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Marsh saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus L.) in Lithuania: formation, structure and dynamics of populations / Pelkinė uolaskėlė (Saxifraga hirculus L.) Lietuvoje: populiacijų susidarymas, struktūra, dinamikaMeškauskaitė, Edita 30 December 2010 (has links)
Summarized data of investigations of nine Saxifraga hirculus L. populations in Lithuania are presented. The regularities of S. hirculus distribution and ecological affiliation were determined. Demographic structure of populations was studied. S. hirculus populations of Lithuania are characterized by moderate plasticity level of morphological features in generative individuals. The importance of generative and vegetative reproduction of S. hirculus for regeneration of populations was estimated. In natural populations, majority of S. hirculus individuals are of vegetative origin. The main reasons for the rarity of generative individuals are small number of generative shoots, mass damages of the shoots prior to seed formation, and lack of suitable sites for seedling appearance. For the first time in Lithuania research on multi-annual dynamics of S. hirculus, considering changes in population parameters and potential for regeneration under conditions of ecological stress (increased water level), was performed. In addition to traditional ecological research methods, the data of molecular genetic analysis were used for assessment of S. hirculus populations. Results of exhaustive complex research were summarized; the current status of the populations of this endangered species in Lithuania was estimated, and the strategy for its conservation was prepared. / Disertacijoje pateikti apibendrinti duomenys apie 10 Saxifraga hirculus populiacijų tyrimus Lietuvoje. Nustatyti S. hirculus paplitimo ir ekologinio prieraišumo dėsningumai. Ištirta S. hirculus populiacijų demografinė struktūra. S. hirculus populiacijoms Lietuvoje yra būdingas generatyvinių individų morfologinių požymių vidutinio lygmens plastiškumas. Įvertinta generatyvinio ir vegetatyvinio dauginimosi svarba S. hirculus populiacijų atsinaujinimui. Dauguma S. hirculus individų gamtinėse populiacijose yra vegetatyvinės kilmės. Pagrindinės generatyvinės kilmės individų retumo priežastys yra mažas generatyvinių ūglių skaičius mūsų krašto populiacijose, masiniai tokių ūglių pažeidimai iki sėklų susiformavimo ir tinkamų daigams atsirasti vietų stoka. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti S. hirculus daugiametės dinamikos tyrimai, įvertinant populiacijos rodiklių pokyčius ir atsikūrimo galimybes ekologinio streso (vandens lygio pakilimo) sąlygomis. Greta tradicinių ekologinių tyrimų metodų S. hirculus populiacijų vertinimui panaudoti molekulinių genetinių tyrimų duomenys. Apibendrinti įvairiapusiški kompleksinių S. hirculus tyrimų rezultatai ir objektyviai įvertinta šios saugomos rūšies augalų populiacijų būklė Lietuvoje bei parengta jų apsaugos strategija.
