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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Waste management behaviour : a case study of school children in Mpumalanga, South Africa / Ignatius Michael van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Ignatius Michael January 2014 (has links)
This study examined the level of awareness, knowledge and practices of primary and secondary schools students with regard to waste management. Only a limited number of studies were found to evaluate school student’s awareness, knowledge and practice of waste management in South Africa. Literature was reviewed dealing with waste management awareness, knowledge and practices of school students and discussed at the hand of the principles, objectives and targets of the South African Government towards waste and waste management. Using a structured, self-administered questionnaire, a total of 815 students were surveyed from four primary schools and three secondary schools from the Embalenhle and Secunda area Govan Mbeki Municipality, Mpumalanga South Africa. The data were analysed by the use of descriptive statistics including frequency count, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Other analyses employed included two-way frequency tables with Pearson Chisquare test, Phi coefficient, in order to determine the significant relationship between students’ socio-demographic variables. The study showed that the students were obviously aware of concerns with waste and waste management practices in their schools and local environment. It was also apparent the school students had an acute awareness that poor waste management would have a negative impact on the country as well as on them as the individual. This prominent awareness was however not evident in the students’ waste management practices. Good waste management practices activities were minimal at both the school and home environment. Since school students are seen as one of the key agent of change to work towards a more sustainable future, they should be engaged as young as possible and given a quality array of continuous learning to improve their knowledge on environmental problems such as poor waste management. Improved knowledge would contribute to improved environmental awareness and a pro-environmental attitude. The critical recommendations of the study are that the South African Government will have to intensify the research to better understand the needs of children to environmental matters such as waste management. / M. Environmental Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Cancer patients' and health care professionals' perceptions and experiences of cancer treatment and care in South Africa / Mariska Venter

Venter, Mariska January 2014 (has links)
Cancer is a potentially life-threatening disease, which affects millions of people worldwide. It is multifaceted in nature and can lead to impairment in a person‟s physical, social and emotional functioning (Beatty, Oxlad, Koczwara, & Wade, 2008). Multidimensional treatment, with highly specialised professionals, equipment and services is thus needed for the effective treatment thereof (Mathews, West, & Buehler, 2009). Patients treated within the private and public healthcare sectors of South Africa have vastly differing treatment experiences. Only about 20% of the South African population has access to and can afford treatment within the private healthcare sector (Somdyala, Bradshaw, Gelderblom, & Parkin, 2010). While private sector patients have access to information, social workers and support groups, those in the public sector face life-threatening waiting times and a lack of empathy by public sector staff, weighed down by patient numbers and a lack of resources (Pillay 2002; Bateman, 2011). A study previously conducted by the researchers highlighted cancer patients‟ perceptions and experiences of treatment as being one of the most prominent themes influencing patients‟ overall cancer experience (Venter, Venter, Botha, & Strydom, 2008). This, coupled with the fact that the majority of research studies previously conducted in South Africa generally focused on the biomedical aspects of cancer (Albrecht, 2009), make exploring patients and healthcare professionals‟ perceptions and experiences of cancer treatment in a South African context potentially valuable. The thesis consists of three sub-studies reported in three manuscripts. The aim of the first article was to provide a narrative literature review exploring cancer survivorship and management in the South African context by scrutinising research previously conducted on cancer treatment. The aim of the second and the third article was to explore patients and healthcare professionals‟ perceptions and experiences of cancer treatment in the private and public healthcare sectors in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. A 100 participants were purposively sampled from a government-funded hospital (n = 30 patients; n = 22 healthcare professionals) and a private treatment facility (n = 30 patients; 18 healthcare professionals). Data was collected by making use of both qualitative (self-report questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions; interviews) and quantitative (Needs Evaluation Questionnaire) measures. A qualitative content and statistical analysis was conducted. Findings indicate that despite the expressed need for treatment to move towards a more biopsychosocial approach, the majority of the healthcare professionals in the current study are still primarily following a biomedical approach. Findings also indicate that the majority of the difficulties and frustrations experienced could be seen as being contextual problems and were not necessarily related to cancer treatment per se. Poor availability of resources and the South African population‟s diverse characteristics were responsible for the majority of the difficulties reported. Differing cultural beliefs, language barriers, illiteracy and unemployment were al seen as negatively influencing the treatment process. This is consistent with Serin et al. (2004), who reported that there is a significant relationship between the systemic nature of medical issues and the social, material and psychological difficulties cancer patients‟ experience. The systemic nature of healthcare needs highlighted in the current study emphasises the necessity for cancer treatment in South Africa to employ a more biopsychosocial approach. True collaboration between healthcare professionals working towards a common goal should thus be considered as being the ideal. Considering the socioeconomic divide and resource discrepancy between the private and public healthcare sectors in South Africa, credence must be given to the allocation of resources in the public sector. If this incongruity is to be addressed, there would have to be cooperation at government level. Assistance with regard to the allocation of funds, as well as the meticulous monitoring of the distribution thereof, is needed. Funding should be used to increase human and technical resources, as well as for staff development. Equitable care for all cancer patients, regardless of their socioeconomic status, is the ideal. The following recommendations on how to improve overall cancer care, in both sectors, can also be made: existing treatment sites need to be updated and additional sites developed; continuous research needs to be conducted; funds need to be allocated towards the development of effective transport and translation services; cultural diversity should be taken into account when developing awareness campaigns and treatment plans; healthcare professionals need to adopt a holistic approach during which attention is given to communication, establishing rapport and patient participation; and lastly healthcare professionals should also be encouraged to pay attention to their own healthcare needs as well. / PhD (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Grondbesit en grondgebruik by die baKwenabaMare-a-Phogole / Louis Petrus Vorster

