Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blackness"" "subject:"slackness""
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[pt] Afromigrantes são um dos principais grupos de solicitantes de refúgio e
refugiados no Brasil desde 1990. Até então praticamente ausentes dos horizontes
imigratórios no país, a categoria de refúgio foi uma das maiores responsáveis por
ampliar seus modos de chegada e estadia no Brasil. Apesar disto, não há estudos
que discutam profundamente os impactos de racializações e racismos no
desenvolvimento do sistema institucional e processual de refúgio no Brasil, seus
efeitos nas afromobilidades para o país, bem como nas vivências processuais de
solicitantes de refúgio negros. Com práticas e políticas migratórias historicamente
antinegras, este trabalho busca discutir, portanto, como o princípio de raça e
racismos antinegros são traduzidos ao longo dos anos no Brasil, inclusive no âmbito
do estabelecimento de uma categoria considerada humanitária. Partindo-se do
pressuposto da antinegritude e da vida póstuma da escravidão, este estudo enfocase na identificação e aprofundamento das técnicas e tecnologias aplicadas no âmbito
do universo migração/refúgio que continuam a demarcar racialmente a
(in)desejabilidade de certos imigrantes e refugiados em detrimento de outros, tendo
como centro a díade negro/não-negro. Este estudo é resultado de uma etnografia
feita no decorrer dos anos 2017-2019 cujo objeto eram as minhas interações com
as elites do refúgio, durante meu trabalho como advogada de solicitantes de refúgio
no Rio de Janeiro. A etnografia, aliada à análise documental de fontes primárias e
secundárias, compõe o bojo analítico principal deste estudo, que demonstra a
importância da antinegritude para entender a gênese e desenvolvimento das
respostas institucionais do universo migração/refúgio no que se refere
principalmente aos afromigrantes. As permanências da antinegritude na gestão de
corpos negros para - e no Brasil - demonstram seus alcances inclusive no âmbito do
universo de refúgio, herança do mundo colonial e nele estruturado e, portanto,
também (re)produtor na divisão antinegra de Humanidade. Repensar modos de
existir no mundo que superem a antinegritude inerente às - e fundante das -
fronteiras nacionais e as categorias delas derivadas somente é possível, portanto,
em um mundo em que se demande o fim dessas mesmas fronteiras. / [en] Afromigrants are one of the main groups of asylum seekers and refugees in
Brazil since 1990. Until then, they were practically totally absent from the
migratory horizons in the country. Asylum has therefore represented one of the
main categories to widen their means of travel, entry and stay in Brazil. Despite
that, there have been no studies which discuss in depth the impacts of racializations
and racisms in the development of the institutional and procedural asylum systems
in the country, their effects in afromobilities to and in Brazil, as well as in the
procedural experiences of black asylum seekers. With historically antiblack
migratory practices and policies, this research seeks to therefore discuss how the
principle of race and antiblack racisms are translated throughout the years in Brazil,
including in the establishment of a category considered humanitarian. Drawing
from the concepts of antiblackness and the afterlife of slavery, this study focuses
on the identification and deepening of the understanding of techniques and
technologies applied in the context of the asylum/migration system, which continue
to racially demarcate the (un)desirability of certain immigrants and refugees in
comparison to others, especially considering the black/non-black divide. This
research is the result of an ethnography conducted during 2017-2019 whose object
were the interactions between asylum elites and myself, as I have acted as a refugee
lawyer in Rio de Janeiro in that period. The ethnography, along with documentary
analysis of primary and secondary sources compose the main analytical structure
of this study, which demonstrates the importance of antiblackness to understand the
genesis and development of the institutional responses of the migratory/asylum
system concerning afromigrants. Continuities of antiblackness in the management
of foreign black bodies to and in Brazil demonstrate its reach even in the asylum
system, which is, in itself, an inheritance of the colonial world and embedded in it
and, therefore, also (re)productive of the antiblack division of Humanity.
