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Adaptace zaměstnanců v konkrétní organizaci / Adaptation of employees in a particular organizationŠrámková, Pavla January 2020 (has links)
Adaptation of employees is a process intended for all newly íncoming employees in the organization, for their better orientation in the work environment, inclusion in the work team and rapid integration, acquisition of knowledge and skills for the position. The thesis is focused on improving the adaptation process of employees in a particular organization. The adaptation process of specific departments of a particular organization is analyzed and compared. Based on the acquired knowledge, a recommendation for improvement is proposed and improving the adaptation process. The theoretical part defines the basic terminology of the theoretical basis, which is based on the study of professional literature. Explains the concept of adaptation, employee adaptation, types and phases of adaptation, forms and goals of the adaptation process. Describes human resource management tools that affect the adaptation process, i.e. recruitment, selection, hiring, employee training, employee care and labor relations, and employee evaluation. Finally, it describes the adaptation program and an effective tool for adaptation management - an adaptation plan, including a model of possible compilation of activities to create an individual adaptation plan. The practical part deals with the analysis of the process and the...
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Från segregation till segregation : En familjs ackulturation i en mångkulturell miljö / From segregation to segregation : A family’s acculturation in a multicultural environment.Andersson, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Hageby är en stadsdel i Norrköping som i huvudsak betraktas som segregerad, med en hög andel utlandsfödda innevånare. Området förknippas också med låg socioekonomisk status, kriminalitet, hög arbetslöshet och utanförskap. Den externa bilden av området är i hög grad negativ medan den interna upplevelsen och uppfattningen om Hageby till största delen är positiv. Vissa interna konflikter, baserade på etnicitet och religion, är tydligt närvarande men de flesta informanter har en positiv syn på ”svenskar”, trots att många har få möjligheter eller tillfällen att interagera med etniska svenskar. För många av innevånarna tycks det upplevas som åtminstone delvis positivt att bo i ett mångkulturellt område och för nyanlända tycks närheten till familj och den etniska gruppen ha en tydligt dämpande effekt på den stress som anpassningen till den nya livssituationen och samhället kan ge upphov till. En omfattande mängd forskning visar att boendesegregation tenderar att förlänga integrationsprocessen ochhar negativ inverkan på språkutveckling, skapandet av nätverk på arbetsmarknaden, förståelse och fullt deltagande i samhället och därmed utövandet av medborgarskap. Trots det, visar mina informanter att boende i ett segregerat område inte nödvändigtvis får dessa effekter för individer. Men den negativa stereotypiseringen av området och dess innevånare tenderar att ha en viss effekt på självbilden och identitetsskapandet hos människor som bor där. / Hageby is a district in Norrköping, which is mainly perceived as segregated with a large number of inhabitants of foreign origin. It's also associated with low socioeconomic status, criminality, high unemployment and social exclusion. The external perception of the area is mainly negative, whilst the internal experiences and views, on the contrary are quite positive. Some internal conflicts, based on ethnicity and religion is clearly present here, but most informants expresses a positive view of the Swedish people, though many have little opportunity to interact with ethnic Swedes. Living in a multicultural area, seems for many of the local inhabitants to be something partly positive. For newcomers living there, closeness to family and their ethnic group, also helps soften the stress of settling in and adjusting to a new community. Extensive research shows that living in a segregated area, tend to slow the integration process, having negative effect on learning the new language, developing networks necessary for finding work, understanding of and full participation in society. Newer the less, my informants show that living in a segregated area, does not necessarily have these effects on an individual level. Although the extended influence of negative stereotyping of the area and the people who live there, tend to have an effect on self image and the construction of identity.
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Studentų adaptacija profesinės praktikos vietoje / Students adaptation at professional practice placeStasionis, Rokas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Probleminis klausimas:Kokie veiksniai daro įtaką studentų adaptacijos procesui?
Darbo objektas:studentų adaptacijos profesinės praktikos vietoje procesas
Darbo tikslas:Išanalizuoti studentų adaptacijos procesą profesinės praktikos vietoje
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Atskleisti adaptacijos sampratą ir charakteristikas.
