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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why Consumers Disclose Their Tourism Experiences on Tourism Social Networking Sites: Multiple Theoretical Perspectives

Zhang, Junshu 29 October 2016 (has links)
Tourism social networking sites (SNSs) are websites that provide users with templates for describing their travel experiences and an infrastructure to share such travel posts with a network of like-minded individuals. Tourism SNSs represent an important advertising channel for the tourism industry, as they may assist travelers in selecting destinations and planning vacations on the basis of other travelers’ experiences, which may further stimulate travel and generate income for the tourism industry (Yazdanifard & Yee, 2014). User-generated content (UGC) in the form of travel posts is the core offering and key success factor of tourism SNSs. Travel posts constitute a valuable resource that attracts users to these websites, and they serve as a key data feed into the data mining process that is used to develop travel products on tourism SNSs. However, one problem with tourism SNSs is that their users, especially the new ones, do not publish their travel experiences on these SNSs as often as they do on traditional SNSs, such as Facebook. This may result in a lack of content and, therefore, a loss of potential consumers and, consequently, revenue. Therefore, a study on self-disclosure behavior in writing travel posts may contribute to understanding the reasons why this problem exists and help tourism SNSs improve their service accordingly. The author used multiple theoretical perspectives (social exchange theory and social cognition theory) to develop a comprehensive self-disclosure framework. The framework was tested by using a partial least squares based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach with data from 443 participants recruited from the two most popular Chinese tourism SNSs: Qyer.com and mafengwo.cn. The findings show that self-disclosure behavior on tourism SNSs was significantly affected by self-benefit, positive feedback from other users, social benefits, rewards, tourism SNSs’ security mechanism, and ease of use. However, habit and motive did not have a statistically significant effect on self-disclosure behavior. Moreover, self-disclosure behavior positively affected electronic word of mouth (EWOM) relating to the tourism SNSs. Finally, the findings have theoretical and practical implications, and the thesis ends with a discussion of the limitations of this study and suggestions for future research.

Sustainability of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Benefits Postimplementation: An Individual User Perspective

Lotfy, Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Badreldin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Although there is research about the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) from a management perspective, the research is not clear as to whether the ERP benefits justify the costs, not only in dollars, but also in effort, from the end user's perspective. Using the theory of diffusion of innovation (DOI), the purpose of this quantitative research was to identify the set of postimplementation sustainability factors that maximized ERP user value, which are major issues for management, and measured their relative significance. The study's structural model incorporated the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework, which is a conceptualization of the theory of diffusion of innovation, to predict the postimplementation sustainability factors from the ERP user's point of view. The partial least squares structure equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach provided the needed explanatory analysis to test the predictive power of the structural model. The target population was organizational employees who had used an operational ERP system for at least 4 years in the state of Colorado. A convenience sample of 163 cases responded to the online questionnaire. Hypotheses testing indicated that the independent variables of ERP information quality, ERP system quality, ERP knowledge and learning, shared beliefs, job relevance, and coordination significantly impacted the dependent variable ERP user value. The positive social change implications of this study include a better understanding of ERP postimplementation sustainability factors from the users' perspectives and their social impact on organizational performance, which could lead to increased employee effectiveness, productivity, efficiency, and individual satisfaction due to ERP usage.

Impact of After-Sales Performances of German Automobile Manufacturers in China in Service Satisfaction and Loyalty. With a Particular Focus on the Influences of Cultural Determinants

