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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodiversity and sustainability in the Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia : the response of plant species to logging

Samsoedin, Ismayadi January 2007 (has links)
This study reports forest structure, regeneration and the soil properties from unlogged and logged forest in the Bulungan Research Forest, Malinau District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Four sites were compared by using four 1-ha replicate plots in each of primary forest (PF), 5, 10 and 30-yr old logged forest (LF-5, LF-10, LF- 30). The tree species composition differ among forest types, as it was shown that the mean value of similarity indices for all pairs were 0.215 (for the Jaccard index) and 0.353 (for the Sorensen index). The low values for similarities among forest types were most probably caused by low numbers of species shared between each forest type. Both correlation values, r = 0.023 for Jaccard index and r = 0.031 for Sorensen index, showed no strong correlation between the similarity index (C) and the distance between forest types. This supports the use of a chronosequence approach. A total of 914 tree species with ³ 10 cm dbh were recorded from 223 genera and 65 families. There were no significant differences in mean species numbers (166 – 180/ha) among treatments. Mean density of species was lower in LF-5 and LF-10 (501/ha) than in PF or LF-30 (605/ha and 577/ha); similarly to mean basal area (LF-5, 28.5 m2/ha; LF-10, 32.6 m2/ha) vs. PF (45.8 m2/ha) and LF-30 (46.9 m2/ha). Dead wood on the forest floor was significantly higher in LF-10 (75 m3/ha) than in the other treatments. Seedlings (< 2 cm dbh) of 1,022 species were recorded from 408 genera and 111 families. The mean number of tree seedling species ranged between 170-206; the mean density of seedlings was about two-fold lower in LF-10 (2790/ha) than in the other treatments. Saplings (>2 – 9.9 cm dbh) of 802 species belonged to 241 genera and 65 families. There was a high variability in species richness across treatments (89 – 191/ha), but not in stem numbers. The Dipterocarpaceae family was dominant in all treatments, followed by the Euphorbiaceae. The soils were acidic, low in nutrients and had low to very low fertility. Both primary and logged forest areas are marginal or not suitable for sustained production of plantation crops. Logging caused soil compaction in LF-30. Although in terms of number of species and trees, amount of BA, number of saplings and seedlings LF-30 appeared to have satisfied prescriptions for a second harvest, ecologically the forest is far from mature. The Indonesian Selective Cutting and Replanting (TPTI) system may need to be revised to a 35 – 45 year cycle to ensure long-term forest productivity in terms of not only timber but other goods and ecosystem services, the value of which are never quantified in monetary terms, but can be higher than the timber revenue.

Nutrient response efficiency, tree-microbe competition for nutrients and tree neighborhood dynamics in a mixed-species temperate deciduous forest in central Germany

