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Shaping popular culture : radio broadcasting, mass entertainment and the work of the BBC Variety Department, 1933-1967Dibbs, Martin G. R. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent to which the BBC was able to shape the output of popular culture on radio in Britain, according to its own system of beliefs, between the years 1933 and 1967. This research will show that from the outset, the BBC was an institution with a mission to inform, educate and entertain the nation. While it was not opposed to entertainment, its focus was didactic and supported a mission to improve its audience both culturally and intellectually. This policy was not always welcomed by the audience but, with the exception of the war years, persisted into mid 1950s. The Variety Department was formed in 1933 to produce all forms of light entertainment and this research will examine how its policies shaped the production of popular culture over the period concerned. This study looks not only at the workings of the Variety Department but also the topics of Americanisation and vulgarity, the two areas in which the BBC had particular sensitivities. It analyses the BBC's strategies to counteract the American effect on popular music and spoken-word programmes and how it provided its own particularly British form of entertainment in order to produce programmes it considered suitable for British audiences. It also investigates programme censorship imposed by the BBC to mitigate vulgarity in programmes, so as to produce those it considered suitable for its audiences. This thesis will contend that for over 40 years the BBC Variety Department produced popular entertainment programmes on radio which became an integral part of people's daily lives until, within a few years radio was superseded by television as the nation's principal provider of domestic entertainment. There has been no discrete study of the BBC Variety Department and it is intended that this research will add to the existing scholarship in BBC history and contribute to the analysis of radio's place in domestic popular culture in the period examined.
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"De Concilio's Catechism," Catechists, and the History of the Baltimore CatechismRocha, Biff January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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As conferências pan-americanas: identidades, união aduaneira e arbitragem (1889-1928) / The pan-american conferences: identity, customs union and arbitrament (1889 - 1928)Dulci, Tereza Maria Spyer 02 July 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa as manifestações brasileiras nas Conferências Pan-Americanas, entre 1889 e 1928. Busca-se compreender os discursos identitários construídos pelos países representados nas Conferências, bem como quais foram os argumentos que definiram as proximidades e os distanciamentos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos e entre o Brasil e os demais países latino-americanos, especialmente os países do Cone Sul. Procura-se entender, ainda, os debates em torno da proposta de união aduaneira e as discussões sobre a questão da arbitragem. / The current work analyzes the Brazilian manifestations at the Pan-American Conferences, between the years of 1889 and 1928. The main goal is to understand the identitary adresses built by the countries that were represented at the Conferences, as well as to define what were the arguments that explained the proximities and distances between Brazil and United States, and Brazil and the other Latin-American countries. It is also a goal to understand the debates about the customs union, as well as the discussions on the arbitrament issues.
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Memorial da América Latina: sentidos do discurso de fundação (1987-2017) / Memorial of Latin America: meanings of the founding discourse (1987-2017)Souza, Luana Nascimento de Lima 03 October 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa é um estudo da história e do funcionamento do Memorial da América Latina, entre os anos de 1987 e 2017. A instituição foi pensada para ser um centro cívico, cultural e acadêmico destinado a promover a integração latino-americana por meio da cultura. O monumento é gerido pela Fundação Memorial da América Latina (FMAL) e vinculado à Secretaria de Cultura do Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Tem-se como problema: o Memorial se tornou o que deveria ser? A partir desse questionamento, foi traçado o objetivo geral de verificar se a concepção do Memorial, pensada por seus idealizadores, orienta a sua atuação. Nesse sentido, foram escolhidos como objetivos específicos: Relatar o processo histórico de concepção do Memorial; Apresentar o debate sobre a América Latina e o Brasil; Especificar o pensamento de Darcy Ribeiro e seu aporte no projeto cultural do Memorial; e detalhar a atuação da FMAL em seus diversos âmbitos desde a sua criação, bem como a evolução de sua programação. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza descritiva quanto ao objetivo e documental quanto ao procedimento técnico. As técnicas utilizadas para o levantamento de dados foram: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa documental nos acervos da Biblioteca Latino-americana Victor Civita, da Fundação Darcy Ribeiro, bem como entrevista com ex-funcionário da FMAL. