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Twitter as a communications instrument to support the decision making process in UAE policeAlkhyeli, Mansour January 2017 (has links)
Social media are increasingly becoming platforms of choice for communication among individuals and groups of the public, and hence organisations are interested in engaging with communities and the public through this form of media to gain intelligence from such engagements to support their decision making processes. Yet, organisations are missing on realising the potential value from using social media for this type of interaction and engagement, while paucity in research addressing practical ways to use social media communication in supporting decision making still persists. This research investigates and proposes a practical framework for using social media – specifically Twitter – as a communications instrument to support the decision making process in police organisations. The research design is based on developing and evaluating a proof of concept representing engagements between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) police as a case study of police organisations with communities and members of the public in the UAE. The proof of concept is designed based on comparing and contrasting current practices by the UAE police with models, trends, and practices discussed in related literature. The research uses the Grounded Theory methodology to guide sampling, data collection, and analysis. The contribution of the research is to both theory and practice. The research addresses a gap in the body of knowledge for a framework that guides the development of models, policies, and practices for the use of social media as a communication instrument to support decision making in governmental organisations, specifically the police. In addition, the framework offers practical insights to policy makers into using different social media to engage with the public in communication, interactions, and knowledge sharing, with the aim of supporting decision making.
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La répression du crime organisé aux Émirats arabes unis : les instruments internationaux et nationaux de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent provenant d'activités illicites / Combating organized crime in the UAE : international and national instruments in the fight against money laundering from illegal activitiesAlghfeli, Saeed 26 March 2018 (has links)
La répression du crime organisé est un enjeu essentiel de la coopération internationale. Le blanchiment de l’argent provenant d’activités illicites est la phase finale des trafics de toutes natures qui se développent en profitant des nouvelles technologies et de la globalisation des échanges. Les profits des activités criminelles infiltrent les activités économiques légales. Le blanchiment apparaît alors comme une menace contre la stabilité économique mondiale. La détection des mouvements financiers suspects est indispensable pour éviter la contamination du système financier par la criminalité transnationale. L’assainissement des activités économiques à l’échelle mondiale implique l’engagement de tous les états. Les droits nationaux mettent en œuvre de nombreux instruments internationaux qui criminalisent le blanchiment et organisent l’entraide judiciaire. Le système bancaire privé tient un rôle important dans ce dispositif juridique. Les faits montrent que les circuits du crime organisé sont utilisés par les organisations terroristes pour se financer. La capacité du terrorisme à contrôler de vastes territoires et à commettre des attentats partout dans le monde est une menace contre la sécurité internationale. Couper les circuits de financement du terrorisme est un objectif prioritaire. Il a conduit les états à étendre leur coopération et à perfectionner la surveillance des transactions financières et en adaptant les mesures répressives aux spécificités du terrorisme. Les Émirats arabes unis, place financière et commerciale de premier plan dans le Golfe, prennent toute leur part dans la lutte contre l’argent du crime et contre le financement du terrorisme / The repression of organized crime is a key issue of International cooperation. The laundering of money from illicit activities is the final phase of trafficking of all kinds, which is taking advantage of new technologies and the globalization of trade. Profits from criminal activities infiltrate legal economic activities. Money laundering then appears to be a threat to global economic stability. The detection of suspicious financial movements is essential to avoid the contamination of the financial system by transnational crime. The consolidation of economic activities on a global scale implies the commitment of all states. National laws implement many International instruments that criminalize money laundering and organize mutual legal assistance. The private banking system plays an important role in this legal system. The facts show that organized crime circuits are used by terrorist organizations to finance themselves. Terrorism's ability to control large areas and to carry out attacks around the world is a threat to International security. Cutting the financing of terrorism channels is a priority objective. It has led states to extend their cooperation and to improve the supervision of financial transactions and by adapting repressive measures to the specificities of terrorism. The United Arab Emirates, the leading financial and commercial center in the Gulf, is playing its part in the fight against crime money and the financing of terrorism