Schmidt, Marcus 21 July 2015 (has links)
In den meisten Ländern Mitteleuropas gilt weniger als ein Prozent des verbleibenden Laubwaldes als ungestört und temperierte Wälder sind Herausforderungen wie Arteninvasion, Klimawandel und steigender Stickstoff(N)-Deposition ausgesetzt. In der Vergangenheit wurde gezeigt, dass hohe N-Einträge N-Limitierungen verringern, Phosphor(P)aufnahme behindern und P-Mängel in der Buche auslösen können. Die Artendiversität von Bäumen kann die Bestandsproduktivität durch die Prozesse Komplementarität und Facilitation (Wachstumserleichterung) erhöhen, wenn diese einen wachstumslimitierenden Nährstoff betreffen. Ein Schlüsselprozess im Nährstoffkreislauf ist der Weg von Nährstoffen durch die mikrobielle Biomasse während der Dekomposition. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die mikrobielle Biomasse um N bspw. mit Buchen und um P mit tropischen Moorpflanzen konkurriert. Die Buche ist eine sehr konkurrenzfähige Baumart in temperierten Waldökosystemen aber kann von der Eiche in trockenen Bereichen übertrumpft werden, während Hainbuche und Linde eine geringere Rolle spielen. Eichen erfahren jedoch in der jüngsten Vergangenheit in europäischen Wäldern einen Rückgang, der womöglich auf hohe N-Einträge zurückzuführen ist. Für diese Arbeit untersuchten wir die Nährstoff-, Konkurrenz- und strukturelle Dynamik eines unbewirtschafteten, sehr naturnahen Laubwaldes in Mitteldeutschland, der aus Buche (Fagus sylvatica), Eiche (Quercus petraea und Quercus robur), Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus) und Linde (Tilia cordata und Tilia platyphyllus) aufgebaut ist. Unsere Ziele waren (1) zu erforschen, ob Komplementarität und/oder Facilitation die Produktivität in diesem Waldökosystem erhöht, (2) festzustellen, ob es Konkurrenz um die Nährstoffe N, P und K zwischen Bäumen und mikrobieller Biomasse gibt und, (3) die Nachbarschaftsdynamik der genannten Baumarten zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, ob der Eichenrückgang mit hoher N-Deposition einhergeht. In Beständen einer Art sowie verschiedenen Mischbeständen aus je drei Arten ermittelten wir Biomasseproduktion und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit. Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurven (Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz = Biomasseproduktion pro verfügbare Nährstoffe) wurden genutzt um festzustellen, ob ein bestimmter Nährstoff das Baumwachstum limitiert. Die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung wurde in einer Laubbeutel-Studie als Differenz zwischen ursprünglichem und verbleibendem Nährstoffgehalt des sich zersetzenden Laubfalls nach einem Jahr kalkuliert. Die Nährstoffresorptionseffizienz berechneten wir über die Ermittlung der N-, P- und Kalium(K)-Konzentrationen in sonnenexponierten Blättern und im gefallenen Laub. Die Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen wurde über die Durchmesserverteilung, überirdische Holzbiomasse für jede Artenkombination sowie eine Polygon-Abschätzung von Wachstumsräumen erforscht. Zusätzlich wurde eine durchmesserbasierte nearest neighbor(nächster-Nachbar)-Analyse für Baumpaare durchgeführt. Ein Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS) wurde genutzt um Wachstumsraum-Polygone zu erstellen und nächste Nachbarn zu bestimmen. Auf Einzelbaum-Level, ermittelt durch einen Nachbarschaftsansatz, waren relative Wachstumsraten von Buchen im Einzelbestand geringer als in der Mischung mit Linde und Hainbuche während das Wachstum von Linde im Einzelbestand größer war als in Mischung mit Buche und Eiche. Die Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurve für Buche zeigte optimale P- und K-Nutzungseffizienz für die Art in Mischbeständen, während sie in Einzelbeständen  P- und K-limitiert war. Während die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung in sich zersetzendem Blattlaub die Verfügbarkeit von P und K im Boden beeinflusste, war dies für N nicht der Fall. Resorptionseffizienzen von N, P und K hingen negativ mit der jährlichen Netto-Nährstoffveränderung zusammen. In unserer Studie zur Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen fanden wir heraus, dass intraspezifische nearest neighbors gleiche Durchmesser aufwiesen und ihren Durchmesser gleichzeitig mit dem des Nachbarn vergrößerten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die Durchmesser von interspezifischen nearest neighbors im Allgemeinen unterschiedlich und der Durchmesser des Nachbarn verringerte sich mit zunehmendem Durchmesser des Zielbaums. Eichen konnten ihren Wachstumsraum mit zunehmendem Durchmesser nicht vergrößern, aber dominierten ihre nearest neighbor über die Größe. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im untersuchten Waldökosystem Nährstofflimitierungen artabhängig waren und dass die Nutzung von Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz und Nachbarschaftsansatz geeignete Mittel sind, den Einfluss einzelner Baumarten auf die Produktivität einer Art im Rein- und Mischbestand zu ermitteln – so wie die beobachtete Facilitation der Buche im Mischbestand. Diese Werkzeuge stellen eine wichtige Basis zur verbesserten Bewirtschaftung typischer temperierter Mischwälder dar. Wir schlussfolgerten weiterhin, dass Konkurrenz zwischen mikrobieller Biomasse und Bäumen für P und K hoch, aber für N weniger bedeutend war, was wahrscheinlich in hoher N-Deposition in diesem Waldökosystem begründet liegt, welche den internen N-Kreislauf entkoppelte. Die hohe N-Deposition trug wahrscheinlich auch zu geringer Verjüngung der Eiche bei, während ältere Eichen in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet im Wettbewerb um Licht erfolgreich waren. Die Bestandsstruktur war charakterisiert durch stärkere interspezifische verglichen mit intraspezifischer Konkurrenz. Daraus resultierend bildeten Reinbestände aus Buche, Eiche und Linde Klimaxbestände hoher Biomasse innerhalb eines sich verändernden, kleinskaligen Mosaiks verschiedener Artenzusammensetzungen. In Reaktion auf neue Bewirtschaftungsanforderungen des Globalen Wandels sind weiterführende Forschungen zu Nutzungseffizienz unterschiedlicher Ressourcen für Baumarten in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen empfehlenswert.

