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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP / Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto

Soares, Andjara Thiane Cury 11 February 2008 (has links)
SOARES, A.T.C. Perfil antropológico das ossadas analisadas no Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. A Antropologia Forense é uma área do conhecimento que aplica os métodos da antropologia física e arqueologia para coleta e análise de evidências legais, buscando estabelecer a identidade de um ser. O Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP) possui um Laboratório de Antropologia Forense, criado em 2005 durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto em parceria com a University of Sheffield (UK) e financiado pelo British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. Durante esse projeto, um protocolo para análise de ossadas foi implementado dentro de uma estrutura científica atualizada para aplicação em contextos de importância social. Após dois anos de funcionamento, constatou-se que muitas das ossadas encaminhadas ao CEMEL estavam incompletas, tornando a realização de um perfil biológico difícil e postergando a sua identificação devido à ausência de informações e literatura nacional recente sobre Antropologia Forense. Assim, 42 ossadas humanas examinadas no CEMEL desde sua inauguração em 1999 foram analisadas e revisadas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos casos era de indivíduos do sexo masculino, de ancestralidade caucasiana, com idade entre 32,71 e 46,29 anos, estatura entre 1,64 e 1,73m, destros, sem achados patológicos, com elementos odontológicos informativos, mas sem roupas ou outros pertences. Observou-se que 61,90% das ossadas possuíam menos de 50% dos ossos, com média de 79,64±52,40 ossos por caso. Os ossos mais encaminhados foram occipital, parietal esquerdo, temporal esquerdo, parietal direito, temporal direito, fêmur direito e vértebras torácicas de um a 12. Os ossos menos encaminhados foram hióide, piramidal esquerdo, falange distal superior um direita, falanges distais superiores dois a cinco direitas e falanges médias superiores dois a cinco esquerdas. Os dentes mais encaminhados foram o 2º molar superior direito e o 1º molar superior direito, enquanto que os dentes menos encaminhados foram o incisivo central superior direito, os incisivos centrais inferiores direito e esquerdo. Roupas e outros pertences estavam presentes em 20 casos, totalizando 66 itens. Trinta e um casos têm potencial para identificação somente através de técnicas de Antropologia Forense. Para os demais 11 casos provavelmente será necessário utilizar DNA para identificação. Diante dos resultados observados, discute-se a necessidade de melhorias na capacitação técnica e infra-estrutura, assim como a forma de coleta e o transporte, de forma a aumentar o número de elementos ósseos coletados e, conseqüentemente, de informações úteis para identificação. Dois crânios apresentaram evidência de craniotomia realizada durante necropsia e um apresentou resíduos de vela, o que sugere que podem ter sido retirados indevidamente do local de sepultamento, ou até mesmo vendidos, além da sua utilização em rituais religiosos. Conclui-se que campanhas de conscientização e melhorias na fiscalização dos cemitérios podem reduzir os casos de roubos e comércio de elementos ósseos. / SOARES, A.T.C. Anthropological profile of the skeletons analyzed at the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto USP. 2007. 169 p. Dissertation (Masters Degree) Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2007. Forensic Anthropology is an area of knowledge that applies the methods of physical anthropology and archeology to the collection and analysis of legal evidence, including the search for individual identity. The Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP) has a Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology, created in 2005 during a development project in partnership with the University of Sheffield (UK) and financed by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. During this project, a protocol for skeletal analysis was implemented within an upgraded scientific infrastructure for application in a socially important context. After two years of work, it was noticed that many skeletons forwarded to CEMEL were incomplete, making completion of a biological profile difficult and postponing identification due to the lack of information and recent national literature about Forensic Anthropology. Therefore, 42 human skeletons examined at CEMEL since its inauguration in 1999 were analyzed and reviewed. The results showed most cases to be of male individuals, of Caucasian ethnic origin, aged between 32.71 and 46.29 y.o., of height between 1.64 and 1.73 m, right handed, without any pathological findings, with informative odontological findings, but with no clothes or other belongings. It was observed that 61.90% of the skeletons were less than 50% complete, with a mean of 79.64±52.40 bones per case. The most frequently found bones were the occipital, left parietal, left temporal, right parietal, right temporal, right femur and one to 12 thoracic vertebrae. The least frequent bones were the hyoid, left triquetral, 1st right superior distal phalanx, two to five right superior distal phalanges and two to five left superior intermediate phalanges. The most frequently found teeth were the right superior 2nd molar and right superior 1st molar, while the least frequent teeth were the right superior central incisor, and right and left inferior central incisors. Clothes or other belongings were present in 20 cases, totaling 66 items. Thirty one cases have potential to be identified only via forensic anthropological analysis. For the remaining 11 cases it will be probably necessary to use DNA for identification. In view of these observations the necessity for improvements in technical qualifications and infrastructure are discussed, as well as recovery and transport, in order to maximize the number of skeletal elements recovered andas a consequenceof information useful in identification. Two skulls presented evidence of a craniotomy conducted during autopsy and one of candle residue, suggesting that it may have been taken improperly from the place of burial, or even sold, for its use in religious rituals. It is concluded that public awareness campaigns and better inspection of cemeteries may reduce cases of robbery and trade in skeletal remains.

