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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le réseau social des gangs montréalais : accès aux dynamiques relationnelles par l'entrevue de groupe

Descormiers, Karine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

L’aviation commerciale et le droit antitrust / EU Competition Law in the Aviation Industry

Papy, Romain 15 September 2011 (has links)
Suivant la libéralisation du marché aérien européen, les transporteurs aériens se sont déployésdans un environnement concurrentiel nouveau. Face à l’émergence des compagnies low cost,les compagnies traditionnelles ont renforcé leurs stratégies de consolidation (alliances etfusions) autour de leur hubs afin de connecter leurs réseaux et de générer des économiesd’échelle et de densité. Ces regroupements peuvent créer et renforcer les barrières à l’entréesur certains marchés et sur les principaux aéroports saturés. De plus, certaines pratiques ontcherché à empêcher l’arrivée de ces nouveaux entrants par des comportements restreignant laconcurrence (cartels, prédation, programmes de fidélisation discriminatoires, restrictionsverticales).Depuis 2004, la régulation du transport aérien s’est renforcée notamment à travers l’adoptiondes procédures antitrust communes et l’extension du contrôle aux alliances extraeuropéennes.La Commission a développé une approche globale au regard de la définition desmarchés, de l’évaluation des effets concurrentiels et a cherché à renforcer l’efficacité desmesures correctives en imposant la libération des créneaux horaires au profit des concurrents.Pour autant, entre la nécessité de promouvoir l’apparition de nouveaux entrants, la sauvegardedes intérêts du consommateur et la création nécessaire de « champions européens », lapolitique de régulation européenne est source de complexité et d’insécurité juridique pour laplupart des compagnies aériennes. / Following the liberalisation of the EU aviation market, airlines have competed in achallenging environment. Facing the emergence of low cost carriers, traditional carriersstrengthened their consolidation strategies (mergers and alliances), connecting hubs andnetworks in order to generate economies of scale and density. This consolidation can createand reinforce barriers to entry in certain routes and in major congested airports. In addition,some practices have sought to prevent the arrival of these new entrants by adoptinganticompetitive practices (cartels, predation, discriminatory loyalty programs and verticalrestraints).Since the adoption of new antitrust procedures (2004), the European Commission extendedits control of extra-European alliances and sought to implement a more efficient policy. TheCommission’s general approach is to identify the relevant markets, to assess the likely effectson competition and to propose remedies such as the release of slots. However, between theneed to promote the emergence of new entrants, the willingness to safeguard consumerinterests and the necessity to create real "european champions", the Commission’s policyremains an increasing source of complexity and legal uncertainty for most airlines.

Le secteur de l’aviation et les règles de concurrence de l’Union européenne : étude des comportements et des rapprochements d’entreprises / The aviation sector and the European Union's competition rules : Study on conducts and rapprochements of undertakings

