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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of international trade on economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries : An empirical study examination of the correlation between economic growth and international trade / Den internationella handelns påverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt i Sub-Sahariska Afrikanska länder : En empirisk studieundersökning av korrelationen mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och internationell handel

Ahmed Farah, Yasin, Ezzaher, Sami January 2022 (has links)
Denna forskningsstudies syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan internationell handel och ekonomisk tillväxt och effekten som internationell handel har på ekonomisk tillväxt i afrikanska länder söder om Saharaöknen (Subsahariska Afrika). Majoriteten av tidigare studier och forskning inom detta område hävdar att det finns en positivt korrelation mellan dessa två variabler men ändå så finns det fortfarande vissa som ifrågasätter hur pass stor påverkan dessa två variabler egentligen har, om den effekten verkligen är tillräckligt signifikant för att anses vara betydelsefullt samt viktig. Informationen och datan som använts i denna studie är tagna från World Bank Group (Världsbanken), Human Development Reports och Fraser Institute. Studiens teoretiska referensram använder sig av tillväxtteorier, vilket bestod av Solowmodellen, endogen tillväxtteori och institutionell teori samt handelsteorier, som bestod av den Ricardianska modellen och Heckscher-Ohlin modellen för att bättre förklara konceptet av ekonomisk tillväxt och hur internationell handel kan komma att påverka processen till att uppnå ekonomisk tillväxt. Inom denna undersökning utfördes en panel-data studie med stöd av en regressionsanalys för att kunna mäta korrelationen mellan internationell handel och ekonomisk tillväxt. Den beroende variabeln för denna forskningsstudie var ekonomisk tillväxt i form av den årliga BNP per capita-tillväxten medan de oberoende variablerna innehöll bland annat internationell handel, utbildning, kapital, befolkningstillväxt, arbetskraft, korruption och ekonomisk frihet. Dessutom inkluderar undersökningen 36 utav de totala 48 möjliga länder i Subsahariska Afrika och är avgränsad till en tioårsperiod mellan 2009–2019. Slutresultatet av denna studies forskning visar att det finns ett signifikant positivt korrelation mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och internationell handel och kommer då fram till slutsatsen att internationell handel faktiskt har en viktig effekt/påverkan och är därför nödvändig för att uppnå ekonomisk tillväxt. / The purpose of this research study is to examine the relationship between international trade and economic growth and the effect that international trade has on economic growth in sub-Saharan African countries (Sub-Saharan Africa). The majority of previous studies and research in this area claim that there is a positive correlation between these two variables, yet there are still some who question how much these two variables actually have influenced each other and if that effect is really significant enough to be considered significant as well as important. The information and data used in this study are taken from the World Bank Group, Human Development Reports and Fraser Institute. The study's theoretical framework uses growth theories, which consisted of the Solow model and endogenous growth theory, and trade theories, which consisted of the Ricardian model, the Heckscher-Ohlin model, and institutional theory to better explain the concept of economic growth and how international trade can affect the process of achieving economic growth. Within this research, a panel dataset study was carried out with the support of a regression analysis in order to measure the correlation between international trade and economic growth. The dependent variable for this research study was economic growth in the form of annual GDP per capita growth, while the independent variables included international trade, education, capital, population growth, labor force, corruption and economic freedom. Additionally, the study includes thirty-six out of a total of forty-eight possible countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is limited to a ten-year period between 2009-2019. The final result of this study's research shows that there is a significant positive correlation between economic growth and international trade and concludes that international trade actually has a very important effect/impact and is essential to achieving economic growth.