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Jeunesses arabes d’Abou Dhabi (Émirats arabes unis) : catégories statutaires, sociabilités urbaines et modes de subjectivation / Arab youths of Abu Dhabi : status categories, urban sociability and the shaping of subjectivities in the United Arab EmiratesAssaf, Laure 13 January 2017 (has links)
L’anticipation de l’après-pétrole est, depuis le milieu des années 2000, le leitmotiv du gouvernement des Émirats arabes unis. Au-delà de l’objectif de diversification économique, ce projet passe par des politiques de développement urbain et le contrôle des populations étrangères qui représentent 88 % des résidents. Souvent considérés comme la génération ayant bénéficié des revenus pétroliers, les jeunes adultes nés aux Émirats sont les premiers à subir les effets de ces politiques. Fondée sur une ethnographie des jeunes Émiriens et expatriés arabes ayant grandi à Abou Dhabi, cette thèse prend le contrepied d’analyses souvent centrées sur la division entre citoyens et non-citoyens. Une telle approche permet d’explorer la complexité des hiérarchies statutaires et de leur traduction dans l’espace public. Elle permet surtout de les confronter avec les identifications en termes d’âge et de génération qui se dessinent à travers les sociabilités urbaines de ces jeunesses arabes. Du cosmopolitisme consumériste mis en scène dans les shopping malls, à l’investissement des marges urbaines, en passant par des formes spécifiques d’anonymat, ces jeunes adultes investissent des temporalités et des territoires qui leur sont propres. Ils y façonnent des subjectivités singulières s’exprimant à travers des répertoires communs, notamment une langue arabe réinventée et les usages d’internet. Parmi les imaginaires ainsi partagés, la nostalgie pour les espaces urbains dans lesquels ils ont grandi participe à l’élaboration de leur sentiment commun d’appartenance à la société urbaine. L’étude des pratiques sociales et des processus de subjectivation des jeunesses arabes d’Abou Dhabi ouvre ainsi la voie à l’analyse anthropologique des modes de structuration sociale et de l’urbanité spécifique de la société émirienne contemporaine. / Since the mid-2000s, anticipating the post-oil era has been the leitmotiv of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government. Beyond the project of economic diversification, it has translated to policies of urban development and to the control of foreign residents, who constitute 88 % of the country’s population. Although seen as the generation who benefitted from oil revenues, the young adults who were born in the UAE are subjected first-hand to the consequences of these policies. Based on the ethnographic study of young Emiratis and Arab expatriates who grew up in Abu Dhabi, this thesis detracts from analyses often focused on the divide between citizens and non-citizens. Through an in-depth exploration of the complexities of status hierarchies, it shows how these are translated to public space, but most of all how they are confronted to identifications in terms of age or generation emerging from young adults’ urban sociabilities. From a consumerist cosmopolitanism played out in shopping malls to the appropriation of urban margins and particular forms of anonymity, the Arab youths of Abu Dhabi indeed appropriate specific temporalities and territories. Within them, they model idiosyncratic subjectivities which are expressed through shared practices and modes of communication, including a reinvented Arab language and Internet uses. Among the imaginaries which are thus produced, nostalgia for the urban spaces in which they grew up contributes to shaping their feeling of belonging to urban society. The analysis of social practices and the shaping of subjectivities of the Arab youths in Abu Dhabi thus brings about an anthropological understanding of the specific urbanity of contemporary Emirati society, as well as it sheds light on the processes which shape its social structure.
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Uvedení sklo-ocelových nosníků na trh a jejich expanze do zahraničí / Introduction of Steel-Glass Beams and Their Expansion AbroadPalkovská, Nella January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to find an outlet for the new luxury architectonic component - steel-glass beam called GS-Beam and to introduce suitable strategies for GS-Beam rollout on the target markets. Czech market is too small and the predictions of Czech construction industry are not positive, therefore there is a need to find other markets where to pioneer GS-Beam. The United Arab Emirates were chosen as the source of current demand and the Russian Federation as future potential purchaser. Market potential is tested by PESTLE analysis and by Porter's Five Forces Model. This master thesis brings concept for foreign expansion of the company Static Solution, which should be sustainable in long-term perspective.
