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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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個人化廣告推薦軟體之設計與實做 / The Design and implementations of a personalized advertisement recommendation software

張宏嘉, Chang, Hung Chia Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於國人網路依賴度越來越高,每人每日透過網路獲取豐富的資訊及資料,然而由於資訊過多也造成使用者不知道自己真正想要的資訊,因此找尋出個人化資訊勢必成為未來研究的方向。一般網路行銷廣告都是在分析使用者在網站上的行為,然而鮮少去分析到使用者端環境及儲存的資料。相較於使用者在網站上的行為,使用者端所留下的行為資訊更能夠反應出使用者的真正興趣,因此本研究主要探討在個人使用環境(如:PC、NB)中,透過使用者最常接觸的三種途徑(包括:上網瀏覽資訊、信件資訊及常用檔案內容資訊)來獲取使用者興趣的資訊,並且建構出一套個人化廣告推薦系統常駐於使用者端即時(real-time)記錄使用者的行為資訊。本系統運用推薦技術(Recommendation Technique)搭配關聯式法則(Association Rule)來將這些資訊有效的過濾並關聯出使用者的喜好及興趣,同時利用這些資訊上網找尋合適的廣告資料,用以建構出個人化廣告推薦模式。 / The rapid growth of Internet has changed the patterns of our life. Everyone can gain rich information on internet, but plenty of information will confuse user's ability to determine whether these information are useful. Therefore, the further trend is to discover personalized information. Many researches about internet marketing advertisement are mining user's behavior in website server, but scarce researches focus on client. Compared to user's behavior in website, the behavior information which stays in local environment (ex. PC, NB) can reflect user's profile more. Thus, this research mainly discuss how to record user's behavior information containing Web Page Title, E-mail Subject and Document Content in local environment and how to construct a personalized advertisement recommendation system resident in memory of local environment for timely (On-line) collecting user's behavior information to create “user profile” using recommendation technique and association rule. This system will utilize “user profile” to provide appropriate personalized advertisement for user. Finally, we apply several experiments to verify the feasibility of our system.

個人化技術對虛擬社群發展之影響 / The Influences of Personalization Techniques on Virtual Community Development

張瀚仁, Chang, Han-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現,使得人際社會得以在虛擬的環境下發展。將近半個世紀的孕育,虛擬的社群逐漸成為許多網路族每日生活的一部份,近年來電子商務盛行,虛擬社群更躍為網路公司從事電子商務的重要平台之一,因為社群的分群特性,自然而然地形成特定的市場區隔,有利於網際網路行銷之推展。然而儘管專家與實務經驗說明虛擬社群的發展需要會員的互動,事實上許多網路社群卻都因為缺乏互動,在尚未形成區隔之前便已宣告解體。 本研究嘗試將個人化技術應用在虛擬社群的環境中,首先由相關文獻中瞭解目前虛擬社群的評估指標、個人化技術的操作層次、項目與技術觀點,以及忠誠度的涵意,再建立實驗系統,以實地實驗的方式進行分組實驗操控。在實驗過程中搜集相關資料作為評估行為忠誠的資料來源,並於最後以問卷調查會員之滿意度與認知忠誠。在資料整理後進行時間數列等統計分析,以瞭解實驗社群發展的狀況與操控的效果。 研究結果顯示,個人化技術能有效促進會員互動,使社群的環境能快速形成,而運用推播技術則能使網站與會員的關係延長,當社群發展漸趨於穩定時,推播促使會員重複造訪網站。此外,本研究亦說明了行為忠誠與認知忠誠兩層次忠誠度的涵意,並指出社群會員即使具有認知上忠誠,卻未必在行為上具有忠誠的現象。最後提出進一步的研究建議,作為實務與後續研究之參考。


