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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The case of Milton's The tenure of kings and magistrates, Marvell's Account of the growth of popery and arbitrary government, and Halifax's The character of a trimmer /

Smith, Nigel S. (Nigel Scott) January 1981 (has links)
No description available.


SANDRO ROGERIO ZANG 28 December 2005 (has links)
[pt] Neste presente trabalho, o Método do Casamento de Modos é aplicado na análise e no projeto de estruturas coaxiais. A estrutura de excitação é um dos pontos críticos do projeto de antenas do tipo discone quando se pretende explorar suas características de banda larga. Seções não uniformes de guias de ondas coaxiais são usualmente utilizadas como elementos dessa estrutura de excitação sendo, eventualmente, necessária a inclusão de anéis dielétricos para garantir a rigidez mecânica da antena. Devido a essas não uniformidades encontradas nas dimensões e no meio dielétrico desse dispositivo de microondas, métodos numéricos serão utilizados na predição do seu comportamento eletromagnético. O correto dimensionamento desses anéis e das descontinuidades de guias de onda coaxiais que compõe a estrutura de alimentação, permite estabelecer um compromisso entre minimização das perdas, alargamento da banda passante e rigidez mecânica. Associados ao Método do Casamento de Modos serão utilizados algoritmos de otimização que farão o ajuste das dimensões dessas seções de guias de onda coaxiais não uniformes, visando à minimização da perda de retorno e o aumento da banda de operação da antena. Finalmente, será feito o estudo de algumas estruturas de excitação, onde serão otimizados seus desempenhos para a perda de retorno. / [en] In this present work, the Mode Matching technique is applied in the analysis and project of coaxial structures. The feed junction is one of the critical points of the project of discone antennas when broadband performance is expected. Usually, these junctions are composed of nonuniform sections of coaxial waveguide and, to guarantee the necessary mechanical rigidity of the structure, some sections are filled with dielectric material. The project of these feed junctions requires a compromise between frequency band, compact structure, minimal losses, and mechanical rigidity. Due to the discontinuities, numerical methods are used to predict the electromagnetic behavior. Here, Mode Matching technique associated with an optimization algorithm is employed in the adjustment of the dimensions of the coaxial waveguide sections, seeking the minimization of the return loss and the enlargement of the antenna bandwidth. Several types of junctions are explored and their performance is compared.

Domination personnelle et élite politique au Gabon (1968-2009) / Personal domination and political elite in gabon (1968-2009)

Ngye, Alain Patrick Patou 26 November 2013 (has links)
La présente thèse éclaire l’intelligibilité du régime politique gabonais sous Omar BONGO (1968-2009). Plus précisément, elle relève que la domination personnelle et l’analyse élitiste sont deux approches complémentaires dans la compréhension du politique au Gabon et partant, en Afrique subsaharienne. Elle montre à cet effet qu’Omar BONGO n’a pas pu compter que sur lui-même pour se maintenir au pouvoir pendant près d’un demi-siècle. Il a dû également s’appuyer sur un groupe d’acteurs, appelé élite politique, dont l’organisation et le fonctionnement étaient néanmoins empreints de son pouvoir personnel. En effet, l’accès à cette élite était régi par le clientélisme et le népotisme, deux rapports d’échange qu’Omar BONGO avait érigés en principe de gestion du personnel supérieur de l’État. Le premier lui permettait de se constituer une clientèle capable d’œuvrer par délégation ou de façon autonome à sa longévité politique. De ce fait, les acteurs qui composaient cette clientèle étaient dotés chacun d’un capital de ressources variées qu’ils activaient et faisaient fructifier de façon à l’aider à conserver son sceptre. La valorisation de ce capital auprès d’Omar BONGO les conduisait d’ailleurs à se livrer une lutte acharnée dans laquelle la fin justifiait les moyens. Quant au népotisme, il amena à Omar BONGO de faire des membres de sa famille officielle et ceux de sa famille officieuse ses proches collaborateurs dans le gouvernement, l’administration présidentielle et le Parti démocratique gabonais (PDG). Politique de l’affection, il lui permettait ainsi d’avoir une emprise plus importante sur l’élite politique et sur l’appareil d’État car, en faisant de son pouvoir une affaire de famille, Omar BONGO savait pouvoir compter sur des acteurs dont la loyauté et la détermination seraient également un atout pour sa longévité politique. / The present thesis lights the intelligibility of gabonese political regime under OMAR BONGO (1968-2009). More precisely, it notices that personal domination and elitist analysis are two supplementary approaches in the understanding of politics in Gabon and in sub-Saharan Africa. It shows with this effect that OMAR BONGO could not count that on itself to stay in power during almost half a century. He must also have leaned on a group of actors, called political elite, of which the organization and functioning being imprinted by its personal power. Indeed, access to this elite was governed by clientelism and nepostism, two reports of exchange which OMAR BONGO had established in principle of management of the upper personnel of the State. The first allowed him to build up clients able of working on the instructions or in an autonomous manner in his political longevity. Because of that, the actors who composed these clients were endowed to each of a capital of various resources which they activated and made bear fruit in order to help him to keep its scepter. The promotion of this capital to OMAR BONGO led them besides to devote themselves a persevered conflict. As for nepotism, it brought to OMAR BONGO to make members of its official family and those of its semiofficial family his close collaborators in the government, the presidential administration and the PDG, the party in power. Policy of affection, it allowed him so to have a more important hold on political elite and on State apparatus. Because, by making of his power a family business, OMAR BONGO knew how he will count on actors among whom fidelity and determination would be also a trump for his political longevity.

