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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevrelaterat våld mot lärare i relation till skolklimatet

Forsberg, Donny, Fredriksson, Joakim, Svärdström, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att via en kvantitativ webbenkät i ett bekvämlighetsurval av svenska lärare, undersöka förekomst av elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare samt i vilken utsträckning olika aspekter av skolklimatet som kan förklara lärarens upplevelser av direkt våld och indirekt våld. Urvalet bestod utav 143 svenska grundskolelärare (25 män och 117 kvinnor samt en som ej angav kön) i åldrarna 20-65 (M = 40,44, SD = 11,17). Resultatet visade att åtta av tio lärare hade blivit utsatta för någon typ av elevrelaterat direkt våld vid minst ett tillfälle under det senaste året. Den vanligaste typen av elevrelaterat direkt våld var verbala kränkningar följt av lättare fysiskt våld och hot om våld. Det visade sig också att en stor del av lärarna blivit utsatta för flera typer av elevrelaterat direkt våld under de senaste 12 månaderna, vilket indikerar på en multipel utsatthet. Indirekt våld hade i stort sett samtliga lärare upplevt vid ett flertal tillfällen under det senaste året. Vidare fann studien att kvinnliga lärare uppgav sig vara mer utsatta för både direkt och indirekt våld jämfört med männen. Studien fann även att struktur och engagemang tycks vara de viktigaste dimensionerna av skolklimatet för att förebygga elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare. / The aim of the study was to investigate, through a quantitative web survey in a convenience sample of Swedish teachers, the presence of student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers and to what extent different aspects of the school climate that can explain the teacher's experiences of direct violence and indirect violence. The sample consisted of 143 Swedish primary school teachers (25 men and 117 women and one who did not specify the gender) at the ages 20-65 (M = 40.44, SD = 11.17). The result showed that eight out of ten teachers had been exposed to any type of student-related direct violence on at least one occasion in the past year. The most common type of student-related direct violence was verbal abuse followed by easier physical violence and threats of violence. It also turned out that a large number of teachers were exposed to several types of student-related direct violence in the last 12 months, which indicates a multiple victimization. Indirect violence had virtually all teachers experienced on several occasions over the past year. Furthermore, the study found that female teachers stated that they were more victimized by both direct and indirect violence compared to men. The study also found that structure and engagement seem to be the most important dimensions of the school climate to prevent student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers.

La perception du climat par les enseignants et les élèves et la gestion de la direction à l'école primaire

Ramdé, Pascal 10 1900 (has links)
La gestion des activités éducatives par la direction et le climat de l’école sont souvent étudiés en relation avec leur influence sur la variation de la réussite des élèves (Leithwood, Harris et Hopkins, 2008; Marzano, Waters et McNulty, 2005; Sherblom, Marshall et Sherblom, 2006; Witziers, Bosker et Krüger, 2003). Mais peu d’études abordent de façon explicite le lien entre la gestion de la direction et le climat d’école. La présente recherche veut donc contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du rapport entre ces deux dimensions du fonctionnement de l’école. Des analyses de type corrélationnel sont réalisées sur des données de questionnaire recueillies dans 49 établissements, auprès de 59 enseignants, 823 élèves de 2ème année du 3e cycle et 521 parents. En tenant compte des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des enseignants, des élèves et des écoles, les résultats tendent à montrer que l’estime des élèves envers leurs enseignants est liée à la fréquence des interventions de la direction en matière de supervision de l’enseignement ou celles visant à améliorer l’apprentissage et le rendement des élèves. / School leadership and school climate are often studied through their influence on the variation of the success among pupils (Leithwood, Harris & Hopkins, 2008; Marzano, Waters & McNulty, 2005; Sherblom, Marshall & Sherblom, 2006; Witziers, Bosker & Krüger, 2003). But few studies explicitly approach the link between school leadership and school climate. Thus, the present study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between these two dimensions of the functioning of the school. Analyses of corelational type are realized on data collected by surveys in 49 schools, with 59 teachers, 823 pupils of 2nd year of the 3rd cycle and 521 parents. By taking into account sociodemographic characteristics of teachers, pupils and schools, the results tend to show that the respect of the pupils to their teachers is connected to the frequency of the interventions of the leader in the supervision of teaching or those to improve the learning and the outcomes of the pupils.