Vougioukas, Dimitrios 10 February 2012 (has links)
L’application des règles de concurrence de l’Union européenne au secteur de l’aviation présente un caractère spécial. Les rapprochements des compagnies aériennes sous formes d’alliances ou concentrations sont à première vue indispensables, afin de garantir leur viabilité et mieux desservir les besoins des voyageurs. La pression concurrentielle exercée par les différents moyens de transports et la globalisation des échanges conduisent vers cette voie. Or, la consolidation du marché aérien peut avoir des conséquences néfastes au détriment des consommateurs. Structure oligopolistique, organisation des gros opérateurs en réseaux (hub-and-spoke system), insuffisance des infrastructures, coûts énormes d’exploitation ainsi que protectionnisme au niveau international, constituent des barrières considérables à l’entrée de nouveaux concurrents et peuvent conduire à des pratiques abusives. La transparence tarifaire et les accords de coopération peuvent favoriser les cartels entre transporteurs aériens. La Commission évalue la position des parties et les risques à la concurrence sur des liaisons déterminées (paires de villes). Cette méthode de délimitation du marché pertinent au transport aérien suscite une polémique de la part notamment des compagnies aériennes qui soutiennent une approche fondée sur la concurrence entre réseaux. Ce débat, montre l’évolution du secteur de l’aviation et la nécessité de prendre toujours en compte les nouvelles données. Le maintien d’une concurrence efficace au secteur de l’aviation n’est pas un objectif en soi, mais un instrument de la politique européenne pour la création du « ciel unique européen ». L’intervention des autorités de l’Union européenne au secteur de l’aviation ne se limite pas à une application rigoureuse des règles de concurrence mais vise à éliminer préalablement les phénomènes anticoncurrentiels par l’adoption d’un cadre législatif. / The application of European Union’s competition rules to the aviation sector presents a special character. The rapprochement of air companies either by the formation of alliances or mergers seem to be necessary. Indeed, it can guarantee the existence of a company as well as it serves the needs of travellers. The competitive pressure exercised by the different existing means of transportation and the globalisation of exchanges lead to this behaviour. But this consolidation of the air market can have harmful consequences for consumers. Oligopolistic structures, the hub-and-spoke system, insufficiency of infrastructures, enormous costs of exploitation along with protectionism at an international level, constitute considerable barriers for new competitors and could lead to abusive practices. Tariff transparency and cooperative agreements can furtherer cartels in between air transporters. The Commission assesses the position of the parties and competitive risks on specific routes (city pairs). This method of delimitation of the market for air transport has created a polemic, especially from the airline companies supporting an approach based on competition between networks. This debate shows the evolution of the aviation sector and the necessity of always taking into consideration new data. The upholding of an efficient competition system within the aviation sector is not an objective in itself, but means of European politic for the creation of a “Single European Sky”. The intervention of European authorities within the aviation sector is not limited to a rigorous application of competition rules but aims first at eliminating anticompetitive phenomenon by adopting a legislative framework.

Os fatores condicionantes da seleção de parceiros nos projetos de alianças estratégicas tecnológicas bilaterais sem participação acionária em empresas industriais do setor químico brasileiro / The contributing factors for selecting partners in bilateral non-equity technological alliances in the Brazilian chemical sector