Verslo ciklo poveikis bankų rizikai / Business cycles influence on banks risk management

Aukūnas, Justinas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Vykdydami savo veiklą bankai susiduria su įvairia rizika, susijusia su lūkesčiais, kad gaunama grąža kompensuos prisiimtą riziką. Bankų veiklos rizikingumą sustiprina ne tik vidinės bankų valdymo klaidos, bet taip pat ekonomikos svyravimai arba verslo ciklai. Ekonomikos augimo laikotarpiu bankai optimistiškai vertina skolininkų ateities perspektyvas ir todėl vykdo liberalią kreditų teikimo politiką. Prasidėjus ekonomikos kritimui, sulėtėjus pinigų srautams, bankų rizikingumas išauga, tai reikalauja didesnių atidėjinių, rezervų ir aukštesnio kapitalo lygio. Problemos aktualumą patvirtina ir paskutinė finansų krizė, kuri yra didžiausia nuo Didžiosios depresijos laikų. Finansų sektoriuje kilusi krizė atsiliepė „tikrajai“ ekonomikai ir sukėlė ekonominiams sunkmečiams būdingus padarinius. Todėl yra ieškoma būdų kaip tinkamai vertinant bankų riziką, laiku užkirsti kelią finansinėms krizėms, o kartu išvengti bereikalingų suvaržymų, stabdančių finansų sektoriaus ir viso ūkio plėtrą. Dėl visų minėtų priežasčių bankų rizikos problemos pastaruoju metu susilaukia daug mokslinės visuomenės, bankų priežiūros ir pačių bankų dėmesio. Darbo objektas – pasirinktų, Lietuvoje veikiančių, komercinių bankų riziką atspindintys rodikliai ir jų ryšys su verslo ciklu. Darbo tikslas – ištirti verslo ciklo poveikį bankų rizikai. Darbo tikslui pasiekti, darbe numatoma išspręsti šiuos uždavinius: • Išskirti bankų rizikos šaltinius; • Išanalizuoti kaip bankų rizika pasikeičia, kintant ekonominėms sąlygoms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Banks in the course of their work are confronted with various risks. That’s risks are associated with the expectation, that the return will compensate the risk assumed by bank. Risk in banking activities not only strengthens the internal management of a bank error, but also economic fluctuations or business cycles. In economic growth times, banks are optimistic about the future prospects of the borrowers and therefore banks acts a liberal supply of credit policies, reducing lending standards. When economy stat’s to fall, the cash flow of money will slow, bank risk profile increases, it requires larger provisions, reserves and a higher level of capital. The work issues confirms the relevance of the last financial crisis, which is the largest since the Great Depression. The financial sector crisis effected "the real" economy and financial crisis caused the specific effects of economic recessions. So it is looking for ways of properly assessing the risk of bank, and to prevent financial crises in time, to avoid unnecessary constraints hindering the financial sector and the economy development. For all these reasons, the banks' risk problems recently attracts many scientific societies, banking supervision, and most banks focus of attention. The object of work - the selection, the commercial banks, operating in Lithuania, risk-reflective indicators and indicators link to the business cycle. The aim of work - to explore the business cycle effects of bank risk. To achieve the aim of... [to full text]

Policy responses by different agents/stakeholders in a transition: Integrating the Multi-level Perspective and behavioral economics

Gazheli, Ardjan, Antal, Miklós, Drake, Ben, Jackson, Tim, Stagl, Sigrid, van den Bergh, Jeroen, Wäckerle, Manuel 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This short paper considers all possible stakeholders in different stages of a sustainability transition and matches their behavioral features and diversity to policies. This will involve an assessment of potential or expected responses of stakeholders to a range of policy instruments. Following the Multi-Level Perspective framework to conceptualize sustainability transitions, we classify the various transition policies at niche, regime and landscape levels. Next, we offer a complementary classification of policies based on a distinction between social preferences and bounded rationality. The paper identifies many barriers to making a sustainability transition and how to respond to them. In addition, lessons are drawn from the case of Denmark. The detailed framework and associated literature for the analysis was discussed in Milestone 31 of the WWWforEurope project (Gazheli et al., 2012). / Series: WWWforEurope

Accumulation des biens, croissance et monnaie / Accumulation of goods, growth and money