Rethinking modes of existence able to overcome the intrinsic and founding
antiblackness of national and territorial borders and its derivative categories is thus
only possible in a world where there is a demand for the end and destruction of
these same borders.
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Black fungibility and the PosthuMan: Becoming microbial geographiesRawson, Ariel January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Becoming with the dog in South Africa Reflections on family, memory, and human-animal relations in post-apartheid South AfricaNdaba, Mpho Antoon 04 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Can the relationship White people have with the figure of the dog, in what currently exists as South Africa, be free of antiblackness? Following instances where I saw black women who worked as domestic workers walk dogs belonging to their White employers, I write these letters addressed to you, my sister, Palesa – meditating on the dog-Human relationships as sites of racial violence. The core analytic framework and theory I employ to explore these extreme, mundane, and in-between forms of violence, is Afro-Pessimism.
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[pt] Esta tese apresenta uma leitura decolonial das formas através das quais a
violência atravessa imaginações, materialidades e experiências na e sobre a cidade
do Rio de Janeiro. Argumenta-se que é a violência produtora e reprodutora das
representações, das formas de gestão urbana e das vivências cotidianas que
coexistem e se cruzam no Rio de Janeiro, como cidade que busca se construir como
pós-colonial. Para tal, discute-se a relação entre violência e a cidade a partir de
quatro pontos de contato. Em primeiro lugar, a tese apresenta o conceito de cidade-violência,
a partir da qual é construída uma interpretação sobre a relação entre a
formação material e imaterial da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e as dinâmicas violentas
de racialização do espaço urbano no contexto histórico-político de uma forjada
pós-colonização. Em seguida, trabalha-se com a ideia da cidade sensível, em
que se discute em que medida determinados processos de racialização do espaço
urbano, em suas muitas formas e manifestações, forjaram regimes estético-urbanos
que distribuem lugares e espaços para a existência e circulação de corpos,
percepções, sensações, objetos e sujeitos na cidade. Na terceira parte da tese,
analisam-se as interpretações da violência que circulam, produzem e informam a
gestão do espaço urbano na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a partir de um mapeamento
crítico do campo de saberes e práticas que constroem entendimentos e imaginários
correntes sobre violência na cidade. Em todos esses casos, serão abordadas as
formas através das quais essas interpretações produzem limites, apagamentos e
silêncios sobre a relação entre raça, racismo, colonialidade e violência na cidade do
Rio de Janeiro. No capítulo seguinte, a tese se debruça sobre as imaginações,
materialidades e experiências da guerra na cidade, discutindo como o conceito de
militarização atravessa representações e vivências da cidade pós-colonial, e quais
são os contra-saberes a partir dos quais é possível vislumbrar intelectualidades e
contra-estéticas insurgentes, capazes de apontar novos sentidos e interpretações
para as relações entre a violência e as configurações da colonialidade no espaço
urbano. Pretende-se, com esta tese, oferecer uma contribuição teórica original ao
campo de estudos das Relações Internacionais que se debruça sobre as dinâmicas
de violência no âmbito das cidades em contextos de pós-colonização,
evidenciando a necessidade de articular novas possibilidades epistêmicas radicais e
decoloniais para estudar a relação entre violência, cidade e (pós-)colonialidade. / [en] This thesis presents a decolonial interpretation on the ways in which violence
crosses imaginations, materialities and experiences in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It
argues that violence produces and reproduces representations, forms of urban
management and everyday experiences that coexist and intersect in Rio de Janeiro,
as a city that seeks to build itself as post-colonial in the everyday. To this end,
the thesis addresses the relationship between violence and the city through four
points of contact. First, the thesis presents the concept of city-violence, from
which an interpretation is built on the relationship between the material and
immaterial formation of the city of Rio de Janeiro and the violent dynamics of
racialization of the urban space in the historical-political context of a forged postcolonization.
