Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antiferromagnetism"" "subject:"antiferromagnetismo""
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Spectroscopic investigation of the three-dimensional topological insulators (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\) and HgTe: band structure, orbital symmetries, and influence of the cation \(d\)-states / Spektroskopische Untersuchung der dreidimensionalen topologischen Isolatoren (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\) und HgTe: Bandstruktur, orbitale Symmetrien und Einfluss der kationischen \(d\)-ZuständeCrespo Vidal, Can Raphael January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the electronic properties of two materials that promise the realization and observation of novel exotic quantum phenomena. For this purpose, angle-resolved photoemission forms the experimental basis for the investigation of the electronic properties. Furthermore, the magnetic order is investigated utilizing X-ray dichroism measurements.
First, the bulk and surface electronic structure of epitaxially grown HgTe in its three-dimensional topological insulator phase is investigated. In this study, synchrotron radiation is used to address the three-dimensional band structure and orbital composition of the bulk states by employing photon-energy-dependent and polarization-dependent measurements, respectively. In addition, the topological surface state is examined on in situ grown samples using a laboratory photon source. The resulting data provide a means to experimentally localize the bulk band inversion in momentum space and to evidence the momentum-dependent change in the orbital character of the inverted bulk states.
Furthermore, a rather new series of van der Waals compounds, (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\), is investigated. First, the magnetic properties of the first two members of the series, MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) and MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\), are studied via X-ray absorption-based techniques. The topological surface state on the two terminations of MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\) is analyzed using circular dichroic, photon-energy-dependent, and spin-resolved photoemission. The topological state on the (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))-layer termination shows a free-standing Dirac cone with its Dirac point located in the bulk band gap. In contrast, on the (Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))-layer termination the surface state hybridizes with the bulk valences states, forming a spectral weight gap, and exhibits a Dirac point that is buried within the bulk continuum. Lastly, the lack of unambiguous evidence in the literature showing a temperature-dependent mass gap opening in these magnetic topological insulators is discussed through MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\). / In dieser Arbeit werden die elektronischen Eigenschaften zweier Materialien untersucht, welche die Realisierung und Beobachtung neuartiger exotischer Quantenphänomene versprechen. Hierbei bildet die winkelaufgelöste Photoemission die experimentelle Grundlade für die Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften. Zudem wird die magnetische Ordnung mittels Röntgendichroismusmessungen untersucht. Zunächst wird die elektronische Volumen- und Oberflächenstruktur von epitaktisch gewachsenem HgTe in der Phase eines dreidimensionalen topologischen Isolators untersucht. In dieser Studie wird Synchrotronstrahlung verwendet, um die dreidimensionale Bandstruktur und die orbitale Zusammensetzung der Volumenzustände durch photonenenergieabhängige bzw. polarisationsabhängige Messungen zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus wird der topologische Oberflächenzustand an in situ gewachsenen Proben mit einer Laborphotonenquelle untersucht. Die daraus resultierenden Daten ermöglichen eine Lokalisierung der Bandinversion im Impulsraum und den Nachweis der impulsabhängigen Veränderung des Orbitalcharakters der invertierten Volumenzustände. Zusätzlich wird eine relativ neue Reihe von van-der-Waals-Verbindungen, (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\))(Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\), untersucht. Zunächst werden die magnetischen Eigenschaften der ersten beiden Mitglieder der Reihe, MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) und MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\), mittels Röntgenabsorptionsverfahren bestimmt. Der topologische Oberflächenzustand auf den beidem Terminierungen von MnBi\(_4\)Te\(_7\) wird unter der Verwendung von zirkularem Dichroismus, photonenenergieabhängiger sowie spinaufgelöster Photoemission analysiert. Der topologische Zustand auf der (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\)-Terminierung zeigt dabei einen freistehenden Dirac-Zustand mit einem in der Volumenbandlücke liegendem Dirac-Punkt. Im Gegensatz dazu hybridisiert der Oberflächenzustand auf der (Bi\(_2\)Te\(_3\))\(_n\)-Terminierung mit den Volumenzuständen, wodurch eine Lücke im spektralen Gewicht entsteht, und weist einen Dirac-Punkt auf, der vom Volumenkontinuum überlagert ist. Abschließend wird das Fehlen einer eindeutigen Beweislage in der Literatur, die eine temperaturabhängige Öffnung einer Energielücke in diesen Materialien zeigt, anhand von (MnBi\(_2\)Te\(_4\) diskutiert.
