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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cestovatelství Josefa Colloredo-Mannsfelda (1866-1957) / Josef Colloredo-Mannsfeld's travels

Jiráková, Anežka January 2013 (has links)
Josef Colloredo-Mannsfelds Travels Travels to North America (1904 - 1906) Řešitel Anežka Jiráková Školitel Doc. PhDr. Irena Štěpánová, CSc. Abstract Between years 1904 and 1906 realised Josef Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1866 - 1957) two travels to North America. He was accompanied by his wife Yvonne. Both several months lasting travels took place in winter. Their accurate reconstruction is impossible due to the lack of archive materials. Most information has been preserved in Joseph's itinerary, where he wrote about visiting Alaska and Yukon in 1904. Josef brought back a number of animal trophies and valuable ethnographic material, which now can be seen in Opočno castle or in Náprstek museum in Prague. The author of this diploma thesis focuses mainly on the reconstruction and describing of the travels, she also discusses the personality of Josef Colloredo- Mannsfeld and writes about hunting, travelling and understanding of ethnicity in the contemporary context.

Objevné cesty Davida Livingstona v jižní a centrální Africe / David Livingstone's Travels of Exploration in South and Central Africa

Miler, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
David Livingstone is considered one of the greatest travellers of the 19th century. His travels changed the perception of the African continent and its people in Western countries. Thanks to journeys motivated by founding of mission stations, the spread of God's Word and the suppression of the slave trade carried out in the years 1849-1873, he made a series of important discoveries. During the first surveys in areas of southern and eastern Africa in 1849 and 1856, he discovered Lake Ngami, Victoria Falls, made transcontinental travel across Africa and explored the great Zambezi River. He established a friendship with the tribal chiefs, win them over his sermons and for their expeditions. Earlier during the trips, David Livingstone became well-known at homeland and abroad. After return from Africa in 1856, his popularity spread through book of travels Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. In 1858 he was appointed to head of a governmental expedition to East and Central Africa towards the Zambezi River. The aim of the Expedition was to examine the navigability of the river and surrounding countryside. During this expedition it came out that the river due to natural conditions cannot be used. After many difficulties, the expedition was withdrawn. Though the expedition officially failed,...

Rozvojová pomoc v oblasti vzdělávání ve vybraných zemích bývalých francouzských kolonií Sahelsko-beninské Unie / Development aid in education in selected former French colonies of Sahel-Benin Union

Staňková, Štěpánka January 2012 (has links)
Štěpánka Staňková Pedf UK, Aj - FJ Development aid in education in selected former French colonies of Sahel-Benin Union Abstract The following thesis on Development aid in education in selected former French colonies of Sahel-Benin Union presents the situation in Education of former French colonies in sub- Saharan Africa with the particular focus on Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. The sources and the donors of the development aid are described; special attention has been paid to the international organisations, to the European Union and to the development aid provided by France and the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to present the critical state of Education in former French colonies in Africa and the effort to solve the situation made by international organizations and France in particular. The main sources of information are the international studies and evaluation reports elaborated by the expert teams of the United Nations and the World Bank, together with direct personal experience made in the described countries. Key words: Development Aid, education, sub-Saharan Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

Rozvojová politika EHS (60.- 70- léta) ve vztahu ke státům třetího světa (se zaměřením na Afriku) / EEC's development policy to the third world countries (focused on Africa) from 1960 to 1979

Brázdilová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view at the development cooperation of the European Economic Community in the 60's and 70's years of the 20th century in relation to the countries of the Third World with a focus on African developing countries. It also deals with the analysis of the very concept of development, development cooperation and development policy. The thesis is conceived from the general to the particular, where are first discussed the main concepts, the grouping and contracts supplemented with more detailed analysis. At first is briefly described the establishment of the EEC and the characteristic of grouping ACP. Then comes the analysis of the actual development cooperation and measures with which was the aid realized. Another two sections are devoted to comprehensive contractual framework of cooperation, which is in this period defined by part IV. Treaty of Rome and the Implementing agreement, two conventions of Yaoundé and the First Lomé convention. In the Lomé Convencion, there were a lot of significant changes made in terms of equality between the EEC and the ACP countries, as the concept of association was changed to the principle of partnership during the time. The development aid had to be managed somehow as well, so in next chapter is the topic of the...

