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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Automated Method for Hot-to-Cold Geometry Mapping

Doolin, Brandon Levi 01 May 2015 (has links)
An Automated Method for Hot-to-Cold Geometry Mapping.


ROBERT MOTA OLIVEIRA 26 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] Erdal Arıkan introduziu os códigos polares em 2009. Trata-se de uma nova classe de códigos de correção de erros capaz de atingir o limite de Shannon. Usando decodificação de cancelamento sucessivo em lista, concatenada por verificação de redundância cíclica e a construções rápida de código, os códigos polares tornaram-se um código de correção de erros atraente e de alto desempenho para uso prático. Recentemente, códigos polares foram adotados para o padrão de geração 5th para sistemas celulares, mais especificamente para as informações de controle dos canais reverso e direto para os serviços de comunicação eMBB. No entanto, os códigos polares são limitados a comprimentos de bloco a potências de dois, devido a um produto Kronecker recursivo do kernel polarizador 2x2. Para aplicações práticas, é necessário fornecer técnicas de construção de código polar de comprimento flexível. Outro aspecto a ser analisado é o obtenção de uma técnica de construção de códigos polares de baixa complexidade e que tenha um ótimo desempenho em canal de ruído aditivo gaussiano branco, principalmente para blocos longos, inspirada na otimização da construção da aproximação gaussiana. Outro aspecto relevante é o poder de decodificação paralela do decodificador de propagação de crenças. Esta é uma alternativa para atender aos novos critérios de velocidade e latência previstos para o padrão de próxima geração para sistemas celulares. No entanto, ele precisa de melhorias de desempenho para tornar-se operacionalmente viável, tanto para 5G quanto para as gerações futuras. Nesta tese, três aspectos dos códigos polares são abordados: a construção de códigos com comprimentos arbitrários que visam maximizar a flexibilidade e eficiência dos códigos polares, o aprimoramento do método de construção por métodos gaussianos aproximação e a decodificação de códigos usando um algoritmo adaptativo de propagação de crenças reponderadas, bem como analisar quaisquer compromissos que afetem o desempenho da correção de erros. / [en] Erdal Arikan introduced the polar codes in 2009. This is a new class of error correction codes capable of reaching the Shannon limit. Using cyclic redundancy check concatenated list successive cancellation decoding and fast code constructs, polar codes have become an attractive, high-performance error correction code for practical use. Recently, polar codes have been adopted for the 5th generation standard for cellular systems, more specifically for the uplink and downlink control information for the extended Mobile Broadband (eMBB) communication services. However, polar codes are limited to block lengths to powers of two, due to a recursive Kronecker product of the 2x2 polarizing kernel. For practical applications, it is necessary to provide flexible length polar code construction techniques. Another aspect analyzed is the development of a technique of construction of polar codes of low complexity and that has an optimum performance on additive white Gaussian noise channels, mainly for long blocks, inspired by the optimization of the Gaussian approximation construction. Another relevant aspect is the parallel decoding power of the belief propagation decoder. This is an alternative to achieve the new speed and latency criteria foreseen for the next generation standard for cellular systems. However, it needs performance improvements to become operationally viable, both for 5G and for future generations. In this thesis, three aspects of polar codes are addressed: the construction of codes with arbitrary lengths that are intended for maximizing the flexibility and efficiency of polar codes, the improvement of the construction method by Gaussian approximation and the decoding of codes using an adaptive reweighted belief propagation algorithm, as well as the analysis of trade-offs affecting error correction performance.

