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Agresivita, agrese / Aggressiveness, aggressionMatesová, Radka January 2011 (has links)
Annotation: This thesis deal with aggresion and aggressiveness in humans lifetime, its sorts, starters.In more detail it is focusing for some forms of aggressive behavior as are chicane, ill-usage, racism, anti- semitism. It determinatives them as notions, describe thein after- effects and thein resolutions. At the conclusion this thesis offers set of games, methods and lessons for aggressiveness absorbing of pupils in the school. Some of them are equiping with photos, and the educt of simple questionnaire on the theme aggressive behavior at primary school in region Mladá Boleslav.
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Representación reversible. Animación y danza: producciones audiovisuales y transferencias docentesMesa García, Serafín 22 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] We research the possible relationships between the arts of movement, animation and dance. During our speech we will understand those processes and techniques in this way, by animation we focus in the traditional animation, motion graphics and video postproduction.The dance we attent corresponds to the contemporary discipline in the term close to body expression or body composition, characterized by respect to all body complexions. The possible relationships between animation and dance appear in his alternating practice, by the same person, who is at time, student, practitioner and researcher. This research applies the techniques of animation and video to record and amplify the two-dimensional movement from dance. The dance techniques will serve to experience movement in the three spatial dimensions. In this alternation's technique we see the conceptions of the time dimension that phenomenology makes through the 'duration' concept . This concept is discussed in the second chapter of the second part of this thesis. A priori, work in animation corresponds to the chronological idea of 'Duration' by Bergson. The dance we understand is related to a global temporary organization in which energies are modulated, without forms draw, by the idea of 'Rhythms' by Bachelard. Our task is to combine each temporal conception, to get born a technique with both durations-disciplines included. Getting this integrated technique we realize that representation processes occurs beyond the visual understanding. The dance gives us skills in the energy control, achieving representation from internal perception. We will see how to make formal representations in which energy and durations ideas are cohabiting, that is, integrate external and internal perceptions.
We get separate and specialized training in each discipline; the doctorate course 'Expressive - Formal and Temporal - Spacial Components in Animation' at the Fine Arts School from the (U.P.V.) Polyvalent Valencia University and the official Master degree in 'Dance and Movement Arts' at the Faculty of Sports Science of Murcia. Animation practice or dance are not the same occupation, without missing this difference our task is to promote contact points between them. These points or approaching places are fixed in the design of teaching practices, workshops and courses, such as the ' 1st. course in video postproduction: V. J. video jockey and videoclip' under the program of the Graduate School of the University of Málaga that we impart in 2014 at the Fine Arts School from the same city. This course begins with the nickname 'expanded training' terms that were part of the first thesis title. This concepts combination is abandoned coinciding with the return to training in contemporary dance through intensive workshops organized by 'La Buena Aventura' in the Dance Conservatory of Málaga. Attention is now directed towards the body and its internal representations against digital representations proposed by the term 'expanded'. It is then that the proposal of the current title 'Reversible Representation. Animation and dance: Audiovisual productions & teaching transfers' in which there is not an emphasis on digital but yes an agreement with it. In the experiments proposed on our conclusion block we see how the dance and body composition is filtered through the graphic expression and vice versa. From the two video camera places, in front and behind it, we go towards paper and drawing, in a process of dissolution of the human figure, of his contact and support surface. / [ES] Investigamos las posibles relaciones entre las disciplinas artísticas del movimiento, la animación y la danza. A lo largo de este discurso vamos a entender por animación aquellos procesos y técnicas creativas de animación tradicional más la postproducción e infografía de video. La danza a la que nos aproximamos corresponde a la disciplina contemporánea en sus estadios próximos a la expresión-composición corporal, caracterizados por el respeto por cualquier condición física. Las posibles relaciones entre la animación y la danza aparecen en la práctica y alternancia de ambas por el mismo sujeto que es, a su vez, estudiante, practicante e investigador. Desde este estudio se aplicarán las técnicas de la animación y el video para registrar y amplificar el movimiento en danza en el plano bidimensional. Las técnicas de la danza van a servir para experimentar el movimiento en las tres dimensiones espaciales. Encontramos que implícita en esta alternancia están las concepciones de la dimensión temporal que hace la fenomenología a través del concepto de duración. Este concepto queda expuesto en el capítulo segundo del segundo bloque de esta tesis. A priori, el trabajo en animación corresponde a un minucioso orden cronológico y formal ('Durée' de Bergson) y el trabajo en danza se relaciona con una organización temporal global en el que se modulan energías y no formas ('Ritmos' de Bachelard). Nuestra tarea es otorgar el turno a cada concepción temporal, confiando en que la técnica integradora de ambas (duraciones-disciplinas) aparezca. Con la adquisición de esta técnica integradora notamos que los procesos de representación se producen más allá de lo visual. La danza confiere habilidades en el control duracional de lo energético logrando la representación de procesos cognitivos internos. Veremos cómo lograr representaciones en las que duraciones formales y energéticas cohabitan, esto es, integrar percepciones externas e internas.