徐嘉僑, Hsu, Chia-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
在數位化的進程及環境中,圖書館已由對大眾一視同仁的服務演變成重視個體不同需求的服務,圖書館的服務也不再是齊頭式平等的服務。讀者個人的喜好及需求已漸融入到圖書館建置的各種服務項目中,也就是必須因人而異,以滿足使用者的資訊需求,就如同商業市場的機制一樣,唯有行銷與競爭才能使圖書館更具有持續力。 個人化為導向的資訊管理與資訊服務,正逐漸被人們所重視。為了真正滿足使用者的資訊需求,創造出實用的資訊價值,個人化資訊的服務系統強調「因人而異,各取所需」的資訊服務系統,而圖書館也從傳統大眾化式的服務走向分別式、個別化差異的服務模式。 本研究為了要能瞭解醫事人員,對於圖書館所提供的服務需求內容及需求程度,以文獻分析及網站內容分析以及問卷調查的方法對台北榮民總醫院醫事人員的基本背景資訊、網路使用行為,以及對圖書館的網站使用行為與個人化服務需求做一問卷調查。並利用交叉分析的方法,探討醫事人員身份、年齡、學歷與個人化服務需求相關度問題,歸納研究結果重點如下: 一、醫學圖書館在網站上建置個人化服務需求首先應重視個人化資訊環境的建立。 二、國外圖書館網站內容之分析是提供國內醫學圖書館個人化服務項目的參考指標。 三、醫事族群中因不同的身份、年齡、學歷對個人化資訊服務需求有所影響。 四、醫事人員應加強個人興趣檔的建置觀念,以強化醫學圖書館個人化服務功能的提昇。 五、圖書館在個人化服務系統中應規劃隱私權政策。 六、醫學圖書館對整體個人化資訊環境及資訊服務的需求有其必要性且是非常肯定的。 對研究結果提出建議如下: 國內醫學圖書館應儘快整合共同發展個人化服務的機制;對於個人化服務中群體屬性的差異要能持續的注意及改進;對使用者的調查研究由完全量的統計進展到質與量的交叉運用調查研究;圖書館應協助醫事人員建立正確的興趣檔觀念以強化個人化服務的功能;隱私權政策的制訂應多加宣導並於圖書館資訊政策時明訂;個人化服務應多加推廣與宣傳。 / In the progress and environment of digitalization, the library has transformed its service mode from satisfying general needs into catering for different individuals. The library is no longer a one-for-all service. The users' personal interests and needs have been integrated into all the services the library provided; that is, the service differs from person to person so as to meet the users' needs for information. Just like the commercial world, only with marketing and competition will the library last. The individual-oriented information management and service is gradually getting people's attention. To really satisfy the users' information needs and create practical information value, the individualized information service system emphasizes providing "tailor-made" service for different users. And such is a trend the modern library follows. This research is carried out to understand what the users of the medical library need and to what extent they need it, regarding the service the library offers. This research uses literature review, Internet content analysis, and questionnaire survey of the basic background information, Internet usage behavior, the library Internet usage behavior and the needs for personalized service of the medical staff of Taipei Veteran General Hospital. Meanwhile, it uses cross-analysis to find out the relationships between the medical staff's positions, ages, education, and the needs for personalized service. The results of the research are as follows: 1. The personalized service of the medical library on its website should put major emphasis on the establishment of personalized information environment. 2. The analysis of oversea library websites can provide the benchmark for the personalized service of our country's medical libraries. 3. There exists influence from the medical staff's positions, ages, education on the needs for personalized service. 4. Medical people should strengthen their concept of establishing personal interest profile to enhance the personalized service in the medical library. 5. Privacy policy should be taken into consideration in setting up the personalized service system. 6. The personalized information environment and service is essential to the medical library. The implications of the research: The local medical libraries should cooperate to develop the personalized service as soon as possible; they should pay attention to the differences among different groups of users; when doing the survey of users, quality research coupled with quantity research should be conducted instead of completely using quantitative statistics; the library should assist the medical people to establish correct concept of interest profiles to enhance personalized service; the privacy policy should be established and implemented; and finally, the users should be familiarized with the personalized service.