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Investigations on the parent compounds of Fe-chalcogenide superconductorsKoz, Cevriye 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This work is focused on the parent compounds of the Fe-chalcogenide superconductors. For this purpose poly- and single-crystalline forms of tetragonal β-FexSe, Fe1+yTe, Fe1+yTe1-xSex and Fe(1+y)-xMxTe (M = Ni, Co) have been prepared. Second focal points of this study are the low-temperature structural phase transitions and physical property changes in tetragonal Fe1+yTe which are induced by composition, external pressure, and cationic substitution.
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Kristallchemie, Struktur und magnetische Eigenschaften von Cu(Mo x W 1-x)O 4-MischkristallenSchwarz, Björn Christian. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2007--Darmstadt.
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Magnetismus v necentrosymetricke uranove sloucenine: UIrSi3 / Magnetism in non-centrosymmetric uranium compound: UIrSi3Valenta, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
Title: Magnetism in the non-centrosymmetric uranium compound: UIrSi3 Author: RNDr. Jaroslav Valenta Department: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D., DCMP Abstract: The study presented in this thesis is focused on UIrSi3 which is one of two known uranium compounds that crystallize in a non-centrosymmetric structure. This first study of UIrSi3 in single-crystalline form confirms antiferromagnetic order below TN = 41.7 K and reveals strong uniaxial anisotropy. The antiferromagnetic order is suppressed by application of a magnetic field along the c axis (0HC = 7.3 T at 2 K). In contrast, application of a magnetic field up to 14 T along the a axis gives paramagnetic response. The high TN, contrasting with the low 0HC, together with the opposite signs of the paramagnetic Curie temperatures of the a-axis and c-axis paramagnetic susceptibility indicate a competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions. The first-order metamagnetic transition at HC shows asymmetric hysteresis which reflects a complex antiferromagnetic ground state. With increasing temperature, the hysteresis becomes gradually smaller and vanishes at 28 K where the first-order transition changes to second-order transition which remains up to TN. The point where the...
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Investigations on the parent compounds of Fe-chalcogenide superconductorsKoz, Cevriye 22 June 2015 (has links)
This work is focused on the parent compounds of the Fe-chalcogenide superconductors. For this purpose poly- and single-crystalline forms of tetragonal β-FexSe, Fe1+yTe, Fe1+yTe1-xSex and Fe(1+y)-xMxTe (M = Ni, Co) have been prepared. Second focal points of this study are the low-temperature structural phase transitions and physical property changes in tetragonal Fe1+yTe which are induced by composition, external pressure, and cationic substitution.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Selected Lithium Based CompoundsRudisch, Christian 13 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the NMR measurements on the single crystals LiMnPO4 and Li0.9FeAs. Therefore, the thesis is divided into two separated sections. The first part reports on the competitive next generation cathode material LiMnPO4 with a stable reversible capacity up to 145 mAh/g and a rather flat discharge voltage curve at 4.1 V. For the basic understanding of the material the magnetic properties have been investigated by a Li and P NMR study in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phase. LiMnPO4 shows a strong anisotropy of the dipolar hyperfine coupling due to the strong local magnetic moments at the Mn site. The corresponding dipole tensor of the Li- and P-nuclei is fully determined by orientation and temperature dependent NMR experiments and compared to the calculated values from crystal structure data. Deviations of the experimentally determined values from the theoretical ones are discussed in terms of Mn disorder which could have an impact on the mobility of the Li ions. The disorder is corroborated by diffuse x-ray diffraction experiments which indicate a shift of the heavy elements in the lattice, namely the Mn atoms. Furthermore, the spin arrangement in the relative strong field of 7.0494 T in the antiferromagnetic state is understood by the NMR measurements. In order to obtain parameters of the Li ion diffusion in LiMnPO4 measurements of the spin lattice relaxation rate were performed. Due to the strong dipolar coupling between the Li-nuclei and the magnetic moments at the Mn site it is difficult to extract parameters which can characterize the diffusive behavior of the Li ions.