FRASS, ALEXANDER 29 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] After-sales services have become very important in the automobile industry. However, this area has not been sufficiently researched, particularly with regard to China, the most important car market globally. In this respect, German manufacturers play a leading role because they dominate the premium market segment. When it comes to services, the one thing that is especially important in China is culture. At the same time, this is exactly where a scientific gap exists because the cultural aspect in automotive services has been mostly neglected in the research literature. Thus, specific knowledge with regard to Chinese service demand behaviour is lacking, which could become a crucial issue because of the enormous differences between Chinese and Western cultures. This paper addresses this limitation by providing a guideline for how the entire process chain of after-sales services could be researched in China. In addition, it also introduces Schwartz's individual level value theory as a beneficial operationalisation approach to culture. Thereby, values are modelled as exogenous variables in order to show which ones are really causal. This significant advantage cannot be provided by national comparison studies, which are the ones that are most often conducted. A total of 301 Chinese workshop customers of Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were surveyed in order to assess the critical success factors of after-sales services via partial least squares structural equation modelling. / [ES] Los servicios post venta en el sector del automóvil se han convertido en un elemento esencial en su mercadotecnia global. Sin embargo, no se han investigado suficientemente y, especialmente en países emergentes con mercados crecientes como China, el mercado más relevante a nivel mundial. Aquí, los fabricantes alemanes juegan un rol fundamental al dominar el segmento premium (o de cuasi lujo) del mercado. Cuando analizamos los servicios, un factor importante en China es la cultura. Sin embargo existe, en este campo un hueco en la investigación académica ya que en la literatura de investigación del sector automóvil, la cultura es un elemento poco analizado. Por ello, no se pueden aplicar conocimientos de mercadotecnia específicos en relación con el comportamiento de la demanda de servicios en China, en un tema esencial, como es la cultura China, muy diferente a la occidental. Esta tesis trata de enfocar las limitaciones mencionadas; en primer lugar, proporcionando una guía de cómo la cadena de proceso de servicios postventa puede ser investigada en países emergentes como China. Y en segundo lugar, porque se utiliza la teoría de cultura de Schwartz como un enfoque útil de instrumentación de los valores culturales. Así, estos se modelan como variables externas, para mostrar claramente cuáles son los valores realmente relevantes en su conjunto. Para ello se encuestaron a 301 clientes de talleres post venta chinos de las marcas Audi, BMW y Mercedes-Benz, con el fin de evaluar los factores críticos de éxito mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). / [CA] Els serveis post venda en el sector de l'automòbil s'han convertit en un element essencial del màrqueting global. No obstant això, no s'han investigat prou i, especialment en països emergents amb mercats creixents com la Xina, el mercat més rellevant a nivell mundial. Aquí, els fabricants alemanys juguen un paper fonamental en dominar el segment premium (o de quasi luxe) del mercat. Quan analitzem els serveis, un factor important a la Xina és la cultura. No obstant això existeix, en aquest camp un buit en la investigació acadèmica ja que en la literatura de recerca del sector automòbil, la cultura és un element poc analitzat. Per això, no es poden aplicar coneixements de màrqueting específics en relació amb el comportament de la demanda de serveis a la Xina, en un tema essencial, com és la cultura Xina, molt diferent a l'occidental. Aquesta tesis tracta d'enfocar les limitacions esmentades; en primer lloc, proporcionant una guia de com la cadena de procés de serveis postvenda pot ser investigada en països emergents com la Xina. I en segon lloc, perquè s'utilitza la teoria de cultura de Schwartz com un enfocament útil d'instrumentació dels valors culturals. Així, aquests es modelen com a variables externes, per mostrar clarament quins són els valors realment rellevants en el seu conjunt. Per a això es van enquestar a 301 clients de tallers post venda xinesos de les marques Audi, BMW i Mercedes-Benz, per tal d'avaluar els factors crítics d'èxit mitjançant models d'equacions estructurals de mínims quadrats / Frass, A. (2015). Impact of After-Sales Performances of German Automobile Manufacturers in China in Service Satisfaction and Loyalty. With a Particular Focus on the Influences of Cultural Determinants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59251

Identifying Key Determinants of Service Provider Effectiveness and the Impact it has on Outsourced Security Success

Lewis, James B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to identify key determinants of service provider effectiveness and how it impacts outsourced security success. As environments have become more robust and dynamic, many organizations have made the decision to leverage external security expertise and have outsourced many of their information technology security functions to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). Information Systems Outsourcing, at its core, is when a customer chooses to outsource certain information technology functions or services to a service provider and engages in a legally binding agreement. While legal contracts govern many aspects of an outsourcing arrangement, it cannot serve as the sole source of determining the outcome of a project. Organizations are viewing outsourcing success as an attainment of net benefits achieved through the use of a service provider. The effectiveness of the service provider has an impact on a company’s ability to meet business objectives and adhere to service level agreements. Many empirical studies have focused on outsourcing success, but few have focused on service provider effectiveness, which can serve as a catalyst to outsourcing success. For this research, Agency Theory (AT) was proposed as a foundation for developing the research model which included key areas of focus in information asymmetry, the outsourcing contract, moral hazard, trust, service provider effectiveness, and security outsourcing success. Agency Theory helped uncover several hypotheses deemed germane to service provider effectiveness and provided insight into helping understand the principal-agent paradigm that exists with security outsourcing. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Partial Least Squares-Structured Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) were used with SmartPLS to analyze the data and provided clarity and validation for the research model and helped uncover key determinants of service provider effectiveness. The statistical results showed support for information asymmetry, contract, and trust, all of which were mediated through service provider effectiveness. The results also showed that service provider effectiveness is directly correlated to increasing security outsourcing success. This concluded that the research model showed significant results to support 4 of the 5 hypotheses proposed and helped uncover key findings on how security outsourcing success can be impacted. This research served as an original contribution to information security while viewing outsourcing success from the perspective of the client, security services, and customer expectations.

