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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão de projetos de P&D no IPEN: diagnóstico e sugestões ao Escritório de Projetos (PMO) / Project management of R&D in IPEN - Diagnosis and Suggestions to the Project Management Office (PMO)

Hannes, Egon Martins 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende entender a dinâmica do gerenciamento de projetos no IPEN. Para tal, decidiu-se pela pesquisa junto a literatura acadêmica de modelos que pudessem servir de base e que após modificações e ajustes pudessem refletir a realidade dos projetos de Institutos Públicos Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento. Após tratamento estatístico dos dados algumas hipóteses foram validadas e demonstraram sua influência positiva no desempenho do gerenciamento do projeto, tais como a influência das pessoas que compõem as equipes, o efeito da liderança, dentre outras. O modelo, inclusive mostrou-se válido para explicar quais fatores são relevantes para o sucesso dos projetos. Um das principais objetivos, foi exatamente o uso de modelo de avaliação de gestão projetos, que fossem passíveis de validação estatística, e não utilizar um dos disponíveis no mercado, tais como P3M3 e OPM3, para que houvesse um controle e confirmação estatística dos resultados. Outro objetivo foi utilizar um modelo cujas assertivas refletissem a natureza dos projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento gerenciados pelos pesquisadores do IPEN. Aliás, as referidas assertivas foram formuladas, e enviadas via pesquisa web, e respondidas por praticamente uma centena de profissionais do IPEN, envolvidos com projetos de P&D. A presente dissertação, acrescida das recomendações, ao final, tem como proposta servir de contribuição para os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelo Escritório de Projetos do IPEN. O modelo de avaliação, contido neste trabalho, pode ser aplicado em outras Instituições de P&D brasileiras, para que avaliem a forma e a maneira como gerenciam os seus respectivos projetos. / This paper aims to understand the dynamics involved in the project management at IPEN. To reach this goal, the method chosen was research along with academic literature of models that could serve as a base that after modifications and adjustments could reflect the reality of projects from the Public Institute of Research & Development. After undergoing statistical treatment of the data, some hypotheses were validated and showed positive influence on the project management performance, such as the influence of people who make up the teams, the leadership effect, among others. In fact, the model was found to be valid in explaining which factors are relevant for the success of the projects. One of the main goals was exactly the use of the project management evaluation model, submitted to statistical validation and not to use one available on the market, such as the P3M3 and OPM3, in order to assure the statistical control and confirmation of the results. Another goal was to use a model whose statements reflected the nature of the Research & Development project managed by researchers at IPEN. In fact, the aforementioned statements were formulated and sent via a web survey and answered by almost one hundred IPEN professionals who work on R&D projects. The following dissertation, along with the recommendations at the end, was included to serve as contribution to work developed by the IPEN Project Offices. The evaluation model included in this paper can be applied in other R&D organizations in Brazil, to evaluate the way their projects are managed.

Identifying Factors Influencing The Acceptance Of Processes: An Empirical Investigation Using The Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Degerli, Mustafa 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this research, it was mainly aimed to develop an acceptance model for processes, namely the process acceptance model (PAM). For this purpose, a questionnaire, comprising 3-part and 81-question, was developed to collect quantitative and qualitative data from people having relationships with certain process-focused models and/or standards (CMMI, ISO 15504, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, AQAP-160, AQAP-2110, and/or AS 9100). To revise and refine the questionnaire, expert reviews were ensured, and a pilot study was conducted with 60 usable responses. After reviews, refinements and piloting, the questionnaire was deployed to collect data and in-total 368 usable responses were collected from the people. Here, collected data were screened concerning incorrectly entered data, missing data, outliers and normality, and reliability and validity of the questionnaire were ensured. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS SEM) was applied to develop the PAM. In this context, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied, and the initial model was estimated and evaluated. The initial model was modified as required by PLS SEM, and confirmatory factor analysis was repeated, and the modified final model was estimated and evaluated. Consequently, the PAM, with 18 factors and their statistically significant relationships, was developed. Furthermore, descriptive statistics and t-tests were applied to discover some interesting, meaningful, and important points to be taken into account regarding the acceptance of processes. Moreover, collected quantitative data were analyzed, and three additional factors were discovered regarding the acceptance of processes. Besides, a checklist to test and/or promote the acceptance of processes was established.

