strategic planning, having analysed the strategic action plan of the Ministry of the Interior for 2007–2009 and taking into account the study performed it is possible to draw conclusions that could be taken into account by agencies which carry out and develop strategic planning, as well as to improve the Strategic planning methodology. Agencies which draft their strategic action plan have to properly assess their resources, analyse external and internal conditions, realise threats, opportunities strengths, and weaknesses, be able to properly draft strategic action plan and carry it out, analyse and apply best practices of foreign countries in the sphere of strategic planning. Initial section of the thesis analyse development of the Lithuanian strategic planning, discusses the issues that have been faced in implementing strategic planning, analyses changes to Strategic planning methodologies. The seconde chapter assesses whether the Ministry of the Interior is carrying out an effective strategic planning and whether it has a proper strategic action plan, how monitoring and reporting is done, analyses whether strategic action planning is based on Strategic planning methodology. The third chapter summarises results obtained during the study, issues and factors with greatest influence are brought forward. The thesis ends with conclusions and suggestions for improvement of strategic... [to full text]

The adoption of e-government in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Ebrahim, Zakareya Ahmed January 2005 (has links)
The last two decades have seen rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities in the public sector which facilitate the adoption of several IT innovations. E-government is one of these strategic innovations that many government organisations have considered adopting to deliver government information and services to citizens and to support the modernisation of their business processes. This work therefore investigates this issue through a study of the impact of e-government on government organisations and their capabilities towards the e-government adoption. This has led to developing a framework for e-government adoption that outlines the implementation process, determines critical factors influencing adoption, and identifies barriers that could keep government organisations behind the advanced stages of the implementation process. The research also proposes a novel architecture framework for e-government that offers a clear picture of ICT requirements, along with a business process model needed for the implementation for e-government. This framework also supports the researcher in terms of validating the proposed conceptual framework in case organisations. The researcher, by adopting a qualitative case study strategy, examines the proposed framework in three government organisations in the Kingdom of Bahrain.. The analysis of empirical data comes up with a novel comprehensive framework for e-government adoption in the public sector that can be a benefit in multiple ways. The major benefit of this framework is to reduce the confusion surrounding e-government adoption in the public sector by understanding the implementation process, identifying the requirements of ICT tools, and highlighting the importance of organisational readiness and the impact of the environment. The framework can also help decision makers in government to provide a clear strategic action plan for e-government. Finally, the proposed framework can be used by IT experts to estimate the progress level of their e-government projects.

Arquitetura forense do Estado de São Paulo: produção moderna, antecedentes e significados / Forensic architecture of the State of São Paulo: modern production, antecedents and meanings

