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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From a Dark Millennium Comes the Music of Amber: A Comparative Study of Two Works by Joseph Schwantner

Popejoy, James 08 1900 (has links)
The two works of Joseph Schwantner which are the focus of this study, are quite unique for this composer. These two pieces represent the only instance in which Schwantner used the same music for two different compositions. From a Dark Millennium, and Sanctuary from the Music of Amber, are identical in musical material, form and length. While From a Dark Millennium was written for a large wind ensemble, Sanctuary was scored for a sextet of flute, clarinet/bass clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion. The comparative analysis of these pieces reveal the essence of the music, as well as explores the scoring of each version. Both the melodic and harmonic material in this music is based almost entirely on an octatonic scale of alternating whole and half steps. Very little musical material is used in these works, however the approach toward expanding this material is exceptionally creative. The music shifts abruptly from sections that are sparse and soloistic, to scoring that is very dense. While the piano is utilized as the central timbre in both versions, the wind ensemble presents a much heavier and more percussive sound throughout. The chamber version, due to its size and instrumentation, is more ethereal, and features the performers in a soloistic environment. In examining both of these works, many of the distinctive traits found in the music of Joseph Schwantner are exhibited. The differences between these two versions help to illustrate his unique approach to composition and orchestration. The two works have also had a significant impact in their respective performance media as well. From a Dark Millennium has become an important part of the repertoire for wind ensembles; and Music of Amber, which won the 1981 Kennedy Center Friedheim Award for excellence in chamber composition, is one of Schwantner's most performed chamber pieces.

Étude théorique de l’extinction de fluorescence des protéines fluorescentes : champ de forces, mécanisme moléculaire et modèle cinétique / A theoretical study of the fluorescence quenching in fluorescent proteins : force field, molecular mechanism and kinetic model