The second section reports on the AC/DC susceptibility and NMR/NQR studies on Li deficit samples labeled as Li0.9FeAs. LiFeAs belongs to the family of the superconducting Pnictides which are discovered in 2008 by H. Hosono et al. In recent studies the stoichiometric compound reveals triplet superconductivity below Tc ∼ 18 K which demands ferromagnetic coupling of the electrons in the Cooper pairs. In Li0.9FeAs the Li deficit acts like hole doping which suppresses the superconductivity. Then ferromagnetism can arise which is very interesting because of the vicinity to the triplet superconductivity. With the microscopic methods NMR/NQR on the Li and As nuclei, it was investigated where the ferromagnetism can be located in Li0.9FeAs. Recent susceptibility, ESR and µSR studies reveal an internal field due to the ferromagnetism. In contrast, the internal field could not be used to perform zero field NMR measurements. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. In addition, the automatic insitu AC susceptibility technique by using the NMR radio frequency circuit has been tested by a reference compound Co2TiGa which shows itinerant ferromagnetism. Similar curves are observed for Li0.9FeAs which indicate the existence of itinerant magnetic moments in Li0.9FeAs. Furthermore, in order to determine the size of the dipolar contribution from the magnetic moments of the Fe the dipolar hyperfine coupling tensor was calculated from the crystal structure data. The comparison of the experimental and calculated hyperfine coupling elements reveals transferred hyperfine fields in LiFeAs.
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Electronic and magnetic properties of alpha-FeGe2 / A potential material for 2D spintronicsCzubak, Dietmar 29 August 2022 (has links)
Die rasanten Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung neuartiger 2D-Materialien haben
in den letzten Jahren auch das Forschungsfeld der Spintronik stetig bereichert aufgrund
der vielseitigen physikalischen Eigenschaften und der Flexibilität hinsichtlich
der Realisierung von Heterostrukturen. Das erst kürzlich entdeckte metastabile und
geschichtete Material alpha-FeGe2 trägt das Potenzial, in die Klasse der bekannten 2D Materialien aufgenommen zu werden. In dieser Dissertation werden die elektrischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von alpha-FeGe2 diskutiert, basierend auf elektrischen Transportmessungen bei unterschiedlichen äußeren Magnetfeldern und Temperaturen. Zur Untersuchung von magnetoresistiven Effekten wurden Spinventilstrukturen mit alpha-FeGe2 als Trennmaterial zwischen zwei metallische Ferromagnete verwendet. Es wird gezeigt, dass alpha-FeGe2 eine dickenabhängige kritische Temperatur besitzt, die bei etwa 100 K liegt und mit einem magnetischen Phasenübergang von der antiferromagnetischen Phase für T > 100 K in die ferromagnetische Phase bei T < 100 K verknüpft ist. Dieser Phasenübergang wird von Berechnungen aus der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) gestützt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die magnetische Ordnung in der alpha-FeGe2-Trennschicht einen starken Einfluss auf die Spinventilsignale ausübt. Insbesondere spielt hierbei die Auswirkung auf die magnetische Interschichtkopllung zwischen den ferromagnetischen Elektroden aus Fe3Si oder Co2FeSi eine entscheidende Rolle. Die magnetische Kopplung an der Grenzfläche zwischen antiferromagnetischem alpha-FeGe2 und Fe3Si führt zu einer Anisotropie in den Spinventilsignalen hinsichtlich der Orientierung des externen Magnetfeldes. Diese Anisotropie wird durch ein komplexes Zusammenspiel zwischen der Magnetisierung der ferromagnetischen Elektroden und der magnetischen Vorzugsrichtung des antiferromagnetischen alpha-FeGe2, die durch den sog. Néelvektor beschrieben wird, diskutiert. / The rapid progress in the development of new 2D materials have also enriched
spintronic research in recent years, thanks to their versatile physical properties and
flexibility with regard to the design of heterostructures. The prominent examples
graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have the prospect to represent
the basis of future spintronic applications, in particular due to their tunability
and multifunctionality. The recently discovered metastable layered material alpha-FeGe2
is a potential candidate for being added to this class of materials. In this work,
the electrical and magnetic properties of alpha-FeGe2 are studied, based on results from
electrical transport measurements at different external magnetic fields and temperatures.