Cordido, Maria Tereza Regina Leme de Barros 10 October 2007 (has links)
Com a introdução de um plano de governo com ideais modernizadores: o plano de ação - PAGE- de Carvalho Pinto, (1959/1963), jovens arquitetos encontram solo para cultivar seus ideais de uma nova arquitetura, através da geração de novos espaços que possibilitariam novas práticas sociais. Ações administrativas, organizacionais e financeiras se estruturaram em torno de um projeto central, o de alavancar a modernidade do Estado, em particular no seu interior, estruturada através da modernização material e do modernismo sócio-cultural. Este objetivo era coordenado por um grupo de planejamento responsável pelo entrosamento dessas ações. Agregando o modernismo tanto cultural, através das formas arquitetônicas modernas, que deveriam representar a modernidade, como social, através de novos arranjos espaciais, que deveriam tornar a justiça mais acessível, os edifícios forenses projetados pelos arquitetos modernos são peças paradigmáticas desse processo. Suas novas práticas questionavam o agenciamento espacial tradicional, introduziram novas características construtivas e tipológicas e repensaram a relação com o entorno. Vale registrar que ao longo da primeira metade do século XX os edifícios forenses, implantados pelo DOP (a partir de 1920), ainda traziam no seu agenciamento espacial interno formas de uso similares as extintas casas de câmara e cadeia, modelo colonial, onde os serviços tidos como mais nobres ocupavam o andar superior que tinha acabamento mais requintado. A simbologia recursiva destes edifícios, os usos de ornamentos e elementos greco-romanos buscavam conferir monumentalidade. Mesmo onde se indica uma pré-padronização destes edifícios a partir dos anos cinqüenta, essa condição está presente. A nova fase de produção através dos edifícios modernos possui um propósito mais complexo, envolvendo uma nova forma do saber e fazer arquitetura, percebida na introdução de novas tecnologias, conceitos e relações que se interagem compondo um macrocosmo de questões. Bratke em Amparo utiliza um grande átrio de distribuição aberto e fluído; em Araras Fábio Penteado concebe o fórum a partir de um pátio coberto para circulação retirando o tribunal do júri do corpo do edifício para múltiplo uso da população local; concepção também adotada em Avaré com Paulo Mendes da Rocha; em Amparo, Libeskind e em Piracicaba com Reydi os edifícios enfatizam a independência da estrutura em favor da maior expressividade plástica da obra; em Orlândia, Wilhein aproxima os ambientes de maior uso público com seu entorno, fruição também evidente em Itapira com Joaquim Guedes; em Promissão, Artigas e Cascaldi utilizam essa fluência de forma crítica, articulada por rampas diluindo o campo de observação unidirecional dos recorrentes passos perdidos; em Porto Feliz, Botti e Rubin enfrentam a modulação e elementos pré-fabricados, prezando pela funcionalidade para os serviços da justiça. Embora propusessem um rompimento aos paradigmas adotados na produção forense, essa produção se contrapõe ao utilizar uma nova simbologia, que de certa forma, expressasse a modernização do Estado, percebidos no conjunto de seus aspectos formais e sentidos sociais de seus projetos. Entretanto a adequação para os serviços da justiça foi problemática. As diversidades desta produção, aliados as inadequações encontradas em suas formulações tiveram como resposta a produção estandardizada. Este novo rumo, ainda que base para os novos fóruns até a atualidade, não eliminaram todas as dificuldades apontadas na produção anterior. A produção viabilizada pelo PAGE nos revela que a representação dada a modernização do país, no caso em São Paulo, está associada a proposta de novas práticas de relações sociais, através de espaços mais democráticos. Além de se obter um novo campo de compreensão, ao conhecer como o interior do Estado participava no quadro de desenvolvimento do país projetando a representação de uma nação que bania seu atraso, contribuindo na difusão da arquitetura moderna. / With the introduction of a government plan with ideas of modernization: the action plan - Page, by Carvalho Pinto (1959-1963), young architects found soil to cultivate their ideas of a new architecture, through the generation of new spaces which would allow new social behaviors. Administrative, organizational and financial activities were structured around a main project, to improve state modernization, particularly in the rural part, structured through the material modernization and social and cultural modernism. This aim was coordinated by a planning group responsible for the mixing of these actions. Associating both cultural modernism, through modern architectonic forms, which should represent modernity, and social modernism, through new space arrangements, which should make justice more accessible, the forensic buildings projected by modern architects are paradigmatic parts of this process. Their new actions questioned the traditional space negotiations, introduced new constructive and typological characteristics and rethought the relation with the surroundings. It is worth mentioning that throughout the first half of twentieth century forensic buildings, implemented by DOP (from 1920), still had in its negotiation of space forms of use similar to those of the extinct house of commons and prison, colonial models, where services known as noblest occupied the superior floor, which had fancier finishing. The recursive symbology of these building, the use of greco-roman ornaments and elements aimed to confer monumentality. Even when a fore-standardization of these buildings is indicated from the\' 50s, this condition is present. The new production phase through modern buildings has a more complex objective, involving a new form of knowing and doing architecture, noted in introduction of new technologies, concepts and relations which interact, making out a macrocosmos of questions. Bratke in Amparo uses a huge atrium of distribution open and fluid; in Araras, Fábio Pented conceives a forum from a covered court-yard for circulation, extracting the court of jury from the building body for multiple use of local population; conception also adopted in Avaré by Paulo Mendes da Rocha; in Amparo, Libesking, and in Piracicaba, with Reydi, the buildings emphasize the independence of structure in favor or a bigger plastic expressivity of the piece; in Orlândia, Wilhein bring near environments of a higher public use in its surroundings, fruition also evident in Itapira with Joaquim Guedes; in Promissão, Artigas and Cascaldi use this influence critically, articulated with ramps diluting one-direction observation fields with recurring lost steps; in Porto Feliz, Botti and Rubin face modulation and fore-produced elements, respecting functionality for justice services. Although they proposed a breaking of paradigms adopted in forensic production, this production opposes itself by using a new symbology, which, in a certain way, expressed state modernization, noted in its formal aspects and social meaning of its projects. However, the adjustment for justice services was troubled. The diversities of this production, allied with inappropriations found in its formulas, had as an answer a standard production. This new course, even though it serves as a basis for new forums until now, did not eliminate all difficulties pointed in previous productions. The production made possible by the PAGE reveals that the representation of the modernization of Brazil, in this case São Paulo, is associated to the proposal of new activities of social relations, through more democratic spaces. Besides obtaining a new comprehension field, when discovering how the interior of the state participated in the development chart of the country, projecting the representation of a nation which banned its delay, contributing in the diffusion of the modern architecture.

