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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le processus d'adaptation de conjoints dont la femme est atteinte d'un cancer de l'ovaire

Bourgeois, Line 04 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de cerner, à partir de leur propre point de vue, la trajectoire d’adaptation de conjoints dont l’épouse est atteinte d’un cancer de l’ovaire. Une approche qualitative, la théorisation ancrée, a été utilisée dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d'entretiens semi-structurés effectués auprès de neuf conjoints qui accompagnaient leur épouse lors de leurs traitements dans une unité montréalaise ultra-spécialisée de soins pour les cancers gynécologiques. Nos résultats font ressortir qu’une fois passé le choc de l’annonce du diagnostic, nos répondants se ressaisissent et élaborent toute une série de stratégies de protection pour leur épouse et eux-mêmes, puis d’attaque de la maladie. Au bilan, pour eux, le cancer se révèle une expérience « transformante» aux plans personnel, conjugal et social. Les contrastes observés entre nos résultats et ceux des études antérieures, qui insistent sur le désarroi de conjoints, peuvent être expliqués par la prise en charge efficace de la femme par le réseau de la santé, qui valorise le rôle du conjoint et qui l’outille pour accompagner son épouse. S’ajoutent à cela la force du lien conjugal, trempé par les épreuves passées, certains traits de personnalité des conjoints et l'action du réseau de soutien personnel. En regard de la pratique infirmière, notre recherche met en évidence le bien-fondé des politiques soutenant l’intégration des familles dans les plans de soins et les retombées positives d’une approche concertée entre tous les intervenants de la santé. Répéter une telle étude dans d'autres institutions du réseau de la santé permettrait de cerner encore plus finement son impact sur l’adaptation de conjoints à la maladie. / This research focuses on how nine men recall their adaptation trajectory to their spouses’ ovarian cancer. The qualitative analysis made use of the grounded theory approach; semistructured interviews were conducted with husbands accompanying their spouses during their treatments in an ultra-specialized unit for gynaecological cancers in a Montreal hospital. Our results show that after the initial shock initiated by the announcement, the respondents develop a set of strategies, first to protect their wives and themselves, and then to attack the illness. Accompanying their wives through the experience of cancer proves to be, for the husbands, a transformative experience at all levels: personal,conjugal, and social. The perceived efficacy of the health network and its preoccupation with the husband’s caretaker role may explain the sharp contrast we observe between results from the literature, insisting on the husbands’ helplessness in such a context, and our data, which underline their fighting spirit. Other factors identified are the strength of the conjugal link, forged in common ordeals, personality traits of both husbands and wives, and support from their personal network. Concerning nursing practice, this research suggests that the importance and the support given by the health professionals to the family caregivers is of utmost importance for the couple’s quality of life throughout this experience. Besides, the coordination of the health professionals, throughout the women’s illness, is crucial in diminishing the anxiety linked to the cancer diagnosis. The duplication of such a study in other cancer care units would allow a finer analysis of the impact the health network can have on the adaptation of both spouses to illness.

Adaptační proces sester pracujících na oddělení intenzivní péče / adaptation process of nurses working in intensive care unit

Plhoňová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the adaptation process in the intensive care units. The theoretical section analysed the adaptation process of nurses with particular focus on methodical instructions, legislation and other specific aspects of the adaptation process, including necessary education for the ICU nurses. The aim of the practical section was to examine, whether the adaptation processes are done properly and are long enough. We focused not only on the point of view of the management, but also on the feedback from the new employees. A survey was done among the employees of accredited and non-accredited healthcare facilities. By the evaluation of our data, we have managed to accept or deny various hypotheses that were included in our work. Our survey has shown that both executive nurses and new employees think the adaptation process usually proceeds correctly and thoroughly and they do not want to make any changes. Our data have also been used to compare adaptation processes of accredited and non-accredited healthcare facilities. Based on the data from our survey, we have been able to determine, that the adaptation process is significantly better at facilities which are accredited. On the contrary, the nurses working in non-accredited facilities are less satisfied and would welcome changes...