Vérification des liens entre les stresseurs, le soutien social, la santé psychologique au travail et la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant

Perreault, Michelle E. 06 1900 (has links)
La relation élève-enseignant (REE) est reconnue comme étant optimale lorsqu’elle est fortement chaleureuse et faiblement conflictuelle. Sur le plan empirique, plusieurs évidences montrent que la qualité de la REE est liée significativement à divers indicateurs de la réussite scolaire. De façon générale, celles-ci affirment que plus un élève entretient une relation optimale avec son enseignant, plus ses résultats scolaires sont élevés, plus il adopte des comportements prosociaux, et plus il présente des affects et des comportements positifs envers l’école. Des études précisent également que l’influence de la qualité de la REE est particulièrement importante chez les élèves à risque. Si les effets positifs d’une REE optimale sont bien connus, les facteurs favorisant son émergence sont quant à eux moins bien compris. En fait, bien que certains attributs personnels de l’élève ou de l’enseignant aient été identifiés comme participant significativement à la qualité de la REE, peu d’études ont investigué l’importance des facteurs psychologiques et contextuels dans l’explication de ce phénomène. Souhaitant pallier cette lacune, la présente étude poursuit trois objectifs qui sont: 1) d’examiner les liens entre les stresseurs, le soutien social, la santé psychologique au travail (SPT) et la qualité de la REE; 2) de vérifier l’effet médiateur de la SPT dans la relation entre les stresseurs, le soutien social et la qualité de la REE, et; 3) d’examiner les différences quant aux liens répertoriés auprès d’élèves réguliers et à risque. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, 231 enseignants québécois de niveau préscolaire et primaire ont été investigués. Les résultats des analyses montrent que les comportements perturbateurs des élèves en classe prédisent positivement le conflit entre l’enseignant et les élèves à risque. Ils montrent également que le soutien des parents et le soutien du supérieur prédisent respectivement la présence de REE chaleureuses chez les élèves réguliers et à risque. La SPT de l’enseignant prédit quant à elle positivement la présence de REE chaleureuses et négativement la présence de REE conflictuelles. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent aussi que le soutien social affecte indirectement la présence de REE chaleureuses par le biais de la SPT de l’enseignant. / An optimal student-teacher relationship (STR) is generally recognized as being closer and less conflictual. In the scientific documentation, many studies show that the quality of the STR is significantly associated with several indicators of school performance. More precisely, the results of these investigations demonstrate that the more a student share an optimal relationship with his teacher, the higher are his results at tests and exams, the more he adopts prosocial behaviors, and the more he presents positive affects and behaviors towards school and learning. Many studies also show that the influence of the quality of the STR is more important for students at-risk. However, even if the positive effects of an optimal STR on school performance are known, the knowledge about the factors that facilitate its emergence is still very limited. Although some predictors related to personal attributes of students or teachers have been highlighted, few studies have investigated the importance of psychological and contextual predictors of this phenomena. In an attempt to alleviate this deficiency, this research pursues three objectives that are : 1) to verify the relationship between stressors, social support, psychological health at work (PHW) and the quality of the STR; 2) to examine the moderating effect of PHW in the relationship between stressors, social support and the quality of the STR, and; 3) to verify the differences highlighted in the results for regular and at-risk students. In order to verify these three objectives, 231 teachers from the province of Quebec teaching in kindergarten and elementary school have been studied. The results from the analyses show that the disruptive behaviors of students in class predict positively the conflict between teachers and students at-risk. The results also show that social support from parents is positivelly related to closeness for regular students, whereas social support from the director is positivelly related to closeness for students at-risk. Teacher’s PHW also predicts positively closeness and negatively conflict for both regular and at-risk students. The results of the analyses also demonstrate that social support is indirectly related to closeness for regular and at-risk students, through PHW.

Bestuurstrategieë vir die vestiging van 'n effektiewe organisasieklimaat in die primêre skool / D. Vos