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se uma compreensão mais verossímil das motivações políticas que culminaram na criação do Memorial e do formato institucional adotado, não obstante os impasses decorrentes dessas escolhas ao longo do tempo, explicitando mudanças substanciais de programação, conteúdo e sentido da instituição, mais recentemente. / This research is a study of the history and functioning of the Memorial of Latin America (MAL), between 1987 and 2017. The institution was thought to be a civic, cultural and academic center destined to promote Latin American integration by culture. The monument is managed by the Latin American Memorial Foundation (FMAL) and linked to the Culture Secretariat of the Government of the State of São Paulo. There is the problem: did Memorial become what it should be? From this questioning, the general objective was to verify if the design of the Memorial, thought by its creators, guides its action. In this sense, the following specific objectives were chosen: Report the historical process of conception of the Memorial; Present the debate on Latin America and Brazil; Specify the thought of Darcy Ribeiro and his contribution in the cultural project of the Memorial; and to detail the performance of FMAL in its various spheres since its inception, as well as the evolution of its programming. It is a research of descriptive nature regarding the objective and documentary related to the technical procedure. The techniques used for the data collection were: bibliographic research and documentary research in the collections of the Latin American Library Victor Civita, of the Darcy Ribeiro Foundation, as well an interview with a former employee of FMAL. Among the results, a more credible understanding of the political motivations that culminated in the creation of the MAL and of the adopted institutional format is highlighted, notwithstanding the impasses arising from these choices over time, explaining substantial changes in programming, content and meaning of the institution, more recently.
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A distância entre as Américas: uma leitura do Pan-americanismo nas primeiras décadas republicanas no Brasil (1889-1912) / The distance between the Americas: a reading of Pan-amercanism in the early decades of the republic in Brazil (1889-1912)Ré, Flávia Maria 16 February 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho procura analisar o processo de americanização republicana no Brasil, entre 1889 e 1912. Pretende-se assim, discutir as interpretações dos intelectuais brasileiros construídas em torno do tema do Pan-americanismo, assim como quais foram alguns dos argumentos que contribuíram para o estabelecimento de proximidades e de distanciamentos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos e entre o Brasil e os demais países latino-americanos nas primeiras décadas republicanas. Este procedimento possibilitou ainda, compreender as interpretações em torno dos temas raça e civilização, sendo analisadas através do debate intelectual do período no Brasil / This work is an attempt at analyzing the process of political alignment with America that took place in the first years of the Brazilian Republic between 1889 and 1912. Hence, it aims at investigating the interpretations built around the theme of Pan- Americanism by the Brazilian intellectuals of the time, providing a better understanding of the arguments that contributed to the justification of proximities and distances between Brazil and the United States, as well as among Brazil and the other Latin American countries in the first decades of the Republic. This procedure has also enabled a better insight into the then current interpretations encompassing the themes of race and civilization taking place in the intellectual debate of the period in Brazil.
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Estados Unidos e América Latina nas páginas do Chicago Tribune: pan-americanismo e Exposição Universal de Chicago (1889-1894) / United States and Latin America in the Chicago Tribunes pages: Pan-Americanism and Chicago Worlds Fair (1889-1894)Gimenes, Gabriela Xabay 16 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar como a primeira experiência pan-americanista (1889-1894) apareceu nas páginas do importante jornal The Chicago Tribune e quais foram as imagens veiculadas sobre as Américas. O diário de Chicago, ligado aos interesses dos empresários e industrialistas do Oeste norte-americano, se posicionou favoravelmente a uma reorientação da política hemisférica, colocada em prática na segunda gestão do Secretário de Estado James Blaine. Para além de sua defesa sobre a ampliação do comércio interamericano, o Tribune se esforçou em construir representações de amizade entre os Estados Unidos e a América Latina, especialmente durante a Exposição Universal de Chicago (1893). O evento de grandes dimensões, que marcou aquele país no final do século XIX, celebrava os quatrocentos anos do Descobrimento das Américas. Aproveitando-se da ideia de um passado comum, o Departamento de Estado promoveu a política do Pan-americanismo, articulando e encorajando as nações latino-americanas a exporem na Feira Mundial. O Chicago Tribune acompanhou, argumentou e defendeu enfaticamente o projeto de união das três Américas. / This research aims to analyze how the first Pan-American experience (1889-1894) appeared in the pages of the leading newspaper The Chicago Tribune, and in what way was the American Hemisphere imagined by it. The newspaper, related to the interests of businessmen and industrialists of the West, positioned itself favorably to the reorientation of the hemispheric policy, which was put in practice in James Blaines second term as Secretary of State. Going beyond its argumentation in improving the Inter-American trade, the Tribune endeavored to depict the United States and Latin America as friends, especially during the Chicago Worlds Fair (1893). The major event, which profoundly affected that country at the end of the nineteenth century, was meant to celebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of the Discovery of the Americas. By exploiting the idea of a common past, the State Department promoted the Pan-Americanism, negotiating and encouraging Latin American countries to prepare exhibits for the World\'s Fair. The Chicago Tribune tracked the news and argued favorably and eloquently for the project of the union of the Three Americas.
