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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient Algorithms for Future Aircraft Design: Contributions to Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

Hicken, Jason 24 September 2009 (has links)
Advances in numerical optimization have raised the possibility that efficient and novel aircraft configurations may be ``discovered'' by an algorithm. To begin exploring this possibility, a fast and robust set of tools for aerodynamic shape optimization is developed. Parameterization and mesh-movement are integrated to accommodate large changes in the geometry. This integrated approach uses a coarse B-spline control grid to represent the geometry and move the computational mesh; consequently, the mesh-movement algorithm is two to three orders faster than a node-based linear elasticity approach, without compromising mesh quality. Aerodynamic analysis is performed using a flow solver for the Euler equations. The governing equations are discretized using summation-by-parts finite-difference operators and simultaneous approximation terms, which permit nonsmooth mesh continuity at block interfaces. The discretization results in a set of nonlinear algebraic equations, which are solved using an efficient parallel Newton-Krylov-Schur strategy. A gradient-based optimization algorithm is adopted. The gradient is evaluated using adjoint variables for the flow and mesh equations in a sequential approach. The flow adjoint equations are solved using a novel variant of the Krylov solver GCROT. This variant of GCROT is flexible to take advantage of non-stationary preconditioners and is shown to outperform restarted flexible GMRES. The aerodynamic optimizer is applied to several studies of induced-drag minimization. An elliptical lift distribution is recovered by varying spanwise twist, thereby validating the algorithm. Planform optimization based on the Euler equations produces a nonelliptical lift distribution, in contrast with the predictions of lifting-line theory. A study of spanwise vertical shape optimization confirms that a winglet-up configuration is more efficient than a winglet-down configuration. A split-tip geometry is used to explore nonlinear wake-wing interactions: the optimized split-tip demonstrates a significant reduction in induced drag relative to a single-tip wing. Finally, the optimal spanwise loading for a box-wing configuration is investigated.

Shape Optimization for Acoustic Wave Propagation Problems

Udawalpola, Rajitha January 2010 (has links)
Boundary shape optimization is a technique to search for an optimal shape by modifying the boundary of a device with a pre-specified topology. We consider boundary shape optimization of acoustic horns in loudspeakers and brass wind instruments. A horn is an interfacial device, situated between a source, such as a waveguide or a transducer, and surrounding space. Horns are used to control both the transmission properties from the source and the spatial power distribution in the far-field (directivity patterns). Transmission and directivity properties of a horn are sensitive to the shape of the horn flare. By changing the horn flare we design transmission efficient horns. However, it is difficult to achieve both controllability of directivity patterns and high transmission efficiency by using only changes in the horn flare. Therefore we use simultaneous shape and so-called topology optimization to design a horn/acoustic-lens combination to achieve high transmission efficiency and even directivity. We also design transmission efficient interfacial devices without imposing an upper constraint on the mouth diameter. The results demonstrate that there appears to be a natural limit on the optimal mouth diameter. We optimize brasswind instruments with respect to its intonation properties. The instrument is modeled using a hybrid method between a one-dimensional transmission line analogy for the slowly flaring part of the instrument, and a finite element model for the rapidly flaring part. An experimental study is carried out to verify the transmission properties of optimized horn. We produce a prototype of an optimized horn and then measure the input impedance of the horn. The measured values agree reasonably well with the predicted optimal values. The finite element method and the boundary element method are used as discretization methods in the thesis. Gradient-based optimization methods are used for optimization, in which the gradients are supplied by the adjoint methods.