Epidemiologia e desfechos clínicos do tratamento das fraturas faciais de um hospital público de Quito - Equador: um estudo retrospectivo de 5 anos / Epidemiology and clinical outcomes of facial fractures management in a public hospital in Quito - Ecuador: a five-year retrospective study

Teran, Guillermo Alberto Lanas 06 November 2018 (has links)
Estudos epidemiológicos regionais que envolvam a traumatologia maxilofacial são importantes para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de formas mais eficientes de prestar cuidados em saúde, para avaliar e melhorar a qualidade destes cuidados e gerenciar estratégias de prevenção, financiamento e acesso ao tratamento no setor público de saúde. O tempo decorrido entre um trauma de face de um paciente até o atendimento clínico e tratamento das fraturas pode afetar os resultados clínicos em termos de intervenções resolução e complicações. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se no Hospital Público Eugênio Espejo de Quito, existe uma relação entre variáveis de tipificação das fraturas, seus tratamentos e os intervalos de tempo para sua resolução clínica com o aparecimento de complicações. Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado nos prontuários do Serviço de Cirurgia bucomaxilofacial veificando dados epidemiológicos e da evolução clínica de pacientes que sofreram fraturas em face, esqueleto fixo e mandíbula entre os anos de 2012 e 2016. Os resultados mostraram que a epidemiologia das fraturas faciais foi bastante semelhante ao que a literatura pertinente ao assunto tem mostrado. A maioria dos casos ocorreram fora da cidade de Quito (64%). Observamos que não existe associação das variáveis: histórico de hábitos nocivos, presença de desvio, tipo de fratura, abordagem da fratura, tipo de fixação, presença ou não de comorbidades com o aparecimento de fraturas. Entretanto, os dados mostraram que existe 70% mais chances de risco de complicações quando o intervalo decorrido entre o acidente e o tratamento definitivo ultrapassar uma semana. Discutimos os fatores que podem implicar neste maior intervalo de tempo entre essas condutas e concluímos que existe a necessidade de investimento na especialidade e estudos para implantação de novos serviços fora da cidade de Quito. / Regional epidemiological studies involving maxillofacial traumatology are important to assist in the development of more efficient ways of providing health care, to assess and improve the quality of these care and to manage strategies of prevention, funding and access to treatment in public health sector. The time elapsed between a trauma of a patient\'s face until clinical care and treatment of fractures can affect the clinical results in terms of resolution interventions and complications. The objective of this study was to check whether in the public hospital Eugenio Espejo de Quito, there is a relationship between variables of typing of the fractures, their treatments and the intervals of time for their clinical resolution with the appearance of complications. A retrospective study was performed in the records of the Maxillofacial Surgery Service to verify epidemiological data and clinical evolution of patients who suffered fractures in face, fixed skeleton and jaw, between 2012 and 2016. The results showed that epidemiology of the facial fractures was quite similar to what pertinent literature to the subject has shown. Many of the cases occurred out city of Quito (64%). We observe that there is no association of historical variables of harmful habits, presence of deviation, type of fracture, approach of fracture, type of fixation, presence or not of comorbidities with the appearance of complications. However, the data showed that there are 70% more chances of risk of complications when the interval elapsed between the accident and the definitive treatment exceed one week. We discuss the factors that can be associated with the largest interval of time between conducts and we conclude that there is a need for investment in the specialty and studies for implementation of new services out the city of Quito.

Distúrbios locomotores e sua influência no ganho de peso e bem-estar em frangos de corte

Borges, Mariana Rodrigues January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Ibiara Correia de Lima Almeida Paz / Resumo: A avicultura de corte é caracterizada pelos ciclos de produção muito curtos, com rápido crescimento dos frangos. Em contrapartida, essa característica se reflete na composição mineral dos ossos e cartilagens, estando inaptos para sustentar seu peso, resultando em queda no desempenho e na produtividade, além de prejudicar o bem-estar animal. A hipótese dessa pesquisa foi de que os distúrbios ósseos causam prejuízo ao desenvolvimento do frango de corte e a qualidade de sua carcaça, e esses problemas começam a surgir com o aumento exponencial do ganho de peso. O objetivo desse trabalho foi correlacionar as metodologias de avaliação de bem-estar em frangos de corte por meio da capacidade de manter-se em pé em caixas plásticas (versão adaptada do latency to lie) e caminhar no trajeto em um metro linear (gait score), delineando a idade e o peso que se iniciam os distúrbios locomotores. Somado a isso, foi verificado a incidência de miopatia dorsal cranial, pododermatite e distúrbios locomotores nas aves. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 1000 aves da linhagem Cobb® Slow, adquiridas de um incubatório comercial, com 1 dia de idade, e alojadas em um sistema totalmente automatizado com ventilação em pressão negativa, utilização de exaustores e painéis evaporativos de celulose. Para este estudo, não houve tratamento, delineamento e repetição, assim, avaliou-se os animais em condições semelhantes às comerciais de criação. O bem-estar foi avaliado por dois métodos distintos, o gait score e o la... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Poultry farming is characterized by very short production cycles, with rapid growth of chickens. In contrast, this characteristic is reflect in the mineral composition of bones and cartilage, being unable to sustain their weight, resulting in a drop in performance and productivity, as well as impairing animal welfare. The hypothesis of this research was that the bone problems cause damage to the development of the broiler chicken and the quality of its carcass, and these problems begin to appear with the exponential increase of the weight gain. The objective of this study was to correlate welfare methodologies in broiler chickens through the ability to stand in plastic boxes (adapted version of latency to lie) and walk on a linear meter (gait score), delineating the age and weight that locomotion problems begin. In addition, the incidence of dorsal cranial myopathy, pododermatitis and locomotion problems in birds was verified. For this purpose, 1000 birds of the Cobb® Slow lineage were used, acquired from a commercial hatchery, at 1 day of age, housed in a fully automated system with negative pressure ventilation, use of hoods and evaporative cellulose panels. For this study, there was no treatment, delineation and repetition, thus, the animals were evaluated under conditions similar to commercial ones. The welfare was evaluated by two distinct methods, gait score and latency to lie, and later these methods were compared and correlated. The birds were weighed weekly, in order... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Taphonomie osseuse humaine au micro-scanner / Human bone taphonomy with microCT