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Ecological investigations of euphausiids at high latitudesSaunders, Ryan Alexander January 2007 (has links)
1. Euphausiids are an important component of high latitude pelagic ecosystems, but there is a paucity of information on their distribution, abundance and population processes on within-year time scales. This thesis encompasses new research into the euphausiid-ocean component of two important high latitude ecosystems (South Georgia and the Irminger Sea) on sub-annual time scales. 2. A new method for measuring abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) continuously at South Georgia (Southern Ocean) was devised using upward-looking acoustic devices deployed on moorings. These novel platforms provide a new window of observations onto marine systems not open from conventional research vessels. At South Georgia, the moorings provided data at a high temporal resolution giving completely new insight to the function of the coupled biological-physical marine ecosystem. The use of moorings may aid ecosystem-based management at South Georgia and elsewhere. 3. Analysis of mooring data collected between October 2002 and December 2005 indicated a regular annual cycle in krill density: high in summer and low in winter. Mooring estimates of krill density were not statistically different from estimates derived from standard ship-based surveys in adjacent time periods suggesting that the mooring point estimates had relevance in a wider spatial context (c. 100 x 100 km). The results indicated that because of the sharp peaks in the biomass cycle, the exact timing of repeated ship-based acoustic surveys might be critical. Surveys that differ in their timing by only a few weeks might exhibit quite different estimates of biomass because they fall at different points of the cycle. Additionally, within this intra-annual framework, annual ship-based surveys may be able to detect differences between high and low krill years only if they differ by densities of c. 35 g per square m. in summer and c. 20 g per square m. in winter. 4. The mechanisms driving intra-annual variability in Antarctic krill density at South Georgia are likely to be complex. Analysis of mooring data revealed a possible association between high krill density and low water temperatures (at 200 m) at South Georgia. There was evidence that seasonal variation in krill density off-shelf was linked to seasonal variation in current velocity: marked increases in velocity at the end of summer coincided with marked decreases in krill density and abrupt changes in water temperature characteristic of the Sub-Antarctic Current Front (SACCF). Oceanographic data indicated that the SACCF might have impinged in proximity to the moorings during the winter season. However, krill densities were low during these periods and analyses suggest that seasonal variations in krill density were not driven by seasonal oscillations in the position of the SACCF. The data are not consistent with a pattern of seasonal growth, production and mortality of a resident krill population at South Georgia, but are consistent with the notion of large influxes of krill in early summer, and of a predator-driven reduction at between mid- and late-summer. 5. The seasonal distribution, abundance and growth of key euphauiids in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic was quantified using the first net haul data from the region since the 1930s. Results show a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the seasonal distribution of euphausiid abundance/biomass during 2001-2002. There was evidence to suggest regional variation in growth and population processes of Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa longicaudata, and this corresponded broadly to distinct physical zones in the Irminger Sea. There were, however, no significant links between growth and temperature and chlorophyll a concentration. This was attributed to high spatial and temporal variability in biological and physical sampling. These data are a prerequisite for understanding ecosystems dynamics in the North Atlantic, and are important for robust ecosystem-based management strategies. 6. Controls on euphausiid spatial heterogeneity at high latitudes are likely to be complex. Important factors include horizontal advection, temperature, resource availability and behavioural mechanisms. Short-term (intra-annual), small-scale (basin-scale) data are fundamental to understanding variability in euphausiid abundance and distribution on broader spatial and temporal scales in these ecosystems.
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Annual Report 2016 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials ResearchFaßbender, Jürgen, Heera, Viton, Helm, Manfred, Zahn, Peter 24 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Selected publications
(Publications and patents, Concluded scientific degrees; Appointments and honors; Invited conference contributions, colloquia, lectures and talks; Conferences, workshops, colloquia and seminars; Exchange of researchers; Projects)
Doctoral training programme
Experimental equipment
User facilities and services
Organization chart and personnel
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Effect of a Temporary Hunting Ban on the Demography of African Lions (Panthera Leo) Using a Protected AreaMweetwa, Thandiwe, Mweetwa, Thandiwe January 2016 (has links)
Large carnivores are in decline throughout their range primarily due to anthropogenic influences. This is a concern because these species have high social, economic and ecological value. African lion (Panthera leo) populations are in decline in most parts of the continent and this has been attributed largely to habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, wire snare poaching, black market trafficking in lion parts, retaliatory killings, and poorly regulated trophy hunting. In order to implement effective lion conservation actions, the effect of each factor on lion demography or population dynamics must be well understood. In the past, most studies have used indirect methods to quantify the effects of hunting on lion demography. The temporary ban on lion hunting in Zambia allowed me to study directly how removing a key source of mortality, for males in particular, changed the demography. Using data collected from 2008-2015, I studied how the lion population in and around South Luangwa National Park, Zambia responded to a 3-year moratorium on lion trophy hunting implemented in 2013. For the duration of the study ban, I monitored 386 known individuals in 19 prides and 15 male coalitions. Reproductive activity as represented by cub production appeared to improve after the hunting ban and the number of individually identifiable lions in the study area steadily increased from 88 in 2008 to 197 in 2015. Using a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model, I found that apparent annual survival increased in the absence of hunting for all adult male age classes. The temporary ban on hunting was lifted in 2016 and I recommend that quotas remain conservative in order to allow more time for the population to recover, particularly in the adult male age classes. Better monitoring protocols should also be implemented to promote compliance with hunting regulations.