Cayemitte, Jean-Marie 17 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse construit un modèle théorique qui renouvelle l’approche traditionnelle de l’équilibre du marché. En introduisant dans le paradigme néo-classique le principe de préférence pour la quantité, il génère de façon optimale des stocks dans un marché concurrentiel. Les résultats sont très importants, car ils expliquent à la fois l’émergence des invendus et l’existence de cycles économiques. En outre, il étudie le comportement optimal du monopole dont la puissance de marché dépend non seulement de la quantité de biens étalés, mais aussi de celle de biens achetés. Contrairement à l’hypothèse traditionnelle selon laquelle le monopoleur choisit le prix ou la quantité qui maximise son profit, il attire, via un indice de Lerner généralisé la demande à la fois par le prix et la quantité de biens exposés. Quelle que soit la structure du marché, le phénomène d’accumulation des stocks de biens apparaît dans l’économie. De plus, il a l’avantage d’expliquer explicitement les achats impulsifs non encore traités par la théorie économique. Pour vérifier la robustesse des résultats du modèle théorique, ils sont testés sur des données américaines. En raison de leur non-linéarité, la méthode de Gauss-Newton est appropriée pour analyser l’impact de la préférence pour la quantité sur la production et l’accumulation de biens, et par conséquent sur les prévisions de PIB. Enfin, cette thèse construit un modèle à générations imbriquées à deux pays qui étend l’équilibre dynamique à un gamma-équilibre dynamique sans friction. Sur la base de la contrainte de détention préalable d’encaisse, il ressort les conditions de sur-accumulation du capital et les conséquences de la mobilité du capital sur le bien-être dans un contexte d’accumulation du stock d’invendus / This thesis constructs a theoretical model that renews the traditional approach of the market equilibrium. By introducing into the neoclassical paradigm the principle of preference for quantity, it optimally generates inventories within a competitive market. The results are very important since they explain both the emergence of unsold goods and the existence of economic cycles. In addition, it studies the optimal behavior of a monopolist whose the market power depends not only on the quantity of displayed goods but also that of goods that the main consumer is willing to buy. Contrary to the traditional assumption that the monopolist chooses price or quantity that maximizes its profit, through a generalized Lerner index (GLI) it attracts customers’ demand by both the price and the quantity of displayed goods. Whatever the market structure, the phenomenon of inventory accumulation appears in the economy. Furthermore, it has the advantage of explicitly explaining impulse purchases untreated by economics. To check the robustness of the results,the theoretical model is fitted to U.S. data. Due to its nonlinearity, the Gauss-Newtonmethod is appropriate to highlight the impact of consumers’ preference for quantity on production and accumulation of goods and consequently GDP forecast. Finally, this thesis builds a two-country overlapping generations (OLG) model which extends the dynamic OLG equilibrium to a frictionless dynamic OLG gamma-equilibrium. Based on the cash-inadvance constraint, it highlights the conditions of over-accumulation of capital and welfare implications of capital mobility in a context of accumulation of stock of unsold goods.

Dynamics of macroeconomic variables in Fiji : a cointegrated VAR analysis

Singh, Shiu Raj January 2008 (has links)
Abstract of thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Commerce and Management Dynamics of macroeconomic variables in Fiji : a cointegrated VAR analysis By Shiu Raj Singh The objective of this study is to examine how macroeconomic variables of Fiji inter-relate with aggregate demand and co-determine one another using a vector autoregression (VAR) approach. This study did not use a prior theoretical framework but instead used economic justification for selection of variables. It was found that fiscal policy, which is generally used as a stabilisation tool, did not have a positive effect on real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in the short term. Effects on GDP growth were positive over the long term but not statistically significant. Furthermore, expansionary fiscal policy caused inflationary pressures. Fiji has a fixed exchange rate regime, therefore, it was expected that the focus of monetary policy would be the maintenance of foreign reserves. It was, however, found that monetary expansion in the short term resulted in positive effects on real GDP growth and resulted in inflation. The long term effects of monetary policy on real GDP growth were negative, which are explained by the fixed exchange rate regime, endogenous determination of money supply by the central bank, an unsophisticated financial market and, perhaps, an incomplete transmission of the policy. Both merchandise trade and visitor arrivals growth were found to positively contribute to short term and long term economic growth. Political instability was found not to have significant direct effects on real GDP growth but caused a significant decline in visitor arrivals which then negatively affected economic growth in the short term.