Capabilidades analíticas organizacionais : um estudo do impacto na relação entre maturidade de gestão de processos de negócio e resiliência organizacional

Sincorá, Larissa Alves 20 June 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T23:40:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_10014_LARISSA SINCORÁ - DISSERTAÇÃO_VERSÃO FINAL_CAPA DURA.pdf: 2216917 bytes, checksum: 9fa69e4311823dccf2820e6e65e9abbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-20 / CAPES / Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida com o intuito de avaliar o papel exercido pelas capabilidades analíticas organizacionais quando relacionadas à maturidade de gestão de processos de negócio e à resiliência organizacional. A motivação para o estudo, por sua vez, se insere num contexto no qual a sobrevivência e o crescimento das organizações estão ligados às suas capabilidades de efetivamente utilizar grandes volumes de dados provenientes de diferentes fontes para auxiliar em suas orientações estratégicas e operacionais, constituindo atualmente um fator crítico para o sucesso. Isto se evidencia porque diversas empresas, de diferentes segmentos de atuação, e de várias partes do mundo, têm adotado a abordagem analítica como um diferencial competitivo em suas operações com capacidade de influenciar as demais variáveis organizacionais. Por conseguinte, a partir da fundamentação teórica dos construtos, foi possível identificar seus domínios e formas de operacionalização, bem como as relações teóricas existentes, o que resultou no delineamento do modelo teórico da pesquisa e no questionário do tipo survey. Quanto ao percurso metodológico, a aplicação do questionário foi conduzida pelo IEL/FINDES (Instituto Euvaldo Lodi vinculado à Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Espírito Santo) a partir do envio de carta-convite aos informantes-chave da pesquisa, durante os meses de setembro a dezembro de 2015. Dessa maneira, a técnica de análise de dados empregada para avaliar as relações hipotetizadas e a qualidade do modelo teórico elaborado, consistiu-se na modelagem de equações estruturais, por meio do software Smart PLS-SEM 3.0, baseado no algoritmo dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM). Em seguida, após o tratamento dos dados, os resultados foram interpretados e discutidos, apontando para a existência de relações estatisticamente significativas e coerentes com o aporte teórico. Logo, foi possível concluir que as capabilidades analíticas organizacionais atuam como antecedentes de resiliência organizacional, bem como desempenham o papel de moderar a relação existente entre a maturidade de gestão de processos de negócio e a resiliência organizacional. Por fim, se teceu as considerações finais, contendo as limitações do estudo, as contribuições para a evolução dos temas pesquisados e as recomendações de futuras pesquisas em tópicos tangentes às respectivas temáticas investigadas. / This work was developed in order to evaluate the role played by organizational analytical capabilities as they relate to business processes management maturity and organizational resilience. The motivation for the study, in turn, is a part of a context in which the survival and growth of organizations are connected to their capabilities to effectively use large amounts of data from different sources to assist in their strategic and operational guidelines, being currently a critical success factor. It becomes clear because several companies from different segments and in various parts of the world have adopted the analytical approach as a operational competitive advantage, with the ability to influence other organizational variables. Therefore, through the theoretical foundations of the constructs were identified domains and forms of implementation, as well the existing theoretical relationships, which resulted in the delineation of the theoretical research model and the questionnaire used for the survey. As for the methodological approach, the questionnaire was conducted by IEL/FINDES (Institute Euvaldo Lodi linked to the Federation of Industries of the State Espírito Santo) from sending an invitation letter to key-informants of the research, during the months of September to December 2015. Thus, the data analysis technique used to evaluate the hypothesized relationships and the quality of the developed theoretical model consisted on structural equation modeling by using the software Smart PLS-SEM 3.0, based on the algorithm of partial least squares (PLS-SEM). Therefore, it was concluded that the organizational analytical capabilities acts as organizational resilience antecedents, as well plays the role of moderating the relationship between the business processes management maturity and organizational resilience. In addition, after data treatment, the results were analyzed and discussed, pointing to the existence of statistically significant and consistent relations with the theoretical framework. Finally, were made the final considerations, exposing the study's limitations, the contributions to the evolution of the researched topics, and future research recommendations on tangential topics related to the themes investigated.