Jonasson, Gabriella 18 July 2012 (has links)
Les protéines fluorescentes, comme la GFP (green fluorescent protein), sont des protéines naturellement fluorescentes qui sont utilisées pour leur rôle de marqueur, permettant de localiser des protéines dans les cellules et d'en suivre les déplacements. De nombreuses études expérimentales et théoriques ont été menées ces dix dernières années sur les protéines fluorescentes. De là, se forge une compréhension essentiellement qualitative du rôle de la protéine vis-à-vis de l’obtention ou non d’une émission radiative : il apparaît que la protéine permet la fluorescence en bloquant les processus qui la désactivent ; ces processus de désactivation sont très rapides et efficaces (à l'échelle de la picoseconde) dans le cas du chromophore seul, et ils sont bien identifiés comme étant des torsions autour des liaisons intercycles (tau et phi). Dans la protéine, la sensibilité des temps de vie de fluorescence à des mutations proches ou non du chromophore, à des modifications de pH ou de température laisse supposer un contrôle de la dynamique du chromophore par différents paramètres, sans qu’ils soient pour autant identifiés et mis en relation.Une étude de la dynamique de la protéine permettrait de faire la lumière sur les mécanismes responsables de ces phénomènes photophysiques pour lesquels une analyse structurale ne suffit pas. Cependant l'étude de la dynamique est limitée par la taille du système (>30 000 atomes), par l'échelle de temps des phénomènes photophysiques considérés (dizaine de nanosecondes) et par le fait que les deux torsions tau et phi sont fortement couplées dans l'état excité du chromophore. Ces trois facteurs excluent les méthodes de dynamique existantes aujourd'hui ; dynamique quantique (AIMD), dynamique mixte classique-quantique (QM/MD) et dynamique moléculaire classique (MD).Nous avons surmonté le problème par la modélisation de la surface d’énergie potentielle de torsion du chromophore à l’état excité basée sur des calculs quantiques de haute précision, par une interpolation des valeurs obtenues par une expression analytique appropriée en fonction des angles de torsion tau et phi et avec une précision suffisante pour reproduire des barrières de l’ordre de la kcal/mol, et enfin, par l’implémentation de cette expression analytique dans le programme parallèle AMBER. Une deuxième difficulté théorique concerne la simulation et l’analyse statistique d’événements peu fréquents à l’échelle de la nanoseconde, et dont on ne connait pas le chemin de réaction, ici les déformations de la protéine et du chromophore conduisant aux géométries favorables à la conversion interne. Grâce à ces développements et aux simulations qu'ils ont permises, nous avons réalisé la première modélisation de la désactivation non-radiative par conversion interne à l’échelle de la nanoseconde dans trois protéines fluorescentes différentes. L’analyse des dynamiques moléculaires classiques nous donne une évaluation quantitative des temps de vie de l’extinction de fluorescence, en accord avec les données expérimentales. Par ailleurs elle nous a permis d'identifier les mouvements moléculaires concertés de la protéine et du chromophore conduisant à cette extinction. De ces résultats, émerge une représentation plus complète du mécanisme qui libère la torsion du chromophore ou qui la déclenche : il peut venir d’un mouvement spécifique de la protéine, qui se produit à l’échelle de la nanoseconde, ou bien de plusieurs mouvements spécifiques, plus fréquents (rupture de liaisons hydrogène, rotation de chaînes latérales, dynamique d'agrégats d’eau), mais qui coïncident seulement à l’échelle de la nanoseconde. Ces mouvements spécifiques n’ont pas un coût énergétique important mais la nécessité de leur coïncidence crée un délai de l’ordre de quelques nanosecondes alors que dans le vide la torsion se produit en quelques picosecondes. Dans le cas des protéines étudiées, on a identifié en grande partie les mécanismes et les acides aminés qui sont impliqués. / Fluorescent proteins, like GFP (green fluorescent protein), are efficient sensors for a variety of physical-chemical properties and they are extensively used as markers in living cells imaging. These proteins have been widely studied both experimentally and theoretically the last decade. The comprehension of the protein's role in the regulation of the radiative emission is today essentially qualitative: it appears that the protein enables the fluorescence by blocking the processes that deactivates it; the deactivating processes are very quick and efficient (on the picosecond time scale) when the chromophore is isolated, and they are identified as being the torsions around the central bonds of the chromophore (tau and phi). The fluorescence lifetimes of a protein is very sensitive to mutations in the vicinity of the chromophore, to modifications in pH or in temperature. This seems to indicate a control of the dynamics of the chromophore by different parameters, that are not necessarily identified.A study of the dynamics of the protein would allow a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that are responsible for the fluorescence quenching. From a theoretical point of view, one is faced with three difficulties in this type of study: the size of the system (>30 000 atoms including a water box), the required time scale (tens of nanoseconds) and the fact that the torsions tau and phi are strongly coupled in the excited state of the chromophore. We must thus rule out the already existing dynamics methods: quantum dynamics (AIMD), mixed classical-quantum dynamics (QM/MD) and classical molecular dynamics (MD).We have overcome this problem by modeling the torsional potential energy surface of the chromophore in the first excited state trough high precision quantum calculations, by interpolating the energy values with an analytical fitting expression depending on the torsions tau and phi and with a precision high enough to reproduce barriers of the order of 1 kcal/mol, and lastly, by implementing this fitting expression in a parallelized version of the MD program AMBER. Another theoretical difficulty concerns the simulation and the statistical analysis of rare events on the nanosecond time scale without knowing the reaction path in advance, i.e. the deformations of the protein and of the chromophore leading to geometries where the internal conversion is favored. As a result of these developments and of the simulations they have enabled, we have been able to model, for the first time, the non-radiative deactivation by internal conversion at the nanosecond time scale in three different fluorescent proteins. The analysis of the classical molecular dynamics gives us a quantitative evaluation of the lifetime of the fluorescence extinction, in agreement with experimental results. In addition, it has allowed us to identify the concerted molecular movements between the protein and the chromophore leading to this extinction. A more complete representation of the mechanism that liberates or provokes the chromophore torsion emerges from these results: it could be a specific movement of the protein, that occurs on the nanosecond timescale, or several specific movements that occur more frequently (breakage of a hydrogen bond, rotation of side chains, dynamics of a water cluster), but that coincide only on the nanosecond time scale. These specific movements do not have a high energy cost but the need for them to coincide creates a delay of several nanoseconds compared to the chromophore torsion in vacuo which occurs after a few picoseconds. In the proteins we have studied (GFP, YFP and Padron), we have identified the principle components of the mechanisms and the amino acids that are implicated in this chromophore-protein interplay.