Formulation de la tomographie des temps de première arrivée par une méthode de gradient : un pas vers une tomographie interactive

Taillandier, Cédric 02 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La tomographie des temps de première arrivée cherche à estimer un modèle de vitesse de propagation des ondes sismiques à partir des temps de première arrivée pointés sur les sismogrammes. Le modèle de vitesse obtenu peut alors permettre une interprétation structurale du milieu ou bien servir de modèle initial pour d'autres traitements de l'imagerie sismique. Les domaines d'application de cette méthode s'étendent, à des échelles différentes, de la géotechnique à la sismologie en passant par la géophysique pétrolière. Le savoir-faire du géophysicien joue un rôle important dans la difficile résolution du problème tomographique non-linéaire et mal posé. De nombreuses recherches ont entrepris de faciliter et d'améliorer cette résolution par des approches mathématique ou physique. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous souhaitons développer une approche pragmatique, c'est-à-dire que nous considérons que le problème tomographique doit être résolu par un algorithme interactif dont les paramètres de réglage sont clairement définis. L'aspect interactif de l'algorithme facilite l'acquisition du savoir-faire tomographique car il permet de réaliser, dans un temps raisonnable, de nombreuses simulations pour des paramétrisations différentes. Le but poursuivi dans cette thèse est de définir, pour le cas spécifique de la tomographie des temps de première arrivée, un algorithme qui réponde au mieux à ces critères. Les algorithmes de tomographie des temps de première arrivée classiquement mis en oeuvre aujourd'hui ne répondent pas à nos critères d'une approche pragmatique. En effet, leur implémentation ne permet pas d'exploiter l'architecture parallèle des supercalculateurs actuels pour réduire les temps de calcul. De plus, leur mise en oeuvre nécessite une paramétrisation rendue complexe du fait de la résolution du système linéaire tomographique. Toutes ces limitations pratiques sont liées à la formulation même de l'algorithme à partir de la méthode de Gauss-Newton. Cette thèse repose sur l'idée de formuler la résolution du problème tomographique à partir de la méthode de plus grande descente pour s'affranchir de ces limitations. L'étape clé de cette formulation réside dans le calcul du gradient de la fonction coût par rapport aux paramètres du modèle. Nous utilisons la méthode de l'état adjoint et une méthode définie à partir d'un tracé de rais a posteriori pour calculer ce gradient. Ces deux méthodes se distinguent par leur formulation, respectivement non-linéaire et linéarisée, et par leur mise en oeuvre pratique. Nous définissons ensuite clairement la paramétrisation du nouvel algorithme de tomographie et validons sur un supercalculateur ses propriétés pratiques : une parallélisation directe et efficace, une occupation mémoire indépendante du nombre de données observées et une mise en oeuvre simple. Finalement, nous présentons des résultats de tomographie pour des acquisitions de type sismique réfraction, 2-D et 3-D, synthétiques et réelles, marines et terrestres, qui valident le bon comportement de l'algorithme, en termes de résultats obtenus et de stabilité. La réalisation d'un grand nombre de simulations a été rendue possible par la rapidité d'exécution de l'algorithme, de l'ordre de quelques minutes en 2-D.

Analyse mathématique d'un modèle d'équations aux dérivées partielles décrivant l'adaptation des moustiques face à l'usage des insecticides / Mathematical analysis of a model of partial differential equations describing the adaptation of mosquitoes facing the usage of insecticides

