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An investigation of the usage and success of blended e–learning material for computer networking students / by Christoffel van AardtVan Aardt, Christoffel Carolus January 2010 (has links)
Students enrolled for the Network Systems III module at the Vaal University of
Technology are experiencing problems with passing this module. Many of them fail
due to the fact that they do not understand the subnet masking part of it. In an
attempt to increase the students' pass rate, this study will make additional study
material available to them, complying with their learning style preferences. This
material will be available as elearning
material on the Internet.
The usage and success of elearning
material implies a holistic approach towards
learning styles. Learning styles consist of different interrelated learning elements.
This study will make use of an action research approach comprising four phases.
In the first phase, different learning styles are diagnosed by means of a literature
study. The information obtained is applied to compile an interpretive questionnaire
for completion by students. This questionnaire will enable the researcher to do an
empirical study with regard to their learning preferences. The data obtained from
the questionnaires will be analysed and information obtained will be applied to
make additional module related elearning
material available on the Internet.
During the second phase, results obtained from the empirical investigation will be
used to develop elearning
material on subnetting, while also addressing the
identified learning styles of participants. The elearning
material is provided on the
Moodle learning management system, enabling students to use it according to their
own preferences.
In the third phase, the success of the intervention on the elearning
material is
investigated. In this phase, the activities of students using the elearning
are analysed and tests and examination results processed to determine whether
there is any correlation between time spent on elearning
material and these
results. The usage of elearning
material is tested by means of an interpretive
questionnaire to the students. The last part of the action research approach deals with the question of whether
the research was conducted successfully. A second iteration of the process proved
the results to be satisfactory.
The elearning
material was positively received by students participating in the
research, while a growing interest in this material was noticed from the last
semester in 2007 to the first semester in 2008. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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An investigation of the usage and success of blended e–learning material for computer networking students / by Christoffel van AardtVan Aardt, Christoffel Carolus January 2010 (has links)
Students enrolled for the Network Systems III module at the Vaal University of
Technology are experiencing problems with passing this module. Many of them fail
due to the fact that they do not understand the subnet masking part of it. In an
attempt to increase the students' pass rate, this study will make additional study
material available to them, complying with their learning style preferences. This
material will be available as elearning
material on the Internet.
The usage and success of elearning
material implies a holistic approach towards
learning styles. Learning styles consist of different interrelated learning elements.
This study will make use of an action research approach comprising four phases.
In the first phase, different learning styles are diagnosed by means of a literature
study. The information obtained is applied to compile an interpretive questionnaire
for completion by students. This questionnaire will enable the researcher to do an
empirical study with regard to their learning preferences. The data obtained from
the questionnaires will be analysed and information obtained will be applied to
make additional module related elearning
material available on the Internet.
During the second phase, results obtained from the empirical investigation will be
used to develop elearning
material on subnetting, while also addressing the
identified learning styles of participants. The elearning
material is provided on the
Moodle learning management system, enabling students to use it according to their
own preferences.
In the third phase, the success of the intervention on the elearning
material is
investigated. In this phase, the activities of students using the elearning
are analysed and tests and examination results processed to determine whether
there is any correlation between time spent on elearning
material and these
results. The usage of elearning
material is tested by means of an interpretive
questionnaire to the students. The last part of the action research approach deals with the question of whether
the research was conducted successfully. A second iteration of the process proved
the results to be satisfactory.