Para llegar a este punto integrador han sido necesarias formaciones separadas y especializadas en cada disciplina; concretamente el curso de doctorado Componentes expresivo formales y espacio-temporales en la animación en la Facultad de BB. AA. de Valencia y el Máster oficial Danza y Artes del Movimiento en la Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte de Murcia. Practicar animación o danza no son la misma ocupación, nuestrao objetivo es diferenciarlas sin dejar de detectar y propiciar lugares de contacto entre ellas. Estos lugares de aproximación quedan fijados con el diseño de prácticas docentes por medio de talleres y cursos, como por ejemplo el I curso de especialización en postproducción de video: VJ video jockey y videoclip bajo el programa de la Escuela de postgrado de la Universidad de Málaga que imparto en 2014 en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la misma ciudad. Este curso se inicia con el sobrenombre de 'entrenamiento expandido' términos que formaban parte del título de esta tesis en su periodo inicial.
Esta combinación de conceptos se abandona coincidiendo con la vuelta a la formación en danza contemporánea a través de los talleres intensivos organizados por La Buena Aventura en el Conservatorio de Danza también de Málaga. La atención se dirige ahora hacia el cuerpo y sus representaciones internas frente a las representaciones digitales propuestas por el término 'expandido'. Es en ese momento cuando surge la propuesta del actual título 'Representación reversible. Animación y danza: Colaboraciones audiovisuales y transferencias docentes' en el que no existe un énfasis por lo digital pero si acuerdo. En las experiencias propuestas en nuestro bloque de conclusiones observamos cómo la 'expresión corporal' es filtrada a través de la expresión gráfica y viceversa. De los dos lugares a cámara de video, delante y tras ellas, pasamos al papel y al dibujo, en un proceso de disolución de la figura humana, su superficie de contacto y apoyo. / [CA] Estudiem les possibles relacions entre les disciplines artístiques del moviment, l'animació i la dansa. Al llarg d'aquest discurs entendrem per animació aquells processos i tècniques creatives d'animació tradicional a més de la postproducció i infografia de vídeo. La dansa a la qual ens aproximem correspon a la disciplina contemporània en els seus estadis propers a l'expressió-composició corporal, caracteritzats pel respecte per qualsevol condició física. Les possibles relacions entre l'animació i la dansa alternen en la pràctica d'ambdues pel mateix subjecte, que és, al seu torn, estudiant, practicant i investigador. Des d'aquest estudi s'aplicaran les tècniques de l'animació i el vídeo per registrar i amplificar el moviment en dansa en el plànol bidimensional. Les tècniques de la dansa van a servir per a experimentar el moviment en les tres dimensions espacials.
