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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relations entre facteurs de stress au travail, satisfaction au travail et engagement organisationnel : rôle modérateur des étapes de carrière / Relationships between stressors at work, job satisfaction and organizational commitment : moderating role of career stages

Kakwata, Citenge 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le rôle modérateur des étapes de carrière n’a jamais cessé d’attirer l’attention des chercheurs dans cette période où ce concept fait l’objet de beaucoup de débats dans milieu de scientifiques. Dans le présent travail notre objectif est d’étudier le rôle modérateur des étapes de carrière dans les relations d’un groupe de variables, avec but de clarifier leurs relations afin d’identifier les variables pouvant contribuer à l’amélioration de la satisfaction au travail et l’engagement organisationnel. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous avons conçu un modèle de recherche ayant quatre niveaux de variables. Le premier est en rapport avec les facteurs de stress au travail, le deuxième concerne la satisfaction au travail, le troisième s’occupe de l’engagement organisationnel et enfin le dernier bloc traite des étapes de carrière. Ce modèle est testé sur un échantillon de 242 enseignants universitaires en Angola. Après différentes analyses (Analyse Multi-groupes et autres), nos résultats indiquent que les étapes de carrière jouent un rôle modérateur global dans les relations de nos variables. Cette modération se manifeste de manière spécifique dans les relations directes et indirectes de nos variables au niveau des étapes de carrière retenues dans notre étude. Ces résultats nous ont ainsi permis de présenter les apports et recommandations de type managérial allant dans le sens d’aider les professionnels et les gestionnaires des institutions pour améliorer leur politiques sur le bien-être des employés / The moderating role of career stages has never ceased to attract the attention of researchers in this time when a career concept is the subject of much debate in the middle of scientists. Our goal in this study is to investigate the moderating role of career stages in relationships of a group of variables, with a view to clarifying these relationships and to identify variables that may contribute to the improvement of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. To achieve our goal, we developed a research model with four variables levels. The first is related to stress factors at work, the second is job satisfaction, the third deals with the organizational commitment and the last level deals with the stages of career. This model is tested on a sample of 242 university teachers in Angola. After various analyzes (Multi-Group Analysis, and others), our results indicate that career stages play a moderating role in the overall relations between our variables. This moderation is manifested specifically in direct and indirect relationships of our variables in career steps included in our study. These results have allowed us to present the contributions and recommendations of managerial types in line to help professionals and institutional managers to improve their policies on the well-being of employees

Varför väljer personal att lämna stora revisionsbyråer? : Hur påverkar motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse revisorers och redovisningskonsulters beslut att lämna de stora revisionsbyråerna? / Why do staff choose to leave large audit firms? : How does motivation and job satisfaction affect accountants decision to leave the large audit firms?

Kefalas, Katerina, Broman, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Hög omsättning av personal har länge varit ett problem inom de stora revisionsbyråerna och det är inte ovanligt att många väljer att avsluta sin tjänst efter bara några år. Många ser sin anställning på en stor revisionsbyrå som ett förberedande steg i karriären för att sedan söka sig vidare. Syfte Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur revisorer och redovisningskonsulter upplevde motivation på sin tidigare arbetsplats och hur motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkade deras beslut att avsluta sin anställning. Metod Den här kvalitativa studien är genomförd med en deduktiv ansats med induktiva inslag där empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer och redovisningskonsulter. Slutsats Studien visar på att det finns flera anledningar till att revisorer och redovisningskonsulter väljer att lämna sin arbetsplats och att det är många olika faktorer som påverkar motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Det som gav våra respondenter mest motivation var den roliga kundkontakten. Faktorer som fått våra respondenter att lämna sin arbetsplats var lön, stress kombinerat med hög arbetsbörda, att de hade för många arbetsuppgifter som inte hade med kunderna att göra, företagsledningen, erbjudande om andra jobbmöjligheter och att de ville testa på något nytt. / Introduction A high turnover of staff has been a problem in the large auditing firms for a long time. It is not unusual that many people choose to leave their firm after just a few years. Some people see their employment at a large auditing firm as a preparatory step in their careers. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate how accountants experienced motivation at their previous workplace and how motivation and job satisfaction affected their decision to terminate their employment. Method This qualitative study is pursued through a deductive approach with inductive elements where empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with accountants. Conclusion The study indicates that there are several reasons why accountants choose to leave their workplace and that there are many different factors that affect motivation and job satisfaction. What gave our respondents the most motivation was the customer contact and to help their customers. Factors that caused our respondents to leave their workplace were salary, stress in combination with an excessively high workload, that they had too many tasks that did not have to do with their clients, the management and other job opportunities.