2. Pristatyti adaptacijos veiksnius bei problemas profesinės praktikos vietoje
3. Ištirti studentų adaptacijos procesą profesinės praktikos vietoje ir išskirti jam įtaką darančius veiksnius.
Svarbiausios išvados ir rezultatai:
1. Išanalizavus adaptacijos sampratą galima teigti, kad adaptacija suprantama kaip naujų darbuotojų prisitaikymas prie organizacijos, prie jos reikalavimų, sąlygų, aplinkos. Studentų adaptacija profesinėje praktikos vietoje – procesas, apimantis valdymo ryšių doktrinas, mokymosi ir žinių pritaikymo procesus, kai studentas prisitaiko prie naujos aplinkos, darbo vietos, kolektyvo, vadovo, darbo sąlygų, reikalavimų.Adaptacijos procesą charakterizuoja šie rodikliai: adaptacijos būdai, formos, etapai ir rūšys.
2. Atlikus adaptacijos veiksnių apžvalgą išryškėjo trys pagrindiniai veiksniai, tai organizaciniai; socializacijos; individualūs veiksniai. Dažniausiai pasitaikančios problemos praktikos atlikimo vietoje: darbo funkcijų bei darbo sąlygų pristatymo trūkumas; įsiliejimo į koletyvą problemos.
3. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, jog studentai profesine praktika liko patenkinti, organizacijose juos gerai priėmė, supažindino su kolektyvu, stengėsi atsakyti į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problematical question:What factors makes influence to students adaptation process?
The object:Process of students adaptation at professional practice place
The aim:To analyze process of students adaptation in professional practice place
1. To reveal conception and characteristics of adaptation
2. To present factors and problemsof adaptation at professional practice place
3. Toexamine students adaptation process at professional practice place and exclude proceses that makes influence to it.
The most important conclusions and results:
1. After analysis of adaptation conception it is possible to state that adaptation is a process then new employee adapts to organization, to its requirements, terms, environment. Students adaptation at professional practice place is a process that covers doctrines of management conections, learning and keeping knowledge up to date processes., then student adapts to new environament, work place, other employees, director, work conditions and requirements. Process of adaptation is characterized by these indicators: adaptation ways, forms, stages and types.
2. After performing overview of adaptation factors three main factors were found: organizing, socialization and individual factors. The most common problems that occur at professional practice place: lack of presentation of work functions and work conditions; problems of joining new collective.
3. After performing survey it became clear that students were happy with their professional... [to full text]
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Získávání a zapracování pracovníků v OVB Allfinanz a.s. / Recruitment and adaptation process of new workers in OVB Allfinanz a.s.Nádvorník, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with running of the financial market and goals of financial consulting, but mostly is about crucial differences in selection, recruitment and breaking new workers in as employees compared to cooperation of entrepreneurs. These differences are shown on a specific example of financial consulting company OVB Allfinanz a.s. The biggest contrasts are: more possibilities for hiring new workers, variability of the selection process, impossibility of introducing directive leadership, the need to offer a goal of the work for the people and also the team vision.