Investigations on groundwater dewatering by using vertical circulation wells: Numerical simulation method development and field validation

Schaffer-Jin, Yulan 27 October 2014 (has links)
Die künstliche Grundwasserabsenkung stellt eine wichtige Maßnahme für die Entwässerung von Baugruben und bergbaulich genutzten Flächen dar. Eine erfolgreiche und zielgerichtete Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels setzt ein zweckmäßiges Design und die richtige Auswahl der genutzten Absenkungstechniken voraus. Dabei sind insbesondere die Dimension des abzusenkenden Bereichs, die Untergrundbeschaffenheit sowie zu erfüllende umweltschutzrechtliche Regelungen zu berücksichtigen. Zur Grundwasserabsenkung kommen üblicherweise verschiedene Ausführungen und Anordnungen von Pumpbrunnen zum Einsatz. Konventionelle Pumpbrunnen, welche für Absenkungsmaßnahmen eingesetzt werden, entnehmen Grundwasser aus dem Aquifer. Durch das fortwährende Abpumpen von in der Regel erheblichen Wassermengen können jedoch Umweltprobleme entstehen, und es ist mit zusätzlichen Entsorgungskosten für die Ableitung des geförderten Wassers zu rechnen. Im Gegensatz hierzu stellen vertikale Zirkulationsbrunnen (VCW) einen innovativen Ansatz dar, der eine lokale Grundwasserabsenkung ohne Nettowasserentnahme aus dem Aquifer erlaubt. Ein VCW kann als ein Einbohrlochsystem aufgefasst werden, bei dem im oberen Bereich eines Brunnens Wasser entnommen und dieses in einem separaten, weiter unten installierten Brunnenbereich wieder injiziert wird. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik erfordert die genaue Kenntnis der Faktoren, welche für die Grundwasserströmungsverhältnisse relevant sind und somit die Absenkung bestimmen. Traditionelle Berechnungsansätze vernachlässigen oft vertikale Grundwasserbewegungen und sind deshalb für die Beschreibung der komplexen Strömungsverhältnisse in unmittelbarer Nähe eines VCW nicht geeignet. Aus diesem Grund steht die systematische Untersuchung der Grundwasserströmung unter Berücksichtigung vertikaler Strömungskomponenten im Hauptfokus dieser Arbeit. Die Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich in erster Linie mit der Entwicklung einer geeigneten Simulationsmethode, mit der Evaluierung des Einflusses relevanter hydrogeologischer Parameter sowie mit der Durchführung und Auswertung von Pumpversuchen an einem Feldstandort. Die hier vorgestellte neue Simulationsmethode koppelt den sogenannten Arbitrary‐Lagrangian‐Eulerian‐(ALE)‐Algorithmus mit der Grundwasserströmungsgleichung. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit mehreren analytischen Lösungen verglichen und verifiziert. Das entwickelte numerische Modell berücksichtigt auch Vertikalströmungen und eignet sich somit zur Simulation der Grundwasserströmung in der Nähe von VCW. Folglich kann nun die Lage des Grundwasserspiegels, vor allem für ungespannte Grundwasserleiter, präzise berechnet werden. Nach erfolgter Kalibrierung des numerischen Modells anhand von Felddaten wurde eine Sensitivitätsanalyse relevanter Parameter im Hinblick auf die erzielte Absenkung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Grundwasserströmungssituation durchgeführt. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Grundwasserabsenkung proportional zur Pumprate, indirekt proportional zur hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit und fast unabhängig von der Anisotropie des Grundwasserleiters um den VCW ist. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass die Lage des oberen Entnahmepunktes einen größeren Einfluss auf die Absenkung als die Lage des darunter liegenden Injektionspunktes hat. Die Größe des von der Grundwasserzirkulation beeinflussten Bereiches hängt dagegen neben dem Abstand dieser beiden Punkte hauptsächlich auch von der Anisotropie des Aquifermaterials ab. Um den Einfluss der Hydrostratigraphie auf die Grundwasserströmung zu untersuchen, wurden die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Schichten genau charakterisiert. Hierfür wurden Direct‐Push‐, Pump‐, Injektions‐ sowie Zirkulationsversuche an einem Feldstandort durchgeführt. Zudem wurden Bohrkerne entnommen und mithilfe von Siebanalysen vertikale Korngrößenverteilungsprofile im Labor bestimmt. Die eingesetzten experimentellen Methoden stellen in Kombination mit numerischen Simulationsrechnungen eine gute Basis dar, um die Rolle der Schichtstruktur im Aquifer besser beurteilen zu können. Die Untersuchungen leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag für das zukünftige Design und den Betrieb von VCW für Grundwasserabsenkungszwecke in ungespannten Grundwasserleitern. Zudem zeigt die hier vorliegende Arbeit das große Potential dieser neuen Grundwasserabsenkungstechnik als vielversprechende Alternative zu konventionellen Absenkungsverfahren auf.