The relationship between career adaptability and employee engagement amongst employees in an insurance company

Potgieter, Marna 01 August 2014 (has links)
The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the relationship between career adaptability (measured by the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale) and employee engagement (measured by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), and (2) to determine whether age, race, gender and tenure groups differ significantly regarding career adaptability and employee engagement. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample (N = 131) of employees within a business unit of a large insurance company in South Africa. Correlational and inferential statistical analyses revealed significant relationships between career adaptability and employee engagement as well as significant differences between age and race groups on some dimensions of the constructs. These findings contribute valuable insight and knowledge to the field of Organisational Psychology and Career Psychology that can be applied in engagement strategies as well as in career guidance and counselling. The study concluded with recommendations for future research and practice. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Comprometimento, estresse e satisfa??o com a vida de profissionais da sa?de / Commitment, stress and satisfaction with the life of health professionals

Teixeira, Fab?ola Dalprat 20 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-09T17:42:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIOLA DALPRAT TEIXEIRA.pdf: 2568414 bytes, checksum: 65a8bd98300ae59e679b19cb75b71822 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T17:42:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIOLA DALPRAT TEIXEIRA.pdf: 2568414 bytes, checksum: 65a8bd98300ae59e679b19cb75b71822 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas - PUC - Campinas / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / The work is part of the personal and social identity of the individual, affecting his psychological state and his interaction with people, determining relationships and ties at different emotional levels. Concepts usually associated with the studies in the subject are commitment, stress, and life satisfaction. Organizational commitment is the psychological link between the individual and the organization, composed of three dimensions: affective, calculative and normative. The affective dimension is characterized by psychological attachment and the existence of positive affects. The calculative dimension is associated with the idea of financial and occupational reward. In the normative dimension, occurs the moral bond of the individual with the organization. Stress is perceived individually and stressful factores can be of various natures, such as physical, related to the environment, or psychosocial. Satisfaction with life is the result of judging various domains of life, such as health, work, and social relationships. This study identified, described and analyzed the relationships between Compromising, Stress and Life Satisfaction in health professionals. The participants were 120 health professionals who provide assistance to pediatric post-surgical patients. The instruments were: Sociodemographic Data Sheet, Commitment Scales (ECOA, ECOC and ECON), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS). Data were collected in three sectors of a University Hospital, and analyzed by SPSS software. The average age of participants was 36.6 years old, with 90.8% of female gender, most of whom are married and have worked in the institution for more than 4 years. The participants presented: (a) a high level of general organizational commitment, (b) a high level of affective