Regime de ciclos com progressão continuada nas escolas públicas: um cenário para o estudo dos impactos das mudanças educacionais no capital cultural e habitus dos professores. / CYCLE REGIME WITH ONGOING PROGRESSION IN THE SÃ PAULO PUBLIC SCHOOLS: a scene for the study of the impacts of the educational changes in the cultural capital and habitus of the professors.

Souza, Roger Marchesini de Quadros 28 January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 REGIME DE CICLOS COM PROGRESSAO CONTINUADA NAS ESCOLAS PUBLICAS PAULISTAS.pdf: 1455470 bytes, checksum: f6ec07da71e6ba4b4653cd0896f3a892 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-01-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study is to contribute to the comprehension of how the changes entailed in the educational reform work and are expressed. It was accomplished based on a research about the new set, relative to the scholar organization, created by the changes introduced with the implantation of Cycle Regime with Ongoing Progression at elementary education in public schools from São Paulo. The initial hypothesis was that the this implantation would modify, meaningfully, the school time organization, what would generate a direct impact with the cultural capital and habitus of the teachers. The research took place in 2003 in two public schools from São Paulo state net subordinated to the same Teaching Board. It was made through interviews to two teachers in each school who worked at the second cycle of elementary school, 5th to 8th grades, at a total of four, and to the pedagogic coordinators that were working at this duty since the implantation of the reform. It was also performed the collection and analysis of school documents which expressed the school time organization. This job used the Pierre Bourdieu theoretical corpus as reference, mainly the cultural capital, arbitrary cultural dominant, strategies and habitus, to verify the resulting impact of the reform quoted at the consolidated docent practices. It was testified that the initial hypothesis, concerning the school time, was not proved. Nevertheless, the direct impact on the teacher s cultural capital and habitus regarding to meritocracy, which prizes and settles an ideal student pattern, the pedagogic authority reduction on behalf of ongoing progression that makes impossible the power of the decision about the retention or approval of the pupils, and the valorization and defense of the transmission of scholar contents without which school becomes devoid of its leading duty, was evidenced. Finally the adoption of strategies such as the defense of the Grade Board strengthening and the reduction of the cycles duration from four two years aiming at overcoming these impacts and its effects that are considered damaging, by the docents, to public schools and the pupils future. / Este estudo tem a finalidade de contribuir para a compreensão de como operam e se expressam as mudanças envolvidas em reformas educacionais. Realizou-se a partir de uma pesquisa sobre o novo cenário, relativo à organização escolar, criado pelas alterações introduzidas com a implantação do Regime de Ciclos com Progressão Continuada no Ensino Fundamental das escolas públicas paulistas. Partiu-se da hipótese inicial de que a implantação da referida reforma alteraria significativamente a organização do tempo escolar o que geraria um impacto direto no capital cultural e habitus dos professores. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2003 em duas escolas públicas, da rede estadual paulista subordinadas à mesma Diretoria de Ensino, por meio de entrevistas com dois professores de cada escola, de segundo ciclo do Ensino Fundamental, 5ª à 8ª séries, num total de quatro, com os professores coordenadores pedagógicos de cada unidade escolar, que estivessem no exercício dessa função desde a implantação da referida reforma. Foi também, realizada a coleta e análise dos documentos escolares que expressam a organização do tempo escolar. Este trabalho tem como referência o corpo teórico de Pierre Bourdieu privilegiadamente os conceitos de capital cultural, arbitrário cultural dominante, estratégias e habitus para se verificar o impacto resultante da implantação da reforma em tela nas práticas docentes consolidadas. Constatou-se que a hipótese inicial, no que se refere à organização do tempo escolar, não se comprovou. No entanto, emergiu, ao longo da pesquisa, o impacto direto sobre o capital cultural e habitus dos professores referentes a meritocracia, que valoriza e estabelece um padrão de aluno ideal, a redução da autoridade pedagógica em função da progressão continuada que impossibilita o exercício do poder de decisão sobre a retenção ou aprovação do alunado e, a valorização e defesa da transmissão dos conteúdos escolares sem o que a escola fica esvaziada de sua função precípua. Finalmente a adoção de estratégias, como, por exemplo, a defesa do fortalecimento do Conselho de Série e da redução do período de duração dos ciclos de quatro para dois anos visando a superação desses impactos e seus efeitos que são considerados danosos, pelos docentes, à escola pública e ao futuro dos alunos.