Le Garff, Erwan 10 December 2018 (has links)
Introduction : l’estimation du délai post mortem (délai entre la découverte d’un cadavre et le moment du décès) est un élément important dans une enquête de police. Cette estimation est difficile lorsque le corps retrouvé est à l’état de squelette. Il existe peu d’outil pour effectuer cela.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la volonté d’élaborer des méthodes d’estimation de l’intervalle post mortem sur des restes osseux. Cette thèse s’attache à apporter des données nouvelles à l’aide de la micro-imagerie en taphonomie osseuse. Plus particulièrement, nous tentons de mettre en évidence les interactions entre l’os humain post mortem et son environnement.Matériels et méthodes : Des os humains issus de plusieurs dons du corps à la science ont été étudiés au micro-scanner. Ces os ont été conservés prospectivement pendant des périodes connues de temps connues. Les os ont été examinés au décours d’une conservation dans un environnement contrôlé et stable en température et en hygrométrie. Quatre axes d’expérimentation ont été retenus.Un premier axe de travail a porté sur la mesure de la précision du micro-scanner lors de mesures répétées. Ce travail a été réalisé sur des fragments de voûtes crâniennes et des phalanges.Un deuxième axe de travail a été réalisé sur l’impact du mode de conservation initiale de l’échantillon. Nous avons comparé l’évolution architecturale au micro-scanner de fragments de voûte crânienne conservés dans du formol à 10% ou en congélation à -20°C. Chaque échantillon a été conservé pendant 12 mois.Un troisième axe de travail s’est attaché à décrire l’évolution micro-scannographique de fragments osseux conservés en milieu standard sur diverse période (fragments de voûte crânienne sur 4 semaines et 10 semaines - fragments de côtes sur 6 et 36 mois).Résultats : Il a été mis en évidence que les acquisitions faites au micro-scanner sont précises et reproductibles.Nous avons montré qu’il existe de nombreuses variations architecturales lors de la mise en conservation d’os en milieu formolé ou en congélation. Cela montre l’importance du travail sur os frais dans un contexte taphonomique.Il a été mis en évidence des modifications architecturales significatives lors de la conservation d’os en milieu dit standard et contrôlé. Ces modifications surviennent dès les deux premières semaines de conservations pour les fragments de voûtes et sont également observées après 6 et 36 mois de conservation pour les fragments de côtes.Discussion et conclusion : Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence l’intérêt que représente la micro-imagerie pour l’étude de l’architecture osseuse. Il s’agit d’une technologie précise et non destructrice de l’échantillon. L’apport du micro-scanner réside dans la capacité d’analyse architecturale de volumes importants. Nos résultats confirment l’influence du milieu de conservation et du temps sur le substrat osseux. Des modifications architecturales sont déjà observables après des temps de conservation variables (de quelques semaines plusieurs mois). Ces délais sont très courts au regard du délai de prescription en matière pénale et de la taphonomie en archéologie. Ces résultats méritent d’être confrontés à des données sur un plus grand nombre d’individus, sur des durées de conservation plus longues et avec de nombreux milieux de conservation. / Introduction: Estimating post-mortem delay (the time between the discovery of a dead body and the time of death) is an important element in a police investigation. This estimate is difficult when the body found is in the skeleton state. There is little tool to do this.This work is part of the desire to develop methods for estimating the post mortem interval on bone remains. This thesis focuses on providing new data using micro-imaging in bone taphonomy. In particular, we try to highlight the interactions between post mortem human bone and its environment.Materials and methods: Human bones from several body donations to science were studied by micro-scanning. These bones have been conserved prospectively for known periods of time. The bones were examined during conservation in a controlled environment and stable in temperature and hygrometry. Four axes of experimentation were retained.A first line of work focused on measuring the precision of the micro-scanner during repeated measurements. This work was done on fragments of cranial vaults and phalanges.A second line of work was carried out on the impact of the initial mode of preservation of the sample. We compared the architectural evolution with micro-scanning of cranial vault fragments preserved in 10% formalin or freezing at -20 ° C. Each sample was kept for 12 months.A third line of work focused on describing the microCT evolution of bone fragments preserved in standard medium over various periods (cranial vault fragments over 4 weeks and 10 weeks - rib fragments over 6 and 36 months).Results: It has been shown that micro-scanner acquisitions are accurate and reproducible.We have shown that there are many architectural variations in the storage of bone in formaldehyde or freezing. This shows the importance of fresh bone work in a taphonomic context.Significant architectural modifications have been demonstrated during bone conservation in a standard and controlled environment. These changes occur as early as the first two weeks of storage for the vault fragments and are also observed after 6 and 36 months of storage for the rib fragments.Discussion and conclusion: This work has made it possible to highlight the interest that micro-imaging represents for the study of bone architecture. This is a precise and non-destructive technology of the sample. The contribution of the micro-scanner lies in the capacity of architectural analysis of large volumes. Our results confirm the influence of conservation medium and time on the bone substrate. Architectural modifications are already observable after variable conservation times (from a few weeks to several months). These delays are very short with regard to the limitation period in criminal cases and taphonomy in archeology. These results deserve to be confronted with data on a larger number of individuals, longer storage periods, and many conservation environments.

Avaliação do efeito do análogo de glicocorticóide L5 na resposta inflamatória, na estrutura e biomecânica óssea e na composição corporal de camundongos fêmeas adultos. / Evaluation of the effect of the glucocorticoid analog L5 on the inflamatory response, on the bone structure and biomechanics and on the body composition of adult female mice.

