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Milk consumption and growth of children in the Kilimanjaro region in rural Tanzania. : An ethnographic research done through quantitative and qualitative methodes.Ånestrand, Grimstedt, Ida January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate milk consumption among children in a village in a developing country where access to milk during childhood may be limited. Another aim was to see if measurable information could demonstrate growth among children who drank milk. The data was collected through anthropometric measurements on 66 boys and girls (aged 5-6). Nutritional data from a selected group of parents of the participating children were done through 24-hour-recall, questions about meal arrangement, availability and attitudes about milk were asked. Result: Five-year-old girls who drank milk at home and in school were significantly taller compared to girls (5 yr) who did not drink milk, as well as taller than the girls (5 yrs) who drank milk only at home. Arm muscle area, and arm circumference was also significantly larger among the girls (5 yr) who drank milk. No significant differences were shown among the boys. Food consumption included more nutrients among children who drank milk, which might contribute to the growth effect among the girls (5 yrs). Consumption of milk was due to economic situations, access to school-milk or owning a cow. Conclusions: Some significant differences among 5-year-old girls were shown. Poverty was the main reason for not drinking milk, as well as lack of access to milk. / Syftet med denna etnografiska studie var att undersöka mjölkkonsumtion bland barn i en by i ett utvecklingsland där tillgång till mjölk under barndomen kan vara begränsad. Syftet var även att se om mätbar information kan visa tillväxt hos barn som dricker mjölk. Data samlades in genom antropometriska mätningar på 66 pojkar och flickor (5-6 år). Kostdata hos en utvald grupp föräldrar till några av de barn som deltog i mätningarna har gjorts genom 24-timmars-intervjuer, där även frågor kring måltidsordningen, tillgänglighet och attityder kring mjölk ställdes. Resultat: Femåriga flickor som drack mjölk både i skolan och i hemmet visade sig vara signifikant längre än flickor (5 år) som inte drack mjölk, de var även längre än flickor (5 år) som bara drack mjölk i hemmet. Armmuskelarea och armomkrets var också signifikant större hos flickorna (5 år) som drack mjölk jämfört med de flickor som inte drack mjölk. Inga signifikanta skillnader gällande tillväxten visade sig hos pojkarna. Matkonsumtionen var mer varierad hos de barn som drack mjölk, vilket kan ha påverkat resultatet. Mjölkkonsumtionen berodde på ekonomi, tillgång till skolmjölk, brist på mjölk och kunskap om mjölk. Slutsats: Några signifikanta skillnader gällande tillväxten visade sig hos femåriga flickor. Fattigdom var största anledningen till att inte konsumera mjölk, även brist på mjölk i bostadsområdet. Barn som drack mjölk hade tillgång till mjölk i skolan och/eller i hemmet.
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Suitable Utilty Helicopter Cockpit Design For Turkish PilotsSenol, Mehmet Burak 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Designing a suitable utility helicopter cockpit for Turkish pilots is the main theme of this thesis. Helicopter cockpit is one of the ultimate human machine interface application. Consequences of pilot errors during flight in any helicopter cockpit can be catastrophic. Human errors can only be prevented by user-friendly cockpit design. In this thesis, reach compatibilities to controls in the cockpit are evaluated and the suitable positions of analogue indicators at front display panel are examined in order to obtain a user-friendly utility helicopter cockpit design.
Human anthropometry is the most significant factor for evaluating cockpit reach compatibilities to controls / so all critical operational reach parameters of Turkish pilots are examined. The anthropometric study revealed vision problems and showed that the height of display panel is inappropriate for most pilots.
Suitable positions of the indicators on pedestal are determined by using qualitative and quantitative approaches. As a quantitative approach Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) algorithms are employed. Card sorting methodology is used for the qualitative evaluation of the aforementioned display panel design.
Although there are some approaches in literature for designing of displays, a specific design methodology related with the arrangement of indicators on display panel is not offered so far. In this thesis, MCDM and Card sorting approaches are adapted and used in the design of a display panel for the first time. There are lots of similarities between the results of MCDM and Card sorting approaches. The main similarity is to provide separate locations on display panel for engine and flight system indicators. Finally the findings of these techniques are compared with the existing layout of the display panel of a utility helicopter.
