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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių iš socialinės rizikos šeimų profesinio apsisprendimo veiksniai / Factors of vocational decision of teenagers from disadvantaged family

Černiauskaitė, Eglė 27 February 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Profesijos pasirinkimas labai svarbus gyvenimo momentas. Šiandieniniame pasaulyje profesijos rinkimasis tampa vienu svarbiausių jauno žmogaus gyvenimo procesų, kurio metu priimamas sprendimas, įtakosiantis tolimesnį gyvenimą. Profesijos pasirinkimą sąlygoja ne tik įvairūs vidiniai, bet ir išoriniai veiksniai. Tačiau svarbu atsižvelgti į šeimos kultūrinį bei socialinį kontekstą, nes šeima yra vienas pagrindinių informacijos apie profesijas šaltinių ir turi didelę įtaką profesijos pasirinkimo procese. Tyrimo objektas: Paauglių ( 16 – 18 metų) iš socialinės rizikos šeimų profesinio apsisprendimo veiksniai. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1) Tikėtina, kad šeima mažai įtakoja paauglių, iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, profesinį apsisprendimą. 2) Tikėtina, kad pauglių, iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, profesinis apsisprendimas susijęssu pažangumu. 3) Tikėtina, kad pauglių, iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, profesinis apsisprendimo didesnę reikšmę turi vidiniai profesinio apsisprendimo veiksniai, nei išoriniai. Tyrimo tikslas – Išsiaiškinti, paauglių iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, profesinioapsisprendimo veiksnius. Tyrimo metodai:Teoriniai. Siekiant išsiaiškinti veiksnius įtakojančius paauglių iš socialinės rizikos šeimų profesinį apsisprendimą atlikta mokslinės, pedagoginės ir psichologinės literatūros analizė. Empiriniai. Tyrimui pasirinktas anketos metodas, skirtas paaugliams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų. Statistiniai. Tyrimo rezultatai apdoroti bei suskaičiuoti Excel ir SPSS... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of the research. Career choice is a very important moment of life. In today's world choosing the profession is becoming one of the most important process in the young man's life, leading to the decision influencing the continuum of life. The choice of the profession is influencednot only by various internal factors, but also external ones. However, it is important to take into account the family's cultural and social context because the family is one of the main sources of information about careers and have a significant impact on career choices process. Object of the research. Factors of vocational decision of teenagers (16 – 18years) from disadvantaged families. Hypothesis of the research 1) It is likely that the family has a little influence for the vocational decisionfor teenagers from disadvantaged families. 2) It is likely thatvocational decision for teenagers from disadvantaged families is related to their achievement. 3) It is likely that teenagers from disadvantaged families, professional self more importance to internal self-determination of occupational factors than external. Aim of the research. Find out the factors of vocational decision of teenagers from disadvantaged families. Methods of the research. Theoretical. In order to determine the factors influencing the vocational decision of teenagers from disadvantaged families, a scientific, educational and psychological literature was analyzed. Empirical. A questionnaire survey method has been chosen... [to full text]

ŠEIMOS ĮTAKA JAUNUOLIŲ PROFESINIAM APSISPRENDIMUI / The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination

Pugevičienė, Daiva 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Daiva Pugevičienė Subject: The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Akademija, 2006 m. Size of the project: 64 pages The project includes: 6 tables, 27 figures, 4 appendices Literature sources : 43 Object of the research: Youth’s professional self-determination Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources. 2. Questionnaires. 3. Statistic data analysis. Results of the research: • After establishing of the personality type, it became evident that the respondents with objective, social and normal orientation of personality’s type have dominated. After evaluation of personality’s type conformity with chosen profession it was established that profession of only one third of the respondents conforms the orientation of they personality type. • It was determined that the main factor influencing the decision regarding particular profession is that respondents regard the vocation as promising. • It was determined that parents of every fifth student-respondent who take part in the research, did not tried to exhibit the natural abilities of their children. It was established that attention to the natural abilities of children in families are directly related on the education of the respondents’ mothers: the higher the education of the mother, more attention is paid to the natural abilities of children. • Parents have talked to... [to full text]

Vaikų, gyvenančių globos namuose, profesinio apsisprendimo charakteristika / Vocational Inclination of the Children Living in Foster Home, their Character

