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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prospective Donors’ Cognitive and Emotive Processing of Charitable Gift Requests

Bartolini, William F. 05 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.


WESTRICH, KATE ANN 30 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.

“Ett riskfyllt yrke i en osäker omvärld” : En tematisk analys av människors motivation att utbilda sig inom polisyrket

Neumann, Hanna, Eriksson, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur individer resonerar som valt att utbilda sig inom ett riskfyllt yrke i Sverige, trots en påtaglig hotnivå som ökat de senaste åren. Genom en kvalitativ ansats har semistrukturerade intervjuer av sju studenter vid olika polishögskolor i Sverige skapat grunden för uppsatsen. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats genom en tematisk analys och tre övergripande huvudområden, bakgrund, motivation och risk.  Teorin som används för att förstå vår frågeställning, empiriska material och koppla samman med analysen är huvudsakligen från Anthony Giddens. Giddens diskuterar bland annat om det reflexiva självet, ontologisk trygghet och existentiell ångest som varit de teoretiska ramverk för vår uppsats.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en nyanserad bild och beskrivning av olika individers motiv till valet att utbilda sig till polis. Uppsatsen bidrar till ökad förståelse varför människor väljer att utbilda sig till polis trots en förhöjd hotnivå som förvärrats de senaste åren i Sverige. Uppsatsen ger tänkbara förklaringar kring människors olika drivkrafter bakom valet av polisyrket och hur hotnivån i samhället haft effekt på beslutet. Genom vald metod bidrar även denna uppsats till forskning som bygger på en kvalitativ metod. Sammanfattningsvis så visar denna uppsats att det finns fler anledningar som driver människor till polisyrket. Bakgrund, motivation och risk är viktiga områden som visat sig påverka yrkesvalet.

Pathways into Social Movement Activism, Altruism, and Self-Interest: The LGBT and Marriage Movement in New Jersey

Sullivan, Nadine January 2011 (has links)
This research builds upon recent scholarship on pathways into social movement activism and the role of altruism and self-interest in activists' motivations for political action. The social movement literature has often focused across movements, looking at opponents on different sides of a social movement cause. Training its lens within-movement, this study sought to discover factors that first led gay and lesbian movement constituents to become activists. It also sought to determine their cohesion around, and their motivation for, their present activism. Using a qualitative methodology, I interviewed a convenience sample of 66 lesbian and gay activists at different levels of involvement (leaders and rank-and-file) across a range of social movement organizations (both working-for and not-working-for marriage). I also monitored news reports on changes in laws affecting gays and lesbians, the public communications of a range of LGBT organizations, and engaged in participant observation in a variety of social movement sites. Distinct patterns emerged with activists who did not work-for-marriage (general activists) being more likely than marriage activists to have grown up in politically-active homes or to have had early exposure to active social movements. Leaders (both marriage and general) were more likely than rank-and-file activists to locate their activism in a disposition that resists injustice. And general activists were more likely to situate their activism in a concern for the welfare of others (altruism), while marriage activists were more likely to locate their present activism in their desire to legally protect their partners and/or co-parented children (self-interest). / Sociology

Influence of selected personal, psychological, and institutional factors on involvement of community college faculty and counselors in service to the college and to the community

Stolar, Steven M. 07 June 2006 (has links)
This study sought to challenge Maslow’s (1954, 1968, 1971) proposition that altruism develops within individuals as they move toward self-actualization. Involvement was the operational definition of altruism used in the study. A national sample of 369 community college faculty and counselors completed the Personal Orientation Inventory and the Community College Involvement Survey (CCIS). The dependent variable involvement was regressed on seventeen personal, psychological, and institutional independent variables using a stepwise regression procedure. Spontaneity, number of years employed, degree status, and race positively influenced involvement, whereas, the discipline areas of math/science and health/allied health had overall negative effects on involvement. Maslow’s proposition obtained minimal support as just one of twelve constructs used to measure self-actualization (spontaneity), was found to predict altruism. A factor analysis procedure conducted on the responses of the CCIS identified ten discrete factors. Each factor revealed an individual pattern of involvement that two-year college faculty and counselors display on campus and within the community. These include: National Activists, Reclusive Colleagues, Faculty Leaders, Student Advocates, Campus Innovators, Campus Excellers, Local Activists, Professional Affiliates, Scholarly Achievers, and Service Volunteers. A second stepwise regression procedure identified ten independent variables as Significant predictors for eight of these factors. Age, gender, race, discipline, number of dependents, years employed, degree, collective bargaining, and job satisfaction, were all useful in explaining variance for individual factors. The findings are useful for understanding work patterns of community college faculty and counselors and subsequent benefits to the institution. / Ed. D.

Relationship between preventivebehaviour and benevolence during thecovid-19 pandemic in Sweden. / Sambandet mellan sjukdomsförebyggande beteenden ochvälvilja under covid-19 pandemin i Sverige.