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Influence of Maternal Thyroid Dysfunction on Infant Growth and DevelopmentWilson, Ronee Elisha 01 January 2013 (has links)
Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women of childbearing age and the obstetric consequences of abnormal thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy have been established. Less understood is the implication of the presence of maternal thyroid autoantibodies on infant outcomes among women who are euthyroid during pregnancy. The objective of this study was two-fold: 1) to examine the influence of antenatal thyroperioxidase (TPO) status on fetal/infant brain and body growth measurements at delivery and 2) to explore the relationship of antenatal TPO status and maternal postpartum thyroid dysfunction (PPTD) on early infant growth and neurocognitive development. Six-hundred thirty-one (631) euthyroid pregnant women were recruited from prenatal clinics in Tampa Bay, Florida and the surrounding area between November 2007 and December 2010. TPO status was determined during pregnancy and fetal/infant brain and body growth variables were assessed at delivery. A subsample of forty-one (41) mother-infant dyads participated in a 6-month longitudinal supplemental study. Infant growth assessments were conducted at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months postpartum. Regression analysis revealed maternal TPO positivity was significantly associated with smaller head circumference, reduced brain weight and lower brain-body-ratio; however maternal race/ethnicity was identified as an effect modifier in the relationship. No significant differences were noted in birth weight, birth length, abdominal circumference or chest circumference measurements among infants born to TPO positive mothers of any racial/ethnic group as compared to their negative counterparts. Mixed model analysis of the smaller subset (n=41) revealed infants of TPO+ mothers were smaller at birth but experienced accelerated growth between birth to 3 months when compared to infants born to TPO- mothers. This acceleration led to their catch-up in growth to their TPO negative counterparts by 3 months of age. No significant differences were noted in neurocognitive outcomes between infants born to TPO+ mothers compared to those born to TPO- mothers. The findings in this dissertation indicate that maternal/race ethnicity modifies the relationship between TPO positivity and reduced fetal/infant brain growth. Additionally, the analyses suggest that maternal autoantibody status could lead to variations in early infant growth and development. The end-result of these variations is unclear. Further research is needed to determine the potential impact of reduced head circumference and accelerated growth as it relates to long-term neurocognitive consequences. Currently, TPO antibody status is not assessed as part of the standard prenatal care laboratory work-up, but findings from this study suggest that fetal brain growth may be impaired by TPO positivity among certain populations, therefore autoantibody screening among high-risk sub-groups may be useful for clinicians to determine whether prenatal thyroid treatment is warranted.
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Die antropometriese sprong- en vloeritem-prestasiedeterminante van jong dogtergimnaste / Annelize WillemseWillemse, Annelize January 2006 (has links)
Although the available literature mentions a variety of anthropometric performance determinants
for gymnastics, no one has until now made an attempt to determine the performance determinants of
more advanced, young, South African (SA), female gymnasts. The purposes of this study were,
therefore, firstly to determine the anthropometric variables that differ significantly @ 5 0,05)
between successful and less successful young, SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item and
secondly, to determine the anthropometric variables that contribute to the performance of young,
SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item.
Twelve young, female gymnasts (13,39 f 2,14 years) from a gymnastics club in the North-West
Province of South Africa participated in this study. Only gymnasts who participated at level 6-9
and junior as well as senior olynlpic level were selected to participate in this study. Sixty one
anthropometric variables were measured on the dominant side of the body according to the methods
of Norton et al. (1996). Firstly, the descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) of the
gymnastics population were calculated. This was followed by an analysis which intended to
arrange the gymnasts in a ranking order according to the vault and floor performances (marks) that
were reached during the South African Gymnastics Championships. Due to differences in the
participation level, data was normalised by making use of correction factors.