Melo, Bruno José Silva de 29 October 2013 (has links)
Glicocorticóides são utilizados no tratamento de doenças auto-imunes e inflamatórias. Um novo composto, arilpirazola (L5) exibiu efeito antiinflamatórios e um perfil reduzido de efeitos colaterais. Avaliamos ações antiinflamatórias do L5 in vivo e os efeitos do L5 na estrutura e biomecânica ósseas em camundongos C57BL/6J. Prednisolona (Pred) e L5 reduziram o número de total leucócitos na dose de 2,1 mg/kg.pc/dia e 2,4 mg/kg.pc/dia, respectivamente. A Pred reduziu a massa corporal e o L5. Pred e L5 promoveram aumento na massa do coração. A Pred promoveu redução na massa muscular, enquanto que o L5 não teve efeito. Pred e L5 não alteraram o tecido adiposo. Na análise por microtomografia computadorizada o tratamento com L5 diminuiu BV/TV, Tb/Sp e DA, já a Pred reduziu apenas Tb/Sp. Pred e L5 não promoveram alteração no osso cortical. Pred não alterou parâmetros biomecânicos do fêmur e da tíbia e L5 reduziu energia em quebra da tíbia. Este estudo sugere que o L5 tem o mesmo potencial anti-inflamatório da Pred e que não se mostrou deletério à massa muscular. / Glucocorticoids are used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. A new compound, arilpirazola (L5) exhibited anti-inflammatory effect and reduced side effect profile. We evaluated the anti-inflammatory actions in vivo L5 and L5 on the effects of structure and biomechanical bone in mice C57BL/6J. Prednisone (Pred) and L5 reduced the overall number of leukocytes in a dose of 2.1 mg/kg.pc/day and 2.4 mg/kg.pc/day, respectively. The Pred decreased body mass and not L5. Pred and L5 caused an increase in heart mass. The Pred promoted reduction in muscle mass, while the L5 had no effect. Pred and L5 did not alter adipose tissue. The analysis by computed microtomography treatment with L5 decreased BV/TV, Tb/Sp and DA, since the only Pred reduced Tb/Sp. Pred and L5 did not promote changes in cortical bone. Pred has not altered biomechanical parameters of the femur and tibia and L5 reduced energy breaks the tibia. This study suggests that the L5 have the same potential anti-inflammatory Pred and was not deleterious to the muscle.

Development of an immunoassay for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and its use in the monitoring of bone metabolism.