Vorster, Louis Petrus January 1981 (has links)
No abstract available / Thesis (DPHil)--PU vir CHO, 1982

The temporal distribution and relative abundance of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) (Diptera: Muscidae) in a feedlot near Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa / Maria Magdalena Evert

Evert, Maria Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) is a haematophagous fly that feeds primarily on the forelegs of cattle stimulating a range of avoidance behaviours in confinement situations such as feedlots. From literature it is apparent that stable flies associated with feedlots have a significant impact on cattle especially with regard to economic parameters such as a decline in feed intake and thus a lower average daily gain resulting in less meat production due to irritation caused by painful bites. The abundance of the stable flies was studied in a large commercial feedlot near Heidelberg from October 2012 to September 2013. Two tsetse fly traps, namely the NZI and the Vavoua fly traps, were used and evaluated in determining the seasonal abundance of the stable flies. The tsetse traps proved to be most effective for sampling stable flies compared to other designs. The NZI and Vavoua tsetse type trap were compared and although there were no significant difference the NZI trap proved to be more reliable and user friendly for this study. Stable flies were more abundant from late December with a peak in numbers late in January through February and became less abundant from early March. Minimum to no fly abundance occurred in the winter months from May to June 2013. The data indicated a strong edge effect for the stable flies, the flies were more abundant in pens and corridors that were surrounded by vegetation, manure run off and holding ponds. The numbers collected in traps were correlated with stable fly counts on the cattle to be used in calculating a future threshold in chemical control. Preliminary observations on the influence of temperature, wind speed and rainfall were also made. This research will form part of a larger project to determine an integrated fly management program for the feedlot. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Self-regulation and psychological wellbeing in a cohort of black South African teachers :|bthe SABPA study / Nelmarie Boshoff

