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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säsongsanomalier på börser i Afrika : En studie om kalendereffekter på afrikanska aktiemarknader och hur dessa skiljer sig från dess västerländska motparter / Seasonal anomalies on stock exchanges in Africa : A study on calendar effects in African stock markets and how they differ from their Western counterparts.

Domander, Olof, Larsson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Investeringar i aktier eller aktiefonder kan få ens pengar att växa genom den kumulativa avkastning som genereras. Genom ränta-på-ränta-effekten kan en liten ökning i avkastning från dessa investeringar få en stor effekt över en lång tidsperiod. På grund av detta etablerar många investerare strategier för att försöka uppnå en högre avkastning än den generella aktiemarknaden. Att slå marknaden har historiskt sett varit svårt vilket går i linje med det rådande paradigmet om att marknader är effektiva. Empirisk forskning har dock visat på återupprepande prismönster, som inneburit att det funnits möjligheter att strategiskt och systematiskt investera för att generera en högre riskjusterad avkastning än marknaden. Dessa prismönster kallas för anomalier och när de är tidsbaserade benämns de vanligtvis som kalendereffekter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida kalendereffekter även varit förekommande på marknader med mindre utvecklade institutioner och begränsad tidigare forskning. Studien är avgränsad till aktiemarknader i Afrika och har ställts i relation till motsvarande marknader i några av västvärldens mest välutvecklade ekonomier. En jämförelse har gjorts för att undersöka vart och vilka kalendereffekter som funnits samt hur resultatet skiljer sig mellan Afrika och västvärlden. Studien omfattar en tidsperiod från år 2000 fram till 2020. Resultatet visar något vanligare och mer signifikanta kalendereffekter på de afrikanska marknaderna men inte någon annan tydlig övergripande skillnad vid jämförelse med de västerländska marknaderna. Långa positioner vid månadsskiftet och efterföljande dagar alternativt vid slutet av handelsveckan har kunnat ge en högre riskjusterad avkastning än den generella marknaden i flera länder. Under tidsperioden finns det således belägg för att överavkastning kunnat uppnåtts på ett flertal afrikanska aktiemarknader genom systematiskt planerade investeringar. / Investments in equities or equity funds can help to make your money grow through the cumulative returns generated. Through compound interest, a small increase in return on these investments can have a large effect over a long period of time, resulting in many investors establishing strategies to achieve a higher return than the general stock market. Beating the market has historically been difficult which supports the prevailing paradigm that markets are efficient. However, empirical research has shown recurring price patterns, implying that there have been opportunities to strategically and systematically invest to generate a higher risk-adjusted return than the market. These price patterns are called anomalies and when time-based, are usually referred to as calendar effects. The purpose of this study was to examine whether calendar effects were also present in markets with less developed institutions and limited previous research. The study is focused on stock markets in Africa, which have been compared to corresponding markets in some of the most developed economies in the Western world. A comparison has been made to examine where and what calendar effects existed and how the results differ between Africa and the Western world. The study covers a period from 2000 to 2020. The results show slightly more common and significant calendar effects in the African markets, but no other clear overall difference was observed when compared with the Western markets. Long positions at the end of the month and subsequent days, alternatively at the end of the trading week, have been able to produce a higher risk-adjusted return than the general market in several countries. Thus, during this time period, there is evidence that excess returns could have been achieved in a number of African stock markets through systematically planned investments.

Možnosti podpory vzdělávání a zaměstnanosti mladých lidí v subsaharské Africe

Křivánková, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis evaluates how education influences the success of young people in the labour market in Zambia and analyses the causes for unemployment and underemployment. The work covers a literature review of education and the labour market in Zambia, as well as the description of economic and social aspects of the country. The practical part contains analysis of the matters which is followed by the development project proposal. The proposal is administrated according to the Czech Development Agency and which aims to improve the situation in rural area of Kashitu in Zambia. This project focuses on reducing youth unemployment and development of economic activities in Kashitu through the construction of a new vocational centre. Foundation for the project is based on the research, which used a method of participant observation in the field, and on the cooperation with local community non-profit organization New Renato Community Society.