The elearning
material was positively received by students participating in the
research, while a growing interest in this material was noticed from the last
semester in 2007 to the first semester in 2008. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Strategieë vir opvoeders van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne insluitende onderwys, ontwikkel deur ʼn aksienavorsingsproses (Afrikaans)Potgieter-Groot, Lucia Christina 09 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is deur aksienavorsing ondersoek ingestel na strategieë wat vir opvoeders bruikbaar is in die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne die opset van insluitende onderwys. Leerders in Suid-Afrikaanse skole en klaskamers openbaar ʼn wye verskeidenheid emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes, en hierdie behoeftes word as een van die vernaamste knelpunte deur alle belanghebbendes in die land se onderwys uitgesonder. Anders as in die verlede word daar nou van opvoeders verwag om die primêre hulpverleners te wees van leerders met behoeftes in die konteks van die insluitende klaskamer. In die lig hiervan benodig opvoeders bemagtiging om die leerders te hanteer deur ’n verskeidenheid strategieë te kan gebruik. Die navorsing het deur verskeie fases verloop waar die aanvanklike behoeftes van die opvoeders bepaal is, asook die stand van sake voor die intervensie. Op grond hiervan is ʼn implementeringsprogram saamgestel wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van strategieë vir opvoeders van die twee skole, die toepassing daarvan in hul klasse/skool en die effek wat dit op die klasse/skool gehad het. Die implementering is op verskeie sistemiese vlakke gemoniteer – deur die opvoeders in hul eie klasse, maar ook deur eksterne waarnemers en die navorser. Gedurende die fases is die intervensie voortdurend aangepas namate nuwe behoeftes bekend geraak het. Die deelnemers het ook insette gelewer ten opsigte van strategieë en hoe dit aangepas kon word. Nuwe gemeenskaplike kennis van strategieë het tydens die intervensie ontstaan. Na afloop van die program het opvoeders die strategieë vir die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes kwantitatief beoordeel, op grond van die bruikbaarheid daarvan in die skool- en klasopset. Uit my bevindinge het dit geblyk dat opvoeders bemagtiging benodig om met leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes te werk. Die indiensopleidings-program waaraan 47 opvoeders van twee skole deelgeneem het, het daartoe bygedra dat die opvoeders se ingesteldheid teenoor leerders verander het. Na die opleiding was hulle bekend met meer strategieë om leerdergedrag te hanteer en het ‘n gevoel van sukses beleef in die klas, wat bygedra het tot ‘n positiewe belewenis van die klassituasie. Van die strategieë wat as die bruikbaarste beoordeel is, het gehandel oor klaskamerpraktyke en strategieë om taakgerigtheid te bevorder. Ander strategieë het aspekte rondom skoolbestuur en ondersteuning aan ouers ingesluit. Enkele opvoeders het ook meer gevorderde strategieë, soos kognitiewe en gedragstegnieke gebruik. Opvoeders het positiewe reaksie aangemeld van leerders waar die strategieë toegepas is. Hierdie studie is deur ‘n proses van aksienavorsing uitgevoer en kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik. Die resultate is van toepassing binne hierdie bepaalde konteks. Volgens die navorser kan hierdie opleidingsprogram aangepas word om aan die behoefte vir indiensopleiding vir opvoeders te voorsien. Opleiding kan moontlik fokus op ʼn kleiner aantal strategieë wat deeglik ingeoefen en vasgelê kan word. Dit is verkieslik dat al die personeel van ‘n skool, insluitend die skoolbestuurspan, aan die opleiding moet deelneem om dit ‘n skoolontwikkelingsprojek te maak. Deur twee skole op verskillende vlakke van implementering saam op te lei, kan opvoeders mekaar stimuleer en kan die toepassing van idees bevorder word. ENGLISH: Learners who exhibit emotional and behavioural needs (e.g. ADHD and depression conduct disorder) seem to present a major challenge for educators in the inclusive mainstream class and educators feel that they are not adequately prepared and trained for these challenges. Action research was chosen as research method. The purpose of this research was to useful strategies which educators could implement in supporting and managing these learners, in the inclusive classroom environment. Learners with emotional and behavioural needs exhibit a wide variety of behaviours at school. In the inclusive education environment educators are expected to be the primary supporters of learners with needs. Although this expectation exists, up till now educators have received little or no training on how to support learners with needs. The research process conducted in this study followed different phases. Firstly, a needs analysis was conducted to determine the current state of affairs, the needs of educators, and strategies currently in use. Information