最適負債比與效用函數中政府支出 / Optimal debt ratio and government expenditure in utility

蘇子涵, Su, Tzu Han Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於歐洲各國的福利政策與福利支出相較於其他國家高,歐洲國家多會提供窮困與殘障的人民最基本的社會保障,一般人民亦可享受到基礎醫療保障,在失業時也可以領取失業補助;歐洲各政府甚至會收購即將倒閉的企業或者提供補助使企業能夠繼續經營。然而在持續延燒的歐債危機下,為維持歐元區普遍的薪資和福利水平,歐元區內國家開始採取了國家借貸的做法,但由於國際經濟形勢不佳,歐元區經濟增量未達預期,許多國家原有債券陸續到期,若無法借到新貸款,國家將面臨倒閉危機。因此本論文主要以動態隨機一般均衡模型(DSGE),探討一個封閉經濟體系下,政府支出進入家計單位效用函數後,換言之政府支出變動將會影響家計單位消費的邊際效用,試著尋找能夠極大化社會福利的政府公債占國內生產毛額的最適比例。我們發現在提高政府公債占國內生產毛額比例時:家計單位將預期未來稅賦繳納之金額更高,因而減少消費、增加儲蓄,所以會排擠掉部分私人消費;同時政府必須提撥部分費用以支付債券利息,所以將排擠掉部分政府支出。另外隨政府公債占國內生產毛額比率上升,整體社會福利水準會逐漸下降;因此,我們認為最適政府公債占國內生產毛額比率應為零。 關鍵字:動態隨機一般均衡模型、政府支出、邊際效用、公債、國內生產毛額、社會福利水準 / In Euro zone, large spending obligations needed to support the welfare state and redistribute wealth in an effort to gain greater equality. Most European countries provide liberal social security benefits to the poor, disabled, basic medical needs and very liberal unemployment benefits. They also own and run large public companies. Under the ongoing Euro debt crisis, European governments figure out the way to maintain the high welfare level by increasing the public debt they hold. In our paper, we would like to investigate the optimal ratio of public debt to GDP by constructing a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE) under a closed economy. We focus on discussing the optimal ratio of public debt to GDP which maximizes social welfare in economy while putting the government expenditure into households’ utility. That is to say, the government expenditure will influence the marginal utilities of households. We find out that as a government decides to raise the debt to GDP ratio; it will crowd out both private consumption and government expenditure. Because households will expect to pay more tax in the future, they will decrease their consumption and increase their saving; high debt ratio means government should have paid more interest payment in the future. Also as the ratio of public debt to GDP rises, the social welfare becomes lower. Thus, in our findings, the optimal debt ratio to GDP should be 0. Keywords: DSGE, Government expenditure, Marginal utility, Public debt, GDP, Social welfare

A correlação entre jornada de trabalho e produtividade: uma perspectiva macroeconômica entre países