Garcez, Marcos Paixão 05 July 2010 (has links)
Embora as alianças estratégicas sejam uma das alternativas estratégicas conhecidas desde os anos 70, foi somente vinte anos depois que se iniciou uma rápida aceleração deste tipo de acordo de cooperação, seu escopo e sua coexistência com outras relações organizacionais (HARBISON e PEKAR, 1998). Atualmente, à medida que a complexidade dos projetos aumenta e os prazos de desenvolvimentos de novos produtos e serviços diminuem, as empresas não detém isoladamente as competências necessárias para sua sobrevivência e crescimento. Assim, as empresas são impelidas a buscarem cooperação externa em uma intensidade crescente, com outras empresas, universidades e outros agentes externos, com os objetivos de compartilhamento dos investimentos e riscos, redução dos prazos de desenvolvimento e o acesso a recursos e competências não disponíveis internamente, conforme sugere o novo paradigma da Inovação Aberta. Apesar da relativamente abrangente literatura sobre o tema de alianças tecnológicas, o estado do conhecimento nessa área pode ser considerado ainda incipiente e com poucos estudos que tratem mais especificamente de uma etapa crucial do processo, a seleção do parceiro. Mais que isso, estes poucos estudos existentes, além de não se ocuparem da segmentação mais detalhada dos diferentes tipos de parceiros, ainda tratam do fenômeno somente segundo o nível da empresa, e não segundo o nível do projeto. Esses aspectos são considerados as lacunas teóricas a serem investigadas no presente estudo. Desta forma, o estudo investiga a etapa de seleção do parceiro em projetos de alianças tecnológicas bilaterais sem participação acionária, do ponto de vista da empresa-mãe, levando em conta diversos fatores, tais como o tipo de recursos procurados, os resultados esperados, o tipo de competências procuradas, a duração do projeto, os riscos envolvidos, a experiência prévia em alianças, a confiança entre os parceiros, o nível de convergência de expectativas e o nível de similaridade organizacional, a depender do tipo de parceiro e tipo de projeto. Os dados empíricos advêm de duas etapas sucessivas, uma qualitativa e a outra quantitativa. Na etapa qualitativa é conduzido um estudo de casos na maior empresa petroquímica brasileira, no qual se analisa em profundidade vinte projetos em alianças desenvolvidos com diferentes tipos de parceiros concorrentes, clientes, fornecedores, universidades e institutos tecnológicos, em diferentes tipos de projetos incrementais, plataformas, radicais e de ciência básica. Adotando-se as teorias baseada em recursos (resource based view) e baseada em conhecimento (knowledge based view), em conjunto com os dados empíricos provenientes do estudo de casos, identificaram-se domínios específicos para os tipos de alianças, distribuídos no contínuo explotação - exploração. Estas evidências preliminares permitiram a construção de um conjunto de hipóteses que foram testadas na etapa quantitativa, conduzida junto ao setor químico brasileiro. Os resultados desta etapa apontam um conjunto detalhado de relações, determinando os fatores que mais contribuem em cada situação e o ranking desta contribuição dependendo do tipo de parceiro e tipo de projeto. O presente estudo objetiva trazer reflexões nesse importante campo do conhecimento, bem como contribuições teóricas e práticas, de forma a estabelecer relações que possam levar ao melhor entendimento dos fatores contribuintes da seleção de parceiros em alianças tecnológicas. / Although the strategic alliances are one of the strategic alternatives known since the 1970s, it was only twenty years later that finally started the rapid growth of this kind of cooperation, its scope and its coexistence with other organizational forms (HARBISO8 and PEKAR, 1998). At the present time, as projects complexity increases and products and services development term reduces, companies do not detain by themselves all the necessary competences for their survival and growth. Thus, companies nowadays are required to build more extensively external cooperation agreements with other companies, universities and external agents, aiming for: (i) sharing investments and risks; (ii) accelerating project developments, and (iii) accessing resources and competences not available internally, as suggested by the Open Innovation paradigm. Despite the relatively wide literature concerning strategic alliances, structured knowledge in this area can be considered incipient and it encompasses only few studies dealing with one crucial step of the process, the partner selection. Moreover, besides the fact that these few studies do not address a detailed breakdown structure regarding different typologies of partners, they only investigate the phenomena through the firm level perspective instead of the project level perspective. These aspects are considered the main theoretical gaps to be filled in the present study. Thus, this study addresses partner selection stage in non-equity bilateral technological alliances projects, from the point of view of the parent company, taking into account several factors, such as the kind of resources searched, the expected results, the kind of competences searched, the level of projects investments, the time for completion, the risks involved, the previous experience in alliances, the trust between partners, the convergence level of expected objectives and the level of organizational cultural similarities, depending on the type of the partner and the type of projects. The empirical data come from two successive stages, a qualitative and other quantitative. In the qualitative stage, it was carried out one case study in the biggest Brazilian petrochemical company, where were analyzed in-depth twenty alliances projects performed with different types of partners competitors, customers, suppliers, universities and technological institutes, and different types of projects incremental (derivative), platforms, breakthrough (radical) and basic science. Based on the resource based view and the knowledge based view theories, jointly with the empirical data that have emerged from the case studies, it was possible to identify certain specific domains for the types of alliances, along the exploitationexploration continuum. These preliminary evidences have enabled the building of several hypotheses that were tested in the quantitative research performed within the Brazilian chemical sector. The quantitative study points out one wide array of relations, determining the more contributing selection factors in each situation, and the ranking of this contribution regarding the type of partner and type of project. The study aims to bring reflections, theoretical and practical contributions on this relevant subject, in order to establish basic relationships that could lead to a better understanding of the contributing factors for selecting partners in technological alliances.

Relations inter-firmes pour l’exploration d’un nouveau paradigme techno-industriel : comment les entreprises s’y prennent-elles pour tirer parti de la fabrication additive ? / Inter-firm relationships for the exploration of a new techno-industrial paradigm : how firms manage to capture value from additive manufacturing?