Gestão de projetos de P&D no IPEN: diagnóstico e sugestões ao Escritório de Projetos (PMO) / Project management of R&D in IPEN - Diagnosis and Suggestions to the Project Management Office (PMO)

Egon Martins Hannes 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende entender a dinâmica do gerenciamento de projetos no IPEN. Para tal, decidiu-se pela pesquisa junto a literatura acadêmica de modelos que pudessem servir de base e que após modificações e ajustes pudessem refletir a realidade dos projetos de Institutos Públicos Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento. Após tratamento estatístico dos dados algumas hipóteses foram validadas e demonstraram sua influência positiva no desempenho do gerenciamento do projeto, tais como a influência das pessoas que compõem as equipes, o efeito da liderança, dentre outras. O modelo, inclusive mostrou-se válido para explicar quais fatores são relevantes para o sucesso dos projetos. Um das principais objetivos, foi exatamente o uso de modelo de avaliação de gestão projetos, que fossem passíveis de validação estatística, e não utilizar um dos disponíveis no mercado, tais como P3M3 e OPM3, para que houvesse um controle e confirmação estatística dos resultados. Outro objetivo foi utilizar um modelo cujas assertivas refletissem a natureza dos projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento gerenciados pelos pesquisadores do IPEN. Aliás, as referidas assertivas foram formuladas, e enviadas via pesquisa web, e respondidas por praticamente uma centena de profissionais do IPEN, envolvidos com projetos de P&D. A presente dissertação, acrescida das recomendações, ao final, tem como proposta servir de contribuição para os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelo Escritório de Projetos do IPEN. O modelo de avaliação, contido neste trabalho, pode ser aplicado em outras Instituições de P&D brasileiras, para que avaliem a forma e a maneira como gerenciam os seus respectivos projetos. / This paper aims to understand the dynamics involved in the project management at IPEN. To reach this goal, the method chosen was research along with academic literature of models that could serve as a base that after modifications and adjustments could reflect the reality of projects from the Public Institute of Research & Development. After undergoing statistical treatment of the data, some hypotheses were validated and showed positive influence on the project management performance, such as the influence of people who make up the teams, the leadership effect, among others. In fact, the model was found to be valid in explaining which factors are relevant for the success of the projects. One of the main goals was exactly the use of the project management evaluation model, submitted to statistical validation and not to use one available on the market, such as the P3M3 and OPM3, in order to assure the statistical control and confirmation of the results. Another goal was to use a model whose statements reflected the nature of the Research & Development project managed by researchers at IPEN. In fact, the aforementioned statements were formulated and sent via a web survey and answered by almost one hundred IPEN professionals who work on R&D projects. The following dissertation, along with the recommendations at the end, was included to serve as contribution to work developed by the IPEN Project Offices. The evaluation model included in this paper can be applied in other R&D organizations in Brazil, to evaluate the way their projects are managed.

Känslig hälsoinformation i händerna på oerfarna studenter : En enkätstudie om läkarstudenters kunskap, attityd och beteende gällande informationssäkerhet

