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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tre professionella mixningstekniker och deras arbetsprocesser : Hur går man tillväga för att mixa på en professionell nivå? / Three professional mixing engineers and their workflow : How do you learn to mix on a professional level?

Gustavsson, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
Det här arbetet har gått ut på att jag har analyserat och fördjupat mig i tre professionella mixteknikers arbetsprocesser. Jag har studerat deras arbetsflöden, tillvägagångssätt och specifika metoder i syfte att skaffa mig ny kunskap och nya perspektiv på mixning. Jag har sedan gjort praktiska undersökningar där jag testat på att mixa utifrån teknikernas arbetsprocesser för att skaffa mig en djupare förståelse kring deras olika sätt att arbeta på. Det jag kommer fram till i mitt arbete är att det viktigaste för att mixa på en professionell nivå är att ha rätt tankesätt. Det finns stora tekniska skillnader mellan de tre professionella mixteknikerna men den gemensamma nämnaren är att de alla har samma syfte och helhetstänk bakom sina tekniska beslut. Detta har således givit mig insikt i att jag själv behöver bli bättre på att fokusera utifrån ett helhetstänk istället för på specifika tekniska metoder för att nå en högre nivå i min roll som mixningstekniker.

Rete Mirabile: An Installation

Rivera, Philip Andrew 08 1900 (has links)
Rete Mirabile is my new installation piece combining scientific principles with live computer generated music. The title is a Latin term meaning "Wonderful Net," which I use to refer to the highly convoluted network of biological data that drives my installation. The sonification of data, computer modeling of biological processes, kinetic sculptures, and user interactivity are central parts of the installation. The paper is organized as follows: First, brief history of the forerunners that inspired my work is given. This includes a short discussion on how John Cage and David Tudor influenced current artists works, and how those works have influenced my own work. Then I review current installation works that share similarities with my own. Finally, a detailed discussion and analysis of the construction and function concludes the paper.

Which side are you on? : Kvalitativ idéanalys av Vänsterpartiets valmanifest genom tiderna / Which side are you on? : -

O'Rourke Drevfjäll, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
This essay compares two party programmes with each other, both of the programmes are from the Swedish party Vänsterpartiet. The first program was written in 1917 and the second is the latest form 2018. However, before delving into the two programmes this essay takes a lending hand from Andrew Heywood and borrows his definition of socialism, Marxism and feminism. Further on in the essay the two party programmes are presented, starting with the oldest section and followed by the latest. To each section a comment follows with my analysis on the chosen segment. The essay’s aim is to discover how Vänsterpartiet have changed it’s program from 1917 to 2018.  The analysis shows that the party Vänsterpartiet has developed a more diverse party program, they party program includes socialism, neomarxism and socialistic feminism. The new party program contrasts the previous party program from 1917 which mainly focuses on Marxism and socialism. The result indicates a party that is moving forward as the times changes, however, some values from the 1917 program still exists in these modern times.

A Multifaceted Sedimentological Analysis on Hobble Creek

Dutson, Andrew S. 15 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the endangerment of the June sucker (Chasmistes liorus), the lower two miles of Hobble Creek, Utah has been the focus of several restoration efforts. The portion of the creek between Interstate 15 and Utah Lake has been moved into a more "natural" channel and efforts are now being made to expand restoration to the east side of the freeway. This thesis reports on three different parts of a sedimentological analysis performed on Hobble Creek. The first part is a data set that contains information about the particle size distribution on the bed of Hobble Creek between 400 W and Interstate 15 in Springville, Utah. Particle size distributions were obtained for eleven sub-reaches within the study section. Particle size parameters such as D50 were observed to decrease from an average of 72 mm to 24 mm downstream from the 1650 W crossing and Packard Dam. Streambed armoring was observed along most of the reach. This data set can be used as input for PHABSIM software to determine the location and availability of existing spawning material for June sucker during a range of flows. The second part of this thesis compares predictions from four bed-load transport models to bed-load transport data measured on Hobble Creek. In general, the Meyer-Peter, Muller and Bathurst models overpredicted sediment transport by several orders of magnitude while the Rosgen and Wilcock methods (both calibrated models) were fairly accurate. Design channel dimensions resulting from the bed-load transport predictions diverged as a function of discharge. Once validated, the models developed in this section can be used by design engineers to better understand sediment transport on Hobble Creek. The models may also be applied to other Utah Lake tributaries. The third section of the thesis introduces a detailed survey data set that covers the Hobble Creek floodplain on the shifted section between Interstate 15 and Utah Lake with an approximate 10 foot resolution grid. Water surface elevations at two flows, along with invert, fence, saddles, and other points, are labeled in the survey. A comparison with a survey completed last year did not reveal any significant lateral changes caused by the 2010 spring runoff. Due to the potential importance of the side ponds to June sucker survival, this data set can be used to monitor sedimentation in the side ponds. It may also be used in a GSSHA model to determine the magnitude of flow that is required before each side pond will be connected to the main channel.