La détention à des fins d'enquête en droit criminel canadien et son impact sur les droits constitutionnels

Grenier, Michel 04 1900 (has links)
Le pouvoir de détenir une personne à des fins d'enquête n'est pas une technique d'investigation nouvelle et tire son origine du droit anglais. Mais cette méthode d'enquête, qui consiste à restreindre temporairement la liberté de mouvement d'une personne que l'on soupçonne pour des motifs raisonnables d'être impliquée dans une activité criminelle, ne fut reconnue officiellement au Canada qu'en juillet 2004 suite au jugement rendu par la Cour suprême dans l'affaire R. c. Mann. Au moment d'écrire ces lignes, cette stratégie d'enquête policière ne fait toujours pas l'objet d'une réglementation spécifique au Code criminel. L'approbation de cette technique d'enquête, en l'absence de toute forme de législation, ne s'est pas faite sans critiques de la part des auteurs et des commentateurs judiciaires qui y voient une intrusion dans un champ de compétences normalement réservé au Parlement. L'arrêt Mann laisse également en suspens une question cruciale qui se rapporte directement aux droits constitutionnels des citoyens faisant l'objet d'une détention semblable: il s'agit du droit d'avoir recours sans délai à l'assistance d'un avocat. Le présent travail se veut donc une étude approfondie du concept de la détention à des fins d'enquête en droit criminel canadien et de son impact sur les droits constitutionnels dont bénéficient les citoyens de notre pays. Pour accomplir cette tâche, l'auteur propose une analyse de la question en trois chapitres distincts. Dans le premier chapitre, l'auteur se penche sur le rôle et les fonctions dévolus aux agents de la paix qui exécutent leur mission à l'intérieur d'une société libre et démocratique comme celle qui prévaut au Canada. Cette étude permettra au lecteur de mieux connaître les principaux acteurs qui assurent le maintien de l'ordre sur le territoire québécois, les crimes qu'ils sont le plus souvent appelés à combattre ainsi que les méthodes d'enquête qu'ils emploient pour les réprimer. Le deuxième chapitre est entièrement dédié au concept de la détention à des fins d'enquête en droit criminel canadien. En plus de l'arrêt R. c. Mann qui fera l'objet d'une étude détaillée, plusieurs autres sujets en lien avec cette notion seront abordés. Des thèmes tels que la notion de «détention» au sens des articles 9 et 10b) de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la différence entre la détention à des fins d'enquête et l'arrestation, les motifs pouvant légalement justifier une intervention policière de même que les limites et l'entendue de la détention d'une personne pour fins d'enquête, seront aussi analysés. Au troisième chapitre, l'auteur se consacre à la question du droit d'avoir recours sans délai à l'assistance d'un avocat (et d'être informé de ce droit) ainsi que du droit de garder le silence dans des circonstances permettant aux agents de la paix de détenir une personne à des fins d'enquête. Faisant l'analogie avec d'autres jugements rendus par nos tribunaux, l'auteur suggère quelques pistes de solutions susceptibles de combler les lacunes qui auront été préalablement identifiées dans les arrêts Mann et Clayton. / The power to detain a person for investigative purposes is not a new technique of investigation and has its origin in English law. But this method of investigation, which is to temporarily restrict freedom of movement of a person suspected on reasonable grounds to be involved in criminal activity, was officially recognized in Canada in July 2004, following the judgement by the Supreme Court in the case of R. c. Mann. At the time of this writing, this strategy of investigation is not subject to specific regulations to the Criminal Code. The approval of this investigative technique, in the absence of any form of legislation, has not been without criticism from writers and commentators who see it as judicial intrusion into a field of expertise normally reserved for Parliament. The judgement of Mann also leaves open a critical issue that relates directly to the constitutional rights of citizens subjected to a similar kind of detention, namely the right to obtain immediately the assistance of a lawyer. This work is a thorough study of the concept of investigative detention in Canadian criminal law and its impact on the constitutional rights enjoyed by all citizens of our country. To accomplish this task, the author suggests studying this issue in three separate chapters. In the first chapter, the author focuses on the role and functions vested in the peace officers who carry out their mission within a free and democratic society such as the one which prevails in Canada. This study will allow the reader to better understand the main actors responsible for maintaining law and order in Quebec, the crimes they are most often called upon to fight and investigative methods they use to repress those crimes. The second chapter is dedicated to the concept of investigative detention in the context of Canadian criminal law. In addition to the case of R. c. Mann, which will be a study in detail, several other topics related to this concept will he discussed. Themes such as the notion of «detention» within the meaning of Sections 9 and 10b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the difference between the investigative detention and the arrest, the motives which can legally justify a police intervention as well as the limits of the detention of a person for purposes of investigation, will also he analyzed.. The third chapter is devoted to the question of the right to communicate immediately with a lawyer (and to he informed of that right) and the right to remain silent in circumstances enabling peace officers to detain a person for investigative purposes. In making a comparison with other judgments rendered by our courts, the author suggest some possible solutions that could fill gaps that have been previously identified by the Supreme Court in the cases R. c. Mann and R. c. Clayton.