The Killing of Osama bin Laden, Was it Lawful?

Elfström, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to investigate if the US ́s killing of Osama bin Laden on 2 May 2011 in Abbottabad in Pakistan was lawful. The background to the killing is what happened on 11 September 2001 when four US airplanes were hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and Pentagon. Al Qaeda, a terrorist organisation led by Osama bin Laden, was immediately suspected for the attacks, which led to the starting point of the US ́s ‘global war on terror’. This work tries to give a short brief on ‘global war on terror’ and answer if there is a global war on terror and/or if a new category of war is needed. In order to get an answer to the main question of this work I had to investigate if US is in an international armed conflict or in a non-international armed conflict with Al Qaida. Another important question to investigate is if an armed conflict in one State can spill over to another State and still be consider as an armed conflict. Other important questions to answer are, if Osama bin Laden was a legitimate target under international humanitarian law, if he was a civilian or if he had a continuous combat function and what level of participation in hostilities he had? Not less important is also to investigate if human rights law is applicable when Osama bin Laden was killed, especially the fundamental right to life. Lastly I end my investigation with a quick review of the laws of jus ad bellum in order to get an answer if US had a right to resort to force in Pakistan. My conclusion is that the US was not involved in an armed conflict with al Qaeda in Pakistan where the killing took place. The conflict between the US and al Qaeda in Afghanistan is to be categorised as a non-international conflict. This conflict cannot be described as a conflict that has spilled over to Abbottabad where Osama bin Laden was killed. All people, including Osama bin Laden, has a right to life. Because of lack of information on what happened in Abbottabad when Osama bin Laden was killed it is impossible to give a clear legal answer if the US had the right to kill him. It could be lawful, but it could also be considered as a crime against international human rights law.

Modélisation multi-physique des écoulements viscoplastiques : application aux coulées de lave volcanique / Multiphysics modeling of viscoplastic flows : application to volcanic lava flows

