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Plio-Pleistocene North-South and East-West Extension at the Southern Margin of the Tibetan PlateauJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: The tectonic significance of the physiographic transition from the low-relief Tibetan plateau to the high peaks, rugged topography and deep gorges of the Himalaya is the source of much controversy. Some workers have suggested the transition may be structurally controlled (e.g. Hodges et al., 2001), and indeed, the sharp change in geomorphic character across the transition strongly suggests differential uplift between the Himalayan realm and the southernmost Tibetan Plateau. Most Himalayan researchers credit the South Tibetan fault system (STFS), a family of predominantly east-west trending, low-angle normal faults with a known trace of over 2,000 km along the Himalayan crest (e.g. Burchfiel et al., 1992), with defining the southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Early Miocene. Inasmuch as most mapped strands of the STFS have not been active since the Middle Miocene (e.g., Searle & Godin, 2003), modern-day control of the physiographic transition by this fault system seems unlikely. However, several workers have documented Quaternary slip on east-west striking, N-directed extensional faults, of a similar structural nature but typically at a different tectonostratigraphic level than the principal STFS strand, in several locations across the range (Nakata, 1989; Wu et al., 1998; Hurtado et al., 2001). In order to explore the nature of the physiographic transition and determine its relationship to potential Quaternary faulting, I examined three field sites: the Kali Gandaki valley in central Nepal (~28˚39'54"N; 83˚35'06"E), the Nyalam region of south-central Tibet (28°03'23.3"N, 86°03'54.08"E), and the Ama Drime Range in southernmost Tibet (87º15'-87º50'E; 27º45'-28º30'N). Research in each of these areas yielded evidence of young faulting on structures with normal-sense displacement in various forms: the structural truncation of lithostratigraphic units, distinctive fault scarps, or abrupt changes in bedrock cooling age patterns. These structures are accompanied by geomorphic changes implying structural control, particularly sharp knickpoints in rivers that drain from the Tibetan Plateau, across the range crest, and down through the southern flank of the Himalaya. Collectively, my structural, geomorphic, and thermochronometric studies confirm the existence of extensional structures near the physiographic transition that have been active more recently than 1.5 Ma in central Nepal, and over the last 3.5 Ma in south-central Tibet. The structural history of the Ama Drime Range is complex and new thermochronologic data suggest multiple phases of E-W extension from the Middle Miocene to the Holocene. Mapping in the accessible portions of the range did not yield evidence for young N-S extension, although my observations do not preclude such deformation on structures south of the study area. In contrast, the two other study areas yielded direct evidence that Quaternary faulting may be controlling the position and nature of the physiographic transition across the central Tibetan Plateau-Himalaya orogenic system. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Geological Sciences 2012
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Stanovení mobilních forem rtuti v půdách pomocí techniky difúzního gradientu v tenkém filmuZouharová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the determination of mobile forms of mercury using the technology of diffusion gradient in thin-film. The theoretical part deals with the occurrence of chemical forms of mercury in the environment, mercury effects on plants and methods of determination of mercury's mobile forms. In the practical part, the accumulation of mercury from soils into various organs of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) was observed. Soil samples were taken in Brno, in streets Opuštěná and Zvonařka. The contents of mercury in soils ranged from 0,32618 +- 0,02493 mg.kg-1 to 0,08382 +- 0,00255 mg.kg-1. Only 0,15 - 0,20 % of the mercury passed from the soil into the soil solution. Only 2,21 to 3,45 % of mercury was available for the soil solution for DGT units and therefore also for the plants. The mercury content in the soil influenced the amount of mercury in the garden pea. The highest concentrations of mercury were detected in the leaves and roots, the lowest concentrations were in the consumed parts of garden pea. The significant correlations were found out between the content of mercury's mobile forms provided by DGT method and the mercury content in roots, leaves and stem of garden pea (correlation coefficients from 0,913 to 0,984). Simulation of acid rains did not demonstrate the raise of mercury's mobility relating to the increase of the acidification of the soil.