January 1993 (has links)
Chi Keung Cheung. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 219-251). / Chapter CHAPTER I --- LITERATURE REVIEW / Chapter 1 --- The structure of bone --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1. --- The cortical bone --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2. --- The cancellous bone --- p.3 / Chapter 2 --- The composition of bone --- p.3 / Chapter 2.1. --- Bone minerals --- p.4 / Chapter 2.2. --- The organic matrix --- p.4 / Chapter 2.3. --- The bone cells --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3.1. --- The osteoblast and the osteocyte --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3.2. --- The osteoclast --- p.11 / Chapter 3 --- Bone turnover - modelling and remodelling of bone --- p.13 / Chapter 3.1. --- Postulated sequence of bone remodelling --- p.14 / Chapter 4 --- Regulation of bone resorption --- p.16 / Chapter 4.1. --- Role of osteoblast and the lining cell on bone resorption --- p.17 / Chapter 5 --- Regulation of bone formation --- p.19 / Chapter 6 --- Effects of systemic hormones and local factors on bone metabolism --- p.20 / Chapter 6.1. --- Parathyroid hormone --- p.20 / Chapter 6.2. --- "1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3" --- p.22 / Chapter 6.3. --- Calcitonin --- p.23 / Chapter 6.4. --- Prostaglandins --- p.23 / Chapter 6.5. --- Sex hormones --- p.24 / Chapter 6.6. --- Glucocorticoid --- p.26 / Chapter 6.7. --- Growth hormone --- p.27 / Chapter 6.8. --- Insulin --- p.28 / Chapter 6.9. --- Thyroid hormones --- p.29 / Chapter 6.10. --- Other systemic and local factors --- p.30 / Chapter 7 --- Indices of bone turnover --- p.34 / Chapter 8 --- Non-biochemical indices of bone metabolism --- p.34 / Chapter 8.1. --- Radionuclide bone scan --- p.34 / Chapter 8.2. --- Radiokinetic assessment --- p.35 / Chapter 8.3. --- Bone biopsy --- p.35 / Chapter 8.4. --- Bone densitometry --- p.36 / Chapter 9 --- Biochemical indices of bone metabolism --- p.37 / Chapter 10 --- Biochemical markers of bone formation --- p.38 / Chapter 10.1. --- Alkaline phosphatase --- p.38 / Chapter 10.1.1. --- Role and origin of bone alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme --- p.39 / Chapter 10.1.2. --- Measurement of bone alkaline phosphatase --- p.41 / Chapter --- Heat inactivation --- p.42 / Chapter --- Chemical inactivation --- p.43 / Chapter --- Immunological methods --- p.44 / Chapter --- High performance liquid chromatography --- p.45 / Chapter --- Gel electrophoresis --- p.45 / Chapter --- Isoelectric focusing --- p.47 / Chapter 10.2. --- Osteocalcin --- p.48 / Chapter 10.3. --- Osteonectin --- p.51 / Chapter 10.4. --- Matrix Gla-protein --- p.51 / Chapter 10.5. --- Other non-collagenous proteins --- p.52 / Chapter 10.6. --- Urinary Gla concentration --- p.52 / Chapter 10.7. --- Collagen peptides and extension peptides --- p.54 / Chapter 11 --- Biochemical markers of bone resorption --- p.55 / Chapter 11.1. --- Urine hydroxyproline --- p.55 / Chapter 11.2. --- Pyridinium cross-links --- p.58 / Chapter 11.3. --- Acid phosphatase --- p.60 / Chapter 11.3.1. --- Acid phosphatase isoenzymes --- p.60 / Chapter 11.3.2. --- The band 5 acid phosphatase isoenzyme genetics and characteristics --- p.62 / Chapter 11.3.3. --- Band 5 acid phosphatase as marker of osteoclastic function --- p.64 / Chapter 11.3.4. --- Measurement of osteoclastic acid phosphatase --- p.67 / Chapter --- Specific chemical inhibitor --- p.67 / Chapter --- Electrophoresis --- p.67 / Chapter --- Immunological methods --- p.68 / Chapter 12 --- Problems with current biochemical markers of bone metabolism --- p.68 / Chapter 13 --- Aims of this study --- p.70 / Chapter CHAPTER II --- PURIFICATION OF TARTRATE-RESISTANT ACID PHOSPHATASE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMMUNOASSAY FOR IT'S MEASUREMENT / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.72 / Chapter 2 --- Materials and methods --- p.75 / Chapter 2.1. --- Chemicals and reagents --- p.75 / Chapter 2.1.1. --- Apparatus --- p.76 / Chapter 2.2. --- Methods --- p.77 / Chapter 2.2.1. --- Cord serum --- p.77 / Chapter 2.2.2. --- Measurement of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity --- p.77 / Chapter 2.2.3. --- Measurement of protein concentration --- p.80 / Chapter 2.2.4. --- Purification of TRACP from cord plasma --- p.82 / Chapter --- Cation-exchange column chromatography --- p.83 / Chapter --- Gel filtration column chromatography --- p.84 / Chapter --- Concanavalin A-affinity column chromatography --- p.85 / Chapter --- Preparative isoelectric focusing (IEF) --- p.86 / Chapter 2.3. --- Characterisation of purified TRACP --- p.90 / Chapter 2.3.1. --- Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) --- p.91 / Chapter 2.3.2. --- "Optimum pH, substrate specificity and the effects of potential activators and inhibitors on TRACP activity" --- p.99 / Chapter 2.3.3. --- Amino acid composition of purified TRACP --- p.101 / Chapter 2.4. --- Methods for raising anti-human TRACP antibody and characterisation of the antiserum --- p.102 / Chapter 2.4.1. --- Production of rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody --- p.102 / Chapter 2.4.2. --- Determination of the titre of rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody --- p.103 / Chapter 2.4.3. --- Immunoblotting analyses for cross reactivity study --- p.103 / Chapter 2.4.4. --- Immunohistochemical study for antibody specificity --- p.105 / Chapter 2.4.5. --- Cross reactivity study of the rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody to some tissue preparations --- p.107 / Chapter 2.5. --- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for TRACP --- p.109 / Chapter 2.5.1. --- Optimisation and evaluation of the new ELISA method for TRACP --- p.111 / Chapter 3 --- RESULTS --- p.113 / Chapter 3.1. --- "Precision of methods for the determination of protein, TRACP and phosphate." --- p.113 / Chapter 3.2. --- Isolation and purification of TRACP --- p.113 / Chapter 3.2.1. --- Concanavalin A affinity chromatography --- p.120 / Chapter 3.2.2. --- Isoelectric focusing (IEF) --- p.120 / Chapter 3.3. --- Characterisation and homogeneity of purified TRACP --- p.128 / Chapter 3.3.1. --- Characterisation of purified TRACP --- p.128 / Chapter 3.3.2. --- Homogeneity of purified TRACP --- p.132 / Chapter 3.3.3. --- Amino acid composition --- p.136 / Chapter 3.4. --- Characterisation of the rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody --- p.136 / Chapter 3.4.1. --- Antibody specificity - immunoblotting study --- p.139 / Chapter 3.4.2. --- Antibody specificity - cross reactivity with partially purified non-cord plasma TRACP --- p.142 / Chapter 3.4.3. --- Antibody specificity - immunohistochemical study --- p.145 / Chapter 3.5. --- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for TRACP --- p.145 / Chapter 3.5.1. --- Optimal concentration of antigen for coating of microtitre plate --- p.145 / Chapter 3.5.2. --- Kinetics of reaction with the primary rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody --- p.149 / Chapter 3.5.3. --- "Precision, recovery and assay range" --- p.149 / Chapter 4 --- DISCUSSION --- p.155 / Chapter 4.1. --- Purification of cord plasma TRACP --- p.155 / Chapter 4.2. --- Characterisation of cord plasma TRACP --- p.158 / Chapter 4.3. --- Characterisation of rabbit anti-human TRACP antibody --- p.163 / Chapter 4.4. --- Enzyme immunoassay for TRACP --- p.165 / Chapter CHAPTER III --- STUDY OF SERUM TRACP IN HEALTHY SUBJECTS AND IN PATIENTS WITH BONE RELATED DISEASES / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.168 / Chapter 2 --- Materials and methods --- p.171 / Chapter 2.1. --- Subjects --- p.171 / Chapter 2.1.1. --- Healthy subjects --- p.171 / Chapter 2.1.2. --- Patients --- p.172 / Chapter --- Post-menopausal women on hormone replacement therapy --- p.172 / Chapter --- Hip fracture patients --- p.173 / Chapter --- Other patients --- p.174 / Chapter 2.3. --- Measurement of other biochemical parameters --- p.175 / Chapter 2.3.1. --- Bone alkaline phosphatase --- p.175 / Chapter 2.3.2. --- "Measurement of urine hydroxyproline, creatinine, calcium, osteocalcin, thyroid hormones and parathyroid hormone" --- p.176 / Chapter 2.4. --- Statistics --- p.178 / Chapter 3 --- RESULTS --- p.179 / Chapter 3.1. --- Healthy subjects --- p.179 / Chapter 3.2. --- Serum TRACP concentration in post-menopausal women before and after hormone replacement therapy --- p.185 / Chapter 3.3. --- TRACP concentration in elderly subjects with hip fractures --- p.189 / Chapter 3.4. --- Serum TRACP concentrations in patients with other bone related diseases --- p.190 / Chapter 3.4.1. --- Hyperthyroidism --- p.194 / Chapter 3.4.2. --- Hyperparathyroidism --- p.198 / Chapter 3.4.3. --- Haemodialysis --- p.201 / Chapter 4 --- DISCUSSION --- p.204 / GENERAL DISCUSSION --- p.216 / REFERENCES --- p.219

殷對貞卜辭句型變異硏究. / Yin dui zhen bu ci ju xing bian yi yan jiu.