Supplier Development for TBL Outcomes: a survey on Brazilian based organizations / Desenvolvimento de fornecedores sustentáveis: uma pesquisa survey com organizações brasileiras

Pedroso, Carolina Belotti 03 April 2019 (has links)
Supply chains are increasingly incorporating sustainable elements as mean to meet intensified TBL awareness in the market and to promote competitiveness. Suppliers play a key role in enhancing Triple Bottom Line (TBL) outcomes in supply chain since they are responsible for raw materials that will be incorporated in the final product. Supplier Development (SD) can improve suppliers\' TBL capabilities, improving TBL outcomes throughout the supply chain. This research aims to explore Triple Bottom Line Supplier Development (TBL SD) for an improved TBL performance at supply chain level. To address the research general purpose a systematic literature review was conducted, followed by a basic literature review, in order to identify TBL SD practices, enablers and barriers. The systematic literature analysis was performed with support of QDA Miner software. A survey was performed involving Brazilian buying organizations to investigate the impact of TBL Supplier Development on the organizations\' performance at the operational, environmental and social dimensions. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS SEM) through Smart PLS 3 software. The results obtained point that practices adopted by organizations are in accordance to what literature suggests, highlighting the role of training and resources sharing as important practices adopted. The most impactful enablers to enable TBL SD are supplier evaluation, resources availability, and TBL culture at organizational level. Surprisingly, barriers appeared to be only slightly negatively correlated to TBL SD Adoption. It can be concluded that TBL SD adoption leads to improvements in all TBL legs (Operational, Environmental, and Social) although the impact on environmental performance is stronger. In turn, it was found that enhanced environmental performance can lead to improvements in both social and operational performance. Another interesting finding is that organizations in the Brazilian context are adopting TBL SD for internal reasons, and not due to pressures coming from the local market and community. / As cadeias de suprimentos estão incorporando cada vez mais elementos sustentáveis como meio de atender à crescente conscientização do mercado e promover competitividade. Fornecedores desempenham um papel fundamental no aprimoramento dos resultados sustentáveis na cadeia de fornecimento, uma vez que são responsáveis pelas matérias-primas que serão incorporadas no produto final. Nesse contexto, o desenvolvimento de fornecedores pode melhorar as capabilidades sustentáveis dos fornecedores, entregando melhores resultados a toda a cadeia de suprimentos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo explorar o Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis para um melhor desempenho sustentável no nível da cadeia de suprimentos. Para atingir o objetivo geral da pesquisa, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de literatura, seguida de uma revisão básica da literatura, a fim de identificar as práticas de desenvolvimento sustentáveis, fatores influenciadores e barreiras. A análise da revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada com o apoio do software QDA Miner. Uma survey envolvendo organizações brasileiras foi realizada para investigar o impacto da adoção do Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis no desempenho das organizações pesquisadas, tanto nos aspectos operacionais, ambientais e sociais. Os dados foram analisados usando a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais através do software Smart PLS 3. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as práticas adotadas pelas organizações estão de acordo com o que sugere a literatura, destacando o papel do treinamento e compartilhamento de recursos como práticas importantes adotadas. Os fatores influenciadores mais impactantes para a adoção do Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis são avaliação de fornecedores, a disponibilidade de recursos e a cultura sustentável no nível organizacional. Surpreendentemente, as barreiras parecem estar ligeiramente correlacionadas de forma negativa com adoção do Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis. Pode-se concluir que a adoção do Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis leva a melhorias em todas as dimensões da Sustentabilidade (Operacional, Ambiental e Social), embora o impacto no desempenho ambiental seja mais forte. Por sua vez, o desempenho ambiental pode levar a melhorias no desempenho social e operacional. Outra constatação interessante é que as organizações no contexto brasileiro estão adotando o Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores Sustentáveis por motivos internos, e não devido a pressões vindas do mercado e da comunidade local.

