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辦公室虛擬化問題之探討蔡昆儒 Unknown Date (has links)
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虛擬社群特性對電子口碑傳播行為影響之研究陳佩吟 Unknown Date (has links)
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政府部門運用虛擬團隊之研究 / The research of the use of virtual teams in government department曾筱尹, Tseng, Hsiao Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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我國證券市場協同運作策略之個案研究-以法人虛擬對帳系統為例林火燈 Unknown Date (has links)
在運用協同作業之下,企業得以對交易之上下游合作廠商在流程與資訊上整合,並根據企業資源的現況(包含內部資源與外部資源)作最佳化安排,並與上下游合作廠商、客戶的價值鏈相連,構成一個產業的價值鏈(value chain)。
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P2P的下載遊戲--Bourdieu場域理論的詮釋與應用黃漢德 Unknown Date (has links)
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邦聯式虛擬社群活動對知識工作團隊特徵之影響黃建欣, Huang, Chien-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
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虛擬社群特性、意識及成員忠誠度關係之研究 / The Relationship of Virtual Community's Character, Sense and Member's Loyalty薛紹安, Hsueh, Shau-An Unknown Date (has links)
1. 離線活動能正向影響會員身份、影響力及意識認同
2. 娛樂性能正向影響會員身份、沉迷度及意識認同
1. 會員身份能正向影響成員忠誠度
2. 意識認同能正向影響成員忠誠度
網路虛擬社群的興起為人們的溝通型態帶來重大的轉變,藉由虛擬社群特性、意識與成員忠誠度之間的關係探討,將能夠幫助虛擬社群經營者更加深入了解虛擬社群,懂得如何增強社群意識及成員對社群的忠誠度,掌握在虛擬世界裡成功的契機。 / Virtual community, growing with Internet, has become a popular communication platform in recent years. Sense of virtual community (SOVC) means a member’s feeling toward the virtual community where he/she takes part. SOVC is composed of several different dimensions, and it will be affected by some characteristics of virtual community itself. Besides, if a virtual community pursues expanding, members' loyalty to their virtual communities will be a necessary condition. We wonder whether a strong SOVC will affect a member's loyalty to his/her virtual community.
The study generalizes the dimensions of virtual community first, afterward examining the relationship of virtual community's characteristics, sense and member's loyalty.
20-30 year old members, who have sufficient experiences of participating in virtual communities, are our target samples. In total, we have 135 effective questionnaires, and conduct regressions to do this analysis.
According to the study result, SOVC can be divided into 4 dimensions: membership, influence, immersion and conscious identification. As for characteristics of virtual community, they can be separated into 3 dimensions: leader's enthusiasm, off-line activity and enjoyability.
There are some relationships between these two constructs:
1.Off-line activity can affect membership, influence and
conscious identification positively.
2.Enjoyability can affect membership, immersion and conscious
identification positively.
Besides,SOVC can affect member's loyalty (to his/her virtual community):
1.Membership can affect member’s loyalty positively.
2.Conscious identification can affect member’s loyalty
Virtual community has brought a huge change in ways of communication. The study discusses the relationship of virtual community's characteristics, sense and member's loyalty. Through understanding the study result, knowing the tips to increase SOVC and member's loyalty, organizers of virtual communities are able to handle community better. In the end, they can reach great success in the virtual world.
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虛擬國境--以網路虛擬社群為概念的創作文本 / Virtual World----the Creation of the Virtual Community in Cyberspace李欣頻, Lee, Hsin-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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系統設計對於博物館展覽的虛擬實境中使用者體驗及行為的影響之研究以故宮博物館為例 / Examine the impact of design features and user experience on the performance of virtual reality museum exhibition – Taking National Palace Museum as an example.胡惠宸 Unknown Date (has links)
歸功於虛擬實境(VR)技術的發展,使得虛擬實境可以逐漸應用在現 實生活當中。近幾年來,博物館一直嘗試應用虛擬實境的特性來增強參訪者的 體驗,目前也有許多研究工作著重在為博物館中的文物建模,但可惜的是與虛 擬實境可為博物館展覽帶來的效果之相關研究相對較少。因此,在本研究中, 我們用 S—O—R 的研究模型,並針對不同的文物類型:器物類、書畫類、書 法類,探討虛擬實境的系統設計特性對使用者體驗的影響。
擬實境的參考。 / Virtual reality (VR) technology has already reached the level of maturity allowing it to be introduced into real-life applications. Recently, museums have been trying to apply it to enhance visitors’ experience and significant research efforts have also been made toward modeling relics in VR. However, there have been few studies on the real effects of VR exhibitions.