January 1989 (has links)
朱歧祥. / 手稿本, 複本據稿本影印. / Thesis (Ph.d.)--香港中文大學中國語文學部. / Shou gao ben, fu ben ju gao ben ying yin. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 769-801). / Zhu Qixiang. / Thesis (Ph.d.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue Zhongguo yu wen xue bu. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 何謂對貞 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二節 --- 對貞的位置 --- p.17 / Chapter 甲 --- 龜甲的對貞位置 --- p.17 / Chapter 乙 --- 牛胛骨的對貞位置 --- p.20 / Chapter 第三節 --- 對貞的句型 --- p.24 / Chapter 甲 --- 單句的對貞句型 --- p.24 / Chapter 乙 --- 複句的對貞句型 --- p.34 / Chapter 第四節 --- 對貞卜辭詞類的分析條例 --- p.51 / Chapter 第二章 --- 對貞卜辭否定詞斷代研究 --- p.120 / Chapter 表一 --- 殷墟卜辭中否定詞的斷代用例總表 --- p.122 / Chapter 表二 --- 殷墟卜辭中否定詞的斷代用例統計表 --- p.163 / Chapter 第一節 --- 說不 --- p.166 / Chapter 甲 --- 五期卜辭中不字的用法 --- p.166 / Chapter 乙 --- 由不雨一文例討論對貞中的詞類 --- p.178 / Chapter 第二節 --- 說亡 --- p.188 / Chapter 甲 --- 五期卜辭中亡字的用法 --- p.188 / Chapter 乙 --- 五期卜辭中亡字與其他否定詞的關係  --- p.196 / Chapter 第三節 --- 說弗 --- p.206 / Chapter 甲 --- 五期卜辭中弗字的用法 --- p.206 / Chapter 乙 --- 比較弗不二否定詞的異同 --- p.216 / Chapter 第四節 --- 說勿 --- p.233 / Chapter 甲 --- 五期卜辭中勿的用法 --- p.233 / Chapter 乙 --- 比較勿與不的異同 --- p.238 / Chapter 丙 --- 釋勿同字 --- p.252 / Chapter 第五節 --- 說弜 --- p.264 / Chapter 第六節 --- 不隹勿隹 --- p.280 / Chapter 第七節 --- 說 --- p.289 / Chapter 第八節 --- 說毋 --- p.297 / Chapter 第九節 --- 說非 --- p.303 / Chapter 第十節 --- 由對貞論《甲骨文合集》中□組、子組、午組卜辭的斷代 --- p.305 / 結語 --- p.317 / Chapter 第三章 --- 對貞卜辭句型變異之一──省文 --- p.366 / Chapter 第一節 --- 省主詞 --- p.368 / Chapter 甲 --- 省略殷王稱謂 --- p.368 / Chapter 乙 --- 省略貴族邦國稱謂 --- p.370 / Chapter 第二節 --- 省賓詞 --- p.377 / Chapter 甲 --- 省間接賓詞 --- p.377 / Chapter 乙 --- 介詞、間接賓詞兼省 --- p.382 / Chapter 丙 --- 省直接賓詞 --- p.385 / Chapter 丁 --- 直接、間接賓詞兼省 --- p.389 / Chapter 第三節 --- 省動詞 --- p.392 / Chapter 甲 --- 一般動詞的省略句型 --- p.392 / Chapter 乙 --- 複合動詞的省略句型 --- p.396 / Chapter 丙 --- 呼屬句動詞的省略句型 --- p.399 / Chapter 第四節 --- 省形容詞 --- p.406 / Chapter 第五節 --- 省介詞 --- p.409 / Chapter 甲 --- 省介詞于 --- p.409 / Chapter 乙 --- 兼省介詞于和賓詞 --- p.411 / Chapter 丙 --- 省介詞在 --- p.414 / Chapter 第六節 --- 省時間副詞 --- p.416 / Chapter 第七節 --- 省疑問副詞 --- p.426 / Chapter 第八節 --- 省方位副詞 --- p.428 / Chapter 第九節 --- 省數詞 --- p.430 / Chapter 第十節 --- 省發語詞 --- p.432 / Chapter 第十一節 --- 省主、賓詞 --- p.434 / Chapter 第十二節 --- 省主、動詞 --- p.438 / Chapter 第十三節 --- 省動、賓詞 --- p.441 / Chapter 第十四節 --- 省主、動、賓詞 --- p.444 / Chapter 第十五節 --- 省複合句中的主句 --- p.449 / Chapter 第十六節 --- 省複合句中的補充詞 --- p.457 / Chapter 第十七節 --- 省文句型的影響 --- p.460 / Chapter 甲 --- 省主詞 --- p.460 / Chapter 乙 --- 省賓詞 --- p.466 / Chapter 丙 --- 省動詞 --- p.470 / Chapter 丁 --- 省動、賓詞 --- p.477 / Chapter 戊 --- 省主、賓詞 --- p.479 / Chapter 己 --- 省介詞 --- p.479 / 結語 --- p.482 / Chapter 第四章 --- 對貞卜辭句型變異之二 ──移位 --- p.529 / Chapter 第一節 --- 主詞移位 --- p.531 / Chapter 甲 --- 主詞移後 --- p.531 / Chapter 乙 --- 主詞移尾 --- p.532 / Chapter 第二節 --- 賓詞移位 --- p.533 / Chapter 甲 --- 賓詞移首 --- p.533 / Chapter 乙 --- 介、賓詞移首 --- p.536 / Chapter 丙 --- 賓詞移前 --- p.539 / Chapter 丁 --- 賓詞移後 --- p.541 / Chapter 第三節 --- 動詞移位 --- p.543 / Chapter 甲 --- 動詞移首 --- p.544 / Chapter 乙 --- 動詞移尾 --- p.545 / Chapter 丙 --- 動詞移後 --- p.549 / Chapter 第四節 --- 時間副詞移位 --- p.550 / Chapter 甲 --- 時間副詞移首 --- p.550 / Chapter 乙 --- 時間副詞移尾 --- p.551 / Chapter 丙 --- 時間副詞移後 --- p.553 / Chapter 第五節 --- 介詞移位 --- p.556 / Chapter 第六節 --- 數詞移位 --- p.558 / Chapter 第七節 --- 否定副詞移位 --- p.560 / Chapter 甲 --- 不的移位 --- p.560 / Chapter 乙 --- 勿的移位 --- p.562 / Chapter 丙 --- 弗的移位 --- p.563 / Chapter 第八節 --- 代詞移位 --- p.564 / Chapter 第九節 --- 形容詞移位 --- p.567 / Chapter 第十節 --- 連詞移位 --- p.568 / Chapter 第十一節 --- 補充句移位 --- p.570 / Chapter 甲 --- 補充句移首 --- p.570 / Chapter 乙 --- 補充句移前 --- p.570 / Chapter 第十二節 --- 移位句型的影響 --- p.572 / Chapter 甲 --- 主詞移位 --- p.572 / Chapter 乙 --- 賓詞移位 --- p.573 / Chapter 丙 --- 動詞移位 --- p.587 / Chapter 丁 --- 數詞移位 --- p.588 / 結語 --- p.590 / Chapter 第五章 --- 對貞卜辭句型變異之三 ── 加接 --- p.627 / Chapter 第一節 --- 句組加接 --- p.628 / Chapter 第二節 --- 詞組加接 --- p.644 / Chapter 第三節 --- 正反加接 --- p.651 / Chapter 第四節 --- 加接句型的影響 --- p.662 / Chapter 甲 --- 詞組加接 --- p.662 / Chapter 乙 --- 句組加接 --- p.665 / 結語 --- p.667 / Chapter 第六章 --- 對貞卜辭句型變異之四 ── 複合詞 --- p.678 / Chapter 第一節 --- 複合動詞 --- p.679 / Chapter 第二節 --- 說呼令 --- p.694 / Chapter 第三節 --- 複合主詞 --- p.702 / Chapter 第四節 --- 複合賓詞 --- p.706 / Chapter 第五節 --- 複合詞的影響 --- p.712 / Chapter 甲 --- 複合主詞 --- p.712 / Chapter 乙 --- 複合賓詞 --- p.715 / Chapter 丙 --- 複合動詞 --- p.716 / 結語 --- p.725 / Chapter 第七章 --- 對貞卜辭句型變異之五 ── 類同 --- p.733 / Chapter 第一節 --- 賓詞類同 --- p.734 / Chapter 甲 --- 平衡或類同 --- p.734 / Chapter 乙 --- 包孕或類同 --- p.738 / Chapter 第二節 --- 主詞類同 --- p.742 / Chapter 第三節 --- 數詞類同 --- p.745 / Chapter 第四節 --- 方位詞類同 --- p.747 / Chapter 第五節 --- 複合句中主句類同 --- p.749 / Chapter 第六節 --- 複合句中補充句類同 --- p.751 / Chapter 第七節 --- 類同句型的影響 --- p.753 / 結語 --- p.756 / 總論 --- p.763 / Chapter 附一 --- 本文引用甲骨書目簡稱 --- p.769 / Chapter 附二 --- 參考書目類別舉要 --- p.773 / Chapter 附三 --- 期刊論文舉要 --- p.789