Then, it works with the idea of the sensible city, in which it
discusses the extent to which certain processes of racialization of urban space, in
their many forms and manifestations, forged urban-aesthetic regimes that distribute
places and spaces for existence and circulation of bodies, perceptions, sensations,
objects and subjects in the city. In the third part of the thesis, it analyzes the
interpretations of violence that circulate, produce and inform the management of
urban space in the city of Rio de Janeiro, based on a critical mapping of the field of
knowledge and practices that forge meanings, representations and imaginations
about violence in/and the city. Specifically, the thesis addresses the ways in which
these interpretations produce limits, margins and silences on the relationship
between race, racism, coloniality and violence in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The
final chapter focuses on the imaginations, materialities and experiences of the war
in the city, discussing how the concept of militarization crosses representations
and experiences of the post-colonial city. This part also includes an interpretation
on the counter-knowledge about war in/and the city that is produced daily and
from which it is possible to glimpse insurgent intellectualities and counteraesthetics,
capable of pointing out new meanings and interpretations for the
relations between violence and the configurations of coloniality in the urban space.
By exploring the multiple connections between violence and the city of Rio de
Janeiro, this thesis aims at offering an original theoretical contribution to the field
of International Relations that studies the dynamics of violence within cities in
contexts of post-colonization, arguing for the necessity of building new epistemic
and decolonial possibilities to study the realtions between violence, the city and
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Africana Critical Pedagogy: A Black Existential JourneyMuhammed, Armiya Khaleel 24 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa doutoral se propõe a desenvolver um quadro
interpretativo para grandes projetos de infraestrutura logística internacional que não
se subscreva aos roteiros analíticos conhecidos e extensamente explorados, sob
rubrica do desenvolvimento, da modernização e tampouco se circunscreva aos
limites conceituais e analíticos de abordagens derivadas de paradigmas da inclusãoexclusão ou, ainda, da expulsão que, a seu turno, seguem informando métodos e
óticas dos estudos sociológicos e políticos voltados às políticas internacionais de
infraestrutura portuária industrial. Em obras recentes voltadas ao estudo crítico dos
processos do fenômeno designado como globalização a alguns fóruns de economia
política internacional no Brasil, há uma ampla percepção de inadequação dos
repertórios e léxicos críticos há muito estabelecidos para responder ao quadro
político. Nesse cenário, esta tese se articula sobre as linhas do que designamos como
uma (leitura) política subterrânea, que, efetivamente visa à elaboração da equação
política que subjaz a processos históricos de desumanização, deslocamento e
desapropriação dos mesmos grupos racializados, de modo a minar suas
infraestruturas culturais, sociais, política. Em vias subterrâneas, o trabalho objetiva
refazer os termos segundo os quais fazemos sentidos de dinâmicas que se
concretizam, no terreno, como guerras comerciais e territoriais, conforme
empreendidas no quadro desses projetos. Conceitos centrais a esses dinâmicas,
como terra, infraestrutura e logística são, assim, retrabalhados à luz da produção
dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, especialmente os de linhagem fanoniana,
conforme mapeamento conceitual realizado na tese. A perspectiva de base que
anima todo o esforço analítico é a de que a tão almejada renovação do repertório
analítico, repetidamente expressa em estudos internacionais e fóruns locais
recentes, seja em política internacional, sociologia política, seja em geografia
humana e em economia política internacional, especialmente aqueles que focalizem
os projetos de infraestrutura logística desta monta, depende de um engajamento
efetivo com as redes dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, bem como com leituras (pós-
)coloniais históricas, constituídas em modo dialógico no eixo transatlântico. Nesse
espírito, a pesquisa desenvolve uma analítica da qual se propõe o conceito de
desterro. É, precisamente, a partir desse conceito que o trabalho se volta ao exame
da literatura crítica sobre logística e projetos de infraestrutura, com o objetivo de
desvelar as relações entre as dinâmicas passadas e presentes do desterro em relação
com as práticas logísticas contemporâneas. Em seguida, o estudo dirige esse
enfoque e léxico crítico, historicamente informado, ao caso do Complexo Logístico
Industrial de Porto do Açu, com especial atenção para constituição do Distrito
Industrial do Porto do Açu, momento da pesquisa em que o conceito é posto em
