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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the impact of the Priority Club Rewards programme on the Crowne Plaza Auckland Hotel's revenue development performance

Gualberto, Renato H Unknown Date (has links)
In 2004, 6% of the Crowne Plaza Auckland Hotel's guests were Priority Club members. Two years later, this number has more than doubled to 13%. Are the Priority Club guests contributing to leverage the hotel's profitability? This research is aimed at answering the question if the continuous increase in the number of Priority Club guests staying at the Crowne Plaza Auckland Hotel is an opportunity for the property to effectively optimise its revenue generation performance. The study is essentially focused on assessing the ability of the loyalty programme to generate revenue to the hotel. The Priority Club Rewards is a demand-based, revenue-orientated marketing strategy which is predominantly aimed at 1) promoting and attracting its 30 million members worldwide to stay at the company's extensive portfolio of hotels as well as 2) to entice the club members to spend money on the hotels' services and facilities. In return for their loyalty, these customers are entitled to receive benefits that correspond to their membership level. From a revenue management perspective, the programme exists to strategically help hoteliers not only to achieve higher occupancy levels through repeat visits from the club members but to also leverage the hotel's revenue generating performance through encouraging its members to not only stay in suites and club rooms but also to use the property's services and facilities more regularly. In other words, the objective of the Priority Club Rewards is to help hoteliers attract customers to their properties and at the same time encourage them to spend money whilst onsite. It was found that the Priority Club programme is fulfilling its first core objective, which is to bring more customers to the Crowne Plaza Auckland property. Hence, this research is predominantly focused on assessing the rewards programme's ability to also assist the Auckland hotel to increase profitability. The objective of this project is to analyse whether or not the increasing growth in the number of club members staying at the property can also be interpreted as a growth in the hotel's revenue generation performance. Firstly, a thorough review of the literature was conducted in order to identify any previous academic work that specifically analysed the relationship between the areas of revenue management and loyalty marketing. However, no extensive previous research was found that effectively analysed how these two fields interact with each other, particularly in the hotel industry. Nevertheless, research from Internet articles and other web-based media resources was highly beneficial to the success of this research. There were two data collection processes employed in this research: a Priority Club Survey identified the needs and preferences of the club members when staying at the Auckland hotel and, secondly, a Spending Pattern Analysis was conducted based on the hotel guests' account statements. The results from these two research methods were then carefully analysed and interpreted in order to achieve an accurate set of resourceful conclusions and recommendations.

個人化技術對虛擬社群發展之影響 / The Influences of Personalization Techniques on Virtual Community Development

張瀚仁, Chang, Han-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現,使得人際社會得以在虛擬的環境下發展。將近半個世紀的孕育,虛擬的社群逐漸成為許多網路族每日生活的一部份,近年來電子商務盛行,虛擬社群更躍為網路公司從事電子商務的重要平台之一,因為社群的分群特性,自然而然地形成特定的市場區隔,有利於網際網路行銷之推展。然而儘管專家與實務經驗說明虛擬社群的發展需要會員的互動,事實上許多網路社群卻都因為缺乏互動,在尚未形成區隔之前便已宣告解體。 本研究嘗試將個人化技術應用在虛擬社群的環境中,首先由相關文獻中瞭解目前虛擬社群的評估指標、個人化技術的操作層次、項目與技術觀點,以及忠誠度的涵意,再建立實驗系統,以實地實驗的方式進行分組實驗操控。在實驗過程中搜集相關資料作為評估行為忠誠的資料來源,並於最後以問卷調查會員之滿意度與認知忠誠。在資料整理後進行時間數列等統計分析,以瞭解實驗社群發展的狀況與操控的效果。 研究結果顯示,個人化技術能有效促進會員互動,使社群的環境能快速形成,而運用推播技術則能使網站與會員的關係延長,當社群發展漸趨於穩定時,推播促使會員重複造訪網站。此外,本研究亦說明了行為忠誠與認知忠誠兩層次忠誠度的涵意,並指出社群會員即使具有認知上忠誠,卻未必在行為上具有忠誠的現象。最後提出進一步的研究建議,作為實務與後續研究之參考。