Bernabeu, Noé 03 February 2015 (has links)
Nous présentons une contribution autour de la modélisation des écoulements viscoplastiques. En vue d'applications réalistes telle que la simulation numérique des coulées de lave volcanique, le travail se concentre particulièrement sur les fluides complexes dont la rhéologie dépend fortement de grandeurs physiques telle que la température ou la concentration en particule. Nous développons un nouvel algorithme de résolution numérique des équations de Herschel-Bulkley combinant une méthode de Lagrangien augmenté à paramètre d'augmentation variable, une méthode des caractéristiques d'ordre 2 et une adaptation de maillage automatique. Sur des problèmes stationnaires ou en évolution tel que le problème test de la cavité entraînée, il apporte une solution efficace pour garantir à la fois une précision numérique élevée et un temps de calcul raisonnable. Cet algorithme est ensuite étendue et adapté au cas des rhéologies non-isothermes et aux suspensions. Concernant la simulation numérique des coulées de lave volcanique, nous détaillons une méthode de réduction par analyse asymptotique des équations de Herschel-Bulkley pour des écoulements de faible épaisseur sur une topographie arbitraire. Elle permet alors de décrire ces écoulements tridimensionnels de fluides viscoplastiques à surface libre par des équations bidimensionnelles surfaciques. Cette approche est ensuite étendue au cas non-isotherme en y ajoutant l'équation de la chaleur et des dépendances thermiques sur la rhéologie. Par intégration verticale de l'équation de la chaleur, on retrouve un modèle bidimensionnel. Le modèle non-isotherme est validé sur une expérience de dôme réalisée en laboratoire et une simulation numérique est réalisée autour d'une coulée qui a eu lieu sur le volcan du Piton de la Fournaise à la Réunion, en décembre 2010. La comparaison donne des résultats qui sont de notre point de vue satisfaisants et encourageants. / We present a contribution about modeling of viscoplastic flows. For realistic applications such as numerical simulation of volcanic lava flows, the work focuses particularly on complex fluids whose rheology strongly depends on physical quantities such as temperature or the particle concentration. We develop a new numerical resolution algorithm of Herschel-Bulkley's equations combining an augmented Lagrangian method with variable augmentation parameter, a second order characteristic method and an auto-adaptive mesh procedure. On stationary or evolving problems as the lid-driven cavity flow benchmark, it provides an effective solution to ensure both a high numerical accuracy within a reasonable computing time. This algorithm is then extended and adapted to the case of non-isothermal rheological and suspensions. On the numerical simulation of volcanic lava flows, we describe a method of reducing by asymptotic analysis of the Herschel-Bulkley's equations for thin flows on arbitrary topography. It allows to describe the three-dimensional flows of viscoplastic fluid with free surface by bidimensional surface equations. This approach is then extended to the non-isothermal case by adding the heat equation and thermal dependencies on rheology. By vertical integration of the heat equation, a two-dimensional model is maintained . The non-isothermal model is validated on a laboratory experiment of dome and a numerical simulation is performed on a December 2010 Piton de la Fournaise lava flow from La Réunion island. In our view, the comparison gives satisfactory and encouraging results.

Numerical Simulation of Blast Interaction with the Human Body: Primary Blast Brain Injury Prediction

Haladuick, Tyler January 2014 (has links)
In Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, explosions accounted for 81% of all injuries; this is a higher casualty percentage than in any previous wars. Blast wave overpressure has recently been associated with varying levels of traumatic brain injury in soldiers exposed to blast loading. Presently, the injury mechanism behind primary blast brain injury is not well understood due to the complex interactions between the blast wave and the human body. Despite these limitations in the understanding of head injury thresholds, head kinematics are often used to predict the overall potential for head injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate head kinematics, and predict injury from a range of simulated blast loads at varying standoff distances and differing heights of bursts. The validated Generator of body data multi-body human surrogate model allows for numerical kinematic data simulation in explicit finite element method fluid structure interaction blast modeling. Two finite element methods were investigated to simulate blast interaction with humans, an enhanced blast uncoupled method, and an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eularian fully coupled method. The enhanced blast method defines an air blast function through the application of a blast pressure wave, including ground reflections, based on the explosives relative location to a target; the pressures curves are based on the Convention Weapons databases. LBE model is efficient for parametric numerical studies of blast interaction where the target response is the only necessary result. The ALE model, unlike classical Lagrangian methods, has a fixed finite element mesh that allows material to flow through it; this enables simulation of large deformation problems such as blast in an air medium and its subsequent interaction with structures. The ALE model should be used when research into a specific blast scenario is of interest, since this method is more computationally expensive. The ALE method can evaluate a blast scenario in more detail including: explosive detonation, blast wave development and propagation, near-field fireball effects, blast wave reflection, as well as 3D blast wave interaction, reflection and refraction with a target. Both approaches were validated against experimental blast tests performed by Defense Research and Development Valcartier and ConWep databases for peak pressure, arrival time, impulse, and curve shape. The models were in good agreement with one another and follow the experimental data trend showing an exponential reduction in peak acceleration with increasing standoff distance until the Mach stem effect reached head height. The Mach stem phenomenon is a shock front formed by the merging of the incident and reflected shock waves; it increases the applied peak pressure and duration of a blast wave thus expanding the potential head injury zone surrounding a raised explosive. The enhanced blast model was in good agreement with experimental data in the near-field, and mid-field; however, overestimated the peak acceleration, and head injury criteria values in the far-field due to an over predicted pressure impulse force. The ALE model also over predicted the response based on the head injury criteria at an increased standoff distance due to smearing of the blast wave over several finite elements leading to an increased duration loading. According to the Abbreviated Injury Scale, the models predicted a maximal level 6 injury for all explosive sizes in the near-field, with a rapid acceleration of the head over approximately 1 ms. There is a drastic exponential reduction in the insult force and potential injury received with increasing standoff distance outside of the near-field region of an explosive charge.