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Brasil: oriente político? Uma discussão sobre o patrimonialismo estatista / Brazil, political orient ? A discussion about etatist patrimonialismBrito, Leonardo Octavio Belinelli de 16 January 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa a ser apresentada tem como objetivo indicar a existência de uma relação entre o uso do conceito de patrimonialismo por parte de Raymundo Faoro e Simon Schwartzman em suas principais obras, respectivamente Os donos do poder e Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, além de também destacar a presença de uma utopia política liberal no pensamento dos dois autores. Neste sentido, haveria uma relação entre a dimensão explicativa de suas análises sobre a evolução histórica e política do país, acentuando o caráter centralizador e negativo do Estado brasileiro neste processo, e a defesa de uma saída política aos problemas. Vale observar que a escassa bibliografia que analisa os pensamentos desses autores costuma destacar confluências de suas análises, o que certamente tem pertinência. Contudo, e este é outro objetivo dessa pesquisa, é possível assinalar diferenças significativas entre tais abordagens que, inclusive, refletem na relação entre análise histórica e proposta política dos autores. / This dissertation aims to indicate that there is a connection between the use of the concept of patrimonialism by Raymundo Faoro and Simon Schwartzman in their major works, respectively Os donos do poder and Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, besides the presence of a \"political liberal utopia in both authors. Furthermore, it is pointed out that there is a relationship between the explanatory dimension of their analysis of Brazilian historical and political development, stressing the centralizing and negative character of the State, and a political solution presented to the problems discussed. It is worth noting that the scarce literature that examines these authors often highlights confluences of their analysis, which certainly exist. However, and this is another objective of the dissertation, it is possible to indicate significant differences between such approaches that even reflect the relationship between their historical analysis and their political proposals.
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Estados Unidos e América Latina nas páginas do Chicago Tribune: pan-americanismo e Exposição Universal de Chicago (1889-1894) / United States and Latin America in the Chicago Tribunes pages: Pan-Americanism and Chicago Worlds Fair (1889-1894)Gabriela Xabay Gimenes 16 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar como a primeira experiência pan-americanista (1889-1894) apareceu nas páginas do importante jornal The Chicago Tribune e quais foram as imagens veiculadas sobre as Américas. O diário de Chicago, ligado aos interesses dos empresários e industrialistas do Oeste norte-americano, se posicionou favoravelmente a uma reorientação da política hemisférica, colocada em prática na segunda gestão do Secretário de Estado James Blaine. Para além de sua defesa sobre a ampliação do comércio interamericano, o Tribune se esforçou em construir representações de amizade entre os Estados Unidos e a América Latina, especialmente durante a Exposição Universal de Chicago (1893). O evento de grandes dimensões, que marcou aquele país no final do século XIX, celebrava os quatrocentos anos do Descobrimento das Américas. Aproveitando-se da ideia de um passado comum, o Departamento de Estado promoveu a política do Pan-americanismo, articulando e encorajando as nações latino-americanas a exporem na Feira Mundial. O Chicago Tribune acompanhou, argumentou e defendeu enfaticamente o projeto de união das três Américas. / This research aims to analyze how the first Pan-American experience (1889-1894) appeared in the pages of the leading newspaper The Chicago Tribune, and in what way was the American Hemisphere imagined by it. The newspaper, related to the interests of businessmen and industrialists of the West, positioned itself favorably to the reorientation of the hemispheric policy, which was put in practice in James Blaines second term as Secretary of State. Going beyond its argumentation in improving the Inter-American trade, the Tribune endeavored to depict the United States and Latin America as friends, especially during the Chicago Worlds Fair (1893). The major event, which profoundly affected that country at the end of the nineteenth century, was meant to celebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of the Discovery of the Americas. By exploiting the idea of a common past, the State Department promoted the Pan-Americanism, negotiating and encouraging Latin American countries to prepare exhibits for the World\'s Fair. The Chicago Tribune tracked the news and argued favorably and eloquently for the project of the union of the Three Americas.