Accelerated sampling of energy landscapes

Mantell, Rosemary Genevieve January 2017 (has links)
In this project, various computational energy landscape methods were accelerated using graphics processing units (GPUs). Basin-hopping global optimisation was treated using a version of the limited-memory BFGS algorithm adapted for CUDA, in combination with GPU-acceleration of the potential calculation. The Lennard-Jones potential was implemented using CUDA, and an interface to the GPU-accelerated AMBER potential was constructed. These results were then extended to form the basis of a GPU-accelerated version of hybrid eigenvector-following. The doubly-nudged elastic band method was also accelerated using an interface to the potential calculation on GPU. Additionally, a local rigid body framework was adapted for GPU hardware. Tests were performed for eight biomolecules represented using the AMBER potential, ranging in size from 81 to 22\,811 atoms, and the effects of minimiser history size and local rigidification on the overall efficiency were analysed. Improvements relative to CPU performance of up to two orders of magnitude were obtained for the largest systems. These methods have been successfully applied to both biological systems and atomic clusters. An existing interface between a code for free energy basin-hopping and the SuiteSparse package for sparse Cholesky factorisation was refined, validated and tested. Tests were performed for both Lennard-Jones clusters and selected biomolecules represented using the AMBER potential. Significant acceleration of the vibrational frequency calculations was achieved, with negligible loss of accuracy, relative to the standard diagonalisation procedure. For the larger systems, exploiting sparsity reduces the computational cost by factors of 10 to 30. The acceleration of these computational energy landscape methods opens up the possibility of investigating much larger and more complex systems than previously accessible. A wide array of new applications are now computationally feasible.

En arkeologi av det animistiska : Om den mesolitiska ornamentiken i Östersjöområdet / An Archaeology of Animacy : On the Mesolithic Ornamentation of the Baltic Sea

Solfeldt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the material known as the Mesolithic portable art. Earlier research have interpreted the material as representative art relating to ideology, mythology, prestige, ritual practices,and tribalism. Such interpretations are based on theoretical frameworks that build on hylomorphism and Cartesian metaphysics. By a change of theoretical framework, to a new animistic perspective based on a combination of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s rhizome theory, Tim Ingold’s meshwork and Giordano Bruno’s theory of bonds in general, followed by the use of ChantalConneller’s method rhizomatic chaîne opératoire, I conclude that the motifs on the tools and pendants are communications to the animated subjects that make up and inhabit the environment. Furthermore, I conclude that the binary positions of function and ritual cannot be applied when studying the formgenerating process of this material, as the tools and pendants along with their applied motifs are a result of what is in between these binary positions.

Non-canonical amino acid incorporation as a strategy for labeling membrane bound Na+/K+-ATPase for fluorescence microscopy imaging

Johansson Holopainen, Adam January 2023 (has links)
Natrium-kaliumpumpen spelar en väsentlig roll i en rad fysiologiska funktioner då den upprätthåller den elektrokemiska gradienten över cellmembranet. Ytterligare så är störningar i dess funktion associerade med flera neurologiska sjukdomar. Proteinet är en heterodimer av α– och β–subenheter, ibland även associerat med en tredje γ (FXYD) subenhet, vilket gör det problematiskt att studera dess högre ordningens organisation i cellmembranet med hjälp av konventionella, relativt storskaliga inmärkiningsprober såsom antikroppar. Inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror är ett nyutvecklat och växande område som erbjuder en lösning. Genom CuAAC– och SPIEDAC–klickkonjugationsreaktioner kan organiska färgämnen (fluoroforer) snabbt och specifikt fästas i sidokedjor med motsvarande reaktiva grupper på jonpumpen, vilket skapar en liten och icke-invasiv inmärkningsprob för fluorescensmikroskopi. För att specifikt studera alla tre subenheter samtidigt krävs inmärkning med tre olika fluoroforer). Syftet med detta projekt var att lyckas med trefärgsinmärkning genom inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror, och därigenom underlätta studerandet av hur natrium-kaliumpumpens subenheter ordnar sig i cellmembranet. Transient transfekterade HEK293T-celler med membraninmärkta jonpumpar studerades med hjälp av fluorescensmikroskopi, vilket kompletterades med gelfluorescensavbildning och immunoblotting. Samtidigt gjordes proteinuttryck och tvåfärgsinmärkning av alla nonsenskodonmuterade subenheter i kombination med varandra och var synlig i proteingel, där endast α och β tidigare hade samuttryckts. α/γ parinmärkning visade sig framgångsrik när de samtransfekterades med β av vildtyp. En autofluorescenseffekt i en av färgkanalerna påverkade resultaten för mikroskopin. Trefärgsinmärkning observerades inte i gelen, och uttrycket av subenheterna (varav α var ersatt för detta experiment) var i stort sett obefintligt. Otydlighet består därmed huruvida trefärgsinmärkning eller trippelsamuttryck är möjligt med de bioortogonala translationssystemen som användes i detta projekt på jonpumpen. / Na+/K+-ATPase is an essential ion pump protein in a host of physiological functions as it maintains the electrochemical gradient across cell membranes. Additionally, its dysfunction is implicated in several neurological diseases. The protein is a heterodimer of α and β subunits, occasionally associated with a third γ (FXYD) subunit, which makes studying its higher order organization in the cell membrane difficult using conventional, relatively large scale labeling probes such as antibodies. Non-canonical amino acid incorporation is an emerging field which offers a solution. Via CuAAC and SPIEDAC click conjugation reactions, organic fluorophores can be specifically attached to the side chains of residues of the ion pump with corresponding reactive moieties, creating a small and noninvasive probe for fluorescence microscopy imaging. In order to specifically image all three subunits concurrently, three color labeling is required. The objective of this project was to achieve three color labeling via non-canonical amino acid incorporation to aid in the study of the cell membrane localization of the subunits of Na+/K+-ATPase. Fluorescence microscopy of transiently transfected and live cell labeled HEK293T cells was complemented by in gel fluorescence imaging and immunoblotting. Coexpression and two color labeling of all nonsense codon subunit mutants in combination was shown in gel, of which only α and β had previously been coexpressed. α/γ dual labeling proved successful when cotransfected with wild type β. An autofluorescent effect in one of the color channels compromised the microscopy results. Three color labeling was not observed in gel, and expression of the subunits (including a substitute for α) was middling to absent. It remains unclear whether three color labeling or triple coexpression is a possibility with the bioorthogonal translation systems used in this project.