Att mäta stress : Adaptering och validering av Dundee Stress State Questionnaire / To measure stress : Adaptation and validation of Dundee Stress State Questionnaire

Carolina, Löf January 2019 (has links)
Studien hade till syfte att adaptera och validera den multidimensionella stressenkäten Dundee Stress State Questionnaire (DSSQ) som mäter stress utifrån 12 skalor som sammanfaller kring tre högre dimensioner: uppgiftsfokus, ångest och oro. DSSQ adapteras från originalspråket, engelska, till svenska. Tillämpbarheten för den svenska versionen av DSSQ undersöks genom att studera enkätens reliabilitet och validitet samt genom att tillämpa enkäten i två olika kontext, där två olika typer av uppgifter genomförs, ett arbetsminnestest och en polisstudentövning. Sammantaget visade resultatet att den svenska adaptionen av DSSQ har en hög reliabilitet. Dock gick det inte att bekräfta att den svenska adaptionen av DSSQ bibehåller samma faktormodell som originalversionen av DSSQ. Den statistiska analysen visade att de förändringar som identifierats i deltagarnas sinnesstämning delvis stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. Slutsatsen är att fler deltagare behövs för att validera faktormodellen hos den svenska adaptionen av DSSQ och den svenska adaptionen av DSSQ anses vara tillämpar i forskning då den visar på god reliabilitet. / The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate the Dundee Stress State Questionnaire (DSSQ), which measures stress based on 12 scales that cohere around three higher order dimensions: task engagement, distress and worry. DSSQ is adapted from its original language, English, to Swedish. The applicability of the Swedish version of DSSQ is tested by studying the questionnaire's reliability and validity, and by applying the survey in two different contexts, where two different tasks are performed, a work memory task and a police student exam task. Overall, the result showed that the Swedish adaptation of DSSQ has high reliability. However, it was not possible to confirm that the Swedish adaptation of DSSQ maintained the same factor model as the original DSSQ has. The statistical analysis showed the changes identified in the participants' moods partly in lines with previous research. The conclusion is that more participants are needed to validate the factor model for the Swedish adaptation of DSSQ and since the Swedish adaptation of DSSQ shows good reliability, it can be applied in research.

Styrning i en kundinriktad organisation : en studie av en elitidrottsförening / Management in a customer orientated organization : a study of a competitive sports club

Sävenhed, Robert, Öberg, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: There has been a movement of power towards customers in most markets which puts higher demands upon the customer orientation of organizations to survive competition. In general the opinion is that satisfied customers also are profitable for the organization. Even though a consciousness exists about this connections importance for the organization there exists no prominent economical theory showing how a organization should work with customer adaptation and how management should be shaped for success in this area. In the field of competitive sports clubs a similar trend is discernible since the field is increasingly commercialized.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt The Balanced Scorecard as a model to the demands on management that customer orientation causes and to use the knowledge created during the study to show how customer orientation in a competitive sports club could look.</p><p>Realization: The study first takes the form of a literature study which emerges into a theoretic development. Above that a case study of Linköpings Hockey Club has been accomplished so that knowledge created from the literature study could be used on competitive sports clubs. Information to the case study has been gathered through interviews.</p><p>Results: A development of the Balanced Scorecard takes place so that the model is better adapted for customer orientated organizations and for practical use of the model. The development is based on the demands on management caused by the customer adaptation process the authors find necessary for a customer orientated organization. Thanks to usage of the developed Balanced Scorecard competitive sports clubs may improve their prerequisites for customer orientation.</p> / <p>Bakgrund: En förskjutning av makten på marknaden har skett till kundernas fördel vilket ställer högre krav på organisationer att vara kundinriktade för att överleva. Generellt är synen att kunder som är tillfredsställda också är lönsamma för organisationen vanlig. Trots medvetenhet om detta sambands betydelse finns egentligen ingen framstående ekonomisk teori som visar hur organisationen ska arbeta med kundanpassning och hur organisationen ska styras för att nå dit. En liknande trend går att urskilja även inom den allt mer kommersialiserade idrottsrörelsen, framförallt på elitnivå.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien är att anpassa det balanserade styrkortet som modell till de krav på ett styrsystem som en kundinriktad verksamhet medför samt att använda den i studien genererade kunskapen till att visa hur kundinriktningen i en elitidrottsförening kan se ut.</p><p>Genomförande: Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie som mynnar ut i en teoriutveckling. Därutöver har en fallstudie av Linköpings Hockey Club genomförts för att kunna tillämpa kunskap från litteraturstudien på elitidrottsföreningar. Information till fallstudien har samlats in genom intervjuer.</p><p>Resultat: En utveckling av det balanserade styrkortet har utförts för att modellen ska vara bättre anpassad till kundinriktade organisationer och för att förenkla ett praktiskt användande av modellen. Utvecklingen grundas på de krav som uppstår genom den kundanpassningsprocess vi anser vara nödvändig för en kundinriktad organisation. Elitidrottsföreningar kan genom tillämpning av utvecklingen av det balanserade styrkortet få bättre förutsättningar att agera kundinriktat.</p>

