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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulerad effektivisering av genotypdataanalys genom poolade data / Simulated optimization of genotype data analysis bypooling data

Strömstedt Hallberg, Simon, Giek, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
Målet med projektet är att undersöka om det går att effektivisera hur man undersöker människors gener. Detta görs genom att skapa ett program i Java. Resultatet är ett program som sorterar genotypdata från 1000 Genomes Project och utvärderar nyttan av att undersöka genotyper från flera individer samtidigt.

Forensic identification of six of Tanzanian populations using the extended haplotype markers

Mwema, Hadija Saidi January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the power of discrimination and genetic (diversity) parameters in the Y chromosome extended haploytpe markers in populations of Tanzania for forensic and populations studies. Eleven Y chromosome extended haplotype markers were selected for this study, these includes Minimal haplotypes markers i.e. DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II and two additional markers DYS438 and DYS439. Six populations of Tanzania were investigated under this study. These populations were selected based on the language family categories; Niger Congo (Kuria and Sukuma), Nilo Saharan (Luo and Maasai) and Afro Asiatic (Iraqw and Alagwa). / South Africa

Development and validation of a pharmacogenomics profiling panel suitable for personalizing Metformin therapy

Xhakaza, Lettilia January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in South Africa is predicted to increase substantially in the next decades if the necessary preventative measures are not taken. The two most common NCDs associated with rapid mortality increase are diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN). Both of these diseases, i.e DM and HTN, can be a result of a combination of modifiable risk factors (behavioral) and non-modifiable risk factors (genetic, physiological, and environmental). New strategies implemented to manage these diseases should include addressing both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for patients with NCDs. The aim of this study was to contribute to the reduction of incidence of uncontrolled T2DM among patients taking metformin as a first-line anti-diabetic drug, through the development of individualized therapy for this drug. When implemented, this could be one of the healthcare strategies to address non-modifiable risk factors for patients with T2DM as an important NCD. The first objective of the study was to explore the prevalence and risk factors of DM and HTN in South Africa, especially within the economically disadvantaged population.

Association of Three Biomarkers of Nicotine as Pharmacogenomic Indices of Cigarette Consumption in Military Populations

Matcham, William Arthur 14 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse der Surfaktantprotein A-Gene bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf einen Surfaktantproteindefekt

