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Buzz on socials : Hur företag genererar word of mouth på sociala medierLundgren, William January 2017 (has links)
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} Detta examensarbete lyfter problematiken kring företagens synlighet på sociala medier och för diskussion och analys för hur detta kan lösas. Genom att företagen arbetar för att erhålla högre electronic word of mouth (eWOM) kvantiteter på sociala medier vilket ökar företagets synlighet, genom att de tar hänsyn till teorier som förklarar och påverkar människor skapande av word of mouth. Electronic word of mouth är kommentarer, gillamarkeringar, delningar och recensioner som företaget erhåller till sina sociala medier från dess konsumenter. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur företag kan generera mer eWOM och hur deras arbetssätt är kopplat till motiven bakom eWOM, sociala bevis och interpersonal communication samt undersöka eventuella samband som existerar i praktiken mellan teorierna då företag arbetar för att erhålla högre eWOM kvantitet. För att uppnå syftet med studien har följande frågeställning formulerats: Hur kan företag generera högre eWOM kvantitet? Studiens metod har varit av kvalitativ med en deduktiv ansats, kombinerat med en fallstudie på Svenska Fotbollsförbundet, Apollo och Bizkit Havas. I empirikapitlet framställs intervjupersonernas svar, som även jämförs mellan varandra. Sedan följer analysen där empirin tolkas utifrån teorin och olika samband framställs. Studiens slutsats påvisar vad fallföretagen gör idag för att erhålla högre eWOM kvantitet kopplat till varje teoriområde, slutsatsen påvisar hur teorin skiljer sig från verkligheten där det visat sig att vissa teoriområden är svårare för företagen att applicera i verkligheten för att erhålla högre eWOM kvantitet. Till sist framställs även de olika sambanden som studien har upptäckt mellan de olika teorierna och varför dessa samband är viktiga att ta hänsyn till då företag vill erhålla en högre eWOM kvantitet. / p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} This study is highlighting the fact that companies have a hard time gaining visibility on social media today. Therefore it is very important for companies to gain higher quantities of electronic word on mouth (eWOM) on social media to gain visability. Electronic word on mouth is all the likes, shares, reviews and comments that companies get to their social media from their customers. They do that by understanding the theories that explains and affects humans creation of word of mouth on social media and then implement this in their marketing strategies. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how companies can generate more eWOM and how their marketing strategies are linked to the motives behind eWOM, interpersonal communication and social proof as well as investigate any relationships that exist in practice between theese theories when companies work to obtain higher eWOM quantity. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the following question has been made: How can companies generate higher eWOM quantity? The methodology was qualitative and had a deductive approach combined with a case study on the Swedish Football Association, Apollo and Bizkit Havas. The empirical chapter presents the answers of the interviewees, which also were compared to each other. Then the analysis follows where the collected data is interpreted based on the theory and different relationships are get presented. The study's conclusion shows what the companies from the case study do today to get higher eWOM quantity associated with each theory area. The conclusion shows how the theory differs from reality where it was found that some theory areas are more difficult for companies to apply in reality to obtain higher eWOM quantity. Finally, the different relationships that the study has discovered between the different theories are also drawn up and why these relationships are important to consider when companies want a higher eWOM quantity is explained.
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Essays on Social Preferences in Children and Adolescents: Experimental Evidence from Colombia and IndiaKromer, Oscar Daniel 07 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Egoismus - etika dnešní doby / Egoism - the ethical concept of todayMacko, Milan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current egoistic nature of man. The first part of the paper will describe the historical background and the rise of empirical science and will point out the newly emerging cultural paradigm which has influenced the whole value system and general development of today's society. This will be followed up by the description of an individual phenomena that guides the acceptance of social principles actively pursued within our society these days. Parsing of individual factors using the method of analysis and synthesis will allow us to approach the very phenomenon of egoism from a wider perspective. The focus of this paper is to attempt to answer whether man's dependency on today's society leads to the development of egoistic characteristic in a person. The paper will also attempt, using philosophical and theological reflection and modern science, to find an outline for a solution that would be beneficial to the advancement of an altruistic profile of civilization. Keywords Jesus, Plato, Sokrates, the good, egoism, emphaty, philosophy, genetics, intelligence, values, conformity, consumer society, power, science
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Égoïsme et altruisme : l'enjeu dans les recherches empiriquesGagnon-Bisotdeau, François-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Le débat entre les tenants de l’égoïsme et ceux de l’altruisme porte sur la question de l’altruisme, soit : pouvons-nous parfois agir de manière – au moins en partie — désintéressée, pour le bien d’autrui sans considérer le nôtre? Mon mémoire a pour objectif de revoir la problématisation du débat altruisme/égoïsme en philosophie et en psychologie et de répondre à la question : quelles conséquences peut-on tirer des travaux empiriques concernant la question de l’altruisme compilés par C. Daniel Batson, un chercheur en psychologie sociale, dans A Scientific Search for Altruism (2019) ?