that became evident through the needs analysis and literature research prescribed the format and aspects to be included in the initial intervention programme. During the execution of this programme, current strategies were adapted and new ones developed. Needs that came to the fore during the implementation were recognised and incorporated. The implementation was monitored on different levels, for example by teachers who implemented the strategies in their classrooms and provided feedback, by the researcher, and also by external observers. The focus was not only on the strategies, but also on processes. Changes that were observed in the different systems were assessed. During the final step of the implementation phase, educators, based on their practical experience, were required to rate the usefulness of all the different strategies that were either part of the initial presentation or were generated during the course of implementation. The qualitative as well as quantitative findings indicated that the educators became more capable of supporting these learners and implemented a wide variety of strategies. Classroom management strategies and strategies to support task behaviour were found to be the most helpful. Educators also gained more than merely knowledge. Changes in the relationship between educators and these learners were noticeable and they became aware of feelings of personal achievement and competency. Changes also occurred at other systemic levels, such as in the learners, the school, the community and even in the broader education system. This study was undertaken on a small group of educators in a particular context. Whilst the findings cannot be generalised, it is suggested that this programme may also be beneficial for educators to support learners with emotional and behavioural needs in other environments. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Geletterdheidsintervensie en onderwysers se taal van onderrigpraktyke : aksienavorsing in plattelandse skole (Afrikaans)Prinsloo, Yolanda 08 May 2013 (has links)
In Suid-Afrika verskil onderwysers en leerders se moedertaal dikwels van die taal van leer en onderrig (Engels in dié studie). Aangesien hoërskoolonderwysers as vakspesialiste opgelei is, het hulle onvoldoende kundigheid om leerders by te staan om kerngeletterdheidsvaardighede in Engels te verwerf. Hierdie verkennende studie by ʼn plattelandse hoërskool het ten doel gehad om te bepaal wat die invloed van ʼn geletterdheidsintervensie op onderwysers in ʼn plattelandse skool se taal van onderrigpraktyke is. Die deelnemende aksienavorsingstudie het ʼn konstruktivistiese paradigma gevolg en is teoreties gerig deur die sosiale leerteorie. ʼn Geletterdheidsintervensie is ontwikkel vanuit die fonetiese beginsel en is geïmplementeer met ses doelgerig geselekteerde hoërskoolonderwysers (n=6, mans=1, vroue=5) in ʼn gerieflikheidsgeselekteerde plattelandse hoërskool wat al geruime tyd deel vorm van ʼn langtermyn studie oor veerkragtigheid in plattelandse skole. Data van onderwysers se taal van onderrigpraktyke is voor en na afloop van die geletterdheidsintervensie ingesamel aan die hand van twee fokusgroeponderhoude met die deelnemende onderwysers, asook observasies in twee klaskamers. Observasiedata is gedokumenteer as veldnotas, visuele data en oudio-opnames. Fokusgroeponderhoude is verbatim getranskribeer. Al hierdie databronne is tematies geanaliseer en die volgende temas is geїdentifiseer: onderwysers se persepsie van Engelse geletterdheid as kernvaardigheid vir leerders, die plek van hulpbronne in niemoedertaalonderrigpraktyke (in Engels) in plattelandse skole, die effek van ʼn geletterdheidsintervensie op onderwysers se tweede taal onderrigpraktyke (in Engels) en die profiel van deelnemende plattelandse onderwysers. Leer en onderrig in ʼn plattelandse hoërskool word bemoeilik deur hoërskoolleerders se onvermoë om te lees, die leerplanvereiste vir die gebruik van ʼn addisionele taal (soos Engels) as taal van leer en onderrig, gebrekkige opleiding van hoërskoolonderwysers rakende die aanleer van kerngeletterdheidvaardighede, beperkte hulpbronne en geografiese isolasie wat dit moeilik maak om indiensopleidingsgeleenthede te benut, Alhoewel die deelnemende plattelandse hoërskool se onderwysers nie opgelei was om leerders geletterdheidsvaardighede te leer nie, het dit geblyk dat hierdie onderwysers wel (i) weet welke kerngeletterdheidskernvaardighede deur leerders benodig word, (ii) gretig is om opgelei te word en positief is oor geletterdheidsintervensies, en (iii) naburige skole en onderwysers betrek in sulke kapasiteitsontwikkeling. Verder het dit geblyk dat die deelnemende plattelandse hoërskoolonderwysers hulle taal van onderrig en leerpraktyke kon aanpas nadat hulle aan ʼn geletterdheidsintervensie deelgeneem het. In dié verband het die onderwysers die volgende spesifieke strategieë gebruik, naamlik fisiese hulpbronne as ondersteuning vir die aanleer van nuwe klanke; taalvermenging; betrek leerders by die aanbieding van lesse, byvoorbeeld deur dramatisering; die implementering van ʼn leesperiode; en ook die benutting van die skool se mediasentrum. Hierdie gewysigde taal van onderrig en leerpraktyke het moontlik ʼn positiewe effek gehad op leerders se selfvertroue om in Engels betrokke te wees tydens leersituasies; hulle akademiese persentasies (in Engels) het ook verbeter. Onderwysers se ingesteldheid jeens leerders se motivering om te leer het ook verander. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Entrepreneurskaponderrig vir leerders met leerprobleme / Abraham Stefhanus van der MerweVan der Merwe, Abraham Stephanus January 1999 (has links)