Li, Linlin 02 July 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse on s'intéresse à un modèle mathématique décrivant l'adaptation du développement des populations de moustiques face à l'usage intensif des insecticides durant la nuit (moustiquaires imprégnées, répulsifs en spray, répulsifs avec diffuseur électrique, ...).Le modèle proposé dans cette thèse est structuré en âge et dépend du temps/moment où le moustique pique pour prendre son repas. Ceci nous conduità des modèles du type ultra parabolique. Le terme de renouvellement de lapopulation de moustiques est non-local, comme pour tous les problèmes démographiques, mais comporte ici un noyau qui permet à la nouvelle générationd'adapter son temps de piqure (repas). Ceci est dû à la sélection de certainsmoustiques qui piquent plus tôt ou plus tard que les autres moustiques, suite àla pression imposée par l'usage intensif des pesticides à l'intérieur des habitats et en particulier durant la nuit. Les conditions aux bords par rapport au moment de piqure (repas) seront périodiques car selon les espèces, les moustiques prennent toujours leurs repas au même moment de la journée.Les principaux résultats peuvent être classés dans 4 parties.Dans la première partie on présente un modèle structuré en âge décrivant laplasticité du moustique dans un environnement non contrôlé. On montre quele problème est bien posé via la théorie des semi-groupes. Le comportementasymptotique est décrit grâce à l'étude du spectre de l'opérateur A générateurdu C0 semi-groupe. On prouve également l'existence ou la non existence dessolutions stationnaires (sous certaines hypothèses).Dans la deuxième partie on s'intéresse à un problème de contrôle optimalde la population de moustiques. Le contrôle correspond à la proportion demoustiques éliminée et dépend du temps, de l'âge des moustiques et du tempsoù le moustique pique pour se nourrir. On démontre d’abord l’existence desolutions grâce à un argument de point fixe puis on établit des résultats decomparaisons pour notre problème. On établit ensuite l'existence d'un contrôleoptimal puis on dérive le système d'optimalité.Dans la troisième partie on s'intéresse à la question de contrôlabilité exacte locale pour le problème décrivant la capacité des moustiques à adapter leurdynamique face à l'usage intensif des insecticides. On établit une nouvelleinégalité de type Carleman pour le modèle structuré en âge avec diffusionet une condition au bord de renouvellement non-locale et des conditions auxbords périodiques par rapport au temps de piqure des moustiques.Dans la quatrième partie on s'intéresse au comportement en temps longd'un modèle non linéaire décrivant l'adaptation de la population des moustiques à l'usage intensif des insecticides. Quand le contrôle est petit (usage limité des insecticides) alors la population mature de moustiques devient grandeavec le temps et quand le contrôle est grand (usage intensif des insecticides)la population mature de moustiques devient petite avec le temps. Dans le casintermédiaire on obtient un modèle avec retard en temps pour la populationmature de moustiques qui peut être gouvernée par une sur-équation et unesous-équation. Finalement on montre que la sous-équation admet des ondesvoyageuses et la population mature de moustiques sera donc comprise entreces ondes voyageuses et les sur-solutions. / This dissertation is concerned with an age structured problem modelling mosquito plasticity. The main results can be divided into four parts.The first part presents an age structured problem modelling mosquito plasticity in a natural environment. We first investigate the analytical asymptotic solution through studying the spectrum of an operator A which is the infinitesimal generator of a C0-semigroup. Additionally, we get the existence and nonexistence of nonnegative steady solutions under some conditions.In the second part, we study the optimal control of an age structured problem. Firstly, we prove the existence of solutions and the comparison principle for a generalized system. Then, we prove the existence of the optimal control for the best harvesting. Finally, we establish necessary optimality conditions.In the third part, we investigate the local exact controllability of an age structured problem modelling the ability of malaria vectors to shift their biting time to avoid the stressful environmental conditions generated by the use of indoor residual spraying (IRs) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). We establish a new Carleman's inequality for our age diffusive model with non local birth processus and periodic biting-time boundary conditions.In the fourth part, we model a mosquito plasticity problem and investigate the large time behavior of matured population under different control strategies. Firstly, we prove that when the control is small, then the matured population will become large for large time and when the control is large, then the matured population will become small for large time. In the intermediate case, we derive a time-delayed model for the matured population which can be governed by a sub-equation and a super-equation. Finally, we prove the existence of traveling fronts for the sub-equation and use it to prove that the matured population will finally be between the positive states of the sub-equation and super-equation.

Caractérisation de tissus biologiques par diffusion de la lumière : application au diagnostic du cancer / Biological tissues characterization by light scattering : cancer diagnosis application