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From theory to practice... : A study about the relevance of the learning context for auditors and their practical adjustments to the IAS/IFRS standardsGiunti, Giulia, Zaytseva, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Summary</p><p>In a world where distances have become shorter and shorter, boundaries are to some extent disappearing and are creating space for integration and globalisation. One significant example of the integration process is the foundation of the European Union.</p><p>The need to improve the economical development within the European Union has lead to the elaboration of a complex assemble of international standards to regulate the way companies should present their economical situation. The IAS /IFRS standards must be applied in all quoted companies from January 2005; and at the same time the four biggest auditing agencies in the world are characterized by their biggest employment session since many years. When it comes to the implementation of the new standards, companies and auditors have experienced many difficulties in learning how to deal with purchased goodwill and financial instruments.</p><p>What practical adjustments the introduction of the new European standards has brought in the work of auditors and how does their adaptation process look like from an educational perspective?</p><p>The purpose of our study is to understand what practical adjustments auditors have made in order to adapt to the new standards when it comes to the verification of financial statements, in particular for goodwill and financial instruments. We will try to achieve this understanding trough the analysis of the learning context behind the transition process in four different auditing agencies. Together with this, we want to analyse in what extend the complexity of the new rules influenced the phenomenon of high recruitment. In order to answer our purpose we have chosen to carry out seven qualitative interviews with public certified auditors.</p><p>We believe that knowledge about reality can be achieved through the interpretation and deep analysis of different information and for this reason we argue for a hermeneutical scientific ideal.</p><p>Our theoretical frame is important to both understand the theoretical differences between the old and the new standards, but also to have an overview of the profession of auditors. We also present theories behind organisational learning; and we create a background to understand the different factors behind the higher demand.</p><p>Our empirical information is presented in different categories that we identified partially through the study of the theoretical frame, and partially through the discussion with our respondents in semi structured interviews.</p><p>Our analysis is both linked to the theoretical frame, but it also tries to look at different aspects directly from the empirical material collected.</p><p>The result of our research shows that the organisational learning in auditing agencies is very effective, partially because this profession is used to continuous changes. Auditors have experienced several practical modifications in their way of verifying financial statements, which depends both on the standards, but also on the relationship with the clients. Finally we discovered that the influence of the complexity of the standard on the higher recruitment is not significant if seen as a single factor.</p>
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From theory to practice... : A study about the relevance of the learning context for auditors and their practical adjustments to the IAS/IFRS standardsGiunti, Giulia, Zaytseva, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
Summary In a world where distances have become shorter and shorter, boundaries are to some extent disappearing and are creating space for integration and globalisation. One significant example of the integration process is the foundation of the European Union. The need to improve the economical development within the European Union has lead to the elaboration of a complex assemble of international standards to regulate the way companies should present their economical situation. The IAS /IFRS standards must be applied in all quoted companies from January 2005; and at the same time the four biggest auditing agencies in the world are characterized by their biggest employment session since many years. When it comes to the implementation of the new standards, companies and auditors have experienced many difficulties in learning how to deal with purchased goodwill and financial instruments. What practical adjustments the introduction of the new European standards has brought in the work of auditors and how does their adaptation process look like from an educational perspective? The purpose of our study is to understand what practical adjustments auditors have made in order to adapt to the new standards when it comes to the verification of financial statements, in particular for goodwill and financial instruments. We will try to achieve this understanding trough the analysis of the learning context behind the transition process in four different auditing agencies. Together with this, we want to analyse in what extend the complexity of the new rules influenced the phenomenon of high recruitment. In order to answer our purpose we have chosen to carry out seven qualitative interviews with public certified auditors. We believe that knowledge about reality can be achieved through the interpretation and deep analysis of different information and for this reason we argue for a hermeneutical scientific ideal. Our theoretical frame is important to both understand the theoretical differences between the old and the new standards, but also to have an overview of the profession of auditors. We also present theories behind organisational learning; and we create a background to understand the different factors behind the higher demand. Our empirical information is presented in different categories that we identified partially through the study of the theoretical frame, and partially through the discussion with our respondents in semi structured interviews. Our analysis is both linked to the theoretical frame, but it also tries to look at different aspects directly from the empirical material collected. The result of our research shows that the organisational learning in auditing agencies is very effective, partially because this profession is used to continuous changes. Auditors have experienced several practical modifications in their way of verifying financial statements, which depends both on the standards, but also on the relationship with the clients. Finally we discovered that the influence of the complexity of the standard on the higher recruitment is not significant if seen as a single factor.