This research investigates the education of entrepreneurship to learners with learning
difficulties. It is important to keep in mind the rights and possibilities of a learner with
learning difficulties. Two entrepreneurship programmes were presented to two different
groups of learners at Oom Paul School.
Learners with learning disabilities can be categorised as poor performers, learners with
behavioural and emotional problems, development problems (for example a language deficit),
as well as learners with permanent disabilities- physically, intellectual and sensorial. An
important part of this research will focus on the discussion on the causes of learning
difficulties and problems of learners.
One of the most important aims in education, especially in teaching learners with learning
difficulties, is to guide learners to become a part of adulthood and the business world as a
responsible and active member of society. Unfortunately, there are many learners who- after
a successful school career seems to get "lost" along the way, because of society's
Several entrepreneurial programmes have been developed and have been implemented with
great success at various schools, with reference in particular to the programmes "Business
Ventures" and "Entrepreneurskap: jou eie besigheid". Above mentioned programmes are
developed for main stream education and are not necessarily suitable for learners with
learning difficulties.
According to literary studies on education on entrepreneurship, this study field is relatively
new in RSA and that no research regarding entrepreneurship education for learners with
learning difficulties has been done.
This research has pointed out that the teaching and education of entrepreneurship to learners
with learning difficulties can be successful with a few adjustments.
The new outcomes-based curriculum for general education and training for further education
is Curriculum 2005. This curriculum is learner centred and is beneficiary for the learner with
disabilities and difficulties. The principles of outcomes-based curriculum (Curriculum 2005)
contribute to the accommodation of all learners in their diversity and needs.
The society is looking forward to the implementation of this new curriculum, due to the fact
that discrimination against learners with learning disabilities/difficulties will no longer be
part of our education. Awareness of entrepreneurship and teaching of entrepreneurship is
part of the eight learning areas and also one of the critical outcomes of Curriculum 2005.
Entrepreneurial awareness can offer a meaningful contribution to solve an essential problem in the RSA. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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Entrepreneurskaponderrig vir leerders met leerprobleme / Abraham Stefhanus van der MerweVan der Merwe, Abraham Stephanus January 1999 (has links)
This research investigates the education of entrepreneurship to learners with learning
difficulties. It is important to keep in mind the rights and possibilities of a learner with
learning difficulties. Two entrepreneurship programmes were presented to two different
groups of learners at Oom Paul School.
Learners with learning disabilities can be categorised as poor performers, learners with
behavioural and emotional problems, development problems (for example a language deficit),
as well as learners with permanent disabilities- physically, intellectual and sensorial. An
important part of this research will focus on the discussion on the causes of learning
difficulties and problems of learners.
One of the most important aims in education, especially in teaching learners with learning
difficulties, is to guide learners to become a part of adulthood and the business world as a
responsible and active member of society. Unfortunately, there are many learners who- after
a successful school career seems to get "lost" along the way, because of society's
Several entrepreneurial programmes have been developed and have been implemented with
great success at various schools, with reference in particular to the programmes "Business
Ventures" and "Entrepreneurskap: jou eie besigheid". Above mentioned programmes are
developed for main stream education and are not necessarily suitable for learners with
learning difficulties.