Tezenas du Montcel, Benoit 14 May 2019 (has links)
La fabrication additive désigne un ensemble de technologies dont les caractéristiques uniques ouvrent des perspectives de conception et de production radicalement innovantes. Certains ont imaginé qu’elle permettrait un jour la fabrication décentralisée et en petites séries d’objets personnalisés aux formes complexes, grâce à des machines flexibles capables de tout fabriquer ou presque, ce qui déclencherait une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Néanmoins, pour l’heure, nous sommes encore dans la phase d’exploration de ce nouveau paradigme techno-industriel.Nous étudions ce sujet au travers de trois instanciations particulières de ces relations inter-firmes. Nous nous intéressons d’abord à des cas où la mise en œuvre des nouvelles technologies s’est déjà opérée. Nous observons alors la transformation des chaînes de valeur où se jouent de nouvelles relations clients-fournisseurs, avec de la désintermédiation. Nous étudions ensuite des alliances multipartenaires au travers desquelles les acteurs mènent une réflexion stratégique collective pour se préparer à la fabrication additive. Si les acteurs travaillent collectivement, ils pensent et développent aussi leur propre stratégie. Enfin, nous nous penchons sur des alliances dyadiques qui visent à combiner des compétences technologiques et des compétences métier afin de rapprocher la technologie et ses applications potentielles, et donc de permettre aux acteurs de mettre en œuvre la fabrication additive pour de nouveaux usages.A partir de ces trois plongées dans des instanciations typées des relations inter-firmes à différents stades d’exploration d’un nouveau paradigme, nous proposons un cadre intégrateur qui théorise le processus itératif et entremêlé par lequel les acteurs explorent et tirent parti du nouveau paradigme techno-industriel, façonnant ainsi les trajectoires technologiques. / Additive manufacturing designates a set of technologies whose unique features open radically innovative design and production possibilities. Some early authors imagined that it would eventually allow decentralized and customized production of objects with complex shapes and in small quantities, thanks to flexible machines that could manufacture about everything. This could, in turn, triggers a new industrial revolution. However, at the present time, we are still in the exploration phase of this new techno-industrial paradigm.Inter-firm relationships appear to be crucial in the exploration of the additive manufacturing new techno-industrial paradigm. We study this exploration processes through the lenses of three specific types of inter-firm relationships.We first focus on value chain relationships. We look at a sector where the implementation of new offerings is already effective. The competitive battle to capture value is raging. Then, we study multipartner alliances where companies engage in a collective strategic exercise to prepare themselves for additive manufacturing. If players work collectively, they also think and develop their own strategy along the way. Finally, we look at dyadic alliances implemented to combine technological and industry capabilities to connect the technologies and potential needs that previously could not be properly served. These alliances allow players to implement additive manufacturing for a few specific applications.Based on these three sets of empirical observations on three different types of inter-firm relationships at three different stages of the exploration of the new paradigm, we present and discuss an integrative theoretical framework that models the exploration of a new techno-industrial paradigm as an iterative and intricate evolution process : the combined actions of the players involved in the exploration of the new paradigm in fact contribute to shape the technological trajectories as they aim at benefitting from the new opportunities offered.

S’entendre et combattre. Grecs et Thraces, d’Homère à la disparition du royaume de Macédoine en 168 avant J.-C. / War and philia. Greeks and Thracians from Homer to the end of the Macedonian kingdom