Overruling the Underclass? Homelessness and the Law in Queensland

Walsh, Tamara January 2005 (has links)
The impact of the law on the lives of homeless people in Queensland has, to date, remained largely unexplored by legal academics and researchers. This is despite the fact that homeless people experience a number of legal difficulties that seriously affect their lives. This thesis by published papers aims to make a significant and original contribution to filling this gap in the research evidence by presenting the results of analyses of the legal, theoretical and practical issues that arise in the context of homeless persons' interactions with the legal system in Queensland. Most notably, it is comprised of three pieces of empirical research which identify those areas of law that impact most on homeless people in Queensland and explore the consequences of the operation of these laws on their lives. In sum, this thesis examines the extent of the law's influence on the lives of homeless people in Queensland, and finds that the consequences of the law's operation on homeless people in Queensland are serious. The thesis first examines the effect on Queensland's homeless people of laws which regulate behaviour conducted in public space. The criminal offences of vagrancy, begging and public nuisance are analysed; their historical origins, the reasons for their retention on modern statute books, and arguments in favour of their repeal are discussed. The impact of 'public space law' on homeless people in Queensland is also explored through a survey of 30 homeless people residing in inner-city Brisbane. This part of the thesis concludes that public space law in Queensland results in breaches of homeless persons' human rights, as well as the contravention of rule of law principles. The thesis then explores the impact of the law on homeless persons' experiences of citizenship. Empirical research and theoretical analysis demonstrate that the application of various laws, particularly public space laws, social security laws and electoral laws, encroaches on homeless persons' citizenship rights. The thesis then reports on the results of a unique survey of Queensland's homelessness service providers. This survey is the most extensive piece of empirical research ever conducted on the extent to which various laws impact on homeless people. Respondents were asked to indicate which areas of law impact most adversely on their homeless clients. Based on the research findings outlined above, the hypothesis was that criminal law issues, particularly public space offences, would be proven to impact particularly adversely on homeless people in Queensland. Somewhat unexpectedly, the findings of the survey indicated that fines law, debt law and family law difficulties are those legal difficulties most often encountered by homeless people in Queensland. Difficulties produced by criminal laws, social security laws and electoral laws, while still generally relevant, rated less highly. However, the survey did demonstrate that experiences differ between sub-groups within the homeless population, for example Indigenous homeless people were reported to be most affected by criminal law issues, while young homeless people were reported to be most affected by social security law issues. Together, the five papers which comprise this thesis make an original and substantial contribution to knowledge by identifying empirically for the first time the various laws that have a significant impact on the lives of homeless people in Queensland, and analysing the consequences of this in terms of their effect on homeless persons' citizenship rights, human rights and rule of law entitlements.