RecETC : uma funcionalidade baseada na recomendação de conteúdo para auxiliar no processo de escrita coletiva digital

Maria, Sandra Andrea Assumpção January 2017 (has links)
A presente tese versa sobre a construção de um Sistema de Recomendação (SR), denominado RecETC (Recomendador do ETC), para auxiliar no processo de Escrita Coletiva Digital (ECD) no Editor de Texto Coletivo (ETC). O RecETC tem como propósito a recomendação de materiais nos formatos de texto, imagens e vídeos, acerca do assunto que está sendo tratado na produção textual coletiva. Para a sua construção, utilizou-se da metodologia de estudo de caso através da abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Para isso, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em seis etapas, a saber: 1) Estudo teórico sobre as temáticas de Sistemas de Recomendação e Escrita Coletiva Digital, visando aprofundar o conhecimento nas respectivas áreas e identificar trabalhos correlatos. 2) Construção de Objetos de Aprendizagem produzidos como material de apoio para os cursos de extensão. 3) Desenvolvimento da primeira versão do RecETC. 4) Aplicação da primeira versão através de um curso piloto. 5) Desenvolvimento da segunda versão do RecETC 6) Aplicação da segunda versão em curso de extensão. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários e analisados tendo como base a metodologia de Análise de Conteúdo, o que possibilitou a definição de três categorias: Categoria I - O ETC como ambiente de Escrita Coletiva Digital, Categoria II - Requisitos técnicos do RecETC e Categoria III - Requisitos pedagógicos do RecETC. A partir do estudo do referencial teórico, do desenvolvimento e da análise das aplicações do RecETC por meio das categorias definidas, foi possível mapear os requisitos necessários para a sua construção e responder ao problema de pesquisa. Esses foram classificados em técnicos e/ou pedagógicos visando enfatizar os aspectos de funcionamento e as contribuições educacionais do RecETC para a ECD. Além disso, foi elaborado um plano de ação para auxiliar professores e alunos na ECD com o apoio do RecETC. Por fim, os resultados indicam que o desenvolvimento do RecETC atende ao propósito desse estudo e os requisitos identificados podem servir de referência para a construção de outros SR voltados para a ECD. / The present thesis deals with the construction of a Recommendation System (SR), called RecETC (ETC Recommender), to assist in the Digital Collective Writing (ECD) process in the Collective Text Editor (ETC). RecETC purpose is to recommend materials in text, image and video formats about the subject being treated in collective textual production. For its construction, it was used the methodology of case study through the qualitative and quantitative approach. For this, this research was developed in six stages, namely: 1) Theoretical study on the topics of Recommendation Systems and Digital Collective Writing, aiming to deepen the knowledge in the respective areas and to identify related works. 2) Construction of Learning Objects produced as support material for extension courses. 3) Development of the first version of RecETC. 4) Application of the first version through a pilot course. 5) Development of the second version of RecETC 6) Application of the second version in the course of extension. The data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed based on the Content Analysis methodology, which enabled the definition of three categories: Category I - ETC as a Digital Collective Writing environment, Category II - Technical requirements of RecETC and Category III - Pedagogical requirements of RecETC. From the study of the theoretical reference, development and analysis of RecETC applications through the defined categories, it was possible to map the necessary requirements for its construction and to respond to the research problem. These were classified as technical and / or pedagogical in order to emphasize the functional aspects and educational contributions of RecETC to ECD. In addition, a plan of action was developed to assist teachers and students in ECD with the support of RecETC. Finally, the results indicate that the development of RecETC fulfills the purpose of this study and the requirements identified can serve as a reference for the construction of other SRs focused on ECD.