Vos, Deon January 2010 (has links)
The research aim was firstly to establish the prevailing organisational climate of the primary schools in the North West Province, and secondly, to develop management strategies to establish an effective organisational climate in primary schools. The study was conducted by means of a thorough literature study with a view to place the concept organisational climate in context. Following this, the information gained during the literature study was empirically verified, and certain findings were made based on the data. From the last-mentioned data and findings, a number of management strategies could be developed and certain recommendations were also formulated. In Chapter 1 the problem statement as well as four research objectives were formulated. The research aim was motivated and the research methodology discussed. The chapter division was explained and a number of relevant ethical aspects were discussed. A few contributions made by this study were discussed briefly. The nature of organisational climate was discussed in Chapter 2. Organisational climate was placed in the correct context by discussing a number of relevant concepts, namely: school climate, organisational climate, educational climate, classroom climate, quality of work life, systemic factors and the influence thereof on organisational climate, individual factors, job satisfaction, job performance, work stress and job motivation. The maintenance and the importance of a positive organisational climate also received attention. The determinants of an effective organisational climate received attention in Chapter 3. Determinants such as presented in the literature were discussed. Following this, determinants identified from different measuring instruments were also discussed. The "Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for Elementary Schools" (OCDQ-RE) was discussed in detail, since this questionnaire was used for the research in question. The research approach and methodology was discussed in Chapter 4. Different research approaches were discussed, namely the interpretivistic, the critical, the positivistic and the postpositivistic approaches. Next, the quantitative investigative method was discussed fully, since this is the manner in which the data in this research were obtained. The statistical data processing was discussed comprehensively. The chapter was concluded with a number of relevant ethical aspects. In Chapter 5 the data interpretation was discussed. The responses were processed statistically and certain findings were inferred from it. The following statistical processing was done: two factor analyses were done, the reliability of the questionnaire was determined, openness indexes were discussed, categorisation was done regarding the prevailing organisational climate in the schools, the practical meaningfulness was reported on and finally, the South African data were compared with that of the American research. A number of management strategies were designed in Chapter 6 to establish an effective organisational climate in the primary school. These management strategies were formulated from existing literature concerning organisational climate, as well as from the processed data in the empirical study. The management strategies were formulated based on the actions and behaviour of the school principal as well as those of the educators. The research was concluded in Chapter 7 with a summary, findings and recommendations. Firstly, a brief summary of each chapter was given, followed by a few findings, and the chapter was concluded with seven recommendations, each coupled with a motivation. The following important findings stemmed from the research: Research objective ONE: The nature of organisational climate in the primary school. • Certain aspects such as school climate, educational climate and classroom climate regarding the organisational climate of the school are intertwined and they form a unit that determines the organisational climate of the school. • The organisational climate of a school is influenced by a variety of factors. Examples of these factors are as follows: quality of the work life of educators, tangible and non- tangible factors, task, maintenance and development needs, job satisfaction, job performance, job motivation and work stress. However, it is important to take cognisance of the fact that these factors are people driven and that all role-players in the school are responsible for the development, establishment and maintenance of an effective organisational climate. • The importance of an effective organisational climate is accentuated by the creation and maintenance of a positive work life, positive values and norms and effective communication. By meticulously applying these above-mentioned principles, a positive organisational climate will become a reality in schools. Research objective TWO: The nature of the different determinants of organisational climate in the primary school: • The findings in the literature correspond to a large extent with the findings that came to the fore from the measuring instruments. The findings are categorised in two determinants for organisational climate, namely the actions or behaviour of the school principal and those of the educators. Research objective THREE: The current standing of the organisational climate in the primary schools: • The total openness index of the schools in the study population explains the actions and behaviour of the principals, as well as those of the educators, as a mean. • The schools were divided into four categories as follows: Uninvolved organisational climate (22.73%), Closed organisational climate (22.73%), Open organisational climate (21.21%), Involved organisational climate (33.33%). Research objective FOUR: Management strategies for the development and establishment of an effective organisational climate in the primary school: • Four management strategies were formulated concerning the actions or behaviour of the school principal and three regarding the actions or behaviour of the educators. The following important recommendations were made: Recommendation 1: Principals need to be empowered to fulfil a more supporting role, mainly in the case of black and Coloured educators. Constructive criticism, reasons for criticism and paying attention to the well-being of educators are examples of fields in which principals need to be empowered. Recommendation 2: Principals need to be empowered to follow alternative managerial styles, rather than an autocratic and "iron-fist" approach. Recommendation 3: Principals need to demonstrate less restrictive behaviour towards educators, especially in the case of Coloured educators. Examples of restrictive behaviour principals need to devote attention to are as follows: educators are expected to serve on too many committees and the amount of administrative work needs to be cut back on. Recommendation 4: Educators need to be empowered to act more fraternally towards one another. Examples of fields in which empowerment is required are as follows: educators do not accept one another's shortcomings, educators often depart for home directly after school hours, and educators socialise in small, selected groups. Recommendation 5: The extent to which trusting behaviour occurs among educators requires active improvement. Factors that need attention are as follows: colleagues do not invite one another for home visits, educators do not know one another's home backgrounds, educators socialise during work hours, and educators do not arrange social meetings for one another. Recommendation 6: Educators' attitude towards and involvement in the school's activities need to be addressed actively and improved. The following factors need to receive attention: the problem that educators describe staff meetings as futile, and also that they converse amongst each other during staff meetings. Recommendation 7: Further research is needed regarding the validation of a measuring instrument that is directly meant for the South African context. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Bestuurstrategieë vir die vestiging van 'n effektiewe organisasieklimaat in die primêre skool / D. Vos