According to literary studies on education on entrepreneurship, this study field is relatively
new in RSA and that no research regarding entrepreneurship education for learners with
learning difficulties has been done.
This research has pointed out that the teaching and education of entrepreneurship to learners
with learning difficulties can be successful with a few adjustments.
The new outcomes-based curriculum for general education and training for further education
is Curriculum 2005. This curriculum is learner centred and is beneficiary for the learner with
disabilities and difficulties. The principles of outcomes-based curriculum (Curriculum 2005)
contribute to the accommodation of all learners in their diversity and needs.
The society is looking forward to the implementation of this new curriculum, due to the fact
that discrimination against learners with learning disabilities/difficulties will no longer be
part of our education. Awareness of entrepreneurship and teaching of entrepreneurship is
part of the eight learning areas and also one of the critical outcomes of Curriculum 2005.
Entrepreneurial awareness can offer a meaningful contribution to solve an essential problem in the RSA. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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Die impak van tutoriale op die wiskundeprestasie van studente in eerstejaarswiskunde (Afrikaans)Louw, Cecilia Jacomina 06 May 2004 (has links)
The pass rate in mathematics is unsatisfactory both in South Africa and internationally. Historically disadvantaged students tend to underachieve even more due to a variety of hampering factors. An investigation into the reasons for underachievement in mathematics prompted the researcher to launch a study through which she wanted to remediate some of these identified problems. The research project took place at Technikon Northern Gauteng (TNG), and comprised of the implementation of tutorial sessions. The study was conducted by means of a quasi-experimental design using action research. The primary goal of this dissertation is to report on the process, outcomes and recommendations in order to facilitate improvement in practice. The researcher's overarching hypothesis was that tutorials in mathematics would have a positive effect on the achievement of first year mathematics students at TNG. The following questions were focussed on during the course of the study: ¨ What is the impact of mathematics tutorials on problem-solving abilities and critical thinking? ¨ What is the impact of tutorials on the self-image of the students, with reference to mathematics and mathematics achievement? ¨ What is the impact of tutorials on mathematics achievement? ¨ Which role could tutors play in the creation of role models? ¨ Do students have the need to communicate mathematically in their mother tongue? ¨ How successfully could portfolio assessment be implemented? Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered through a standardised questionnaire, the SOM, a specifically designed, structured questionnaire, observations, focus group interviews, reflective diaries and student records. Some of the findings include: ¨ Historically disadvantaged students § often possess a unsatisfactory study orientation; § apply inefficient time management; § suffer from mathematics anxiety; § do not show a correlation in terms of grade 12 symbols and success at tertiary level § often experience milieu deficit; § do not achieve according to their expectations; and § do not have a learning culture (COLT) at their disposal. ¨ Students generally perceived the tutorials as positive and contributing towards success. The students § did not often speak in their mother tongues; § appreciated the relaxed work tempo; and § utilise the support system of the smaller group. ¨ During the focus group interviews students recognised the following success factors: § regular class attendance; § completion of homework § planning and revision according to a study timetable. ¨ Students shared some personal experiences with the researcher, namely that § the tutorials boosted their self-image and make them willing to ask questions during lectures; § some tutors acted as positive role models; and § the consistent involvement of the lecturer motivated students. The statistical procedures revealed that the students in the experimental group did not perform significantly better than those in the control group, yet that does not diminish the value of the study in any way. The researcher recommends further research in the tertiary mathematics environment in order to empower students. / Dissertation (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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Die ontwikkeling van ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan vir onderwysers (Afrikaans)De Jager, Christina Johanna 27 January 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te beskryf