Modélisation multi-physique des écoulements viscoplastiques : application aux coulées de lave volcanique / Multiphysics modeling of viscoplastic flows : application to volcanic lava flows

Bernabeu, Noé 03 February 2015 (has links)
Nous présentons une contribution autour de la modélisation des écoulements viscoplastiques. En vue d'applications réalistes telle que la simulation numérique des coulées de lave volcanique, le travail se concentre particulièrement sur les fluides complexes dont la rhéologie dépend fortement de grandeurs physiques telle que la température ou la concentration en particule. Nous développons un nouvel algorithme de résolution numérique des équations de Herschel-Bulkley combinant une méthode de Lagrangien augmenté à paramètre d'augmentation variable, une méthode des caractéristiques d'ordre 2 et une adaptation de maillage automatique. Sur des problèmes stationnaires ou en évolution tel que le problème test de la cavité entraînée, il apporte une solution efficace pour garantir à la fois une précision numérique élevée et un temps de calcul raisonnable. Cet algorithme est ensuite étendue et adapté au cas des rhéologies non-isothermes et aux suspensions. Concernant la simulation numérique des coulées de lave volcanique, nous détaillons une méthode de réduction par analyse asymptotique des équations de Herschel-Bulkley pour des écoulements de faible épaisseur sur une topographie arbitraire. Elle permet alors de décrire ces écoulements tridimensionnels de fluides viscoplastiques à surface libre par des équations bidimensionnelles surfaciques. Cette approche est ensuite étendue au cas non-isotherme en y ajoutant l'équation de la chaleur et des dépendances thermiques sur la rhéologie. Par intégration verticale de l'équation de la chaleur, on retrouve un modèle bidimensionnel. Le modèle non-isotherme est validé sur une expérience de dôme réalisée en laboratoire et une simulation numérique est réalisée autour d'une coulée qui a eu lieu sur le volcan du Piton de la Fournaise à la Réunion, en décembre 2010. La comparaison donne des résultats qui sont de notre point de vue satisfaisants et encourageants. / We present a contribution about modeling of viscoplastic flows. For realistic applications such as numerical simulation of volcanic lava flows, the work focuses particularly on complex fluids whose rheology strongly depends on physical quantities such as temperature or the particle concentration. We develop a new numerical resolution algorithm of Herschel-Bulkley's equations combining an augmented Lagrangian method with variable augmentation parameter, a second order characteristic method and an auto-adaptive mesh procedure. On stationary or evolving problems as the lid-driven cavity flow benchmark, it provides an effective solution to ensure both a high numerical accuracy within a reasonable computing time. This algorithm is then extended and adapted to the case of non-isothermal rheological and suspensions. On the numerical simulation of volcanic lava flows, we describe a method of reducing by asymptotic analysis of the Herschel-Bulkley's equations for thin flows on arbitrary topography. It allows to describe the three-dimensional flows of viscoplastic fluid with free surface by bidimensional surface equations. This approach is then extended to the non-isothermal case by adding the heat equation and thermal dependencies on rheology. By vertical integration of the heat equation, a two-dimensional model is maintained . The non-isothermal model is validated on a laboratory experiment of dome and a numerical simulation is performed on a December 2010 Piton de la Fournaise lava flow from La Réunion island. In our view, the comparison gives satisfactory and encouraging results.

Human Rights in Times of Social Insecurity: Canadian Experience and Inter-American Perspectives / Derechos humanos en tiempos de inseguridad ciudadana: experiencia canadiense a la luz del derecho interamericano

Provost, René 10 April 2018 (has links)
Canada’s experience in the war against terrorism goes back to the seventies, and continues to develop nowadays, with the last direct terrorist activity in 2017. The Canadian Government reacted to these terrorist attacks by enacting a number of statutes that reflect a changing international paradigm in relation to the fight against terrorism. Fundamental rights and liberties such as the freedom of expression, the right to private life and to personal freedom have been curtailed by these legislative measures. The practical consequences of these measures are analyzed via a comparative examination of the Inter-American System of Human Rights. In general terms, the war against terrorism produces significant impacts over the human rights. / La experiencia de Canadá en la lucha contra el terrorismo se remonta a inicios de la década de los setenta y se desarrolla hasta la época actual (los acontecimientos más recientes han tenido lugar en el año 2017). Las medidas legislativas fueron la vía adoptada por parte de Canadá para contrarrestar los ataques y reflejar el cambio de paradigma político en la esfera internacional con relación al fenómeno del terrorismo. Derechos fundamentales como el derecho a la libre expresión, a la vida privada y a la libertad personal se encuentran particularmente afectados por estas medidas. Un análisis comparativo del sistema canadiense y el sistema interamericano permite identificar las consecuencias de estas medidas. En términos más amplios, la lucha contra el terrorismo genera impactos significativos sobre los derechos humanos en general.

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