In this study, we draw upon the stimulus–organism–response framework to theorize how system design feature stimuli affect the visitors’ experience of the VR exhibition at the National Palace Museum (NPM) and how the experience of VR impacts the visit intention. Furthermore, the study compares the VR effects across different kinds of relics (artifact, painting, and calligraphy). We create four empirical models: Model 0 does not consider the differences among relics, Model 1 focuses on artifacts, Model 2 focuses on paintings, and Model 3 focuses on calligraphies.
A comparison of the different models shows that in Model 0, design features affect the VR experience, which in turn, impacts the visitors’ visit intention. The VR experiences were characterized by two dimensions: immersion and involvement. The former emphasized the visitors passively immersed in the VR and the latter referred to visitor initiative. Comparing Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3, all the design features have impact on the immersion level for all relic types. In case of calligraphy, the vividness impacts the involvement level and in case of artifacts, the interactivity impacts the involvement level.
Based on the analysis, we also propose an improvement for the NPM’s present VR exhibition. The findings of this study can be referenced when designing new VR exhibitions for different relics.
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見與不見:《大亨小傳》中的真實與虛擬現實 / The Seen and the Unseen: On Reality and Virtual Reality in The Great Gatsby黃憶, Huang, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
史考特‧費茲傑羅(F. Scott Fitzgerald)的小說《大亨小傳》為一深刻反映二十世紀美國文化的作品之一,書中描述主人翁蓋茲比如何在現實中追求不可及的夢想直至夢想幻滅的過程。在現實的不可抗逆下,蓋茲比以各式物質展演將不可見慾望的化為清晰的圖像。
第一章略述《大亨小傳》的梗概、介紹其相關評論與說明本論文理論架構。第二章將藉由對二十世紀初媒體發展回顧重新定義「可見」的概念;第三章將詳述費茲傑羅與其作品與名流文化及媒體的密切性,及媒體文化對作者生活及作品的影響。第四章檢視書中敘事者尼克視覺化的觀察方式,進而分析其虛擬凝視(Virtual Gaze)如何打破生理視覺的侷限進而發展出一結合主體感觀經驗與客觀現實的感知方式。第五章重新討論小說中現實與幻象的矛盾,並點出「虛擬」將翻轉對現實的固有認知,並且成就更多可能性。 / F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby has been regarded as one of the most brilliant literary works that captures the essence of the roaring twenties. In the novel, Fitzgerald takes readers into a full picture of the life of Gatsby, unfolding the life of the glamour in a new world material without being real and the conflicts between social classes. Writing against the lucid narrative strategy, Fitzgerald completes The Great Gatsby with impressive languages, imagery and symbols. The present thesis would like to adopt theories of advertising and photography to examine how the order of presentation and observation is converted at the time when visual perception is inevitably intertwined with subjective imagination. In addition, the present thesis also aims to shed light on the concept of virtual gaze as well as the notion of identity by taking vision from the field of the visible into the field of the virtual.
Chapter one begins with the introduction of The Great Gatsby and the methodology used in the present thesis. Chapter two includes literature reviews concerning the issue of seeing and Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Chapter three focuses on reviewing the presentation of images used in the mass media and on building the interrelationship among Fitzgerald’s life and the notion of “visibility.” Chapter four pays attention to the concept of “virtual gaze” and its capability to break the boundary between physical eyesight and imagination. Chapter five reconsiders the ambiguity of reality associated with contradictory vision and further validates the value of “virtual gaze.
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