For the investigation of magnetoresistive effects, spin valve devices containing
alpha-FeGe2 as a spacer layer between two metallic ferromagnets have been utilized. It is
shown that alpha-FeGe2 exhibits a thickens dependent critical temperature around 100 K
at which it undergoes a magnetic phase transition from an antiferromagnetic state
at T > 100 K to a ferromagnetic state at T < 100 K. This phase transition is also
predicted by density functional theory (DFT) calculations and reflected in a disappearing
spin valve signal at low temperatures. It is demonstrated that the magnetic
phase of the alpha-FeGe2 spacer strongly influences the performance of spin valves, particularly via the impact on the magnetic interlayer coupling between the ferromagnetic
electrodes made of Fe3Si or Co2FeSi. The magnetic coupling at the interface
between antiferromagnetic alpha-FeGe2 and Fe3Si was found to induce anisotropies in
the spin valve signal with regard to the external magnetic field orientation. This
anisotropy is explained in terms of a complex interplay between the misalignment
between the ferromagnetic electrodes and the magnetically preferred direction of the
antiferromagentic alpha-FeGe2 described by the Néel vector.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Selected Lithium Based CompoundsRudisch, Christian 26 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the NMR measurements on the single crystals LiMnPO4 and Li0.9FeAs. Therefore, the thesis is divided into two separated sections. The first part reports on the competitive next generation cathode material LiMnPO4 with a stable reversible capacity up to 145 mAh/g and a rather flat discharge voltage curve at 4.1 V. For the basic understanding of the material the magnetic properties have been investigated by a Li and P NMR study in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phase. LiMnPO4 shows a strong anisotropy of the dipolar hyperfine coupling due to the strong local magnetic moments at the Mn site. The corresponding dipole tensor of the Li- and P-nuclei is fully determined by orientation and temperature dependent NMR experiments and compared to the calculated values from crystal structure data. Deviations of the experimentally determined values from the theoretical ones are discussed in terms of Mn disorder which could have an impact on the mobility of the Li ions. The disorder is corroborated by diffuse x-ray diffraction experiments which indicate a shift of the heavy elements in the lattice, namely the Mn atoms. Furthermore, the spin arrangement in the relative strong field of 7.0494 T in the antiferromagnetic state is understood by the NMR measurements. In order to obtain parameters of the Li ion diffusion in LiMnPO4 measurements of the spin lattice relaxation rate were performed. Due to the strong dipolar coupling between the Li-nuclei and the magnetic moments at the Mn site it is difficult to extract parameters which can characterize the diffusive behavior of the Li ions.
The second section reports on the AC/DC susceptibility and NMR/NQR studies on Li deficit samples labeled as Li0.9FeAs. LiFeAs belongs to the family of the superconducting Pnictides which are discovered in 2008 by H. Hosono et al. In recent studies the stoichiometric compound reveals triplet superconductivity below Tc ∼ 18 K which demands ferromagnetic coupling of the electrons in the Cooper pairs. In Li0.9FeAs the Li deficit acts like hole doping which suppresses the superconductivity. Then ferromagnetism can arise which is very interesting because of the vicinity to the triplet superconductivity. With the microscopic methods NMR/NQR on the Li and As nuclei, it was investigated where the ferromagnetism can be located in Li0.9FeAs. Recent susceptibility, ESR and µSR studies reveal an internal field due to the ferromagnetism. In contrast, the internal field could not be used to perform zero field NMR measurements. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. In addition, the automatic insitu AC susceptibility technique by using the NMR radio frequency circuit has been tested by a reference compound Co2TiGa which shows itinerant ferromagnetism. Similar curves are observed for Li0.9FeAs which indicate the existence of itinerant magnetic moments in Li0.9FeAs. Furthermore, in order to determine the size of the dipolar contribution from the magnetic moments of the Fe the dipolar hyperfine coupling tensor was calculated from the crystal structure data. The comparison of the experimental and calculated hyperfine coupling elements reveals transferred hyperfine fields in LiFeAs.
