Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda electron microscopy"" "subject:"ando electron microscopy""
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Dehydriding process of alpha-AlH3 observed by transmission electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopyMuto, S, Tatsumi, K, Ikeda, K, Orimo, S 19 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in BarbadosOuellette, Gilman Reno 01 August 2013 (has links)
Barbados is the easternmost island in the Caribbean region, and is uniquely situated between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Being an isolated island with a karstified aquifer providing the majority of the nation’s water resources, Barbados has found itself in water scarce situations in recent years. In order to better understand natural shifts in groundwater recharge (which is determined by shifts in precipitation), longer records of precipitation are needed than are available from modern measurements. This study presents a paleoclimate reconstruction for the late Holocene on Barbados using stable and radiogenic isotope ratios in speleothem lamina as proxies. In addition, it introduces the use of novel mineralogical analyses using Raman spectroscopy and large chamber-scanning electron microscopy to supplement the oxygen isotope record. For the past 1,500 years, the speleothem record indicates average δ18O values near -4.1 0/00, maximum δ18O values around -3.2 0/00 that coincide with the Little Ice Age climate event, while minimum δ18O values around -5.3 0/00 occur during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Raman spectral analysis shows a recent period of increased Mg substitution, which potentially represents anthropogenic changes to the island’s epikarst aquifer caused by European settlement and sugar cane cultivation on Barbados. Electron imaging revealed chemically distinct layers of detritus within the stalagmite sample, facilitating precise sampling for U-series dating while also providing some information on the nature of weathering on the island. Additionally, time series analysis of the isotope record indicates multidecadal and multicentennial periodicities that conform well to that of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation exerting influence on rainfall variability at the decadal scale, and the Intertropical Convergance Zone modulating rainfall at the multicentennial scale. Collectively, these data provide a climate reconstruction for the island of Barbados that is useful for better understanding change in cyclic precipitation patterns, as well as non-destructive methods for speleothem analysis that complement the isotopic study, while allowing sample preservation.
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Statocyst sensory epithelia ultrastructural analysis of Cephalopods exposed to noiseSolé Carbonell, Marta 26 June 2012 (has links)
Controlled Exposure Experiments revealed lesions in the statocysts of four cephalopod species
of the Mediterranean Sea (Sepia officinalis, Loligo vulgaris, Illex coindetii and Octopus
vulgaris), when exposed to relatively low intensity low frequency sounds. The analysis was
performed through: scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy techniques of
the whole inner structure of the cephalopod statocysts, especially on macula and crista; SEM of
the epidermal lines of cephalopod hatchlings; and proteomic studies (2DE/MALDI –MS) of the
statocyst’s endolymph. All exposed adult individuals presented the same lesions and the same
incremental effects over time, consistent with a massive acoustic trauma observed in land
species that were exposed to much higher intensities of sound. Immediately after exposure, the
damage was observed in the macula statica princeps (msp) and in the crista sensory epithelium.
Kinocilia on hair cells were either missing or were bent or flaccid. A number of hair cells
showed protruding apical poles and ruptured lateral plasma membranes, most probably resulting
from the extrusion of cytoplasmic material. Hair cells were also partially ejected from the
sensory epithelium, and spherical holes corresponding to missing hair cells were visible in the
epithelium. The cytoplasmic content of the damaged hair cells showed obvious changes,
including the presence of numerous vacuoles and electron dense inclusions not seen in the
control animals. The appearance of these lesions became gradually more pronounced in
individuals after 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. Special attention was given to validate these
findings with control animals that were caught, maintained and sequentially sacrificed following
the same protocol as the exposed individuals. The statocyst ultrastructure was therefore revisited
and a comparative analysis was carefully conducted to assess the lesions triggered by the
exposure to noise
This study also presents preliminary results of the sound effects on epidermal lines of
cephalopod hatchlings. The lesions, consistent with an acoustic trauma, were identic in the three
species that were exposed, but their evolution over time, in opposition with what was observed
in the statocysts, were different, suggesting that the animal size and metabolic response might
play a role in a possible recovery process.
The analysis of noise effects in the statocyst endolymph by proteomic techniques was only
conducted on Sepia officinalis. The presence of differential staining of gels from control and
subjected to sound exposure individuals demonstrate that the injuries could be related to a
possible physiological imbalance that would affect the protein levels of the endolymph.