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Vergleichende ökologische Untersuchungen der natürlichen Salzböden und ihrer Halophytenflora in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Makronährelementgehalte / Comparative ecological examinations of the natural salt soils and their halophyteflora in the United Arab Emirates under special consideration of their macro nutrient element contentsMenzel, Uwe 07 April 2004 (has links)
In den UAE wurden in Salzböden N-Verbindungen, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na, Cl, EC, pH, Salzgehalt und Br, sowie in Salzpflanzen C, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na quantitativ bestimmt. Es sind 38 verschiedene Arten an 28 Standorten im Inland, am Ufer und in der Mangrove beprobt worden. Die Böden des Landesinnern waren am nährstoffärmsten. Die Böden der Uferbereiche besaßen einen höheren Nährstoffgehalt als die der Mangrovenstandorte. Die Arten zeigen eine von den angebotenen Nährstoffmengen fast unabhängige Aufnahme. Allgemein gilt, dass einige Chenopodiaceen verschiedene Makronährelemente anreicherten, während Gramineen dazu neigten verschiedene Makronährelemente auszuschließen. Die Küstenpflanzen hatten den höchsten Natriumgehalt. Die Pflanzen der Inlandsstandorte akkumulierten mehr Calcium. Arten wie Salsola imbricata reicherten Natrium an, andere Arten wie Cyperus conglomeratus oder Halopyrum mucronatum schränkten die Natriumaufnahme ein. Bei einigen Chenopodiaceen, wie Seidlitzia rosmarinus, Salsola schweinfurthii, Halopeplis perfoliata und Salsola imbricata könnte es sich um stickstofffixierende Arten handeln. Viele der untersuchten Halophyten akkumulieren S in den Blättern.Die Pflanzen konnten nach den Elementgehalten der Blätter, Äste und Wurzeln in Gruppen eingeteilt werden.Arthrocnemum macrostachyum und Avicennia marina vertrugen an ihren natürlichen Standorten Leitfähigkeitswerte bis zu 20 dS/m im Substrat.Nach den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit kann vermutet werden, dass für Halophyten ein Wachstum auf versalzten Böden nur bei einem dem Salzgehalt angemessenen Nährstoffangebot möglich ist. Dabei muss das Nährstoffangebot mit dem Anstieg des Salzgehaltes zunehmen. Es wurde eine Liste mit etwa 2500 Halophyten erstellt. Die Elemente Mo, Na, Se, Cl, Br, Cd, Th, und U kommen in Halophyten in mindestens 10fach höherer Konzentration als in Nichthalophyten vor. Nur der Hg-Gehalt ist etwa 100fach niedriger.
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Communication Channels Utilized by Emirati Females to Enact LeadershipO'Neill, K. Kathleen 28 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of Visual Representations of Leadership in Tribal Dominated Societies: A critical qualitative study of aesthetic leadership in the United Arab EmiratesBitar, Amer January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the role and impact of leadership as a socially
constructed and aesthetic phenomenon in tribal-dominated Bedouin Arabia.
The concept of leadership is investigated in terms of its discursive and
aesthetic dimensions across different geographical, historical, and
intellectual settings by adopting and applying a Foucauldian perspective of
interconnected concepts of power/knowledge, discourse, subjectivity, body
symbolism and the power of gaze. The thesis draws on three related types of
data: First, images to understand the leaders’ perspective. Second,
interviews with artists to gain insights into the visual message and the
creative process. Third, through semi-structured interviews with the audience
to garner an understanding of how it perceives the message leaders send.
This thesis contributes theoretically to ongoing research into the visual
representation of leadership and to critical debates concerning Foucauldian
perspectives on discourse, power, discipline and the body. This thesis
concludes by recommending practical implications for rethinking leadership
as something both aesthetic and mythical to consider the role of followership
in the consumption of leadership-themed visual artworks and
communication, and the growing global role and influence of social media in
shaping leader-follower relations.