Trobem que, implícita en aquesta alternança, estan les concepcions de la dimensió temporal que fa la fenomenologia a través del concepte de durada. Aquest concepte queda exposat en el capítol segon del segon bloc d'aquesta tesi. A priori, el treball en animació correspon a un minuciós ordre cronològic i formal (la 'Durée' de Bergson) i el treball en dansa es relaciona amb una organització temporal global en el qual es modulen energies i no formes ('Ritmes', en Bachelard). La nostra tasca és atorgar el torn a cada concepció temporal, confiant que la tècnica integradora d'ambdues (durades-disciplines) aparega quan siguem capaces de generar intervals d'alternança cada vegada més curts. En el domini d'aquesta tècnica integral notem que els processos de representació es produeixen més enllà del visual. La dansa confereix habilitats en el control de duració de l'energètic aconseguint la representació de processos cognitius interns. Veurem com aconseguir representacions en les quals durades formals i energètiques cohabiten, això és, integrar percepcions externes i internes.
Per arribar a aquest punt integrador han estat necessàries formacions separades i especialitzades en cada disciplina; concretament el curs de doctorat Components expressiu formals i espai-temporals en l'animació en la Facultat de BB.AA. de València i el Màster oficial Dansa i Arts del Moviment en la Facultat de Ciències de l'Esport de Múrcia. Practicar animació o dansa no són la mateixa ocupació, diferenciar-les sense deixar de detectar i propiciar llocs de contacte és la tasca descrita al llarg d'aquestes pàgines. Aquests llocs d'aproximació queden fixats amb el disseny de pràctiques docents per mitjà de tallers i cursos, com per exemple l'I curs d'especialització en postproducció de vídeo: VJ vídeo jockey i videoclip sota el programa de l'Escola de postgrau de la Universitat de Màlaga que vaig impartir el 2014 en la Facultat de Belles arts de la mateixa ciutat. Aquest curs s'inicia amb l'àlies de 'entrenament expandit' termes que formaven part del títol d'aquesta tesi en el seu període inicial.
Aquesta combinació de conceptes s'abandona coincidint amb la volta a la formació en dansa contemporània a través dels tallers intensius organitzats per la Bona Aventura en el Conservatori de Dansa també de Màlaga. L'atenció es dirigeix ara cap al cos i les seues representacions internes enfront de les representacions digitals propostes pel terme 'expandit'. És en aquest moment quan sorgeix la proposta de l'actual títol 'Representació reversible. Animació i dansa: Col·laboracions audiovisuals i transferències docents' en el qual no existeix una èmfasi pel digital però si acord. En aquestes experiències podem observar com la 'expressió corporal' filtrada a través de l'expressió gràfica i viceversa, en un primer moment, troben en la càmera de vídeo i en la taula d'edició la seua superfície de contacte, posteriorment, en un procés de dissolució de la superfície de contacte passa a ser el paper i el dibuix. / Mesa García, S. (2016). Representación reversible. Animación y danza: producciones audiovisuales y transferencias docentes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62828
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Investigating the Application and Sustained Effects of Stochastic Resonance on Haptic Feedback Sensitivity in a Laparoscopic TaskWilcox, Kara Liane 08 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Stochastic and temperature-related aspects of the Preisach model of hysteresisSchubert, Sven 07 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Preisach-Modell bezüglich stochastischer äußerer Felder und temperaturbezogener Aspekte zu untersuchen. Das phänomenologische Preisach-Modell wird oft erfolgreich angewendet, um Systeme mit Hysterese zu beschreiben.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Antwort des Preisach-Modells auf stochastische äußere Felder untersucht. Hier liegt das Augenmerk hauptsächlich auf der Autokorrelation; sie dient dazu den Einfluss des hysteretischen Gedächtnisses zu quantifizieren. Mit analytischen Methoden wird gezeigt, dass sich ein Langzeitgedächtnis, sichtbar in der Autokorrelation der Systemantwort, entwickeln kann, selbst wenn das treibende Feld unkorreliert ist. Im Anschluss werden diese Resultate, m.H. von Simulationen, auf äußere Felder ausgeweitet, die selbst Korrelationen aufweisen können.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss einer endlichen Temperatur auf das Preisach-Modell. Es werden unterschiedliche Methoden besprochen, wie das Nichtgleichgewichtsmodell in seiner mikromagnetischen Interpretation mit Temperatur als Gleichgewichtseigenschaft verknüpft werden kann. Eine Formulierung wird genutzt, um die Magnetisierung von Nickelnanopartikeln in einer Fullerenmatrix zu simulieren und mit Experimenten zu vergleichen. Des Weiteren wird die Relaxationsdynamik des Gedächtnisses des Preisach-Modells bei endlichen Temperaturen untersucht. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Preisach model in regard to stochastically driving and temperature-related aspects. The Preisach model is a phenomenological model for systems with hysteresis which is often successfully applied. Hysteresis is a widespread phenomenon which is observed in nature and the key feature of certain technological applications. Further, it contributes to phenomena of interest in social science and economics as well. Prominent examples are the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials in an external magnetic field or the adsorption-desorption hysteresis observed in porous media. Hysteresis involves the development of a hysteresis memory, and multistability in the interrelations between external driving fields and system response.