The lesions and findings described here are new to cephalopod pathology. Given that lowfrequency
noise levels in the ocean are increasing (e.g. due to shipping, offshore industry, and
naval maneuvers), that the role of cephalopods in marine ecosystems is only now beginning to
be understood, and that reliable bioacoustic data on invertebrates are scarce, the present study
and future investigations will bring an important contribution to the sustainable use of the
marine environment. / Després de sotmetre'ls a experiments d'exposició controlada a sons de baixa intensitat i baixa freqüència es van observar lesions en els estatocists de quatre espècies de cefalòpodes de la mar Mediterrània (Sepia officinalis, Loligo vulgaris, Illex coindetii i Octopus vulgaris). L'anàlisi es va realitzar per mitjà de de microscòpia electronica d'escombratge (SEM) i de transmissió (TEM) de tota l'estructura interna de l'estatocist dels cefalòpodes, especialment en la màcula i en la crista, per SEM de les línees epidèrmiques de les larves dels cefalòpodes i per tècniques de proteòmica (2DE/MALDI-MS), de l'endolimfa de l'estatocist. Tots els estatocists d'individus adults de cefalòpodes exposats presentaven les mateixes lesions i aquests efectes eren més greus a mesura que passava el temps després de l'exposició als sons. Tots els animals exposats al soroll van mostrar lesions consistens amb trauma acústic massiu observat en altres espècies terrestres que havien estat exposades a intensitats molt més altes de so. Immediatament després de l'exposició, es van observar danys a la macula statica princeps (msp) i en l'epiteli sensorial de la crista. Els quinocilis de les cèl·lules ciliades desapareixien o es doblegaven i es tornaven flàccids. Un nombre important de cèl·lules ciliades mostraven els pols apicals sobresortint de l'epiteli sensorial, així com el trencament de les membranes plasmàtiques laterals, molt probablement com a resultat de l'extrusió de material citoplasmàtic. Les cèl·lules ciliades també van ser parcialment expulsades de l'epiteli sensorial deixant visibles forats esfèrics en el mateix. El contingut citoplasmàtic de les cèl·lules ciliades danyades va mostrar canvis obvis, com ara la presència de nombrosos vacúols i inclusions electrodenses que no es veien en els animals control. L'aparició d'aquestes lesions es va tornar gradualment més pronunciada en els individus analitzats després de 12, 24, 48, 72 i 96 hores. Es van validar curosament aquests resultats per mitjà de la comparació amb els animals control que van ser capturats, mantinguts i sacrificats de forma seqüencial seguint el mateix protocol que els individus exposats. La ultraestructura de l'estatocist va ser revisada i es va dur a terme un curós anàlisi comparatiu per tal d'avaluar les lesions provocades per l'exposició al soroll. Aquest estudi també presenta els resultats preliminars dels efectes del so en les línies epidèrmiques de cefalòpodes recent nascuts. Les lesions, consistens amb trauma acústic, eren idèntiques en les tres espècies que van ser exposades, però la seva evolució en el temps, en oposició amb el que es va observar en els estatocists, era diferent, cosa que suggereix que la grandària dels animals i la resposta metabòlica podria tenir influència en un possible procés de recuperació. L'avaluació dels efectes en l'endolimfa de l'estatocist per tècniques de proteòmica es va dur a terme només en Sepia officinalis. La presència de taques diferencials en els gels dels individus control i els sotmesos a exposició a so demostren que les lesions podrien estar relacionades amb un possible desequilibri fisiològic que tindria repercusions en els nivells proteics de l'endolimfa. Les lesions descrites aquí són noves pel que fa a la patologia dels cefalòpodes. Atès que els nivells de soroll de baixa freqüència a l'oceà estan augmentant (per exemple, a causa del transport, la indústria petrolera i les maniobres navals), que el paper dels cefalòpodes en els ecosistemes marins només ha començat a ser entès recentment, i que les dades bioacústiques fiables sobre els invertebrats són escasses, el present estudi i les investigacions futures aportaran una important contribució a l'ús sostenible del medi marí.