Addoum, Ahmad 15 January 2018 (has links)
La Tomographie Optique Diffuse (TOD) est une nouvelle technique d'imagerie médicale permettant de reconstruire les propriétés optiques des tissus biologiques dans le but de détecter des tumeurs cancéreuses. Il s’agit, toutefois, d’un problème inverse mal-posé et sous-déterminé. Le travail de cette thèse s’articule autour de la résolution de ce problème en utilisant l’équation du transfert radiatif comme modèle de propagation de la lumière (modèle direct). L’analyse de sensibilité a montré que le facteur d’anisotropie g de la fonction de phase de Henyey-Greenstein est le paramètre le plus influant sur la sortie du modèle direct suivi du coefficient de diffusion µs puis du coefficient d’absorption µa. Dans un premier temps, un algorithme de Gauss-Newton a été implémenté en utilisant les fonctions de sensibilités. Toutefois, ce dernier ne permet d’estimer qu'un nombre très limité de paramètres optiques (supposés constants en espace). Dans un second temps, un algorithme de Quasi-Newton a été développé pour reconstruire les distributions spatiales des propriétés optiques. Le gradient de la fonction objectif a été calculé efficacement par la méthode adjointe à travers le formalisme de Lagrange avec une approche Multi-fréquences. Les reconstructions sont obtenues à partir des données simulées en surface. Le facteur g est reconstruit comme un nouvel agent de contraste en TOD. Le problème de diaphonie entre µs g a été donc mis en évidence dans cette thèse. Notre algorithme a permis de reconstruire en 2D et 3D une ou plusieurs inclusions tumorales présentant différentes formes. La qualité des images reconstruites a été examinée en fonction du nombre de fréquences, de la diaphonie, du niveau de contraste (Inclusion/Fond), du niveau de bruit et de la position des inclusions tumorales / Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) is a new medical imaging technique used to reconstruct the optical properties of biological tissues in order to detect cancerous tumors. However, this is an ill-posed and under-determined inverse problem. The work of this thesis deals with the resolution of this problem using the radiative transfer equation as a forward model of light propagation. The sensitivity analysis showed that the anisotropy factor g of the Henyey-Greenstein phase function is the most sensitive parameter of the forward model followed by the scattering coefficient µs and then the absorption coefficient µa. In a first step, a Gauss-Newton algorithm was implemented using the sensitivity functions. However, this algorithm allows to estimate a very limited number of the optical parameters (assumed to be constant in space). In a second step, a Quasi-Newton algorithm was developed to reconstruct the spatial distributions of the optical properties. The gradient of the objective function was efficiently computed by the adjoint method through the Lagrangian formalism with a Multi-frequency approach. The reconstructed images were obtained from simulated boundary data. The g factor was reconstructed as a new optical contrast agent in DOT and the crosstalk problem between this factor and µs has been studied. The results showed that the algorithm is efficient to reconstruct in 2D and 3D one or several tumor inclusions having different shapes. The quality of the reconstructed images was examined according to several parameters: the number of frequencies, the crosstalk, the contrast and the noise levels


Rodrigues, Vinicius Weide 22 November 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work, it is developed a study of the transverse vibrations of a system composed by two parallel strings of equal length, coupled by a viscoelastic element. The frequencies and mode shapes are obtained using modal analysis and a block matrix formulation for the system. The mode shapes are written by the dynamic basis, composed by the solution of a second order problem with impulsive initial conditions, and its first derivative. In the undamped case, different cases of the problem are considered by varying the parameters of the strings. The orthogonality of the mode shapes and the impulse response matrix are used to solve the undamped forced case. In the damped case, it is considered again the matrix formulation and use dynamic basis, and we present an uncoupled problem from simplifications of the system parameters. The damped forced vibrations are studied using the adjoint modal method, from which there is an orthogonality between the mode shapes of the original system and the mode shapes of the adjoint system associated, allowing the uncoupling and solvability of the system. The forced response is determined by using the matrix fundamental response. / Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo sobre as vibrações transversais de um sistema formado por duas cordas paralelas, de mesmo comprimento, acopladas através de um elemento viscoelástico do tipo Winkler. As frequêencias e os modos de vibração são obtidos utilizando-se a análise modal e uma formulação matricial em blocos para o sistema. Os modos de vibração são escritos através da base dinâmica, composta pela solução de um problema de segunda ordem com condições iniciais impulsivas, e sua primeira derivada. No caso não amortecido são considerados diferentes casos para o problema, variando-se os parãmetros das cordas. A ortogonalidade dos modos e a resposta impulso matricial são usadas para resolver o caso forçado sem amortecimento. No caso amortecido, é apresentado um problema desacoplado a partir de simplificações nos parâmetros do sistema. As vibrações forçadas com amortecimento são estudadas usando-se o método modal adjunto, a partir do qual, existe uma ortogonalidade entre os modos de vibração do sistema original e os modos de vibração do sistema adjunto, possibilitando o desacoplamento e resolução do sistema. A resposta forçada é determinada usando a resposta fundamental matricial.