Dynamika agrárního obchodu mezi Evropskou unií a zeměmi v regionu západní Afrika

Křížová, Rea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to identify and subsequently analyse the agrarian foreign trade dynamics between the European Union and the countries of West Africa. All data are monitored over the last two decades and show the development trends of the agrarian sector in the relationship between EU 28 and West Africa as a whole; the author subsequently described selected countries of West Africa in detail. The first part of the thesis presents basic starting points for further analytical work. It is presented in the form of a literature review and includes theoretical insights into international trade and its development, points out the influence of globalisation and regionalisation and their impact on the agrarian trade. The first phase of the practical part deals with the territorial and commodity structure of trade where the development and position of the European Union in relation to the countries of West Africa is defined. The key product groups are identified and are evaluated in terms of selected attributes. Both the West Africa as whole and individual countries of the West African region were analysed from the point of view of being a global partner in the foreign trade. A retrospective assessment shows the importance of ongoing market liberalisation and the importance of the European Union as a trading partner for the area in question. In the last part, the possibilities of Czech foreign trade were analysed in the context of cooperation with the West African countries.

The church should be an agent of reconciliation, justice and unity within the disintegrated society: Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) perspective

Raboshakga, Lesetja Jacob 04 1900 (has links)
The researcher in this study focuses on reconciliation, justice and unity in the church and society, Mokopane being the investigative centre. In this study, it has been evident that this was a noble exercise to focus on reconciliation, justice and unity in South Africa. The researcher concludes that much needs to be done in the future to address division in the church and society. The passiveness of the church in the process is jeopardizing reconciliation, justice and unity. Reconciliation, justice and unity have been explicitly being explained. They are important in a sense that they form the bottom or base live from people and believe system could be well understood and thereby enable them to measure their role in the concept of reconciliation, justice and unity. These are the gospel imperative and unavoidable. Qualitative research was explicitly stated, described and discussed. The role of both Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa and Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa can play to reconcile the people of people in Mokopane. All cases studied serves as a true reflection of people’s knowledge on the experience in both past and present history. Our concepts of truth, justice, reconciliation, unity and peace must serve as a designed model to contribute to theology in demand. Unity as the function of the Holy Spirit, and unity in local church should be witnessed. Thereafter, the church is called to the ministry of reconciliation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Afrika söder om Sahara : En komparativ studie om hur DN & SvD rapporterade om subsahariska länder 2009 respektive 2019

Svensson, Mathilda, Mazerant, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet rapporterade om subsahariska länder i Afrika under 2009 och 2019 och huruvida den svenska mediebilden av de 48 länderna söder om Sahara har förändrats över tid. Denna uppsats använder en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur mediebilden av subsahariska länder ser ut i de valda morgontidningarna. Vi undersökte om det finns någon skillnad mellan de olika tidpunkterna om vilka länder och teman som respektive tidning lyfte samt vilka aktörer som oftast valts som intervjupersoner och om det oftast är män eller kvinnor som kommer till tals.  Det teoretiska ramverket är byggt på teorier om gestaltning, nyhetsvärdering samt global journalistik. Resultatet av den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen visar att DN och SvD:s mediebild om subsahariska länder varken har blivit mer positiv eller negativ över tid. Rapporteringen har ökat om klimat och livsstil och minskat om humanitär kris. Sydafrika var det mest förekommande landet i båda tidningarna under både 2009 och 2019. Våra resultat visar att de teman som är de mest förekommande samtliga år och i båda tidningarna är politik och sociala frågor. Inom temat sociala frågor fokuserade båda tidningarna mest på subkategorierna sjukdom och kriminalitet. En positiv utveckling som vi har sett är att i båda tidningarna har antalet kvinnor som intervjuperson ökat. De mest förekommande aktörerna i båda tidningarna 2009 och 2019 var politiker, privatpersoner, organisationer och experter.

Growth and Success: In the Context of Startups in Sub-Saharan Africa / Tillväxt och framgång: I samband med nystartade företag i Afrika söder om Sahara

