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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retratos do colono, do colonizador, do cidadão: a representação literária da minoria branca em Nós, os do Makulusu e em outras narrativas angolanas / Portraits of the settler, the colonizer and the citizen: literary representation of the white minority in Nós, os do Makulusu (We, the ones from Makulusu) and other Angolan narratives

Veiga, Luiz Maria 18 March 2010 (has links)
Inspirados nos retratos de colonizadores e colonizados apresentados por Albert Memmi e Franz Fanon, escolhemos algumas narrativas angolanas para perceber de que modo são retratados literariamente os membros de uma minoria: os brancos, colonizadores ou colonos e, num momento posterior, cidadãos da república independente. É, portanto, um estudo de personagens literários, sua construção, constituição, e inclui as sugestões interpretativas que, a partir deles, pudemos fazer. Nós, os do Makulusu (1975), de José Luandino Vieira (1935-) é nosso corpus principal. Percorremo-lo do núcleo central de personagens aos mais fugidios e efêmeros. Constituem um corpus secundário os romances As lágrimas e o vento (1975), de Manuel dos Santos Lima (1935-), em que estudamos os personagens brancos e a visão que os colonizados têm deles; de Pepetela (1941-), A geração da utopia (1992), foco na personagem Sara Pereira, seus anos de exílio e seu retorno à terra natal; de Manuel Rui (1941-), Rioseco (1997), o personagem sô Pinto, português que continuou em Angola após a debandada dos brancos em 1975 e vive no Mussulo. Todas estas obras dialogam com momentos historicamente determinados, numa linha do tempo que vai de meados da década de 1930 até meados da década de 1980, da sociedade colonial à crise colonial e ao país independente. Procuramos pensar estas obras em diálogo não apenas com as outras literaturas de língua portuguesa, com as quais têm relação óbvia, também com outras obras da literatura ocidental, da qual elas, devemos enfatizar sempre isso, também fazem parte. / The portraits of colonizers and colonists that were presented by Albert Memmi and Franz Fanon inspired me selecting some Angolan narratives in order to perceive the way the members of a minority are literarily portrayed: the white minority, of either colonizers or settlers, and afterwards of citizens of the independent republic. This is a study of literary characters, their construction and constitution, and it includes the interpretations I was able to suggest from them. The novel Nós, os do Makulusu (1975), by José Luandino Vieira (1935-), is the main source of this research. I examined its characters thoroughly, from those of its central nucleus to the most fleeting and ephemeral ones. The following novels served as a second source for the research. As lágrimas e o vento, Tears and the wind (1975), by Manuel dos Santos Lima (1935-), in which I studied the white characters and how black and mestizo characters see them. A geração da utopia, The generation of utopia (1992), by Pepetela (1941-), in which I focused on the character Sara Pereira, her years of exile and her return to native land. Rioseco, Dry river (1997), by Manuel Rui (1941-), in which we studied the character sô Pinto (Mr. Pinto), a Portuguese that lives in Mussulos island (Luanda) and remained in Angola after the scampering of the Whites in 1975. All those works dialogue with specific moments of history, in a chronology from the mid 1930s to the mid 1980s, from the colonial society to the colonial crisis and the independent country. We tried to posit a dialogue of those works not only with other literatures in Portuguese language, but also with other works of the Western literature, of which, it must be always emphasized, they are also a part.

