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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Levd erfarenhet av ålder : Föreställningar om och erfarenheter av att vara och bli äldre / Lived experience of ageing : Notions and experiences of being and growing old

Sjölund, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Starting from the perspective that the ageing human body always is a situation and in a situation, the present thesis explores situations in which the meaning of age and ageing is negotiated. The analytical focus is on situations, and more specifically on experiences of age and ageing. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the lived experience of age and ageing. A hermeneutic understanding of experience and lived experience is fundamental to the thesis. Three studies are included. The first study is based on descriptions of situations in which older people felt “especially young” and "especially old". The analysis revealed that the same kinds of situations gave rise to experiences both of feeling “especially young” and of feeling “especially old”, but they differed in focus regarding social inclusion/exclusion. The second study is based on interviews with amateur dancers regarding their experiences of a dance project in which the artistic focus is on the aged body. Two themes emerged in the analysis: the dance project as a situation in which the meaning of age and ageing was both given new meanings and restated in stereotypical terms; and the aged and ageing person him-/herself as a situation for negotiating the meaning of age and ageing. The meaning of age was negotiated, as there were tensions between referring to age and ageing as resources and referring to them as a problem associated with restrictions. The situated experiences involved changes in the body, pointed out by other people or felt oneself. The dissociation from being old appeared as an internalized social norm, and one strategy for avoiding old age was to keep active, but not too active. The third study is based on a vignette dialogue with amateur dancers. Text excerpts from Simone de Beauvoir's book The Coming of Age (1970/1972) were used as vignettes to grasp notions about the aged in society as they appeared to the informants. Among the informants, notions of being and becoming old in a society are filled with fears of being dependent, becoming a social burden on society and being reduced to an aged person with standardized needs who is unable to live a worthy life. In sum, the lived experience of ageing is always situated as a complex interplay between the body, social norms, the available language and our notions about these phenomena. The present thesis shows that age and ageing can be filled with various inconsistent meanings that embrace social inclusion as well as social exclusion. / GERDA - GErontologisk REgional Databas / RSKM - Rörelsen som kroppens minne

Levd erfarenhet av ålder : Föreställningar om och erfarenheter av att vara och bli äldre / Lived experience of ageing : Notions and experiences of being and growing old

Sjölund, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Starting from the perspective that the ageing human body always is a situation and in a situation, the present thesis explores situations in which the meaning of age and ageing is negotiated. The analytical focus is on situations, and more specifically on experiences of age and ageing. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the lived experience of age and ageing. A hermeneutic understanding of experience and lived experience is fundamental to the thesis. Three studies are included. The first study is based on descriptions of situations in which older people felt “especially young” and "especially old". The analysis revealed that the same kinds of situations gave rise to experiences both of feeling “especially young” and of feeling “especially old”, but they differed in focus regarding social inclusion/exclusion. The second study is based on interviews with amateur dancers regarding their experiences of a dance project in which the artistic focus is on the aged body. Two themes emerged in the analysis: the dance project as a situation in which the meaning of age and ageing was both given new meanings and restated in stereotypical terms; and the aged and ageing person him-/herself as a situation for negotiating the meaning of age and ageing. The meaning of age was negotiated, as there were tensions between referring to age and ageing as resources and referring to them as a problem associated with restrictions. The situated experiences involved changes in the body, pointed out by other people or felt oneself. The dissociation from being old appeared as an internalized social norm, and one strategy for avoiding old age was to keep active, but not too active. The third study is based on a vignette dialogue with amateur dancers. Text excerpts from Simone de Beauvoir's book The Coming of Age (1970/1972) were used as vignettes to grasp notions about the aged in society as they appeared to the informants. Among the informants, notions of being and becoming old in a society are filled with fears of being dependent, becoming a social burden on society and being reduced to an aged person with standardized needs who is unable to live a worthy life. In sum, the lived experience of ageing is always situated as a complex interplay between the body, social norms, the available language and our notions about these phenomena. The present thesis shows that age and ageing can be filled with various inconsistent meanings that embrace social inclusion as well as social exclusion. / GERDA - GErontologisk REgional Databas / RSKM - Rörelsen som kroppens minne

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att identifiera samt främja meningsfulla aktiviteter hos personer som är 80 år och äldre. / Occupational therapists' experience of identifying and promoting meaningful activities with people aged 80 and over.