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Biodostupnost rtuti ve vysoce kontaminovaných půdách a její přestup do hubBártová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with bioavailability of mercury in high contaminated soils collected in the Jedová hora in the Brdská vrchovina and their change to mushrooms. Theoretical part deals with parameters of mercury, its toxicity and appearance in Environment with focus on mercury content in the soil and change of mercury to the biota (to mushrooms and mosses). In practical part was summarized own analysis of mercury assessment with assistance of dedicated atomic absorption spectrometer AMA 254 and mobile form of mercury by technology of diffuse gradient in thin film - DGT. Average amount of mercury in collected samples of the soil moved between 1,25 +/- 0,01 mg.kg-1 - 276,18 +/- 0,09 mg.kg-1. From the soil to the soil solution passed only 0,01 - 0,09 % of mercury. From the soil solution was for DGT units, therefore for biota, available only 0,10 - 4,47 % of mercury. The mercury content in the soil solution (r = 0,861) and mobile forms of mercury (r = 0,980) in the soils significantly correlated with the total mercury content in soils and also with the total sulphur content in the soils (r = 0,931). The highest concentration of mercury in mushrooms was detected in dry matter of Holubinka sesterská (Russula sororia Fr.) 12,490 +/- 2,439 mg.kg-1 and highest concentration of mercury in mosses was measured in dry matter of Ploník ztenčený (Polytrichum formosum) 0,420 +/- 0,111 mg.kg-1.
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Coordination and Power in Water Governance: The Case of Prescott Active Management AreaJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Studies of governance have focused on the interactions among diverse actors while implicitly recognizing the role of power within those relationships. Explicit power analyses of water governance coordination are needed to better understand the conditions for and barriers to sustainability. I therefore utilized a novel conceptual framework to analyze vertical and horizontal governance, along with power, to address how governance interactions affect water sustainability in terms of (1) interactions among governance actors across local to state levels; (2) coordination among actors at the local level; and (3) the exercise of power among assorted actors. I adopted a qualitative case study methodology that involved triangulating interview transcripts, policy documents, and other data in the case study area of Prescott, Arizona.
Across governance scales, my analysis found that informational and contentious interactions occur around water management plans, groundwater withdrawal fees, and growth debates due to the stipulations of Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act. Locally, municipalities in different groundwater basins coordinate by pooling resources for water development due to shared growth visions. However, municipalities within the same groundwater basin are divided in their pursuit of the state-mandated goal of safe yield due to discontent arising from differing growth visions, libertarian values of water control, and unequal responsibilities among actors in conserving water or monitoring use. Finally, local and state actors exercise power through litigation, legislation, and political processes to pursue their interests, thereby limiting coordination for water sustainability.
My explicit analysis of power reveals that coordination occurs not just because of water policies but due to interest-based water narratives (growth and libertarian). The emphasis of growth proponents on supply augmentation and libertarian opposition to regulations pose significant barriers to water sustainability. Successful policy-based pursuits of water sustainability will, thus, require an acknowledgment of these management asymmetries and commitments to addressing them. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geography 2017
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Nepřímé stanovení forem rtuti v půdách a sedimentech pomocí atomové absorpční spektrometrie. / Indirect speciation of mercury in soils and sediments with cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry.TUMOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
In the diploma thesis have been tested four extraction techniques for isolation of organic forms of mercury from sediments (liquid liquid extraction, microwave extraction in liquid liquid extraction, solid phase extraction and extraction with use of ionic exchange) followed by determination of mercury by atomic absorption spectrometer AMA?254. It has been achieved great results during liquid liquid extraction likewise ionic exchange extraction. Reached percents of orgHg were in accord with certified reference material for sediments CRM-580 and corresponded to 86,44 ? 16,63 %, resp. 87,01 ? 29,22 %. Thanks to a simple procedure, extraction speed and ease of determination of organic forms of mercury contain was first of all (in the first instance) verified a method with use of ionic exchange, whose principle and procedure is very elementary. This technique was applied to a number of real sediment samples collected from water tanks Jordan and Skalka. It was approved that this method has been presenting a suitable alternative to chromatographic methods or methods of electro?migration.
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Využití analýzy scénářů při řízení operačního rizika / Managing operational risk using scenario analysisVostatek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis is dealing with the contemporary issues of operational risk management in financial institutions. Author sets a theoretical basis and legal background of the topic and describes the contemporary practices of managing the operational risk. Author focuses on the scenario analysis as a specific method which is described and evaluated. Scenario analysis is applied on the rogue trading risk. In the thesis there is created a model institution on which author applies the operational risk theory using best practices and expert opinions. The model situation provides the analysis of the processes of the financial institution and choose the suitable measures in order to defend against the risk. The author also analyses the past cases of rogue trading which helps to understand the prevention and the historical significance of the operational risk.