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Defining the architecture and attributes of successful climate change adaptation surrounding long-lived infrastructure in the coastal zoneArmstrong, Jennifer C. January 2017 (has links)
Climate variability and change threaten human and physical systems in coastal zones. With more than 10% of the global population now living and working in low elevation coastal zones, successful adaptation to climate change is becoming a pressing issue, particularly for areas featuring critical, long-lived infrastructure. The aim of this research is to define the architecture and attributes contributing to successful adaptation to climate change. Here, success is measured in terms of the process rather than outcomes of adaptation initiatives. The research features two empirical phases: adaptation framework analysis and an evaluation of factors affecting the adaptive capacity of stakeholder organisations. Framework analysis involved the development of a criterion tool based on recurrent features of different adaptation frameworks as described in research literature. Six hallmarks emerged as discriminators of Scenario-Led (SL), Vulnerability-Led (VL) and Decision-Centric (DC) frameworks. The criterion tool was then tested using four UK coastal case study areas, drawing on evidence from public domain adaptation documents. The Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) was used investigate factors enabling or inhibiting stakeholder adaptation efforts by designing and iteratively adjust semi-structured interviews with stakeholder organisations in the Sizewell nuclear neighbourhood, Suffolk, UK. The findings from the two phases were brought together to identify opportunities to improve the adaptation processes. Analysis of the adaptation architecture revealed that stakeholders rarely use one theoretical adaptation approach. A hybrid adaptation framework is adopted, with the DC/SL or DC/VL being utilised most frequently. Findings reveal a mismatch between theoretical frameworks and those implemented in practise. Semi-structured interviews exposed six key themes defining adaptation process. Stakeholder organisations reported 12 factors that affect their standpoints on each key theme. Standpoints were broadly consistent between similar stakeholder organisations. Stakeholder groups, key themes and influencing factors provide an evidence base for evaluating the complex social dynamics affecting successes of the adaptation process, offering a route to pragmatic adaptation guidance. By considering the architecture and attributes of adaptation coastal stakeholders in neighbourhoods with long-lived infrastructure could strengthen the adaptation process, thereby realising their shared vision(s) of integrated coastal management. There is scope for improving and advancing the research. It is acknowledged that the inventories of adaptation initiatives were uneven in size and scope, potentially limiting the evaluation of the criterion tool. This may be addressed by assessing other coastal neighbourhoods with long-lived infrastructure. When interviewing representatives from stakeholder organisations, it was difficult to differentiate between personal or professional views. Future research could investigate how the role of the individual influences adaptation efforts. Insights could further refine the architecture and attributes of adaptation.
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Monitorace hemodynamiky v intenzivní péči příprava výukového materiálu pro nově nastupující sestry / Hemodynamic monitoring in the intensive care - preparation of educational materials for newly hired nursesMELICHAROVÁ, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the monitoring of hemodynamics in intensive care units; the main objective was to create an educational material for newly employed nurses. This educational material should facilitate the adaptation process of nurses at Anaesthesiology-Resuscitation Units (AR) or Intensive Care Units (ICU).The diploma thesis is divided in two parts: theoretical and empirical. The topics covered by the theoretical part include the concept of intensive care, the technical equipment, the scope of work of intensive care nurses, anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular system monitoring, hemodynamic monitoring, adaptation of new nurses at the workplace, and the possibilities of educational methods aimed at newly employed nurses. The empirical part was conducted as qualitative inquiry in the form of interview. The interviews were semi-standardised and they were held at the AR unit in the České Budějovice Hospital. The subjects were the nurses from the RES 1 and RES 2 stations. The first part of the research inquiry consisted in interviews with the nurses at the Anaesthesiology-Resuscitation unit. The interviews were not taped, due to the respondents' request. All the answers were carefully recorded and immediately transcribed and processed to prevent any inaccuracy of information. The results were organised in charts according to the categorisations, in a well-arranged manner. The second phase consisted in creating the educational material for the newly employed nurses and the third phase concluded the project by distributing the educational materials at the hospital unit where the interviews were conducted. The nurses could therefore assess whether the educational material meets their requirements and will be useful in practice. The respondents were interviewed again and the results were subsequently also organised in charts.The results of the research inquiry show that the nurses at the Anaesthesiology-Resuscitation Unit in the České Budějovice Hospital perceive the correct hemodynamic monitoring as important, that they know what hemodynamic monitoring is and are aware of the monitoring possibilities. The nurses of this unit perform both invasive and non-invasive monitoring of hemodynamic parameters. The basic task is measuring the central venous pressure and arterial pressure. Other parameters are monitored by the doctors with the application of the Swan-Ganz catheter. The most frequently used monitors are PICCO, Lidco, Vigileo and Vigilance. All interviewed respondents agreed that their only help during the adaptation process was the manufacturers' materials and the advice from the nurse-trainers. A small part of the respondents was trained directly by the company distributing the monitors. The final phase of the research inquiry revealed that the nurses like the new educational material but they are afraid that it will end up collecting dust as the other materials supplied by students. The interviews established that it is easier to directly communicate the necessary information to the new nurses along with practical demonstration than to recommend an educational material for studying of at least the theoretical part.