Boshoff, Nelmarie January 2014 (has links)
The teaching profession is widely regarded as being very stressful (Klassen, Usher & Bong, 2010; Otero, Castro, Santiago & Villardefrancosl, 2010). South African teachers, especially Black teachers working in previously disadvantaged areas, have to cope with serious stressors such as overcrowded classrooms and limited resources on a daily basis (Ngidi & Sibaya, 2002; Moloi, 2010). Occupational stress of this nature is known to have significant negative implications for well-being, and chronic stress has been linked to mood and anxiety disorders, and other forms of psychopathology (Bellingrath, Weigl & Kudielka, 2009; Brock & Buckley, 2012; Mundai, 2010). However, psychological buffers could enable individuals to sustain normal development and even experience well-being, despite the presence of long-term stress (Friborg, Hjemdal, Rosenvinge & Martinussen, 2003; Ryff & Singer, 2003). Noted among these so-called protective factors, the process of self-regulation has been found to be predictive of positive outcomes with regard to physiological and psychological well-being (Hofer, Busch & Kärtner, 2011; Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Self-regulation has, however, been found to represent a resource susceptible to depletion with repeated use, and there have been contradictory reports regarding the long-term sustainability of self-regulation capacity (Converse & DeShon, 2009; Ryan & Deci, 2008). No longitudinal studies could be found that explore the natural progression of self-regulation in a highly stressful context, and how changes in self-regulation are associated with changes in stress and well-being levels. This thesis consists of three sub-studies that are reported in three manuscripts. In the first of these sub-studies the levels of occupational stress and mental well-being in a cohort of Black South African teachers were investigated, including how these two variables are related to each other. The second sub-study aimed firstly to investigate the association between self-regulation and Black South African teachers’ self-reported levels of mental well-being. Secondly, it aimed to determine the role of the sub-constructs of the self-regulation process in the teachers’ selfreported levels of mental well-being. The aim of the third article was also two-fold. It first aimed to determine the natural progression of self-regulation within a highly stressful work context over a period of three years. It then aimed to determine how long-term changes in the selfregulation of individuals finding themselves in high-stress working conditions are associated with changes in their self-reported levels of stress and mental well-being. Black South African teachers (N=200, 101 men, 99 women) of ages ranging from 25 to 65 years from the North-West province of South Africa participated in the baseline phase of the SABPA project in 2008. Of the original 200 participants, a total of 173 teachers (88 men, 85 women) took part in data collection for the follow-up study in 2011. Data were collected by making use of quantitative measures (Teacher Stress Inventory (Boyle, Borg, Falzon & Baglion, 1995); General Health Questionnaire-28 (Goldberg & Hillier, 1979); Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (Keyes, 2006); Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Carey, Neal & Collins, 2004)) that have been validated for use in the South African context. The findings indicate that this group of teachers experienced high levels of stress, and symptoms indicative of mental illness to an extent that warrants psychiatric intervention. However, participants also reported higher than expected levels of mental health. The findings further indicated that self-regulation contributed positively to the participants’ mental health levels. The longitudinal findings also indicated improvements in this group of teachers’ selfregulation levels over time, and that these long-term changes in self-regulation were positively associated with changes in participants’ mental health. Recommendations for future investigations on the role of self-regulation in well-being that flowed from this research include extending research to other cultural groups and general populations; use of multiple or mixedmethod approaches to provide more insight into the participants’ short- and long-term experience of their working environment, their levels of stress and well-being and their self-regulation levels; investigating the psychological perspective on stress and exploring the concept of optimal self-regulation and the maintenance thereof. The study provided a holistic insight into the importance of self-regulation as protective factor in a highly stressed context, especially with regards to the promotion of mental well-being on a short term and long term basis. / PhD (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evangelisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika / Evangelisation in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Schutte, Philippus Jacobus Wilhelmus 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Evangelisasiewerk het in die Hervormde Kerk nog nooit regtig van die grand af gekom nie. Jaar na jaar word daar op vergaderings verslag gedoen dat daar in die meeste gemeentes op hierdie gebied nie·veel gebeur nie. Hierdie studie het gevra na die werklike stand van sake tans in die Kerk; die paradigmaverskuiwing wat besig is om plaas te vind; en na 'n moontlike nuwe teorie om die huidige praxis mee te probeer wysig. Die resultate van die ondersoek het die volgende opgelewer: - Tans is daar ongeveer 15% van die gemeentes wat hoegenaamd op 'n georganiseerde wyse by evangelisasiewerk betrokke is; - 0,38% van die totale lidmaattal van die Kerk is toegerus vir evangelisasiewerk, en gebruik hulle opleiding; - Die Kerk het egter reeds die regte besluite in sy vergaderings geneem, soos bv dat die gemeente die evangelis is en dat elke lidmaat betrokke moet wees. Hierdie besluite moet geimplementeer word. Myns insiens kan dit alleen gebeur wanneer daar op gemeentevlak met harde teologiese arbeid deelgeneem word aan die huidige gesprek random 'n prakties-teologiese ekklesiologie. / When the annual reports of the Hervormde Kerk are being studied, it becomes clear that the church finds itself in a crisis. The essence of this crisis manifests itself in the fact that the church is not evangelising the world as it is suppose to do. This study was undertaken to ask what is really going on in the field of evangelisation in the church; to look at the paradigm shift that is taken place at the moment; and, to ask for a new theory to try to alter the current praxis. The results of this study are: - Only 15% of the congregations of the church are involved in organised evangelisation activities; - 0,38% of churchmembers are trained and are using their training to do evangelisation; - The church has already realised that the congregation is suppose to be the evangelist and that every member must be involved in this ministry. But it has not yet come from the ground. This can only happen, I believe, when the congregation starts to participate in finding an ecclesiology for the time and context that we are living in. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Ons sal mekaar nie los nie : 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die aard van die onderlinge verbondenheid van leraars binne die Verenigde Ring van Stellenbosch