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Exploratory study of the factors that influence nutrition interventions in the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare systemAlgurg, Reem S.E.S. January 2014 (has links)
Non-communicable diseases are on the increase worldwide, causing more than 36 million deaths each year. Evidence of the link between the role of nutrition and reducing non-communicable diseases is predominant in the literature. The factors influencing intervention strategies/policies and activities, however, need attention.
AIM: The study aims to examine the factors that influence nutrition interventions within the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare system.
METHOD: This research adapts an interdisciplinary approach where a triangulation mixed methodology is applied. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used, through the analysis of ten interviews with policy makers, four case studies and 161 questionnaires. Furthermore, the research framework, which emerged from the literature search and qualitative analysis, is tested and validated by rigorous quantitative analysis using SPSS. The statistical analysis, using factor analysis, MANCOVA and ranking analysis aims to provide solid support for the resulting factors.
MAIN FINDING: The study identifies five factors that influence nutrition interventions in a healthcare system, and could enhance the effectiveness of nutrition interventions. The factors are 1) quality and processes, 2) training and use of technology, 3) senior management involvement and responsibility, 4) patient diversity, and 5) multidisciplinary teams.
CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the emerging literature on management in nutrition interventions and the theory and importance of preventative measures in relation to nutrition. This study provides a roadmap for policy makers to adopt in order to enhance the role of nutrition interventions in healthcare settings. / Culture Department of the Emirates’ Embassy and Ministry of Higher Education (UAE)
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Six Sigma Implementation in Middle East Organisations: An Empirical StudyAshri, Fahad H. January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, the rapid economic development in the Middle East has encouraged organisations to implement modem quality management and strategic initiatives such as Six Sigma to ensure continuous improvement and achieved excellence. Six Sigma is a comprehensive business strategic quality programme and a systematic process improvement methodology for achieving, sustaining and maximising business success. The proper implementation of Six Sigma leads to breakthrough in profitability through ensuring quantum gains in product/service quality, customer satisfaction and productivity.
This research presents an empirical exploratory and comparative study that aims and attempts to bridge the gap in the existing literature of Six Sigma by investigating the current implementation status of Six Sigma in organisations of three Middle East countries (namely, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates (UAE)). The reasons/benefits that encourage Middle East organisations to implement Six Sigma projects, the challenges commonly faced during implementation, the critical success factors (CSFs) for effective implementation and the organisations’ satisfaction with the implementation are investigated.
The key issues of Six Sigma implementation and their criticality relating to the experience of the implementing process of Six Sigma projects are explored through an extensive review of the relevant literature. The data were collected from a combination of quantitative (232 questionnaires) and qualitative (74 semi-structured interviews) methodologies. The research covered 44 organisations from manufacturing and services sectors and large, small, and medium enterprises (SME) sizes, which have implemented or were implementing Six Sigma projects in the selected countries at the time of study.
The study findings identified 15 significant reasons/benefits which encourages Middle East organisations to implement Six Sigma projects, 13 major challenges commonly faced during implementation, 19 CSFs for effective implementation and level of the organisations’ satisfaction with the implementation. Based on the research findings, a generic model for successful and effective implementation of Six Sigma in Middle East organisations is developed and proposed.
The research concludes that Six Sigma implementation in Middle East organisations still in early stage, most organisations have outstanding opportunities to implement the Six Sigma project successfully and effectively with tangible and intangible benefits. In addition, all the responding organisations, which are actively implementing Six Sigma programme, regardless of their countries, sectors and sizes are highly satisfied with the implementation results. However, the research output highlights that an improvement culture must be developed and promoted throughout the organisation to ensure long-term benefit and sustainable success. Furthermore, the research makes recommendations on development of an implementation strategy in Middle East organisations. Finally, a number of suggestions are made for future research.
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IMMIGRATION: A GLOBAL CHALLENGE WITH A GLOBAL SOLUTIONHart, Alexander Michael 11 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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