The Vigani Cabinet - Analysis of historical resinous materials by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy / Das Vigani Kabinett - Analyse von historischen Harzen mittels Gaschromatography-Massenspectrometrie und Infrarotspectroskopie

Steigenberger, Gundel 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Natural resins have been in use for a long time and for manifold purposes resulting in a long and complex terminological history. The investigation of this history has so far been based on the connection between nomenclature and chemical composition. Because resin chemistry and the botanical classification of source plants are connected as well, the investigation of natural resins can be enhanced by adding taxonomy as an additional dimension, providing a more complex and complete picture of resin chemistry and resin use. The Vigani Cabinet, a collection of 300-year-old pharmaceutical and chemical materials owned by Queens’ College, Cambridge (UK), allows doing just that. A wide range of historical literature provides information about contemporary terminology, botanical and geographical origin, manufacture, trade and properties of resinous materials from the 18th century. This contemporary context is a particular feature of the Cabinet, which allows adding a historical dimension to the correlations between terminology, chemical composition and taxonomy. The dissertation thesis presented here provides an investigation of 17 botanical, 80 reference materials and samples from 24 natural resins from the Vigani Cabinet, studying these complex correlations and changes over time. The analytical method employed in this study was gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with and without methylation with trimethylsulfoniumhydroxide. This technique provided detailed molecular compositions of the studied materials. Analysed botanical samples are taken from Pinaceae, Cupressaceae and Pistacia resins, commerical references from Araucariaceae, Copaifera, Fabaceae, Myroxylon and Burseraceae. Additionally, the soluble fraction of Baltic amber was analysed. Materials from the Vigani Cabinet analysed in this work were labelled as "turpentines", "pix burgundica", "sandaracha", "copaiba", "balsamum peruvianum and tolutanum", "mastiche", "anime", "copal", "elemi", "tacamahaca" and "succinum". Historical nomenclature of natural resins has not always been unequivocally associated with a botanical origin. The availability of natural resins changed throughout the centuries. Lack of knowledge, in particular about resins from over-seas, or adulterations resulting from changing harvesting methods, led to changes in trade names or variations in the composition of products traded under the same name. Generic names were used for resins with similar properties but different botanical (and geographical) origin. The thesis shows that a chemotaxonomic reference system is suitable for the identification of unknown resinous materials, and a number of new insights into the nomenclature of natural resins from the 17th and 18th century is obtained. The study of historical literature contributed in a significant way to the historico-cultural and archeometric research of the samples from the Vigani Cabinet and of natural resins in general and provided a basis for the interpretation of the chemical data from the Vigani samples. / Naturharze werden schon lange für sehr unterschiedliche Zwecke verwendet. Dies hat zu einer oft komplizierten Terminologie geführt, deren Untersuchung sich bisher auf den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Namen des Harzes und seiner chemischer Zusammensetzung stützte. Letztere ist aber auch mit der botanischer Herkunft und damit der Biochemie der Stammpflanze verknüpft, weshalb man chemotaxonomische Aspekte für die systematische Untersuchung von Naturharzen als zusätzliche Variablen nutzen kann. Dadurch erhält man, wie die gezeigt werden soll, ein vollständigeres und komplexeres Bild der Chemie und Nutzung von Naturharzen. Die hier präsentierte Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem Vigani-Kabinett, einer 300 Jahre alten pharmazeutischen Materialiensammlung, die sich im Queens‘ College, Cambridge (UK), befindet. In der Literatur des ausgehenden 17. und des 18. Jahrhunderts finden sich zahlreiche Informationen zu Terminologie, botanischer und geographischer Herkunft, Verarbeitung, Handel und Eigenschaften von Naturharzen. Dadurch wird die historische Dimension des oben beschriebenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Terminologie, chemischer Zusammensetzung und Taxonomie erfahrbar. In der Arbeit werden 17 botanische Proben, 80 moderne Referenzmaterialien und 24 Proben aus dem Vigani-Kabinett im Hinblick auf diese Zusammenhänge und Veränderungen untersucht.Die chemischen Analysen wurden mit gekoppelter Gaschromatografie-Massenspektrometrie mit und ohne Methylierung mit Trimethylsulfoniumhydroxid durchgeführt. Damit konnte die molekulare Zusammensetzung der Proben detailliert untersucht werden. Die untersuchten botanischen Proben stammten von Pinaceae, Cupressaceae und Pistaciaharzen, kommerzielle Referenzen von Araucariaceae, Copaifera, Fabaceae, Myroxylon und Burseraceaeharzen. Zusätzlich wurde noch die lösliche Fraktion von Baltischem Bernstein untersucht. Die untersuchten Proben aus dem Vigani-Kabinett waren sowohl englisch als auch Latein mit "turpentines", "pix burgundica", "sandaracha", "copaiba", "mastiche", "anime", "copal", "elemi", "tacamahaca", "balsamum peruvianum and tolutanum" und "succinum" beschriftet. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die historische Nomenklatur von Naturharzen nicht immer eindeutig mit ihrem botanischen Ursprung verknüpft war. Zusätzlich veränderte sich die Erhältlichkeit der Harze im Laufe der Jahrhunderte. Durch fehlendes Wissen, insbesondere für Materialien und Pflanzen aus Übersee, oder Verfälschungen aufgrund von veränderten Fördermethoden veränderten sich die Handelsnamen dieser Materialien oder die Zusammensetzung von Materialien, die unter demselben Namen gehandelt wurden. Harze mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften aber unterschiedlichen botanischen (und geographischen) Ursprungs trugen generische Namen. Die Arbeit zeigt jedoch, dass ein chemotaxonomisches Bezugssystem die Identifizierung von unbekannten Harzen ermöglicht, und zeigt eine Reihe neuer Erkenntnisse über die Nomenklatur von Naturharzen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Untersuchung historischer Quellen trug dabei sehr zur Erhellung des historisch-kulturellen und archeometrischen Hintergrundes und zur Interpretation der chemischen Daten der Vigani-Proben bei.