Independent t-tests and effect sizes revealed that the gymnasts who obtained the highest marks (top
5) during the execution of the vault and floor item during the South African Gymnastics
Championships had statistical and practical significantly (p 5 0,05) larger relaxed and flexed upper
arm, wrist and ankle circumferences as well as mesomorph values than the less successful
gymnasts. The cluster analysis-reduced variables were used to perform a forward, stepwise
multiple regression analysis which showed that flexed upper arm (53,93%) and chest circumference
(3,6996); midstillion dactillion (12,38%), trochanterion-tibia1 lateral (5,77%) and foot length
(1 1,50%); fat percentage (8,93%), ectomorphy (l,96%), bideltoied breadth (1,54%), triceps skinfold (0,23%) and iliospinal box height (0,07%) contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' vault
performances. Bi-trochanterion- (34,86%), femur- (17,07%) and bi-deltoied breadth (4,93%); front
thigh skinfold (19,71%); fat percentage (7,68%); acromial-radial (4,09%) and foot length (0,05%)
as well as waist- (6,68%), chest- (2,92%) and gluteal thigh circumference (2;02%) were the
anthropometric variables which contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' floor performances.
Flexed upper arm circumference, fat percentage, ectomorphy, iliospinal box height and
bitrochanterion and femur breadth as well as gluteal thigh circumference and foot length were,
however, the only anthropometric variables which contributed significantly to gymnasts' vault and
floor performances, respectively.
The conclusion that can, therefore, be drawn is that larger upper arm and upper body
circumferences; hand, foot, upper and total leg lengths; triceps skinfolds, fat percentages and
ectomorphy as well as larger limb and torso circumferences; waist breadths; fat percentages and
front thigh skinfolds as well as upper arm and foot lengths are the respective, important
anthropometric vaulting and floor performance determinants for young, South African, female
gymnasts and should be included in the sport scientific testing protocols of gymnasts. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Validity of Waist-to-height Ratio as a Screening Tool for Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Non-Hispanic Whites, Non-Hispanic Blacks, and Mexican American Adult WomenCochran, Lindsey, Ms. 11 August 2011 (has links)
Validity of waist-to-height ratio as a screening tool for type 2 diabetes risk in non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, and Mexican American Adult Women, from the ages 20-65 years of age.
A prominent screening measure for type 2 diabetes is a simple measure of waist circumference. Waist circumference is an aggregate measurement of the actual amount of total and abdominal fat accumulation and is a crucial correlate of the complexities found among obese and overweight patients. However, waist circumference does not take into consideration the frame of an individual. Hence, recent epidemiologic data have suggested the use of height adjusted waist circumference (waist-to-height ratio). The use of waist-to-height ratio in screening for type 2 diabetes is poorly understood.
The aim of this study is to determine racial/ethnic differences in the association of the independent variables waist-to-height ratio and waist circumference, with type 2 diabetes in non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, and Mexican American adult women, ages 20-65 years old.
Data from the NHANES 2007-2008 surveys were used. Race/ethnic specific odds ratios from univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were to estimate the associations of waist-to-height ratio and waist circumference with type 2 diabetes. In the multivariate models, adjustments were made for age and alcohol use.
In the univariate models, WC was associated with 1.06, 1.07 and 1.04 increased odds of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans, non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks, respectively. The corresponding values waist-to-height ratio were 2.85, 3.20 and 1.88, respectively. On adjusting for confounders, WC was associated with 1.07, 1.05, and 1.05 increased odds of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans, non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks, respectively. WHtR was associated with 2.95, 2.38, and 2.37 increased odds of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans, non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks, respectively.
This study indicates that WHtR may be a powerful anthropometric predictor of risk for type 2 diabetes for Mexican American, non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic Black American women ages 20-65.The literature on WHtR as a screening tool for type 2 diabetes in American women is lacking. This study is one of the first to examine the association between WHtR across varying races of American women. Future researchers should explore populations of women and men in the US with more races represented.