Gaspar, Willians Cesar Rocha 19 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Willians Gaspar (willians.gaspar@fgv.br) on 2018-01-22T16:33:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A Correlação entre Jornada de Trabalho e Produtividade - Uma Perspectiva Macroeconômica entre Países.pdf: 1651221 bytes, checksum: 10a95ba6074b04f5e4e0f6d88a9bf7b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-01-24T12:00:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 A Correlação entre Jornada de Trabalho e Produtividade - Uma Perspectiva Macroeconômica entre Países.pdf: 1651221 bytes, checksum: 10a95ba6074b04f5e4e0f6d88a9bf7b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-29T18:55:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A Correlação entre Jornada de Trabalho e Produtividade - Uma Perspectiva Macroeconômica entre Países.pdf: 1651221 bytes, checksum: 10a95ba6074b04f5e4e0f6d88a9bf7b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 / This research has as general objective to identify the variables or contributing factors to subsidize the discussion about reduction of the Working Day. As a specific objective, what is proposed is to verify how these same variables affect Productivity. For both objectives the macroeconomic aspects of the countries analyzed are considered. The criterion for selecting these countries is based on the "ranking" of the OECD and World Bank database for the year 2013, considering all the major world economies, which together represent 65.22% of global GDP. The data extracted refer to the "Gross Domestic Product - GDP at (PPP) - Purchasing Power Parity", which consists of the Gross Domestic Product, in international dollars, with a view to the comparative possibility of these economies by purchasing power parity (PPP). Other sources of information were considered as objects of analysis and observations, including the statistical series of secondary data from the International Labor Office (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UNDP), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Economics (IBGE), the Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) and the Institute of Economic and Applied Research (IPEA). The research was conducted at the macroeconomic level of the countries, with a longitudinal temporal cut between the years 2007 and 2013, in order to observe the behavior of these economies, including during the period of the 2008 global crisis. evolution of the historical series of GDP, revealing the size of the economy, GDP per capita, which captures wealth in relation to the population. Finally, we consider the labor productivity factor itself, which deals with the relationship between GDP, the number of people and the number of hours worked in the period. This research has as general objective to identify the variables or contributing factors to subsidize the discussion about reduction of the Working Day. As a specific objective, what is proposed is to verify how these same variables affect Productivity. For both objectives the macroeconomic aspects of the countries analyzed are considered. The criterion for selecting these countries is based on the "ranking" of the OECD and World Bank database for the year 2013, considering all the major world economies, which together represent 65.22% of global GDP. The data extracted refer to the "Gross Domestic Product - GDP at (PPP) - Purchasing Power Parity", which consists of the Gross Domestic Product, in international dollars, with a view to the comparative possibility of these economies by purchasing power parity (PPP). Other sources of information were considered as objects of analysis and observations, including the statistical series of secondary data from the International Labor Office (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UNDP), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Economics (IBGE), the Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) and the Institute of Economic and Applied Research (IPEA). The research was conducted at the macroeconomic level of the countries, with a longitudinal temporal cut between the years 2007 and 2013, in order to observe the behavior of these economies, including during the period of the 2008 global crisis. evolution of the historical series of GDP, revealing the size of the economy, GDP per capita, which captures wealth relative to the population. Finally, we consider the labor productivity factor itself, which deals with the relationship between GDP, the number of people and the number of hours worked in the period. Design/Methodology/ approach – The method is a qualitative research of the exploratory type, subsidized by quantitative correlation analysis, and the statistical design is directed to the verification of the degree of association between the variables: Working day and Labor productivity; that is, calculation and interpretation of the degree of correlation between these two variables. Findings – In the final conclusion of the study, it is inferred based on the theoretical reference and the analysis of the statistical data, if the reduction in the working day contributes to changes in productivity indexes, and just as other variables are considered in this discussion. Research limitations – No aspects of the national culture, climatic conditions and segregation of nations by percentage of participation in agriculture, industry, and services were considered in the composition of their economies, with a view to performing comparative analysis by subgroups. In addition, the sample set is restricted both in number of countries and in relation to the relatively short period between 2007 and 2013, in addition to being marked by an atypical event such as the global economic crisis of 2008. Practical contributions – To governments, organizations and workers to rethink the possible economic and social benefits, through public policies that allow greater flexibility in working hours, focusing on the competitive advantages and the balance of the relation between labor and capital, observing the legal aspects, productivity, quality of life, unit costs and the generation of jobs / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral identificar as variáveis ou fatores contribuintes para subsidiar a discussão sobre redução da Jornada de Trabalho. Como objetivo específico, o que se propõe é verificar como essas mesmas variáveis afetam a Produtividade. Para ambos os objetivos são considerados os aspectos macroeconômicos dos países analisados. O critério para seleção desses países se fundamenta no “ranking” da base de dados da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico – OCDE e do Banco Mundial, ano base 2013, considerando-se o conjunto das maiores economias mundiais, que, juntas, representam 65,22% do PIB global. Os dados extraídos são referentes ao “Gross Domestic Product – GDP at (PPP) - Purchasing Power Parity”, que consiste no Produto Interno Bruto, em dólares internacionais, com vistas à possibilidade comparativa destas economias pela paridade do poder de compra (PPC). Outras fontes de informações foram consideradas como objetos de análise e observações, incluindo-se as séries estatísticas de dados secundários do Instituto Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), das Nações Unidas (UNDP), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Economia (IBGE), do Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos (DIEESE) e do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada (IPEA). A pesquisa foi conduzida no nível macroeconômico dos países, com corte temporal longitudinal entre os anos de 2007 a 2013, com o objetivo de observar-se o comportamento dessas economias, inclusive durante o período da crise mundial de 2008. Nesse sentido, foi avaliada a evolução da série histórica do PIB, como reveladora do tamanho da economia, o PIB per capita, que captura a riqueza em relação à população. Por último, considera-se o fator produtividade do trabalho propriamente dito, que trata da relação entre o PIB, o número de pessoas e o número de horas trabalhadas no período. Quanto ao método, trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória, subsidiada por análise quantitativa correlacional, sendo o delineamento estatístico direcionado para a verificação do grau de associação entre as varáveis: Jornada de trabalho e Produtividade do trabalho; ou seja, cálculo e interpretação do grau de correlação entre essas duas variáveis. Na conclusão final do trabalho, infere-se com base no referencial teórico e na análise dos dados estatísticos, se a redução na jornada de trabalho contribui para alterações nos índices de produtividade, e assim como outras variáveis são consideradas nesta discussão. Não foram considerados aspectos da cultura nacional, condições climáticas e segregação das nações por percentual de participação respectivamente em agricultura, indústria, e serviços, na composição de suas economias, visando realizar análise comparativa por subgrupos. Além disto o conjunto amostral é restrito, tanto em número de países, quanto em relação ao período, relativamente curto, entre 2007 e 2013, além de ter sido marcado por fato atípico como a crise econômica mundial de 2008. Á governos, organizações e trabalhadores para repensarem os eventuais benefícios econômicos e sociais, através de políticas públicas que permitam maior flexibilização das jornadas de trabalho, com foco nas vantagens competitivas e no equilíbrio da relação entre mão de obra e capital, observando os aspectos legais, a produtividade, a qualidade de vida, os custos unitários e a geração de empregos