Osídlení Českého ráje v době lužických popelnicových polí / Settlement of Bohemian Paradise in the Period of Lusatian Urn Fields

Žilincová, Lucia January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of arts Institute of Prehistory and Early History Lucia Žilincová SETTLEMENT OF BOHEMIAN PARADISE IN THE PERIOD OF LUSATIAN URN FIELDS Dissertation thesis Summary: The main aim of my dissertation thesis is to contribute to better understanding of the Bohemian Paradise settlement in the Lusatian urn fields period and its relation and contacts to the neighbouring areas. The basic source is archaeological material from seven cemeteries (Sovenice /bez. Mladá Boleslav/, Sovenice /bez. Nymburk/, Svijany, Svijanský Újezd, Koryta, Březina, Příšovice) and two settlements of the Lusatian culture (Turnov-Maškovy zahrady, Svijany). Its analysis is basis for enrichement knowledge of Lusatian material culture and its clue for completing of missing elements in chronological development. Inevitable part of this work is substitution of these localities to the Bomemian Paradise frame and classification in the wider space of this culture widespreading. On the base of acquired knowledge I will try to solve the question of possibility for comparation of the settlement and burial material of Lusatian culture. 2016

The Vigani Cabinet - Analysis of historical resinous materials by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy

Steigenberger, Gundel 14 May 2013 (has links)
Natural resins have been in use for a long time and for manifold purposes resulting in a long and complex terminological history. The investigation of this history has so far been based on the connection between nomenclature and chemical composition. Because resin chemistry and the botanical classification of source plants are connected as well, the investigation of natural resins can be enhanced by adding taxonomy as an additional dimension, providing a more complex and complete picture of resin chemistry and resin use. The Vigani Cabinet, a collection of 300-year-old pharmaceutical and chemical materials owned by Queens’ College, Cambridge (UK), allows doing just that. A wide range of historical literature provides information about contemporary terminology, botanical and geographical origin, manufacture, trade and properties of resinous materials from the 18th century. This contemporary context is a particular feature of the Cabinet, which allows adding a historical dimension to the correlations between terminology, chemical composition and taxonomy. The dissertation thesis presented here provides an investigation of 17 botanical, 80 reference materials and samples from 24 natural resins from the Vigani Cabinet, studying these complex correlations and changes over time. The analytical method employed in this study was gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with and without methylation with trimethylsulfoniumhydroxide. This technique provided detailed molecular compositions of the studied materials. Analysed botanical samples are taken from Pinaceae, Cupressaceae and Pistacia resins, commerical references from Araucariaceae, Copaifera, Fabaceae, Myroxylon and Burseraceae. Additionally, the soluble fraction of Baltic amber was analysed. Materials from the Vigani Cabinet analysed in this work were labelled as "turpentines", "pix burgundica", "sandaracha", "copaiba", "balsamum peruvianum and tolutanum", "mastiche", "anime", "copal", "elemi", "tacamahaca" and "succinum". Historical nomenclature of natural resins has not always been unequivocally associated with a botanical origin. The availability of natural resins changed throughout the centuries. Lack of knowledge, in particular about resins from over-seas, or adulterations resulting from changing harvesting methods, led to changes in trade names or variations in the composition of products traded under the same name. Generic names were used for resins with similar properties but different botanical (and geographical) origin. The thesis shows that a chemotaxonomic reference system is suitable for the identification of unknown resinous materials, and a number of new insights into the nomenclature of natural resins from the 17th and 18th century is obtained. The study of historical literature contributed in a significant way to the historico-cultural and archeometric research of the samples from the Vigani Cabinet