Paičienė, Julija 23 June 2006 (has links)
We spend at work about one third of our life. That’s why the profession we have chosen reflects not only our duties, but the style of our life, abilities and talent. The main subject of this research work is the vocational inclination and vocational trend. The economical and political situation in our country is changing very quickly and, of course, it has influenced on the way of life in a family, children including. There are too many orphans in the country, they have no parents, they live in poverty, they are pressed by different situations, at last they get in to children’s homes. The aim of this work is to examine the vocational aptitude of the children living in Foster Homes. The following tasks are discussed: 1. To compare the vocational inclinations of the children living in Foster Homes and the children living at home. 2. To compare vocational inclination and orientation of a personality in test groups. 3. To compare vocational aptitude and inclination of girls and boys. 4. To find the linking between vocational trend, personal orientation & age. After getting the results of the research, we see the children who live in Foster Home take the decisions much more difficult. They are not sure in their decisions, they can’t come to final conclusion. This psychological stress greatly influence on their vocational aptitude.

Vyresniųjų gimnazijos klasių moksleivių profesinio apsisprendimo charakteristika / Decision Making Characteristic of Older Gymnasium Pupils

Vansevičiūtė, Rūta 27 June 2006 (has links)
Decision Making Characteristic of Older Gymnasium Pupils It was searched in this work decision making peculiarities of older gymnasium pupils. Determinant of professional purposefulness and revealed subjective and objective conditions: sex, age, academic progress, decision making conditions, dominating valuable orientations were investigated. 508 pupils from Utena Adolfas Šapoka Gymnasium were observed using S. Kregždė questionnaire of professional interests and H. J. Eysenck personality test. ( extraversion- intraversion, neurotisme and lie scales ). The aim of the work was investigate decision making of pupils from X, XI, XII forms. This aim was realized solving such tasks: 1. Compare decision making decisive circumstances of pupils from X, XI, XII forms. 2. Compare decision making peculiarities of pupils in different levels of professional purposefulness ( decided and non-decided) groups. 3. Investigate the relation between pupils’ personal characteristics ( extraversion, introversion and neurotisme ) and decision making. 4. Establish the relation between pupils’ academic progress and decision making. 5. Compare decision making peculiarities of pupils from X – XII forms in ladies and lasses groups. Decision making differences were found in different professional purposefulness level ( decided and non-decided) groups. The hypothesis was confirmed partly that characteristics of personality (extraversion, introversion and neurotisme) are connected with decision making of... [to full text]

10 – 12 klasių moksleivių profesinio apsisprendimo veiksnių analizė / Analysis of factors for career selection among students of classes 10 - 12

Umantaitė, Viktorija 09 April 2009 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausia problema, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninės gerovės augimas. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis moksleivio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad jaunuolis suprastų, jog pasitenkinimas darbu gali būti tik tuomet, jei bus tinkamai pasirinkta profesija ar specialybė. / Choosing a profession is one of the most topical problems, as the growth of personal well-being depends on its successful solution. It is very important that students would take their first decision deliberately, purposeful in order the young man would understand, the satisfaction with the work is possible only when a profession or specialty is chosen properly.

Laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principas tarptautinėje teisėje ir jo įgyvendinimo ribos / The principle of self-determination of peoples in international law and the limits of its implementation