op welke wyse ek, in samewerking met die deelnemers aan my studie, ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan ontwikkel het. Die behoefte aan ‘n gestruktureerde MIV&VIGS-skoolplan het ontstaan tydens ‘n omvattende navorsingsprojek, waarvan hierdie studie deel uitmaak en waartydens laerskoolonderwysers die behoefte uitgespreek het om MIV&VIGS-geïnfekteerde en -geaffekteerde kinders beter te ondersteun. Ek het my studie vanuit ‘n interpretivistiese benadering onderneem en my navorsingsproses verdeel in drie fases, wat onderlê is deur deelnemende aksienavorsingsbeginsels. ‘n Gevallestudie is as navorsingsontwerp gebruik. Agt laerskoolonderwysers, in ‘n informele nedersettingsgemeenskap binne die Nelson Mandela Metropool, is by wyse van gerieflikheid geselekteer. Deur die verloop van hierdie studie het ek ‘n multi-metodiese benadering geïmplementeer. Gedurende Fase 1 het ek eerstens relevante verwante studies binne die omvattende navorsingsprojek tematies ge-analiseer, om deelnemers se idees en behoeftes betreffende ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan te identifiseer. Tweedens het ek gedurende ‘n eerste veldbesoek twee fokusgroepbesprekings gefasiliteer, om te bepaal wat deelnemers se bestaande kennis met betrekking tot die Departement van Onderwys se Nasionale MIV&VIGS-Beleid was; wat hulle onderliggende rasionaal vir die ontwikkeling van die MIV&VIGS-skoolplan was; wat die moontlike inhoud van ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan sou behels; asook hoe en deur wie die MIV&VIGS-skoolplan aangewend en benut sou kon word. Hierna het ek die rou data getranskribeer en op tematiese wyse ge-analiseer en geïnterpreteer. Ek het voortdurend gebruik gemaak van observasies, wat vasgelê is in die vorm van veldnotas, asook foto’s. Vir Fase 2 het ek tydens ‘n tweede veldbesoek ‘n deelnemende aksienavorsingswerkswinkel gefasiliteer. Gedurende hierdie werkswinkel is die inhoud van die MIV&VIGS-skoolplan verfyn en gefinaliseer. Vervolgens het Fase 3 die dokumentering van die MIV&VIGS-skoolplan behels, in die vorm van ‘n formele dokument en ‘n plakkaat. Tydens my derde veldbesoek, met die bekendstelling van die skool as Resource and Support Centre in die gemeenskap, is die MIV&VIGS-skoolplan in tweeledige vorm (plakkaat en formele dokument) aan die skoolhoof oorhandig. Die gebruik van ‘n navorsingsjoernaal het my in staat gestel om deurgaans my persoonlike opinies, reflektiewe gedagtes en indrukke van my navorsingstudie aan te teken. Tydens data-analise het ek drie temas geïdentifiseer. Eerstens is die onderliggende rasionaal vir ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan bepaal, waar verbandhoudende subtemas aangedui het dat onderwysers hulle kennis en vaardighede wou oordra na ander skole in die omgewing ter ondersteuning van die breër gemeenskap; dat die oordrag van kennis en vaardighede om geïnfekteerde en geaffekteerde kinders in die klaskamer meer effektief te ondersteun ’n behoefte was; en dat die behoefte verder bestaan het om kennis en vaardighede te dokumenteer in die vorm van ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan. Tweedens is die deelnemers se verwagtinge met betrekking tot ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan gepeil, waar moontlike fundamentele beginsels vir ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan en die implementering van ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan, as subtemas geïdentifiseer is. Derdens is die moontlike inhoud van ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan bepaal. Die subtemas wat voorgekom het, was die identifisering en verwysing van geïnfekteerde en geaffekteerde kinders, asook ondersteuning aan hierdie kinders. Op grond van die bevindinge van my studie kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat deelnemende aksienavorsing ‘n moontlike wyse is waarop ‘n MIV&VIGS-skoolplan, in samewerking met onderwysers, ontwikkel kan word. ENGLISH: The purpose of this study was to describe the manner in which I, in collaboration with the participants of the study, developed an HIV&AIDS school plan. The need for a structured HIV&AIDS school plan stemmed from a broad research project of which this study forms part and during which the participating educators expressed the need to support HIV&AIDS infected and affected children more efficiently. I approached the study from an interpretivist perspective, underpinned by action research principles, and divided the research process into three phases. I implemented a case study as research design and selected eight primary school teachers in an informal settlement community in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, by means of convenience sampling. Throughout this study, I followed a multi-methodical approach. During Phase 1, I conducted an analysis of the transcripts of related studies within the broad research project, in order to identify the participants’ needs and