Modelagem matemática como ferramenta para elaboração de planos de ação emergencial. / Mathematical modeling as a tool for developing emergency action plans.

Elisa Patricio Macedo 28 August 2013 (has links)
O tema segurança de barragens vem adquirindo destaque no cenário brasileiro. Isso se deu tendo em vista os acidentes ocorridos e a recente lei n° 12.334, aprovada em setembro de 2010, que estabeleceu normas e padrões. Desta maneira, os empreendedores voltaram sua atenção para esse tema, resultando em uma grande demanda de ferramentas que possibilitem a adequação de suas barragens à legislação. Esse estudo, então, tem como objetivo apresentar e avaliar um sistema de composição de modelos matemáticos que podem ser utilizados na elaboração dos Planos de Ação Emergencial (PAE). O estudo apresenta uma breve revisão sobre o tema segurança de barragens, identificando quais produtos devem ser buscados por meio da utilização dos modelos. Quanto à composição de modelos, tem-se, inicialmente, o modelo de previsão de precipitação que fornece os dados para o modelo hidrológico sendo que este, por sua vez, fornece dados para o hidrodinâmico. Neste último estão incluídos também o modelo de formação da brecha e o cálculo de routing dos reservatórios. Com os resultados de nível dágua, as manchas de inundação são traçadas com o auxílio dos modelos digitais de terreno (MDT). Os aplicativos utilizados em cada modelo foram o ETA no modelo de previsão de precipitação, SMAP como modelo hidrológico e o CLiv+ como modelo hidrodinâmico. O MDT utilizado foi o gerado por meio das curvas de nível do IBGE e pontos levantados no local. Assim, esses modelos foram utilizados para simulações das barragens dos rios Pardo e Mogi Guaçu, sendo elas a UHE Caconde, a UHE Euclides da Cunha, a UHE Limoeiro e a PCH Mogi Guaçu. Desta forma foi realizada a calibração destes modelos e a simulação de vazões acima da de restrição e de cenários de rompimento. Esses resultados foram gerados para um estudo realizado pela Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica para a AES Tietê denominado Sistema de Gerenciamento de Ações Emergenciais (SGAE). Assim, para validação do sistema de composição de modelos e para verificação de pontos de melhoria, foram realizadas avaliações do sistema. Essas foram a comparação dos dados de previsão de precipitação com dados observados, comparação entre diferentes MDTs e comparação entre os aplicativos CLiv+ e o HEC-RAS. / Recent dam failures and also the approval of Law n° 12.334, establishing rules and standards to be followed in dam safety management, made dam safety area gain prominence in the Brazilian scenario in the last years. Dams owners focused their attention into this theme increasing the demand for tools in order to adequate theirs dam documentation to the requirements of the law. This study presents and evaluate an ensemble of mathematical models that can be used in scenarios analysis that are usually considered in Emergency Action Plans EAP elaboration. The study includes a review about dam safety regulation and a group of models that can be applied for impact evaluation, establishing data and information needed. Models considered include the forecast precipitation model, that provides data to the hydrological model which, in its turn, provides the information for the hydraulic model. This latter also include the dam breaching model and the reservoir routing calculation model. The flooded area maps are obtained using the results of water level and digital elevation model. This arrange of models apply the ETA as the forecast precipitation model, the SMAP model as the hydrologic model and Cliv+ as the hydraulic model. The digital terrain model used was created by using the cartographic base from IBGE and a point elevation survey in the study area. These models were utilized in simulations involving dams located at the Pardo and Mogi Guaçu Rivers, in Sao Paulo State, named UHE Caconde, UHE Euclides da Cunha, UHE Limoeiro and PCH Mogi Guaçu. Models were calibrated under observed flow conditions and prospective simulations were done considering different scenarios like design hydrographs and failure, under a research project developed by Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica and AES Tietê. To validate the system and identify improvement points, a comparison of forecasted precipitation and water levels were carried out considering observed data, different DTMs and hydraulic models (CLIV + and HEC-RAS).

Modelagem matemática como ferramenta para elaboração de planos de ação emergencial. / Mathematical modeling as a tool for developing emergency action plans.