Vos, Deon January 2010 (has links)
The research aim was firstly to establish the prevailing organisational climate of the primary schools in the North West Province, and secondly, to develop management strategies to establish an effective organisational climate in primary schools. The study was conducted by means of a thorough literature study with a view to place the concept organisational climate in context. Following this, the information gained during the literature study was empirically verified, and certain findings were made based on the data. From the last-mentioned data and findings, a number of management strategies could be developed and certain recommendations were also formulated. In Chapter 1 the problem statement as well as four research objectives were formulated. The research aim was motivated and the research methodology discussed. The chapter division was explained and a number of relevant ethical aspects were discussed. A few contributions made by this study were discussed briefly. The nature of organisational climate was discussed in Chapter 2. Organisational climate was placed in the correct context by discussing a number of relevant concepts, namely: school climate, organisational climate, educational climate, classroom climate, quality of work life, systemic factors and the influence thereof on organisational climate, individual factors, job satisfaction, job performance, work stress and job motivation. The maintenance and the importance of a positive organisational climate also received attention. The determinants of an effective organisational climate received attention in Chapter 3. Determinants such as presented in the literature were discussed. Following this, determinants identified from different measuring instruments were also discussed. The "Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for Elementary Schools" (OCDQ-RE) was discussed in detail, since this questionnaire was used for the research in question. The research approach and methodology was discussed in Chapter 4. Different research approaches were discussed, namely the interpretivistic, the critical, the positivistic and the postpositivistic approaches. Next, the quantitative investigative method was discussed fully, since this is the manner in which the data in this research were obtained. The statistical data processing was discussed comprehensively. The chapter was concluded with a number of relevant ethical aspects. In Chapter 5 the data interpretation was discussed. The responses were processed statistically and certain findings were inferred from it. The following statistical processing was done: two factor analyses were done, the reliability of the questionnaire was determined, openness indexes were discussed, categorisation was done regarding the prevailing organisational climate in the schools, the practical meaningfulness was reported on and finally, the South African data were compared with that of the American research. A number of management strategies were designed in Chapter 6 to establish an effective organisational climate in the primary school. These management strategies were formulated from existing literature concerning organisational climate, as well as from the processed data in the empirical study. The management strategies were formulated based on the actions and behaviour of the school principal as well as those of the educators. The research was concluded in Chapter 7 with a summary, findings and recommendations. Firstly, a brief summary of each chapter was given, followed by a few findings, and the chapter was concluded with seven recommendations, each coupled with a motivation. The following important findings stemmed from the research: Research objective ONE: The nature of organisational climate in the primary school. • Certain aspects such as school climate, educational climate and classroom climate regarding the organisational climate of the school are intertwined and they form a unit that determines the organisational climate of the school. • The organisational climate of a school is influenced by a variety of factors. Examples of these factors are as follows: quality of the work life of educators, tangible and non- tangible factors, task, maintenance and development needs, job satisfaction, job performance, job motivation and work stress. However, it is important to take cognisance of the fact that these factors are people driven and that all role-players in the school are responsible for the development, establishment and maintenance of an effective organisational climate. • The importance of an effective organisational climate is accentuated by the creation and maintenance of a positive work life, positive values and norms and effective communication. By meticulously applying these above-mentioned principles, a positive organisational climate will become a reality in schools. Research objective TWO: The nature of the different determinants of organisational climate in the primary school: • The findings in the literature correspond to a large extent with the findings that came to the fore from the measuring instruments. The findings are categorised in two determinants for organisational climate, namely the actions or behaviour of the school principal and those of the educators. Research objective THREE: The current standing of the organisational climate in the primary schools: • The total openness index of the schools in the study population explains the actions and behaviour of the principals, as well as those of the educators, as a mean. • The schools were divided into four categories as follows: Uninvolved organisational climate (22.73%), Closed organisational climate (22.73%), Open organisational climate (21.21%), Involved organisational climate (33.33%). Research objective FOUR: Management strategies for the development and establishment of an effective organisational climate in the primary school: • Four management strategies were formulated concerning the actions or behaviour of the school principal and three regarding the actions or behaviour of the educators. The following important recommendations were made: Recommendation 1: Principals need to be empowered to fulfil a more supporting role, mainly in the case of black and Coloured educators. Constructive criticism, reasons for criticism and paying attention to the well-being of educators are examples of fields in which principals need to be empowered. Recommendation 2: Principals need to be empowered to follow alternative managerial styles, rather than an autocratic and "iron-fist" approach. Recommendation 3: Principals need to demonstrate less restrictive behaviour towards educators, especially in the case of Coloured educators. Examples of restrictive behaviour principals need to devote attention to are as follows: educators are expected to serve on too many committees and the amount of administrative work needs to be cut back on. Recommendation 4: Educators need to be empowered to act more fraternally towards one another. Examples of fields in which empowerment is required are as follows: educators do not accept one another's shortcomings, educators often depart for home directly after school hours, and educators socialise in small, selected groups. Recommendation 5: The extent to which trusting behaviour occurs among educators requires active improvement. Factors that need attention are as follows: colleagues do not invite one another for home visits, educators do not know one another's home backgrounds, educators socialise during work hours, and educators do not arrange social meetings for one another. Recommendation 6: Educators' attitude towards and involvement in the school's activities need to be addressed actively and improved. The following factors need to receive attention: the problem that educators describe staff meetings as futile, and also that they converse amongst each other during staff meetings. Recommendation 7: Further research is needed regarding the validation of a measuring instrument that is directly meant for the South African context. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Klima třídy / Class climate

RAUŠEROVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The Class Climate" has a theoretical-empirical character. The main aim of this thesis focuses on measuring and comparing the classroom climete of standard and alternative schools.The introductory part comprises definitions of basic terms such as social group, school environment, atmosphere, climate. Furthermore, it investigates the theoretical clarification of the classroom climate and details the elements, types and actors of the climate. The thesis also closely notes the research methods of the classroom climete measuring. The author concludes the theoretical part with description of the issue of alternative schools. The practical part implementes through questionnaire survey with a participation of pupils from standard and alternative primary schools. There has been defined the aim, assumptions and selected the method of the classroom climate measuring. The conclusion summarizes the results of the questionnaire survey as well as verifies the assumptions.

Políticas estaduais de provimento ao cargo de diretor e sua influência no modelo de gestão escolar

Assis, Bruno Sendra de 11 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by BRUNO SENDRA DE ASSIS (brunosendra@gmail.com) on 2017-06-14T11:30:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final - Bruno Assis - 12_06_17.pdf: 2716222 bytes, checksum: cdfe732a082e82e59387c49c6ba123e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2017-06-14T11:44:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final - Bruno Assis - 12_06_17.pdf: 2716222 bytes, checksum: cdfe732a082e82e59387c49c6ba123e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T12:35:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final - Bruno Assis - 12_06_17.pdf: 2716222 bytes, checksum: cdfe732a082e82e59387c49c6ba123e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-11 / School managers are fundamental agents to guarantee an adequate educational environment that favors the students teaching-learning process. Among the various skills and abilities required for the position, the leadership capacity and the maintenance of a school climate focused on cooperation and pedagogical objectives stand out. The present study sought to analyze the state legislations in all the federative units and the microdata of the National System of Evaluation of Basic Education - SAEB, in order to investigate how the policies of appointment to the position of director are associated to the leadership factors of the director and of School climate, created through the Item Response Theory (TRI). The results shows a statistically significant difference in average school climate and director leadership according to the modality of selection adopted. The highest coefficients obtained are associated with the public tender and the selection process with election. The political indication presented lower averages for these factors and, although it is not directly linked to state policies, they predominate in most of the federative units. On the other hand, the magnitude of this effect is much lower if the different characteristics of each site are compared. Other explanatory variables relevant to this model were also identified. / Os diretores escolares são agentes fundamentais para garantir um ambiente educacional adequado que favoreça o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos. Entre as diversas competências e habilidades exigidas para o cargo, destacam-se a capacidade de liderança e de manutenção de um clima escolar voltado à cooperação e aos objetivos pedagógicos. O presente estudo buscou analisar as legislações estaduais em todas as unidades federativas e os microdados do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Básica – SAEB, a fim de investigar como as políticas de provimento ao cargo de diretor estão associadas aos fatores de liderança do diretor e de clima escolar, criados por meio da Teoria de Resposta ao Item - TRI. Os resultados mostram que existe diferença estatisticamente significante na média de clima escolar e de liderança do diretor de acordo com a modalidade de seleção de diretor adotada. Os maiores coeficientes obtidos estão associados ao concurso público e ao processo seletivo com eleição. Já a indicação política apresentou menores médias para estes fatores e, embora não esteja diretamente vinculada a políticas estaduais, predominam na maioria das unidades federativas. Por outro lado, a magnitude deste efeito é bem inferior se comparadas as diferentes características de cada local. Também se identificaram outras variáveis explicativas relevantes para este modelo.