Retratos do colono, do colonizador, do cidadão: a representação literária da minoria branca em Nós, os do Makulusu e em outras narrativas angolanas / Portraits of the settler, the colonizer and the citizen: literary representation of the white minority in Nós, os do Makulusu (We, the ones from Makulusu) and other Angolan narratives

Luiz Maria Veiga 18 March 2010 (has links)
Inspirados nos retratos de colonizadores e colonizados apresentados por Albert Memmi e Franz Fanon, escolhemos algumas narrativas angolanas para perceber de que modo são retratados literariamente os membros de uma minoria: os brancos, colonizadores ou colonos e, num momento posterior, cidadãos da república independente. É, portanto, um estudo de personagens literários, sua construção, constituição, e inclui as sugestões interpretativas que, a partir deles, pudemos fazer. Nós, os do Makulusu (1975), de José Luandino Vieira (1935-) é nosso corpus principal. Percorremo-lo do núcleo central de personagens aos mais fugidios e efêmeros. Constituem um corpus secundário os romances As lágrimas e o vento (1975), de Manuel dos Santos Lima (1935-), em que estudamos os personagens brancos e a visão que os colonizados têm deles; de Pepetela (1941-), A geração da utopia (1992), foco na personagem Sara Pereira, seus anos de exílio e seu retorno à terra natal; de Manuel Rui (1941-), Rioseco (1997), o personagem sô Pinto, português que continuou em Angola após a debandada dos brancos em 1975 e vive no Mussulo. Todas estas obras dialogam com momentos historicamente determinados, numa linha do tempo que vai de meados da década de 1930 até meados da década de 1980, da sociedade colonial à crise colonial e ao país independente. Procuramos pensar estas obras em diálogo não apenas com as outras literaturas de língua portuguesa, com as quais têm relação óbvia, também com outras obras da literatura ocidental, da qual elas, devemos enfatizar sempre isso, também fazem parte. / The portraits of colonizers and colonists that were presented by Albert Memmi and Franz Fanon inspired me selecting some Angolan narratives in order to perceive the way the members of a minority are literarily portrayed: the white minority, of either colonizers or settlers, and afterwards of citizens of the independent republic. This is a study of literary characters, their construction and constitution, and it includes the interpretations I was able to suggest from them. The novel Nós, os do Makulusu (1975), by José Luandino Vieira (1935-), is the main source of this research. I examined its characters thoroughly, from those of its central nucleus to the most fleeting and ephemeral ones. The following novels served as a second source for the research. As lágrimas e o vento, Tears and the wind (1975), by Manuel dos Santos Lima (1935-), in which I studied the white characters and how black and mestizo characters see them. A geração da utopia, The generation of utopia (1992), by Pepetela (1941-), in which I focused on the character Sara Pereira, her years of exile and her return to native land. Rioseco, Dry river (1997), by Manuel Rui (1941-), in which we studied the character sô Pinto (Mr. Pinto), a Portuguese that lives in Mussulos island (Luanda) and remained in Angola after the scampering of the Whites in 1975. All those works dialogue with specific moments of history, in a chronology from the mid 1930s to the mid 1980s, from the colonial society to the colonial crisis and the independent country. We tried to posit a dialogue of those works not only with other literatures in Portuguese language, but also with other works of the Western literature, of which, it must be always emphasized, they are also a part.