Säfström, Märta, Ereback, Estrid January 2021 (has links)
The more digital the healthcare sector gets, the more considerable is the need for good information security within the sector. A group that, already during its education, gets in contact with sensitive information is medical students. Previous studies show that medical students run a significant risk of mishandling sensitive information during their medicinal internship. The goal of this study is to investigate what level of knowledge the medicinal students possess about information security and to see to what extent that affects their attitude towards information security and behavior in information security contexts. A survey based research method is used with an online questionnaire and the study has its theoretical base in the knowledge-attitude-behavior model and in prior studies performed within the same area of research. The questionnaire is created with inspiration from the HAIS-Q, which is an already tested questionnaire that is used to examine information security awareness. The result shows that the medicinal students have a higher level of knowledge about information security compared to their attitude towards information security and behavior in information security contexts. The result also indicates that higher levels of knowledge lead to better attitudes and behaviors. A recommendation for further studies within the topic is suggested, preferably on a larger sample where researchers can look at differences between universities in order to get a more holistic picture of the situation. The HAIS-Q should be evaluated more thoroughly as a research method since this study identifies shortcomings associated with the method. / Med ökad digitalisering inom vården ökar behovet av god informationssäkerhet inom hälso- och sjukvård. Läkarstudenter är en grupp som redan under sin utbildning kommer i kontakt med mycket känslig information och studier visar på att studenter inom hälso- och sjukvård löper stor risk att hantera känslig information felaktigt under sin praktik. Syftet med den här studien är att mäta hur bra kunskap läkarstudenter har om informationssäkerhet och hur stor inverkan detta har på deras attityd och beteende i informationssäkerhetsfrågor. För att testa detta utförs en enkätundersökning online med teoretisk utgångspunkt i kunskap-attityd-beteende-modellen samt tidigare studier gjorda inom samma område. Enkäten utformas med stor inspiration från HAIS-Q, vilket är en beprövad enkätmetod för att mäta informationssäkerhetsmedvetenhet. Resultatet visar på att läkarstudenterna uppvisar bättre kunskap än attityd och beteende i informationssäkerhetsfrågor. Genom studien identifieras även att kunskap har en positiv inverkan på attityd och beteende, där det går att se att ökad kunskap leder till bättre attityd och beteende. Slutsatserna innefattar bland annat rekommendationer om fortsatta undersökningar inom området med större urvalsgrupp där jämförelser mellan olika lärosäten bör göras för att få en med holistisk bild av situationen. En mer noggrann utvärdering av HAIS-Q som enkätmetod bör också genomföras då denna undersökning identifierar brister med metoden.

Development and validation of an integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of Web-based applications in the context of a University web portal

Ssemugabi, Samuel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Developments in Internet technology and pervasive computing over the past two and half decades have resulted in a variety of Web-based applications (WBAs) that provide products and services to online users or customers. The Internet is used not only to transfer information via the web but is increasingly used to provide electronic services including business transactions, information-delivery and social networking, as well as e-government, e-health and e-learning. For such organisations, e-service quality, usability and user experience are considered to be critical determinants of their products’ or services’ success. Many studies to model these three concepts separately have been undertaken as part of broader studies of software quality or service quality modelling. However, to the current researcher’s knowledge, none of the studies have focussed on proposing an evaluation model that integrates and combines the three of them. This research is an effort to fill that gap. The primary purpose of this mixed-methods research was to develop a conceptual integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of WBAs and then contextualise it to evaluation of a University web portal (UWP). This was undertaken using an exploratory sequential research design. During a qualitative phase, an extensive extensive systematic literature review of 264 relevant sources relating to dimensions of e-service quality, usability and user experience, was undertaken to derive an integrated conceptual e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) Model for evaluating WBAs. The model was then empirically refined through a sequential series of validations, thus developing various versions of the e-SQUUX Model. First, it was content validated by a set of four expert reviewers. Second, during the quantitative phase, in the context of a University web portal, a questionnaire survey was conducted that included a comprehensive pilot study with 29 partipants, prior to the main survey. The main survey data from 174 particiapants was used to determine a validated model, using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), followed by producing a structural model, using partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). This version consisted of the components of the final e-SQUUX Model. Consequently, the research enriches the body of knowledge on IS and HCI by providing the e-SQUUX Model as an evaluation tool. For designers, developers and managers of UWPs, the model serves as a customisable set of evaluation criteria and also provides specific recommendations for design. In line with the Exploratory sequential design of mixed methods research, the findings of the qualitative work in this research influenced the subsequent quantitative study, since the potential Likert-scale questionnaire items were derived from the definitions and meanings of the components that emanated from the qualitative phase of the study. Consequently, this research is an exemplar for developing an integrated evaluation model for specific facets or domains, and of its application in a particular context, in this case, a University web portal. Keywords: e-service quality, usability, user experience, evaluation model, integrated model, exploratory factor analysis, partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), mixed methods research, Exploratory sequential design, quantitative study, qualitative study, validation, Web-based applications, University web portal / Information System / Ph D. (Information Systems)

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