In the first part, we mainly investigate the response of Preisach hysteresis models driven by stochastic input processes with regard to autocorrelation functions to quantify the influence of the system’s memory. Using rigorous methods, it is shown that the development of a hysteresis memory is reflected in the possibility of long-time tails in the autocorrelation functions, even for uncorrelated driving fields. In the case of uncorrelated driving, these long-time tails in the autocorrelations of the system’s response are determined only by the tails of the involved densities. They will be observed if there are broad Preisach densities assigning a high weight to elementary loops of large width and narrow input densities such that rare extreme events of the input time series contribute significantly to the output for a long period of time. Afterwards, these results are extended by simulations to driving fields which themselves show correlations. It is shown that the autocorrelation of the output does not decay faster than the autocorrelation of the input process. Further, there is a possibility that long-term memory in the hysteretic response is more pronounced in the case of uncorrelated driving than in the case of correlated driving. The behavior of the output probability distribution at the saturation values is quite universal. It is not affected by the presence of correlations and allows conclusions whether the input density is much more narrow than the Preisach density or not. Moreover, the existence of effective Preisach densities is shown which define equivalence classes of systems of input and Preisach densities which lead to realizations of the same output variable. The asymptotic behavior of an effective Preisach density determines the asymptotic correlation decay of the system’s response in the case of uncorrelated driving.
In the second part, temperature-related effects are considered. It is reviewed how the non-equilibrium Preisach model in its micromagnetic picture can be related to temperature within the framework of extended irreversible thermodynamics. The irreversible response of a ferromagnetic material, namely, Nickel nanoparticles in a fullerene matrix, is simulated. The model includes superparamagnetism where ferromagnetism breaks down at temperatures lower than the Curie temperature and the results are compared to experimental data. Furthermore, we adapt known results for the thermal relaxation of the system’s memory in the form of a front propagation in the Preisach plane derived basically from solving a master equation and by the use of a contradictory assumption. A closer look is taken at short time scales which dissolves the contradiction and shows that the known results apply, taking into account the fact that the dividing line propagation starts with an additional delay time depending on the front coordinates in the Preisach plane. Additionally, it is outlined how thermal relaxation behavior in the Preisach model of hysteresis can be studied using a Fokker-Planck equation. The latter is solved analytically in the non-hysteretic limit using eigenfunction methods. The results indicate a change in the relaxation behavior, especially on short time scales.