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Anisotropic carrier transport properties in layered cobaltate epitaxial films grown by reactive solid-phase epitaxySugiura, Kenji, Ohta, Hiromichi, Nakagawa, Shin-ichi, Huang, Rong, Ikuhara, Yuichi, Nomura, Kenji, Hosono, Hideo, Koumoto, Kunihito 16 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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A multiscale study of magnetic nanovectors : application to USPIO contrast agents for MRI of atherotic inflammation in a murine modelMaraloiu, Valentin-Adrian 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
As applications of nanotechnologies for life and health sciences get booming, magnetic nanovectors undergo a considerable development. Such composite structures made from polymer spheres encapsulating magnetic nanoparticles or from a nanoparticular magnetic core surrounded by an organic coverage exhibit a combination of physical, chemical and magnetic properties very appropriate for diagnostic by imaging such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), or for therapy: targeted pharmaceutical vectorization, therapeutic hyperthermia... When such vectors exhibit a nanometric size, intravenous injection and easy spread in the body of the patients are allowed, while effects related to the specific surface area are increased. The present doctoral work was concerned by two important families of magnetic nanovectors: - nanospheres of biocompatible polymer having loaded a radioactivable compound for tumoral therapy and having encapsulated magnetite nanoparticles for diagnostic by MRI: a system for thera-diagnostic is thus obtained.- contrast agents for MRI of vascular or cerebral inflammation, consisting of a nanometric iron oxide (maghemite or magnetite) core i.e. ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide - USPIO - surrounded by an organic coverage for targeting the affected region. These USPIO were used to study inflammation in the atherotic plaque of the aorta in a murine model.Most of the time, such nanovectors are administered to the patients in liquid suspensions by intravenous injection. It is thus crucial to characterize both the collective behaviour and the individual structure of the vectors in liquid suspension. On the other hand their interactions with the targeted regions in the body have to be understood. For this purposes, a multiscale approach of the structure and properties of such nanovectors has been developed, with structural studies carried out through innovative developments based on electron microscopies down to subnanometric resolution and correlated with physical properties. To achieve characterization of nanovectors in liquid media we have developed the application of Wet-STEM, a new mode in transmission of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), to image the internal structure of the magnetic nanoparticles in liquid suspension and image calculations by Monte Carlo simulations have shown that a nanometric resolution could be theoretically achieved. By the same technique, stability or tendency to flocculation in suspensions can be evidenced with respect to the collective behavior of different nanovectors.In a second step we have investigated the interactions of the nanoparticles with targeted regions. The biodistribution and biotransformation of the USPIO contrast agents in the tissular and cellular environments were investigated at increasing spatial resolution using different techniques. The biodistribution of a MRI contrast agent grafted with a fluorophore, in ex vivo samples from atherotic aorta and spleen were revealed by biphoton microscopy with a resolution of a few hundred nanometers, down to macrophage scale. Then preparation of ex vivo samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was adapted from standard protocols especially with respect to staining after inclusion in resin. This way, the first high resolution HR(TEM) images and electron diffraction patterns of crystallized USPIO contrast agents in the aorta or the spleen of an atheromatous mouse were obtained. Combining such structural studies with measurement (using a SQUID setup) of magnetic properties, a longitudinal follow-up of USPIO nanoparticles injected in mice for MRI of the atherotic plaque has been completed for USPIO particles embedded in the aorta and the spleen: the results were interpreted in terms of agglomeration of the particles with a decreasing size depending on time after injection and found consistent with a model of in vitro degradation in acidic environment proposed to mimick the lysosomal metabolism.
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Nanoindentation in situ a Transmission Electron MicroscopeJohnson, Lars January 2007 (has links)
The technique of Nanoindentation in situ Transmission Electron Microscope has been implemented on a Philips CM20. Indentations have been performed on Si and Sapphire (α-Al2O3) cut from wafers; Cr/Sc multilayers and Ti3SiC2 thin films. Different sample geometries and preparation methods have been evaluated. Both conventional ion and Focused Ion Beam milling were used, with different ways of protecting the sample during milling. Observations were made of bending and fracture of samples, dislocation nucleation and dislocation movement. Basal slip was observed upon unloading in Sapphire. Dislocation movement constricted along the basal planes were observed in Ti3SiC2. Post indentation electron microscopy revealed kink formation in Ti3SiC2 and layer rotation and slip across layers in Cr/Sc multilayer stacks. Limitations of the technique are presented and discussed.