Botha, Theunis Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Hungarian psychiatrist, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy developed Contextual therapy from the systems-approach in family therapy during the previous millennium. He distinguish himself in the field of psychology with his relational ethics, bringing ethics into play within his approach. When you look at someone you have to look deeper or past what is in sight. The person you see has an address. He/she comes from somewhere, is the son or daughter of a man and a woman and is linked to them with ‘n chord of loyalty that cannot be broken. They didn’t choose each other, yet it is a connectedness for life. It orientates the individual and launches him/her into life. This man and woman are then again the son and daughter of a man and a woman and so we can stretch back into past generations. Each individual on earth is somehow wove into this fabric of relations and in each relation is a dynamic process of give and take at stake – or not. Where there is reciprocity in relations concerning this balance in give and receive there is growth and a nurturing environment. The opposite is unfortunately also a reality. Then people wound and exploit each other. It is therefore true of every individual on earth that he/she brings with him/her baggage from his/her place of origin. It comes from far. Each one has a context – a context where he/she could excel in developing his/her unique identity or a background of pain, suffering and discrimination. Therefore, do not judge people from the outside. What you see and what you make out of the situation or the person is your perception. You make an object of the person, a thing, and go around him/her with all your prejudices and opinions. That is not the authentic other. It is your image of him/her. Rather allow them to introduce themselves to you. In a meeting like that, in the moment of meeting, something cataclysmic happens and opens new horizons. But this is only possible when you attend to the other in an empathic way, recognizing his/her connectedness to his/her origins and the people who played major roles in ‘shaping and molding the clay’. They also become your conversation partners. With an attitude of multi-directed partiality you become trustworthy. This is where ‘ethics’ happens in relationships (Nagy). Even in the broader community these core values can be lived because each person has an address and comes from somewhere and is on ‘n journey towards the future. When people see and recognized each other it is simultaneously an invite to a dialogue, a meeting. This is the only way to meet someone in the present because he/she can converse with words and images and thoughts and this is the only way you meet the ‘real’ other and together you can journey onwards to tomorrow. This should also be true inside the church. This is the Good News. We are created as relational beings and are being called upon to acknowledge each other, respect each other, be able to forgive each other and take hands in unity. It is all about the justice of the human order. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Hongaarse psigiater, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy ontwikkel sy Kontekstuele terapie vanuit die sisteem-benadering in familie-terapie in die vorige eeu. Hy onderskei hom daarin dat hy ‘n etiese dimensie inbring in die psigoterapeutiese proses met gesinne en hy noem dit – relasionele etiek Wanneer jy na iemand kyk, sê hy, moet jy nie net dit sien wat jy sien nie – die uiterlike. Die persoon voor jou het ‘n adres. Hy/sy kom van êrens. Hy/sy is immers die kind van twee mense wat hom/haar verwek het. Hy/sy is aan hulle verbonde met ‘n onbreekbare band van lojaliteit. Lojaliteit is ‘n bestaansgegewe. Jy kan nooit nie lojaal wees aan jou ouers nie. Jy is ongekies verbind aan hulle – ‘n verbondenheid vir die lewe. Dit is jou oriënteringskema. Dit is leweskenkend Maar hulle op hulle beurt is ook die seun en dogter van ‘n man en ‘n vrou en so kan teruggegaan word in generasies in. Binne hierdie netwerk van relasies is elke individu ingeweef en binne hierdie weefsel is hy/sy deel van ‘n dinamiese gebeure van gee en ontvang wat aan die een kant opbou en sorg en groei bewerk maar aan die anderkant ook destruktief kan wees daarin dat dit kwes en verwond. Van elke individu op hierdie aardmantel kan gesê word dat hy/sy onuitwisbaar bagasie dra wat hy/sy ontvang het in hul huis van afkoms. Dit kom van vêr. Elkeen het ‘n konteks – konteks waar daar paslik gegee en ontvang is of ‘n konteks waar daar te korte aan die orde van die dag was in terme van die balanse van gee en neem. Daarom moet jy geen mens bloot op die uiterlike oordeel nie. Wat jy sien en wat jy dink aangaande die persoon is ‘n persepsie. Dit is jou beeld waarmee jy die ander objektiveer. Ruimte moet eerder gegee word dat die ander hom/haar in hul outentiekheid aan jou voorstel. In daardie moment gebeur daar ‘n ontmoeting wat verreikend is met die oog op die toekoms. Dit vra egter sagte oë en empatiese luister want die persoon het ‘n adres en almal met wie hy/sy verbind is moet by wyse van spreke ook jou gespreksmaats word ten einde die persoon voor jou te verstaan en te ontvang. So gedoen met ’n houding van meersydige partydigheid word jy betroubaar voor jou naaste. Dit is waar ‘etiek’ gebeur aldus Nagy. Wanneer mense buite die gesin om in breër verband na mekaar uitreik, geld dieselfde grondbeginsels. Almal kom van êrens en is oppad na die toekoms. Wanneer hulle mekaar raaksien en erken , nooi hulle mekaar uit tot ‘n gesprek, ‘n dialoog,. ‘n ontmoeting. Só alleen ontmoet jy die werklike ander in die hede want hy/sy kan praat en ek kan hom/haar hoor sodat my beeld van hom/haar geskiedenis word en ons vanuit die hede verder aamstap na môre. Binne die kerk behoort dit wat hier geskrywe staan geensins grieks te wees nie. Dit is immers die evangelie. Menswees is saamwees met ander en die saamwees met ander vra vir ‘n houding van onvoorwaardelike aanvaarding, respek, begrip, vergifnis en oorgawe. So alleen word die reg gevoed en instand gehou in die menslike samesyn. Bo alles vra dit dat ek die ander sal raak sien.