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Zhodnocení vlivu aplikace vytěžených sedimentů z vodního díla Luhačovice na obsah rizikových prvků v orné půdě / Assessment the impact of the application of excavated sediments from the dam Luhačovice on the content of risk elements in arable soilKratěnová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on an issue concerning an excavated sediment application on an arable soil and its impact on the soil quality based on a particular case of a deposition of the sediment from the dam Luhačovice on an adjacent agricultural area. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on a soil and sediment characteristics and functions, contained risk elements, sampling methods, determination possibilities of particular risk elements and a description of conditions which emerged from a need for the deposition of sediment obtained during scavenging of the dam Luhačovice. In the experimental part was described the process of sampling, samples processing and determining of concentration values for chosen risk elements (Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb) using flame or electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry methods. This part also contains an evaluation of obtained results and a validation of an approval for the sediment deposition.
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Från schaktmassa till ballastprodukt : Om möjligheten att uppgradera schaktmassor med våtsiktningAfzelius, Alissa January 2020 (has links)
Byggsektorn är den bransch (exklusive gruvnäringen) som står för störst andel uppkommen avfall i Sverige, framförallt i form av schaktmassor. Marknaden för återvunna schaktmassor är idag begränsat, dels på grund av otydlig lagstiftning kring återvinning, dels på grund av massornas varierande innehåll. Uppgrävda överskottsmassor från gamla industrimarker kan innebära förhöjda föroreningshalter vilket leder till dyra behandlingar för köpare. Det är heller inte lika lätt att styra den geotekniska kvaliteten hos produkten när råvaran varierar i sammansättning. Vidare kommer produkter av återvunnet ursprung troligtvis vara utsatta för hårdare kontroller än produkter framtagna av jungfruligt material. Den större risken, tillsammans med få incitament att prioritera återvunna material i byggen försvårar säljbarheten. Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att undersöka ifall schaktmassor kan uppgraderas till högkvalitativa konstruktions- eller anläggningsprodukter som efterfrågas av marknaden. Swerocks våtsiktsanläggning i Malmö användes som studieobjekt och undersökningen begränsades till två fraktioner, sand i storlek 0–4 mm och grus i storlek 4–16 mm. Arbetet har utförts genom litteraturstudie, intervjuer samt analysering av provresultat, där tre forskningsfrågor kring användning, kravbild och kvalitet har legat som grund för undersökningarna. Resultatet visar att flera aktörer ställer sig positiva till ökad användning av återvunna ballastprodukter så länge dess kvalitet kan säkerställas, främst med avseende på innehållet av föroreningar. Ett stort hinder är den befintliga avfallslagstiftningen och dess avsaknad av tydliga kriterier för när avfallet kan omklassas till produkt. Det finns användningsområden som lämpar sig bättre för ett schaktmaterial av varierande ursprung, där de geotekniska materialkraven är färre. Studien visade att uppgraderat material kan uppfylla krav för utvalda applikationer inom fyllning och dränering enligt AMA Anläggning 17. Främsta krav där är på kornstorleksfördelning och sortering, vilket våtsikten klarar bra. Däremot gör AMA:s nuvarande materialtypsindelning att återvunna material förbises. Detta trots att de kan ha motsvarande egenskaper likt de efterfrågade materialtyperna. Vidare omfattas både fyllnad- och dränerandematerial av ballaststandard SS-EN 132 42 vilket gör att produkterna måste prestandadeklareras och CE-märkas enligt lag. Trots byggproduktskravet är detta något som ofta förbises hos både köpare och producenter. Gällande de kemiska innehållet hos det våtsiktade materialet visade den här studien på stor spridning samt föroreningshalter överstigande haltnivåer för MRR för PAH, koppar, bly och oljor i både sand och grus. En trend av ökande föroreningshalter i produkter i samband med att mer förorenat material togs in för behandling kunde även anas. Sammantaget innebär det en minskad säljbarhet av materialet trots att det uppfyllde krav enligt AMA 17. Antingen behöver fler behandlingssteg tilläggas, med ökade produktionskostnader som följd, eller mer restriktivt urval av vilka massor som tas in för behandling / Cirkulär masshantering med uppgraderade jord- och schaktmassor
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I februari 2007 beslutade Finansinspektionen att implementera Basel II:s rekommendationer och regleringar som resulterade i införandet av ett kapitalkrav för operativ risk. Internmätningsmetoden är den mest sofistikerade metoden för att beräkna ett kapitalkrav och utgår ifrån faktiska operativa förluster och ämnar att, utifrån dessa, modellera de risker som uppstår i samband med den operativa verksamheten. För att Finansinspektionen ska godkänna en internmätningsmetod kräver de att den inkluderar både intern och extern förlustdata. Vid användande av extern förlustdata är det viktigt att inse att en extern förlust inte är direkt representativ för en annan bank än den där den inträffade. Banker försöker därför ta fram metoder för att kunna skala externa förluster i ett försök att göra dem representativa för sin egen verksamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla och testa en metod för skalning av extern förlustdata. Teorierna kring skalning bygger idag till stor del på att låta bankspecifika variabler så som omsättning, antal anställda och geografisk placering vara förklarande för storleken av förluster hos olika banker. Med linjär regression är förhoppningen att sedan förstå hur de olika förklarande variablerna påverkar en förlust och därigenom kunna skala förlusterna. Befintliga metoder bygger idag på att göra en regression över en hel databas. Vår metod bygger på att de förklarande variablerna kan få större inverkan och signifikans vid uppdelande av databasen i olika händelsekategorier innan regressionen utförs. För att utvärdera detta använder vi två metoder. Dels den befintliga metoden där regression används över en hel databas och dels vår metod där regression görs inom varje händelsekategori för förluster. Våra resultat visar att olika förklarande variabler har olika stor inverkan inom olika händelsekategorier och därför inte bör inkluderas i en generell modell för skalning. Efter skalning enligt den gamla metoden och vår nya metod är skillnaderna för medelvärdesförluster inom olika händelsekategorier stora. Vår slutsats är att den nya metoden på ett rimligare sätt kan modellera operativa förluster då den endast inkluderar signifikanta variabler för vardera händelsekategorin. Dock har den nya metoden problem med uttunning av datapunkter inom händelsekategorierna. Detta skulle kunna hanteras genom att kombinera metoden med scenarioanalys eller att falla tillbaka på den gamla metoden för de händelsekategorier som inte ger robusta resultat. / In February 2007 Finansinspektionen decided to implement the Basel II regulatory requirements resulting in a capital requirement for operational losses. The Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) is the most sophisticated method for capital requirement calculations and it is based upon actual operational losses from which it models the risks associated with a bank’s possible operational errors. To get approval from Finansinspektionen to use an AMA method it is required to incorporate both internal and external loss data in the model. When using external data it is important to be aware of that an operational loss is only representative for the bank where it occurred. Based on this, banks are in need of methods to scale external losses to make them more representative for their own environments. The purpose of this paper is to develop and evaluate a method for scaling of external loss data. Today the theories of scaling are based upon the idea to let bank specific variables, such as revenue, number of employees and geographical region be explanatory for the size of operational losses within banks. With linear regression it is possible to estimate how much these explanatory variables effects a loss and then use the results to scale external losses. Today’s theories are designed and used to perform the regression over the whole dataset. Our method is based on the idea that the explanatory variables will have a greater impact and significance if the dataset is divided into different risk types before the regression is performed. To evaluate our approach we perform a test simulation on both the old method, where the regression is performed over the whole dataset and the new method where one regression is performed for each risk type. Our results show that different explanatory variables have different impact for different risk types and therefore should not always be included in an overall method for scaling. After scaling of the losses with both the old and our new method, we notice that the results for average loss size differ a lot within the different risk types. Our conclusion is that the new method is able to scale external losses in a more reasonable and accurate way since it only includes significant variables for each risk type. But, the new method has a problem with lacking of data points within the risk types. This could be handled by combining the method with scenario analysis or using the old method for the risk types that does not generate robust results.
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Plan de marketing para Meflo Hotel categoría 3 estrellas ubicado en la ciudad de Chachapoyas 2016Chambi Ticona, Dominik del Milagro, Díaz Vásquez, Anjhy Morely January 2017 (has links)
La presente tesis se ha realizado en Meflo Hotel categoría 3 estrellas en la ciudad de Chachapoyas 2016, dirigido a turistas nacionales e internacionales. Con el propósito de aumentar las ventas en el servicio de alojamiento y establecer una aceptación a través de un Plan de Marketing. Para obtener este trabajo de investigación, se realizó entrevistas a la administradora y la supervisora del Meflo Hotel; asimismo, una entrevista a Carlo Inga Galoc, gerente de la agencia de viajes Amazon Expedition, cuya información ayudó a conocer las necesidades, preferencias, gustos y atributos más valorados de los turistas. Además, se realizó un Focus Group conformado por turistas nacionales y extranjeros, donde expresaron sobre las preferencias y atributos que desean obtener por un servicio de hospedaje. Y, asimismo, una encuesta aplicada a 251 turistas, siendo 207 encuestados nacionales y 44 encuestados extranjeros. A través de la evaluación financiera del Plan de Marketing se obtuvo resultados positivos que demostraron que el plan es factible, y dan solución a los problemas de ocupabilidad que atraviesa Meflo Hotel y a provechar las múltiples oportunidades que brinda el mercado.
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