Atitude em relação a seguros para bens pessoais: impactos e consequências

Rocha, Alexandre Quevedo 30 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Quevedo Rocha (alexandreque@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-12T16:57:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1223961 bytes, checksum: 4dce0bbe8d0aa8f084c221af0e924df5 (MD5) / Rejected by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br), reason: Prezado Alexandre Peço que faça as seguintes alterações Título - Letra maiúscula, corrigir (Capa e Contra Capa) Excluir os números nas páginas até o sumário, elas contam no sumário, não aparecem nesses primeiras páginas Corrigir a linha: Estratégia e Mercado - Deve conter o resumo e palavras chaves e inglês (Abstract e Keywords) Após as alterações peço submeter o trabalho novamente on 2016-12-12T18:27:08Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alexandre Quevedo Rocha (alexandreque@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-12T18:49:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1220579 bytes, checksum: 8be268dc50fac59de1eca105c1f29e7d (MD5) / Rejected by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br), reason: Prezado, Alexandre Seu nome saiu do final da capa, e tem que estar no inicio da contra capa, peço corrigir e postar novamente, te mandei o print da tela on 2016-12-12T18:52:04Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alexandre Quevedo Rocha (alexandreque@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-12T18:58:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1219692 bytes, checksum: f616cc8455f1014aaf284257e1fcdf8e (MD5) / Rejected by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br), reason: Alexandre, Agora não tem a contra capa, É capa, contra capa, ficha catalográfica, folha de assinaturas...agradecimentos, resumo, abstract Fabiana on 2016-12-12T19:58:23Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alexandre Quevedo Rocha (alexandreque@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-12T20:22:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1222500 bytes, checksum: b6c29f82e1a93c6768342401d85c83ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br) on 2016-12-12T21:39:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1222500 bytes, checksum: b6c29f82e1a93c6768342401d85c83ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-13T11:10:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação _ Alexandre Quevedo _ Versão Final.pdf: 1222500 bytes, checksum: b6c29f82e1a93c6768342401d85c83ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / This study investigates some antecedents that impact individuals to have a positive attitude towards insurance, as well as one of its consequences, based on the critique of the normative theories about decision making under risk (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; 1984; Thaler, 1980; Grapentine & Weaver, 2009). By a model of structural equations estimated by partial least squares, constructed from an empirical study with a sample of 215 participants, it was possible to verify that a positive attitude with respect to insurance can be given by means of different heuristic processes and by cognitive biases, such as: (i) the confidence (in honesty) of the insurance industry; (ii) the perception of risk for the good; and (iii) personal concern for finances; and this attitude toward insurance helps to explain willingness to pay for insurance, but that explanation becomes more relevant in cases where individuals own a car or house. This work also generates insights for the insurance industry and new studies on this topic. / Este estudo investiga alguns antecedentes que impactam indivíduos a terem uma atitude positiva em relação a seguro, assim como uma de suas consequências, com base na crítica às teorias normativas sobre a tomada de decisão sob risco (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979;1984; Thaler, 1980; Grapentine & Weaver, 2009). Por meio de um modelo de equações estruturais estimado por mínimos quadrados parciais, construído a partir de um estudo empírico com uma amostra de 215 participantes, foi possível verificar que uma atitude positiva em relação a seguro pode ser dada por meio de diferentes processos heurísticos e por vieses cognitivos, como: (i) a confiança (na honestidade) da indústria de seguro; (ii) a percepção de risco em relação ao bem; e (iii) a preocupação pessoal com as finanças; e essa atitude em relação a seguro ajuda a explicar a disposição em se pagar por um seguro, porém essa explicação se torna mais relevante nos casos em que indivíduos possuem carro ou casa. Este trabalho também gera insights para a indústria de seguro e novos estudos sobre este tema.

Exploring the value of open data : A case study on Sweden

Burgagni, Jimmi, Uwamariya, Yvonne January 2021 (has links)
The importance that governments put into open government data policies has increased over the last decade. However, a decreasing speed in this trend is potentially ongoing due to the objectives of these policies not being perceived as completed. Therefore, locating the impacts and measuring their relative value generation aids the understanding of how these objectives can succeed. This study examines the impacts of open government data in Sweden and their potential value generation, focusing on the financial ones. In this study, we developed a measurement model that comprehends six different impacts that generate a value. These impacts are innovation for established firms, innovative start-ups, innovation for public institutions, anti-corruption, and democracy/civil participation. The study has used 24 semi-structured interview findings to develop the model using the grounded theory method. The model was then subsequentially tested and validated by conducting a survey.  We used PLS-SEM as a method of analysis of the 69 responses on the survey from Swedish experts in the field. The results show a positive influence on the open government data financial value generation in the Swedish context, originating from data-driven innovation in established firms. Adding to this, positive impacts on the social value generated from open government data originate from innovative start-ups and product innovation in public institutions. The social value generated was also found to influence the financial value generation. Overall, the results also confirmed that the measurement model assessed is suited for evaluating the value generation of open government data. Thus, the study contributes to policies by visualizing the potential impacts and values that specific policy decisions may yield. Besides, the study contributes to theory thanks to developing a measurement model that could be applied to different contexts. Finally, a unique method that combines model development, context understanding, and model testing is used in the research. This method is considered a contribution due to its potential to be applied to future case study research.