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Přijímání a adaptace zaměstnanců ve vybrané společnosti / Hiring and adaptation process of employees in a selected companyTaberyová, Vladimíra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of hiring and adaptation process of new employees in the company XY, branch Czech Republic. It is divided into two main parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is based on literature study defines basic terms, context and theoretical background related to the respective area. The practical part is a presentation of selected listed company and is dedicated to the analysis and evaluation of the current process of hiring and adaptation process in this company. The aim of the practical part is based on an analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current concept of hiring and adaptation process in a selected company and to provide suggestions and recommendations that could lead to the entire process improvement.
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Abandonment, jealousy and self-invention: : an exploration of the adaptation process in Jeanette Winterson’s The Gap of Time / Övergivenhet, svartsjuka och självuppfyllande: : en kartläggning av adaptionsprocessen i Jeanette Wintersons The Gap of TimeSundelin, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
This essay explores the adaptation process in The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson, a novel basedonTheWinter’sTalebyWilliamShakespeare.Itisadiscussionandanalysisofthe novel; put in contrast to the play, and an exploration of the different emerging elements and themes in The Gap of Time. The most prevalent themes in the novel are abandonment, the power of jealousy, and alienation leading to self-invention. By exploring the novel in light of adaptation theories this essay will illustrate how Winterson exposes these themes. A comparative reading of the play and the novel makes it possible to discover various points in the plot where the adaptation process contributes to a different perspective on some of the characters in the story. In addition, the author has a personal connection to abandonment and loss due to being adopted as a child. This may also influence the narrative in the novel. Whilst jealousy is primarily focused upon in the play, the novel uses abandonment as its driving force instead, which is what this essay is focusing on. This in turn leads to self-invention as a tool to cope with loss, as expressed in the novel. Arguably there are other perspectives arising from the major themes, such as alienation and to some extent faith, which is also mentioned in this essay. In conclusion, the divergence between the novel and the play is fundamentally seen in character development. / Denna uppsats har för avsikt att utforska adaptionsprocessen i “The Gap of Time” av Jeanette Winterson som är en adaption av “The Winter’s Tale” av William Shakespeare. Det är en diskussion och analys av romanen, i jämförelse med pjäsen, samt ett utforskande av tematiska inslag i “The Gap of Time”. De mest allmänt förekommande inslagen är exempelvis övergivenhet, hur svartsjuka påverkar oss, samt främlingskap och självuppfyllande. Genom att utforska romanen i ljuset av olika adaptionsteorier så har uppsatsen som syfte att genomlysa hur Winterson fångar dessa olika tematiska inslag i sitt narrativ. En komparativ läsning av romanen och pjäsen gör det möjligt att upptäcka olika vändpunkter i berättandet som gör att läsaren får ett annat perspektiv på de olika karaktärerna. Det skall tilläggas att författaren har en personlig referens till övergivenhet eftersom hon själv är adopterad. Detta kan ha påverkat berättandet i romanen. Det drivande tematiska inslaget i pjäsen är svartsjuka, men i romanen är övergivenhet det som står i centrum, vilket denna uppsats främst handlar om. Detta i sin tur leder till självuppfyllande som ett verktyg för att hantera en förlust eller övergivenhet, vilket framgår i romanen. Min tes är att det också växer fram andra perspektiv ur de tematiska inslagen, så som främlingskap och religiös övertygelse, vilket också nämns i denna uppsats. Slutsatsen är att den grundläggande avvikelsen mellan romanen och pjäsen främst ses i förändringsprocessen hos de olika karaktärerna i berättelsen.
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