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An Investigation of the Polarizing Properties and Structural Characteristics in theCuticles of the Scarab Beetles Chrysina gloriosa and Cetonia aurataFernández del Río, Lía January 2012 (has links)
Light reflected from the scarab beetles Cetonia aurata (C. aurata) and Chrysina gloriosa (C. gloriosa) has left-handed polarization. In this work the polarizing properties and structural characteristics of the cuticles of these two beetles are investigated with two different techniques: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Mueller-matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry (MMSE). SEM is used to get cross section images of the epicutucle and the endocuticle. Thicknesses around 18 μm were measured for both layers for C. aurata and between 12 and 16 μm for C. gloriosa. A layered structure is observed in both beetles. In addition, a cusp-like structure is also observed in C. gloriosa. MMSE showed left-handed near-circular polarization of light reflected on both beetles. For C. aurata this is observed in a narrow wavelength range (500-600 nm) and for C. gloriosa in a wider wavelength range (400-700 nm) when measured on golden areas of the cuticle. C. gloriosa also has green areas where the reflected light was linearly polarized. The results are used in regression modelling. A good model approximation was found for C. aurata for angles up to 60 whereas a good starting point for future work was reached for C. gloriosa.
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Effects of Martensite Tempering on HAZ-Softening and Tensile Properties of Resistance Spot Welded Dual-Phase SteelsBaltazar Hernandez, Victor Hugo January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to improve the fundamental knowledge of non-isothermal tempering of martensite phase and its effects on the reduction in hardness (softening) with respect the base metal occurring at the heat affected zone (HAZ) of resistance spot welded dual-phase (DP) steels. This thesis also aims at understanding the influence of HAZ-softening on the joint performance of various DP steel grades.
The tempering of martensite occurring at the sub-critical HAZ (SC-HAZ) of resistance spot welded DP600, DP780 and DP980 steels has been systematically evaluated by microhardness testing through Vickers indentation and the degree of tempering has been correlated to the HAZ-softening. From the joint performance analysis of similar and dissimilar steel grade combinations assessed through standardized testing methods, three important issues have been targeted: a) the joint strength (maximum load to failure), b) the location of failure (failure mode), and c) the physical characteristic of the weld that determines certain type of failure (weld nugget size). In addition, a partial tensile test has been conducted in order to evaluate the initiation of failure in dissimilar steel grade combinations. It has been shown that HAZ-softening lowered the weld size at which transition from interfacial to pullout failure mode takes place along with increased load-bearing capacity and higher energy absorption. Thus, it is concluded from mechanical testing that HAZ-softening benefits the lap-shear tensile joint performance of resistance spot welded DP steels by facilitating pullout failures through failure initiation at the SC-HAZ (tempered region).
Instrumented nanoindentation testing was employed to further investigate HAZ-softening along the SC-HAZ by evaluating individual phases of ferrite matrix and tempered martensite islands. Although the ferrite matrix presented a slight reduction in hardness at nanoscale, higher reduction in hardness (softening) resulted for tempered martensite; thus confirming that tempered martensite is the major contributor to softening at micro-scale. A comparison between nanohardness and microhardness testing made at different distances from the line of lower critical temperature of transformation (Ac1) allowed revealing the actual extension of the SC-HAZ. In this regard, good correlation was obtained between nanohardness results along the SC-HAZ and the microstructural changes analyzed by electron microscopy (i.e., the tempering of martensite occurring at various distances far from Ac1 was correlated to low temperature tempering of dual phase steels).
An in-depth analysis of the tempering of martensite phase at high temperature in DP steel subjected non-isothermal conditions i.e., rapid heating, extremely short time at peak temperature and rapid cooling (resistance spot welding), has been carried out mainly through analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, an isothermal tempering condition (i.e., slow heating and long time at peak temperature) in DP steel has been evaluated for complementing the analysis. Both non-isothermal and isothermal conditions have been correlated to the softening behaviour. TEM analysis of the base metal in the DP steel indicated that the morphology of the martensite phase is dependent on its carbon content, and its tempering characteristics are similar to that of equal carbon containing martensitic steel. The isothermally tempered structure is characterized by coarsening and spheroidization of cementite (θ) and complete recovery of the martensite laths; whereas precipitation of fine quasi-spherical intralath θ-carbides, coarser plate-like interlath θ-carbides, decomposition of retained austenite into elongated θ-carbides, and partial recovery of the lath structure were observed after non-isothermal tempering of DP steel. This difference in tempering behaviour is attributed to synergistic effect of delay in cementite precipitation due to higher heating rate, and insufficient time for diffusion of carbon that delays the third stage of tempering process (cementite coarsening and recrystalization) during non-isothermal. The finer size and the plate-like morphology of the precipitated carbides along with the partial recovery of the lath structure observed after non-isothermal tempering strongly influenced the softening behaviour of DP steel. The chemical analysis of θ-carbides through extraction replicas for three different DP steels revealed that the chemistry of the carbides is inherited from the parent DP steel during non-isothermal tempering at high temperature confirming that non-isothermal tempering DP steel is predominantly controlled by carbon diffusion.