Potenciál destinačního managementu ve vybraných zemích Subsaharské Afriky pro zlepšení postavení místního obyvatelstva: implikace pro Etiopii / Destination management's potential for improvement of the situation of local inhabitants in chosen Sub-Saharan Africa countries: implications for Ethiopia

Tůma, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Destination management became the key to a successful development of tourism sector in the last decades. Its role is not only in enhancing the competitiveness of the country's tourism sector on the international market but also in maximazing the net benefits from tourism for the host country. These tasks are exceptionaly important in developing countries. These countries often have unique potential in the presence of tourism atractivities but lack the so needed resources for exploiting this potential. Low level of socio/economic and technological development further limits the market opportunities of developing countries. A natural part of the tourism sector is the local population. However, local inhabitants are often reduced to a tourist atraction and thus do not gain profits from tourism in their region. On the other hand, local people bear substantial costs induced by tourism activities. To avoid this situation, the destination management should seek for more equal participation of local inhabitants in the tourism sector. This thesis will conduct an analysis of destination management in three relatively successful countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa region: Kenya, Ghana and the Republic of South Africa. The tested hypothesis is that destination management has the power to actively affect the situation of local inhabitants with regard to tourism activities in their region. The analysis is conducted in two ways. First, the programming documents of responsible tourism authorities will be compared to the actual activities of this authorities. Second, the conducted activities will be contrasted with the curent situation and problems of the particular countries. The results will then be applied on Ethiopia which is one of the least developed countries in the world but has one of the biggest tourism potentials in the Sub-Saharan Africa region.

Neformální aspekty zahraniční politiky Francie vůči Africe po získání nezávislosti / Informal Aspects of French African Policy after Independence of Former Colonies

Krýchová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses French foreign policy towards former colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1960. Particular emphasis is given to informal relations, predominating in this policy. Although the countries gained independence, they remained under French influence and control for another three decades. France achieved this through skillful combination of formal and informal instruments, which are described in the thesis. Furthermore, the work deals with factors that predetermined the development of the new African policy and examines its goals and changes of instruments stemming from changes of international and domestic context. The thesis concludes with a case study specifically illustrating the development of relations between France and Gabon.

The Neurocranium of Anasinopa leakeyi (Hyaenodonta, Mammalia) – a First Insight into Teratodontine Brain Morphology / Hjärnan hos Anasinopa leakeyi (Hyaenodonta, Mammalia) – ett neurokranium rekonstruerat genom datortomografi