Trestněprávní aspekty vztahu lékaře a pacienta / Criminal aspects of the physician-patient relationship

Těšinová, Jolana January 2015 (has links)
Medical interventions such as interventions in the physical integrity of the patient are some of the most important interventions in the personal rights of individuals guaranteed by constitutional laws and international conventions. The basis for criminal law investigation of physician's procedure is an issue of professionally correct procedure (procedure called lege artis). The healthcare provision - including the interventions in the physical integrity of the patient - is perceived in Czech law as a law qualified activity undertaken for the purpose approved by the legal order. As a result of the constitution of informed consent of the patient with a medical procedure this fact must be taken into account when defining a new criminal characteristics of medical intervention. The dissertation aims to provide a comprehensive legal analysis of the criminal aspects related to decisions made by physicians and to the medically indicated care provision in the context of legislative changes in healthcare, recodification of criminal law as well as civil law. Issues related to active intentional termination of life on request of the patient (euthanasia) were not subject to the processing of this matter. The dissertation analyzes in detail the individual institutes of healthcare legislation, medico-legal...

Interação fluido-estrutura com escoamentos incompressíveis utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / Incompressible fluid-structure interaction using the finite element method

Fernandes, Jeferson Wilian Dossa 01 March 2016 (has links)
A interação entre fluidos e estruturas caracteriza um problema multi-físico não linear e está presente numa grande variedade de áreas da engenharia. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvi mento de ferramentas computacionais com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) para a análise de interação fluido-estrutura (IFE) considerando escoamentos com baixas velocidades. Dada a interdisciplinaridade do tema, se faz necessário o estudo em três diferentes assuntos: a dinâmica das estruturas computacional, a dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, e o problema de acoplamento. No caso da dinâmica das estruturas empregar-se um elemento finito que seja adequado para a simulação de problemas de IFE, que claramente demandam uma análise não linear geométrica, optando-se pelo emprego de uma formulação descrita em posições, a qual evita problemas relativos à aproximação de rotações finitas. Quanto à dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, é empregado um método estável e ao mesmo tempo sensível à movimentação da estrutura, utilizando a descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária (ALE). Os casos considerados neste trabalho, assim como muitos dos problemas de engenharia, ocorrem com escoamentos em baixas velocidades, implicando na incompressibilidade do fluido, o que demanda, para um método estável, a utilização de elementos que atendam à condição de Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi (LBB). Além disso, é necessário também o emprego de métodos que consigam neutralizar as variações espúrias decorrentes da não-linearidade de possíveis escoamentos com convecção dominante e que surgem com a aplicação do processo clássico de Galerkin. Para superar esse problema, é aplicado o método Streamline-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG), que adiciona difusividade artificial na direção do escoamento, controlando a amplitude dos termos convectivos. No que se refere ao acoplamento fluido-casca, buscam-se modularidade e versatilidade adotando-se o modelo particionado. O modelo de acoplamento implementado garante ainda a utilização de malhas do fluido e da estrutura sem a necessidade de coincidência de nós. / Interaction between fluids and structures characterizes a nonlinear multi-physics problem presente in a wide range of engineering fields. This works presets the development of computational tools based on finite element method (FEM) for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis considering low speed flows (incompressible), as a great