commitment, (c) a median level of normative commitment, (d) a low level of calculative commitment, (e) a low level of perceived stress, and (f) high satisfaction with life. The impairment presented positive correlation with life satisfaction, negative with perceived stress, and there was a negative correlation between satisfaction with life and perceived stress. Different levels of impairment, perceived stress and life satisfaction among professional classes were identified, and negative correlation between age and calculative impairment. Significant variances were observed regarding the marital status and schooling in normative commitment. The variables schooling, affective, calculative, normative, and perceived stress together explained 33.5% of Satisfaction with Life. The research, unprecedented in the area, provides subsidies for the improvement of the management of people in health organizations with a consequent impact on care practices. / O trabalho faz parte da identidade pessoal e social do indiv?duo, afetando seu estado psicol?gico e sua intera??o com as pessoas, determinando rela??es e v?nculos em diferentes n?veis emocionais. Conceitos normalmente, associados aos estudos da ?rea, s?o o comprometimento, o estresse e a satisfa??o com a vida. O comprometimento organizacional ? o v?nculo psicol?gico entre o indiv?duo e a organiza??o, composto por tr?s dimens?es: afetivo, calculativo e normativo. A dimens?o afetiva ? caracterizada pelo apego psicol?gico e a exist?ncia de afetos positivos. A dimens?o calculativa est? associada ? ideia de recompensa financeira e ocupacional. Na dimens?o normativa, ocorre o v?nculo moral do indiv?duo com a organiza??o. O estresse ? percebido de maneira individual e os fatores estressores podem ser de diversas naturezas, como f?sico, relacionado ao ambiente, ou psicossocial. A satisfa??o com a vida ? fruto do julgamento de v?rios dom?nios da vida, como sa?de, trabalho e rela??es sociais. Este estudo identificou, descreveu e analisou as rela??es entre Comprometimento, Estresse e Satisfa??o com a Vida em profissionais de sa?de. Os participantes foram 120 profissionais da sa?de que prestam assist?ncia a pacientes pedi?tricos p?s cir?rgicos. Foram utilizados os instrumentos: Ficha de Dados Sociodemogr?ficos, Escalas de Comprometimento (ECOA, ECOC e ECON), Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS) e a Escala de Satisfa??o com a Vida (ESV). Os dados foram coletados em tr?s setores de um Hospital Universit?rio, e analisados pelo software SPSS. A m?dia de idade dos participantes ? 36,6 anos, sendo 90,8% do sexo feminino, a maior parte ? casado e trabalha h? mais de 4 anos na institui??o. Os participantes apresentaram: (a) alto n?vel de comprometimento geral organizacional, (b) alto n?vel de comprometimento afetivo, (c) n?vel mediano de comprometimento normativo, (d) baixo n?vel de comprometimento calculativo, (e) baixo n?vel de estresse percebido, e (f) elevada satisfa??o com a vida. O comprometimento apresentou correla??o positiva com a satisfa??o com a vida, negativa com o estresse percebido, e houve correla??o negativa entre satisfa??o com a vida e estresse percebido. Foram identificados diferentes n?veis de comprometimento, estresse percebido e satisfa??o com a vida entre as classes profissionais, e correla??o negativa entre idade e comprometimento calculativo. Constataram-se vari?ncias significativas quanto ao estado civil e ? escolaridade no comprometimento normativo. As vari?veis escolaridade, comprometimento afetivo, calculativo, normativo, e o estresse percebido juntas explicaram 33,5% da Satisfa??o com a Vida. A pesquisa, in?dita na ?rea, fornece subs?dios para o aprimoramento da gest?o de pessoas nas organiza??es de sa?de com consequente impacto sobre as pr?ticas assistenciais.