龔文亮 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,產、官、學界逐漸重視民眾健康資訊的管理與應用,加上消費者自主意識的提高,促使醫院加速進行醫療資訊化,以提升醫療品質及效率,同時滿足就醫者對醫療相關資訊與決策支援的需求。此外,網際網路技術的快速發展、健康保健觀念及醫療資訊政策普及化所帶來的影響,也使得提供線上即時、個人化、智慧型的健檢決策支援系統,成為了一個關鍵的研究與實務應用課題。目前大多數的健康檢查中心因主、客觀的限制,只能提供就醫者套餐式健檢組合,供就醫者作為健康檢查參考。依醫者雖可選擇健檢服務客製化模式,就個人需要或喜好增減檢查項目,但仍無法滿足個人化健檢服務需求,亦即得到專業推薦且符合個人差異與需要的個人化健檢組合方案。再者,過去的健檢系統除缺乏個人化健檢推薦功能,對於個人保健建議及後續就醫服務等亦缺乏整合性服務。而以往醫療資訊化過程中,因缺乏醫療資訊標準格式之發展,也限制醫療資訊在院所間之交換與流通,造成整合性醫療服務的困難。面對上述醫療資訊不對稱及個人化保健與醫療系統支援環境缺乏的困難,整合資料、模式及知識技術的個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統,成為一個可行且重要的解決方法。由於此課題在文獻上缺乏具體成果,本研究的目的即在提出一個全球資訊網環境中個人化智慧型健檢決策支援系統 (Personalized Intelligent Decision Support System for Health Examination, PIDSSHE)的架構及流程,系統功能著重於個人化健檢、保健及醫療等方案的推薦,以及智慧型輔助診斷和即時性醫療資訊交換等。本論文也將提出系統發展方法並建置原型系統,以驗證架構、流程及方法的可行性與效益。 / In recent years, the health industry, the government as well as the academic area pay more attention to the people’s health information management and applications. Due to the promotion of consumer health information, the proliferation of Internet, the awareness of healthcare, and the policy of mdical care information, how to provide online personalized intelligent healthcare decision support systems becomes an critical academic and applied research issue. Most health exam centers only offer health exam packages to the patients due to subjective or objective restrictions. Even the patients may customize their health exams by adding or dropping certain health exam items, it does not meet the needs of personalized health exam recommendation based on individual differences and personal needs. Moreover, there are no integrated services for follow-up personalized clinical care recommendations. The exchanges of medical information between hospitals are limited due to the lacks of medical information exchange standards. In turn, it leads to the gaps of integrated medical services. Facing the medical information assymetry and the difficulties of current medical supporting environment, an intelligent decision support system for personalized healthcare based on the integration of data, models, and knowledge is a feasible and important solution. To fill the research gaps, our research proposes a web-based intelligent decision support system for personalized health care. To fill the research gaps, our research is to propose the system architecture and processes of a Web-based intelligent decision support systems for personalized healthcare. We also illustrate our system development methodology as well as our prototype to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of our system architecture, processes and methodology.

個人化部落格搜尋 / Personalized search from blog data

黃翊書 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著部落格的文章越來多,如何在大量的部落格文章中有效的幫助使用者找到需要的文章就變成一個非常重要的問題。因此,本研究結合部落格搜尋和個人化搜尋的技術,提出針對搜尋部落格文章的個人化部落格搜尋。其中,主要包含了兩種個人化部落格搜尋的方法。首先,延伸一般個人化搜尋的方式針對部落格的環境加以修正,提出了內文個人化部落格搜尋。透過分析和搜尋系統使用者相關的部落格文章內文,讓使用者可以更快的在部落格中找到需要的文章。接著,我們提出創新的社交個人化部落格搜尋,藉由分析使用者和其他部落客之間的社交行為,來達到個人化的目的。最後,在實驗中可以發現,個人化部落格搜尋明顯的提升了部落格搜尋的準確度和滿意度。 / As the quantity of articles increased rapidly, how to help the users to find the blog articles effectively becomes an important issue. Therefore, this study combines the traditional blog search and personalized search techniques, and proposes a way to search blog by personal information. This study mainly contains two methods of personalized blog search. First, the general way of personalized search environment for blogs to be amended, the content based personalized blog search. By analyzing and searching the system-related blog article text of the users, this study can make users quickly figure out the articles they need. We propose a social based personalized blog search, by analyzing the social behavior between users and other bloggers, to achieve personal goals. Finally, the result of the experiments has shown that both ways obviously improved search accuracy and satisfaction.