part of the engineering problems. Given the topic multidisciplinary nature, it is necessary to study three different subjects: the computational structural dynamics, the computational fluid mechanics and the coupling problem. Regarding structural mechanics, we seek to employ a finite element adequate to FSI simulation, what clearly demands a geometric nonlinear analysis. We chose to employ shell elements with formulation in terms of positions, which avoids problems related to finite rotations approximations. Concerning computational fluid dynamics, we employ a stable method, at same time sensible o structural movements, which is written in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description. The flow incompressibility demands, for a stable method, the use of elements according to the Ladyzhenskaya-Bbuska-Brezzi (LBB) condition. It is also necessary to employ methods able to neutralize the spurious variations that appears from convection dominated flows when applying the standard Galerking method. In order to overcome this problem, we apply the Streamline-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) method, which adds artificial diffusivity to the streamline direction, controlling spurious variations. Considering the fluid-shell coupling, we seek modularity and versatility, adopting the partitioned model. The developed coupling model ensure the use of fluid and structure meshes with no need for matching nodes.

Simulação numérica de escoamentos bidimensionais com superfícies livres e linhas de contato dinâmicas / An arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian method for surface-tension dominated flows with contact lines

Silva, Alysson Alexander Naves 26 April 2010 (has links)
Um método lagrangeano-euleriano arbitrário para a resolução de escoamentos dominados por tensão superficial é apresentado neste trabalho. Tais escoamentos são importantes em muitas aplicações, especialmente em canais capilares que frequentemente aparecem em escoamentos em microescala. A resolução deste tipo de escoamento apresenta vários desafios que são abordados neste trabalho. O escoamento é resolvido somente para a fase líquida, com condições de contorno apropriadas para a superfície livre que delimita o líquido e o gás, que é representada por arestas e vértices da malha computacional. Esta se move e se deforma, sendo que sua qualidade é mantida sob controle para não degradar a solução numérica. As equações de Navier-Stokes são discretizadas pelo método de elementos finitos em um referencial arbitrário. O método de incorporação dos efeitos de tensão superficial e linha de contato é explicado em detalhes. Validações comprovam a precisão do método proposto, com comparações através de soluções pseudo-analíticas para casos simples. Finalmente alguns resultados sobre escoamentos em capilares são apresentados / An arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian finite element method to solve surface tension dominated flows is presented. Such flows are important in many applications, particularly in capillary channels, that appear in microscale flows. The resolution of such flows presents several challenges that are addressed in this work. The flow is solved only in the liquid phase, and proper boundary conditions are applied on the free-surface, bounding the liquid and gas, which is explicitly represented by vertices and edges of the computational mesh. The mesh is moved and deformed, but its quality is kept under control in order to control errors in the numerical solution. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized by standard Galerkin finite element method in an arbitrary reference. Details of the computation of surface tension and contact line effects are presented. The methodology is validated for a number of simple test cases against known pseudo-analytical solutions, and numerical results are presented, showing the robustness and accuracy of the methodology. Finally, some results about surface-tension-driven flows in capillaries are presented

Modélisation et simulation numérique de la déformation et la rupture de la plaque d'athérosclérose dans les artères / Modeling and numerical simulation of the deformation and the rupture of the plaque of atherosclerosis in the arteries.