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Cut mark analysis of protohistoric bison remains from EfPm-27 utilizing the scanning electron microscopePollio, Cara Jean 13 April 2009 (has links)
EfPm-27 is a Protohistoric bison pound and processing site located in Fish Creek Park in Calgary, Alberta. The site exhibited the presence of metal tools and macroscopically deceptive cut marks suggesting the potential for the presence of both metal and stone cut marks. Moulds of selected cut marks from the assemblage were made and examined with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) to verify or negate the use of metal tools for butchery at the site. SEM images of the cut mark moulds reveal micromorphology that is similar to experimental and published stone tool cut mark SEM images. No evidence for the use of metal tools for butchering was identified.
Protohistoric sites research could benefit from the use of SEM analysis of cut marks to distinguish between stone and metal tool use. This would provide important secondary evidence for metal trade items in scenarios where such artifacts may be beyond recovery. Conversely, the presence of metal artifacts at a site does not necessarily imply that they were used for butchery and this assertion must be verified by the presence of metal cut marks.
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Beurteilung von nativen und aufgetauten Spermatozoen fertiler und subfertiler Hengste mit Hilfe der Phasenkontrast- und TransmissionselektronenmikroskopieSmedts, Ellen 30 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Beurteilung von nativen und aufgetauten Spermatozoen fertiler und subfertiler Hengste mit Hilfe der Phasenkontrast- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie.
Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät, Universität Leipzig
Reproduktionsmedizinische Einheit der Kliniken der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Ultrastruktur von nativen und tiefgefrorenen Spermien mittels Phasenkontrast- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) untersucht. Für die Beurteilung der Spermienmotilität und der Morphologie von in Formolzitrat fixierten Spermien standen jeweils drei Ejakulate von 50 Hannoveraner Hengsten des Niedersächsischen Landgestüts Celle zur Verfügung. Aus dieser Gruppe wurden drei fertile, drei subfertile Hengste und 6 Hengste mittlerer Fertilität ausgewählt, von denen sowohl die Nativ-Proben als auch eine Tiefgefrierprobe (TG-Probe) für die TEM im Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der Universität Leipzig gemäß des Standardprotokolls des Institutes aufbereitet wurden. Die Spermien wurden gewaschen und das Seminalplasma der nativen Proben oder der Verdünner der TG-Proben abpipettiert und durch eine 5%-ige Glutaraldehydlösung in einem 0,1 M Kakodylatpuffer (pH 7,2) ersetzt. Die Fixierungslösung wurde anschließend entfernt und das Pellet gewaschen und danach mit Gelatine gemischt. Die spermienreichen Stellen wurden aus der Gelatine herausgeschnitten und in Glutaraldehyd aufbewahrt. Nach einer Nachfixierung in OsO4 und einer Entwässerung in Ethanollösungen erfolgte eine Einbettung in einer Eponmischung. Nach einer Polymerisation von 5 Tagen wurden die eingebetteten Eponblöckchen angetrimmt und die Semi- und Ultradünnschnitte angefertigt. Die Ultradünnschnitte wurden auf ein Kupfergrid gelegt, mit Uranylazetat und Bleizitrat kontrastiert und mit dem Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (Zeiss EM 900, Oberkochem) bei 80 kV analysiert. In den nativen Proben wurden insgesamt 360 Spermien pro Hengst beurteilt, in den TG-Proben 120 Spermien pro Hengst.
Die Qualität der elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen war sehr gut, doch die Plasmamembran zeigte fixierungsbedingte Artefakte. Nach dem Auftauen waren die Bilder heller und der Kontrast etwas geringer. Es gab eine Zunahme an Akrosomdefekten, akrosomreagierten Spermien und Beschädigungen der Plasmamembran, der Mitochondrien, sowie der Mantel- und Ringfasern. Durch die Membranbeschädigungen trat auch eine Verringerung der Anzahl proximaler und distaler Zytoplasmatropfen auf. Sowohl geschwollene Akrosome mit einer niedrigeren Dichte der akrosomalen Matrix als auch Mitochondrien mit einer zu hellen mitochondrialen Matrix waren typische Befunde in den TG-Proben.