Åberg, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The Covid –19 pandemic requires sustainable behavioural changes to mitigate the spread of the infection. Thus, people are requested to comply with the recommendations given by the authorities. However, people vary with regard to how well they follow the recommendations. It is therefore of importance to understand the driving forces behind behavioural change. This study aims to investigate how people’s willingness to comply with preventive behaviour during a pandemic is related to the prosocial factor of benevolence.  A cross-sectional study was performed online on an independent sample (N=1014). A correlational analysis was performed between the variable benevolence and degree of willingness for complying with recommendations as well as for the motives for obeying or disobeying the instructions from authorities.  The result showed a significant correlation for the whole study population between how well they followed the recommendations (M = 4.16, S = 0.92) and the levels of benevolence (M = 3.58, S = 0.74) r = 0.22, p = <0.001.  Further, there was a significant correlation between altruistic motives and compliance with recommendations, including the view on taking the vaccine. Our findings add to the concept that prosocial orientation during the covid-19 pandemic in Sweden increases compliance with preventive behaviour.

Three Essays on Cooperation and Reciprocity

Saral, Ali Seyhun 18 October 2019 (has links)
This dissertation aims to contribute to the literature of cooperation and social preferences. We use experimental and computational methods to understand the role and extent of reciprocity on cooperation. The first paper is a methodological contribution to the large literature on conditional preferences of cooperation. Cooperation generated by this type of preferences is notoriously unstable, as individuals reduce their contributions to the public good in reaction to other subjects' free-riding. This has led to the widely-shared conclusion that cooperation observed in experiments (and its collapse) is mostly driven by imperfect reciprocity. In this study, we explore the possibility that reciprocally cooperative preferences may themselves be unstable. We do so by observing the evolution of subjects' preferences in an anonymously repeated social dilemma. Our unsettling result is that, in the course of the experiment, a significant fraction of reciprocally cooperative subjects become egoistic, while the reverse is rarely observed. The non-selfish preferences that appear to be more stable are those most easily attributed to confusion. We are thus driven to the conclusion that egoism is more resistant to exposure to social dilemmas than reciprocity. The second paper the evolutionary success of conditional preferences by using simulations. We use an agent-based model in which agents play a variation of the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game. We estimate the likelihood of cooperation levels as well as the likelihood of the existence of conditional types for different continuation probabilities. We show that an all-or-none type of conditional cooperation strategy together with the perfect conditional cooperation strategy are most likely to emerge when the continuation probability is sufficiently high. Our most surprising finding is related to the so-called hump-shaped strategy, a conditional type that is commonly observed in experiments. Our simulations show that those types are likely to thrive for intermediate levels of the continuation probability due to their relative advantage when probability of interaction is not enough to sustain a full-cooperation, but instead merely sustains mid-level cooperation. The third paper aims to understand the underlying reciprocal motives in altruistic behavior. We argue that the altruism that is revealed in dictator games can be explained by what we call presumptive reciprocity. Subjects may display non-selfish preferences because they presume that the other subjects would have revealed similar, non-selfish preferences if the roles had been reversed. This kind of intuitive reasoning, although partially captured by indirect reciprocity, is overlooked in the literature on social preferences, especially when it comes to explaining the behavior that appears to be purely altruistic. The experimental evidence we provide shows that people's choices reveal mostly presumptive reciprocity, while purely altruistic preferences play a much smaller role.

Vem väljer att konsumeraekologiska produkter i Sverige? / What characterizes the typical consumer of ecological products in Sweden?