Styrning i en kundinriktad organisation : en studie av en elitidrottsförening / Management in a customer orientated organization : a study of a competitive sports club

Sävenhed, Robert, Öberg, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
Background: There has been a movement of power towards customers in most markets which puts higher demands upon the customer orientation of organizations to survive competition. In general the opinion is that satisfied customers also are profitable for the organization. Even though a consciousness exists about this connections importance for the organization there exists no prominent economical theory showing how a organization should work with customer adaptation and how management should be shaped for success in this area. In the field of competitive sports clubs a similar trend is discernible since the field is increasingly commercialized. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt The Balanced Scorecard as a model to the demands on management that customer orientation causes and to use the knowledge created during the study to show how customer orientation in a competitive sports club could look. Realization: The study first takes the form of a literature study which emerges into a theoretic development. Above that a case study of Linköpings Hockey Club has been accomplished so that knowledge created from the literature study could be used on competitive sports clubs. Information to the case study has been gathered through interviews. Results: A development of the Balanced Scorecard takes place so that the model is better adapted for customer orientated organizations and for practical use of the model. The development is based on the demands on management caused by the customer adaptation process the authors find necessary for a customer orientated organization. Thanks to usage of the developed Balanced Scorecard competitive sports clubs may improve their prerequisites for customer orientation. / Bakgrund: En förskjutning av makten på marknaden har skett till kundernas fördel vilket ställer högre krav på organisationer att vara kundinriktade för att överleva. Generellt är synen att kunder som är tillfredsställda också är lönsamma för organisationen vanlig. Trots medvetenhet om detta sambands betydelse finns egentligen ingen framstående ekonomisk teori som visar hur organisationen ska arbeta med kundanpassning och hur organisationen ska styras för att nå dit. En liknande trend går att urskilja även inom den allt mer kommersialiserade idrottsrörelsen, framförallt på elitnivå. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att anpassa det balanserade styrkortet som modell till de krav på ett styrsystem som en kundinriktad verksamhet medför samt att använda den i studien genererade kunskapen till att visa hur kundinriktningen i en elitidrottsförening kan se ut. Genomförande: Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie som mynnar ut i en teoriutveckling. Därutöver har en fallstudie av Linköpings Hockey Club genomförts för att kunna tillämpa kunskap från litteraturstudien på elitidrottsföreningar. Information till fallstudien har samlats in genom intervjuer. Resultat: En utveckling av det balanserade styrkortet har utförts för att modellen ska vara bättre anpassad till kundinriktade organisationer och för att förenkla ett praktiskt användande av modellen. Utvecklingen grundas på de krav som uppstår genom den kundanpassningsprocess vi anser vara nödvändig för en kundinriktad organisation. Elitidrottsföreningar kan genom tillämpning av utvecklingen av det balanserade styrkortet få bättre förutsättningar att agera kundinriktat.