Perceptions regarding the role of social support in the academic achievement of adolescents exposed to violence / Lelanie Judeel

Judeel, Lelanie January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of adolescents, who have been exposed to violence, regarding the role of social support in their academic achievement. A qualitative, collective, within-site case study design was applied to obtain baseline data. The data was gathered through consecutive in-depth individual interviews with two male and six female adolescent learners (between 15 and 17 years of age) in a secondary school in Gauteng. Collages were furthermore used to assist participants with expressing their perceptions on the role that social support played in their academic achievement, despite being exposed to violence in their communities. The study was mainly informed by Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological systems theory, but in order to better understand the adolescent as an individual who functions within the ecological systems theory, Erikson’s psycho-social development theory as well as the theory of social support were integrated to understand this complex period of development. Interview data were analysed thematically, whilst shared analysis were utilised to give meaning to the visual data presented in the collages. The results indicate that encouragement to achieve, the provision of care and support to deal with problems in a proactive manner and enabling relationships with significant others facilitated academic achievement despite exposure to violence. Furthermore, positive self-talk, self-discipline and coping behaviours were identified as self-supportive behaviour that was perceived as enabling adolescents to achieve academically. The study indicates that adolescents who achieve academically despite exposure to violence, perceive social support as playing a significant role in the facilitation of academic achievement in these contexts of adversity. It is therefore recommended that significant others in the lives of adolescents should be informed about the important role that their supportive interactions play in the adolescent’s ability to maintain academic achievement. Further research could explore the viability of social support interventions in assisting adolescent learners to achieve their full academic potential, despite exposure to violence. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Children with intellectual disabilities’ perceptions of their participation in activities in everyday life – a pilot study : A minor field study conducted in Ethiopia / Barn med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningars uppfattning av sin delaktighet i vardagliga aktiviteter – en pilotstudie : En mindre fältstudie genomförd i Etiopien