Five essays on performance and structural rigidities in European labour markets / Cinq essais sur performance et rigidités structurelles sur les marchés du travail européens

Mourre, Gilles B.P. 23 June 2009 (has links)
The thesis investigates the role of structural rigidities in recent labour market performances in Europe through various and complementary angles in five essays. By structural rigidities, we mean a lasting feature caused by a set of institutions, which prevents a market from operating efficiently. The approach is essentially empirical and macro-economic, while the scope of the analysis is definitely European, which is technically reflected in the use of either euro area aggregates or panels and cross-sections of European countries. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Jsou obyvatelé západní Evropy spokojenější než obyvatelé Evropy východní? / Are inhabitants of western Europe happier that inhabitants of eastern Europe?

Čermák, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The aim of master thesis is finding answers to the question, if inhabitants of western Europe are happier than inhabitants of eastern Europe. I want to compare standards of living in these regions based on the indexes of living standards. Further I want find out, if the happiness is measurable. Europe during the economic crisis has shown that GDP of countries slowed down, but is this economic indicator showing happiness of nations? Does it present satisfaction and well-being of the population? Can we identify some relation or dependence between GDP and happiness of the population? What are the indicators that are able to answer this question? A substantial part of my work will be comparison of the individual indexes of living standards and I will specify, what means standard of living and what are the components. In the practical part I want to compare reality in different areas of human life, which is related to the standard of living and to compare these data between the nations in western Europe and eastern Europe.

Časově-frekvenční analýza hrubého domácího produktu ČR / Time-frequency analysis of Czech republic gross domestic product

Tráge, David January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to get familier with problematic and concepts of econometrics (GDP, investment, usage and others). We see into used data mainly their characters and expectations and we discuss possibilities of frequention and time-frequention analysis of these data by Fourier and Wavelet transform. Data of quarter development of gross domestic product in Czech Republic, EU and USA will be analysed by the help of programm MATLAB. Data will be filtered by three ekonomic filters: Hodrick-Prescott, Baxter-King and Christiano-Fitzgerald filters. The aim is to find cyclic elements in developments of GDPs and to suggest an optimal type of analysis.

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