Flink, Therese January 2019 (has links)
The Hyaenodonta include a wide variety of carnivorous mammals ranging in age from late Palaeocene to middle Miocene. Although they reached a nearly global distribution, little remains of them today. Many of the taxa are based only on teeth and jaw fragments. If we are to understand how these animals lived and evolved, we must therefore make the most out of the material we have. Herein, I report on the first nearly complete skull of Anasinopa leakeyi (Teratodontinae), which was recently found in Northern Kenya. The skull is dorsoventrally compressed, but otherwise relatively undamaged. The aim of this study was to provide a first glimpse of teratodontine brain morphology by reconstructing the neurocranium of this skull and creating a digital endocast. The result was one of the most well preserved endocasts of any hyaenodont known to date, with many of the cranial nerves and blood vessels visible. The size of the optic foramen relative to the size of the brain is similar to that of the extant wolf, Canis lupus, suggesting that A. leakeyi may have had a similar visual acuity. The body mass of A. leakeyi was estimated to up to 25 kg, meaning that it may have hunted small or large animals, perhaps having the ability to shift to larger prey when needed, as do extant, similarly sized, Felidae and Canidae. Endocasts are known from only a handful hyaenodont species, many of which were described by Radinsky in 1977. However, little work has been done on hyaenodont brains since then. The second aim of this study, therefore, was to place these hyaenodont brains, and particularly that of A. leakeyi, in the most recent phylogenetic framework, to better understand how the brain evolved in this group. This suggests that the evolution of a larger, more convoluted neocortex occurred convergently in several clades of Hyaenodonta. Furthermore, the presence of only a single neocortical sulcus in the earliest hyaenodonts calls into question the previous hypothesis of an ancestral pattern with two sulci for Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and Carnivora. This study provides a basis for future research on brain evolution in Hyaenodonta, as well as showcases the possibilities offered by 3D technology. / Hyaenodonterna var en grupp rovdjur som levde från ca 58 till 12 miljoner år sedan och som fanns på alla nordliga kontinenter samt Afrika. De varierade mycket i storlek, precis som nu levande rovdäggdjur, från ca 0.5 kg till över ett ton. Den här studien rapporterar ett nytt fynd från norra Kenya: den första skallen av Anasinopa leakeyi, en hyaenodont som levde för ungefär 17 miljoner år sedan. Skallen är tillplattad, men nästan komplett och i övrigt i relativt gott skick. Men hjälp av datortomografi och 3D-teknologi har neurokraniet, den del av skallen som omger hjärnan, kunnat byggas ihop igen och en digital avgjutning av hjärnskålen skapats. Genom att jämföra tjockleken på synnerven i förhållande till hjärnstorleken kan man få en uppfattning om hur väl utvecklad synen var hos Anasinopa. Resultaten tyder på att Anasinopa troligen hade ungefär lika bra syn som dagens varg. Genom att mäta tänderna har Anasinopas kroppsvikt kunnat uppskattas till upp till 25 kg, vilket är ungefär lika mycket som en europeisk bäver eller en manvarg. De rovdäggdjur som lever idag, och som väger lika mycket som Anasinopa, kan jaga antingen stora eller små bytesdjur. Det finns också djur i den här viktklassen, som t.ex. schakaler och lodjur, som kan skifta mellan att jaga små och stora djur, så det är möjligt att Anasinopa också kunde det. Vår kunskap om hur hjärnan såg ut hos hyaenodonter är begränsad till mindre än ett dussin exemplar. De flesta av dessa ”hjärnor” är naturliga avgjutningar i sten, som bildats när hjärnskålen fyllts med sediment för miljontals år sedan. En studie på 1970-talet jämförde flera hyaenodont-hjärnor och fann att neocortex, den del av hjärnan som hos däggdjur ansvarar för komplexa kognitiva funktioner, med tiden blev större och mer veckad hos de här djuren. Det vill säga, de tidiga hyaenodonterna hade en liten neocortex med ett enda veck, medan de som levde miljontals år senare hade en mycket större neocortex med flera veck. Sedan den studien har dock ganska lite forskning gjorts på hjärnan hos de här djuren. I den här studien jämfördes därför Anasinopas hjärna med den hos andra hyaenodonter, med hänsyn tagen till hur de olika arterna tros vara släkt med varandra, för att försöka förstå hur hjärnan utvecklades hos de här djuren. Resultaten tyder på att en större, mer veckad neocortex utvecklades parallellt i två separata grupper av hyaenodonter. Man har tidigare kunnat se att utvecklingen av fler hjärnveck skett parallellt hos, t.ex., olika grupper av hunddjur. Dock verkar inget än så länge tyda på att sådana veck lika lätt kan förloras när de väl utvecklats hos en art. Därför tyder det faktum att de första hyaenodonterna bara hade ett veck på att deras gemensamma anfader med dagens rovdjur också bara hade ett veck. Det går emot vad man tidigare trott, om att den gemensamma anfadern till hyaenodonter och nu levande rovdjur och hovdjur och hade en neocortex med två veck, som sedan bevarats hos alla dess ättlingar. Det här visar att det är mycket vi fortfarande inte vet om hjärnans utveckling. Studien visar samtidigt på möjligheterna som 3D-teknologin innebär och visar att det finns mycket kvar att lära från de fossil vi har.