Je soutiens, en partie comme Batson, que les résultats qu’il présente montrent que l'altruisme tel qu'il l'entend fait partie de nos motivations. Cependant, ma thèse principale est que la caractérisation de l'altruisme et de l'égoïsme que font Batson et ses collègues peuvent laisser en nous des interrogations quant à nos motifs fondamentaux. Autrement dit, d'autres formulations de la thèse égoïste pourraient permettre à celle-ci de résister, sans pour autant être exemptes de critiques, aux arguments présentés par Batson. Par exemple, ouvrir la recherche sur la ou les causes de l’empathie, par rapport à l'hypothèse de l'empathie-altruisme de Batson, pourrait éclairer l'enjeu d'une nouvelle manière; mais seulement si nous acceptons de modifier la caractérisation de l'altruisme de Batson. Ainsi, nous pourrions considérer la cause de l'empathie comme ayant un poids plus important dans la résolution de la question de l'altruisme que l'empathie elle-même.
Une telle reformulation de la thèse égoïste pourrait ressembler à cela : la valorisation d’autrui sera générée ou conservée si et seulement si elle sert soit les désirs personnels profonds, tel qu’un état ressenti de significativité dans la vie (Wolf 2010), ou bien les désirs personnels plus simples tels que les motivations égoïstes énoncées par Batson (2019).
Pour défendre l’intérêt d’une telle reformulation, je présenterai d'abord la caractérisation de l'égoïsme et de l'altruisme de Batson (2019) ainsi que la méthode que Batson et ses collègues utilisent pour répondre à la question de l'altruisme. Je présenterai également des critiques à cette position, provenant entre autres de Doris et al. (2020) et d’une adaptation des propos de Slote (1964). Mon texte débouchera sur une nouvelle hypothèse égoïste s'inspirant des travaux de Susan Wolf (2010) et Bernard Williams (1981). / The debate opposing egoism and altruism concerns the altruism question: Can we sometimes act – at least partly – in a disinterested way to promote the well-being of others without considering our own? My master’s thesis aims to review the central problem of the altruism/egoism debate in philosophy and psychology and answer the question: Which consequences can be drawn from the empirical work concerning the altruism question compiled by C. Daniel Batson, a researcher in social psychology, in A Scientific Search for Altruism (2019)?
I agree with Batson that his empirical results show altruism, as he defines it, to be a part of our motivations. However, my main thesis is that Batson and his colleagues’ characterization of altruism and egoism leaves us questioning our ultimate motives. Restating the thesis of egoism could allow it to resist Batson’s arguments, although it may face other criticism. For example, opening the research on the cause or causes of empathy regarding the empathy-altruism hypothesis of Batson could shed light on the debate in a new way; but only if we agree to rethink Batson’s characterization of altruism. Thus, we could consider empathy’s causes to be of greater importance than empathy itself in resolving the altruism question.
Such a recharacterization of egoism could resemble this one: The valuing of others will be generated or conserved if and only if it serves either profound personal desires, such as a state of felt meaningfulness (Wolf 2010), or simpler personal desires like the egoistic motivations listed by Batson (2019).
To defend the interest of this recharacterization, I will present the definitions of altruism and egoism given by Batson (2019) as well as the method he used with his colleagues to answer the altruism question. I will also formulate critiques to the position of Batson through Doris et al. (2020) and an adaptation of the argument of Slote (1964). My argument will lead to a new egoistic hypothesis inspired by the works of Susan Wolf (2010) and Bernard Williams (1981).
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An Exploration of Global Altruistic Variations by CountryDeaton, Eddie W. 06 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Исследование личностных особенностей студентов-психологов, принимающих участие в волонтерском движении : магистерская диссертация / The research of personal peculiarities of psychology students, participating in volunteer movementsКонникова, Е. А., Konnikova, E. A. January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate personal characteristics of young people of college age participating in the volunteer movement. The study is based on the following hypothesis: at student volunteers expressed personal characteristics such as empathy, values and altruism. The author developed a model of psychological characteristics, important for effective work of students-volunteers, which is based on professionally valuable qualities of helping professionals. The model was complemented on the basis of the results of empirical research and includes a range personal qualities (altruism, empathy, discipline, kindness and security), theoretical knowledge in psychology, medicine and law as well as practical skills (ability to take responsibility, ability to listen and to hear, ability to give first aid and provide psychological support). / Целью данной работы является исследование личностных особенностей молодых людей студенческого возраста, принимающих участие в волонтерском движении. В основу исследования легла следующая гипотеза: у студентов-добровольцев выражены такие личностные характеристики, как эмпатия, ценностные ориентации и альтруизм. Разработана модель психологических характеристик, важных для эффективной деятельности студентов-волонтеров, в основу которой положены профессионально значимые качества специалистов помогающих профессий. Модель дополнена с учетом результатов собственного эмпирического исследования и включает в себя блоки личностных качеств (альтруизм, эмпатию, дисциплинированность, доброту и безопасность), теоретических знаний по психологии, медицине, юриспруденции и практических навыков (умение взять на себя ответственность, умение слушать и слышать, умение оказывать первую помощь и психологическую поддержку).