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Essays on Civil War, HIV/AIDS, and Human capital in Sub-Saharan African CountriesDjimeu Wouabe, Eric 12 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is based on three essays. The first chapter analyses the impact of 27 years of civil war in Angola on human capital, expenditures per adult equivalent and fertility. The prediction of the effects of civil war is done through a neoclassical unitary household model in the tradition of Rosenzweig. Using instrumental variable method, this thesis shows that civil war has a negative and disastrous impact in short-term on health of children, this effect is persistent. Civil war has no impact on expenditures per adult equivalent. It increases enrollment and decreases fertility in the short term. The second chapter ofthis thesis analyzes the effectiveness of a social program in a conflict country such as Angola and explores whether this effectiveness depends on the intensity of the conflict. Our identification strategy is based on the political geography of the deployment of the program based on a model of spatial competition of Hotelling. This thesis shows that the Angola Social Fund had a positive impact on expenditures per adult equivalent and on one of the main anthropometric measurements namely the height for age z-score. The program's effectiveness in function to the intensity of the conflict is analyzed using the local instrumental variable estimator. The thesis shows that the program's effectiveness increases with the intensity of the conflict. The last chapter of this thesis analyzes in the case of Cameroon, the impact of teacher training on HIV/AIDS. The two criteria for selecting participating schools, leads us to choose as identification strategy the regression discontinuity design. This thesis shows that 15 to 17 year old girls in teacher training schools are between 7 and 10 percentage points less likely to have started childbearing. For 12 to 13 year old girls, the likelihood of self-reported abstinence and condom use is also significantly higher in treated schools.
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Die antropometriese sprong- en vloeritem-prestasiedeterminante van jong dogtergimnaste / Annelize WillemseWillemse, Annelize January 2006 (has links)
Although the available literature mentions a variety of anthropometric performance determinants
for gymnastics, no one has until now made an attempt to determine the performance determinants of
more advanced, young, South African (SA), female gymnasts. The purposes of this study were,
therefore, firstly to determine the anthropometric variables that differ significantly @ 5 0,05)
between successful and less successful young, SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item and
secondly, to determine the anthropometric variables that contribute to the performance of young,
SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item.
Twelve young, female gymnasts (13,39 f 2,14 years) from a gymnastics club in the North-West
Province of South Africa participated in this study. Only gymnasts who participated at level 6-9
and junior as well as senior olynlpic level were selected to participate in this study. Sixty one
anthropometric variables were measured on the dominant side of the body according to the methods
of Norton et al. (1996). Firstly, the descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) of the
gymnastics population were calculated. This was followed by an analysis which intended to
arrange the gymnasts in a ranking order according to the vault and floor performances (marks) that
were reached during the South African Gymnastics Championships. Due to differences in the
participation level, data was normalised by making use of correction factors.
Independent t-tests and effect sizes revealed that the gymnasts who obtained the highest marks (top
5) during the execution of the vault and floor item during the South African Gymnastics
Championships had statistical and practical significantly (p 5 0,05) larger relaxed and flexed upper
arm, wrist and ankle circumferences as well as mesomorph values than the less successful
gymnasts. The cluster analysis-reduced variables were used to perform a forward, stepwise
multiple regression analysis which showed that flexed upper arm (53,93%) and chest circumference
(3,6996); midstillion dactillion (12,38%), trochanterion-tibia1 lateral (5,77%) and foot length
(1 1,50%); fat percentage (8,93%), ectomorphy (l,96%), bideltoied breadth (1,54%), triceps skinfold (0,23%) and iliospinal box height (0,07%) contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' vault
performances. Bi-trochanterion- (34,86%), femur- (17,07%) and bi-deltoied breadth (4,93%); front
thigh skinfold (19,71%); fat percentage (7,68%); acromial-radial (4,09%) and foot length (0,05%)
as well as waist- (6,68%), chest- (2,92%) and gluteal thigh circumference (2;02%) were the
anthropometric variables which contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' floor performances.
Flexed upper arm circumference, fat percentage, ectomorphy, iliospinal box height and
bitrochanterion and femur breadth as well as gluteal thigh circumference and foot length were,
however, the only anthropometric variables which contributed significantly to gymnasts' vault and
floor performances, respectively.