Shining a light on soccer injuries in Africa : A descriptive and comparative Cohort study on soccer injuries in Rwanda and Swaziland

Becirbegovic, Haris, Svensson, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Background/Problem definition There are few epidemiological studies on soccer injuries in Africa.The prevalence and variables linked to injuries needs to be recognized. Better mapping and knowledge about injury prevalence/incidence could play an important role in helping players sustain a career in soccer without major injuries.  Objective To explore prevalence, mechanism, severity of injuries and injured body parts in players from top divisions of Rwanda and Swaziland during season 2012/2013. Methods The study was of a retrospective, descriptive, comparative design with a quantitative approach on a cohort of n=738 players from Rwanda and Swaziland. Injury frequencies from data sets was analyzed. Data was analyzed using the F-MARC injury-questionnaire. Results The subpopulations had varying frequencies of injuries. Age 18-24 sustained the most injuries in both countries, n=215. There was a significant difference of injury prevalence, 71,8% of the Swaziland players sustained injuries. In Rwanda 34,8% sustained injuries. However, the severity of injuries was significantly higher in the Rwanda. Conclusion The results of the findings in this study shows that the players in Swaziland had almost a two-time higher injury prevalence. Although the reason to this can only be speculated in by the authors. Further research is encouraged to increase the mapping of injuries in Africa, and factors associated to them. / Bakgrund/Problemformulering Studier på fotbollsskador i Afrika är få till antal. Det finns ett behov av att undersöka skadeprevalensen och variabler som påverkar skador. En större kartläggning och mer kunskap om skadeprevalens/incidens kan spela en viktig roll i att hjälpa fotbollsspelare att undvika allvarligare skador under deras karriär. Syfte Att utforska prevalens, mekanism, svårighetgrad av skador samt skadad kroppsdel hos spelare i Rwandas och Swazilands högsta fotbollsligor. Metod Studien var av en retrospektiv, deskriptiv, komparativ design med en kvantitativ inriktning i en kohort på n=738 fotbollssspelare från Rwanda och Swaziland. Skadefrekvenser från data analyserades. Data analyserades och sammanfattades genom användning av skadeformuläret F-MARC. Resultatsammanfattning Subpopulationerna hade tydliga variationer i skadefrekvens. Åldersgruppen 18–24 ådrog sig flest skador, 215 st. Det fanns en signifikant skillnad i skadeprevalens mellan länderna. I Swaziland ådrog 71,8% av spelarna sig en skada, Rwanda var denna siffra 34,8%. Däremot var allvarlighetsgraden av skador, mätt i tid borta från fotbollsspelande, större i Rwanda. Slutsats Resultatet av denna studie visar på att spelarna i Swaziland hade cirka två gånger högre skadeprevalens än spelarna i Rwanda. Författarna av denna studie kan endast spekulera i anledningen till detta. Vidare forskning uppmuntras för att få en bättre kartläggning av skadeprevalensen i Afrika samt faktorer som påverkar denna.

Regionální integrace rozvojových zemí / The regional integration of developing countries

Medková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis surveys the formation, development and the present state of integration process in the three developing world regions -- Latin America, Africa and Asia and the Pacific -- as one of the most significant processes of the world economy since the end of the last century. The first part of the opening chapter presents the issues of regionalism, the second one presents the issues of the developing world. The objective of the thesis is to point out the differences in processes of the international economic integration in the three developing regions, in terms of both historical point of view and motives and factors influencing the integration initiatives in developing countries. In that case the individual chapters analyze motives for integration and disintegration, affecting the formation and development of integration processes in each developing region, and present the first attempts to integration in the area as well as the overall development of regional integration as a whole. Finally, the chapters list current regional groupings, focusing on the degree of integration achieved and the set, respectively achieved, objectives.

Systémy zdravotnictví, sociální péče a vzdělávání v zemích subsaharské Afriky: nástroje k zmírnění rozvojových problémů? / Systems of health, social care and education in sub-saharan Africa: instruments to reduction of development problems?

Bouřilová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
In the first part of the work discribes the poverty as the main development problem of the region sub-saharan Africa and other problems connected with poverty. The second part of the work summarizes the state and diferences of social systems in individual countries of the region. The last part is focusing on the possibilities of improvement social systems to achieve the reduction of development problems.

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