Ahlgren, Linda, Sjölander, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att identifiera samt främja meningsfulla aktiviteter hos personer som är 80 år och äldre, samt har hemsjukvård. Metod: Författarna valde en kvalitativ ansats för att beskriva arbetsterapeuternas subjektiva upplevelser. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades sedan utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Data resulterade i tre kategorier varav en med två underkategorier dessa var: Identifiering av individuella behov för meningsfulla aktiviteter, Arbeta främjande mot meningsfulla aktiviteter, med underkategorierna: Problematik arbetsterapeuter möter hos de äldre samt Stöttande resurser för att bibehålla meningsfulla aktiviteter, samt kategorin Arbetsterapeuternas avsaknad av samt önskan om resurser för att arbeta mot meningsfulla aktiviteter. Slutsats: Studien visar att arbetsterapeuter inom hemsjukvården lägger fokus på att utgå ifrån patientens individuella livshistoria och att de ser en fara med generalisering vid arbetet med patienter som är 80 år och äldre. Arbetsterapeuternas erfarenhet visade även att mindre insatser samt att det sociala nätverket av anhöriga och vänner är av betydelse för att patienterna ska kunna utföra meningsfulla aktiviteter. Deltagarna i studien visade på ett stort engagemang i sitt arbete samtidigt som de uttrycker en önskan om att kunna göra mer för patienterna. / Purpose: To describe occupational therapists' experiences of identifying and promoting meaningful activities with people aged 80 years and over, with homecare. Method: The authors chose a qualitative approach to describe the subjective experiences of the occupational therapists. Eight semi- structured interviews were conducted and analyzed on the basis of qualitative content analysis. Result: The data resulted in three categories, one with two subcategories these were: Identification of individual needs for meaningful activities, Work promoting against meaningful activities with subcategories: Problems occupational therapists meet with the elderly as well as supportive resources to maintain meaningful activities,as well as the category of Occupational Therapists' lack of and the wish for resources to work towards meaningful activities. Conclusion: The study shows that occupational therapists in the field of home care focus on starting from the patient's individual life story and they see a danger with generalizing when working with patients aged 80 years and over. Occupational therapists' experiences also showed that minor efforts and the social network of relatives and friends are important for the patients to be able to carry out meaningful activities. The participants in the study showed a great commitment to their work while expressing a wish to do more for the patients.

Ett lyft i vardagen: En beskrivning av äldre personers upplevelser av att ha deltagit i projektet ’Äldre på vift’ / Elevating every day life – a description of older people’s experiences with participation in the project ’Äldre på vift’

Johansson, Emma, Björklund, Susanna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva äldre personers upplevelser av att ha deltagit i projektet ’Äldre på vift’. Författarna valde en kvalitativ design. Intervjuer genomfördes för att beskriva information om deltagarnas upplevelser av att ha deltagit i projektet ’Äldre på vift’ i Nässjö kommun. Sammanlagt deltog 10 deltagare i studien mellan 70-90 år. Efter genomförda intervjuer analyserades materialet i enlighet med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Graneheim och Lundman (2004). Slutsatsen är att samtliga deltagare fick positiva upplevelser som känslan av ökad delaktighet, känslan av ökat välmående och en ökad tro på den egna förmågan vilket bidrog till en aktivare vardag för många. Deltagarna upplevde hela projektet som ett lyft i vardagen då man fick komma ut mer om dagarna och få möjligheten att delta i sociala aktiviteter i grupp tillsammans med andra. Vidare uttryckte deltagarna en stark förhoppning om att projektet ’Äldre på vift’ borde få fortsätta även i framtiden för att fler äldre också ska kunna få ett lyft i vardagen. / The aim of this study was to describe how older people experienced their participation in the project ’Äldre på vift’. The authors chose to use a qualitive design. Interviews were conducted in order to obtain descriptive information from the participants’ experiences of the project ’Äldre på vift’ in Nässjö county. The overall number of participants in this study were 10 older people aged 70-90 years old. The content analysis of the interviews were conducted in accordance with content analysis as described by Graneheim & Lundman (2004). The conclusion of all the participants were that they all got positive experiences, for example increased feeling of participation, increased feeling of well-being and an increased belief in their own self-capacity which contributed to a more active every day living. All of the participants experienced the project as to be rewarding as an elevating in their every day life. They all put an emphasis on the importance of being able to participate in group activities outside of their home. The participants also wished to see the project ’Äldre på vift’ to be continued in the future so that more older people like them could get a elevating in their every day life.

