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Nuotolinių mokymo sistemų vartotojų aktyvumo analizės ir valdymo metodai / Distance learning systems user's activity analysis and management methodsKadikinas, Vaidas 02 September 2011 (has links)
Nuotolinio mokymo technologijos įgauna pagreitį visame pasaulyje. Technologijos trūkumai ir silpnosios vietos tampa matomesnės, nei bet kada anksčiau. Siekiant patobulinti mokymo procesą ir sumažinti kurso nebaigiančių studentų dalį, vis svarbesnėmis tampa studentų aktyvumo skatinimo ir mokymosi paramos sistemos. Šio darbo tikslai – apžvelgti esamus studentų aktyvumo analizės ir valdymo metodus naudojamus nuotoliniame mokyme. Taip pat, pagerinti esamus arba pasiūlyti gaires naujų kūrimui. Literatūros analizė parodė duomenų gavybos metodų potencialą mokymo valdymo sistemose. Pasiūlytas studentų aktyvumo skatinimo modelis pagrįstas šiais metodais. Naujasis modelis paremtas automatiškai besireguliuojančia sistema, kuri analizuotų besimokančiųjų mokymosi įpročius. Analizės duomenys būtų naudojami sukurti ir siųsti personalizuotus priminimus ir pranešimus apie mokymosi sistemos įvykius. Ta pati sistema galėtų informuoti kurso vedėją apie neįprastus studentų veiklos pokyčius, padidėjusią nesėkmingo kurso baigimo tikimybę. Atliktas tyrimas patvirtinantis modelio kūrimui pasirinktas prielaidas ir jo reikalingumą. / Distance education technology is gaining momentum all around the world. Weaknesses and limitations in the technology are exposed more than ever. Activities, such as, stimulation of students’ activity and development of support systems are becoming important in attempts to lower student dropout rates and improve quality of education. This thesis has goals to review existing methodology of analyzing and encouraging student activity in higher education courses based on online technology. As well as to enhance current methods and set guidelines for development of the new ones. Literature analysis has highlighted the astonishing potential of data mining methods in Learning Management Systems. Based on these methods a new model of students’ activity stimulation has been suggested. The new model is based on automatic self tuning system which would analyze the behavior patterns of course users. The results of this analysis would be used to compose and send notifications of course events which are relevant for and desired by the individual user while respecting their learning patterns. Same system could inform instructor of any abnormalities in student learning behavior, unfavorable odds to successfully complete the course or even drop out. A study has been made, which confirmed the initial assumptions and potential usefulness of the proposed model.
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Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclidesPilkytė, Laima 09 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]
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Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclidesPilkytė, Laima 10 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]
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Fizinio aktyvumo įtaka III-IV klasių moksleivių savivokai asmenybės vientisumo kontekste / Influence of physical activity on III-IV form studets' self-image in personal wholeness contextZubrickienė, Angelė 20 May 2005 (has links)
“Influence of physical activity on III–IV form students` self-image in personal wholeness context”
Key words
Physical activity, forms of physical activity, subjective evaluation of appearance, subjective evaluation of health.
Topicality of the theme
Nowadays development of students` physical activity as well as development of students` self- knowledge tendencies are under major consideration. Development process is orientated towards students, their expansion of physical abilities, their needs and interests, where parents, teachers, social life changes and means of such reflection have visible influence. The urgency of work is related to a problem which has not been analysed enough, it is the influence of physical activity to the self-image (subjective evaluation of self-appearance and health, selection of forms of physical activity) of III–IV form students formers.
Cultural significance for students` development and health was analysed by A. Zaborskis (1993), A. Zaborskis and other authors (1996), I. J. Zuozienė (1998). Positive aspect of sport for development child`s personality was explained by J. Kralikauskas (1993), A. V. Matulionis (2002).
How physical activity affects III–IV form students` self-image in personal wholeness context?
The aim of research
To establish students` (III–IV forms) physical activity influence for appearance and health subjective evaluation and forms of physical activity preferences.
The goals of research
1.To establish influence of... [to full text]
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Tarptautinio fizinio aktyvumo klausimyno trumposios lietuviškos versijos (IPAQ-LT) patikimumo ir pagrįstumo nustatymas / Reliability and validity measure of the international physical activity questionnaire short lithuanian version (IPAQ-LT)Kleinauskienė, Lina 20 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrime dalyvavo 18 - 69 metų amžiaus 92 tiriamieji, 63 moterys ir 29 vyrai. Darbe naudoti tiesioginis (akselerometrija) ir netiesioginis (IPAQ-LT trumposios versijos klausimynas) metodai, siekiant įvertinti tiriamųjų bendrą savaitės fizinį aktyvumą ir palyginti gautus duomenis tarpusavyje.
Kiekvienas tyrimo dalyvis IPAQ-LT trumposios versijos anketą pildė baigęs fizinio aktyvumo (FA) vertinimą akselerometru (buvo prisimenamas FA praėjusios savaitės – pirmas anketų pildymo atvejis) ir kitą - po savaitės baigus FA vertinimą akselerometru (buvo prašoma ,,prisiminti“ FA vykusį už praėjusią savaitę - antras anketų pildymo atvejis).
Pagal IPAQ-LT trumposios versijos pirmo ir antro anketos pildymo atvejų gautus bendrus savaitės fizinio aktyvumo duomenis, tarp pirmo ir antro anketos pildymo atvejų egzistuoja vidutinis koreliacinis ryšys (rho=0,531, p=0,01). Vertinant akselerometro pagalba gautus duomenis ir lyginant juos su anketų duomenimis (bendro savaitės fizinio aktyvumo pirmo ir antro anketos pildymo atvejų) tarp akselerometro nustatyto FA ir IPAQ-LT pirmo anketų pildymo atvejo egzistuoja silpnas koreliacinis ryšys (r=0,270, p=0,009), o tarp antro IPAQ-LT anketų pildymo atvejo – labai silpnas ryšys (r=0,057, p=0,591).
Tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad dauguma tyrime dalyvavusių savanorių savo fizinį aktyvumą buvo linkę pervertinti.
Tyrimo objektas - IPAQ-LT trumposios versijos klausimynas ir jo patikimumo bei pagrįstumo nustatymas.
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study involved 92 18 - 69 year old subjects, 63 women and 29 men. In our work we used the direct (accelerometer) and indirect (IPAQ-LT short version of the questionnaire) methods to assess the total weekly physical activity and compare the findings with each other.
Each study participant the first International physical activity questionnaire short Lithuanian version filled when completed physical activity estimation with accelerometer (physical activity was remembered of the last week - the first case of the questionnaires filling and another - after a week when physical activity estimation was completed with accelerometer (was asked „to remember“ physical activity that was done for the last week - the second case of the questionnaires filling).
According to the IPAQ-LT short version the first and second questionnaire filling cases received the total weekly physical activity data between the first and second questionnaire filling cases exists a moderate correlation (rho=0,531, p=0,01). Evaluating the data of accelerometer and comparing them with the questionnaire data (the first and second guestionnaire filling cases of the total weekly physical activity) between the accelerometer and the the first guestionnaires filling case there is a small correlation (r=0,270, p=0,009), but between the second guestionnaires filling case - a very small (negligible) correliation (r=0,057, p=0,591).
The study results suggest that the majority of volunteers in the study of their... [to full text]
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50 metų ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių dalyvavimo sveikatinimo programose ypatumai / Features of 50 year old and older people's participation in health enhansing programsGadliauskaitė, Živilė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių dalyvavimo sveikatinimo programose ypatumai.
Tikslas: Išsiaiškinti 50 metų ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių poreikio dalyvauti sveikatą stiprinančiose arba fizinį aktyvumą skatinančiose programose ypatumus.
1.Išanalizuoti Kauno rajono socialinių paslaugų centro programų poreikio tyrimo duomenis.
2.Nustatyti 50 metų ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių dalyvavimo sveikatinimo programose ypatumus.
3.Išsiaiškinti informacijos apie sveikatą stiprinančių ir fizinį aktyvumą skatinančių programų sklaidos ypatumus.
Išvados: 1. Kauno rajono socialinių paslaugų centro programų poreikio tyrimo respondentai nurodė, kad rinktųsi veiklas, kurios stiprintų fizines ypatybes ir spręstų konkrečias sveikatos problemas (pvz.: daugiau nei pusė apklaustųjų rinktųsi kineziterapiją). 2. Pagrindinės paskatos dalyvauti programose būtų bendravimo ir naujų įgūdžių įgijimo poreikis. 50 metų ir vyresnio amžiaus žmones sveikatinimo programose labiausiai paskatintų dalyvauti noras sustiprinti savo sveikatą, padidinti savo fizinį aktyvumą, noras įgauti naujų žinių, nemokamos programos veiklos ir tinkamas programos veiklų pasiekiamumas. Mažiau paskatintų dalyvauti programoje noras užsiimti bet kokia veikla ir noras sutikti bendraminčių. 3. Daugiausiai respondentų informaciją apie sveikatinimo programas sužino iš kaimynų, seniūnijos darbuotojų arba seniūnijos skelbimų ir iš šeimos narių. Mažiau respondentų informaciją sužinojo iš interneto šaltinio ir iš spaudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reasearch object: Older people‘s participation in health promotion programs.
Purpose: Find out 50 years old and older people‘s needs to participate in health strengthen or physical activity incentive programs.
1. To analyze the data of the survey Kaunas district social favour centre programs needs.
2. To set the causes of 50 years old and older people‘s participation in health enhansing programs.
3. To find out information about dissemination characteristies of health promoting and physical activity inducing programs.
Conclusion: 1. Kaunas district social favour centre programs needs survey respondents indicated that they would choose activities strengthen this physical properties and solve specific health problems (e.g.: more than half of the respondents would choose physiotherapy). 2. The main incentive to participate in the programs would be for communication and the need for new skills. Factors that might encourage 50 year old and older people to participate in health enhancing programs are the following: the desire to enhance their health, increase their physical activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, free programs activities and appropriate program operational availability. Less encouraging factors to participate in the program are: a wish to be engaged in any activity and willingness to meet the congenial. 3. Most respondents get information about health enhancing programs from their neighbors, municipality employees. Municipality ads and family... [to full text]
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Vadovavimas procesui / Active management of procedureGrigonytė, Vaida 29 December 2006 (has links)
The aim of this master paper is to reveal the role of a judge. In the first part of the paper the ideas of social civil procedure school (that is essential in the Lithuanian Republic Civil procedure code) defining an active role in civil procedure and the model of civil procedure of Lithuanian Republic are discussed. The second part of the paper deals with analysis of stages of the civil procedure. By analyzing these stages the author of the paper tries to disclose by which means provided in law the judge realizes his (hers) performing role in the procedure. Also the intensity of the judge role depending on the stage of the civil procedure is shown. Attention is paid to certain categories of cases that influence the extension of the judge’s activity and the difference of performing intensity depending on contentious proceedings as well. In the third part of the paper the possibilities of making default judgment and judicial penalties assigning as means helping to control parties that overindulge processing right or do not care about the progress of proceedings are discussed.
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