A crítica social em Os Transparentes: A construção daspersonagens de Ondjaki

Lundberg, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
A tese focaliza na construção de personagens do autor angolano Ondjaki no seuromance Os transparentes (2012). Um tema literário importante no romance é a injustiça socialque prevalece na vida das personagens na Luanda fictícia e é fortemente criticado por Ondjaki.O objetivo da tese é discutir como a construção das personagens contribui a realçar a críticasocial no romance. Portanto a construção das personagens ricas e pobres são comparadas, bemcomo a sua contribuição em enfatizar o tema.A tese utiliza teoria da narrativa para investigar a construção das personagens literárias esobretudo um método desenvolvido por James Phelan e Peter J. Rabinowitz, que argumentaque todas as personagens literárias são compostas de três aspetos: mimético, temático esintético. Os três aspetos orientam a análise e formam o quadro metodológico para poderdiscutir a construção de personagens de Ondjaki. Os resultados mostram que a construção depersonagens ajuda a Ondjaki enfatizar a sua crítica social através de manifestar as diferenças  entre as classes sociais, realçar os problemas experimentados pela classe baixa e apresentar asconsequências possíveis da injustiça social e as possibilidades para melhorar a situação atual. / The thesis focuses on the character construction of Angolan author Ondjaki in hisnovel Os transparentes (2012; Transparent City). An important literary theme in the novel isthe social injustice, which prevails the life of the characters in the fictitious city of Luanda andis heavily criticized by Ondjaki. The objective of the thesis is to discuss how the constructionof the literary characters contributes to highlighting the social critique in the novel. To do sothe construction of the rich and the poor characters are compared, as well as their contributionin asserting the theme.The thesis deploys narrative theory to investigate the construction of the literary characters andespecially a method developed by James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz, which argues that allliterary characters are composed of three aspects: mimetic, thematic and synthetic aspects.These aspects guide the analysis of the characters and are used as a methodological frameworkfor discussing Ondjaki’s character construction. The results show that the construction of thecharacters help Ondjaki to emphasize his social critique by showing class differences,highlighting the problems experienced by the lower classes and presenting potentialconsequences of social injustice as well as the possibilities for improving the current situation.


TIAGO QUEIROZ HERZ 24 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação se debruça sobre a criação cênica Hoje Não Saio Daqui – espetáculo ocorrido no Rio de Janeiro, resultado do encontro artístico entre a Cia Marginal, atores e atrizes angolanos moradores da Maré convidados e o dramaturgo Jô Bilac – para investigar de que maneira a dimensão performativa e relacional de sua dramaturgia e seu investimento nas chamadas escritas de si proporcionam uma abordagem dupla sobre a questão das fronteiras contemporâneas. Por um lado, as histórias narradas pelos migrantes angolanos explicitam as fronteiras materiais e subjetivas enfrentadas pelos mesmos tanto em suas travessias de África até o Brasil quanto aquelas que recaem sobre seus corpos na circulação dentro do território brasileiro – tecnologias que operam através do controle de deslocamentos e velocidades, da racialização e da fronteirização dos corpos. Por outro, o apelo para a diferença e à necessidade de separação manifestos na disposição autobiográfica da dramaturgia, que envolve posicionamentos e reivindicações próprias dos performers, paradoxalmente revê as fronteiras pensadas como sua hipótese primordial, e ativa a possibilidade de um regime de bordas (KIFFER) e de uma nova Cosmópolis (AGIER). Por fim, examina-se de que maneira a não obliteração da figura do dramaturgo externo e não participante em uma escrita cênica que investe em dramaturgias pessoais e na presença de corpos falantes produz materialidades que repensam uma política do comum. / [en] The present dissertation focuses on the scenic creation Hoje Não Saio Daqui – a theatrical play that took place in Rio de Janeiro, which was the result of the artistic gathering among Cia Marginal, invited Angolan actors and actresses living in Maré Complex and the playwright Jô Bilac – to investigate in which way the performative and relational dimension of its dramaturgy and its investment in the so-called writings of the self provide a twofold approach to the issue of contemporary borders. On the one hand, the stories narrated by the Angolan migrants make explicit the material and subjective borders faced by them both in their crossings from Africa to Brazil and those that their bodies suffer in the circulation within the Brazilian territory – technologies that operate through the control of displacements and speeds, of racialization and borderization of bodies. On the other hand, the appeal for difference and the need for separation manifest in the autobiographical disposition of the dramaturgy, which involves the performers’ own positions and claims, paradoxically revises the boundaries thought of as its primordial hypothesis, and activates the possibility of a regime de bordas (KIFFER) and a new Cosmopolis (AGIER). Finally, it examines how the non-obliteration of the figure of the external and non-participant playwright in a scenic writing that invests in personal dramaturgies and in the presence of speaking bodies produces materialities that rethink a politics of the common.