Berglund, Malin, Sjöberg, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
På livsmedelsmarknaden finns det olika produkter som konsumenten kan välja mellan. Valensom görs inom dagligvaruhandeln kan påverka individen och samhället på olika sätt, dåprodukter har olika näringsinnehåll och de har producerats under olika förutsättningar. För attkonsumenten ska veta hur olika produkter påverkar individen och samhället finns det olikamärkningar såsom Fairtrade och KRAV. Ekologiska produkter marknadsförs som hälsosammasamtidigt som de ska vara bättre för miljön än icke ekologiska produkter. Den ekologiskamarknaden har ökat de senaste 5 åren. Av den anledningen finner vi det intressant att analyseravem som väljer att konsumera ekologiska produkter och varför.Syftet med studien är att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas val attkonsumera ekologiska produkter. För att kunna analysera de olika faktorerna användskvantitativa ansatser. Data samlas in genom en enkätundersökning och analyseras medekonometriska tekniker. Resultatet analyseras även med hjälp av ekonomiska teorier.Enkätundersökningen genomförs på den svenska marknaden, i de två kommunerna Norrköpingoch Ockelbo.Studiens resultat indikerar att utbildning, kön, upplevd kunskap om ekologiska märkningar,upplevd mediepåverkan, härkomst och kommun är signifikanta variabler för att förklaraekologisk konsumtion. Resultatet indikerar även att de två viktigaste argumenten för attkonsumera ekologiska produkter är ur hälso- och miljösynpunkt. / The consumer can choose between different products at the market of groceries. These choicescan affect the human being and society in different ways, because products do not have thesame nutritional value and they may not have been produced in the same way. Therefore, it isimportant for the consumer to have knowledge about brands like Fairtrade and KRAV. InSweden, the products that are marketed as healthy and environmentally friendly alternatives arecalled ecological products. In the last 5 years, the market of ecological products has increased,because the market shows that the demand of ecological alternatives has increased. For thisreason, we think it is interesting to analyze who the typical consumer of ecological products isand why.The purpose of this study is to analyze which factors that affects the consumer’s choice ofecological products. To analyze the different factors the study is using quantitative methods.The data will be collected from surveys and then analyzed by using econometrical techniques,and the results will be analyzed and examined using economic theories. The survey is beingperformed on the Swedish market, where the municipalities Norrköping and Ockelbo has beenchosen. Norrköping has a substantially larger population than Ockelbo, which we consider is abenefit for the study.The results of the study shows us that education, gender, perceived knowledge about ecologicalbrands, experienced influence from media, a Nordic heritage and municipality are significantvariables to explain ecological consumption. The results also indicate the two most importantarguments for consuming ecological products are those of health and environmentalperspectives.

Benägenheten att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer : En empirisk forskningsstudie utförd i Linköpings stad / The propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charity : An empirical research study conducted in Linkoping city

Collryd, Mattias, Lindau, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Antalet hemlösa EU-migranter har på senare år ökat kraftigt i Sverige, och närmare hälften av dem saknar inkomstkälla helt medan många andra försörjer sig genom tiggeri. Numera måste individer förutom att ta ställning till huruvida de ska ge pengar till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer även besluta om de ska ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter. Utifrån antagandet att det existerar asymmetrisk information, och institutionella faktorer som kan påverka individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet är det intressant att undersöka om det finns skillnader i benägenheten att ge till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer.Forskningsstudiens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka benägenheten hos individer att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. Vidare är syftet också att identifiera och analysera olika individspecifika egenskaper som tänkbart påverkar individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet. För att besvara syftet samlas primärdata in i Linköpings stad genom en enkätundersökning och analyseras sedan med hjälp av ekonometriska verktyg.Forskningsstudiens resultat indikerar att individer generellt är mindre benägna att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. De egenskaper som har betydelse för att förklara individers givande till tiggande EU-migranter är kön, ålder, härkomst, kunskap om tiggande EU-migranters livssituation och inställning till lagförslag att förbjuda tiggeri. I jämförelse till detta har ålder, utbildning, härkomst, äktenskap och sociala faktorer betydelse för att förklara givandet till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. / In recent years, the number of homeless EU migrants has increased substantially in Sweden, and almost half of them lack an income whereas many others live by begging. Nowadays, individuals in addition to decide whether to give money to established charities also have to decide whether to give money to begging EU migrants. Based on the assumption that asymmetric information and institutional factors exists, which can affect each type of willingness to donate to charity, it is interesting to investigate whether there are differences in propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities.The purpose of the research study is to examine individual’s propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities. Furthermore, the aim is also to identify and analyze various individual characteristics that conceivably affect individuals' donation to each type of charity. To answer the purpose of the research study primary data is collected in Linkoping city by a questionnaire and the material is analyzed with econometric models.The results of the study indicate that individuals generally are less likely to give money to begging EU migrants compared with established charities. Variables that affect individuals' willingness to give money to begging EU migrants are gender, age, descent, knowledge of begging EU migrants living situation and attitude towards banning begging. Compared to this, factors that affect the willingness to donate to established charities are age, education, descent, married and social factors.

Kin selection and male androphilia : sociocultural influences on the expression of kin-directed altruism

Abild, Miranda L January 2012 (has links)
The Kin Selection Hypothesis proposes that the genes associated with male androphilia (i.e., sexual attraction/arousal to adult males) may be maintained over evolutionary time if the fitness costs of not reproducing directly are offset by increasing one’s indirect fitness. Theoretically, this could be accomplished by allocating altruism toward kin which would increase the recipient’s ability to survive and reproduce. Evidence for this hypothesis has been garnered through research conducted in Samoa however, no support has been garnered from research conducted in more industrialized cultures (i.e., USA, UK, Japan). In this thesis, I use a Canadian population to examine: (1) the role geographic proximity plays in the expression of androphilic male avuncularity and (2) whether androphilic males direct altruism toward the children of friends who might represent proxies for nieces and nephews in more industrialized cultures. Other sociocultural factors that potentially influence the expression of androphilic male avuncularity are also discussed. / ix, 81 leaves ; 29 cm

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