Rufin Solas, Aliénor 11 December 2013 (has links)
Dès l’époque archaïque, les Grecs combattirent en Thrace contre mais aussi aux côtés des guerriers de la région, tandis que les Thraces, recrutés par les armées extérieures, guerroyaient, de plus en plus nombreux, sur les divers champs de bataille du monde grec. Au cours de la période hellénistique, l'intégration des Thraces aux armées grecques est telle que leur nom en vient à désigner un type de troupes, armées à la légère. Elle est le fruit d'un long processus, marqué par l’importance des relations personnelles nouées entre aristocraties guerrières grecques et thraces, depuis l’épopée homérique jusqu’à la disparition du royaume de Macédoine.La politique thrace de Philippe II est réinterprétée : la notion de conquête, évoquée par les Anciens comme les Modernes, ne peut rendre compte de la réalité des rapports entretenus avec les Thraces. Les relations établies avec les chefs des peuples guerriers de la région firent figure de modèle pour ses successeurs jusqu'au dernier roi de Macédoine. La pacification que cette politique a entraînée comme les recrutements massifs qu’elle permit contribuèrent, pour une très large part, aux succès d’Alexandre le Grand en Asie. L’étude des rapports diplomatiques et guerriers entre Grecs et Thraces s’impose finalement comme le meilleur angle d’étude pour appréhender à la fois les mécanismes de l’intégration de la Thrace à l’histoire du monde grec, et l’histoire propre de cette région à travers l’évolution de ses structures sociales, politiques et militaires. Il conduit en particulier à réinterpréter l’histoire du royaume odryse et à redéfinir ses limites géographiques. / From the Archaic period, the Greeks fought in Thrace against but also at the sides of the warriors of the region, while the Thracians, recruited by foreign armies, were increasingly waging war on the various battlefields of the Greek world. During the Hellenistic period, the integration of the Thracians warriors within Greek armies is such that their name has come to designate a lightly-armed type of troops. It is the result of a long process, underlining the importance of the personal relationships established between Greek and Thracian aristocracies. The literary sources provide such examples of philia allowing various forms of military cooperation from the Homeric epic to the reign of the last Antigonids, albeit these examples often get overlooked by Modern historians. The reign of Philip II saw an intensification and remarkable geographical extension of this phenomenon. His Thracian policy, presented in a misleading manner by some ancient texts and misunderstood by the Moderns, must be reinterpreted. Innovative in many ways, it was one of his highest priorities and was a model for his successors until the last kings of Macedonia. The success of his Thracian policy can be observed in its achievements : the pacification of the region, and the massive recruitment of Thracian warriors, that contributed to a very large extent to the successes of Alexander the Great in Asia.The thesis finally offers a reappraisal of the history and geographical limits of the Odrysian Kingdom, through a study of the tribal and warlike structures in Thrace.

La sigillographie au service de l’histoire. Le réseau des Comnènes (du XIe siècle au début du XIIIe siècle / The Sigillography of service to the history. The Komnenian network (11th century at the beginning of 13th century)

Binvel, Iane 09 December 2016 (has links)
Digne héritier de l’Empire romain d’Occident, l’Empire romain d’Orient plus communément appelé Empire byzantin est la scène de nombreux changements politiques et socio-économiques depuis sa création au IVème siècle. Parmi les acteurs de ces évolutions se trouvent les Comnènes, une famille issue de l’aristocratie dite militaire que rien ne prédestinait à occuper les hautes sphères de l’administration impériale de 1057 à 1204. En se basant prioritairement sur les sceaux regroupés sous la forme d’un catalogue, il s’agira de mettre en lumière l’histoire de la famille qui prend petit à petit la dimension d’un réseau basé sur une forte politique matrimoniale modifiée par les empereurs Comnènes jusqu’à atteindre son apogée au XIIe siècle. Organisé en trois partie le premier tome de cette étude peint un tableau exhaustif de la famille en extrayant des sources l’ensemble des informations se rapportant aux Comnènes et à leurs parents afin, dans un deuxième temps de mieux comprendre comment le mariage est utilisé pour étendre son attraction et son pouvoir sur le reste de la population byzantine et sur le reste du monde médiéval du XIIe siècle, enfin une étude du corpus iconographique propre au réseau des Comnènes sera étudié afin de montrer l’existence ou non d’une évolution des cultes sous l’action de cette famille. Ce travail repose sur un corpus de sceaux dédié aux Comnène qui compose le second tome. / Worthy heir to the Roman Empire of Occident, the Roman Empire of the East more commonly called Byzantine Empire is the scene many political changes and socio-economic since his creation at the 4th century. Among the actors of these evolutions are Komnenian, a family resulting from the aristocracy known as military that nothing predestined to occupy the higher realms of the imperial administration of 1057 to 1204. By firstly basing on the seals gathered in form the shape of a catalogue, it will be a question of clarifying the history of the family which gradually size up a network thanks to a strong matrimonial policy which is modified by the Komnenian emperors until reaching her apogee at the 12th century. Organized into three part the first volume of this study paints an exhaustive painting of the family by extracting from the sources the whole of information referring to Komnenian and with their parents so, in the second time to better understand how the family uses the marriage to extend her attraction and her power on the rest of the Byzantine population and on the rest of the world medieval of the 12th century, finally a study of the iconographic corpus suitable for the network of Komnenian will be studied in order to show the existence or not evolution of the worships under the action of this family. This work is based on a corpus of seals dedicated to Komnenian who composed the second volume.