Comprometimento organizacional em condições adversas: o caso dos pesquisadores do Centro Técnico Aeroespacial. / Organizational commitment in adverse job conditions: the case of Aerospace Technical Center researchers.

Ricco, Maria Filomena Fontes 15 December 1998 (has links)
A investigação da discrepância observada entre as teorias do comportamento organizacional, que buscam melhores condições de trabalho para a manutenção do pessoal, e o que ocorre na prática com os pesquisadores do CTA, que ali permanecem, mesmo em condições adversas, é realizada por meio de uma descrição da população estudada e pelo esclarecimento de relações entre variáveis e fatos. Para tal, utiliza-se o modelo de três componentes do comprometimento organizacional de Meyer e Allen, onde os empregados permanecem em suas organizações por que querem, por que precisam ou porque sentem-se na obrigação de ficar. Os resultados apontam que, para a população de cientistas presentes nos Institutos do CTA, predomina o comprometimento afetivo, os altos custos em deixar a organização não são tão representativos, e também que a introjeção dos valores e normas da organização, responsáveis pelo sentimento de obrigação em ali permanecer, é pouco presente. A combinação das três dimensões do comprometimento, afetiva, instrumental e normativa, formam padrões de comprometimento organizacional, os quais encontram-se correlacionados a duas variáveis acadêmicas: instituição da graduação e número de publicações. Portanto, esclarecendo o fenômeno que ocorre com tal população, ou seja, uma vez identificado o tipo de comprometimento organizacional que ocorre nas condições adversas estudadas e salientando o que não acontece na situação pesquisada, contribui-se para uma melhor compreensão do indivíduo no seu contexto de trabalho apontando direções para futuras ações tanto acadêmicas quanto empresariais, além de suscitar um interesse em detalhar, em novas investigações, os resultados encontrados nesta. / From an academic point of view, we intend to clarify discrepancies between theory of organizational behavior, proposing better conditions of work to maintain the staff, and the real situation of researchers working at CTA, who remain with the organization in spite of adverse conditions. This situation is explored taking into account the three components of Meyer and Allen’s model organizational commitment. It uses a population description, and look for establishing relations between variables and facts. According to Meyer and Allen, about remain at organizations, employees with strong affective commitment remain because they want to, those with strong continuance commitment because they need to, and those with strong normative commitment because they feel they ought to do so. The results suggest that affective commitment is the most noticeable indicator of permanence at CTA. The continuance component is practically null, being even smaller the presence of the normative one. The relation between these components forms patterns of organizational commitment, which are related with two educational characteristics: number of published works and school of graduation. Thus, identifying the kind of organizational occur in adverse job condition and emphasizing what do not happen in examined situation, it permits to expand the knowledge in this field of studies and allow a better evaluation of the individual-work relationship, indicating routes for future actions, both in academic and in business environment, beyond to arouse a interest to detail, in others, the obtained results in this researcher.