operação. O trabalho pretende contribuir para os estudos em política internacional
por meio da aposta no potencial dos estudos africano-diaspórica em interpretar e
abrir caminhos de disputa política sobre essas complexas dinâmicas políticoeconômicas transnacionais contemporâneas. / [en] This doctoral research aims to develop an interpretive framework with
which to examine large international logistics infrastructure projects in ways that
do not reiterate the already-known and extensively explored analytical scripts
advanced under the banner of development, modernization, a framework which
does not remain circumscribed to the conceptual and analytical limits of approaches
structured by the paradigm of inclusion-exclusion or inclusion-expulsion. This
paradigm continues to inform methods and approaches in political sociology and
international politics applied to the investigation of the international politics of
industrial port infrastructure. Nevertheless, from recent critical work delving into
processes of so-called globalization to international political economy forums in
Brazil, there is a perceived sense of inadequacy of long-established critical
repertoires and lexicons in responding to the political scenario. In this context, the
dissertation is articulated along the lines of what we designate as politics of the
underground, which effectively seeks to elaborate the political equation that allows
for the continued processes of dehumanization, displacement and dispossession of
the same racialized groups, and for their permanently undermined cultural, social,
political infrastructure. Moving underneath the soil, the research aims to remake
the terms according to which we make sense of dynamics that materialize as
commercial and territorial wars within the context of these industrial port
infrastructure projects. Concepts central to these dynamics, such as land,
infrastructure and logistics, are thus rearticulated in the light of the Africandiasporic studies, especially those sharing a common Fanonian lineage, according
to the conceptual and genealogical mapping carried out in the research. The
fundamental perspective that animates the entire analytical endeavor is that the
long-awaited renewal of the analytical repertoire, as expressed in various studies in
international politics, political sociology, as well as in human geography and in
international political economy, which critically assess these sorts of infrastructure
projects, hinges on, as its condition of possibility, an effective engagement with the
networks of African-diasporic studies, as well as with (post)colonial historical
approaches, forged in dialogical fashion along the trans-Atlantic axis. In this spirit,
the research puts forth an analytics from which the concept of desterro emerges. It
is precisely by mobilizing the concept of desterro that the work undertakes a critical
examination of the most recent critical literature on logistics and infrastructure
projects, while seeking to unveil the relationships between dynamics of desterro,
past and present, in connection with contemporary logistic practices. The study then
directs its critical, historically-informed lenses to the case of the Port of Açu
Industrial Logistic Complex, particularly focusing on the constitution of the Port of
Açu Industrial District, a moment in which the concept is put into operation. This
dissertation intends to contribute to the studies in international politics by shedding
light on the critical potential of African-diaspora studies namely in interpreting and
opening paths for political disputes over complex transnational political-economic
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Black student experiences in english Quebec schools : a DisCrit composite counter-story of the special education placement processCollins, Tya 12 1900 (has links)
Alors que l’on observe un déni du racisme systémique dans le discours politique dominant au Québec, les citoyen.nes et les immigrant.es racisé.es sont les cibles de traitements oppressifs dans diverses institutions à travers la province, y compris au sein des écoles (Pierre et Bosset, 2020). Cette situation concerne plus particulièrement les élèves noir.es qui ont témoigné avoir subi des expériences de racisme dans les établissements d'enseignement (CDPDJ, 2011; Collins et Magnan, 2018; Louis, 2020). Face au déni du racisme caractéristique du discours dominant, une étude empirique, dans une perspective intersectionnelle et critique, s’avère nécessaire afin d’analyser les expériences scolaires des élèves noir.es, au regard des expériences de racisme vécues et en lien avec leur portrait socio-éducatif préoccupant (Caldas et al., 2009; Livingstone & Weinfeld, 2017). Eu égard à la surreprésentation des jeunes Noir.es en adaptation scolaire (Mc Andrew et Ledent, 2008), cette étude documente plus spécifiquement les expériences des élèves noir.es dans les écoles anglophones du Québec tout au long du processus de classement. Il s’agit également d’analyser les obstacles structurels auxquels ces élèves font face.