Cultural influences on seeking and accessing modern health care in Angola

Nunes, Manuel Licas 30 June 2007 (has links)
This study examined Angolan culture as an influence to accessing modern scientific health care with the aim to develop health information brochures to inform the population of the advantages of scientific medicine. The quantitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive design was applied in this study, using a questionnaire to collect data from 100 respondents by means of a convenience sample. The findings indicated that most of the respondents were aware of what caused disease and illness in terms of modern knowledge, preferred to access government hospitals and also that government health care services were more affordable than some of the other alternatives. However, the study also found that a small section of the respondents believed in the powers and advantages of witch doctors, thus confirming that certain cultural issues still influenced the selection of assistance when health care and treatment is required. Recommendations were made through which health education could be distributed. / HEALTH STUDIES / Chemistry / MA (HEALTH STUDIES) / MSC (Chemistry)

Determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English at ISCED-Huila, Angola

Cacumba, Joaquim Sapalo Castilho 2014 April 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to implement a needs analysis and on the basis of the findings come up with a framework consisting of practical stages and processes, for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees of English, at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação da Huíla (hereafter, ISCED-Huíla), a higher teacher training institution in Lubango, in southern Angola. The investigation was initially prompted by the lecturers’ perceptions that the academic reading level of undergraduate teacher trainees in Angola was inadequate for the demands of tertiary level study. A scientific approach to investigating the needs of these students was thus adopted. A needs analysis was undertaken in order to determine, in a systematic manner, the academic literacy levels of the students, their attitudes towards reading, the reading strategies they claimed to use when reading academic texts, their academic reading lacks and needs, and the teacher trainers’ perceptions and opinions on the students’ reading competence in specific reading sub-skills, and on university needs analysis procedures. In all, 45 first-year teacher trainees and 5 teacher trainers were involved in the main study. The teacher trainees were required to answer the Accuplacer test, an academic literacy standardized assessment. Both teacher trainees and teacher trainers completed a corresponding questionnaire survey. The findings showed that, among others, first, teacher trainees’ academic literacy levels were below expected from a tertiary level reader; second, there were certain discrepancies between what teacher trainees and teacher trainers considered to be the needs, skills and lacks of the teacher trainees; and third, academic literacy and academic reading skills should be developed in both L1/Portuguese and L2/English. Therefore, a framework for determining the academic reading needs of teacher trainees, for syllabus and programe development and evaluation is presented. It is hoped that the results of the study will be of assistance to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) reading professionals and to teacher educators, especially those in developing countries, involved in selecting, adapting and designing teacher training programmes, materials and tasks in order to improve academic literacy levels in their countries, schools and universities where English is taught as a foreign language. / English Studies / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)

Relações de trabalho em 'Terras do Sem Fim', 'Gaibéus' e 'Terra Morta' : universos que se tocam / Workmanship questions in Lands Without End, Gaibéus and Dead Earth: Universes that are touching