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Stochastic and temperature-related aspects of the Preisach model of hysteresisSchubert, Sven 22 June 2011 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Preisach-Modell bezüglich stochastischer äußerer Felder und temperaturbezogener Aspekte zu untersuchen. Das phänomenologische Preisach-Modell wird oft erfolgreich angewendet, um Systeme mit Hysterese zu beschreiben.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Antwort des Preisach-Modells auf stochastische äußere Felder untersucht. Hier liegt das Augenmerk hauptsächlich auf der Autokorrelation; sie dient dazu den Einfluss des hysteretischen Gedächtnisses zu quantifizieren. Mit analytischen Methoden wird gezeigt, dass sich ein Langzeitgedächtnis, sichtbar in der Autokorrelation der Systemantwort, entwickeln kann, selbst wenn das treibende Feld unkorreliert ist. Im Anschluss werden diese Resultate, m.H. von Simulationen, auf äußere Felder ausgeweitet, die selbst Korrelationen aufweisen können.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss einer endlichen Temperatur auf das Preisach-Modell. Es werden unterschiedliche Methoden besprochen, wie das Nichtgleichgewichtsmodell in seiner mikromagnetischen Interpretation mit Temperatur als Gleichgewichtseigenschaft verknüpft werden kann. Eine Formulierung wird genutzt, um die Magnetisierung von Nickelnanopartikeln in einer Fullerenmatrix zu simulieren und mit Experimenten zu vergleichen. Des Weiteren wird die Relaxationsdynamik des Gedächtnisses des Preisach-Modells bei endlichen Temperaturen untersucht. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Preisach model in regard to stochastically driving and temperature-related aspects. The Preisach model is a phenomenological model for systems with hysteresis which is often successfully applied. Hysteresis is a widespread phenomenon which is observed in nature and the key feature of certain technological applications. Further, it contributes to phenomena of interest in social science and economics as well. Prominent examples are the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials in an external magnetic field or the adsorption-desorption hysteresis observed in porous media. Hysteresis involves the development of a hysteresis memory, and multistability in the interrelations between external driving fields and system response.
In the first part, we mainly investigate the response of Preisach hysteresis models driven by stochastic input processes with regard to autocorrelation functions to quantify the influence of the system’s memory. Using rigorous methods, it is shown that the development of a hysteresis memory is reflected in the possibility of long-time tails in the autocorrelation functions, even for uncorrelated driving fields. In the case of uncorrelated driving, these long-time tails in the autocorrelations of the system’s response are determined only by the tails of the involved densities. They will be observed if there are broad Preisach densities assigning a high weight to elementary loops of large width and narrow input densities such that rare extreme events of the input time series contribute significantly to the output for a long period of time. Afterwards, these results are extended by simulations to driving fields which themselves show correlations. It is shown that the autocorrelation of the output does not decay faster than the autocorrelation of the input process. Further, there is a possibility that long-term memory in the hysteretic response is more pronounced in the case of uncorrelated driving than in the case of correlated driving. The behavior of the output probability distribution at the saturation values is quite universal. It is not affected by the presence of correlations and allows conclusions whether the input density is much more narrow than the Preisach density or not. Moreover, the existence of effective Preisach densities is shown which define equivalence classes of systems of input and Preisach densities which lead to realizations of the same output variable. The asymptotic behavior of an effective Preisach density determines the asymptotic correlation decay of the system’s response in the case of uncorrelated driving.
In the second part, temperature-related effects are considered. It is reviewed how the non-equilibrium Preisach model in its micromagnetic picture can be related to temperature within the framework of extended irreversible thermodynamics. The irreversible response of a ferromagnetic material, namely, Nickel nanoparticles in a fullerene matrix, is simulated. The model includes superparamagnetism where ferromagnetism breaks down at temperatures lower than the Curie temperature and the results are compared to experimental data. Furthermore, we adapt known results for the thermal relaxation of the system’s memory in the form of a front propagation in the Preisach plane derived basically from solving a master equation and by the use of a contradictory assumption. A closer look is taken at short time scales which dissolves the contradiction and shows that the known results apply, taking into account the fact that the dividing line propagation starts with an additional delay time depending on the front coordinates in the Preisach plane. Additionally, it is outlined how thermal relaxation behavior in the Preisach model of hysteresis can be studied using a Fokker-Planck equation. The latter is solved analytically in the non-hysteretic limit using eigenfunction methods. The results indicate a change in the relaxation behavior, especially on short time scales.
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