Abbas, Fatima 18 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation mathématique du flux sanguin dans les artères en présence de la sténose à cause de l'athérosclérose. L'athérosclérose est une maladie vasculaire complexe caractérisée par la formation d'une plaque menant au rétrécissement de l'artère. Elle est responsable des crises cardiaques et des accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Quels que soient les nombreux facteurs de risque identifiés - cholestérol et lipides, pression, régime alimentaire malsain et obésité - seuls des facteurs mécaniques et hémodynamiques peuvent donner une cause précise de cette maladie. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous introduisons le modèle mathématique tridimensionnel décrivant l'introduction entre le sang et la paroi artérielle. Le modèle consiste à coupler la dynamique du flux sanguin donnée par les équations de Navier-Stokes formulées dans le cadre Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) avec les équations élastodynamiques décrivant l'élasticité de la paroi artérielle considérée comme un matériau hyperélastique modélisé par la loi de comportement non-linéaire de Saint Venant-Kirchhoff en tant que système d'interaction fluide-structure. Théoriquement, nous prouvons l'existence et l'unicité locale dans le temps de la solution pour ce système lorsque le fluide est supposé être un fluide homogène Newtonien incompressible et que la structure est décrite par la loi de comportement non-linéaire quasi-incompressible de Saint Venant-Kirchhoff. Les résultats sont établis en utilisant l'outil clé; le théorème du point fixe. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'analyse numérique de ce modèle. Le sang est considéré comme un fluide non-Newtonien dont le comportement et les propriétés rhéologiques sont décrits par le modèle de Carreau, tandis que la paroi artérielle est un matériau homogène incompressible décrit par les équations élastodynamiques quasi-statiques. Les simulations sont effectuées dans l'espace à deux dimensions R^2 à l'aide du logiciel FreeFem ++ en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis. Nous nous concentrons sur l'étude de la viscosité, de la vitesse et des contraintes de cisaillement maximale. En outre, nous visons à localiser les zones de recirculation qui sont formées à la suite de l'existence de la sténose. En se basant sur de ces résultats, nous procédons à la détection de la zone de solidification où le sang passe de l'état liquide à un matériau de type gelée. Ensuite, nous spécifions que le sang solidifié est un matériau élastique linéaire qui obéit à la loi de Hooke et qui subit à une force de surface externe représentant la contrainte exercée par le sang sur la zone de solidification. Les résultats numériques concernant le sang solidifié sont obtenus en résolvant les équations d'élasticité linéaires à l'aide de FreeFem ++. Nous analysons principalement la déformation de cette zone ainsi que les contraintes de cisaillement la paroi. Les résultats obtenus vont nous permettre de proposer une hypothèse pour la formulation d'un modèle de rupture. / This thesis is devoted to the mathematical modeling of the blood flow in stenosed arteries due to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a complex vascular disease characterized by the build up of a plaque leading to the narrowing of the artery. It is responsible for heart attacks and strokes. Regardless of the many risk factors that have been identified- cholesterol and lipids, pressure, unhealthy diet and obesity- only mechanical and hemodynamic factors can give a precise cause of this disease. In the first part of the thesis, we introduce the three dimensional mathematical model describing the blood-wall setting. The model consists of coupling the dynamics of the blood flow given by the Navier-Stokes equations formulated in the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) framework with the elastodynamic equations describing the elasticity of the arterial wall considered as a hyperelastic material modeled by the non-linear Saint Venant-Kirchhoff model as a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) system. Theoretically, we prove local in time existence and uniqueness of solution for this system when the fluid is assumed to be an incompressible Newtonian homogeneous fluid and the structure is described by the quasi-incompressible non-linear Saint Venant-Kirchhoff model. Results are established relying on the key tool; the fixed point theorem. The second part is devoted for the numerical analysis of the FSI model. The blood is considered to be a non-Newtonian fluid whose behavior and rheological properties are described by Carreau model, while the arterial wall is a homogeneous incompressible material described by the quasi-static elastodynamic equations. Simulations are performed in the two dimensional space R^2 using the finite element method (FEM) software FreeFem++. We focus on investigating the pattern of the viscosity, the speed and the maximum shear stress. Further, we aim to locate the recirculation zones which are formed as a consequence of the existence of the stenosis. Based on these results we proceed to detect the solidification zone where the blood transits from liquid state to a jelly-like material. Next, we specify the solidified blood to be a linear elastic material that obeys Hooke's law and which is subjected to an external surface force representing the stress exerted by the blood on the solidification zone. Numerical results concerning the solidified blood are obtained by solving the linear elasticity equations using FreeFem++. Mainly, we analyze the deformation of this zone as well as the wall shear stress. These analyzed results will allow us to give our hypothesis to derive a rupture model.

