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Marketing realitních kanceláří / Marketing of Real Estate AgenciesSvoboda, Robert January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma thesis describes marketing of the real estate agencies. Theoretical part is focused on marketing and real estate agencies. It also provides advices in marketing for model real estate agency. Practical part is focused on analyzing selected options by using WSA method. Then I tried to find out which option has the best rating.
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Shareholder Values and a Story of Corporate Social and Environmental Negative EventsAurin, Shaila Nusrat 30 August 2021 (has links)
This dissertation considers the entire process originated by corporate events that impact the environment and the society (ES events). Using a rich hand-collected dataset with 1139 chronological incidents originating from negative corporate social responsibility (CSR)-related events, it explores stock market reactions to each stage within a chain of successive events triggered by negative ES events, including the recurrent, follow-up (either favorable or unfavorable), as well as companies’ response events. We find that the investors respond strongly negatively to negative events (origin, negative subsequent, and negative responses) and strongly positively to positive events (positive subsequent and positive responses). We also find that investors react more negatively to the negative subsequent and recurrent events, as well as company negative responses when they occur sooner after the origin events, whereas promptness of positive subsequent events and positive responses heighten the favorable market reaction. The study also reveals the presence of expectancy violation as investors of high-CSR firm react more negatively to the negative events. In addition, it provides observations suggesting that: (1) investors do not regard positive responses as agency-motivated events, instead they are more concerned about the availability of financial resources when a firm makes remedial responses to a negative ES event; and (2) the market cares about CSR events not solely due to their financial implications, but also because it considers socially responsible operations as a value-enhancing corporate duty.
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Children’s agency in reducing poverty and environmental risk : case study of Lerato house, Tshwane Leadership FoundationCrouse, Simone January 2021 (has links)
South-Africa’s government has adopted several global, national, and regional developmental agendas to combat systemic inequalities in the country. The developmental agendas should consider the role of children’s agency in reducing poverty and environmental risks. South Africa ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and the Welfare of the Child (ARCWC) and is therefore bound through international treaties to protect and promote children’s rights (Hall, Richter, Mokomane & Lake, 2018:48).
The goal of the study was to explore and describe how children’s agency is recognised and respected in programmes/interventions aimed at reducing poverty and environmental risk in the case study of Lerato House, Tshwane Leadership Foundation.
The researcher used a qualitative research approach, and the type of research was applied. The research design was a case study, and a purposive sampling method was used to sample five child participants and five key informants from Lerato House. Data was collected through one-on-one semi-structured interviews.
The findings show that children’s agency is recognised and respected in the planning and implementation phases of the programme, while there is a lack of children’s participation in the conceptualisation phase and little participation in the monitoring and evaluation phase. The study concludes that children’s agency was more likely to be recognised and respected when staff have been trained to work with children and when children were allowed to provide their input into programmes. The study recommends that children’s agency be recognised and developed by preparing and allowing them to participate in all the phases of programmes at Lerato House aimed at reducing poverty and environmental risks. / Mini Dissertation (MSW (Social Development and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Social Work and Criminology / MSW (Social Dev and Policy) / Unrestricted
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Návrh vylepšení informačního systému pracovní agentury / Proposal for Improving the Information System of the Temporary Help AgencySouček, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to propose an improvement to the information system of JOBINN&HOSTESSINN s.r.o. Agency employment has some specificities that the information system must account for. The first part of this thesis describes JOBINN&HOSTESSINN s.r.o., compares it to the competition, and analyzes the current information system. The second part proposes improvements to remove a fundamental problem and recalculates the return on investment.
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Vizuální styl cestovní agentury / Corporate identity of a travel agencyZainer, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The subject of the dissertation is a concept for the solution of the graphic and model applications of the travel agency´s visual style. I have concentrated on the main products of the agency such as the travel diary, travel game and pocket lens. I heve elaborated on the model concept of them. In particular I have described the process of the diary ´s creation , from the graphic design to printing and binding. In the appendix I have put the design manual. You can find there all the parts of the corporate identity such as colour definition and measurement of logo, logotype and text. I have also defined the secret area, business card, letter paper, invoice and envelope.