Vill vi studera efter 60? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om seniorers alstrade kapital och utbildningsstrategier

Karlsson, Yaowapa January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats redogör för ökade kunskaper om seniorers upplevelser och syn på fortsatt bildning senare i livet. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att försöka förstå vilka tillgångar som gruppen tillskriver värde och som ger individerna fördelar i deras sociala position under tredje åldern. Studien tar avstamp i Pierre Bourdieus kapital- och strategiteoretiska perspektiv. Utifrån denna begrepps- och analysram har tre huvudsakliga frågeställningar skapats för att undersöka äldres lärande, vilket övergripande kategoriseras utifrån: Utbildningsstrategier, symboliskt kapital och lärande senare i livet. Med utgångspunkt i syftet och frågeställningarna utfördes åtta kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som fyllt 60 år eller mer. Resultatet visade på att gruppen äldres uppfattning om, samt möjlighet till, vidare utbildning avgjordes av en rad olika faktorer såsom etnicitet, bostadsområde samt alstrat kapital. För en del av individerna var flykt från krig och bosättning i ett nytt land en tvingande faktor som skapade kompenserande strategier att navigera i ett främmande lands utbildningssystem. För dessa individer visade det sig fördelaktigt att ha medburet utbildningskapital som alstrats under första- och andra åldern. För en del andra individer innebar däremot ringa kapital tidigt i livet att de fick sämre förutsättningar senare i livet. Digital kompetens, som i denna studie även benämns IKT-litteracitet, ansågs värdefullt bland flera av individerna i denna studie, likväl socialt kapital och språkligt kapital. Bland de icke-svensketniska informanterna var det språkliga kapitalet särskilt högt värderat. Studiens slutsatser pekar därmed mot att social ojämlikhet inte jämnas ut med åldern, utan att det istället finns socioekonomiska- och etniska aspekter att ha med i diskursen om ett gott åldrande liv. Vad jag därmed anser saknas är röster från gruppen äldre i frågor som rör snedfördelning av sociala resurser senare i livet, främst beträffande resurser som rör IKT-litteracitet.

Äldres delaktighet i ett alltmer digitaliserat samhälle, den digitala klyftan och etiken, en strukturerad Litteraturstudie / Elderly people's participation in an increasingly digital society, the digital divide and ethics, a structured Literature study

Hemmenbach, Annkatrin January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Alla i samhället påverkas av den digitala omställningen och covid-19 pandemin har fungerat som murbräcka för både ökad digital transformering och ökad användning. den äldre gruppen varit mest utsatt inte bara iform av ökad risk för död till följd av sjukdomen utan även varit begränsad i sitt sociala liv med minskad delaktighet som följd. Trots rekommendationer beträffande isolering och karantän har viss social interaktion ägt rum och även med hjälp av digitala verktyg men emellertid resulterat i ökad social isolering med ohälsa både på fysiskt och psykiskt plan (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2022a). Covid-19 pandemin har gett upphov till etiska frågor, vilket aktualiserar andra frågor som exempelvis vilket samhället som skapas, vilka attityder som ska styra, vilka normer som samhället ska eftersträva och med det vilka etiska perspektiv det nya ska antas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka äldres digitaladelaktighet med fokus på den digitala klyftan med etiska överväganden för att resultera i ökad inkludering. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie som inkluderade 11 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade 2019–2022 som söktes i databaserna PubMed och Web of Science. Resultat:Resultaten visar det komplexa sambandet mellan äldres digitala användning för ökad delaktighet, för aktivt åldrande och samhällsengagemang. Slutsats: Trots ökad digital tillgång är äldre fortfarande utanför digitaliseringen i samhället av mångfaktoriella orsaker. För ökad digital inkludering och delaktighet föreslås genom resultat, att fokusera på de äldres olika behov och ändra perspektiv genom fokusera på det aktiva åldrandet som en resurs för samhället och dess utveckling. / Introduction: Everyone in the society is affected by the digital transition and the Covid-19 pandemic has served as a gateway for both increased digital transformation and increased use. The elderly have been most exposed not only in the form of increased risk of death dueto a disease but also as victims limitations in social life with reduced participation as anoutcome. Despite recommendations regarding isolation and quarantine, some social interaction has taken place. Also with the help of digital tools, but has nevertheless increased social isolation resulting in ill health (Public Health Agency, 2022). The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to ethical issues. Which raises other issues such as which kind ofsociety is created, which attitudes prevail, which norms the society is apt to strive for and with which new ethical perspectives are to be adopted. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the digital participation of the elderly with a focus on the digital divide with special reference to ethical considerations such as potential for increased inclusion. Method: A structured literature review including 11 scientific articles published in 2019–2022 found in the databases PubMed and Web of Science. Results: The results showed atcomplex association between the elderly's digital use for increased participation, for active aging and community involvement. Conclusion: Despite increased digital access, the elderly still stand outside digitalisation in the society for multifactorial reasons. For increased digital inclusion and participation, the results suggest to focus on the different needs of the elderly and change of perspective by focusing on active aging as a resource for the society and its development.

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