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Essays in Behavioral Economics and Microeconomic TheoryVorjohann, Pauline Lisa 29 September 2022 (has links)
Kapitel 1: Im Rahmen des Erwartungsnutzenmodells
leite ich ein theoretisches Modell von choice bracketing
aus zwei verhaltensökonomischen Axiomen ab. Das erste etabliert
einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen narrow bracketing und correlation
neglect. Das zweite identifiziert den Referenzpunkt als den Ort, an
dem broad und narrow Präferenzen miteinander verbunden sind. In meinem
Modell ist der narrow bracketer durch die Unfähigkeit, Veränderungen vom
Referenzpunkt in unterschiedlichen Dimensionen gleichzeitig zu verarbeiten,
Kapitel 2: Warum geben Menschen, wenn man
sie fragt, präferieren aber, nicht gefragt zu werden, und nehmen sogar, wenn
sich die Gelegenheit ergibt? Wir zeigen, dass Axiome wie Separabilität, narrow
bracketing, und scaling invariance diese scheinbar widersprüchlichen
Beobachtungen vorhersagen. Insbesondere implizieren diese Axiome, dass
die Interdependenz von Präferenzen (“Altruismus”) ein Ergebnis des Interesses
für das Wohlbefinden anderer im Gegensatz zu ihren bloßen Auszahlungen
ist. Hierbei wird das Wohlbefinden durch die referenzabhängige Wertfunktion
aus der Prospekttheorie erfasst.
Kapitel 3: Wir untersuchen,
wie sich fake news auf den Informationsfluss zwischen Nachrichtenportalen
und ökonomischen Agenten auswirkt. Wir erweitern das klassische cheaptalk-
Modell um Unsicherheit über die Präferenzen des sender (Nachrichtenportal).
Es gibt zwei Typen von Nachrichtenportalen. Ein fake-news-Portal
möchte im Agenten unabhängig vom wahren Zustand eine maximale Erwartung
wecken. Ein legitimes Nachrichtenportal möchte die Wahrheit offenbaren.
Wir zeigen, dass jedes informative perfekte Bayesianische Gleichgewicht durch
einen Schwellenwert charakterisiert ist. Während der Agent alle Zustände
unter dem Schwellenwert unterscheiden kann, ist es ihm unmöglich, Zustände
über dem Schwellenwert zu unterscheiden. / Chapter 1: I derive a theoretical
model of choice bracketing from two behavioral axioms in an expected utility
framework. The first behavioral axiom establishes a direct link between narrow
bracketing and correlation neglect. The second behavioral axiom identifies
the reference point as the place where broad and narrow preferences are
connected. In my model, the narrow bracketer is characterized by an inability
to process changes from the reference point in different dimensions simultaneously.
Chapter 2: Why do people give when asked, but
prefer not to be asked, and even take when possible? We show that standard
behavioral axioms including separability, narrow bracketing, and scaling invariance
predict these seemingly inconsistent observations. Specifically, these
axioms imply that interdependence of preferences (“altruism”) results from
concerns for the welfare of others, as opposed to their mere payoffs, where
individual welfares are captured by the reference-dependent value functions
known from prospect theory. The resulting preferences are non-convex, which
captures giving, sorting, and taking directly.
Chapter 3: We present a theoretical
model to investigate how the presence of fake news affects information
transmission from media outlets to economic agents. In a standard cheap talk
framework we introduce uncertainty about the sender’s (media outlet’s) preferences.
There are two types of media outlets. A fake news outlet wants to
push the agent’s belief to the maximum irrespective of the state of the world.
A legitimate outlet wants to reveal the true state to the agent. We show that
any informative perfect Bayesian equilibrium of our game is characterized
by a threshold value. While the agent can perfectly separate amongst states
below the threshold value, there is no separation amongst states above the
threshold value. We determine the unique most informative threshold value
for a general class of equilibria.
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The relationship between genre choice of music and altruistic behaviorHippler, Christine 01 May 2011 (has links)
Extensive research has documented the relationship between listening to certain genres of music and negative effects on social behavior such as aggressive and antisocial behavior. The present study explored whether there are genres of music associated with altruism. Altruistic behavior is defined as behavior that is consistently more caring, helpful, considerate of other's feelings, and self- sacrificing. These behaviors promote our ability to thrive as a community. Yet, few studies have addressed the relationship between music and altruism. Data was collected from 608 college students who completed a self-report altruism scale, music preference measure, the Marlowe Crowne social desirability scale, and a demographic information form in order to see if there is a relationship between choice of music and altruism. A multiple hierarchal regression analysis found music genre choice accounted for 15.9 percent of variance in self-reported altruism. Significant, positive correlations emerged also between altruism and several music genres including alternative, country, classical, and emo.
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Who Volunteers and Why: Demographic and Motivational Analysis of Volunteers in Ohio's Mahoning ValleyKelly, Gerard Thomas 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Household Decision MakingBhatt, Vipul 08 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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