An investigation of the role of learners and teachers resource materials in determining a school performance and quality education : a case study of Isiphosemvelo Secondary School

Manqele, Clement Mandlenkosi 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of the study was to investigate the role of Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSMs) in determining a school performance and quality education. For sampling purposes, a rural disadvantaged school was selected to reveal how such schools organise and implement their instructional programs devoid of LTSMs. A school library, school laboratory and computer technology were prioritised for their bearing on National Curriculum Statement (NCS) implementation. According to the study‘s findings, the prioritised LTSMs were found to be vital in modernising, appropriating and improving a school performance and the quality of education. The study argued that without relevant LTSMs, schools can neither hope nor manage to successfully implement outcomes based education. Hence, learners in those schools are still excluded from quality education. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies and Didactics)

The role of the principal in restoring the culture of teaching and learning : an instructional management perspective

Nemukula, Fhatuwani Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
One of the challenges facing the education system in South Africa is a lack of the culture of teaching and learning. It is this challenge that prompted this research. The research investigated how the principaL as an instructional leader, can restore the culture of teaching and learning in previously disadvantaged schools. A qualitative approach was used and three schools were selected in the Sambandou Circuit of the Northern Province. The research results showed that there are general and management factors that contribute to a lack of the culture of teaching and learning. Management factors include, amongst others, lack of staff development programmes and discipline. The general factors, on the other hand, include amongst others, poor physical conditions and infrastructure in schools. In conclusion, the research recommended, amongst others, that principals conduct staff development programmes and supervise the work of educators and learners / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

A convivência na escola a partir da perspectiva de alunos e professores: investigando o clima e sua relação com o desempenho escolar em uma instituição de ensino fundamental II e médio / Living together in school from the perspective of students and teachers: investigating climate and its relationship with school performance in an institution of middle school and high school