ideas, concerning an HIV&AIDS school plan. Secondly, I facilitated two focus group discussions during a first field visit, in an attempt to determine the teachers’ existing knowledge concerning the Department of Education’s National HIV&AIDS Policy; what the underlying rational for the development of an HIV&AIDS school plan could be; what the possible content of such a plan could entail; and how and by whom such a plan would be utilised and used in the classroom. I transcribed the focus group discussions and thematically analysed and interpreted the raw data. Throughout, I made use of observations, captured in the form of field notes and photographs. For Phase 2, I facilitated a participatory action research workshop during a second field visit. During this workshop we finalised the content of the school’s HIV&AIDS plan. The third phase entailed the documentation of the HIV&AIDS school plan, in the form of a formal document and a poster. During my third field visit, at the launch of the school as a Resource and Support Centre in the community, I presented the schools’ principal with the HIV&AIDS school plan, in the form of the formal document and poster. I continuously relied on a research journal to document my personal opinions, reflective thoughts and impressions of the study. Subsequent to the data analysis I completed, three themes emerged. Firstly, the underlying rational for an HIV&AIDS school plan were determined, with sub-themes indicating that educators wanted to transfer their knowledge and skills to other schools in the area to support the wider community; that teachers wanted to transfer their knowledge and skills to support infected and affected children more effectively, and that the need existed for knowledge and skills to be documented in the form of an HIV&AIDS school plan. Secondly, the participants’ expectations of an HIV&AIDS school plan were determined, with the fundamental principles of an HIV&AIDS school plan and the implementation of the plan as related sub-themes. The third main theme indicated the possible content of an HIV&AIDS school plan. This theme comprises sub-themes relating to the identification, referral and support of infected and affected children. Based on the findings of my study, I can conclude that participatory action research might be used to develop an HIV&AIDS school plan, in collaboration with teachers. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Affirmative action regarding women in education management in MpumalangaSibiya, Bernadette Ntombizodwa 13 December 2005 (has links)
The Mpumalanga Education Department has put in place various mechanisms aimed at promoting equity and equality between male and female educators and learners within the education system. Such initiatives were established from a position of strength that sociocultural stereotypes such as patriarchy, lack of access to resources and the sexual division of labour have been internalised and reinforced as acts of discrimination within the school system, community, home and workplace. Within the school system, gender stereotypes are used to determine and perpetuate the educational provisioning for learners as separate groups (boys - girls) through the school curriculum and the educators' classroom practices of "masculine" and "feminine" activities. Equally so, senior management positions are mostly occupied by males whilst females are relegated to lower positions of the management echelon. The focus of this study was to identify the root causes of inequalities in senior management positions between male and female managers. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method using a case study and a literature review were used as data collection techniques. Affirmative Action policies and programmes are recommended as strategies for empowering women and girls with an aim of preparing them to be competent in the labour market. There are diverse interpretations of the affirmative action concept and different people attach different meanings to its definition. It (Affirmative Action) impacts differently on different groups under different conditions. The study also suggests that education, training and development (ETD) are dependent variables of affirmative action in the sense that they create an environment where individuals who were (under)privileged can learn to accept and understand one another as partners. AFRIKAANS : Die Mpumalanga Onderwysdepartement het verskeie meganismes daargestel om billikheid en gelykheid tussen manlike en vroulike opvoeders en leerders binne die onderwysstelsel te bevorder. Sodanige inisiatiewe is gevestig vanuit 'n aanname dat sosio-kulturele stereotipes soos patriargie, gebrek aan toegang tot hulpbronne en verdeling van werk op geslagsgrondslag gei'nternaliseer en versterk is as diskriminerende handelinge binne die skoolstelsel, gemeenskap, huis en werkplek. Binne die onderwysstelsel word geslagstereotipes gebruik om