Forest floor nutrient properties in single- and mixed-species stands of Western hemlock and Western redcedar

Klinka, Karel, Collins, D. Bradley, Montigny, Louise E. M. de, Feller, M. C. (Michael Charles), Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
The influence of tree species on forest soils has been the subject of study for at least a century. Of particular interest have been western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) – two of the most common tree species in coastal and southern British Columbia, but each with a different nutrient amplitude. It has generally been found that acid, mycogeneous Mor humus forms develop in hemlock stands, while less acid and more zoogenous Mormoder, Moder, or even Mull humus forms develop in redcedar stands. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of hemlock and redcedar, growing separately and together, on forest floor nutrient properties. The questions addressed were: (1) does each stand type have unique forest floor nutrient properties? and (2) can any forest floor nutrient property discriminate between stand types?

Impact des plantes exotiques envahissantes sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes en Belgique / Impact of invasive alien plants on ecosystem functionning in Belgium

Dassonville, Nicolas 10 January 2008 (has links)
Les invasions biologiques sont une cause majeure de perte de biodiversité à l’échelle mondiale. L’impact direct des espèces exotiques envahissantes (EEE) sur la structure et la composition des communautés a été bien documenté. Par contre, leur impact sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes a été comparativement moins étudié. Dans le présent travail, j’ai mesuré sur le terrain et en conditions expérimentales l’impact de 7 espèces de plantes exotiques particulièrement envahissantes en Europe sur les propriétés chimiques du sol, sur la productivité et sur le stock d’éléments minéraux dans la biomasse. Malgré la diversité des groupes fonctionnels considérés dans notre échantillon (des espèces annuelles aux arbres), des impacts récurrents ont pu être mis en évidence. Les EEE ont toujours une biomasse et une productivité supérieures à celles de la végétation qu’elles envahissent. Il en va de même pour le stock d’éléments minéraux dans la biomasse aérienne. En ce qui concerne le sol, les traits fonctionnels des espèces ne permettent pas de prédire la direction et l’amplitude des impacts. Par contre, ces impacts sur le sol se sont révélés partiellement prévisibles en fonction des conditions écologiques initiales (contexte pédologique). La disponibilité des cations et du P et la concentration en C et N organiques augmentent suite à l’invasion dans les sites initialement pauvres alors que ces mêmes paramètres baissent dans les sites plus eutrophes au départ. Les EEE entraînent, dans une certaine mesure, une homogénéisation des conditions écologiques dans les écosystèmes envahis. <p>Dans un deuxième temps, je me suis attaché à identifier les mécanismes de l’impact de Fallopia japonica sur le cycle de l’azote. Cette espèce, perenne rhizomateuse, adopte une gestion très conservatrice de l’azote en retransloquant jusqu’à 80 % de l’azote des tiges et des feuilles vers le système racinaire en automne avant l’abscission des feuilles. La litière restituée est, de ce fait, pauvre en azote. Ce paramètre, combiné à une teneur élevée en lignine, explique sa faible vitesse de décomposition par rapport à celle de la végétation non envahie. Une grande partie de l’azote de l’écosystème tourne donc en cycle quasi fermé entre les organes de réserve et les parties aériennes de la plante, tandis que l’azote restant est en grande partie bloqué dans la nécromasse de la plante et est donc non disponible pour les espèces concurrentes indigènes. Ce mécanisme explique, sans doute, en partie le succès invasif de l’espèce.<p><p>A l’avenir, les implications des impacts sur le sol en terme de restauration des communautés devront être étudiées. L’hypothèse d’une influence positive de ces impacts sur l’aptitude compétitive des espèces envahissantes devra être testée. Enfin, une étude plus fonctionnelle des impacts de ces espèces dans des sites contrastés devrait permettre d’identifier les mécanismes impliqués./Biological invasions are a major cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. The direct impact of alien invasive species (AIS) on community structure and composition has been well documented. On the other hand, their impact on ecosystem functioning has been comparatively less studied. In this work, I measured, on the field and in experimental conditions, the impact of 7 highly invasive alien plant species in Europe on soil chemical properties, biomass and aboveground nutrient stock. Despite the high diversity in considered functional groups (from annuals to trees), recurring impacts have been found. AIS had always higher biomass and aboveground nutrient stocks than invaded resident vegetation. Concerning soil, species functional traits did not allow us to predict impact direction and intensity. On the other hand, impacts on soil were partially predictable based on initial ecological conditions (pedologic context). Thus, cations and P availability and organic C and N concentrations increased in initially poor sites and decreased in eutrophic ones. AIS tend to homogenize soil properties across invaded landscapes.<p>In a second part, i tried to identify the mechanisms of the impacts of Fallopia japonica on N cycling. This perrennial rhizomatous species manage N in a very conservative way. About 80 % of aboveground N is translocated to rhizomes before leaves abscission. The litter is therefore poor in N. This parameter combined with a high lignin concentration explains its slow decomposition rate compared to that of uninvaded vegetation. A big part of the ecosystem N is engaged in a nearly closed cycle between above and belowground organs while the remaining N is blocked in the necromass and is thus not available for the indigenous competitors. This mechanism probably explains the invasive success of this species.<p><p>In the future, the implications of soil properties modifications in terms of community restoration should be studied. The hypothesis of a positive influence of these modifications on the competitive ability of AIS should be tested. At last, a functional study of these soil impacts in contrasted sites should allow us to identify the implied mechanisms.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Plant diversity in grassland of selected nature reserves and adjacent grazing areas within the Gauteng province , South Africa