Santos, Lisiane Pinto dos January 2008 (has links)
Esta teve tem por objetivo examinar as relações de trabalho em contextos específicos, através de três obras representativas, à luz das questões estético-ideológicas do Romance de 30 brasileiro, do Neo-Realismo português e do Neo-Realismo angolano. Para tanto foram escolhidos os romances Terras do Sem Fim, de Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, de Alves Redol; e Terra Morta, de Castro Soromenho, enfocando a representação do trabalho e do trabalhador. A investigação, essencialmente bibliográfica, foi norteada por uma recuperação do pensamento ideológico que moldou a sociedade até o presente da produção das obras em estudo. Para isso foram recuperados os estudos de Platão, Aristóteles, Augusto Comte, Karl Marx, Georg Lukács e Lucien Goldman. A questão da ideologia direcionou a leitura realizada das obras. A tese foi dividida em duas partes, sendo que a primeira tem dois capítulos e compreende a fundamentação teórica; e a segunda parte possuiu três capítulos, que se referem ao estudo das obras brasileira, portuguesa e angolana, respectivamente. No primeiro capítulo, realizou-se uma recuperação da evolução ideológica da sociedade que se refletiram nas produções literárias. Já o segundo capítulo abordou a questão da ideologia dos períodos literários Romance de 30 brasileiro e o Neo-Realismo português e angolano. O primeiro capítulo da segunda parte apresenta a leitura feita do romance Terras do Sem Fim, no qual Jorge Amado procurou representar a sociedade cacaueira do Sul da Bahia. A leitura da obra portuguesa, Gaibéus, coloca em cena os trabalhadores colhedores de arroz da região do Ribatejo. Finalmente, o terceiro capítulo, examina a obra Terra Morta, na qual Castro Soromenho critica o colonialismo português. Enfim, ratificando a importância da temática estudada, entende-se que a investigação empreendida contribuiu sobremaneira para a comprovocação do objetivo proposto, isto é, a exclusão de classe que vitimiza os trabalhadores numa sociedade capitalista é similar nas três obras em estudo. Palavras-chave: Jorge Amado. Alves Redol. Castro Soromenho. Romance de 30. Neo- Realismo português e angolano. Trabalho. / This dissertation aims to investigate the relationship of work in specific contexts, trough three representative books, in light of aesthetic-ideological questions of Brazilian Romance on 30, of the Portuguese Neo-Realism and of the Angolan Neo-Realism. For both were chosen the novels of Lands Without End, by Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, Alves Redol; and Dead Earth, Castro Soromenho, focusing on the representation of workmanship and worker. The investigation, essentially bibliographical, was guided by a recovery of the ideological idea that shaped the society until the present of production of the books in study. For that were recovered the studies of Plato, Aristotle, August Comte, Karl Marx, Gerog Lukács and Lucien Goldman. The ideological question directed the performed reading of the books. The dissertation was divided into two parts, and the first has two chapters and includes the theorical fundamentation; the second part has three chapters, which refer to the study of the Brazilian, Portuguese and Angolan books, respectively. In the first chapter, a recovery of the ideological evolution of the society that were reflected in the literary productions. Once the second chapter approached the ideological questions of the literary periods of Romance of 30 and the Portuguese and Angolan Neo-Realism. The first chapter of the second part shows the reading of the novel Lands Without End, in which Jorge Amado tried to represent the cocoa society from South of Bahia. The reading of the Portuguese book, Gaibéus, puts into play the workers harvesters of rice in the region of Ribatejo. Finally, the third chapter examines the book Dead Earth, in which Castro Soromenho criticizes the Portuguese colonialism. At last, confirming the importance of the studied topic, it is understood that the undertaken investigation contributed considerably to the attestation of the proposed objective, namely the exclusion of class that victimizes workers in a Capitalist society is similar in the three books under study.

Relações de trabalho em 'Terras do Sem Fim', 'Gaibéus' e 'Terra Morta' : universos que se tocam / Workmanship questions in Lands Without End, Gaibéus and Dead Earth: Universes that are touching