A Study of the Contributions of Andrew Jenson to the Writing and Preservation of LDS Church History

Perkins, Keith W. 01 January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian, was one of the most prolific writers of LDS Church History. Born in Damgren, Denmark, he immigrated to Utah when he was fifteen years old. Because of his lack of training, his early life was spent in various manual labor occupations. None of these was satisfying to him; he longed for something better. He began compiling and writing Church history. In this he found much joy and happiness. His labors were soon recognized by the General Authorities of the LDS church, and he was permanently engaged as a historian in the Church historian's office. He was immediately sent on missions to all of the stakes, missions, and settlements of the Latter-day Saints throughout the world. From these world wide travels he was able to obtain and preserve valuable historical records for the Church. From this material he began to compile a history of all the wards, stakes, branches and missions of the church as well as a "Journal History" of the entire Church. At the time of his death, these manuscript histories totaled 850 large volumes.

A Discovery of Social Impact Categories for the Sustainable Design of Engineered Products and Their Consideration by Industry Professionals

Pack, Andrew Taylor 01 April 2019 (has links)
Sustainable design is often practiced and assessed through the consideration of three essential areas: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social sustainability. For even the simplest of products, the complexities of these three areas and their trade-offs cause decision making transparency to be lost in most practical situations. Additionally, the models and tools available to consider social sustainability are severely underdeveloped. This thesis is separated into three parts: 1) a design tool to consider all three aspects of sustainability simultaneously, 2) a literature survey to characterize social impact as it relates to products, and 3) interviews with engineering professionals regarding how social impact is currently considered in product design in industry.The existing field of multi-objective optimization offers a natural framework to define and explore a given design space. In chapter 2 of this thesis, a method for defining a products sustainability space (defined by economic, environmental, and social sustainability objectives) is outlined and used to explore the trade-offs within the space, thus offering both the design team and the decision makers a means of better understanding the sustainability trade-offs. This chapter concludes that sustainable product development can indeed benefit from trade-off characterization using multi-objective optimization techniques “ even when using only basic models of sustainability. Interestingly, the unique characteristics of the three essential sustainable development areas lead to an alternative view of some traditional multiobjective optimization concepts, such as weak Pareto optimality. The sustainable redesign of a machine to drill boreholes for water wells is presented as a practical example for method demonstration and discussion. In these efforts it became apparent that the tools for considering social impact were lacking and needed to be further developed.While efforts have been made to identify social impacts, academics, and practitioners still disagree on which phenomena should be included, and few have focused on the impacts of products specifically compared with programs, policies, or other projects. The primary contribution of chapter 3 of this thesis is to integrate scholarship from a wide array of social science and engineering disciplines that categorizes the social phenomena that are affected by products. Specifically, we identify social impacts and processes including population change, family, gender, education, stratification, employment, health and well-being, human rights, networks and communication, conflict and crime, and cultural identity/heritage. These categories are important because they can be used to inform academics and practitioners alike who are interested in creating products that generate positive social benefits for users.Though academic research for identifying and considering the social impact of products is emerging, additional insights can be gained from engineers who design products every day. Chapter 4 explores current practices in industry used by design engineers to consider the social impact of products. 46 individuals from 34 different companies were interviewed to discover what disconnects exist between academia and industry when considering a products social impact. These interviews were also used to discover how social impact might be considered in a design setting moving forward. This is not a study to find the state of the art, but considers the average engineering professionals work to design products in various industries. Social impact assessments (SIA) and social life cycle assessments (SLCA) are two of the most common processes discussed in the literature to evaluate social impact, both generally and in products. Interestingly, these processes did not arise in any discussion in interviews despite respondents affirming that they do consider social impact in product design. Processes used to predict social impact, rather than simply evaluate, were discussed by the respondents and tended to be developed within the company and often related to industry imposed government regulations.The combined work reported in this thesis is a significant step forward in being able to handle the unwieldy nature of social impact in product design in the larger context of sustainability. Not only do these efforts provide a basis upon which future tools can be developed, they are also immediately useful in providing a basic framework upon which to consider the full spectrum of social impact of products during design.