個人化醫療思維下的生醫科技公司商業模式創新:Genomic Health, Inc. 之個案探討 / Business Model Innovation of the Biomedical Companies in an Era of Personalized Medicine: A Case Study on Genomic Health, Inc.

曾錙翎 Unknown Date (has links)
「人類基因解碼計畫」在二00三年告一段落,隨著後基因體時代的來臨,「個人化醫療(Personalized medicine)」不再是遙不可及的夢想。一場醫療革命正式揭開序幕,「個人化醫療」代表著新的挑戰與機會,它將會改寫生醫產業的定義。 個人化醫療是一種破壞性創新,在面對以消費者為中心的個人化醫療市場,生醫產業將需要導入新的商業模式,才能在快速成長的個人化醫療市場保有競爭力。檢測與疾病有關生物標記(Biomarker)的分子診斷(Molecular Diagnostics-Test),是新興個人化醫療市場中的早期贏家。本研究將專注於此類公司創新商業模式關鍵成功因素的探討。 本研究選擇參考Johnson (2008)等人所提出的建立商業模式的四個關鍵步驟為主要研究架構,探討個案公司Genomic Health, Inc.在個人化醫療思維下,如何提出有別於傳統診斷產業的創新商業模式。研究結果發現:Genomic Health公司所提供的產品及服務,可同時提供病人、醫生、付費者(政府或醫療保險公司)全方位解決方案;這些都是單傳統體外診斷所沒有提供的創新價值。Genomic Health公司一開始就決定開發能提供豐富資訊的高附加價值檢測服務;建立差異化的策略,探索與傳統體外診斷產業截然不同的市場,是該公司能在過去幾年維持高獲利成長的主要原因。

購物網站個人化設計的眼動分析 / Personalized Shopping Websites:An Eye Tracking Analysis

邱靖婷, Chiu, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用眼動儀器與神經科學的分析方式,探討網站設計時運用虛擬替身與個人化推薦而設計出不同的個人化購物網站,是否會影響使用者對網站親密度與產品購買意願上有不同感受。研究問題共有三個:1.網站個人化設計對網站親密度的影響程度。2.網站個人化設計對於產品購買意願的影響程度。3.使用者是否會注意到網站的個人化設計。研究結果發現個人化推薦會對網站親密度及購買意願產生正向影響,而虛擬替身則只會對親密感產生正面的影響。虛擬替身及個人化推薦都會提高消費者的對該區域的首次瀏覽時間。 / The purpose of this study is to use eye tracking analysis to investigate whether different designs of shopping websites using personalization and avatar will influence users’ website intimacy and product buying attention. First, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and website intimacy. Second, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and product buying attention. The last one is whether users pay attention to personalized designs on websites. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of personalized recommendation and avatar. The results indicate that personalization had positive impacts on users’ perceived intimacy, and users’ total gaze duration has positive effects on both website intimacy and product buying attention.