Cette recherche prend appui sur le cadre théorique « Discrit » (Annamma et al, 2016) qui met en évidence l’interrelation entre le capacitisme et le racisme, en analysant comment l’articulation entre ces deux dimensions contribue au maintien de systèmes éducatifs inéquitables. De même, une approche méthodologique qualitative critique a été privilégiée, à travers le recours à la méthode du contre-récit (Solorzano & Yosso, 2002). Les entretiens - menés auprès de 21 intervenant.es scolaires et de 20 élèves du secondaire - ainsi que l’analyse des dossiers scolaires de ces derniers, ont principalement fait ressortir l’existence d’un décalage entre les discours des intervenant.es relatifs à leurs pratiques - perçues généralement comme inclusives, bienveillantes et bénéfiques pour les élèves - et les expériences relatées par la plupart des élèves. La majorité des élèves noir.es interrogé.es se trouvait dans l’impossibilité de participer pleinement au processus menant à leur classement en adaptation scolaire, n’ayant pas connaissance des codes et des étiquettes qui leur avaient été attribuées, ni des mesures de soutien existantes. Ils (Elles) se sentaient confronté.es à des environnements d’apprentissage perçus comme malveillants et insécures, à la négligence scolaire ainsi qu'à des formes sévères de discipline. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent que les processus de classement en adaptation scolaire sont entachés de pratiques et de politiques racistes et capacitistes envers les enfants noir.es dont les droits éducatifs ne sont pas pleinement respectés -ces derniers étant traités comme des adultes, médicalisés et criminalisés. / While systemic racism continues to be denied in dominant political discourse in Quebec, racialized citizens and immigrants are the targets of oppressive treatment in various institutions across the province, including schools (Pierre & Bosset, 2020). This situation is particularly salient for Black students who have reported various manifestations of anti-Black racism in educational institutions (CDPDJ, 2011; Collins & Magnan, 2018; Louis, 2020). These experiences in conjunction with their concerning socio-educational portrait (Caldas et al., 2009; Livingstone & Weinfeld, 2017) and the predominant race and racism denial discourse incite a critical intersectional investigation of their school experiences. Specifically in light of their overrepresentation in special education (Mc Andrew & Ledent, 2008), this study documents Black student experiences in Quebec English schools throughout the special education placement process, and analyzes the systemic and structural barriers they encounter.
A DisCrit theoretical framework guided the inquiry, as it addresses the interrelationship of ableism and racism, and how they work in tandem to maintain systems of inequity (Annamma et al., 2016). Similarly, a critical qualitative methodological approach was employed, using a counter-story method (Solorzano & Yosso, 2002). Following the analysis of interviews with 21 school board members and 20 high school students, as well as their student files, the main results showed that while school board personnel perceived most of their practices as inclusive, benevolent, and beneficial to students, the majority of the reported student experiences do not coincide. Throughout the special education placement process, Black students were prevented from accessing information and fully participating in their own special education placement processes, as the majority were unaware of the codes and labels they had been attributed, and the support measures available to them. They were exposed to perceived unwelcoming and unsafe environments, academic neglect, as well as harsh forms of discipline. The analysis of the results suggests that special education placement processes are tainted by anti-Black and ableist practices and policies that adultify, medicalized and criminalize the behaviors of Black children, while failing to fully uphold their educational rights.
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