Role of Aqp1, Sm51 and GATA6 in differentiation and migration of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. / Aqp1, Sm51和GATA6在骨髓干细胞分化与迁移中的作用 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Aqp1, Sm51 he GATA6 zai gu sui gan xi bao fen hua yu qian yi zhong de zuo yong

January 2013 (has links)
Meng, Fanbiao. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 114-138). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Perfil da ingestão de alimentos e de nutrientes relacionados à saúde óssea, de mulheres com mais de 60 anos, moradoras da cidade de Bauru, São Paulo /

Destefani, Silvia Andréa. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Gláucia Maria Ferreira da Silva Mazeto / Coorientador: Sergio Alberto Rupp de Paiva / Banca: Dirce Maria Lobo Marchioni / Banca: Renata Maria Galvão de Campos Cintra / Resumo: A nutrição compreende uma rede de processos que envolvem desde o recebimento e ingestão dos alimentos, com a utilização dos nutrientes, mantendo as funções do organismo, até a eliminação dos resíduos alimentares. Uma nutrição adequada está relacionada à qualidade e variedade dos alimentos da dieta e à qualidade de vida do indivíduo, apresentando uma associação inversa com o risco de desenvolvimento de doenças, particularmente as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT). Dentre estas, destaca-se a osteoporose, que se constitui em uma das mais prevalentes DCNT e que desperta maior interesse. A osteoporose é definida como uma doença crônica metabólica, caracterizada por um defeito na remodelação óssea e pela perda de osso normalmente mineralizado, com deterioração micro-arquitetural. Como consequência, ocorre aumento da fragilidade óssea, o que leva às fraturas, as quais implicam em elevada morbimortalidade. A osteoporose apresenta estreita relação com a deprivação hormonal, que ocorre após a menopausa, e com o próprio processo de envelhecimento em si. Além disso, outros fatores podem estar relacionados à gênese da osteoporose. Dentre estes, destaca-se a nutrição, a qual se encontra intimamente relacionada com a saúde óssea. Vários estudos ressaltam a importância de minerais tais como cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P) e magnésio (Mg) para a manutenção da massa óssea. Recentemente, foi avaliado o papel das vitaminas lipossolúveis na fisiopatologia das doenças ósseas. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o perfil da ingestão de Ca, P e vitaminas A, D, E e K, a ingestão de porções por grupos de alimentos e a qualidade da dieta em mulheres com mais de 60 anos, atendidas no Programa Municipal de Atendimento ao Idoso (PROMAI) da cidade de Bauru. Para isto, foram avaliadas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Nutrition involves a chain of process, which starts with food intake, utilization of its nutrients to keeps the organism functions, and finally residue elimination. An adequate nutrition is directly to the quality and variety of ones dietary intake, as well as the quality of life. Thus, it presents an inverse association with the development of diseases, particularly those Chronic Non Transmissible Disease (CNTD). Among them, osteoporosis is the most significant CNTD and raises more interest. Osteoporosis is defined as a metabolic disease, characterized by a defect in the bone transformation and by the loss of bone mass, generally mineralized, with micro arquitectural deterioration. As a consequence, it occurs an increase of bone fragility, e patients what leads to fracture and implicates in a elevated morbimortality. Osteoporosis has presented a straight relationship with hormone deprivation which occurs after menopause and the ageing process itself. Besides, others factors can be reated to the osteoporosis genesis. Among them, nutrition is highly related to bone health. Several studies have show the importance of mineral such as calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (MG) to bone mass maintenance. Recently, it has been evaluated the role of fat soluble vitamins in bone diseases pathophysiology. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the intake of Ca, P, vitamins A, D, E and K, food group portions and the quality of the diet in women over 60 years old, monitored by the "Programa Municipal de Atendimento ao Idoso (PROMAI)" (a municipal program that monitors the elderly, from the city of Bauru). To do so, 118 women were evaluated and monitored by PROMAI medical service, through two 24 hours recall (R24H) with a 30 day break between each one. Social, economical, cultural and anthropometric data were collected as... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Experimental studies on prevention of steroid-associated osteonecrosis with herbal Epimedium-derived bioactive compound Icariin. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2008 (has links)
Steroid-associated osteonecrosis (SAON) accounts for a major fraction in non-traumatic osteonecosis (ON) and generally has poor prognosis even after surgical interventions. This suggests that prevention is one of the important intervention strategies for SAON. So far, there is lacking of proven prevention modalities for SAON. / Study I was to establish an alternative SAON model. Based on the proposed pathogenesis of SAON that the intravascular thrombosis and extravascular marrow fat deposition are the two important contributors to the development of ON lesion, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) could induce vascular dysfunction and even thrombosis, and methylprednisolone (MPS) could induce the adipogenesis of marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). They were accordingly used in a combination for ON induction in animals. / Study II was to investigate the effect of Herbal Epimedium-derived formula for prevention of ON using the validated SAON animal model. Efficacy of the herbal Epimedium-derived formula was assessed for prevention of SAON using the animal model. Thirty adult male rabbits were used in this study. The ON incidence was set as the end-point for evaluation of the prevention efficay. For the potential intervention targets, the intravascular thrombosis and extravascular marrow fat formation were evaluated hematologically and histopathologically. The vascular structure and function were evaluated by advanced bioimaging modalities of micro-CT and MRI. / Study III was to investigate the bioactive compound(s) from the herbal Epimedium-derived herbal formula for prevention of SAON. Phytochemical analysis identified seven compounds in this efficacy-proven formula, with icariin as the major compound accounting for more than 80% in weight. Icariin was therefore tested for its prevention efficacy using the SAON animal model. / Study IV was to investigate the underlying mechanism(s) of bioactive compound Icariin in effective prevention of SAON using in vitro cell models. As activation of endothelial cells and adipogenesis of MSCs are suggested to be the two major events involving in vascular dysfunction and marrow fat formation in SAON animal model, Icariin were accordingly hypothesized to be able to prevent activation of endothelial cells and inhibit adipogenesis of MSCs. / Summary. After summarizing the major findings of these four logically interrelated studies, it was able to conclude that Icariin was the identified bioactive compound from the herbal Epimedium-derived formula, which was able to reduce the SAON incidence with inhibition of intravascular thrombosis and extravascular marrow fat formation in an established rabbit model. The underlying mechanisms might be related to its effects on protection of endothelial cells activation and inhibition of MSCs adipogenesis (This can be summarized in the following picture). This study provides a new bioactive agent Icariin for SAON prevention and potential future clinical application. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The following research questions were addressed in the present study: (1) Is there an alternative SAON animal model? (Study I); (2) Whether the herbal Epimedium-derived formula is able to prevent SAON in this animal model? (Study II); (3) What is the bioactive compound(s) in this herbal Epimedium-derived formula? (Study III); (4) How does this bioactive compound prevent SAON? (Study IV) / Sheng, Hui. / Adviser: Ling Qin. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: B, page: 3421. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

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