The conclusion that can, therefore, be drawn is that larger upper arm and upper body
circumferences; hand, foot, upper and total leg lengths; triceps skinfolds, fat percentages and
ectomorphy as well as larger limb and torso circumferences; waist breadths; fat percentages and
front thigh skinfolds as well as upper arm and foot lengths are the respective, important
anthropometric vaulting and floor performance determinants for young, South African, female
gymnasts and should be included in the sport scientific testing protocols of gymnasts. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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The effect of a prevention programme on the rugby injuries of 15- and 16-year old schoolboys / Henrico ErasmusErasmus, Henrico January 2006 (has links)
Background: The negative side of rugby participation is the danger it presents to health in
the form of injuries. Most school coaches, advocates of talent development and selectors put
a high priority on implementing programmes to develop bigger, stronger, faster and more
skilful rugby players who can excel at their sport. These programmes however, do not
place enough emphasis on the prevention of injuries.
Aims: The primary aim of the study was to determine the effect of an approved injury
prevention programme on the incidence (injuries per 1000 player hours) of n~gbyin juries
(overall, intrinsic and extrinsic injuries) of 15- and 16 year-old schoolboys, over a two-year
period. A further aim was to measure the effect of an approved injury prevention programme
on the selected anthropometric, physical and motor and biomechanical and postural variables
of all the groups involved in this study over a period of two years. Originating from these
aims, a sub-aim of this study was to use information from this study to provide modifications
- if necessary - to the current prevention programme in order for it to be effectively applied
at high-school rugby level.
Design: A non-equivalent experimental-control group design with multiple post-tests was
used for the investigation.
Subjects: The subjects were 120 schoolboy rugby players. The subjects came from two
secondary schools in the North West province of South Africa. Both schools were schools
wit11 a tradition of excellence in rugby. Players who participated in the experimental injury
prevention programme were the year 2004, 15- and 16-year old elite A teams. The B teams
acted as controls.
Method: Players were tested over a two-year period. During each of the two years there
were three testing occasions where all players were tested: pre-season, during the mid-season
break and at the end of the season. The results of these tests were used to monitor changes in
anthropometric, physical and motor and biomechanical and postural variables in various
stages of the training programme. At the end of every evaluation, deficits were identified in
the performance of all players in the experimental group and the prevention programmes
were planned accordingly. Players in the experimental group received exercises to address
the specific deficits identified.
Rugby injuries were screened and injury data collected through the use of weekly sports.
medical clinics.
Results: Differences and changes in extrinsic injury incidences in this study could not be
attributed to the effect of the prevention programme, and as a result injury trends related to
overall injury incidences were inconsistent when the experimental groups were compared to
the matching control groups. However, the prevention programme did have a positive effect
on the intrinsic injury incidence of both experimental groups during the study period.
The following moderate or highly practically significant anthropometric changes occurred
when inter-group comparisons for the two year period were considered: triceps skinfold
(d=0.8 among 16-year olds), subscapular skinfold (d=0.5 among 16-year olds, midaxillary
skinfold (d=1.3 among 15-year olds), calf skinfold (d=1.3 among 16-year olds), humerus
breadth (d=1.4 among 15-year olds), femur breadth (d=0.5 among 15-year olds), fat
percentage (d=0.5 among 16-year olds) and mesomorphy (d=1.3 among 15-year olds).
However, these anthropometric changes may be due to other factors, such as the natural
growth phase of boys, rather than the effect of the prevention programme.
During the inter-group comparisons of physical and motor components, moderately or highly
practically significant improvements were recorded in the vertical jump (d=0.8 for 15-year
olds and d=1.5 for 16year olds), bleep (d=0.7 for 16-year olds), pull-ups (d=0.6 for 15-year
olds) and push-up tests (d=1.5 for 15-year olds and d=1.1 for 16 year-olds) of the
experimental groups considering the total two year period. From the results it was clear that
in practice, the prevention programme significantly improved only four of the 11 physical
and motor components over the two-year period and that these improvements often occurred
in only one of the age groups involved.