What should financial companies know before implementing customer-oriented personalization / 金融業在設計顧客導向個人化前應有之認知

林嘉宇, Lin, Chia-yu (Michelle) Unknown Date (has links)
在目前競爭激烈的商業環境中,個人化服務逐漸受到重視,並被公司視為增加競爭力的利器。此篇論文首先釐清個人化與客製化之間的關係,再將個人化相關的應用、技術及設計方法做一個基礎性的探討。 由於 “顧客” 是個人化的重心,此研究以三階段的Delphi研究方法探究哪些因素會影響顧客對於個人化服務的評價。許多個人化相關的研究是以公司的角度為出發點,但此研究則是以顧客的觀點來看台灣金融業的個人化服務。研究的兩個重點為:(1) 顧客對於台灣金融業目前的個人化服務評價為何?(2)台灣金融業在個人化服務方面最需要改進的部份為何? 研究結果顯示,顧客是以一個cost-benefit viewpoint來評量企業所提供的個人化服務。對顧客而言,costs包括隱私上的損失及推銷和廣告所可能帶來的困擾。而benefits的主要來源則是好又準確的個人化服務。針對金融業來說,好又準確的個人化服務便是對個人需求經過精確的量身訂做後的資訊,在最適當的時間、地點以適當的管道提供給顧客。 研究結果也顯示,目前台灣金融業的個人化服務仍需要很大的努力與改進。此研究也整理出三個建議:(1)在個人化的過程中給顧客更多的掌控權;(2)尊重顧客的隱私權;(3)提供真正量身訂做的個人化服務,而不是把個人化當作推銷的藉口。 / Personalization is gaining increasing popularity among enterprises that strive to win a competitive edge by knowing and serving their customers better. This paper begins with an examination of the interdependency and inseparability between personalization and customization. An overview of personalization applications, technologies, and design techniques is then presented. As 'customer' is the theme of personalization, criteria that affect customers' acceptance and evaluation of personalization initiatives are then explored using a 3-stage Delphi method. Differed from many researches that examine personalization through the corporate / implementer's lenses, this study looks at personalization practices in Taiwan's financial industry – from a customer perspective. For such purpose, a financial personalization model is constructed from a customer standpoint. Two main questions to explore are: (1) how well do customers think personalization is being implemented in Taiwan's financial industry, and (2) which areas are in desperate need for improvements. Research results reveal that customers evaluate personalization efforts from a cost-benefit viewpoint. Potential costs include concession in privacy and concerns of possible promotion annoyance. On the other end of the scale, the main source of benefits is good and accurate personalization. In the case of financial industry, good personalization means precisely tailored information delivered at the right time and place. Unfortunately, the research also shows that currently the costs outweigh the benefits. Three suggestions are proposed: (1) give customers more control in the personalization process, (2) respect customers’ privacy, and (3) offer customers truly tailored information instead of an excuse to annoy customers with unwanted promotions.

父母教養行為、依附關係與成年雙胞胎個人化之關係 / The Relationships between Parental Rearing Behaviors, Attachment Relationship and Individuality among Adult Twins