Alianças defensivas em grafos

Dias, Elisângela Silva 26 March 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-04T17:02:47Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Elisangela Silva Dias.pdf: 846122 bytes, checksum: 357f425f14050b1601ed04cbcd4d9165 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-04T17:02:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Elisangela Silva Dias.pdf: 846122 bytes, checksum: 357f425f14050b1601ed04cbcd4d9165 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-26 / A defensive alliance in graph G = (V;E) is a set of vertices S V satisfying the condition that every vertex v 2 S has at most one more neighbor in V 􀀀S than S. Due to this type of alliance, the vertices in S together defend themselves to the vertices in V 􀀀S. This dissertation introduces the basic concepts for the understanding of alliances in graphs, along with a variety of alliances and their numbers and provides some mathematical properties for these alliances, focusing mainly on defensive alliances in graphs. It shows theorems, corollaries, lemmas, propositions and observations with appropriate proofs with respect to the minimum degree of a graph G d(G), the maximum degree D(G), the algebraic connectivity μ, the total dominanting set gt(G), the eccentricity, the edge connectivity l(G), the chromatic number c(G), the (vertex) independence number b0(G), the vertex connectivity k(G), the order of the largest clique w(G) and the domination number g(G). It also shows a generalization of defensive alliances, called defensive kalliance, and the definition and properties of a security set in G. A secure set S V of graph G = (V;E) is a set whose every nonempty subset can be successfully defended of an attack, under appropriate definitions of “attack” and “defence”. / Uma aliança defensiva no grafo G = (V;E) é um conjunto de vértices S V satisfazendo a condição de que todo vértice v 2 S tem no máximo um vizinho a mais em V 􀀀S que em S. Devido a este tipo de aliança, os vértices em S juntam para se defenderem dos vértices em V 􀀀S. Nesta dissertação, são introduzidos os conceitos básicos para o entendimentos das alianças em grafos, junto com uma variedade de tipos de alianças e seus respectivos números, bem como são fornecidas algumas propriedades matemáticas para estas alianças, focando principalmente nas alianças defensivas em grafos. Apresentamos teoremas, corolários, lemas, proposições e observações com as devidas provas com relação ao grau mínimo de um grafo G d(G), ao grau máximo D(G), à conectividade algébrica μ, ao conjunto dominante total gt(G), à excentricidade, à conectividade de arestas l(G), ao número cromático c(G), ao número de independência (de vértices) b0(G), à conectividade de vértices k(G), à ordem da maior clique w(G) e ao número de dominação g(G). Também é mostrada a generalização de alianças defensivas, chamada k-aliança defensiva, e a definição e propriedades de um conjunto seguro em G. Um conjunto seguro S V do grafo G = (V;E) é um conjunto no qual todo subconjunto não-vazio pode ser defendido com sucesso de um ataque, sob as definições apropriadas de “ataque” e “defesa”.