Sobre o acoplamento fluido-casca utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / On fluid-shell coupling using the finite element method

Sanches, Rodolfo André Kuche 30 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para análise não linear geométrica de interação fluido-casca utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). O algoritmo para dinâmica dos fluidos é explícito e a integração temporal é baseada em linhas características. O código computacional é capaz de simular as equações de Navier-Stokes para escoamentos compressíveis tanto na descrição Euleriana como na descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana arbitrária (ALE), na qual é possível prescrever movimentos para a malha do fluido. A estrutura é modelada em descrição Lagrangeana total através de uma formulação de MEF para análise dinâmica não linear geométrica de cascas baseada no teorema da mínima energia potencial total escrito em função das posições nodais e vetores generalizados e não em deslocamentos e rotações. Essa característica evita o uso de aproximações de grandes rotações. Dois modelos de acoplamentos são desenvolvidos. O primeiro modelo, ideal para problemas onde a escala de deslocamentos não é muito grande comparada com as dimensões do domínio do fluido, é baseado na descrição ALE e o acoplamento entre as duas diferentes malhas é feito através do mapeamento das posições locais dos nós do contorno do fluido sobre os elementos de casca e vice-versa, evitando a necessidade de coincidência entre os nós da casca e do fluido. A malha do fluido é adaptada dinamicamente usando um procedimento simples baseado nas posições e velocidades nodais da casca. O segundo modelo de acoplamento, ideal para problemas com grande escala de deslocamentos tais como estruturas infláveis, considera a casca imersa na malha do fluido e consiste em um procedimento robusto baseado em curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno, o qual integra o algoritmo Lagrangeano de casca com o Fluido em descrição Euleriana, sem necessidade de movimentação da malha do fluido, onde a representação computacional do fluido se resume a uma malha não estruturada maior ou igual ao domínio inicial do fluido e a interface fluido-casca dentro da malha do fluido é identificada por meio de curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno. Ambos os modelos são testados através de exemplos numéricos mostrando robustez e eficiência. Finalmente, como uma sugestão para o futuro desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, iniciaram-se estudos relativos a funções B-splines. O uso desse tipo de funções deverá resolver problemas de estabilidade relativos a oscilações espúrias devidas ao uso de polinômios de Lagrange para a representação de descontinuidades. / This work consists of the development of computational tools for nonlinear geometric fluid-shell interaction analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The fluid solver is explicit and its time integration based on characteristics. The computational code is able to simulate the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows written in the Eulerian description as well as in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description, enabling movements prescription for the fluid mesh. The structure is modeled in a total Lagrangian description, using a FEM formulation to deal with geometrical nonlinear dynamics of shells based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions and generalized unconstrained vectors, not displacements and rotations, avoiding the use of large rotation approximations. Two partitioned coupling models are developed. The first model, ideal for simulations where the displacements scale is not very large compared to the fluid domain, is based on the ALE description and the coupling between the two different meshes is done by mapping the fluid boundary nodes local positions over the shell elements and vice-versa, avoiding the need for matching fluid and shell nodes. The fluid mesh is adapted using a simple approach based on shell nodal positions and velocities. The second model, ideal for problems with large scales of displacements such as inflatable structures, is based on immersed boundary and consists of a robust level-set based approach that integrates the Lagrangian shell finite and the Eulerian finite element high speed fluid flow solver, with no need for mesh adaptation, where the fluid representation relies on a fixed unstructured mesh larger or equal to the initial fluid domain and the fluid-shell interface inside the fluid mesh is tracked with level sets of a boundary signed distance function. Both models are tested with numerical examples, showing efficiency and robustness. Finally, as a suggestion for future development of this research, we started studies relatives to B-Spline functions. The use of this kind of functions should solve stability problems related to spurious oscillations due to the use of Lagrange polynomials for representing discontinuities.