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Thermische Tieftemperatureigenschaften von Magnesium-Diborid und Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbiden / Thermal Properties of Magnesium Diboribe and Rare Earth Nickel Borocarbides at Low TemperaturesSchneider, Matthias 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study the results of investigations on polycrystalline MgB2 and on single crystals of YNi2B2C and HoNi2B2C are presented. In particular, measurementes of specific electrical resistance, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power, and of the linear thermal expansion coefficient were performed. Moreover, the specific heat of polycristalline borocarbide samples was evaluated. From the measured data, the temperature dependencies of the Lorenz number and of the Grueneisen parameter can be determined, also the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature using the Ehrenfest relation. At low temperatures a characteristic deviation of the resistivity from the Bloch-Grueneisen law in the normal state for all investigated substances was observed. A reentrant behaviour in resistivity and thermoelectric power occurs at the antiferromagnetic phase transition of HoNi2B2C. The thermal conductivity of MgB2 below 7 K is dominated by the scattering of phonons at grain boundaries. The absence of both, a maximum of thermal conductivity in the superconducting state, and the change of its slope at the superconducting transition temperature points to the validity of the two-band model that also describes the temperature dependence of specific heat. Measurements of thermoelectric power confirm the different normal-state character of the charge carriers of the investigated superconductors. Diffusion thermopower and phonon drag describe the measured data of all investigated compounds ov a wide range of temperature. The thermal expansion of HoNi2B2C below 10 K is dominated by the magnetic contribution. For all investigated substances the Grueneisen parameter features very large values in selected temperature ranges. In the case of MgB2, its temperature dependence is evidently connected with the properties of the relevant phonon mode. For the borocarbides, the electrical resistance depends very weakly on the crystallographic direction, but in contrast the thermal conductivity does in a quite strong manner. Despite of the antiferromagnetic phase transition in the case of HoNi2B2C, thermoelectric power and thermal expansion show minor anisotropy. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen an polykristallinem MgB2 sowie an YNi2B2C- und HoNi2B2C-Einkristallen analysiert. Dafür erfolgten Messungen des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstands, der Wärmeleitfähigkeit, der Thermokraft und des linearen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten. Zudem wurde die spezifische Wärmekapazität polykristalliner Borkarbide bestimmt und aus den erhaltenen Daten die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Lorenz-Zahl und des Grüneisen-Parameters sowie mittels der Ehrenfest-Relation die Druckabhängigkeit der Sprungtemperatur ermittelt. Bei tiefen Temperaturen findet man im normalleitenden Zustand für alle betrachteten Substanzen ein charakteristisches Abweichen des Widerstands vom Bloch-Grüneisen-Gesetz. Bei HoNi2B2C tritt beim antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang im Widerstand und in der Thermokraft ein reentrant-Verhalten auf. Die thermische Leitfähigkeit von MgB2 wird unterhalb von 7 K durch die Streuung der Phononen an Korngrenzen bestimmt. Das Fehlen eines Maximums in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit im supraleitenden Zustand und einer Anstiegsänderung bei der Sprungtemperatur liefert einen Hinweis auf die Gültigkeit des Zweibandmodells, mit welchem auch der Temperaturverlauf der Wärmekapazität erklärt werden kann. Messungen der Thermokraft bestätigen den unterschiedlichen Charakter der Ladungsträger im normalleitenden Zustand der untersuchten Supraleiter, wobei Elektronendiffusion und Phonon Drag die Messdaten aller betrachteten Verbindungen in weiten Temperaturbereichen beschreiben. Für HoNi2B2C wird die thermische Ausdehnung unterhalb von 10 K durch den Beitrag der magnetischen Ordnung bestimmt. Der Grüneisen-Parameter weist für alle untersuchten Substanzen in Teilbereichen sehr große Beträge auf. Sein Temperaturverlauf hängt bei MgB2 offenbar mit Eigenschaften der maßgeblichen Phononenmode zusammen. Für die Borkarbide ist die Richtungsabhängigkeit des elektrischen Widerstandes sehr schwach, in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit hingegen recht stark ausgeprägt. Abgesehen vom antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei HoNi2B2C weisen Thermokraft und Ausdehnungskoeffizient eine geringe Anisotropie auf.