Le processus d'adaptation de conjoints dont la femme est atteinte d'un cancer de l'ovaire

Bourgeois, Line 04 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de cerner, à partir de leur propre point de vue, la trajectoire d’adaptation de conjoints dont l’épouse est atteinte d’un cancer de l’ovaire. Une approche qualitative, la théorisation ancrée, a été utilisée dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d'entretiens semi-structurés effectués auprès de neuf conjoints qui accompagnaient leur épouse lors de leurs traitements dans une unité montréalaise ultra-spécialisée de soins pour les cancers gynécologiques. Nos résultats font ressortir qu’une fois passé le choc de l’annonce du diagnostic, nos répondants se ressaisissent et élaborent toute une série de stratégies de protection pour leur épouse et eux-mêmes, puis d’attaque de la maladie. Au bilan, pour eux, le cancer se révèle une expérience « transformante» aux plans personnel, conjugal et social. Les contrastes observés entre nos résultats et ceux des études antérieures, qui insistent sur le désarroi de conjoints, peuvent être expliqués par la prise en charge efficace de la femme par le réseau de la santé, qui valorise le rôle du conjoint et qui l’outille pour accompagner son épouse. S’ajoutent à cela la force du lien conjugal, trempé par les épreuves passées, certains traits de personnalité des conjoints et l'action du réseau de soutien personnel. En regard de la pratique infirmière, notre recherche met en évidence le bien-fondé des politiques soutenant l’intégration des familles dans les plans de soins et les retombées positives d’une approche concertée entre tous les intervenants de la santé. Répéter une telle étude dans d'autres institutions du réseau de la santé permettrait de cerner encore plus finement son impact sur l’adaptation de conjoints à la maladie. / This research focuses on how nine men recall their adaptation trajectory to their spouses’ ovarian cancer. The qualitative analysis made use of the grounded theory approach; semistructured interviews were conducted with husbands accompanying their spouses during their treatments in an ultra-specialized unit for gynaecological cancers in a Montreal hospital. Our results show that after the initial shock initiated by the announcement, the respondents develop a set of strategies, first to protect their wives and themselves, and then to attack the illness. Accompanying their wives through the experience of cancer proves to be, for the husbands, a transformative experience at all levels: personal,conjugal, and social. The perceived efficacy of the health network and its preoccupation with the husband’s caretaker role may explain the sharp contrast we observe between results from the literature, insisting on the husbands’ helplessness in such a context, and our data, which underline their fighting spirit. Other factors identified are the strength of the conjugal link, forged in common ordeals, personality traits of both husbands and wives, and support from their personal network. Concerning nursing practice, this research suggests that the importance and the support given by the health professionals to the family caregivers is of utmost importance for the couple’s quality of life throughout this experience. Besides, the coordination of the health professionals, throughout the women’s illness, is crucial in diminishing the anxiety linked to the cancer diagnosis. The duplication of such a study in other cancer care units would allow a finer analysis of the impact the health network can have on the adaptation of both spouses to illness.

Řízení lidských zdrojů ve státním podniku a státní správě / Human resources management in state public enterprise and state administration

RUNDOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with chosen views of human resources management in present state administration and state public enterprise. It is focusing principally on current system that plans needs of employees, their recruitment, adaptation process of new received employees and the Czech Post Office education in České Budějovice. The research via questionnaire was used as the fundamental method for gaining required information of human resources management. Data were analyzed separately for each organization. The further information were gained by the interview, which was not standardized, with the human resources manager of the Czech Post Office. The principal aim was an analysis of procedures and methods of personal work. Further it was investigated how the personal politics operates within the Czech Post Office and Municipal Office nowadays. The next theme was the position of human resources management in our society. Finally there is a proposal for conditions enhancement within some activities of state public enterprise and state administration.