Organisational culture and the communication of loyalty : an ethnography

Gilmour, Sophia Mawani, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Loyalty management has emerged over recent years as a topic of significant importance in both academic and practitioner discourse, articulating the benefits of an extended relationship with key stakeholders including, but not limited to, customers, employees and shareholders. This research explores the theory and practice of loyalty management from a communications perspective. The thesis attempted to discover how the integration or non-integration of internal and external communication affects the communication of loyalty, in addition to how loyalty management contributes towards the organisation�s perceived creation of value. In doing so, it also examines how the practice of customer relationship management (CRM), integrated marketing communication (IMC) and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) plays a role in the communication of loyalty. The research entailed a three-year ethnographic study of a business-to-business financial services organisation specialising in vehicle fleet leasing and management services, comprising a review of relevant academic literature; and participant observation, focus group studies, qualitative surveys and document analysis. Besides evaluating loyalty management from a communications perspective, the thesis contributes towards the body of knowledge on Australian organisations from an organisational culture perspective, as well as exploring communication beyond the traditional boundary of within the organisation itself. Unlike most loyalty management approaches, the holistic stance considers other stakeholders besides customers, in detail. The study does not seek to establish validity and generalisability. Rather, the mainly interpretist approach preserves the form and content of human behaviour by detailing descriptions of the concrete experience of life within a particular culture and of the social rules, patterns and perceptions that constitute it. The findings showed that organisational communication has to be integrated and cohesive to enable the effective management of loyalty. Furthermore, the results confirm that the notion of organisational boundaries comprising �internal� and "external" communication is limited. Involved protagonists, acting together from within and external to an organisation, create, sustain and manage meanings through the use of signs and symbols within a particular context to form a unique culture or community. In addition, the notion of loyalty and the creation of value for the consequent success of the organisation is an important and valid perception for most of the stakeholders. For this organisation, the use of ICT and practice of CRM and IMC has varying degrees of impact, mainly enhancing the communication of loyalty. The detraction of value is caused primarily by the fragmentation of communication between the stakeholders, in addition to the existence of sub-cultures with conflicting needs.

Sources and antecedents of brand equity for online companies.

Rios, Rosa Elvira, rosariosq@hotmail.com January 2008 (has links)
The area of Brand Equity has received considerable attention during the past twenty years. The importance of a brand emanates from the fact that brand recognition and positive associations with it create value for companies and consumers. This value is called Brand Equity and translates into monetary value. Until now, there is scant research on brand equity for online retailers to test whether theoretical frameworks developed for offline companies apply to online businesses. The study is an attempt to bridge this gap by developing and testing a comprehensive brand equity model with selected drivers (customer support and a mix of functionality and fulfilment marketing efforts) and sources (awareness, association of value and trust, and loyalty) of brand equity. Grounded in a traditional offline consumer-based brand equity framework, a research model (at the aggregate level) for assessing brand equity of online companies is developed and tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). Several key findings are reported: First, a measurement model based on dimensions of awareness, associations of value and trust, and attitudinal loyalty seem to fit the data well. Measures have adequate reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. Secondly, from the SEM application, only value association and loyalty are potent determinants of brand equity. Third, awareness, trust and value associations contribute indirectly to create brand equity. Fourth, the hierarchical hypothesized relationships between the sources of brand equity are confirmed. The final best-fitting (calibrating) model derived from the subjects that had bought from the online businesses under study was validated across a sample of subjects. Simultaneous model comparison using structural equation (by means of Chi square difference) confirms the tenability of the calibrating model. To test for the probability than an incorrect model will be rejected, power analysis was calculated. The results indicate that the likelihood of rejecting the hypothesis of exact and close fit equals 1.0. The second phase of the study involved brand analysis at the individual level. According to the calculations Amazon obtains slightly higher brand equity than eBay and puts it in first place, eBay is in second place, followed by Dell in third. CDNow is the worst performer and obtains consumer-based brand equity below average. The study offers contributions to both academia and business in several ways.

Customer Relationship Management Strategy in Swedish Football Clubs

Sölgén, Samuel, Wiklund, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Aim of the Thesis:</strong> To investigate the practice of using a CRM strategy in football clubs by comparing earlier successful and unsuccessful CRM implementations by football clubs and study fan relationship theories in a large Swedish football club, thereby presenting guidelines on how to further develop a CRM strategy in a Swedish football club.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Methodology: </strong>A quantitative approach and a qualitative approach have been used, first collecting empirical data on supporter views through a questionnaire further strengthened by gathering empirical data through an interview. The quantitative data has been presented with descriptive statistics and the qualitative data has been analyzed using a realist approach.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Theoretical Perspectives:</strong> A literature review has been conducted and resulted in a theoretical framework illustrating the concepts of benefits and risks with CRM, fan relationship marketing, CRM implementation process, CRM systems in football clubs, and supporter loyalty. A research model, “FRM implementation process” has been developed from the theoretical findings. </p><p> </p><p><strong>Empirical Data: </strong>The quantitative empirical data has been collected by distributing a questionnaire to supporters of AIK Fotboll. The qualitative empirical data has been collected through interviews with the head of sales and marketing within AIK Fotboll AB.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong>:<strong> </strong>A CRM strategy can benefit Swedish football clubs in areas such as to better capture customer data, better communication between the club and its supporters and provide customized offers as long as the supporters are informed about the changes in strategy. In order for Swedish football clubs to successfully implement a CRM strategy they need to ensure adequate financing and management commitment since an unsuccessful implementation can be devastating to a Swedish football club’s finances.</p>