Mochesane, Moseketsi Valencia 02 1900 (has links)
The relations between environmental resources and biodiversity are crucial in the proper management and conservation of grasslands. Three nature reserves were chosen around the Gauteng Province, namely Roodeplaat Nature Reserve (RNR) in Tshwane, Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (SNR) in Heidelberg, and Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (ANR) in Carletonville. We selected three sites within RNR, SNR and ANR, and paired these with adjacent sites in private farming/grazing areas adjacent to the nature reserves. At each site, species composition, species richness and plant diversity were determined with the use of 50m x 20m Modified-Whittaker plots (MWP), making a total of eighteen plots (MWP) at the nine paired sites. Two paired sites had high Shannon-Wiener Index (H’) average values at the adjacent grazing area as compared to the nature reserve area at ANR. Roodeplaat Nature Reserve (RNR) and Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (SNR) had two paired sites with high H’ average values in the nature reserve as compared to the adjacent grazing area. The vegetation structure was similar for the three study locations, consisting of graminoids, herbs and isolated patches of shrubs. The species composition showed similarities between ANR and SNR sites, while RNR showed different species composition. SNR soils had the highest organic carbon (OC), total Carbon (C), total Nitrogen (N), Calcium (Ca), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) and Sodium (Na) as compared to both ANR and RNR. Species richness had a significantly positive relationship with Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen. Species diversity difference was detected between the nature reserves and adjacent grazing areas and the difference are likely due to a number of factors including soil properties, land disturbance and land use and management. More research is necessary to further understand the aspects impacting species richness, species diversity and species composition in grasslands. / School of Agriculture and Life Sciences / M. Sc.

Assessing land capability, soil suitability and fertility status for sustainable banana production at Makuleke Farm