A dinâmica dos vínculos com as organizações empregadoras: um olhar para o contexto e trajetória do trabalhador / The dynamics of bonds with organizational employers: an approach at the worker\'s context and trajectory

Paim, Diego Silveira 21 July 2017 (has links)
Na agenda de pesquisa sobre comprometimento organizacional, predomina o modelo de pesquisa de corte transversal, quantitativa, que busca relacionar os vínculos com antecedentes e consequentes de maneira direta, considerando variáveis internas à organização. Esta abordagem tem sido foco de discussão nesta área, que começa a apontar a necessidade de estudos exploratórios buscando compreender a dinâmica dos vínculos ao longo do tempo. O presente trabalho busca contribuir com esta lacuna, e tem por objetivo compreender o papel de elementos de contexto individual na dinâmica dos vínculos do trabalhador com a organização ao longo de sua trajetória. A etapa preliminar quantitativa foi realizada por meio de uma survey que obteve 1584 respostas válidas, coletando com escalas validadas padrões dos vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento com a organização. A partir destes padrões, foram destacados 30 indivíduos com diferentes padrões de vínculos para uma etapa principal qualitativa, que ocorreu por meio de entrevistas exploratórias com estes participantes. As análises de narrativa, conteúdo e eventos foram combinadas para processar estes dados, visando compreender o papel do contexto individual nos vínculos. Estas análises buscaram compreender o papel de diferentes temas da vida do indivíduo: A fase da vida e careira, as âncoras de carreira, eventos marcantes de sua vida, elementos de seu contexto individual (família, comunidade, lazer, amizade, outros trabalhos e autodesenvolvimento) e fenômenos da literatura de vínculos organizacionais. Como resultado, foi encontrado que as fases da vida e carreira exercem papel relevante na dinâmica dos vínculos, e as fases de equacionamento e manutenção são mais propensas a registrarem alto comprometimento, e a fase de manutenção também com alto entrincheiramento. As âncoras de carreira modelam as expectativas que geram os contratos psicológicos, e atuam também na forma com que o indivíduo lida com os eventos em sua vida. Em termos dos eventos, os que se relacionam com mudança cultural e liderança/gestão tem relação com quebras de contrato psicológico, que geram diminuição ou quebra do comprometimento com a organização, se relacionando com o fenômeno da literatura de quondamcommitment. No contexto individual, ele atua como um mediador entre a dinâmica dos vínculos e os eventos vivenciados pelo indivíduo, sendo também pautados pela permeabilidade entre a vida pessoal e profissional. As dimensões de amizade, família e comunidade tem relação mais relevante com a dinâmica de vínculos. Por fim, foi elaborado um modelo teórico que organiza e sistematiza todas as áreas observadas neste estudo, apontando o papel delas na dinâmica dos vínculos. Conclui-se que os vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento são afetados indiretamente pelas fases da vida, e que a depender da âncora de carreira, o indivíduo tenderá a desenvolver maior comprometimento com diferentes focos. Ainda, o estudo explicita o papel de eventos de liderança/gestão e cultura organizacional, que estão associados à quebra de contrato psicológico e diminuição dos níveis do comprometimento. Por fim, o presente trabalho possibilita uma maior compreensão dos fenômenos contextuais na agenda de pesquisa dos vínculos organizacionais, trazendo elementos à tona que podem ser aprofundados em futuras pesquisas. / In the research agenda on organizational commitment, the cross-sectional, quantitative research model predominates, which seeks to relate the links with antecedents and consequents in a direct way, considering internal variables to the organization. This approach has been a focus of discussion in this area, which begins to point out the need for exploratory studies seeking to understand the dynamics of bonds over time. The present work has the objective to contribute to this gap, and aims to understand the role of individual context elements in the dynamics of the worker \'s bonds with the organization throughout its trajectory. The preliminary quantitative stage was accomplished by means of a survey that obtained 1584 valid answers, collecting with validated scales standard of the bonds of organizational commitment and organizational entrenchment. From these standards, 30 individuals with different patterns of bonds were selected for a qualitative main stage, which occurred through exploratory interviews with these participants. Narrative, content, and event analyzes were combined to process these data to understand the role of the individual context in the bonds. These analyzes sought to understand the role of different subjects in the individual\'s life: the life stage and career, career anchors, life events, elements of their individual context (family, community, leisure, friendship, other work and self-development) and bond´s organizational phenomena. As a result, it was found that the life stages and career stages play a relevant role in the dynamics of the bonds, and the phases of equation and maintenance are more likely to register high commitment, and the maintenance phase also with high entrenchment. Career anchors shape the expectations that generate the psychological contracts, and also act on how the individual deals with the events in his or her life. In terms of events, those related to cultural change and leadership / management are related to psychological contract breaches, which generate a decrease or decrease in commitment to the organization, related to the quondam commitment literature phenomenon. In the individual context, it acts as a mediator between the dynamics of the links and the events experienced by the individual, and are also guided by the permeability between personal and professional life. The dimensions of friendship, family and community are more relevant to the dynamics of links. Finally, a theoretical model was elaborated that organizes and systematizes all the areas observed in this study, pointing out their role in the dynamics of the links. It is concluded that the bonds of commitment and entrenchment are affected indirectly by the life cycle, and that depending on the career anchor, the individual will tend to develop greater commitment with different foci. Furthermore, the study explores the role of leadership / management events and organizational culture, which are associated with psychological contract breakdown and decreased levels of commitment. Finally, the present work contributes to a greater understanding of the contextual phenomena in the research agenda of organizational bonds, bringing elements to the fore that can be deepened in future researches.