The inter-group comparison of biomechanical and postural variables revealed numerous
moderately and highly practically significant improvements in both age groups. over the total
two-year period. All in all the prevention p r o v e provided the experimental groups with
a more balanced (closer to ideal) dynamic mobility, core stability and postural symmetry.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that the present prevention programme did not have a
practically significant effect on the incidence of overall rugby injuries and extrinsic rugby
injuries of 15- and 16-year old schoolboys over a two-year period. However, in practice, the
prevention programme did have a significantly positive effect on the incidence of intrinsic
rugby injuries of 15- and 16-year old schoolboys over a period of two years. It could be
concluded that the prevention programme did not have a practically significant effect on the
anthropometric components of 15- and 16-year old schoolboys over a two-year period.
Seeing that the prevention programme had a moderately or highly practically significantly
effect on only four of 11 physical-and-motor components over the two-year period, and that
these improvements often occurred in only one of the age groups involved, it could be
concluded that the prevention programme did not significantly affect the physical and motor
variables of 15- and 16-year old schoolboys over a two-year period. Finally the conclusion
could be drawn that in practice the prevention programme significantly improved the
biomechanical and postural variables over a period of two years. This improvement in
biomechanical and postural status may be responsible for the decrease in intrinsic injury
incidence. Information from this study was used to provide modifications to the tested
prevention programme in order for it to be effectively applied at high school rugby level. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Movement Science Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006
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Antropometrinių indeksų ryšiai su lėtinių ligų rizikos veiksniais / Associations between anthropometric indexes and risk factors of chronic diseasesŠapnagytė, Justina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti antropometrinių indeksų ir lėtinių ligų rizikos veiksnių ryšius.
Uždaviniai: Įvertinti tiriamųjų antropometrinius indeksus ir jų tarpusavio sąsajas; nustatyti lėtinių ligų rizikos veiksnių paplitimą tiriamojoje populiacijoje; palyginti skirtingų antropometrinių indeksų ryšį su lėtinių ligų rizikos veiksniais.
Tyrimo metodika: Tiriamieji – atsitiktinai atrinkti Kauno miesto gyventojai, gimę 1964 metais, pirmą kartą ištirti 1977 metais pagal Juvenilinės hipertenzijos programą (n=1082). 2012 metais sveikatos patikrinime dalyvavo 511 asmenų (64,4 proc. galėjusių atvykti). Tiriamiesiems buvo atlikti antropometriniai matavimai, matuotas arterinis kraujospūdis ir atlikti biocheminiai kraujo tyrimai. Skaičiuotas kūno masės indeksas – KMI=svoris (kg)/ūgis2(m2). Antsvoris nustatytas, kai KMI buvo 25-29,9 kg/m2, nutukimas – kai KMI >30 kg/m2. Vyrų liemens apimtis >94 cm, o moterų – >80 cm laikyta padidėjusia. Padidėjęs liemens ir klubų santykis vyrams buvo >1, moterims – >0,85. Padidėjęs liemens ir ūgio santykis buvo >0,51. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 16.0 for Windows programą.
Rezultatai: Net 69,1 proc. vyrų ir 56,1 proc. moterų turėjo per didelį KMI, 57,0 proc. tirtųjų – per didelę liemens apimtį, 23,2 proc. vyrų ir 13,0 proc. moterų – padidėjusį liemens ir klubų santykį, 63,5 proc. vyrų ir 41,1 proc. moterų – padidėjusį liemens ir ūgio santykį. Visi antropometriniai indeksai buvo tarpusavyje susiję. Didėjant antropometrinių indeksų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to assess the associations between anthropometric indexes and risk factors of chronic diseases.
Objectives: to evaluate anthropometric indexes and their interrelationship in Kaunas cohort; to determine prevalence of the risk factors of chronic diseases in the study population; to compare strength of associations between anthropometric indexes and risk factors of chronic diseases.
Methods: In 1977, a random sample of Kaunas schoolchildren born in 1964 (n=1082) was examined in the first cross-sectional survey. In 2012, 511 subjects participated in 35-year follow-up survey (64.4% response rate). Health examination involved measurements of blood pressure, anthropometric and biochemical parameters. The body mass index was calculated - BMI=weight (kg)/ūgis2 (m2). Overweight was defined when BMI was 25 - 29.9 kg/m2 and obesity – when BMI >30 kg/m2. Waist circumference >94 cm for men and >80 cm for women was considered as increased. Waist-to-hip ratio > 1 for men and >0.85 for women was defined as increased. Waist-to-height ratio >0.51 was considered as increased. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS 16.0 for Windows program.