Macedo, Elisa Patricio 28 August 2013 (has links)
O tema segurança de barragens vem adquirindo destaque no cenário brasileiro. Isso se deu tendo em vista os acidentes ocorridos e a recente lei n° 12.334, aprovada em setembro de 2010, que estabeleceu normas e padrões. Desta maneira, os empreendedores voltaram sua atenção para esse tema, resultando em uma grande demanda de ferramentas que possibilitem a adequação de suas barragens à legislação. Esse estudo, então, tem como objetivo apresentar e avaliar um sistema de composição de modelos matemáticos que podem ser utilizados na elaboração dos Planos de Ação Emergencial (PAE). O estudo apresenta uma breve revisão sobre o tema segurança de barragens, identificando quais produtos devem ser buscados por meio da utilização dos modelos. Quanto à composição de modelos, tem-se, inicialmente, o modelo de previsão de precipitação que fornece os dados para o modelo hidrológico sendo que este, por sua vez, fornece dados para o hidrodinâmico. Neste último estão incluídos também o modelo de formação da brecha e o cálculo de routing dos reservatórios. Com os resultados de nível dágua, as manchas de inundação são traçadas com o auxílio dos modelos digitais de terreno (MDT). Os aplicativos utilizados em cada modelo foram o ETA no modelo de previsão de precipitação, SMAP como modelo hidrológico e o CLiv+ como modelo hidrodinâmico. O MDT utilizado foi o gerado por meio das curvas de nível do IBGE e pontos levantados no local. Assim, esses modelos foram utilizados para simulações das barragens dos rios Pardo e Mogi Guaçu, sendo elas a UHE Caconde, a UHE Euclides da Cunha, a UHE Limoeiro e a PCH Mogi Guaçu. Desta forma foi realizada a calibração destes modelos e a simulação de vazões acima da de restrição e de cenários de rompimento. Esses resultados foram gerados para um estudo realizado pela Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica para a AES Tietê denominado Sistema de Gerenciamento de Ações Emergenciais (SGAE). Assim, para validação do sistema de composição de modelos e para verificação de pontos de melhoria, foram realizadas avaliações do sistema. Essas foram a comparação dos dados de previsão de precipitação com dados observados, comparação entre diferentes MDTs e comparação entre os aplicativos CLiv+ e o HEC-RAS. / Recent dam failures and also the approval of Law n° 12.334, establishing rules and standards to be followed in dam safety management, made dam safety area gain prominence in the Brazilian scenario in the last years. Dams owners focused their attention into this theme increasing the demand for tools in order to adequate theirs dam documentation to the requirements of the law. This study presents and evaluate an ensemble of mathematical models that can be used in scenarios analysis that are usually considered in Emergency Action Plans EAP elaboration. The study includes a review about dam safety regulation and a group of models that can be applied for impact evaluation, establishing data and information needed. Models considered include the forecast precipitation model, that provides data to the hydrological model which, in its turn, provides the information for the hydraulic model. This latter also include the dam breaching model and the reservoir routing calculation model. The flooded area maps are obtained using the results of water level and digital elevation model. This arrange of models apply the ETA as the forecast precipitation model, the SMAP model as the hydrologic model and Cliv+ as the hydraulic model. The digital terrain model used was created by using the cartographic base from IBGE and a point elevation survey in the study area. These models were utilized in simulations involving dams located at the Pardo and Mogi Guaçu Rivers, in Sao Paulo State, named UHE Caconde, UHE Euclides da Cunha, UHE Limoeiro and PCH Mogi Guaçu. Models were calibrated under observed flow conditions and prospective simulations were done considering different scenarios like design hydrographs and failure, under a research project developed by Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica and AES Tietê. To validate the system and identify improvement points, a comparison of forecasted precipitation and water levels were carried out considering observed data, different DTMs and hydraulic models (CLIV + and HEC-RAS).

Ethnography: Understanding the Whole Child

Rodriguez, Janel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Three students were picked to be the focus students for this ethnography. The criteria used to pick the three focus students are: focus student one has to be an English language learner, focus student two student has to have an IEP or a 504 plan, and focus student three has to have had a significant life experience. Included in the ethnography are student works, analysis of assessments, and interviews with students and families. I used scholarly resources to support data, such as How to be an Effective Teacher by Harry K. Wong (2009). I discuss the effectiveness of my action plan by discussing the results of the students progression, or the need to amend the action plan. The purpose of ethnography is to get to know the student as a whole, and not through assessments. I describe students’ interests, likes and dislikes, and family life. In addition to getting to know the students, there is an in depth look at the educator, and her motivations.