Santos, Lisiane Pinto dos January 2008 (has links)
Esta teve tem por objetivo examinar as relações de trabalho em contextos específicos, através de três obras representativas, à luz das questões estético-ideológicas do Romance de 30 brasileiro, do Neo-Realismo português e do Neo-Realismo angolano. Para tanto foram escolhidos os romances Terras do Sem Fim, de Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, de Alves Redol; e Terra Morta, de Castro Soromenho, enfocando a representação do trabalho e do trabalhador. A investigação, essencialmente bibliográfica, foi norteada por uma recuperação do pensamento ideológico que moldou a sociedade até o presente da produção das obras em estudo. Para isso foram recuperados os estudos de Platão, Aristóteles, Augusto Comte, Karl Marx, Georg Lukács e Lucien Goldman. A questão da ideologia direcionou a leitura realizada das obras. A tese foi dividida em duas partes, sendo que a primeira tem dois capítulos e compreende a fundamentação teórica; e a segunda parte possuiu três capítulos, que se referem ao estudo das obras brasileira, portuguesa e angolana, respectivamente. No primeiro capítulo, realizou-se uma recuperação da evolução ideológica da sociedade que se refletiram nas produções literárias. Já o segundo capítulo abordou a questão da ideologia dos períodos literários Romance de 30 brasileiro e o Neo-Realismo português e angolano. O primeiro capítulo da segunda parte apresenta a leitura feita do romance Terras do Sem Fim, no qual Jorge Amado procurou representar a sociedade cacaueira do Sul da Bahia. A leitura da obra portuguesa, Gaibéus, coloca em cena os trabalhadores colhedores de arroz da região do Ribatejo. Finalmente, o terceiro capítulo, examina a obra Terra Morta, na qual Castro Soromenho critica o colonialismo português. Enfim, ratificando a importância da temática estudada, entende-se que a investigação empreendida contribuiu sobremaneira para a comprovocação do objetivo proposto, isto é, a exclusão de classe que vitimiza os trabalhadores numa sociedade capitalista é similar nas três obras em estudo. Palavras-chave: Jorge Amado. Alves Redol. Castro Soromenho. Romance de 30. Neo- Realismo português e angolano. Trabalho. / This dissertation aims to investigate the relationship of work in specific contexts, trough three representative books, in light of aesthetic-ideological questions of Brazilian Romance on 30, of the Portuguese Neo-Realism and of the Angolan Neo-Realism. For both were chosen the novels of Lands Without End, by Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, Alves Redol; and Dead Earth, Castro Soromenho, focusing on the representation of workmanship and worker. The investigation, essentially bibliographical, was guided by a recovery of the ideological idea that shaped the society until the present of production of the books in study. For that were recovered the studies of Plato, Aristotle, August Comte, Karl Marx, Gerog Lukács and Lucien Goldman. The ideological question directed the performed reading of the books. The dissertation was divided into two parts, and the first has two chapters and includes the theorical fundamentation; the second part has three chapters, which refer to the study of the Brazilian, Portuguese and Angolan books, respectively. In the first chapter, a recovery of the ideological evolution of the society that were reflected in the literary productions. Once the second chapter approached the ideological questions of the literary periods of Romance of 30 and the Portuguese and Angolan Neo-Realism. The first chapter of the second part shows the reading of the novel Lands Without End, in which Jorge Amado tried to represent the cocoa society from South of Bahia. The reading of the Portuguese book, Gaibéus, puts into play the workers harvesters of rice in the region of Ribatejo. Finally, the third chapter examines the book Dead Earth, in which Castro Soromenho criticizes the Portuguese colonialism. At last, confirming the importance of the studied topic, it is understood that the undertaken investigation contributed considerably to the attestation of the proposed objective, namely the exclusion of class that victimizes workers in a Capitalist society is similar in the three books under study.

Relações de trabalho em 'Terras do Sem Fim', 'Gaibéus' e 'Terra Morta' : universos que se tocam / Workmanship questions in Lands Without End, Gaibéus and Dead Earth: Universes that are touching