AvaliaÃÃo da influÃncia da percepÃÃo de prÃticas de responsabilidade social corporativa sobre o comprometimento organizacional no setor tÃxtil / Evaluation of the influence of the perception of corporate social responsibility practices on organizational commitment in the textile sector

Giselle Cavalcante Queiroz 14 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho avalia os efeitos da percepÃÃo das prÃticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) sobre o Comprometimento Organizacional (CO) em empresas tÃxteis no Estado do CearÃ. Estudos que trataram da relaÃÃo RSC e CO afirmam que a RSC aumenta a identificaÃÃo, o engajamento, a retenÃÃo e o desempenho dos empregados na empresa. As hipÃteses deste estudo postulam os impactos de todas as dimensÃes de RSC sobre as dimensÃes afetiva, normativa e instrumental de CO. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa descritiva, que utiliza os mÃtodos de anÃlise fatorial exploratÃria e confirmatÃria, para avaliar e validar os instrumentos de coleta de dados no contexto da indÃstria tÃxtil cearense; modelagem de equaÃÃes estruturais, a fim de identificar os impactos das percepÃÃes de prÃticas de RSC sobre as dimensÃes de comprometimento organizacional; e anÃlise multigrupos, que avalia as diferenÃas do modelo estrutural entre dois grupos diferentes: empresa de grande porte e empresas de mÃdio porte. Participaram da pesquisa 539 empregados. Os resultados evidenciaram que a percepÃÃo de prÃticas de RSC exerce influÃncia positiva e significativa sobre o comprometimento organizacional. No modelo de equaÃÃes estruturais de primeira ordem, a percepÃÃo de prÃticas de RSC voltadas para os empregados e para os clientes, governo e fornecedores impactam positiva e significativamente no comprometimento afetivo/normativo, enquanto que o comprometimento instrumental mostrou ser impactado positiva e significativamente apenas pela percepÃÃo de prÃticas de RSC voltadas para empregados. A anÃlise multigrupos permitiu constatar que apenas as trajetÃrias da influÃncia da percepÃÃo de prÃticas de RSC voltadas a empregados sobre o comprometimento afetivo e a percepÃÃo de prÃticas de RSC para clientes, governo e fornecedores sobre o comprometimento instrumental diferem significativamente entre os dois grupos de empresa. O trabalho contribui para os campos acadÃmico e gerencial. Para o primeiro o estudo colabora com a literatura existente sobre a relaÃÃo entre a RSC e o comprometimento organizacional, especialmente no Brasil, incluindo nessa interseÃÃo a percepÃÃo dos empregados. A nÃvel gerencial, o trabalho contribui na discussÃo de quais prÃticas de RSC realizar quando se deseja elevar os nÃveis de comprometimento em uma organizaÃÃo. / This paper provides an assessment on the effects of the perception of Corporative Social Responsibility practices over organizational commitment in textile companies in the State of CearÃ. Previous studies which have dealt on the relation between Corporative Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment affirm that Corporative Social Responsibility enhances feelings of identification, as well as engagement, retention and performance by company employees. The hypotheses of this study test the impact of all dimensions of Corporative Social Responsibility over the affective, normative and instrumental dimensions of Organizational Commitment. It is a descriptive quantitative research, which employs methods of exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis in order to assess and validate data-gathering instruments within the Cearà textile industry context, and structural equation models in order to identify the impact of perceptions of Corporative Social Responsibility practices over dimensions of organizational commitment and multi-group analysis, which assesses the differences in structural model between two different groups: large-sized company and midsize companies. 539 employees participated in the research. Results evidenced that the perception of Corporative Social Responsibility practices has a positive influence over organizational commitment. In the model for structural equations of first order, the perception of Corporative Social Responsibility towards clients, government and suppliers have a positive and significant impact on normative/affective commitment, while instrumental commitment proved to be positively and significantly affected by the perception of Corporative Social Responsibility practices towards employees. The multi-group analysis attested that only the trajectories of influence by perception of Corporative Social Responsibility practices towards employees over affective commitment and the perception of Corporative Social Responsibility practices towards clients, government and suppliers over affective commitment displayed any significant differences between the two groups of companies. This paper provides a contribution to the academic field as well as to the managing field. In the academic field, this study contributes to the existing literature on the relation between Corporative Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment, especially in Brazil, and including the employeesâ perception in this intersection. In the managing level, this study contributes to the discussion over which Corporative Social Responsibility practices should be carried out when one wishes to raise commitment levels in an organization.

Etude de dimensions personnelles, relationnelles et attitudinales dans l'intention de quitter un emploi traditionnellement féminin : quelle place accorder au sexe et aux stéréotypes de genre ? / Study of personal, relational and attitudinal dimensions involved in intend to leave a traditionally female's job : what the sex and gender stereotypes bring ?