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Jahresbericht / Universität Leipzig11 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Jahresspiegel / Universität Leipzig11 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Tätigkeitsbericht / Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig24 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das Jahr 2013 brachte eine ganze Reihe von erfreulichen Neuerungen, auch wenn es nicht frei von Sorgen war. Was im letzten Tätigkeitsbericht angesprochen wurde, trat ein: Eine Krise bei den Erwerbungsmitteln, die sich seit längerem ankündigte (s. Tabelle unter IV ). Eine Reihe von Online‐Lizenzen konnte nicht mehr verlängert werden. Im Verein mit dem Rektorat und den Fakultäten bemüht sich die Universitätsbibliothek um Verbesserungen in der angespannten Situation.
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Tätigkeitsbericht / Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig24 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das Jahr 2014 war ein Jahr der Weichenstellungen: Bauten wurden geplant und begonnen (s. I), ein neues Serviceportfolio in Sachen Katalog inauguriert (s. II), sowie Open Access an der Universität etabliert (s. III). Drittmittelstark ist die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig mit über 40 Projektvorhaben, davon allein knapp 30 in den Bereichen Erschließung und Erforschung (s. V). Mit jedem Fortschritt öffnen sich neue Horizonte: Wo ein Erschließungsprojekt endet, knüpft ein Forschungsprojekt an. Wo ein Bauvorhaben geplant oder realisiert wird, wird die Ausstattung zur Herausforderung. Die Universitätsbibliothek arbeitet in allen Bereichen und Abteilungen daran, sich planmäßig und zielstrebig als ein zentraler Dienstleister der Universität und als Forschungsbibliothek zu profilieren. Der hier vorgelegte Tätigkeitsbericht dokumentiert Leistungen auf diesem Weg.
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Tätigkeitsbericht / Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig21 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahr 2015 konnten lange währende Baumaßnahmen in der Bibliotheca Albertina abgeschlossen werden – das versetzt die UB Leipzig in einen glücklichen Zustand. Ebenfalls seit 2015 gibt es eine feste Perspektive für die Neubauten der künftigen Fachbibliotheken Medizin/Naturwissenschaften in der Liebigstraße und den Bildungscampus in der Jahnallee – das macht uns hoffnungsfroh, den Service auch
in diesen Bereichen grundlegend verbessern zu können. Wir nutzen die Gelegenheit dieses Tätigkeitsberichts und danken dem Rektorat für dauerhafte Unterstützung bei all diesen Vorhaben, dem Baudezernat der Universität ebenso wie dem Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement – Leipzig II und nicht zuletzt den
für die Gestaltung verantwortlichen Architekturbüros (Architekturbüro Weis&Volkmann in der Bibliotheca Albertina, Architekturbüro agn für den Bildungscampus und h.e.i.z.Haus für die Medizin/Naturwissenschaften). Im Jahr 2015 hat die Universitätsbibliothek eine Reihe weiterer Neuerungen einführen oder umsetzen können, worüber wir in diesem Bericht gern Auskunft geben.
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Jahresbericht ... / Universität Leipzig02 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Der bisher jährlich veröffentlichte Jahresspiegel der Universität Leipzig wird ab diesem Jahr durch einen "Jahresbericht" abgelöst, der so gestaltet ist, dass er auch ein Bericht zur fachlichen, strukturellen,
personellen und finanziellen Entwicklung und zu den Ergebnissen der wesentlichen Leistungsprozesse im Sinne der Vorgaben des Sächsischen Hochschulfreiheitsgesetzes ist. Gleichzeitig soll mit dem neuen Jahresbericht auch der Rechenschaftspflicht der Universität
gegenüber Ministerien, Drittmittelgebern und Öffentlichkeit nach gekommen werden.
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