Die Studie der Ultrastruktur und die wahrgenommenen Defekte führten zur Erstellung eines Standardprotokolls für die transmissionselektronenmikroskopische Beurteilung von Hengstspermien. Die Beurteilung mittels TEM sollte aber nicht zu einer quantitativen, sondern zu einer qualitativen Aussage führen. Sie ermöglicht die Diagnose von Kern- (Kerndeformationen und Taschenbildung im Kern) und Akrosomabweichungen (deformierte Akrosome mit oder ohne Vakuolenbildung, abgehobene Akrosome und akrosomreagierte Spermien), Anomalien der Mitochondrien (Unterbrechung der Mitochondrienscheide, zu viele Mitochondrien, anormale Dichte der mitochondrialen Matrix), Defekten des Axonemas (Ordnung oder Anzahl der Mikrotubuli, Mantel- und Ringfasern) und der Anwesenheit immaturer Spermienvorstufen. Diese Methode eignet sich für die Diagnostik subfertiler Hengste mit normalen Spermienparametern bei der routinemäßige Spermienbeurteilung und kann sowohl in nativen als auch in TG-Proben angewendet werden.
Im Vergleich zur Phasenkontrastmikroskopie waren die elektronenmikroskopischen Bilder wegen ihrer stärkeren Vergrößerung und der Darstellung innerer Spermienstrukturen viel aussagekräftiger. Für die Beurteilung von Halsansatzdefekten, abweichende Geißelformen und Mehrfachmißbildungen ist die Phasenkontrastmikroskopie die am besten geeignete Methode. / Evaluation of fresh and frozen-thawed semen samples of fertile and subfertile stallions by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.
Institut of Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig
Reproduktionsmedizinische Einheit der Kliniken der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover
In this study the ultrastructure of fresh and frozen-thawed semen samples of 50 stallions from the National Stud of Lower Saxony (Celle, Germany) were evaluated by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Three ejaculates of each stallion were available for the motility analysis and the morphological analysis by lightmicroscopy after fixation in formol citrate. Based on the fertility data, the ejaculates of 12 stallions (3 fertile stallions, 3 subfertile stallions and 6 stallions of average fertility) were selected for the morphological analysis by TEM. The native samples and one frozen-thawed sample from these stallions were prepared for the TEM at the Institute of Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uni-versity of Leipzig. The sperm cells were washed and the seminal plasma from the native samples and the diluents of the frozen-thawed samples were replaced by a 5%-glutaraldehyde solution in a 0,1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7,2. The fixative was removed, the pellet was washed again and mixed with gelatin. The sperm rich fraction in the gelatin mass was excised and stored in glutaraldehyde. A second fixation in OsO4 was followed by a dehydratation in ethanol and a polymerization phase in epon. After 5 days of polymerization the starred samples were used for semi- and ultratight cuts. The latter were placed on a copper grid, contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and analyzed with the transmission electron micro-scope (EM 900) by 80 kV. In the fresh samples, 360 sperm cells were examined per stallion, whereas in the frozen-thawed samples only 120 sperm cells per stallion were evaluated.
The microscopic pictures were of a high quality. However, the sperm plasma membrane showed some fixation artifacts. In the thawed samples a lower contrast was noticed than in the fresh samples. The sperm cells in the frozen-thawed samples showed an increase in acrosome defects, acrosome reactions, damage of the cell plasma membrane, mitochondria, fibrous sheet and outer dense fibers. The latter defect was associated with a decrease in proximal and distal cytoplasmatic droplets. Swollen acrosomes with a lower matrix density and a bright mitochondrial matrix were typically present in the cryopreserved samples.
The ultrastructural defects in these samples, examined by TEM, have led to the development of a standard evaluation protocol with the most common sperm defects in stallion semen. TEM is an expensive and time consuming technique, which cannot be used to obtain quantitative results, but is considered as an accurate method for the qualitative examination of semen samples in cases of unexplained subfertility. TEM can especially be recommended for the diagnosis of nuclear (nuclear malformations and pouches) and acrosomal defects (acrosome deformations, acrosome vacuoles, detached acrosomes and acrosome reactions), mitochondrial (mitochondrial sheet defects, mitochondrial proliferation, decrease in mitochondrial matrix density) and axonema malformations (anormal position or quantity of microtubules and fibrous sheet or outer dense fibers defects) and the detection of immature sperm cells in ejaculates. The results of this study state that TEM can be useful for the evaluation of both fresh and frozen-thawed semen samples.
Compared to the light microscopic evaluation of stallion sperm, the TEM images give more precise information because of their higher magnification rate and the ability to reveal internal sperm structures. However, light microscopy remains the best method to detect sperm neck defects, deformed tailes and sperm cells with multiple heads or tails.
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