Adaptační proces klientů v Domově pro seniory G - centra Tábor / Adaptation process of clients in senior home G - centrum Tábor

PĚCHOTOVÁ, Blanka January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work is to reveal the human attitude to overcoming difficulties and map the problems brought about by their inclusion to the senior home.The qualitative research was used in the work.The basic technique applied was a standardised interview with respondents during which closed and semiclosed questions were asked, and the technique of semi-standardised interview with the social workers. The research results have shown that seniors associate their entrance to a social institute with the expectation to receive assistance in managing difficult siotuations in their lives.As their capabilities decrease,they seek safety,company,the provision of care and security in its availability.

Role sestry manažerky na usnadnění adaptačního procesu nově nastupující sestry na oddělení ARO, JIP / The role of the nurse manager in facilitation of adaptation process of new employed anaesthesiological and intensive care nurse

HUDCOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Successful coping with adaptation process by a nurse newly joining an intensive medicine workplace is quite a complicated process. Mastering sophisticated instrumentation, specialist demands of nursing care provision and everyday physical load as well as psychical stress expose each newly coming nurse to a wide spectre of demands the unconditioned coping with which is a basic precondition of successful integration to an elite team. Each incoming nurse (not just at an intensive care workplace) should be particularly supported by her nurse manager in the far from easy adaptation process, who can substantially help a new nurse adapt to the new environment and become an equivalent team member. The Thesis is aimed at the role of a nurse manager in comforting an adaptation process of a nurse joining an ARD and an ICU. The aim of the Thesis was to map the role of a nurse manager in adaptation process of a nurse joining an ARD and an ICU and to find out how such a nurse manager helps a nurse joining an ARD or an ICU with adaptation. Further aims were to map the process of adaptation of a nurse joining an ARD or an ICU itself and to examine the factors that mostly influence the adaptation process of a nurse joining an ARD or an ICU. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research was applied to the research part of the Thesis. A semi-standardized interview conducted with ARD and ICU ward sisters in selected hospitals in Prague was chosen as the data collection technique for the qualitative part. A questionnaire designed for nurses working at ARDs and ICUs in selected Prague hospitals, who themselves were undergoing or have recently undergone such an adaptation process was chosen as the data collection technique for the quantitative part. The aims of the Thesis have been met. The research results clearly showed that the adaptation process of a new nurse is not only based on effective specialist training, but also in integration of the nurse into the existing working team. It is thus necessary for a nurse manager to take sufficient care to the adaptation process and help a new nurse become an equivalent member of the team, which will thus achieve the set goals of the department as well as the whole organization under her efficient guidance. The results of our research may thus contribute to better awareness of the individual motivation factors of the adaptation process among the involved public. Upon the information found about functioning of a nurse manager in the process of adaptation of a nurse joining an ARD or an ICU a thought map was created, which might help as inspiration or as a manual for execution of this highly demanding process itself.

Orientace a adaptace zaměstnanců ve společnosti Subterra a.s. / Orientation and adaptation of employees in Subterra a.s.

Shulhay, Inna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the solution of two specific situations in the field of employee orientation and adaptation. The first part deals with the analysis of the adaptation and orientation process of the new employees in Subterra a.s. including recommendations on how to optimise this process. The second part focuses on the system of training of the employees before expatriation, leading to their successful adaptation abroad. This section describes the activities and information that are required before their expatriation. The aim of the training is an successful employee adaptation and an achievement of the objectives of the expatriation. This Master's Thesis is based on Czech and foreign literature. The practical part is mainly based on the internal documents of Subterra a.s., on the consultation with the Head of the Human Resources Development Unit in Subterra -- Mgr. Jana Jakoubková and my own experience with work abroad.

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