and of natural resins in general and provided a basis for the interpretation of the chemical data from the Vigani samples.:CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Natural resins in a historical and modern context 1 1.2 The Vigani Cabinet and its historical background 3 1.3 Aim of the thesis - outline 6 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 9 2.1.1 Pinaceae 9 2.1.2 Cupressaceae 17 2.1.3 Araucariaceae 20 2.2 Angiosperm resins I – Fabales 21 2.3 Angiosperm resins II – Sapindales 30 2.3.1 Anacardiaceae 30 2.3.2 Burseraceae 35 2.3.3 Rutaceae 43 2.4 Fossil resins 45 2.5 Summary and research deficits 49 3 EXPERIMENTAL 53 3.1 Coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 53 3.1.1 Materials 53 3.1.2 Sample preparation 54 3.1.3 Instrumentation 54 3.1.4 Data-Evaluation 58 3.2 Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy 60 3.2.1 Sample preparation 61 3.2.2 Instrumentation 61 3.2.3 Data evaluation 61 4 RESULTS – REFERENCE MATERIALS 62 4.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 62 4.1.1 Pinaceae – Coniferous turpentines 62 Phytochemical markers – detection of adulterations 62 Aging by heat and light 73 4.1.2 Cupressaceae – Sandarac 80 4.1.3 Araucariaceae – Coniferous copals 88 4.1.4 Discussion 91 4.2 Angiosperm Resins I - Fabales 94 4.2.1 Copaifera – Copaiba balsam 94 4.2.2 Legume copals 102 4.2.3 Myroxylon – Balsam of Tolu and Peru 108 4.2.4 Discussion 117 4.3 Angiosperm resins II - Sapindales 120 4.3.1 Anacardiaceae – Pistacia resins 120 4.3.2 Burseraceae – Elemi, copal and others 127 4.3.3 Discussion 142 4.4 Fossil resins 144 4.4.1 Baltic amber 144 4.4.2 Discussion 153 4.5 Summary and research deficits 155 5 RESULTS – RESINOUS MATERIALS FROM THE VIGANI CABINET 160 5.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 162 5.1.1 1/8 Terebin. Strasb. 163 5.1.2 1/9 Tereb Com 170 5.1.3 1/10 Venice Turpentine 176 5.1.4 1/11 Venic. Turpent. 183 5.1.5 1/13 Tereb E Chio 188 5.1.6 A/23 Pix Burgundica 194 5.1.7 A/26 Sandaracha 203 5.2 Angiosperm resins I - Fabales 210 5.2.1 1/4 Balsam Cipivi 211 5.2.2 A/5 Gum Animi 218 5.2.3 La2/7 Unknown resin 228 5.2.4 1/31 Bals Peruv 230 5.2.5 2/1 Bals Peru 237 5.2.6 Z/17 Balsam Tolutanum 240 5. 3 Angiosperm resins II – Sapindales 245 5.3.1 A/11 Mastiche 246 5.3.2 1/14 Tereb i E Cypri 252 5.3.3 A/21 Gum Copal 258 5.3.4 A/24 [.] Elemi 268 5.3.5 A/22 Tacamahaca 276 5.3.6 Z/1 Tacamahaca 283 5.4 Fossil Resins 287 5.4.1 E/13 Succinum Citrinum 288 5.4.2 E/14 Succinum flavan 295 5.4.3 E/15 Succinum albam 302 5.4.4 E/16 Succinum nigram 307 5.4.5 F/13 L. Gagatis 313 6 CONCLUSIONS 316 7 REFERENCES 324 APPENDIX 365 Investigated materials from the Vigani Cabinet 366 Annotated list of historical literature 367 List of figures 374 List of tables 379 Compound lists 381 Atlas of mass spectra 422 / Naturharze werden schon lange für sehr unterschiedliche Zwecke verwendet. Dies hat zu einer oft komplizierten Terminologie geführt, deren Untersuchung sich bisher auf den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Namen des Harzes und seiner chemischer Zusammensetzung stützte. Letztere ist aber auch mit der botanischer Herkunft und damit der Biochemie der Stammpflanze verknüpft, weshalb man chemotaxonomische Aspekte für die systematische Untersuchung von Naturharzen als zusätzliche Variablen nutzen kann. Dadurch erhält man, wie die gezeigt werden soll, ein vollständigeres und komplexeres Bild der Chemie und Nutzung von Naturharzen. Die hier präsentierte Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem Vigani-Kabinett, einer 300 Jahre alten pharmazeutischen Materialiensammlung, die sich im Queens‘ College, Cambridge (UK), befindet. In der Literatur des ausgehenden 17. und des 18. Jahrhunderts finden sich zahlreiche Informationen zu Terminologie, botanischer und geographischer Herkunft, Verarbeitung, Handel und Eigenschaften von Naturharzen. Dadurch wird die historische Dimension des oben beschriebenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Terminologie, chemischer Zusammensetzung und Taxonomie erfahrbar. In der Arbeit werden 17 botanische Proben, 80 moderne Referenzmaterialien und 24 Proben aus dem Vigani-Kabinett im Hinblick auf diese Zusammenhänge und Veränderungen untersucht.Die chemischen Analysen wurden mit gekoppelter Gaschromatografie-Massenspektrometrie mit und ohne Methylierung mit Trimethylsulfoniumhydroxid durchgeführt. Damit konnte die molekulare Zusammensetzung der Proben detailliert untersucht werden. Die untersuchten botanischen Proben stammten von Pinaceae, Cupressaceae und Pistaciaharzen, kommerzielle Referenzen von Araucariaceae, Copaifera, Fabaceae, Myroxylon und Burseraceaeharzen. Zusätzlich wurde noch die lösliche Fraktion von Baltischem Bernstein untersucht. Die untersuchten Proben aus dem Vigani-Kabinett waren sowohl englisch als auch Latein mit "turpentines", "pix burgundica", "sandaracha", "copaiba", "mastiche", "anime", "copal", "elemi", "tacamahaca", "balsamum peruvianum and tolutanum" und "succinum" beschriftet. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die historische Nomenklatur von Naturharzen nicht immer eindeutig mit ihrem botanischen Ursprung verknüpft war. Zusätzlich veränderte sich die Erhältlichkeit der Harze im Laufe der Jahrhunderte. Durch fehlendes Wissen, insbesondere für Materialien und Pflanzen aus Übersee, oder Verfälschungen aufgrund von veränderten Fördermethoden veränderten sich die Handelsnamen dieser Materialien oder die Zusammensetzung von Materialien, die unter demselben Namen gehandelt wurden. Harze mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften aber unterschiedlichen botanischen (und geographischen) Ursprungs trugen generische Namen. Die Arbeit zeigt jedoch, dass ein chemotaxonomisches Bezugssystem die Identifizierung von unbekannten Harzen ermöglicht, und zeigt eine Reihe neuer Erkenntnisse über die Nomenklatur von Naturharzen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Untersuchung historischer Quellen trug dabei sehr zur Erhellung des historisch-kulturellen und archeometrischen Hintergrundes und zur Interpretation der chemischen Daten der Vigani-Proben bei.:CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Natural resins in a historical and modern context 1 1.2 The Vigani Cabinet and its historical background 3 1.3 Aim of the thesis - outline 6 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 9 2.1.1 Pinaceae 9 2.1.2 Cupressaceae 17 2.1.3 Araucariaceae 20 2.2 Angiosperm resins I – Fabales 21 2.3 Angiosperm resins II – Sapindales 30 2.3.1 Anacardiaceae 30 2.3.2 Burseraceae 35 2.3.3 Rutaceae 43 2.4 Fossil resins 45 2.5 Summary and research deficits 49 3 EXPERIMENTAL 53 3.1 Coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 53 3.1.1 Materials 53 3.1.2 Sample preparation 54 3.1.3 Instrumentation 54 3.1.4 Data-Evaluation 58 3.2 Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy 60 3.2.1 Sample preparation 61 3.2.2 Instrumentation 61 3.2.3 Data evaluation 61 4 RESULTS – REFERENCE MATERIALS 62 4.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 62 4.1.1 Pinaceae – Coniferous turpentines 62 Phytochemical markers – detection of adulterations 62 Aging by heat and light 73 4.1.2 Cupressaceae – Sandarac 80 4.1.3 Araucariaceae – Coniferous copals 88 4.1.4 Discussion 91 4.2 Angiosperm Resins I - Fabales 94 4.2.1 Copaifera – Copaiba balsam 94 4.2.2 Legume copals 102 4.2.3 Myroxylon – Balsam of Tolu and Peru 108 4.2.4 Discussion 117 4.3 Angiosperm resins II - Sapindales 120 4.3.1 Anacardiaceae – Pistacia resins 120 4.3.2 Burseraceae – Elemi, copal and others 127 4.3.3 Discussion 142 4.4 Fossil resins 144 4.4.1 Baltic amber 144 4.4.2 Discussion 153 4.5 Summary and research deficits 155 5 RESULTS – RESINOUS MATERIALS FROM THE VIGANI CABINET 160 5.1 Gymnosperm resins – conifer resins and products 162 5.1.1 1/8 Terebin. Strasb. 163 5.1.2 1/9 Tereb Com 170 5.1.3 1/10 Venice Turpentine 176 5.1.4 1/11 Venic. Turpent. 183 5.1.5 1/13 Tereb E Chio 188 5.1.6 A/23 Pix Burgundica 194 5.1.7 A/26 Sandaracha 203 5.2 Angiosperm resins I - Fabales 210 5.2.1 1/4 Balsam Cipivi 211 5.2.2 A/5 Gum Animi 218 5.2.3 La2/7 Unknown resin 228 5.2.4 1/31 Bals Peruv 230 5.2.5 2/1 Bals Peru 237 5.2.6 Z/17 Balsam Tolutanum 240 5. 3 Angiosperm resins II – Sapindales 245 5.3.1 A/11 Mastiche 246 5.3.2 1/14 Tereb i E Cypri 252 5.3.3 A/21 Gum Copal 258 5.3.4 A/24 [.] Elemi 268 5.3.5 A/22 Tacamahaca 276 5.3.6 Z/1 Tacamahaca 283 5.4 Fossil Resins 287 5.4.1 E/13 Succinum Citrinum 288 5.4.2 E/14 Succinum flavan 295 5.4.3 E/15 Succinum albam 302 5.4.4 E/16 Succinum nigram 307 5.4.5 F/13 L. Gagatis 313 6 CONCLUSIONS 316 7 REFERENCES 324 APPENDIX 365 Investigated materials from the Vigani Cabinet 366 Annotated list of historical literature 367 List of figures 374 List of tables 379 Compound lists 381 Atlas of mass spectra 422