Bružaitė, Gabrielė 25 January 2008 (has links)
Darbo tema – laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principas tarptautinėje teisėje ir jo įgyvendinimo ribos. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir įvertinti esminius laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principo reglamentavimo tarptautinėje teisėje bei realizavimo teorinius ir praktinius aspektus. Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjame šio principo evoliuciją tarptautinėje teisėje. Laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principo kilmė siejama su Amerikos ir Prancūzijos revoliucijomis ir idėja, kad valdžia remiasi tautos valia. Po Pirmojo pasaulinio karo jis tapo JAV prezidento Woodrow Wilson idealu, perbraižant Europos žemėlapį, tačiau nebuvo taikomas nuosekliai. Kadangi Europos imperijų suskaldymas ir naujų tautinių valstybių sukūrimas buvo įtakojamas ekonominių interesų, istorinių pretenzijų ir strateginių išskaičiavimų, laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principą iki Antrojo Pasaulinio karo pabaigos galime vertinti tik kaip politinę deklaraciją. Laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principas teisės statusą įgijo Jungtinių Tautų režime dekolonizacijos kontekste. Nors Jungtinių Tautų chartijoje įtvinta tik labai abstrakti šio principo formuluotė, jo ribas apibrėžia vėlesnės Generalinės Asamblėjos rezoliucijos. Šaltojo karo pabaiga privertė persvarstyti analizuojamo principo turinį. Tapo akivaizdu, kad apsisprendimo teisė peržengė dekolonizacijos ribas, tačiau iškilo naujų klausimų dėl to, kam priklauso šis principas bei, ar jis apima teisę atsiskirti. Antroje darbo dalyje analizuojame laisvo tautų apsisprendimo principo apimtį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the paper is the principle of self-determination of peoples in international law and the limits of its implementation. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate theoretical and practical aspects of regulation and implementation of the principle of self-determination of peoples. In the first part of the paper we examine the evolution of the principle in international law. The origin of the principle of self-determination of peoples is connected with the American and French revolutions in late XVIII century and the idea that government derives from the will of people. After the First World War the principle became the ideal of USA president Woodrow Wilson and it was used in redrawing the map of Europe, its practical application was inconsistent though. Since the dismemberment of European empires and the creation of the new national states were based on economic interests, historical claims and strategic calculations we can think of the principle of self-determination of peoples till the Second World War as the political declaration only. The principle of self-determination of peoples got the status of the right of international law under the regime of United Nations in the context of decolonization. Though the formulation of the principle in the Charter of United Nations is abstract, its content is clarified by the resolutions of the General Assembly. The scope of the principle was revised after the Cold War. It became obviously that the right of... [to full text]

Vilniaus miesto ir Vilniaus rajono mokyklų IX- XII klasių moksleivių profesinio apsisprendimo lyginamoji charakteristika / Thesis career determination of 9-12 form students in Vilnius city and Vilnius region‘s secondary schools is researched

Česnytė, Renata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe išnagrinėtas Vilniaus miesto ir Vilniaus rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių profesinis apsisprendimas. Magistro darbo tikslas – remiantis naujausiais tyrimo rezultatais sudaryti Vilniaus miesto ir Vilniaus rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių profesinio apsisprendimo lyginamąją charakteristiką. Iškelti tyrimo uždaviniai: nustatyti, kokios profesijos pačios populiariausios tarp Vilniaus miesto ir Vilniaus rajono moksleivių, išsiaiškinti, ar moksleiviai pakankamai susipažino su pasirenkama profesija, palyginti profesinio apsisprendimo motyvus, sužinoti mokinių požiūrį į išsimokslinimą, išsiaiškinti, ar tėvų išsilavinimas daro įtaką moksleivių profesiniam apsisprendimui.Atlikto tyrimo išvados: miesto moksleiviai labiau linkę mokytis aukštojo mokslo įtaigose, jiems svarbu pasirinkti pelningą profesiją, susikurti tvirtą materialinį pagrindą, tapti savarankiškais, didesnė dalis Vilniaus rajono mokinių labiau orientuojasi į kolegijas ar profesines mokyklas, jiems renkantis profesiją padeda apsispręsti individo sugebėjimai, polinkiai ir interesai. Lyginant respondentų grupes pastebėta, kad tėvų išsilavinimas turi didelę įtaką mokinių požiūriui į mokslą ir profesinį pasirinkimą. / In this MA thesis career determination of 9-12 form students in Vilnius city and Vilnius region‘s secondary schools is researched. The aim of this MA thesis is to conduct a comparative study of 9-12 form students‘ career determination in Vilnius city and Vilnius region‘s secondary schools. The goals of the study are as follows: to identify the most popular professions among the students of Vilnius city and Vilnius region‘s secondary schools; to find out whether the students are sufficiently acquainted with the chosen future professions; to compare the students‘ motives for career choices; to find out the students‘ attitude towards education; to discover whether parents‘education has any influence on the students‘career choice. The findings of the study are as follows: students from the city schools are more inclined to study in the institutions of higher education; for them it is important to choose a financially rewarding profession, to establish a sound material base and to become independent; whereas a major part of students from Vilnius region secondary schools are more oriented towards colleges and vocational schools; individual abilities, dispositions and interests help them to make career choices. The comparison of the two respondent groups makes it explicit that parents‘education has a great influence on students‘attitude towards education and career choices.

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