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Arquitetando a \"Boa Vizinhança\": a sociedade urbana do Brasil e a recepção do mundo norte-americano, 1876 - 1945 / Constructing the good neighborhood: the Brazilian society and the reception of the american world, 1876 - 1945Atique, Fernando 03 August 2007 (has links)
Trata do processo de construção de diálogos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, tendo como focos a arquitetura, o urbanismo e a sociedade brasileira que vivia em cidades, entre 1876 e 1945, período compreendido entre o ano da viagem de Pedro II aos Estados Unidos da América e o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Analisa quatro grandes eixos pelos quais a sociedade urbana do Brasil foi alcançada pelo mundo norte-americano: política e relações diplomáticas dos profissionais do espaço; disseminação de saberes técnicos e científicos capazes de alterarem a arquitetura, o urbano e a domesticidade brasileira; vinculação das instituições de ensino superior do país com o universo acadêmico estadunidense, sobretudo com a University of Pennsylvania. Aborda, ainda, a prática arquitetônica dentro dos princípios do Mission Style. Analisa como o Brasil foi, ao longo de sete décadas, tecendo relações que permitiram a construção de discursos e representações sobre o pan-americanismo. Mostra a relevância de se enxergar a relação do Brasil com os Estados Unidos como um processo no qual se arquitetou a Boa Vizinhança, explicitada com maior ênfase nos anos da Segunda Guerra. / This thesis explains the making of a relationship between Brazil and the United States. The period of study begins in 1876 when Pedro de Alcantara, the Brazilian emperor, went to the United States to participate of the Centennial Exhibition held in Philadelphia. The final temporal mark of this study is the year of 1945, when the World War II was finished, and the presence of the goods, equipments and the way of life from the United States got the most relevant levels in the whole world. The thesiss object of research can be understood like a plural one: not only the architecture, but also the whole urban environment and the classes that lived in that space. Trying to develop a particular narrative about the process of Americanization of the architecture and the city in Brazil, the thesis shows four ways of this attitude. The first one is concentrate on considerations about politics and diplomatic relations concerning of a group of professionals (architects, engineers etc) called as spatial artisans. The second way treats the references and the representations of the United States that had changed the domesticity and the form of the Brazilian way of life. In addition of these two, the work shows the discovers made in the United States about the Brazilians alumni from University of Pennsylvania that had came back to Brazil to increase the Americanizations process by the architecture. With a special focus about the pan Americanism the thesis studies the reception and dissemination of the Mission Style architecture in Brazil. The importance of this discussion is great and unfolds a process called as constructing the Good Neighborhood.
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Uyar, Elif Sabahat 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the Turkish press coverage of the bombings in Istanbul on November 15 and 20, 2003. The general tendencies of the Turkish press in presenting the events are analyzed and comparisons between the coverage by a number of selected Turkish dailies that are known to be affiliated with different political views are made. The specific presentations of the Istanbul bombings by different dailies is analyzed in the context of the political debates in Turkey as these are reflected by papers of varying political views. Moreover, the analysis of the press was used to interpret Turkish politics on such issues as anti-Americanism, attitudes towards the AKP government and Islamism with reference to the specific positioning of the different political camps in Turkey, on the issue of the November 2003 Istanbul bombings.
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