Orthogonality and Codon Preference of the Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase-tRNAPyl pair in Escherichia coli for the Genetic Code Expansion

Odoi, Keturah 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Systematic studies of basal nonsense suppression, orthogonality of tRNAPyl variants, and cross recognition between codons and tRNA anticodons are reported. E. coli displays detectable basal amber and opal suppression but shows a negligible ochre suppression. Although detectable, basal amber suppression is fully inhibited when a pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (PylRS)-tRNAPyl_CUA pair is genetically encoded. trnaPyl_CUA is aminoacylated by an E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase at a low level, however, this misaminoacylation is fully inhibited when both PylRS and its substrate are present. Besides that it is fully orthogonal in E. coli and can be coupled with PylRS to genetically incorporate a NAA at an ochre codon, tRNAPyl_UUA is not able to recognize an UAG codon to induce amber suppression. This observation is in direct conflict with the wobble base pair hypothesis and enables using an evolved M. jannaschii tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase-tRNAPyl_UUA pair and the wild type or evolved PylRS-tRNAPyl_UUA pair to genetically incorporate two different NAAs at amber and ochre codons. tRNAPyl_UCA is charged by E. coli tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase, thus not orthogonal in E. coli. Mutagenic studies of trnaPyl_UCA led to the discovery of its G73U form which shows a higher orthogonality. Mutating trnaPyl_CUA to trnaPyl_UCCU not only leads to the loss of the relative orthogonality of tRNAPyl in E. coli but also abolishes its aminoacylation by PylRS.

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