Santos, Lisiane Pinto dos January 2008 (has links)
Esta teve tem por objetivo examinar as relações de trabalho em contextos específicos, através de três obras representativas, à luz das questões estético-ideológicas do Romance de 30 brasileiro, do Neo-Realismo português e do Neo-Realismo angolano. Para tanto foram escolhidos os romances Terras do Sem Fim, de Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, de Alves Redol; e Terra Morta, de Castro Soromenho, enfocando a representação do trabalho e do trabalhador. A investigação, essencialmente bibliográfica, foi norteada por uma recuperação do pensamento ideológico que moldou a sociedade até o presente da produção das obras em estudo. Para isso foram recuperados os estudos de Platão, Aristóteles, Augusto Comte, Karl Marx, Georg Lukács e Lucien Goldman. A questão da ideologia direcionou a leitura realizada das obras. A tese foi dividida em duas partes, sendo que a primeira tem dois capítulos e compreende a fundamentação teórica; e a segunda parte possuiu três capítulos, que se referem ao estudo das obras brasileira, portuguesa e angolana, respectivamente. No primeiro capítulo, realizou-se uma recuperação da evolução ideológica da sociedade que se refletiram nas produções literárias. Já o segundo capítulo abordou a questão da ideologia dos períodos literários Romance de 30 brasileiro e o Neo-Realismo português e angolano. O primeiro capítulo da segunda parte apresenta a leitura feita do romance Terras do Sem Fim, no qual Jorge Amado procurou representar a sociedade cacaueira do Sul da Bahia. A leitura da obra portuguesa, Gaibéus, coloca em cena os trabalhadores colhedores de arroz da região do Ribatejo. Finalmente, o terceiro capítulo, examina a obra Terra Morta, na qual Castro Soromenho critica o colonialismo português. Enfim, ratificando a importância da temática estudada, entende-se que a investigação empreendida contribuiu sobremaneira para a comprovocação do objetivo proposto, isto é, a exclusão de classe que vitimiza os trabalhadores numa sociedade capitalista é similar nas três obras em estudo. Palavras-chave: Jorge Amado. Alves Redol. Castro Soromenho. Romance de 30. Neo- Realismo português e angolano. Trabalho. / This dissertation aims to investigate the relationship of work in specific contexts, trough three representative books, in light of aesthetic-ideological questions of Brazilian Romance on 30, of the Portuguese Neo-Realism and of the Angolan Neo-Realism. For both were chosen the novels of Lands Without End, by Jorge Amado; Gaibéus, Alves Redol; and Dead Earth, Castro Soromenho, focusing on the representation of workmanship and worker. The investigation, essentially bibliographical, was guided by a recovery of the ideological idea that shaped the society until the present of production of the books in study. For that were recovered the studies of Plato, Aristotle, August Comte, Karl Marx, Gerog Lukács and Lucien Goldman. The ideological question directed the performed reading of the books. The dissertation was divided into two parts, and the first has two chapters and includes the theorical fundamentation; the second part has three chapters, which refer to the study of the Brazilian, Portuguese and Angolan books, respectively. In the first chapter, a recovery of the ideological evolution of the society that were reflected in the literary productions. Once the second chapter approached the ideological questions of the literary periods of Romance of 30 and the Portuguese and Angolan Neo-Realism. The first chapter of the second part shows the reading of the novel Lands Without End, in which Jorge Amado tried to represent the cocoa society from South of Bahia. The reading of the Portuguese book, Gaibéus, puts into play the workers harvesters of rice in the region of Ribatejo. Finally, the third chapter examines the book Dead Earth, in which Castro Soromenho criticizes the Portuguese colonialism. At last, confirming the importance of the studied topic, it is understood that the undertaken investigation contributed considerably to the attestation of the proposed objective, namely the exclusion of class that victimizes workers in a Capitalist society is similar in the three books under study.

Cultural influences on seeking and accessing modern health care in Angola

Nunes, Manuel Licas 30 June 2007 (has links)
This study examined Angolan culture as an influence to accessing modern scientific health care with the aim to develop health information brochures to inform the population of the advantages of scientific medicine. The quantitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive design was applied in this study, using a questionnaire to collect data from 100 respondents by means of a convenience sample. The findings indicated that most of the respondents were aware of what caused disease and illness in terms of modern knowledge, preferred to access government hospitals and also that government health care services were more affordable than some of the other alternatives. However, the study also found that a small section of the respondents believed in the powers and advantages of witch doctors, thus confirming that certain cultural issues still influenced the selection of assistance when health care and treatment is required. Recommendations were made through which health education could be distributed. / HEALTH STUDIES / Chemistry / MA (HEALTH STUDIES) / MSC (Chemistry)

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