A Structural Equation of Leader-Member Exchange, Employee-Supervisor Relationship, Performance Appraisal, and Career Development

Henkel, William Joseph 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some employees perceive that supervisors do not accurately reflect employees' performance or effectively differentiate among employees' performances during performance appraisals (PAs). Other employees believe the performance feedback they receive is not valuable for supporting their career development (CD). Employing leader-member exchange (LMX) theory and the distributive and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice theory as the theoretical framework, this correlational study examined the relationships among LMX and employee-supervisor relationships (ESRs) and the relationships' influence on employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' perceived efficacy of the PA process. Participants consisted of 44 defense contractor employees in the United States who completed a combination of 4 validated survey instruments (LMX-7, Interactional Justice, Appraisal System Satisfaction, Perceived Career Opportunity) and 1 demographic instrument. Results from the structural equation model, using partial least squares analysis, indicated significant (p < .001) positive relationships between the independent variables of LMX and ESR, the dependent mediating variable PA, and the dependent variable CD. The results indicated that a positive relationship between LMX and ESR will influence employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' PAs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve communications between employees and supervisors, increase organizational performance by increasing employees' job satisfaction, potential benefiting career development for improving employees' families' quality of life, and contributions to the communities.

Assessment Of Disruption Risk In Supply Chain The Case Of Nigeria’s Oil Industry

Aroge, Olatunde O. January 2018 (has links)
evaluate disruption risks in the supply chain of petroleum production. This methodology is developed to formalise and facilitate the systematic integration and implementation of various models; such as analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and various statistical tests. The methodology is validated with the case of Nigeria’s oil industry. The study revealed the need to provide a responsive approach to managing the influence of geopolitical risk factors affecting supply chain in the petroleum production industry. However, the exploration and production risk, and geopolitical risk were identified as concomitant risk factors that impact performance in Nigeria’s oil industry. The research findings show that behavioural-based mechanisms successfully predict the ability of the petroleum industry to manage supply chain risks. The significant implication for this study is that the current theoretical debate on the supply chain risk management creates the understanding of agency theory as a governing mechanism for supply chain risk in the Nigerian oil industry. The systematic approach results provide an insight and objective information for decisions-making in resolving disruption risk to the petroleum supply chain in Nigeria. Furthermore, this study highlights to stakeholders on how to develop supply chain risk management strategies for mitigating and building resilience in the supply chain in the Nigerian oil industry. The developed systematic method is associated with supply chain risk management and performance measure. The approach facilitates an effective way for the stakeholders to plan according to their risk mitigation strategies. This will consistently help the stakeholders to evaluate supply chain risk and respond to disruptions in supply chain. This capability will allow for efficient management of supply chain and provide the organization with quicker response to customer needs, continuity of supply, lower costs of operations and improve return on investment in the Nigeria oil industry. Therefore, the methodology applied provide a new way for implementing good practice for managing disruption risk in supply chain. Further, the systematic approach provides a simplistic modelling process for disruption risk evaluation for researchers and oil industry professionals. This approach would develop a holistic procedure for monitoring and controlling disruption risk in supply chains practices in Nigeria.

Psychological Antecedents of Academic´s Intentions to Participate in Last Chance Tourism: Applying value-belief-norm and cognitive dissonance model

Wermelin, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Last chance tourism (LCT) is defined as an endangered place due to climate change which creates motivations for tourists to travel to these places before they vanish. These trips also involve interaction with and observation of rare species that is about to disappear due to climate change. By integrating the Value-Belief-Norm and cognitive dissonance theory models, the main purpose of this research was to investigate psychological antecedents of engaging in LCT in higher educational institutions in Sweden. A survey was administered to 234 academics on seven universities in Sweden consisting of items measuring beliefs, pro-environmental personal norms, cognitive dissonance, and intentions to engage in Last Chance Tourism. The data was later analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation (PLS-SEM) approach. The results revealed a significant impact of cognitive dissonance on intentions to engage in LCT. These findings are important since they support the advantage of using cognitive dissonance theory within the context of LCT. The implications will hopefully spark an interest among academics to develop a sustainable tourism rescue plan and transfer this knowledge to a younger generation. For practitioners, this could be food for fought for organizations that are operating within the field of LCT.

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