O átomo de hidrogênio em 1, 2 e 3 dimensões

Verri, Alessandra Aparecida 10 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:28:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1452.pdf: 916103 bytes, checksum: 40179df116306bc34414ecc8e0c08457 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-10 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In this work we study the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen atom in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. Especifically, it is defined as a self-adjoint operator in the Hilbert space L2(Rn), n = 1, 2, 3. Nevertheless, the main goal is to study the hydrogen atom 1-D. Particularly, for this is model we address some problens related to the singularity of the Coulomb potential. / Neste trabalho vamos estudar o Hamiltoniano do átomo de hidrogênio em 1, 2 e 3 dimensões. Especificamente, queremos defini-lo como um operador auto-adjunto no espaço de Hilbert L2(Rn), n = 1, 2, 3. No entanto, o principal objetivo é estudar o átomo de hidrogênio 1-D. Em particular, para este modelo, abordaremos algumas questões relacionadas à singularidade do potencial de Coulomb −1/|x|.

Generalised nonlinear stability of stratified shear flows : adjoint-based optimisation, Koopman modes, and reduced models

Eaves, Thomas Scott January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate a number of problems in the nonlinear stability of density stratified plane Couette flow. I begin by describing the history of transient growth phenomena, and in particular the recent application of adjoint based optimisation to find nonlinear optimal perturbations and associated minimal seeds for turbulence, the smallest amplitude perturbations that are able to trigger transition to turbulence. I extend the work of Rabin et al. (2012) in unstratified plane Couette flow to find minimal seeds in both vertically and horizontally sheared stratified plane Couette flow. I find that the coherent states visited by such minimal seed trajectories are significantly altered by the stratification, and so proceed to investigate these states both with generalised Koopman mode analysis and by stratifying the self-sustaining process described by Waleffe (1997). I conclude with an introductory problem I considered that investigates the linear Taylor instability of layered stratified plane Couette flow, and show that the nonlinear evolution of the primary Taylor instability is not coupled to the form of the linearly unstable mode, in contrast to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, for example. I also include an appendix in which I describe joint work conducted with Professor Neil Balmforth of UBC during the 2015 WHOI Geophysical Fluid Dynamics summer programme, investigating stochastic homoclinic bifurcations.

Nanoestruturas de grafeno e o problema do confinamento de partículas de Dirac na descrição do contínuo