Stevanovic, Dunja, Wanyang Ochieng, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Sub-Saharan Africa is currently witnessing a proliferation of innovative startups, brimming with immense potential, yet grappling with formidable adversities that hinder the realisation of their latent capabilities to tangible economic benefits and substantial developmental progress for the region. Employing a qualitative research approach, this study investigates the internal and external factors that shape the growth and success trajectories of startups. Through startup strategic leadersand founders' lenses, the inquiry explores the tools employed to monitor progress and an examination of their understanding of sustainability as perceived from the vantage point of startup leadership. Drawing from a rich tapestry of conceptual frameworks and first-hand survey and interview findings, the analysis traverses’ diverse terrains. It encompasses an exploration of the transformative shift from resource-based to knowledge economies, discussing the phenomenon of leapfrogging and the profound impact of digital technology adoption on entrepreneurial endeavours in the region. The study also examines startup, growth and success definitions and their life cycles within the distinctive landscape of Sub-Saharan Africa, while concurrently delving into the pivotal role played by institutions in facilitating or impeding the trajectory of these nascent ventures. Ultimately, the paper ascertains that while internal factors undoubtedly exert influence on the rise of startups, external factors such as institutional policies, coupled with other constraints, continue to exert a significant influence on the potential progression of these enterprises as compared to internal factors. However, the study underscores that it is imperative for startups to remain cognizant, adequately prepared, and adept at managing both internal and external factors that shape their growth and success. It also calls for further research aimed at formulating effective strategies to support startups to navigate both internal and external challenges, particularly for startups operating within the confines of constrained budgets. / Subsahariska Afrika har för närvarande en explosionsartad tillväxt av innovativa startups, med enorm potential. Samtidigt brottas regionen med problem som hindrar förverkligandet av dessa latenta möjligheter till ekonomisk utveckling och framsteg för regionen. Med hjälp av en kvalitativforskningsansats undersöker denna studie de interna och externa faktorer som formar tillväxt och framgång för startups. Genom perspektiv från grundare och strategiska ledare för startups utforskar undersökningen de verktyg som används för att följa företagets framsteg och granska förståelsen för hållbarhet ur ett ledarskaps perspektiv. Med utgångspunkt från ett rikt spektrum av konceptuella ramverk samt resultat från en enkätundersökning och intervjuer omfattar analysen flera olika områden. Den omfattar en undersökning av transformationen från resursbaserade till kunskapsbaserade ekonomier, diskuterar fenomenet “leapfrogging” och effekten av implementeringen av digital teknologi på entreprenöriella företag i regionen. Studien diskuterar även definitioner av startups, tillväxt och framgång, samt företagens livscykler inom den särskilda kontext som utgör det subsahariska Afrika. Därutöver diskuteras den avgörande roll som institutioner spelar för att underlätta eller hindra dessa nystartade företags framgång. Slutligen visar uppsatsen att medans interna faktorer otvivelaktigt påverkar uppkomsten av startups, har externa faktorer såsom institutionella policys och andra begränsningar fortfarande en betydande inverkan på dessa företags potentiella framgång jämfört med interna faktorer. Studien betonar dock att det är avgörande för startups att vara medvetna, väl förberedda och skickliga på att hantera både interna och externa faktorer som formar deras tillväxt och framgång. Studien föreslår också till ytterligare forskning när det gäller att formulera effektiva strategier som stödjer startups att navigera både interna och externa utmaningar, särskilt för de som verkar inom begränsade budgetramar.

Market Men and Station Women: Changing Significations of Gendered Space in Accra, Ghana

Stasik, Michael, Thiel, Alena 02 February 2022 (has links)
It is impossible to understand the gendered relation between women and public space without taking into account its other, that is, male engagements with and in space. Our joint paper contrasts the public spaces of a market and a bus station in central Accra, Ghana. While the former is historically associated with female entrepreneurship, masculinity is deeply inscribed in the activities defining the latter. However, recent developments gradually undermine this gendered divide. Evermore men enter into the predominantly female occupation of market trade. Simultaneously, the public space of the bus station, complementary to many of the market’s economic activities and to its gendered significations, is increasingly shaped by intensive negotiations between male station personnel and ‘intruding’ female entrepreneurs over the scarce resource ‘space’. By focusing on interpersonal claims to entrepreneurial places in these two locations, we contest that structural determinants such as trade liberalization and employment strictures sufficiently explain the complex renegotiation of gendered entitlements to space. We illustrate how the configurations (and co-constructions) of gender and space are exposed to on-going, often subtle shifts, which are impelled by dialectically grounded transformations of quotidian spatial practices and social relations. Expanding upon the notion of viri-/uxorilocality, we explore shifts in the gendered strategies of newcomers establishing their presence in the two spaces and the extent to which these practices may alter gendered spatial significations.

Space and the Production of Order and Disorder

Gebauer, Claudia 03 February 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Notes From Within and Without: Research Permits Between Requirements and “Realities”

Engel, Ulf, Gebauer, Claudia, Hüncke, Anna 03 February 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Ordering Power of Narratives

Riedke, Eva 04 February 2022 (has links)
The task of this working paper, through a presentation and subsequent discussion of six empirically grounded ‘vignettes’, is to conceptualise significations in relation to ordering practices (in addition see the SPP working paper on ‘technology’ and ‘space’).

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