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Divinest Sense : the construction of female madness and the negotiation of female agency in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Margaret Atwood's SurfacingDe Villiers, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to critically examine the representation of female madness in The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath, Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys, and Surfacing, by Margaret Atwood, with a particular emphasis on the depiction of madness as a form of revolt against the oppression of women in patriarchal societies. I focus specifically on the textual construction of female insanity in three twentieth-century reading of these depictions in relation to an influential contemporary example of Western psychological discourse, namely The Divided Self (1960). Drawing on the work of Western feminist scholars such as Elaine Showalter and Lillian Feder, I engage with the broader questions of the female malady and dilemma. I pay attention not only to the various tropes, metaphors and images which are employed in the representation of madness, but also give attention to the explanations of madness that are offered in each text as well as the ways in which the various stories of madness are resolved. In the introduction, I offer an overview of the history of madness (and female madness in particular) and consider the importance of Laing and the antipsychiatry movement in challenging conventional definitions. In Chapter 1, I explore the depiction of madness in The Bell Jar, with the focus on the protagonist, Esther, whose madness, I argue, is represented as a conflict between female creativity and mid-twentieth century feminine ideals. In Chapter 2, I discuss Wide Sargasso Sea, a novel which gives a voice to the madwoman in the attic in Charlotte Jane Eyre. I argue tha rather that a particular construction of madness that of the stereotypical wild madwoman is imposed upon her. In addition, I argue that her madness is presented as the result of being abandoned and cast as insane by her husband, whom she marries as part of an economic exchange. In Chapter 3, I explore the ways in which, in Surfacing madness is attributed both to her abortion as well as to the realisation of her own complicity in the patriarchal oppression of women and nature. In all three novels, I suggest, female madness is represented sympathetically as a reaction to, and revolt against patriarchal oppression. In addition, I argue that each novel makes a contribution to an emancipatory feminist politics by suggesting several routes of transcendence or escape. In my concluding chapter, I draw on the previous discussion of the various ways in which madness is figured in the novels in order to show how, in contesting stereotypical views, the three authors must create new vocabularies and metaphors of madness, thus engaging with patriarchal language itself. In this way, they not only contest normative constructions of the female malady but also bend patriarchal language into new shapes. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / English / MA / Unrestricted
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Advertising agencies’ attractiveness in the exploration phaseNordström, Anton, Pontho, Vincent January 2019 (has links)
This paper digs deeper into the concept of attraction and what makes a marketing agency attractive. The authors focus on the very first stage of a business relationship before the project sets off, seeking to uncover what attraction is and which factors influence it. Through 6 semi structured interviews with companies which has been in a business relationship with marketing agencies the authors investigates what attracted them to that particular agency. As new information appeared in the interviews, the theoretical framework has been extended with more material. At the end of the paper the authors present a model which describes the components of attraction. The model is then discussed and explained.
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Because My Garmin Told Me To: A New Materialist Study of Agency and Wearable TechnologyRepici, Michael 26 March 2019 (has links)
Wearable technologies are being adopted in increasing numbers and the market space appears poised for continued growth in virtually all areas, from medicine, to self-quantification, to sports. While the overwhelming majority of work on wearables has been done on their medical applications and their role in shaping identity, this dissertation examines the roles that wearable technologies play on the decision-making processes in athletic contexts. Using new materialism and Actor Network Theory as lenses, I attempt to break from the Cartesian model that places human subjectivity and intentionality at the center of a rhetorical situation and, rather, allow that non-human actants are agentive. I examine the interactions that age-group triathletes have with their wearable technologies and the shifting agencies that accompany those interactions. These interactions call on disparate human and non-human actors in forming a series of temporary, shifting networks that utilize a distributed agency in the decision making process.