Developing Ecological Citizenship: The Role of Political Agents Using Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model

Grabs, Teresa Victoria 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite decades of research on environmental behavior, it is unknown how various political actors aid in the development of ecological citizenship (EC). The purpose of this correlational study was to determine the relationship between environmental worldview (NEP) and willingness to take action (WTTA) among political actors within 5 states: Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. The overarching research question examined how EC can be increased within the 5-state region by identifying the similarities and differences in NEP and WTTA between state legislators, state partners, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model provided the theoretical framework for the study. Out of 1,800 invited participants, 117 state legislators, 328 formal partnership directors, and 237 NGO administrators from the 5-state region participated in an online survey that measured their NEP, WTTA, and endorsement of EC principles. Nearly 20% of all respondents endorsed EC indicated by a high NEP and a high WTTA. Results of correlational analyses found a significant positive relationship between NEP and WTTA for each group. Further regression analysis found variation in group WTTA attributable to NEP varied from 32% for partnership directors and 36% for NGO administrators to 61% for state legislators. These findings indicated that EC can be affected by both private and public stakeholders. The implications for positive social change include demonstrating how state governments, in partnership with NGOs and other agencies, can increase EC within their states, and how improved partnerships can increase local opportunities to foster EC.

Technology and Teacher Training: The Systematic Design and Development of a Framework for Integrating Technology into Jamaica’s Teacher Training Programs

Granston, Carol N 17 August 2004 (has links)
Over the last five years, there has been an increased number of computers in schools and teachers' colleges in Jamaica. In addition, recently revised national policy documents have indicated the need to infuse technology into the curricula of all schools. Despite these investments in computers, however, there has been little corresponding development in training teachers to use computers and emerging technologies as teaching learning tools. The purposes of the study were three-fold: (a) to describe the current state of technology integration in Jamaica's teacher training programs (b) assess the extent to which teachers' college faculty and pre-service teachers perceived themselves as prepared to teach with computers, as well as their perceived computer proficiency; and (c) to use data gathered in the study to inform an action plan for integrating technology into Jamaica's teacher training programs. To gather required data, a survey design was employed because the study required collection of data from a large number of persons located in diverse sections of the island. Data were collected from three distinct groups of participants in three teachers' colleges in Jamaica. These included six teachers' college administrators--two principals and four vice-principals, 121 teachers' college faculty, and 268 final-year pre-service teachers. Data were gathered through interviews with college administrators and IT faculty, questionnaires administered to college faculty and pre-service teachers, and focus group discussions with pre-service teachers. The results indicate that, in general, teacher training programs in Jamaica have not systematically incorporated technology in the college curricula. In addition, to a large extent, teachers' college faculty and pre-service teachers did not perceive themselves as prepared to teach with computers. These respondents also reported low levels of proficiency with various computer tools. In response to the urgent need to integrate technology into Jamaica's teachers' college curricula, the author proposes a new VIBES conceptual framework as an action plan specifically designed to facilitate technology integration into this setting. VIBES is comprised of five components: Vision, Infrastructure, Behaviour, Experience, and Support, hence the acronym. Each component of VIBES is required in teacher training programs if technology is to be systematically incorporated into the college curricula.

Improving Consistency of Goal Attainment to Increase Physical Activity

Solley, Elizabeth Anne 14 June 2014 (has links)
Researchers have successfully increased physical activity with self-monitoring, goal setting, and feedback. Goal attainment is a crucial part of what makes goal setting successful; however, it is often unreported in the literature or implied that goals were not reached consistently. A potential way to achieve this consistency is to create an action plan, or a detailed account of exactly how and when the individual will engage in the desired physical activity to reach his or her goal. This study evaluated whether making a detailed action plan would allow individuals to reach their physical activity goals more consistently than when using goal setting and self-monitoring alone. Action planning increased goal attainment for all participants but only resulted in increased physical activity for 2 of 3 participants. Future research should replicate this study to validate these findings and further explore methods for improving the success of goal setting as an intervention.

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