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Thermische Tieftemperatureigenschaften von Magnesium-Diborid und Seltenerd-Nickel-BorkarbidenSchneider, Matthias 26 August 2005 (has links)
In the present study the results of investigations on polycrystalline MgB2 and on single crystals of YNi2B2C and HoNi2B2C are presented. In particular, measurementes of specific electrical resistance, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power, and of the linear thermal expansion coefficient were performed. Moreover, the specific heat of polycristalline borocarbide samples was evaluated. From the measured data, the temperature dependencies of the Lorenz number and of the Grueneisen parameter can be determined, also the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature using the Ehrenfest relation. At low temperatures a characteristic deviation of the resistivity from the Bloch-Grueneisen law in the normal state for all investigated substances was observed. A reentrant behaviour in resistivity and thermoelectric power occurs at the antiferromagnetic phase transition of HoNi2B2C. The thermal conductivity of MgB2 below 7 K is dominated by the scattering of phonons at grain boundaries. The absence of both, a maximum of thermal conductivity in the superconducting state, and the change of its slope at the superconducting transition temperature points to the validity of the two-band model that also describes the temperature dependence of specific heat. Measurements of thermoelectric power confirm the different normal-state character of the charge carriers of the investigated superconductors. Diffusion thermopower and phonon drag describe the measured data of all investigated compounds ov a wide range of temperature. The thermal expansion of HoNi2B2C below 10 K is dominated by the magnetic contribution. For all investigated substances the Grueneisen parameter features very large values in selected temperature ranges. In the case of MgB2, its temperature dependence is evidently connected with the properties of the relevant phonon mode. For the borocarbides, the electrical resistance depends very weakly on the crystallographic direction, but in contrast the thermal conductivity does in a quite strong manner. Despite of the antiferromagnetic phase transition in the case of HoNi2B2C, thermoelectric power and thermal expansion show minor anisotropy. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen an polykristallinem MgB2 sowie an YNi2B2C- und HoNi2B2C-Einkristallen analysiert. Dafür erfolgten Messungen des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstands, der Wärmeleitfähigkeit, der Thermokraft und des linearen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten. Zudem wurde die spezifische Wärmekapazität polykristalliner Borkarbide bestimmt und aus den erhaltenen Daten die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Lorenz-Zahl und des Grüneisen-Parameters sowie mittels der Ehrenfest-Relation die Druckabhängigkeit der Sprungtemperatur ermittelt. Bei tiefen Temperaturen findet man im normalleitenden Zustand für alle betrachteten Substanzen ein charakteristisches Abweichen des Widerstands vom Bloch-Grüneisen-Gesetz. Bei HoNi2B2C tritt beim antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang im Widerstand und in der Thermokraft ein reentrant-Verhalten auf. Die thermische Leitfähigkeit von MgB2 wird unterhalb von 7 K durch die Streuung der Phononen an Korngrenzen bestimmt. Das Fehlen eines Maximums in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit im supraleitenden Zustand und einer Anstiegsänderung bei der Sprungtemperatur liefert einen Hinweis auf die Gültigkeit des Zweibandmodells, mit welchem auch der Temperaturverlauf der Wärmekapazität erklärt werden kann. Messungen der Thermokraft bestätigen den unterschiedlichen Charakter der Ladungsträger im normalleitenden Zustand der untersuchten Supraleiter, wobei Elektronendiffusion und Phonon Drag die Messdaten aller betrachteten Verbindungen in weiten Temperaturbereichen beschreiben. Für HoNi2B2C wird die thermische Ausdehnung unterhalb von 10 K durch den Beitrag der magnetischen Ordnung bestimmt. Der Grüneisen-Parameter weist für alle untersuchten Substanzen in Teilbereichen sehr große Beträge auf. Sein Temperaturverlauf hängt bei MgB2 offenbar mit Eigenschaften der maßgeblichen Phononenmode zusammen. Für die Borkarbide ist die Richtungsabhängigkeit des elektrischen Widerstandes sehr schwach, in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit hingegen recht stark ausgeprägt. Abgesehen vom antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei HoNi2B2C weisen Thermokraft und Ausdehnungskoeffizient eine geringe Anisotropie auf.
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