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”Det börjar med mig” : En studie om rektorers tankar om sex- och samlevnadsundervisning / ”It begins with me” : A study of principals ’thoughts about sexual educationEdestrand, Mikael, Lindberg, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att synliggöra hur rektorer i grundskolan reflekterar och resonerar kring sex- och samlevnad. Dessutom ämnar studien undersöka hur rektorer i grundskolan tolkar och reflekterar kring skrivelser rörande sex- och samlevnad i läroplanen för grundskolan samt för förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet. Vi vill även analysera hur rektorer översätter dessa reflektioner till det praktiska arbetet i sin skolverksamhet. De frågeställningar vi utgått från är “Hur kan rektorers reflektioner kring och tolkningar av sex- och samlevnad tolkas och förstås?”, ”Hur översätter rektorer läroplanens skrivelser utifrån sina egna reflektioner rörande sex och samlevnad i sin roll som pedagogisk ledare?” samt ”Hur blir denna översättning synlig i det praktiska arbetet i skolverksamheten?”. Studien har sin grund i semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex olika rektorer. Intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån översättningsmodellen och teorin om teacher agency. Det slutliga resultatet visar att sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen innehåll, utformning och plats i skolverksamheten dikteras av flertalet olika faktorer. Detta tar sig i uttryck utifrån egna erfarenheter, den sociala, kulturella och materiella kontext som är skolan, yttre faktorer och styrdokument. Alla dessa faktorer samspelar med varandra och skapar en arena för handlande och genom handlandet så ges olika förutsättningar för sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen.
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Modernism and the Event: Lawrence, Lewis, and the Agency of the "Evental Subject"Duerr, Stefanie Elizabeth 01 April 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines D.H. Lawrence’s and Wyndham Lewis’s exploration of the
evental subject, and asks how their work might help us understand agency in a way that does not
discount powerful forms of socio-historical determinism. Examining a variety of their critical
and fictional writing from the first three decades of the twentieth century, I argue that Lawrence
and Lewis explore ways of thinking about the subject’s relationship to radical novelty without
occluding the constraining forces of mass culture. Challenging conventional modernist forms of
novelty which seek to except themselves from forces of historical and social determination, they
pursue a form of novelty that emerges from these forces, yet radically reconfigures the world that
history has produced. Similarly, even though the “evental subject” is conditioned by the forms of
relation encoded by society, its agency lies in the power to transfigure the modes of being that
have been normalized. The evental subject is not an autonomous source of agency that is
exempted from the social order, but derives its agency from reconceptualizing the nature of
social embeddedness—understanding social relations as unpredictably generative rather than
narrowly limiting. In this regard, the forms of subjectivity articulated by Lawrence and Lewis
substantially anticipate, and are illuminated by, Alain Badiou’s theory of the event. Chapter 1
argues that Lawrence’s Study of Thomas Hardy and Studies in Classic American Literature
approach the problem of the evental subject largely in terms of affect, understanding the subject
not as the preexistent and stable bearer of affective experience, but as the processual product of
mutually-constituting affective relationships. Chapter 2 examines Women in Love to find
Lawrence negotiating love as an affective site of radical subjective possibility that reconfigures
the cultural norms through which intimate relationships are coded and constrained. Chapter 3
turns to Lewis’s The Enemy to ask how his version of the evental subject largely inhabits the
tension between personality and selfhood, where the former suggests social performance and the
latter denotes an autonomous, ontological category. Contra the conventional turn to the
autonomous self as the source of agency, he seeks to understand the subject, and its agency, as
the product of social performance. Finally, Chapter 4 argues that Tarr articulates the possibilities
of a radically exteriorized understanding of personality; through Lewis’s ironic portrayal of the
ineluctable ways in which even the perception of choice is coded by the situation, he presents
fiction and authorship as the spaces in which to imagine an evental subject.
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