Souza, José Fernando Oliveira de 08 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-03-15T13:04:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6077553 bytes, checksum: 3cad3094833d2fdc458897bedccb4917 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T13:04:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6077553 bytes, checksum: 3cad3094833d2fdc458897bedccb4917 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, we investigate in parallel physical and mathematical aspects inherent to the problem of confinement of massless Dirac fermions in graphene nanostructures. In a low energy approach, we propose models to describe confining systems in graphene and study how the choice of boundary conditions of the problem - or, equivalently, of domains of the Dirac operator - affects the physical properties of such systems. In this scenario, we concentrate essentially on the study of the physical behavior of graphene nanorings and nanoribbons in response to aspects such as topology, edge and interface geometry and interactions with external fields. At the same time, a rigorous investigation concerning formal aspects of the problem and the way that they manifest themselves physically is also performed. In light of the theory of linear operators on Hilbert spaces, we analyze the role played by the notion of self-adjointness in the problem and establish sets of boundary conditions physically acceptable in graphene, which mathematically corresponds to the definition of self-adjoint extensions of the Dirac Hamiltonian from the continuum description. Sets proposed in the treatment of some studied configurations are approached in this context. In addition, we present a particular study in which we examine the influence of topological defects on the physics of massive fermions in graphene in the presence of Coulomb and uniform magnetic fields. / Neste trabalho, investigamos paralelamente os aspectos físicos e matemáticos inerentes ao problema do confinamento de férmions de Dirac sem massa em nanoestruturas de grafeno. Em uma abordagem no limite de baixas energias, propomos modelos para descrever sistemas confinantes no âmbito da física do grafeno e estudamos de que modo a escolha das condições de contorno do problema - ou, equivalentemente, dos domínios do operador de Dirac - exercem influência sobre as propriedades físicas de tais sistemas. Neste cenário, concentramo-nos essencialmente no estudo do comportamento físico de nanoanéis e nanofitas de grafeno em resposta a aspectos como topologia, geometria de borda e interface e interações com campos externos. Ao mesmo tempo, também é realizada uma rigorosa investigação acerca dos aspectos formais do problema e do modo como eles se refletem fisicamente. À luz da teoria dos operadores lineares em espaços de Hilbert, analisamos o papel desempenhado pela noção de self-adjointness na modelagem do problema e estabelecemos conjuntos de condições de contorno fisicamente aceitáveis relativamente ao grafeno, o que corresponde matematicamente à definição de extensões auto-adjuntas do Hamiltoniano de Dirac da descrição do contínuo. Conjuntos propostos no tratamento de algumas das configurações estudadas são abordados neste contexto. Além disso, apresentamos um estudo à parte em que examinamos a influência de defeitos topológicos na física de férmions com massa no grafeno na presença de interações de Coulomb e de campos magnéticos uniformes.

Singularidades quanticas associadas a defeitos topologicos em espaços-tempos classicamente singulares / Quantum singularities associated to topological defects in classically singular spacetimes

Manoel, João Paulo Pitelli, 1982- 28 March 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Patricio Anibal Letelier Sotomayor / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T23:13:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Manoel_JoaoPauloPitelli_M.pdf: 2107794 bytes, checksum: 5fe60d22c5d7bd4e165a24c4c9c6d375 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Espaços-tempos classicamente singulares são estudados utilizando-se partículas quânticas (ao invés de clássicas) obedecendo as equações de Klein-Gordon e Dirac, a fim de determinar se estes espaços permanecem singulares do ponto de vista quântico. Primeiramente é apresentada uma revisão do ferramental matemático necessário para o estudo de singularidades quânticas, cujo principal resultado utilizado é a teoria de índices deficientes devido a von Neumann. No apêndice A é apresentado um primeiro estudo sobre singularidades quânticas em espaços-tempos com defeitos topológicos numa superfície 2-dimensional (paredes cósmicas), em especial superfícies esféricas e cilíndricas. Estes espaços continuam singulares nesta teoria e todas as informações extras (que em mecânica quântica se apresentam sob a forma de condições de contorno) necessárias para se remover a singularidade são encontradas. No apêndice B, é estudado um espaço-tempo 2+1 dimensional com curvatura negativa constante. É mostrado que este espaço permanece singular quando visto pela mecânica quântica e as condições de contorno possíveis são encontradas utilizando-se resultados obtidos no caso plano / Abstract: Classical singular spacetimes are studied using quantum particles (instead of classical ones) obeying Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, to determine if these spacetimes remain singular in the view of quantum mechanics. First we give a review of the mathematical framework necessary to study quantum singularities, wich the main result to be used later is von Neumann¿s theory of deficient indices. In appendix A, a first work on quantum singularities in spacetimes with topological defects on a 2-dimensional hypersurface (cosmic walls), specifically spherical and cylindrical surfaces, is presented. These spacetimes remain singular in this theory and all extra informations (which in quantum mechanics correspond to boundary conditions) necessary to remove the naked singularity are found. In Apendix B, a 2+1 dimensional spacetime with constant negative curvature is studied. It is shown that this spacetime remains quantum mechanically singular and all possible boundary conditions are found using results obtained in plane case / Mestrado / Relatividade Geral/Gravitação Quantica / Mestre em Matemática Aplicada

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