Os fatores condicionantes da seleção de parceiros nos projetos de alianças estratégicas tecnológicas bilaterais sem participação acionária em empresas industriais do setor químico brasileiro / The contributing factors for selecting partners in bilateral non-equity technological alliances in the Brazilian chemical sector

Marcos Paixão Garcez 05 July 2010 (has links)
Embora as alianças estratégicas sejam uma das alternativas estratégicas conhecidas desde os anos 70, foi somente vinte anos depois que se iniciou uma rápida aceleração deste tipo de acordo de cooperação, seu escopo e sua coexistência com outras relações organizacionais (HARBISON e PEKAR, 1998). Atualmente, à medida que a complexidade dos projetos aumenta e os prazos de desenvolvimentos de novos produtos e serviços diminuem, as empresas não detém isoladamente as competências necessárias para sua sobrevivência e crescimento. Assim, as empresas são impelidas a buscarem cooperação externa em uma intensidade crescente, com outras empresas, universidades e outros agentes externos, com os objetivos de compartilhamento dos investimentos e riscos, redução dos prazos de desenvolvimento e o acesso a recursos e competências não disponíveis internamente, conforme sugere o novo paradigma da Inovação Aberta. Apesar da relativamente abrangente literatura sobre o tema de alianças tecnológicas, o estado do conhecimento nessa área pode ser considerado ainda incipiente e com poucos estudos que tratem mais especificamente de uma etapa crucial do processo, a seleção do parceiro. Mais que isso, estes poucos estudos existentes, além de não se ocuparem da segmentação mais detalhada dos diferentes tipos de parceiros, ainda tratam do fenômeno somente segundo o nível da empresa, e não segundo o nível do projeto. Esses aspectos são considerados as lacunas teóricas a serem investigadas no presente estudo. Desta forma, o estudo investiga a etapa de seleção do parceiro em projetos de alianças tecnológicas bilaterais sem participação acionária, do ponto de vista da empresa-mãe, levando em conta diversos fatores, tais como o tipo de recursos procurados, os resultados esperados, o tipo de competências procuradas, a duração do projeto, os riscos envolvidos, a experiência prévia em alianças, a confiança entre os parceiros, o nível de convergência de expectativas e o nível de similaridade organizacional, a depender do tipo de parceiro e tipo de projeto. Os dados empíricos advêm de duas etapas sucessivas, uma qualitativa e a outra quantitativa. Na etapa qualitativa é conduzido um estudo de casos na maior empresa petroquímica brasileira, no qual se analisa em profundidade vinte projetos em alianças desenvolvidos com diferentes tipos de parceiros concorrentes, clientes, fornecedores, universidades e institutos tecnológicos, em diferentes tipos de projetos incrementais, plataformas, radicais e de ciência básica. Adotando-se as teorias baseada em recursos (resource based view) e baseada em conhecimento (knowledge based view), em conjunto com os dados empíricos provenientes do estudo de casos, identificaram-se domínios específicos para os tipos de alianças, distribuídos no contínuo explotação - exploração. Estas evidências preliminares permitiram a construção de um conjunto de hipóteses que foram testadas na etapa quantitativa, conduzida junto ao setor químico brasileiro. Os resultados desta etapa apontam um conjunto detalhado de relações, determinando os fatores que mais contribuem em cada situação e o ranking desta contribuição dependendo do tipo de parceiro e tipo de projeto. O presente estudo objetiva trazer reflexões nesse importante campo do conhecimento, bem como contribuições teóricas e práticas, de forma a estabelecer relações que possam levar ao melhor entendimento dos fatores contribuintes da seleção de parceiros em alianças tecnológicas. / Although the strategic alliances are one of the strategic alternatives known since the 1970s, it was only twenty years later that finally started the rapid growth of this kind of cooperation, its scope and its coexistence with other organizational forms (HARBISO8 and PEKAR, 1998). At the present time, as projects complexity increases and products and services development term reduces, companies do not detain by themselves all the necessary competences for their survival and growth. Thus, companies nowadays are required to build more extensively external cooperation agreements with other companies, universities and external agents, aiming for: (i) sharing investments and risks; (ii) accelerating project developments, and (iii) accessing resources and competences not available internally, as suggested by the Open Innovation paradigm. Despite the relatively wide literature concerning strategic alliances, structured knowledge in this area can be considered incipient and it encompasses only few studies dealing with one crucial step of the process, the partner selection. Moreover, besides the fact that these few studies do not address a detailed breakdown structure regarding different typologies of partners, they only investigate the phenomena through the firm level perspective instead of the project level perspective. These aspects are considered the main theoretical gaps to be filled in the present study. Thus, this study addresses partner selection stage in non-equity bilateral technological alliances projects, from the point of view of the parent company, taking into account several factors, such as the kind of resources searched, the expected results, the kind of competences searched, the level of projects investments, the time for completion, the risks involved, the previous experience in alliances, the trust between partners, the convergence level of expected objectives and the level of organizational cultural similarities, depending on the type of the partner and the type of projects. The empirical data come from two successive stages, a qualitative and other quantitative. In the qualitative stage, it was carried out one case study in the biggest Brazilian petrochemical company, where were analyzed in-depth twenty alliances projects performed with different types of partners competitors, customers, suppliers, universities and technological institutes, and different types of projects incremental (derivative), platforms, breakthrough (radical) and basic science. Based on the resource based view and the knowledge based view theories, jointly with the empirical data that have emerged from the case studies, it was possible to identify certain specific domains for the types of alliances, along the exploitationexploration continuum. These preliminary evidences have enabled the building of several hypotheses that were tested in the quantitative research performed within the Brazilian chemical sector. The quantitative study points out one wide array of relations, determining the more contributing selection factors in each situation, and the ranking of this contribution regarding the type of partner and type of project. The study aims to bring reflections, theoretical and practical contributions on this relevant subject, in order to establish basic relationships that could lead to a better understanding of the contributing factors for selecting partners in technological alliances.