A promoção de discriminação simples, sem erro, de letras e suas inversões: seus efeitos em testes de matching de identidade e arbitrário / The establishment of errorless simple discrimination with letters and its rotations: the effects in identity and arbitrary matching

Matos, Daniel Carvalho de 04 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:18:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Carvalho.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present research had two goals: (a) to test the efficacy of a delayed prompt procedure to develop errorless discrimination between letters and their rotations, and (b) to test the effects of the discrimination training when MTS trials with the trained letters, theirs rotations, and similar letters were presented. Participated in the study 9 children (aged 3 to 6) who did not have a perfect performance when discrimination between pairs of graphically similar letters and their rotations (b, d, n, u, p, q, and their 270o rotations, and the letter B, D, N, U, P, Q and their 180o rotations). A test with identity-matching-to-sample trials involving the S+ letters as sample stimuli and the same letters, their rotations and similar letters as comparison stimuli was first conducted. A discrimination training of each testes letter (S+) and its rotation (S_) was then conducted: During training, colors (previously established as S+ and S-) were superimposed on the new S+ (letter) and S- (letter-rotation) with longer delays after each successful trial, until the child systematically responded choosing S+ before the color was presented. After training the initial identity MTS test was replicated, followed by a test of arbitrary MTS: trials involving letters and colors were presented, to test the emergency of conditional discrimination. Results suggested that 4 children developed conditional discriminations indicating the emergency of arbitrary stimulus classes. Results also indicated that although the discrimination training was effective in producing simple discrimination, it was not sufficient to guarantee good performance when identity-matching-to-sample trials were presented / No presente trabalho um procedimento de discriminação simples simultânea sem erro - dica atrasada - entre pares de letras graficamente semelhantes e suas inversões. Testou-se também os possíveis efeitos do treino discriminativo em tentativas de emparelhamento de acordo com o modelo (matching to sample) de identidade e arbitrário em que as letras que participaram do treino discriminativo eram estímulos comparação. Nove crianças (de 3 a 6 anos) com dificuldades nas discriminações entre pares de letras graficamente semelhantes e suas inversões (b-d, n-u, p-q e inversões em 270o e B-D, N-U, P-Q e inversões em 180 o) participaram da pesquisa. Depois de um pré-teste de MTS de identidade em que eram estímulos modelo letras e estímulos comparação as mesmas letras, letras semelhantes e suas inversões, as crianças selecionadas passaram por treinos discriminativos simples simultâneos, envolvendo letras (S+) e inversões (S-). No treino, cores foram estabelecidas como estímulos discriminativos (S+) ou como S-. A partir daí tais estímulos foram sobrepostos a novos estímulos e tal sobreposição foi atrasada a cada tentativa bem sucedida até que o participante escolhesse o sistematicamente o novo S+ (letra) antes da sobreposição de cores entre letras e suas entre cores (previamente após o treino, foi feito um pós- teste semelhante ao pré teste (MTS) de identidade) e um teste de matching arbitrário envolvendo as letras treinadas, suas inversões e as cores como estímulos modelo e comparação, para verificar a possível emergência de discriminações condicionais entre letras e cores, o que seria indicativo da formação de classes de estímulos equivalentes. Todos os participantes tiveram desempenhos bem sucedidos no treino discriminativo - quase sem erros. Quatro participantes tiveram desempenhos nos testes de MTS arbitrário que atestariam a emergência de discriminações condicionais que indicariam a possibilidade de formação de classes de estímulos. Os resultados dos pós-testes de MTS de identidade indicaram que para vários participantes o treino de discriminação simples não foi suficiente para garantir um bom desempenho na situação de MTS. Finalmente, em geral o desempenho dos participantes foi melhor quando os estímulos foram as letras maiúsculas

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