Colombo, Terezinha Ferreira da Silva [UNESP] 28 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by TEREZINHA FERREIRA DA SILVA COLOMBO (tfcolombo@terra.com.br) on 2018-06-21T12:06:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese definitivaPARA BIBLIOTECA.pdf: 5019069 bytes, checksum: 9109a416a0d0ec52d5e5c85d6774d33a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-06-21T13:31:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 colombo_tfs_dr_mar.pdf: 5019069 bytes, checksum: 9109a416a0d0ec52d5e5c85d6774d33a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-21T13:31:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 colombo_tfs_dr_mar.pdf: 5019069 bytes, checksum: 9109a416a0d0ec52d5e5c85d6774d33a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-28 / Não recebi financiamento / O convívio escolar é fonte de desenvolvimento da cidadania. E é no espaço escolar que as relações se estabelecem e a natureza dessas relações depende da formação autônoma de cada indivíduo. Isso nos remete à dinâmica peculiar e inerente ao ambiente educacional: o clima escolar. O clima escolar é caracterizado pela síntese das percepções dos integrantes da instituição com relação a várias dimensões que se inter-relacionam tais como aprendizagem, relacionamentos sociais, segurança, justiça, participação, infraestrutura e pertencimento. Portanto, para conhecer o clima de uma escola é preciso investigar o conjunto de percepções em relação à instituição pelos seus integrantes, o que poderá propiciar à escola a ampliação do conhecimento de sua realidade com vistas a futuras propostas de intervenção. E nesse contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral compreender como alunos e professores percebem e avaliam o clima escolar de uma instituição educativa de Ensino Fundamental II e Ensino Médio, e se haveria uma relação entre a qualidade da avaliação apresentada pelos alunos com o desempenho escolar por eles alcançado. Por específicos: averiguar o clima escolar com professores e alunos de Ensinos Fundamental II e Médio; relacionar os dados do clima, a partir das percepções dos alunos, com os de desempenho desses mesmos sujeitos; comparar as percepções dos alunos conforme o nível de ensino e as dos professores com as dos alunos, dando-se especial atenção às dimensões “Ensino e Aprendizagem”, “Relações Sociais e conflitos na escola” e “As regras, as sanções e a segurança na escola”. A metodologia é do tipo descritivo e próxima do nível explicativo e quanto à natureza dos dados é quantitativa e correlacional. Os instrumentos para avaliação do clima escolar são questionários específicos, construídos para a realidade escolar brasileira, destinados a alunos, professores e gestores, os quais foram validados, e mensuram as seguintes dimensões: relações com o ensino e a aprendizagem; relações sociais e conflitos; regras, sanções e segurança; situações de intimidação entre os alunos, relações entre a família, comunidade e a escola; infraestrutura e a rede física da escola; relações com o trabalho; e gestão e participação. Os questionários de clima escolar foram aplicados para 214 estudantes do Ensino Fundamental II (do 7º ao 9º ano); 203 alunos do Ensino Médio (1ª a 3ª séries) e 35 professores dos dois níveis de ensino. Os resultados indicaram que as avaliações mais positivas foram apresentadas pelos professores, seguidas pelas dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental II e, por fim, pelos alunos do Ensino Médio. Podemos ainda atestar que as avaliações das dimensões que compõem o clima escolar, ficaram entre positivas e intermediárias respectivamente. Verificou-se também que uma avaliação mais positiva do clima favorece um melhor desempenho nas diferentes disciplinas por eles cursadas. Entretanto isto não se confirmou para todas as variáveis das dimensões avaliadas. Outro ponto a ressaltar refere-se à variável “Crença nos estudos”, que pode influenciar de forma positiva o desempenho em todas as disciplinas nos dois níveis de ensino. Esperamos que essa pesquisa possa fornecer subsídios para que a instituição escolar amplie seu conhecimento acerca da realidade de seu clima escolar, para que consiga, a partir desse diagnóstico, refletir sobre e sistematizar intervenções voltadas à melhoria da convivência na escola. / Coexisting in the school environment is a way to learn how to be an active citizen. Relationships are established in the school, and their nature depends on the development and upbringing of each person. There is a peculiar dynamic regarding the school environment: the school climate, characterized by the synthesis of the perceptions of all members of the institution. This climate has many interrelated dimensions, like learning, social relationships, safety, justice, participation, infrastructure and the sense of belonging. To know the climate in a school one needs to investigate how its members perceive the institution. This investigation can help the school enhance its knowledge of the situation, in order to provide means of further intervention. In this context, the general objective of this research was to understand how teachers and students of a middle and high school institution perceive and evaluate the climate of the school, in order to understand if there is a direct correlation between the qualitative evaluation expressed by the students and their academic performance. The specific purpose was to understand how these teachers and students assess the school climate; correlate all data, regarding the perception of the students, to their performance; compare the perceptions of students and teachers according to their level, giving special attention to the themes “Teaching and learning”, “Social relationships and conflicts in school” and “Rules, sanctions and safety in school”. The method was descritive, near explanative level, the nature of the data was quantitative and correlational. The tools used to evaluate the climate of the school environment were specifical questionnaires, built and adapted to the reality of the Brazilian educational system, destined to be answered by students, teachers and members of the school board. These questionnaires were validated and were to used to assess the following subjects: relationship between teaching and learning; social relationships and conflicts; rules, sanctions and safety; bullying among students; how family, community and school interact; infrastructure and school facilities; work relationships; management and participation. The questionnaires were given to 214 middle-school students (7th to 9th grades), 203 high-school students (10th to 12th grades) and 35 teachers of both school grades. The results indicated that the most positive evaluations came from the teachers, followed by the evaluations given by middle school students and last by the evaluations of the high school students. The school climate was rated, respectively, between positive and satisfactory. It was possible to conclude that a better academic performance was directly related to the satisfaction with the school climate expressed by the student. This, however, could not be applied to all variables. Another point worth of mention is the variable “Belief in study”, that can have positively affect performance in all disciplines of both school grades. We hope this research can provide subsidies for the educational institution to enhance its knowledge of the reality of the school climate, in order to consider interventions destined to improve the relationships among all that live together in the same educational space.

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