CRM-systems påverkan på företag och dess kundrelationer / CRM-systems affect on companies and their customer relations

Johansson, Emelie, Pettersson, Mats, Zielinski, Christer January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna undersökning handlar om hur användandet av CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management) påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer. Forskningen om detta visar att CRM-system kan ge stora fördelar för både kunderna, företaget och relationerna där emellan. Men det finns många delar som påverkar hur mycket ett CRM-system förändrar relationerna mellan företag och deras kunder. Resultatet från denna undersökning kan vara av intresse för företag som går i tankarna att skaffa ett CRM-system eller förnya det som dem redan har. Vilket leder fram till vår problemfråga: Hur påverkar CRM-system företag och dess kundrelationer?</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur ett CRM-system påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer.</p><p>Undersökningen baseras på en teoriram som ger en inblick i vad relationer är och vilken betydelse kundrelationer har för företag, även behandlas CRM-system och dess effekter på företag. Den insamlade teorin utmynnar i en undersökningsmodell som utgår ifrån ett CRM-system och visar hur det enligt teoriramen kan påverka ett företag och dess kundrelationer. Denna modell används som grund för insamlandet av vårt empiriska underlag.</p><p>Studien inleddes med litteraturstudier som sedan resulterade i en undersökningsmodell. Det utfördes sex intervjuer på fyra företag som använder sig av CRM-system. Därefter utfördes med hjälp av undersökningsmodellen en analysering av intervjusvaren och en sammanställning av resultat och slutsatser.</p><p>I uppsatsen konstateras det att de undersökta företagen inte använder CRM-systemens fulla potential. Utan att en centraliserad databas är en av de viktigaste komponenterna i CRM-system i företags arbete mot bättre kundrelationer. Undersökning utmynnar i en lista över de faktorer vi anser vara av vikt för ett företag som vill veta hur ett CRM-system kan påverka företag och dess kundrelationer. Om ett företag använder sitt CRM-system på rätt sätt kan de både få bättre kundservice, individualiserade tjänster, förbättrad informationshantering och ökad kundlojalitet vilka samtliga bidrar till bättre kundrelationer och ger företag konkurrensfördelar</p> / <p>This research is about how the usage of a CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management) affects companies and its customer relations. Other researches show that CRM-systems can give big advantages for both the customers, companies and the relations in-between. But there are many issues that affect how much a CRM-system change the relations between companies and its customers. The result from this research could be of interest for a company which is thinking about implementing a CRM-system or improve one they already use. Which leads us to our research question: How does CRM-system affect companies and their customer relations?</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how a CRM-system affects companies and their customer relations.</p><p>The research is based on a theory framework that gives an insight into what relations are and of what significance customer relations have for a company, also CRM-systems is discussed and their effects on companies. The collected theory concludes with a research model that begins with a CRM-system and shows how it according to the theory framework could affect a company and its customer relations. This model is used as the foundation in the collection of the empirical information.</p><p>The study began with a literature study that resulted in a research model. We performed six interviews at four companies that use CRM-systems. Then with help from the research model we analyzed the answers from the interview and created the result and conclusions.</p><p>In the thesis it’s established that the examined companies don’t use the CRM-systems full potential. A centralized database is one of the most important CRM-system components in a company’s strive for better customer relations. The research concludes with a list of the factors we consider being of weight for a company that wants to know how a CRM-system could affect companies and their customer relations. If a company use its CRM-system in the right way they can get both better customer service, individualized services, improved information management and increased customer loyalty which all contributes to better customer relations and gives companies competitive advantages.</p>

Corporate branding and customer’s purchase preferences in mobile phone telecommunication

Arshad, Rehan, Saeed, Aitzaz January 2008 (has links)
<p>This research is carried out to know the role of corporate branding in mobile phone telecommunication along with different influencing factors involved in the purchase of mobile telephone connections. This thesis discusses corporate branding from consumer’s point of view that how much they value it and what type of role it has. </p><p>This is a quantitative study. A questionnaire is used in order to investigate corporate branding and other influencing factors involved in purchase decision of the customers. Population selected for this study is “Students of Halmstad University”, who are studying here. </p><p>The analysis of this study reveals different set of results while making comparison between literature and empirical. It investigates the relative importance of the corporate branding to the customers in mobile phone telecommunication industry while making purchase decision.</p><p>The finding of this study provided useful information which is helpful not only for the students but also for the brand managers of mobile telecom operators that how they can improve their company’s strategic position for longer period of time through corporate branding to trigger more customers and for a good brand.</p>

The Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing Tactics On Customer Loyalty Within Swedish Mobile Telecommunication Industry

Feng, Yuanyuan Jr, Zhang, Xuan Jr January 2009 (has links)
<p>Due to the more and more fierce competition in today’s business, many companies are required to build long-term profitable relationship with customers and to achieve customer loyalty. Therefore, relationship marketing has become more and more important since last decade of 20th century, especially in service industry. There are many different relationship marketing tactics implemented for retaining customer. However, some of those tactics did not affect customer loyalty effectively, and switching behaviors frequently occur among most of targeted customers. Therefore, this study is aimed to investigate the impact of relationship marketing tactics on customer satisfaction and trust, which in turn increase customer loyalty, by focusing on Swedish mobile telecommunication sector. A analytical model is developed as a guildline to test the relationships between relationship marketing tactics, relationship quality (trust and satisfaction) and customer loyalty. </p><p>a quantitative method with deductive approach are chosen in this research. In order to collect primary data, a self-completed questionnaire is designed and randomly sent out by email to the students in Halmstad University. The SPSS for windows is used to process the primary data. The findings shows that Service Quality, Price Perception, and Value Offers have impact on customer loyalty indirectly via the customer satisfaction and trust. Brand image is positively and directly related to customer loyalty. However, switching costs is found to be less correlation with customer loyalty, as well as satisfaction and trust in Sweden telecommunication industry.</p>

“Brand Management in conjunction with Merger and Acquisition in Theory and Practice – Volvo Car Corporation”

Steurenthaler, Jochen January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Aim:</em> This study deals with Brand Management after acquisitions. Since this subject is still quite unexplored, a case study backed the theoretical review in order to answer the two research questions. Furthermore, the work educes a model which shows the ascendancies that are involved in the field of Brand Management after acquisitions. It is the aim to reveal the necessity of strong branding for acquired companies and the importance of the continuity of their presenting brand values. I hope this paper adds new knowledge in the Brand Management sector in connection with acquisitions and gives the reader a proper understanding about the issue.<sub><em></em></sub></p><p><sub><em>Method:</em> The study occupies a theoretical and an empirical study. The theory<sup> </sup></sub>part presents a selection of theories and models developed by scholars in the field of business administration. While the first research question concerning brand equity after acquisitions is addressed in the theoretical review in chapter 3, the second question regarding brand image is mainly discussed during the empirical part. The data for the latter was primarily obtained by a case study which is a qualitative method and occupies interviews and discussions.</p><p><em>Result:</em> Brand Management has become a key issue for companies and is a sensitive subject in the context of Merger and Acquisition. Hence, it is a challenge for the acquirer and the acquired company to manage control and adapt to the new situation. Brand equity as a key asset of Brand Management is the amount of loyalty a customer has towards a brand and it is certainly influenced by such transactions as M&A. In the real-life comparison of the specific case it proved to be successful for the acquirer to maintain the autonomy of the acquired brand and continue the meaning of the brand. In addition, the loyalty of the customers is of great importance to assure a smooth process of the business operations.</p><p><em>Suggestions for future research: </em>Due to the current situation and constant changes it would be interesting to repeat the study some time in the future for a final conclusion. Furthermore, since the findings for the empirical part of this study are based on a strong acquired brand, it would be interesting to investigate the case of another company of weaker nature, and maybe of a different branch. The high profile of the target firm and its strong brand values had a remarkable influence on the revelations of this study.</p><p><em>Contribution of the thesis: </em>The result of this study helps companies to maintain their brand values during an acquisition. The research adds new knowledge in the brand management sector in connection with acquisitions, and it is useful for companies which are involved in M&A activities.</p><p> </p>

The Reason to Return : Destination loyalty and the push factors

Cerpez, Dario, Johannesson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The reason to return is a phenomenon which tells us that many people want to travel back to a destination they visited before. Even if there are changes in the society with the New tourist who seeks for the authentic, this essay is proving that there still is a dominance of repeat tourism and search for belonging and safety. That implication shows evidence that there still are remaining from old tourism about security with the destination and so on. Further, investigation tells us about the returning tourists, their driving forces and push-factors that create a will for tourists to return. Is it a question of how loyal tourists are to the destination, attitudes and/or tradition when planning the trip? We have made a survey that covers why tourists travel and what impacts are created during their decisions. Also included are the questions about the will of return and the reasons why. Having children proved to be a crucial part of the decision making process, where parents chose destinations out of the children-oriented places. Returning to a destination, on the other hand, is a product of safety-seeking together with a positive experience and beautiful surroundings, all weaved up to raison d'être - just to be.</p></p>

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