Swafo, Seome Michael January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Soil Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / In South Africa, land use planning has received limited attention in areas perceived as suitable for agricultural production. In the lack of reliable soil type and fertility status information, crop yields remain lower than the land’s potential, with subsequent land degradation. Despite this, studies that focused on land capability and soil suitability to date have not considered the spatial variability of the soil nutrients and factors influencing their variability. However, this information is key for site-specific soil management. Therefore, it is vital to link land capability and soi suitability with the spatial variability of soil nutrients as it opens opportunities for more rational management of the soil resources since soil nutrients directly affect crop growth and consequently yield. To address this issue, a study was conducted on a 12 ha banana plantation portion of the Makuleke farm. The main objectives of this study were to (1) survey, classify and characterise soils in order to derive and map land capability classes of Makuleke farm, (2) quantify the physical and chemical properties of the soils in order to derive and map the soil suitability of Makuleke farm for banana production, (3) assess the spatial variability and structure of soil nutrients across the Makuleke farm and (4) Identify the factors of control of the spatial variability of the soil nutrients across the Makuleke farm. To begin with, a field soil survey was conducted using transect walks complemented by auger observations to sub-divide the 12 ha banana plantation portion of the farm into varied soil mapping units. Thereafter, soil classification was done to group soils based on their morphological properties and pedological processes. During soil classification, a total of 12 representative profile pits (1.5 m × 1.5 m long × 2 m deep/limiting layer) were excavated, studied, described, and sampled. At each profile pit, three replicates samples were collected at 0 – 30 cm depth intervals giving rise to 36 bulk soil samples. From the gathered soil profile information, four soil units were thus delineated and identified across the 12 ha banana plantation. For soil fertility assessment, a grid sampling strategy at 50 × 50 m was adopted to collect the samples across the 12 ha banana plantation. A total of 27 composite samples were collected at the nodes of the grid, and thereafter bagged, labelled, and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, all collected samples were air-dried and sieved using a 2 mm sieve in preparation for soil physical and chemical properties analysis. The land capability assessment of Makuleke farm was done using the concepts and principles of the FAO framework for Land Evaluation (FAO, 1976), but adapted to South African conditions by Smith (2006). Soil suitability assessment was done using the FAO framework for Land Evaluation (FAO, 1976) coupled with the guidelines for rainfed agriculture (FAO, 1983) and the criteria proposed by Sys et al. (1993) and Naidu et al. (2006). To assess the spatial variability and structure of the soil nutrients across the farm, classical and geostatistical techniques were employed respectively. A correlation matrix was employed to identify key factors influencing the spatial variability of soil nutrients across the farm. For interpolation, ordinary kriging was used to generate soil nutrient spatial distribution maps. In this study, four soil forms were identified and classified as Hutton, Westleigh, Glenrosa, and Valsrivier, which are broadly distinguished as Lixisols, Plinthosols, Leptosols, and Cambisols. Land capability results revealed that 17% of the 12 ha portion of the farm has very high arable potential (I), 60% of the farm has medium arable potential (III), 6% has low arable potential (IV) and 17 % is non-arable (VI), which might explain the varied banana yields in the farm. Soil suitability analysis revealed that 12% of the 12 ha farm is highly suitable (S1), 34% is moderately suitable (S2), 38% is marginally suitable (S3) and 16% is permanently not suitable (N2) for banana production. The low arable and marginally suitable portion of the farm was under Valsrivier soils which were limited by its shallow depth, shallow rooting depth, acidic soil pH, low organic carbon (OC), and the fact that it was located on a steeper slope gradient. The non-arable and not suitable portion of the farm for banana production was under Glenrosa and it was limited by its location on a steep slope gradient and was characterised by shallow effective rooting depth, low OC, low clay content, and acidic soil pH. Classical statistical techniques revealed that phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu) content varied highly across the banana plantation, while magnesium (Mg) and total nitrogen (TN) varied moderately. In addition, the geostatistical analysis revealed that spatial dependency was weak (Ca, Cu, and TN), moderate (Mg and Zn), and strong (P, K, and Mn) for the different soil nutrients across the 12 ha banana plantation. Soil nutrients with strong spatial dependency have a good spatial structure and are easily manageable (in terms of fertilisation, liming, and irrigation) across the farm compared to the ones with weak spatial dependency which have a poor structure. This study also found that land attributes, which are soil type and topographic position were the main factors driving the spatial variability of the soil nutrients across the farm. In terms of soil type, soils such as Valsrivier and Glenrosa with 2:1 clay-type smectite were the ones that had nutrient content compared to soils with 1:1 clay-type kaolinite (e.g., Westleigh and Hutton). Higher nutrient contents were also observed in the footslope position compared to the middleslope of the farmland. Correlation analysis revealed that Mn was the key polyvalent cation influencing the spatial variability of P, K, and Zn. Soil pH and effective cation exchanges capacity (ECEC) were the key soil factors driving the spatial variability of Ca, while ECEC was the key factor affecting the spatial variability of Mg. Moreover, the spatial variability of soil Mn and Cu was driven by soil Cu and clay content, respectively. The kriged maps showed that P, Mg, Zn, and Mn were high in the northeast part and low in the northwest part of the farm. Similarly, K and Ca were low in the northwest part, but they were high in the south to the southwest part of the study area. Total nitrogen was high in the west part and low in the east-northeast part, while Cu was evenly distributed across the plantation. This study highlights the importance of prior land use planning (i.e., land capability and soil suitability) and fertility assessment for agricultural production. The research results obtained provide the actual reference state of the capability of the land for arable farming and soil suitability for banana production at Makuleke farm. Moreover, the research results provide the spatial variability and structure of the soil nutrients which have a greater impact on the growth and yield of bananas. The results obtained in this study will be useful for site-specific management of soil nutrients and other soil management practices (e.g., irrigation, fertilisation, liming, etc.), developing appropriate land use plans, and quantifying anthropogenic impacts on the soil system and thus improving land productivity. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

Relationships between soil chemical properties and forest structure, productivity and floristic diversity along an altitudinal transect of moist tropical forest in Amazonia, Ecuador. / Beziehungen zwischen bodenchemischen Eigenschaften und Waldstruktur, Produktivität und floristischer Diversität tropischer Regenwälder Amazoniens entlang eines Höhengradienten in Ecuador.

Unger, Malte Arne 30 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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