Berger, Sarah, Andersson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Background: Children with disabilities living in low and middle income countries’ perceptions of participation are not shown in research. These perceptions are important for providing appropriate interventions. Aim: To describe how children aged 8-12 with an intellectual disability living in Ethiopia perceive their situation regarding participation in activities in everyday life. Method: A descriptive design with a quantitative approach was used. The sample was gathered using consecutive sampling. Fifteen structured interviews were conducted, using “Picture my participation,” an instrument under development. Analyses were made using SPSS Statistics and Microsoft Excel. Results: The children perceived that they participated in activities in everyday life. There was a broad variation in the activities the children prioritized as most important. On a group level, they were very involved in these activities. The majority did not experience any barriers to perform these activities. Conclusions: The perceptions of the majority of the children were that they were involved in daily activities. They did not experience any barriers to participation. The results should be read with caution and generalization is not possible, due to the sample characteristics and that the instrument is under development. / Bakgrund: Barn med funktionsnedsättningar som bor i låg- och medelinkomstländers uppfattningar om delaktighet är inte påvisade i forskning. Dessa uppfattningar är viktiga för att tillhandahålla lämpliga interventioner. Syfte: Att beskriva hur barn i åldrarna 8-12 år med en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som bor i Etiopien uppfattar sin situation gällande delaktighet i vardagliga aktiviteter. Metod: En deskriptiv design med kvantitativ ansats har använts. Urvalet har samlats in genom konsekutivt urval. Femton strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med användning av ”Picture my participation”, ett datainsamlingsinstrument under utveckling. Dataanalysen gjordes i SPSS Statistics och Microsoft Excel. Resultat: Barnen uppfattade att de deltog i vardagliga aktiviteter. Det var en stor variation i vilka aktiviteter barnen prioriterade som viktigast och på gruppnivå var de mycket delaktiga i dessa aktiviteter. Majoriteten av barnen uppgav att de inte upplevde några hinder för att utföra dessa aktiviteter. Slutsatser: Majoriteten av barnens uppfattning var att de är delaktiga i dagliga aktiviteter i hög grad och att de inte upplever några hinder för att delta. Resultatet bör tolkas med försiktighet och det är inte möjligt att generalisera resultatet, eftersom urvalet är litet och instrumentet är under utveckling.

SNP polymorfismus na Y chromozomu u populace afrických Fulbů / SNP polymorphisms of Y chromosome in the population of african fulani people

Bučková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Markers on the non-recombining region of chromosome Y is a useful tool for study of diversity between populations. SNPs are the most commom polymorphisms in human genome. Mutation rate of SNPs is very low and so they may be used as genetic markers in evolutionary and population studies. We have analyzed 205 unrelated men from 11 Sub-Saharan Fulani's subpopulations. Fulani are an ethnic group of people spread over many countries, mainly in West Africa. Our samples are from Tindangou area, Banfora area (Burkina Faso), Bongor area, Linia area (Chad), Diafarabé area (Mali), Tcheboua area (Cameroon), Banfora area, Diffa area, Zinder area, Ader area and Abalak area (Niger). Using kit Signet Y-SNP Identification Systems and Luminex instrument with LabMAP Luminex Technology we detected particular Y chromosome's SNPs. LabMAP Luminex Technology is universal array platform, which as a probe using fluorescent polystyrene microspheres. We have observed 12 different haplogroups. Haplogroup E, which is typical African haplogroups, is determined with derivated allele in polymorfism M96. We have detected haplogroup E in maximum of 89,3% in the Fulani's subpopulations. In 7,8% we have detected haplogroup R, which is characteristic of populations in the Euroasia. Gene pool of Fulani's population is influenced with a...

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