Scholz, Dietmar 18 June 2001 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Viele Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass das Surfaktantprotein A (SP-A) sowohl an der Regulation des Surfaktanthaushalts als auch als unspezifisches Opsonin an der Abwehr von Pathogenen in der Lunge beteiligt ist. Zahlreiche Polymorphismen kennzeichnen die Gene der Proteinuntereinheiten SP-A1 und 2. Die häufigste Aminosäuresubstitution Val50Leu befindet sich in der kollagenartigen Domäne, die an den Kollektinrezeptor der Phagozyten bindet. Weitere existieren in der an der Bindung an Lipopolysaccharide, Surfaktantbestandteile und Rezeptoren auf Pneumozyten beteiligten Kohlehydraterkennungsregion (CRD) der globulären Domäne. Träger des schwach exprimierten Wildtypallels 1a0 des SP-A2-Gens haben ein erhöhtes Risiko, am Atemnotsyndrom des Neugeborenen (RDS) zu erkranken. Bei der Alveolarproteinose akkumulieren die hydrophilen Surfaktantproteine A und D in den Alveolen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine nested PCR zur isolierten Amplifikation beider SP-A-Gene etabliert. 31 Patienten mit Verdacht auf einen Surfaktantproteindefekt wurden auf neue Restriktionsfragmentlängenpolymorphismen (RFLP) im SP-A1-Gen untersucht. Der in einer Familie konstante NcoI-Polymorphismus 1162C>T in Codon 39 und der NdeI-Polymorphismus 3138T>C in Codon 184 wurden mit einer Allelfrequenz von etwa 11 % detektiert. Die Sequenzen der entsprechenden Allele wurden kloniert. Bei 14 Patienten mit idiopathischer Alveolarproteinose, therapierefraktärem Surfaktantmangel oder rezidivierender Pneumonie wurden die SP-A-Gene sequenziert. Der bisher nur SP-A1 zugeschriebene Aminosäureaustausch Val50Leu wurde als Substitution 1220G>C bei zwei Patienten im SP-A2-Gen nachgewiesen. Drei Patienten mit Alveolarproteinose waren homozygot für die Substitution Gln223Lys in der CRD des SP-A2. Bei einem Patienten handelte es sich möglicherweise um eine somatische Mutation der Leukozyten-DNA im Rahmen einer Leukämie mit sekundärer Alveolarproteinose. Ein anderer war heterozygoter Träger des seltenen Allels 6a4 mit der Aminosäuresubstitution Arg219Trp in der CRD des SP-A1 und hatte die Alveolarproteinose erst im Erwachsenenalter entwickelt. Der dritte war homozygoter Träger des sehr seltenen Allels 1a3 des SP-A2 und verstarb im Alter von 6 Wochen an konnataler Alveolarproteinose (CAP), ohne dass ein bekannter Defekt des SP-B- oder des GM-CSF-Rezeptorgens vorlag. Die SSCP-Analyse konnte allelische Varianten als Einzelstrangkonformationspolymorphismen unterscheiden, war jedoch als Suchtest in heterozygoten Proben zu unspezifisch. Der hohe Gehalt an Polymorphismusinformation (PIC) macht den SP-A-Genort sftp1 zu einem nützlichen Marker bei der Untersuchung der Surfaktantproteine und anderer auf Chromosom 10 lokalisierter Gene. / Abstract Many studies give evidence of the role of surfactant protein A (SP-A) in the regulation of surfactant homeostasis and the defence from pathogens in the lung by opsonisation. The genes for the two protein subunits SP-A1 and SP-A2 are characterised by numerous polymorphisms. The most frequently substituted amino acid Val50Leu is located within the collagen-like region, which is recognised by the collectin-receptor on phagocytes. Further amino acids are substituted in the globular region, which is involved into the binding to lipopolysaccharides, surfactant particles, and receptors on pneumocytes by its carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Individuals carrying the weakly expressed wild-type allele 1a0 of SP-A2 have an increased risk of developing the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the new-born. Alveolar proteinosis is a disease with accumulation of the hydrophilic surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D in the alveoli. In this study a nested PCR for separate amplification of the two SP-A genes has been established. 31 patients with suspected deficiency of a surfactant protein has been investigated for new restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) in the SP-A1 gene. The NcoI-polymorphism 1162C>T in codon 39, which was constantly inherited in one family, and the NdeI-polymorphism 3138T>C in codon 184 have been detected with an allele frequency of around 11 %. The DNA sequences of these alleles have been cloned. In 14 patients suffering from idiopathic alveolar proteinosis, therapy-refractory surfactant deficiency, or recurrent pneumonia the SP-A genes have been sequenced. The substituted amino acid Val50Leu, which was previously considered exclusively in SP-A1, has been detected in SP-A2 in two patients. Three patients with alveolar proteinosis proved to be homozygous for the substitution Gln223Lys within the CRD of SP-A2. One of these patients might have a somatic mutation in the DNA of his leucocytes, with alveolar proteinosis developing secondary to his leukaemia. Another one developed alveolar proteinosis as an adult and was heterozygous for the rare allele 6a4 which includes the substituted amino acid Arg219Trp in the CRD of SP-A1. The third one proved to be homozygous for the very rare allele 1a3 of SP-A2 and died at 6 weeks of age from congenital alveolar proteinosis (CAP) without having one of the known mutations responsible for this condition within the genes for surfactant protein B (SP-B) or the GM-CSF receptor protein. The allelic variants could be differentiated by single strand conformation polymorphism but the SSCP-analysis was not enough specific for the screening of heterozygous DNA. Due to its high polymorphism information content (PIC), the SP-A gene locus sftp1 is a useful genetic marker for the analysis of the surfactant proteins and other genes located on chromosome 10.

Anàlisi de la variació genètica de les regions CFTR i GBA en poblacions humanes de tot el món

Mateu Morante, Eva 06 July 2001 (has links)
Aquest treball és una contribució als estudis de diversitat del genoma humà i pretén estudiar la variació genètica existent a nivell mundial en dos gens, causants de malaltia, el gen CFTR i el gen GBA, en cromosomes d'individus sans. Mutacions en aquests gens produeixen la fibrosi quística i la malaltia de Gaucher respectivament. La fibrosi quística és la malaltia autosòmica recessiva més comuna en poblacions europees. La malaltia de Gaucher és la malaltia lisosòmica d'acumulació lipídica més freqüent. L'estudi analitza la variació genètica en diferents polimorfismes d'ambdós gens; reconstrueix els haplotips i analitza la seva distribució geogràfica; i analitza l'extensió i distribució geogràfica del desequilibri de lligament entre loci. Pel gen GBA, hem ampliat la regió, abastant fins al gen PKLR (que codifica per a la piruvat quinasa). A més a més, pel cas de CFTR, pot ajudar a entendre l'origen de les mutacions més freqüents causants de fibrosi quística. / This work is a contribution to human genome diversity studies and it aims to study the world-wide genetic variation that exists in two disease genes, CFTR and GBA gene, in healthy chromosomes. Mutations in these genes are known to cause cystic fibrosis and Gaucher disease respectively. Cystic fibrosis is the most common severe autosomal recessive disease in patients of European descent. Gaucher disease is the most frequent lysosomal storage disorder. The study analyzes the genetic variation in CFTR and GBA polymorphisms; estimates haplotype frequencies and describes their geographic distribution; and measures linkage disequilibrium between loci. For GBA gene, we have extended the analysis covering PKLR gene (that encodes for a pyruvate kinase). Moreover, for CFTR gene, we have tried to understand the origin of the most common cystic fibrosis causing mutations.

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