Magne, Julie 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale a pour objectif de préciser le rôle du sexe et des stéréotypes de genre dans les dimensions attitudinales et relationnelles en jeu dans l’intention de quitter un emploi traditionnellement féminin. Pour ce faire, cinq études ont été réalisées. Les quatre premières ont trait à la construction d’un outil évaluant l’identification aux stéréotypes de genre alors que la cinquième investigue le rôle de cette dernière et du sexe dans les modèles classiques du turnover.La première étude a été réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de 498 étudiants. Elle a permis de préciser les stéréotypes féminins et masculins véhiculés dans la société française. Ces derniers ont ensuite été validés dans une seconde étude, auprès d’une population générale (N = 574). L’outil ainsi constitué a été proposé dans une troisième étude (N = 542) afin d’en vérifier la validité conceptuelle. Une quatrième étude (N = 431) a mené à l’identification des attentes sociales en matière de caractéristiques genrées, à l’égard des personnes souhaitant travailler dans une profession dite féminine. Enfin, la cinquième et dernière étude (N = 204) investiguait d’une part, l’incidence du sexe et des stéréotypes de genre dans les attitudes (satisfaction et engagement organisationnel), les ressources socio-organisationnelles (LMX, TMX et SOP) et l’intention de quitter un emploi féminin. D’autre part, l’incidence du sexe dans les relations entretenues entre ces dimensions était également questionnée. Les principaux résultats mettent en évidence le caractère genré du turnover puisque les dimensions en cause dans ce dernier diffèrent selon le sexe du travailleur. Si la satisfaction et l’engagement organisationnel apparaissent essentiels pour éviter la rotation volontaire des hommes comme des femmes, les formes d’engagement apparaissent distinctes selon les stéréotypes de genre. Alors que les hommes valorisent un engagement basé sur leurs propres investissements, les femmes préfèrent un engagement centré sur les investissements qu’on leur confère. En ce sens, les pratiques de socialisation organisationnelle paraissent essentielles pour ces dernières. Ce travail souligne également les limites des approches comparatives visant à identifier les différences entre les sexes et démontre l’importance de dissocier les hommes, des femmes lorsque l’on cherche à mettre en évidence des modèles prédictifs de l’intention de quitter. / This doctoral research aims to clarify the role of sex and gender stereotypes in the attitudinal and relational dimensions involved in intend to leave a traditionally female’jobs. To do this, five studies were performed. The first four relate to the construction of a tool who evaluates the identification of gender stereotypes while the fifth investigates the role of the latter and of the sex in the classical models of turnover.The first study was carried out among a sample of 498 students. She clarified the female and male stereotypes in French society. These were then validated in a second study, from a general population (N = 574). The tool thus formed was proposed in a third study (N = 542) to verify the construct validity. A fourth study (N = 431) completed the identification of the social expectations of gendered characteristics, with respect to people wishing to work in a traditionally female's profession. Finally, the fifth and final study (N = 204) was investigating on the one hand, the impact of sex and gender stereotypes in attitudes (satisfaction and organizational commitment), socio-organizational resources (LMX, TMX and SOP) and intend to leave a female employment. On the second hand, the impact of gender in the relationships between these dimensions was also questioned. The main results demonstrate the gendered nature of the turnover since the dimensions involved in the latter differ by gender of the worker. If satisfaction and organizational commitment appear essential to prevent voluntary turnover of both men and women, forms of engagement appear different, depending on gender stereotypes. While men value a commitment based on their own investments, women prefer a commitment focused on investments which are confered to them. In this sense, the organizational socialization practices seem essential for women.This work also highlights the limits of comparative approaches to identify gender differences and demonstrates the importance of separating men and women when seeking to bring out predictive models of turnover intention.

Understanding Inclusion-Exclusion in Social Service Organizations

Rizzo, Eva Andrea 01 June 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to explore the effects inclusion-exclusion on the job-related attitudes of the organizational workforce. These attitudes included job satisfaction, organizational commitment, burnout, and turnover intention. A quantitative survey was conducted using a sample of employees of a social service organization in San Bernardino County. Participants include employees from all levels and program areas of the social service organization. Study data was collected through the use of a self-report questionnaire. Measures were used to explore commitment to the organization, diversity perception, job satisfaction, turnover intention and burnout, the dependent variables. Using SPSS software to analyze data, descriptive statistics, correlation, and Mann-Whitney U analysis were conducted. More than half of the survey participants, as presented in Table 1 (see Appendix D), identified as women (n=35, 85.4%) and five (12.2%) accounted for the participants that identified as men. Results showed that Inclusion was significantly related to all job related attitudes except burnout, gender and race. Results were consistent with the literature in that inclusion is related to positive work-related attitudes, but inconsistent in regards to its relation with gender and race.

Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions Among Healthcare Internal Auditors

Sow, Mouhamadou Thile 01 January 2015 (has links)
Insufficient auditing staff has become a challenge facing internal auditing in the healthcare industry. Auditors' turnover rates range from 13.4% to 46.6% in the United States based on the type of organization. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment, and turnover intention among auditors. Self-determination theory of motivation was the theoretical framework for examining the employee turnover problem. A random sample of 92 internal auditors was administered the TCM Employee Commitment Survey and Turnover Intention Scales. The model as a whole was able to significantly predict turnover intentions, F(3, 88) = 15.365, p < .000. The effect size, indicated that the model accounted for approximately 36% of the variance in turnover intentions. Affective commitment (beta = -.519, p = .000) was the only measure of commitment that made a significant contribution to the model. The implications for positive social change included the potential to help business leaders decide on the types of organizational commitment they should catalyze to potentially reduce turnover rates. Healthcare leaders can use the information to reduce the turnover of auditors, increase the quality of audit in healthcare, and improve the quality and reduce the cost of healthcare for society.

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