Consulats et consuls honoraires de Roumanie dans les grandes puissances ouest-européennes entre les deux guerres mondiales / Romanian honorary consulates and consuls in the Western European powers during the inter-war period

Popescu, Elinor Danusia 29 September 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de ma thèse est de réaliser une étude de relations internationales, qui comporte aussi une dimension d’histoire sociale à travers le recrutement de ces élites de la société civile – les consuls honoraires – qui assurent le relais entre cette dernière et la grande diplomatie de carrière. Je me propose de rechercher l’activité consulaire roumaine dans les quatre grandes puissances ouest européennes – choisies, pour équilibrer, parmi deux Etats révisionnistes, donc désireux de transformer les équilibres mis en place lors des traités concluant la Première Guerre mondiale, et deux Etats satisfaits par ces traités – à tous les niveaux : économique, politique, administratif et culturel. La problématique de ma thèse articule donc diplomatie consulaire et grande diplomatie et consiste à évaluer leur convergence politique en faveur des grands vainqueurs français et britannique ou, à l’inverse, le contrepoids que cette diplomatie « mineure » pourrait exercer au bénéfice des frustrés allemand et italien. Cette dernière option est d’autant plus intéressante qu’Allemagne et Italie étaient les principaux partenaires commerciaux de la Roumanie avant 1914. / The aim of my thesis is to realise an international relations study, which also includes a dimension of social history through the recruitment of these elites of civil society - the honorary consuls - who ensure the relay between the latter and the great career diplomacy. I propose to research the Romanian consular activity in the four great Western European powers - chosen, to balance, among two revisionist states, so eager to transform the balances put in place during the treaties concluding the First World War, and two states satisfied by these treaties - at all levels: economic, political, administrative and cultural. The rationale of my thesis articulates therefore consular diplomacy and great diplomacy and consists of evaluating their political convergence in favor of the great winners French and British or, conversely, the counterweight that this "minor" diplomacy could exert for the benefit of the frustrated German and Italian. The latter option is all the more interesting because Germany and Italy were Romania's main trading partners before 1914.

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