Results: The study has revealed that even 69.1% of men and 56.1% of women were overweight or obese, 57.0% of participants had increased waist circumference, 23.2% of men and 13.0% of women - increased waist-to-hip ratio, 63.5% of men and 41.1% of women - increased waist-to-height ratio. All anthropometric indexes were... [to full text]
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Marijampolės apskrities pirmokų mitybos ypatumų ir fizinio išsivystymo sąsajos bei pokyčiai per penkerius metus / Links and alterations of nutrition peculiarities and nutritional status of first-formers of Marijampolė district during five year periodRugytė, Agnė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Marijampolės apskrities pirmokų mitybos ypatumų sąsajas su fiziniu išsivystymu bei pokyčius per penkerius metus.
Tyrimo metodika. 2013 metais Marijampolės apskrityje atliktas tyrimas yra Lietuvos vaikų augimo stebėsenos tyrimo dalis. Jis buvo vykdomas dešimtyje atsitiktinai pasirinktų mokyklų. Tyrimo objektas – pirmokai. Darbe naudoti metodai: pirmokų antropometriniai (ūgio, svorio) matavimai; vaikų tėvų anketinė apklausa (išdalinta 331, sugrąžinta 251 užpildyta anketa, atsako dažnis – 75,8 proc.). Kiekybiniams kintamiesiems skaičiuotas aritmetinis vidurkis, standartinis nuokrypis, procentiliai ir kt. Kokybiniams kintamiesiems – procentai. Ryšys tarp kokybinių požymių analizuotas taikant Pirsono Chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijų. Skirtumo tarp atvejo dažnio dviejose tiriamųjų grupėse reikšmingumas įvertintas taikant z kriterijų. Tarpusavyje palyginti 2008 ir 2013 metų rezultatai.
Rezultatai. 2013 metais mažiau – beveik du trečdaliai vaikų valgė 4–5 kartus per dieną, mažiau tiriamųjų kasdien namuose pusryčiavo. Abiejų tyrimų metu dažnai jogurto ir kitų pieno produktų vartojo beveik po du trečdalius tiriamųjų. Kasdien šviežių daržovių valgė tik kas devintas pirmokas, vaikai per retai vartojo vaisių. Dauguma pirmokų retai vartojo gaiviųjų gėrimų su cukrumi, picų, bulvyčių „fri“ ir kito „greito“ maisto. 2013 metais sumažėjo kasdieninis natūralios mėsos bei perdirbtų mėsos gaminių vartojimas. Natūralaus sviesto vartojimas išaugo 1,84 karto, tepų riebalų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study – to analyze links and alterations between nutrition peculiarities and nutritional status of first-formers of Marijampolė district during a five year period.
Methods. An investigation performed in 2013 in Marijampolė district is a part of a research done on the growth observation of Lithuanian children. The investigation has been performed in ten randomly selected schools. The object of research has been first-formers. Methods employed: anthropometric measurements of first-formers (height, weight); a survey of parents of the children (331 surveys given, 251 filled and returned, response rate – 75,8 percent). Quantitative variables have arithmetic average, standard deviation, percentiles, etc. calculated. Qualitative variables have percents set. The links between qualitative attributes has been analyzed by employing the Pearson’s Chi square criteria (χ2). The significance of the different frequency of occasion between two groups of investigative has been assessed by applying the z criteria. The results of 2008 and 2013 have been compared between one another.
Results. In 2013 less – nearly two thirds of children ate 4–5 times per day, less of investigative had breakfast at home. Both investigations revealed that almost two thirds of investigative often consumed yogurt and other dairy products. Only every ninth first-former ate vegetables daily, children consumed fruit too little. The majority of first-formers rarely consumed fizzy drinks, pizzas, French fries... [to full text]
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