onderwysvoorsiening vir leerders as afsonderlike groepe (seuns dogters) te bepaal en te laat voortbestaan deur die skoolkurrikulum en die klaskamerpraktyk van die opvoeders wat "manlike" en "vroulike" aktiwiteite gebruik. Insgelyks word senior bestuursposisies gewoonlik deur mans beklee terwyl vroue gerelegeer word na laer posisies in die bestuurskader. Die doe I van hierdie studie was om die hoofoorsake van ongelykhede in senior bestuursposisies tussen manlike en vroulike bestuurders te identifiseer. Die PAR-metode wat van 'n gevallestudie gebruik maak en 'n literatuurstudie is aangewend as data-insamelingstegniek. Die beleid van regstellende aksie, asook programme met betrekking daarop, word aanbeveel as strategiee om vroue en dogters te bemagtig met die doel om hulle voor te berei om bevoeg te wees in die arbeidsmark. Daar is 'n verskeidenheid vertolkings van die begrip regstellende aksie en verskillende mense koppel verskillende betekenisse aan die definisie. Regstellende aksie het verskillende invloede op verskillende groepe onder verskillende omstandighede. Die studie dui ook aan dat Onderwys, Opleiding en Ontwikkeling (000) afhanklike veranderlikes van regstellende aksie is in die sin dat hulle 'n omgewing skep waar individue wat (minder)bevoorreg was kan leer om mekaar te aanvaar en te begryp as vennote. / Dissertation (MEd (Education Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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Die aard, doel en effektiwiteit van assessering in tersiêre wiskunde (Afrikaans)Louw, Cecilia Jacomina 19 June 2007 (has links)
Mathematics, as a subject, is used in various scientific careers as a selection tool. It is regarded as the cornerstone of scientific literacy. However, since learners in South Africa do not perform optimally in mathematics they do not enjoy international recognition. Education renewal is ongoing, and South Africa currently follows an outcomes-based (OBE) approach. The teaching of mathematics cannot be renewed successfully if assessment methods are not regularly adapted to meet new developments in the field. The incorporation of an OBE approach at school level made it necessary to facilitate assessment renewal in tertiary mathematics at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT). TUT is engaged in a merger of three institutions, which has made the development of new curricula and teaching material essential. Hence this a perfect time to introduce assessment renewal. The primary purpose of this thesis is to report on the research study and its results, and to make recommendations for improving the practice. The overarching research hypothesis in this study is that a suitable assessment would probably enhance the effectiveness of a student’s learning. The research focused on the following questions: -- To what extent are outcomes-based strategies effectively and regularly introduced in the teaching of mathematics at TUT? -- Will tertiary mathematics facilitators be prepared to implement outcomes-based strategies at TUT? -- To what extent are outcomes-based strategies strategies in subjects supported by mathematics implemented at TUT? -- How does the ecology of TUT affect the implementation of outcomes-based strategies? -- What other factors could influence the level of implementation of OBS at TUT? -- Have any of the mathematics facilitators at TUT received suitable and adequate training in the implementation of outcomes-based strategies? -- What are the possible implications of the study for TUT’s assessment policy? Action research was chosen as the research design because it is ideally suited to improving practice. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires, personal interviews, interviews with focus groups, observations, documentation and a reflective diary. The main findings are as follows:– -- OBE strategies are not being introduced throughout TUT in the teaching of mathematics. -- Group work and peer assessments are rare occurences. -- Some lecturers are convinced that new assessment methods would lower the standard of their teaching. -- Uncertainty about the merger and the varying teaching conditions at the different campuses tend to inhibit lecturers, making them less willing to undertake assessment renewals. -- TUT should review its admission criteria. -- The lecturers cited large class groups, a lack of marking assistance and ignorance about OBE as reasons for failing to undertake assessment renewal. The study prepared respondents for assessment renewal. In the interim, however, TUT has introduced a Policy on Teaching, Learning and Technology, whereby OBE has been selected as the teaching model for TUT. In future, respondents will receive training and guidance in the implementation of OBE. This study has hopefully made a significant contribution to this positive development. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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