"Why is your lazy ass not doing the right thing and picking andcleaning shit up?" : En kvalitativ studie om Andrew Tates uttalande om män och kvinnor på TikTok

Brandin, Rasmus, Wallström, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om Andrew Tates uttalanden på TikTok och vilka ideer han sprider om män och kvinnor. Syftet var att undersöka Tates idealbild av både män och kvinnor. De teoretiska ramverk som studien är uppbyggd av är femininitets- och maskulinitetsteorier, samt en socialkonstruktionistisk idetradition. För att få en djupare bild av Tates uttalanden har både en tematisk- och DHA analys utförts. Genom den tematiska analysen kunde orden och meningarna brytas ner i teman som visade på tydliga mönster i Tates uttalanden om män och kvinnor och vad han ansåg vara maskulint respektive feminint. DHA analysen möjliggjorde en djupare analys av vilka värden Tate tillsätter män och kvinnor samt hur diskursen byggs upp. Resultatet av den tematiska analysen utmynnade i fyra huvudteman. Dessa var misogyni, mansideal, kvinnoideal, könsroller och Tate försöker visa medkänsla för kvinnor. Resultaten av DHA analysen påvisar att Tate tycker det är viktigt att skilja på könen och gör detta genom att belysa skillnaderna på män och kvinnor.

Characterization of Structured Nanomaterials using Terahertz Frequency Radiation

Niklas, Andrew John 14 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

"Ruin Porn" or the Reality of Ruin?: A Rhetorical Analysis of Andrew Moore's Detroit Disassembled

Nemeth, Katharine 15 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Tecnologia social: fundamentações, desafios, urgência e legitimidade / Social technology: fundamentals, challenges, urgency and legitimacy

Cruz, Cristiano Cordeiro 10 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a tecnologia, atendo-se de modo particular, mas não exclusivo, a isso que no Brasil se chama de tecnologia social (TS). A tese que se buscará defender aqui é múltipla. Em primeiro lugar, ontológica e politicamente, sustentar-se-á que a tecnologia social é uma implementação não apenas tecnicamente legítima e autêntica, como social e ambientalmente urgente. Contudo, para que tal tipo de solução seja passível de ser desenvolvida, é necessário, de uma parte, que se desenvolvam conhecimentos científicos e engenheiris apropriados. Com isso, o segundo argumento, epistemológico, é que esses conhecimentos são passíveis de ser produzidos e que os mecanismos que podem tornar tal coisa possível não subvertem o ethos próprio da ciência ou da engenharia. De outra parte, TS e engenharia popular demandam também um perfil profissional específico, o do engenheiro educador (ou engenheiro popular). Essa é a terceira dimensão da tese que defendemos. Por fim, ontológica e existencialmente, proporemos que o caminho para superar o desencantamento substantivo do mundo (Weber), a entificação do Ser (em seu desvelamento tecnológico no qual nos encontramos presos, via enquadramento Heidegger), a ditadura da racionalidade instrumental (Horkheimer & Adorno) ou a autoprodução e o automatismo do desenvolvimento tecnológico (que nos aprisiona ou agencia quase que inapelavelmente Ellul) pode emergir precisamente de algo como a tecnologia social, por meio da incorporação dos valores e saberes populares à construção da realidade sociotécnica que decidimos nos dar. Esse quarto aspecto, nesses termos, reforça o primeiro, trazendo novos elementos para subsidiar-se o entendimento acerca da urgência, em nossos dias, de uma solução técnica como a tecnologia social. / This work discusses technology, giving special attention to this that is called social technology (ST) in Brazil. The thesis that is substantiated here is multiple. First, ontologically and politically, it will be argued that social technology is not only technically legitimate and authentic, but also socially and environmentally urgent. However, in order to be implementable, ST demands, on the one hand, specific engineering and scientific knowledge to be advanced. Thus, the second dimension of our thesis, epistemological, sustains the understanding that such knowledge can be produced and the mechanisms required to make such production possible do not corrupt the scientific or engineering ethos. On the other hand, ST and popular engineering also demand a specific professional profile, the educator engineer (or popular engineer). This is the third dimension of the argument we defend here. Finally, ontologically and existentially, it will be suggested that a way to overcome the substantial disenchantment of the world (Weber), the entification of Being (in its technological unveiling in which we found ourselves trapped, via enframing Heidegger), the dictatorship of instrumental rationality (Horkheimer and Adorno) or the self-production and automatism of technological development (Ellul) may precisely emerge from something like social technology. This would be so by dint of the incorporation of popular values and knowledge to the construction of the sociotechnical reality we decide to build. This fourth aspect, then, strengthens the first one, offering new supporting elements to the urgency claim associated with the development of ST in our days.

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