蔡維欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討人口變項、父母教養行為、依附關係與雙胞胎的個人化之關係。本研究以76位成年雙胞胎為研究參與者(男性31人,女性45人),所使用的工具包括「雙胞胎個人化量表」、「雙胞胎父母教養行為量表」及「雙胞胎依附關係量表」。資料分析以描述統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 在現況方面,本研究之成年雙胞胎在個人化及依附關係的的得分偏高。在父親及母親教養行為的類別以父母親使用較多「情感支持」行為的成年雙胞胎居多;依附關係的類別則以屬於「安全天堂」及「趨近尋求」等安全依附關係的成年雙胞胎人數最多。 二、 不同人口變項的成年雙胞胎,其個人化程度有差異。不同年齡、雙胞胎本身的社經地位在個人化的有顯著差異。而不同性別、父母的社經地位、胎性、雙胞胎排行、家中手足總數的成年雙胞胎在個人化則沒有顯著差異。 三、 經歷不同父親及母親教養行為的成年雙胞胎,其個人化的程度有差異,即父親及母親「情感支持」教養行為較多,整體「個人化」及「分化」的程度較高;父親「拒絕」教養行為使用較多,則「獨立」的程度較低。 四、 不同依附關係的成年雙胞胎,其個人化的程度沒有差異。 五、 父親「情感支持」教養行為、母親「情感支持」教養行為、「趨近尋求」依附關係、「安全天堂」依附關係,對個人化的表現有正向預測效果。其中以父親「情感支持」行為的預測效果最好。 六、 父親「拒絕」教養行為、父親「一致性」教養行為、母親「拒絕」教養行為、母親「一致性」教養行為、「分離抗拒」依附關係對個人化的表現有負向預測效果。其中以父親「拒絕」教養行為為主要預測變項,其次是母親「拒絕」教養行為。 最後,根據本研究之主要發現提出若干建議,以供雙胞胎父母與未來研究之參考。 關鍵詞:成年雙胞胎、個人化、父母教養行為、依附關係 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between adult twins’ parental rearing behaviors, attachment relationship, demographic variables and their individuality. The participants were 76 adult twins (31 males and 45 females). The employed instruments included Individuality Inventory for Twins, Parental Rearing Behavior Inventory for Twins, and Attachment Relationship Inventory for Twins. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Multiple Regression. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The adult twins in this study had an above-average level of individuality and attachment relationship. As for the categories, most twins belonged to the attachment of “safe heaven” and “proximity seeking,” and most twins belonged to the parental rearing behavior of “emotional warmth”. 2. The adult twins’ age and socioeconomic status had significant effects on their performance of individuality. However, the adults twins’ gender, zygosity, birth order of twins, number of siblings, and their parents’ socioeconomic status had no significant effects on their performance of individuality. 3. The adult twins who experienced different parental rearing behaviors had varied level of individuality. More specifically, those who experienced more parental behaviors of “emotional warmth” outperformed their counterparts in overall individuality and the index of “differentiation,” while those who experienced less “rejection” behaviors from their fathers outperformed their counterparts in the index of “independence”. 4. Adult twins with different attachment relationship did not differ in their performance of individuality. 5. Father’s and mother’s rearing behaviors of “emotional warmth” and the attachment of “proximity seeking” and “safe heaven,” especially father’s rearing behaviors of “emotional warmth,” could positively predict the adult twins’ performance of individuality. 6. Father’s and mother’s rearing behaviors of “rejection” and “consistency” and the attachment of “separation protest,” especially father’s rearing behaviors of “rejection,” could negatively predict the adult twins’ performance of individuality. Finally, after discussion, some suggestions were proposed for the parents of twins and future research. Keywords: Adult Twins, Individuality, Parental Rearing Behaviors, Attachment Relationship.

超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統之建構與應用研究 / The development and application of hypermedia intelligent computer - aided instructional system

程麗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技之進步是教育向前的助力,延伸教學活動的時間與空間,增加學生學習選擇的彈性。現代之教學強調以學生為中心,一方面希望學生能自由操控學習活動,一方面又希望學生的學習能達到真正的理解。因此,本研究乃以教學原理之教學基本歷程為中心,強調學生是教學活動的重心,從學生使用面來發展一超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統,包括完整的教學功能、提供親和性的使用者介面、依學生之個別差異選擇學習教材與評量測驗後之補救加強教材。同時引用適當的發展方法來引導系統開發,並發展一原型系統作為驗證。 本研究採用開放性層次架構(Layer Structure)方法,從應用層(需求分析)、概念層(概念設計)及實體層(實體設計)來規範系統發展。以超媒體(Hypermeida)方法設計使用者操作介面及資訊畫面的組織呈現,以物件導向(Object-Oriented)方法建立系統概念模式,以多媒體資料庫(Multimedia Database)方法建立系統資料庫結構,以規則表示方式建立系統知識庫。並以軟體整合(Software Integration)方法,建立系統實體發展作業環境。 本研究提出一強調個人化學習之系統功能架構,學生可瀏覽、查詢、加註、評量及作筆記,考慮學生的學習風格並整合學生使用的學習策略,有助學生進行學習統整與記憶保留,結合了個人化教學、精熟學習、發現探索學習、討論學習及電腦輔助教學理論與方法。此外,本研究之超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統架構功能也符合文獻所提之典型智慧型電腦輔助教學系統架構。

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